HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0751~ R.D:~:[JA V:;r, '~~ i ` A;; nRD'NANCF, OF THE C:TY .Y'~Wi':`L` Atr~vEi>:a `l'tll~ A"~'~TEXAT3.,1i i:r^ THAT CERTA:C.V F:RC-PER.TY i;>? THE G'0':'V7Y OF 1i0j ANaEI~FS ?~Y:'.:N^v C.TS THE WES'P SI'DE OF AyAMEDA STR.EET ~ETWEEN THE WES'I'ER1~Y PROLGiuuki:C~7_~~ 'v'r' CENT',;RY BOIJI~EVARD AND 1GHTH STRSET, WI-]EN.EASy p'arsua:~:t to t,he Anr,exat.ios.: o~ Cninnabited Ter•ri~ tory A^_t of 19~y, as am,erded, there w~as pre~e_~ted to the City Coi:ncil ~f' the i'ity of" L;yr~wood, Cslif°ornia, a petition dated ;ian~uary 28, 1g64, executed by ~;orea Lumber Company, I~~?c.,, t°eq_ueetl.r~g the armexation o£ cee°ta:i'r. r~r,perty lying or, the ~ae~ t side of Aiameda S+reet between t'r~e we~teriy ~ro';orgat~orl of Century Bo'i~levard and 108th Street, in the Co~~r~:ty o` ~,os Angeles, State of Ca7.i£orria, and hereinafter particular~y descri~ed, and 'i~iHEnEi~S, the C~ty Cou.ncil of said city, by Resolution No, 64~?, adox.ted ~n tr:e 4tn day of Fek;ruaxy, IG54, duly gave notice of ard ~ix=d t}~.~ 3r~d day o£ Msrch, 1g64, at 7:30 p,*r~, in the Council Cr~a n~:~r~ o£ the ^ity Hsl_l, 11 ~(- ~_<~u11is Road, I~ynwc~od, California, as the day, hoar, and place wher: rnd ~nr'r;e7e an5- person owning real property 1n~it~:i.n t~}~F e~it~~ ~nrho doec not a~.9:, ow~. property in the territory to ~be arnexed ar_d l.avin~ a~y o~je~~t,i~,ns ~o the pro~ored annexation might aps:,ear ,<.for•e ~aid City C~;.ncli a-,d sho~? caa.se ~,vhy sach territ.~r~ sr~~ ld ~o be ~o annexed. a°_d , WI-~:REAS, ~aid reeo~L.tio~°.t,a~ ~:ubl~ished in the Lynwoad Press,, a re«s~~2~~e~n o£ general cireulation,, ~rinted and ti~uk~lished in the City oY I:,r.wood, ar.d v,i[~h_~AS, r_o ~~erson ow:~i.r_g =•eal ~rc_.Er°ty ~~~ ~"~,:~.`^ tre city ~nrh:~ d~e5 ~~_nt also o~~an property in the territory to be a~~~-r~~~d a~ ~ ar°ed ~sS~r~re tt_e ';~by (`o~ancil t~ sho~v ea~s,se ~~ahy s'u~ch territox°y sha~~~d not k;e no ar.::exe~, and v~H~i; ;A~, said City Co~_n;:i_ ax;proves tne ar-~exatio~i of -r:~d te~r^r°itor~y to the C~~by of Lynwood, ar~d WHFREA~, all pr~~eeed_ngs h~ve x~,Fen in corf°o_n _ty ~nr;.th 1-a~w, itiC'~W9 THEREFUFF, tY~e ^lt;~ ~:~;e;l o~ t':e ;J:~t;y ''~:ynn:~od doe.e ordai°: ~s £ollou:ti~ 3Fet~~hn '~~, Tti:at p~~~ ;a::a1~t `~ t'ze "Anne~s~.a~i~~~~:ri ' _,'~ t.ak:i`..~ed T~~ritcry Ac ~ of" 153a" a: aw~e;^ded q+~;s ar.nexatir:^ o° that carta:~n territoz°y r~ ,rtiguoas to the (,~r~ c- ~~~y-.~.w~~ed in- the Qo~;%:~by of '. . Angeles, 3~~te of' Ca;;f~~ r.ia, dF~:ig_•~3ted a~ "AA~<:~eda S`reeT Ar^exat~on. iVo, '~" ds ~ e~~+lr.a£tex° more ~:art3c ~,1~x°ly de ~~ri~~~ed, he~~ek?y is aX v~r_~ved, Sa5_d terr_itory .y~~rg :~: `Y~~. ,:~:>~ 4ide ~+ A~1amEda S't2~eet ~12f14~E'== 'Gric eee;~E?~C'1~ [:'...~_O"1g8r1.~,-ii O ~F_7`.,~~..