HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0742Atlantlc #2 ORDIlu'a~CE n~o 742 AN ~~?,~Inia?~it;~` G~~ T'HF, `~I.'Py tiF I,YNWOCD APPr~C'TITiu THE A\~~TEXAT,CN G~ i'upT "ERTA_T?e FRGVEftTY ZN 1^HE COUNTY OI+' LGS AN~rE~~~~,5 LyI~T•;. ON THE SOliTH STLE `.~'F' I.,A~iSIVrSA ATTEIQu~, ~EiWEER ATi~Ai~TI'u AVENL'E A`~iD iHOFSOI~ AV::Aril~, i~~-i~~~~lay ~)7.:;~" 'l•a ~„li, ; i~ i;v;e. [~-.Y~. E'~:::. C/'!,^.~. i:~f' ..~_;1Y:r13r~i ~"EC'1 '1'ET°P1- ACt of" 1i:5~y ~~ 3Y:end2d, ~hE:~•:~= vi'dS r~;'~;; I-~ ~~ p_ en„~d ~~ ±he City ~.runcil of thr=. ~'it,y cf T_,yrnrnod~ „ i t,-r:r.°;,':.;,, a zrP*~1;zr,n dGt2d C^tr:l;er 26, Iy62v exertzt„'o ~i;~ T?c~:':~r-t; ;> ,-T, j-r, _, << ~~ _i.y eb al, req°ae:ting the :~~,-•.esatiar. o~° certa_ in. p~~~,F,rty 1 i.r.h C::~ t;he 7;.'..h . y_ ~ °ide of Lev_.nia A-.r;::^.ue betweer. A'G13Y1~C7.C la\~ .n.':.A~~ ,.r;r.~ `I'fir ~,C'~ I~~'..^1F.'~a 1"1 'G'fl~° ...^',.157~~~;`T r•:i" L')~ r~r,g2.lE'Sy .i~8+~'. O`~ rv~8~ I1'~,_,.'1'_.~3~ (1 C7 Y.~~~.:'c Y ~'~~c:Y' py-.~t.:C7a1.8r_~ C~-.,.~.~T':L~EC~, and =1HEFiEA ;, r;~:l~. `_~t,y ^ri,r,~~i i r . ;ai.d r~it ` - Y by i~esc~luticn ~70, 52~',~j adopted ~,n thr~ (th d;3y of Nov~~nbe~~y I.~62a dixly gave nc~t~ce ci~ a~d £"Ixed 'che ;.t5t:. d::y a~ Dece.^ib:.r i:~~2 at ~ a, 9 7~3v p,m, :n the Cour.cil Chambe.^c of° th~ City Hall~ 11330 Bul'_is Road, Lynwood, Calif°ornia, as the daya hou~°y an~ place when and where any person own- ing real property ~n si_ach t~rritory so proposed to be ar,nexed and having any objectYcns to the pr~aosed annexation might appear bef°ore said C:Lt~~ Cotzncll and ;hc~w cause why sueh territory should not be so annex_ed, and WH~REAS, sa_d r2s~lixtien was pub7.i.shed i.n the Lynwood Press, ,~ a newspaper of general c~rcialatzor,s prinf;ed and published in the City oP Lynwood, and aiso in the Herai.d American, a newa^paper of general circulation published aut,ide of the City of Lynwood but in the County ?r_ which is located the territery ~,roposed to be annexed, and WHEREAS, writ+en not~ce oi° aaid propose:d annexation was mailed to each per:r~n to whom land within thE terri+ory pr°oposed to be annexed ~aas a;se.