HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0727C~?I?;NANGE ~IO. ','2? AN ~RDINANGE O~ TIIF; C7:TY C?t+ ?;YNWOOD REP~AL~II~G ORDINAN!'E NC,'~L3ER ';18y ENACTIi^J•:~ A t~r,W S~!;~'IC?T~i TO OHDINA~?~E DIUT~^FER 5~'0, ~EIN~i SEC1'rr~;u 4~;~~, ENiI'i~ETJ: '~LOT AREA A-~1 S7:dGS~E FANiILY ~ONE," ENACTTNG A NEW SErTI~;PT TO Ol?S~I'~TANCF. N[~NIBFR `;'~:i> ~EIPiG SEr".TION !UT..~NL3~i^?2 S.Oj, [;PdTTiI,ED: "R--2 I,~T AR.EA P~R FAMILY UNIT," ENACTIPdG A IVrEW SECTI~N TC) ORD7NANCE NUP~3EH 5'70, B~ING SECTTON j,06, ETSTITL:ED: "R"2 LOi ARsA PER D'vTELLINu Tn?I'~," Al'SD E,iACT7NG A NEW SECTIOPd TO ORDIDdANCE NtiN~3F.R ~',"Ofl BEING SECTICN NIiI~;ER 6,05, ENTITLED: '~R-3 P~;R.~ MITTED LTSES," AND ETIACIING a DIEW S~CiION TQ Oc?llITSAN!;E NTTME3ER 570, BEI?~C~ :~~;C`iICN Nlli~r.R. 60 ~6, ETiTITT~,L: "L~T AREA PF..:R rAP!iTI,Y,~' APiD ENA~~TSn~C.- :l ~1EW SEC7'ION TO t,?~~iNAPa^~ NiJ'~'4sER 510 FrID?~; SE{",iIOnT N~IJNZr;~R h,07, ENTITLED: "LOT AREA PER DWELLI~Ii, J~~TIT IN TF~ ~-j MLT'~,'IIPLE RESIDENC~ ~OiVE," APfD ENACTiid; G i; ;'nl CHAPTER TC ORD'I~:`APiCE nflT?~?i3ER 57U BEING ~V1~1~1., F+FRED CHAPT~;H XIX ANli FENIT~T~,"i_v~.:, rHAPTER~ XIK, YX, XXI, dXIT, A'~rD XXIIr AS THEY '~~OW APFEAN I"•,1 SAID C?~DINAI~rCE(TNMf3ER 570, BY GIVT~7G THEI~I NUME3ERS XX, ~1~I, XXII, XXII'I, ArTD XXIV, RESPECTIVELY. The r.itv Co2znc~1 oi ~thr C~i~tg oi' ?,ynwood does ordain a5 f'~1lON>: Section 1 That a nea~ Section 4,05 shall be added to ~~hap,*,Er N to read as ~°ollOws: "Seeticn 4,05, Lot Ar=ea R-~1 Single-Far~iiy Zone. Every lot and parcel oi land in the R-1 single~famil;r residence ~one ~hal:L have a minimum area of' 6,000 square fleet; provided, however, thai where a lot or pa~~r_el of' land has a icit area of less thar 6,000 sq~,aare fleet and Utas of rf>cord Nlarch 16, 1g46, said lot may be tzsed f~~r R-1. purposes." Section 2, That a new section ntzmbered 5.05 atiall be added to Chapter V to read as sollow4: "Section 5,05. R-2 Lot Area Per Family Unit. In the R-2 twe--family re~idenee zone, every :Lct and parcel of land :hall have a min:Lrnusn ar~a o~' 6,000 square .feet, and a minimum width of 50 £eet; prov.ided, hcwever, that ~n~her2 a lob or parcel of land has less than 45 6gOG0 square feet and has a frontage of at l~ast/~^~et and was ~f recerd March 16, 1_G46, :,aid lot cr parceJ_ of land may be used Yo~ R~2 nurposes," Section 3. That a n~~va section numbered 5.06 shall ~be added '-o Chapter V to read as follows: ":;ecf;iun 5,06. Rm2 Lot Area Per Dwel.ling Ur.ito A person shall not erect, constriz~t, occupy, use, alter or znlarge r,~ore than ~1~, one blzilding or stru~~~tur~ per 6,000 ~~uare ~eet on ar,,;~ 1_~~ ~~ p~~~el o£ land in Zone R-~2, except; "(a) Outbui].dings permitted in Zone R-2. "(bj One single~family residence, togeth~r w~th outbuildings customary to such use permitted in Zone R~•l, if' there are no other buildings or struetures thereen, May be u,sed; "(1) On a lot or parcel oP land having the required area, "(2) Cn each 3,000 square feet. "(c) Where a lot or parcel of land has les, area than 6,C0~0 sqi.z~re f'eet, and was of record March 16, 1g46, a person rnay erect, construct, occup~, u.se, alter or enlarge mo:~e than one building on said lot or parcel of' land, and more than one building per 3,000 square ~'eet, provided he complie:s with all of the requirements as to i"ror.T yards, side yards and rear yards provided by this ordinanee as to said zone,rr Section 4. `~'hat a new section numbered 6.05 shall be added to Chapter VI to read es fol.lows: "Section 6.05. Rm3 Permitted Uses, Property i_n Zone R~j may be used for: "(aj Any usec permitted in Zone R-2. "(b) Any f'lat building, apartment house, group houses, bungalow courts and other multiple dwellings, together with outbuildings customary to such use, located on the same lot or parcel of land, including: "(1) One or more private garages with a total capacity not to exceed four automobiles to each two dwelling units. "(2) Outbizildings expressly permitted in Zone R-2 bui?.dir.g permitted by the subsection (b) shall A not exceed in height six stories, including the basement but excluding the cellar." Section j. That a new section number 6.06 shall be added to Chapter VI to read as fol.lows: ~2~ "Seetion 6.06. Lot Area Per Family, Every lot in tre R-` rnultiple residence zone shall have a rninimum area o~ 6,000 square ~eet and a minimum width of' 50 Peet, provided, however, ~hat where a lot or parcel of land has an area ~f less than 6,000 square feet and a width of' leas than 50 feet, and was of record on Jaruax°~ 5, 1g62, said lot may be used Por R-3 purposes." Section 6. That a neta section numbered 6,07 shall be added to Chapter VI to read as follows: "Section 6.07, Lot Area Per D~aelling Unif; i.r. the R-3 Multiple Residence Zone. The minimum lot area per dwelling tan.it sha7l be noY, less than 600 square feet, provided that no iot or parcei of iand SY:all have less than 6,000 square feet, except that where a lot or parcel of land has an area o£ le~s than 6,000 square feet and was of' recerd on 3ama.ary~ 5,' 1~E~2, said lot or parcel of' land may be used for R-3 ~;urposes," Section 7e That a new Chapter numbered XIX be added to Ord~_nance Noo 570 to take the place ef the Chapter XIX presently appearm ing ~n said ordinance, to read as £ollows: "CHAPTER XIX "LOT SPLITS "Section 18.15. No person shall sell or contract to sell any portion of, or divide or subdivide for sale, an,y land Uhown on the last preceding tax roll as a unit or as contiguous units, into f°r~ur lots or parcels, or less than four lots or parcels, 1Nithout first having secured a permit from the Planning Commission so to do, "Sectien 18.16. Permit Application. Any person desiring a permit as required by Section 18.15 shall £ile an applicatien with the Secretary of the Planning Commission, which application shall set forth: "(a) The name and address of" the owner of the land to be divided. "(b) `i'he name and address cf the proposed purchaser, "(c) The legal description of the land proposed to be sold or divided. "(d) The area in square £eet o£ the land to be sold and o£ the portion remaining, -3~ "(e) A statemenY, of the condition oP 1~h~ tit~r.~ o~ the iand,, inoluding ali 2~seznentse n(°) A statement eP ±he prov~sicns a~~ecting said land relating to ~:il ,.:Frvices to ne supr>1'ed thEreto, including ut:~lity Gervices and the m=~ans o~ ac~e~s~ to the land. "(g) Such other ~nforr~ation as ihe o~nme: may desire 'to preaento "~h) There shall acco.n~any such appli~a_ti<;n a t~rit;ativ~ map tihowing tYte design oi th~ proposed division o£ ~and, which m~p sha~l show all acce~~;, easeme.r,t: and existing cor.ditions in or around ,~aid land, and "(i) The.re shali be no £ee pay~bie N~ith s~.zeh application. "SFeticn lf3.l/. P1~nning Commission In~~est~gati~:~n, Upo7 ~eceip* c?f an a~~plication as prov_ded in Sec~t:ion 18e16, th~ adrr.inastx~ative Committee o£ the Planning Commission shall make or ceuse to 'oe m~de an incestigation o~' the prem~ses ref~rred to in the applicatlon and rhe area surrounding the satn~ and sh,~ll make a written report to the Planning Commission by Pil~ng the sarne with the Seeretary of° the Planning Cemmis- sion as expeditiously as possible. All applications filed under this Chapter on a date v,=hich is ten d~ys or more from the date of° the next regular meeting of the Plannin~ Commission sha11 be nlared r,n the agenda and considered at the next regular meeting of the Planning Commissiona Al1 applicatLans filed under this Chapter on a daf,e which j.s less than ten days from the date of the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission shall be placed on the agenda and considered at the regular meeting of the Planning Comm±ssien £ollowing the next regular meeting thereof. In an,y event, the Pianning Comm~ssion shall. make a determination as to whether or not said per?nit shall be ~ranted w;thin fort;y-f3ve ~45) days from the ~~ate t;he applicai,ion is filed with the Secretary oP the Planning Commissior.. "Section 18.18 Ueterrri~nati.on by Pianning Commi~sion. A£ter eucYi investigation and report has been completed and iiled b;~ the Adminis- trative Committee with the SecreLary e£ the Planning Commissien, and the Planning Ccrrli~?iissir~Yi has considered the same and any other evidence _!