-,Y~)~~ 50'ui.EV;_1Y'~~C~ 8~''`Q' i~`PSth ~S'tY'2Et9 ard i~i tr~e `;i,.r~~y of Los AngP~.e,, S';aY,e ~±• C~;.i.f: rnia, and 1yi~g ~nlithin t'r,e follom:~-::g de:,cri: Fq botarndaries; ?~egi.nni.~_~ag at a~,oint at t~he northwesterl~ cer:~e~ of the _.y_~~rn~c~od cit~y :o;~dar~;r, as said ~k_~~undary existed November~7, ~.y~',, saidE~o~r.t being rr~e nc>rtneasterly eorr.er of Lct 1., ~1ock A, Watt~ Park ir~aot, as ex~,c~n~n on ma~~ ~t°ecox°ded in Book 8, page jC: of ~!~~ti, in the o`".ice o:' t;l:e RecardEr of I,o~ Artge~le~ G~~nty. ':~t.ate '_'a_ ,r-.~~~g tne~~ ~,~ iV~~rth 83° 4';~~ "~tiest alo,:g the r_o~tile ~;~;:~ -.da^;,r ;f eaid traet a d_.stan.;:e o~` 247,7.1. fee':: t~ tk~e .r,.o:~tnwesterl.y corner of ~:ot 8 0:' s2id binck ~°~.d tract; inence South 7° 32~ Eas~ alor_g ttie westerl.y ,~inv oi' gaid I,:~b 8 a distance of 13301~? ~'eet to the !-.orther~y line ~f" ~C%7th Place, 40 feet wide, shown as First St_^eet ~n said rna~; t.ie~ce Nortn 87° ' 4 East a3oryg said no~_*°t:her^ly line ar,:d the easterly prolongation ~thereo£ 11.5.4~3 fee~t to the ~_a~uthu?e~terly co~nner of ~i,ot 4 ~1 said b'_o^k and tr°acty ther.ce So'~,th 7° ~21 Ea~t a,ong t~ne riortr~erl.y ,r~c,1_ongation of` ar~.d the ea~terly ~'~e ~af the f1.-~st alle;;T tie:;t of Alameda ,t,:~eet ~s sr:~°~~~, ~^ ,-; ~^~~p a distar:~e o±' 31h,1y '"eF.,~ to tne ~r,'~~.Yl~,veate.:..,. ~~ ~" _;~:t 10, Bloclt C~if said tr~acty tne~ce Nor~'tn 82° 2~~ East a~.~_,-~ the soat'r~erly li-e of' said Lo* 1~ a dlsta, ~e o° 1.2~,':;~ t'eet `o t,he i.t~rc;ect~on o_`' said Irypy,,;,od c_ty t~°.^da7°y; ther~e Noe°tf~ 7° 29 West along said Sy°~,*n~'3od c_ity b~~,xndar~ to the ;;;i~t of hFgi~.~rting, ~2_ Seeti~~ 2, it~e G~r,, L::r~ 1~ r.er~eby ~~rdered a>~d d~~FCf:=d to cer~if";~ tc +,Y~e ~a_~:,,=~ge -:*` tr;s . d~^a-:ce a:~d t~ ea'~~e tne ~a:;n:e to be ~a'K~i iSrieC~ O-a^2 1Y~ Tr' . y.'l~n'J.^Cj F'.'F':;~' ~ 8%lE~i~St;F1~;2:"' rf` g2r1P.~ ~ ~' ~;'C'J~ lation, prin~ed, N~u':~lished, ar.d circ~wLated in the City o£ I;ynwropd. First _read at a regular• Teeting of the City Council ~f said city Yield on tPie 3rd day of March, i964, and f ir.ally adopted and ordered publis:!ed at a regular meeting oP said council held on the 17th day o£' March, 1964, b;~ tr,e ~o.l~wing vote: Ayes: Couri.cilmen Du_r,.,a~, Finer,, H~rn, McM~l~ar., Rowe. IQoes: Councilmen: i'~TCr_e. Arsent: Co'_i~cil?nen: Nbr.e, i i ~__..__ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~n~ ie y o yr.woC A S-~': 1 ~ ~Vv ~~~~"~ erK, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) . ss. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, and ex-officio clerk of the Council of said city, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 751 adopted by the City Council of the City of Lynwood, and that same was passed on the date and by the vobe therein stated. Dated this 23rdday of ~ March , 1964 , ,