~sed in the 1~,:~t equalized Caunty assessmenti roll at the addr^ess shown on s:~id ~; ~„e.car.ient roll, and WHENEAS, no pro~tests ~nr~re filed., and WHEREAS, said ;i:'_ty ~ot~_nci"1 app;-~o~~e~ the annexatic~n oi said _l_, Atlaritic #2 terr;tcr ,, tr.c ' '* ;,~° T Y ~ `~ , ~-~ ~Y ~ ~y~ ~a~ ~,a 9:1r~d WHEF:BAS, :~1_i ,n -~_~~~ -ik; h ve b:e,:. in ~,~ni':~r~mit,y with la~v, 2 ; ffF,R~ F. ~'~-~!~, ~~.R~,y th ~"~Ty ~. ,~`~~i nP the City ,^f Lyntnroed dc~es crdain a., f';~ _nvr; , See±;=on 1 That p^~uant; `;; the "Ann-r.~,`,i.on ~f ?':~LLnnablted `I'E`Y'Y'1tC"~j7 ACt rn~ .~j~t~ ~~:!;;F~:riQ'E'C7 +,Y.c' ;il'1T7 x:'it:i.GYI (if' tl'1.3G C2T''Gfl~Yl tE.'^Y'i'Gf>. ` ry ,i~ncig~.~~zs t, +,he ^~.ty „i Ly~;a;c~;d ~_'r: „ ,+ tt~~ .,L:t. ;y nf° L~~'~, Ang : ~_.._ t r. . t ~ ; - n ,. , - . l y ~... . ~~, ., . , , ... ._._ , ~ ~.., ; _, n ~ ~ . ~ , _ ,. ~ , 1~ ~~ o f"'_.'_°. I~.i'1'~~ P.r1tI8?:c~l t::.0: TVC7 0 2~~ ...~~ ]'1 ~ ..-_,~ ir+. -'L•-~i _ _ . ~- ~..'.~I aPly y T° ~ii~'_~CY y Yi@Y' ~.iY ll'% ^~lnY'C~VP.C~ ° r r- ~ S~~;d t~ r~t: ~ ~ ~~ ~~a~ ~°~~t~ •y y~rg ~_ ;:n ,, h si~,, ~., Averur, b~ti~c~E'T' At ~ ~_~h~~.~ A~ _ .., ~ ~ ,"'^ ~.__. rl ~r n:.;~: ~ ~;i:d ;p„~, r•.ant,y C£ L~~S Angcle~, ; t~ ,~ ~~ __~ ~i - i~g rnd ]_v ~ng u_t tiir~ tr ~"c;l ..~~af ng described ;_r,::~ _r; d~ r~. E s ~ i , .,, . _ ~ _~._ ,~ ~~`- ' ~~-_~` ._ ~~,ne r.-~rth~:rl;~~ r,-~ ,a:' `:he Iy~~rt:ra ;°~ir,y , ,!~'rz~y ~_. ~':d bc~ d~ryr er.i;,t,~d T't.<-.- .. 2('`, tr,'!52~ ,-,7(3 li",~ ~~"~~r dl `..:Llt 1L^":'tll i L : . L~ ~.. {, _ . _ . 'tg t, "~.er _.,,, ~ ~.t,°i ; ]~o wt.,t ~64,50 £eeb f'rom the nor°the~st corner of° Lot 2, a7, Jo Bull.~.~ Tr.aet 2s shor=r. n_, map t°ecorded ~n i3c;ok 3 nages 612 „ arzd 613 of ,/iia ;F,llarer,~as Rrc~~rd_. -~" i•~,^ ~ Ange;.e~; Ccunty, State of Caiiirrni~g thence north 1~° 15r East 464, jC I'eet to th,, intersertion of" tYie center llne oi Lav:in~ia Avemxe, 6U £eet tieide, being th~ ncrtherl,y linE~~a n~° L;n~ 2 0~ ssid t_racty thence N~rth 'jl° WeSt 376 fee-.t dlong sa.-Ld center~ line o~° Lavinia A~ver_~s9 thence ti;ota,th :i;~ 15~ We~t 306ob'~ f"eet to the 1Y1~G~~'oE.~~10'_'] Cf~ 8c1~.~C T`~nv~li; ~- ,. _^,d cit,y bt;rzndaryg ~hE:•n~e :>c~sth '~ 1° r-.:.;t ~''j rc~ ~, a1o .g ~;a i~ ~~ity „f ~,yncvood ~ r _~d~iys t~1Er~~~,e v~ot~+.h _=a° ~;t ~ R~ ~ ~ -, W~_:t 15'r ,,._~ _eet; along s3id .,ity ;,,° ~~~,.~-;ca b~ .-,darY; thv~~.e „,.