~_. it t;aa mar°shaled upon its own r,etion., the ~'Lanr,ina_ CummiS~i~~_r. ~~;aiJ_ grant the permit for t'r.e div_ision or :;plit~ir.g or selling ~f';" ~~' s,aid land, i£" it finds: "{a) That the granting of ;>aid pern?i+ will not be mat=r~ally detrimentel to the public welfar=e, injurious to th~ property or ~he ianprovements Ln thE vicinity- a~d zo~~e ~-~ which said land is located, will not be c~ntrar;y to or adversly a°Peet tkie general comprehen,~ve zcn.ing pl_an for the city. "(b) That proper and adequati~ provin.ion has been rna~e f~r access to ~LYie land to be sold, divided or su~bdivl~ed9 and al,o to the portion of the land remaining, or th~t; access to said land i5 'oy means of dedicr~ted st;reet~ cf a suf°f'icier.t width and state of 1.mpr^ov~er.i~nt 'rth~t adeqttately serve f;he land desrri.bed in sa:i.d applicationo "(c) That proper and adequate provisions have been mad~~ for a11. public utllities and public services, including sewers, "(d) That said land described in said permit will not be di~~ided or sold o~°f in portions having ar. area less than reqt;ired by the provisions o£ Chapters IVs J, VI and VII of City Ordinance Number 57G, o: leas than the average of the area of" single parcels of l.and in the surrounding vicinity. "Section 18.19. Appeal. Any person aggrieved by the decislon of the Planning Commission, within €;even davs af°ter the date oP the deter- mination of the Planning Commission, may appeal in writing to the City Council for a rev;e~N of the de~i,ion of the Planning Commission. The Gity Council, ai'ter the filing ofl such appeal, ~>hell reviev~r ~a~~d matter and may af'firm or~ reverse the Planning Commission, The determ~nation of the City Council hereto shall be Pinal and conclusive, "Section 1~.20, U~^,e Prohib~ted. In the event an~a lot is dicided, subdivided, ar :old of£ contrary to the provisions of Section 18.15, no bu.ildin~ p~rmit may be issued to any person whatsoevex° for the _5~. improvement of any parcel o_° land which is sub~e~_t tc the provisior.~ o~' said Section 18.15 unless the provisior.s ~P Secticns 18015 to ~8,18 hereof, insofar as applicable, nav2 been complied with, regardlUss of whether the applicant for su~h building permit was nct the one who divided, subdivided, or sold off sucn parcel o~ land," Section 8, That Chapter XIX as it presen~ly appears :.n Ordinance Noo 57o shall be renumbered Chapter XX and, as rernzmbered, shall continue wit;h the same £orce and e£fect aa it has sinee said Chapter XIX was originall~~ enacted, except as said Chapter^ may sirc~ have been amended. That Chapter XX as it presently appears in Ordinan~e No, 570 shall be renumbered Chapter XXI and, as renumbered, cha:11 continue with the same force and effect as it has sinee said Chapte~ XX was er~ginally enacted, except as said Chapter niay since have been amer.ded, That Chapter XXT as it presently appears in Ordinance No. 570 shall be renumbered Chapter ~XII and, as renumbered, shal.l continue wyth the same force and eflfect as it has since said Chapter XXI was originally enacted, except as said Chapter may since have been amendede That Chapter XXII as it presently appears in OrdinancE No, 570 shall be renumbered Chapter XXIII and, as renumbered, shall continue with the same force and ef"fect as it has since said Chapter XXIT was originally enacted, except as said Chapter may since have been amended. That Chapter XXIII as it presently appears in Ordinance No. 570 shall be renumbered Chapter XXIV and, as renumbered, shall continue with the same force and efPect as it has since said Chapter XXIII was originally enacted, except as said Chapter may gince have been amended, Section 9. That City Ordinance numbered 718 is hereby repealed. Section 10, The City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to certify to the paasage of thls ordinance and to cause the same to be pub]_z_shed once in the Lynwood Press, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and circulated in the City o£ L,ynwood. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on thc. 21st day of November, 1961, and finallg adopted and ordered published at a regulan meeting of said Council held on the -6- . r 5th day of° Decembere 1~61, by Lhe Pol.lowing vcte: Ayes: Councilmen Duncan, Finch, Ham, Rowe. Noes; Councilmen None. Absent: Councilmen P,ender. PRO TEMPORE AT ST: , Y LY D STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES: ss. CIZ'Y OF LYNWOOD ) I, the undersigned, City Clerk o£ the City of L~nwood, and ex-officio clerk of the Council of said City, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of ordinance No. 727 adopted by the City Council of the City of Lynwood and that same was passed on the date and by the vote therein stated. Dated this 7th d~y of Dec_ ember ~~9 61 ,