~ttl 7_.° Bast 2~5~ fc~ !; alcn~ :~~d ,7~; y 1 T;~r<',,.~ocd ;,or,r.~.,;~, to the [oint c,P 7?egYnn_iy ~;, Se ~;t_i 2~ Tr~ ~,:~ :~nec zrgca~tl~~ r~=q•aired fcr the 7_^I't?P_Cj7.fl'!".F, "' L -~k~cYV 3';~~~r.~ . r ~ , ., ~ _ ;,;e,3 e, he~ i `;hy . ,d . ,fe[,yr in the _2.. Atlantic #2 City cf LL~nw~,o~y ~nd shell ; ~ `i~~, eif"ect i;~-~edi:~tely ut on adr,ption, The i"~.llo,a~r~; . ti„r,ec L:_'ic ~_,t;e;.:~ent vhewing tn~~ emer~ency of° this ord:inarcea Tnat i~° the Ci`y :.I" Lyr.Ncod is to adequatFi~,r snd eYf°=c'.er.tly ~d~i^ister the ~aid newly arnexed terr~:~toryy i_t r~,,.zst Yiave :,ai"i~.clenr. r2~aenu~ t~ dr~ ae9 tr:°ut t'r.e ci ,`,y and ccuraty r°e~l pr~pe~ ty tas.r,s '~ ~,~cwle .~ y i~~ ~~n ..`+'~~:.' ~ .._:. ;'y =~ :~5 i~* ._ ;1~~~ %9 [: 1IV. ~:1~~ ~';71°~d'f~C:F `1~!' ,:...Ci~ i.,.o^~qP . v,-;=~- ~..Ct~'v'c rlc...(~L"'t;. F+'Pfi"('1i,22~"y ].~ .j~J~'y 'i ~.,.~_~V I,~.'.7_. Yldyr<. t.^ .lil.l''_.SC'1 r;t-.:.±"Pl +~ ~t,:i . _ ,_ t . U:p ~ .. G'',..- .~' N'r~Op:°Y°G~T '._nT:EX.9C~ li;i^.~..~~~11. }'ECi::""~i.32°~`T i s -J-i"-~'+o ~_ , ~ ~~ ~ . _,. ., - S ~ ~n~ d ~ _ , _-y ~ c,. . ;, h~ ~, -,ra~- _ ,.r~,~ted t ~ ~C'Pitir' +- . . '~ ~ '~r'i ~ ~ ~_~ ~ . _ ~' i.~ O~ C~ ~~.n.327.CE: ~:1.'^~. t~r'. t :it;:a2 tYlE' .~<3IT;B tU ;ir_ j. aCi'.:_SY:rd ~:'lc ir, ~ ,t: r...~ _ I,~. ~.. ~__ ~_,; y a~- v~,,~~r,~~:~ r~{~ general cYl cu- :.: .~ ~a., ,- ~„. v._ , _ , ~, c_ ~ r ~,..._~r~:r7a a~.,l°~ .1~t~d '_ri tY;E, Uity ,~~~ L,ynwe7~d, ~~ i'= "~'J_d a:cld ~r !;~.;d aT, s~~-g~ila °;r,<etin~ of' the ~1ty Counc:l of" : aid city heid or. ~:,~ i8'th day of Decer~ber, 1g62y by the i'o'~l~wi.n~^ ~aotee AYE~: Counc:lmen Duncan, Finch, Ham, McMillan, Rowe. ~oE~: Ccun~i].:nen None. Absento Counc~lmen None. `'~!' Y' e I'H~ C 11' ~' OF L~~T'(~U b A ESTe ~' R n 1' aA~i~'~~ STA~'E OF CALIFORNIA ) ~OUNTY OF LOS ANGELES: ss. CITY OF LYNWOOD ) I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, and ea-officio clerk of the Council of said City, do here~y certif~ that the above is a true and correct copy of ordinance No. 742 adopted by the Cit~ Council of the City of Lynwood and that same was passed on the date and by the vote therein stated. Dated this ~9~h day of December ~9 62 I ~ ~ ,.im... . . +., .-.r~.,.....:. :M... . . ...'S"., .,