HomeMy Public PortalAbout1995-03-02 Town of Truckee TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 2, 1995 6:00 P.IV~ Truckee Donner Public Utility District Board Room 11570 Donner Pass Road I. C3II, TO ORDER Mayor Cross called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. ROll, CAll, Town Manager Wright called the roll with Council Members Carpenter, Drake, Eagan, McCormack and Mayor Cross present. Also present were Town Manager Steve Wright, Public Works Director Jon Lander, Community Development Director Tony Lashbrook, Finance Director Jill Brown, Town Attorney Dennis Crabb and Executive Secretary Brenda LeBlanc 3. PIlaf)GE OF ),I I,FI3IANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Eric Larusson. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT None at this time. 5. PRFSENTATIONS. 95-05 5.1 Resolution Recognizing Eric Larusson's Service on the Planning Commission. Motion made by Council Member Carpenter to adopt this resolution, second by Council Member Drake. Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Cross presented Eric with a resolution and thanked him for his hard work and dedication to the Planning Commission. Eric Larusson stated that he had enjoyed working on the Planning Commission for its reward and the opportunity to watch things evolve and change. He also complimented the Planning Department. CONSENT CALENDAR 6.1 February 16,1995 1Wmutes. Approved 95-04 6.2 Golf Carts in Public Right-of-Way Ordinance 95-04 (second reading). Approved 6.3 California Transportation Commission Vacancy. Council authorized the Mayor to send a letter to Governor Pete Wilson urging the appointment of Edward B. Sylvester to the Califomia Transportation Commission. March 2, 1995 2 6.4 Design Services for the Widening of West River Slreet. Council authorized the Public Works Director to enter into a professional engineering services agreement with Michael F. Sullivan. Motion made by Council Member McCormack to accept the Consent Calendar, second by Council Member Drake. Motion passed unan/mously. Mayor Cross briefly reviewed the reason for support in the appointment of Edward B. Sylvester to the California Transportation Commission. ~CIL IMMEDIATE (9-12 IVK)NTH) PRIORI'rlEq 7.1 Town Charter Ballot Arguments. Town Manager Stephen Wright briefed the Council on the proposed Charter Ballot Argument that would appear on the June, 1995 ballot. He noted that the Charter Committee is presenting it to Council for their review and comment. For public information Town Manager Wright read the Charter Ballot Argument. Council Member Carpenter suggested that the word "would" be changed to "could" and that the word "will" be changed to "can". Mayor Cross opened public comment. None at this time No action required by the Council. STAFF REPORTS 8.4 PUD Building Lease Agreement and Remodel Town Manager Wright asked that this item be pulled in order receive further information necessary to present at a later Council Meeting. 8.1 Local Interagency Consolidation/Cooperation Issues. Town Manager Wright noted that the reason for this issue being put on the Council Agenda was to allow the Council the opportunity to discuss this issue rather than through individual news interviews. Mr. Wright noted that local agency managers have been meeting on a regular basis to discuss current issues and suggestions for interagency cooperation and communication. He also noted that consolidation has not been discussed or considered by the Council. Town Council Minutes March 2, 1995 3 Mayor Cross opened public comment. None at this time Council Member Eagan noted that she was uncomfortable that this issue had be printed in the newspaper since the Council has not addressed tiffs issue. Council Member Carpenter noted the importance of coordination between the local agencies and having periodic meetings. Council Member McCormack noted that he did not want this issue perceived by the public that this was coming from the Town Council. He also noted that he would not like to recommend consolidation in the absence of significant public desire or requests from the agencies to pursue the idea of consolidation. Council Member Drake stated that he felt there would be significant cost savings realized in some areas. He stated that all future Councils should be alert and vigilant and aggressively pursue the most cost efficient delivery of services to the taxpayers of this community. He listed the duplications of services among the difference agencies in Truckee that would promote savings. He stated that a through study of consolidation should be done if consolidation is the desire of the community and special districts. Mayor Cross noted that the community (through a pre-incorporation survey) was happy with the operation of the special districts and that the Council should concentrate on road and planning issues. He stated that if a special district came to the Town, noting that there would be some benefit in analyzing the idea of consolidation, he would be willing to take that on as an additional task. Mayor Cross noted some of his concerns and stated that he doesn't feel that the Town should address this issue at this time. Council Member Eagan noted that one of her concems is the status of employees/jobs. She fek that the Town needs to be alert for cost savings and she strongly supports any effort in cooperation. She also noted that it was not clear to her the level of interest on the part of the public at this time. Mayor Ct~ss opened la~blic comment. ~g_B_ug_qrftO~ Manager of Truckee Sanitary District. Mr. Butteffield noted that there was a great deal of coordination and cooperation between the special districts (he listed some of those efforts). He noted that they had not received inputs on the idea of consolidation. He agreed with the idea that the Mayor, Town manager and representatives from the special districts meet together. Jim___Cag..u!~g suggested that the Council select a committee to look into the idea of consolidation and that this committee should be looking at efficiencies in govemment and not at eliminating special disaScts. Town Council i'ffmutes March 2, 1995 4 Joe Aguera referred back to a previous attempt to incorporate that included merging the special districts and how it failed. He noted some examples of cooperation between the Town and special districts. Mayor Cross thanked Oz ButteflSeld and TSD for providing a storage area for the Town's Public Works Department. He also thanked PUD for housing Town Hall. He suggested that he and Town Manager Wright pursue the idea of setting up a meeting with managers fi.om the special districts. Motion made by Council Member McCormack that the Council direct the Mayor and Town Manager to initiate discussions with other special districts in the community for the purpose of determining their interest in pursuing joint analysis of opportunities, second by Council Member Drake. Motion passed unanimously Mayor Cross suggested that the Town Manager dratt a letter to all the managers, to allow time for their respective boards to meet to direct their managers to come back with their ideas on consolidation and then meet with the Town. Town Manager Wright suggested that the focus not only be on the issue of consolidation but also on the issue of cooperation. 8.2 Donner Lake Personal WatercmR Restrictions Ordinance Town IVlanager Wright reviewed the draft ordinance that identifies the basic information to implement the Council Committee recommendations. He stated that once Council comments on the ordinance, staff then will submit the draft to the State of Califomia for their review and comments (30 day requirement). After this process, staff would bring back the ordinance to Council for a first and second reading. Council Member Drake discussed the language of the age limit in the ordinance versus the States Law's age limit requirement. He also noted that the ordinance stated that there would be a review of the contents of the ordinance in a year and that Council had decided, at a previous meeting, that this would be discussed in August, 1995. Council discussed altemative age limit regulatiom in the use of certain types of watercratt. Council Member McCormack noted that because the Council had declared Donner Lake as a Special Use Area that the Town could set their own limits. Mayor Cross noted that in the previous Council meeting discussion that Council had decided that the language in the ordinance would state that fishing boats would be excluded fi'om the age limit. Council Member McCormack noted a revision in the minutes, fi'om the February 16, 1995 Council Meeting, regarding the issue of age limit on a fishing boat that is under 10HP. Town Council Minutes March 2, 1995 5 Mayor Cross opened public comment. 95-06 8.3 David Miller. operator of Donner Lake Village Resort boat rental operation. Mr. Miller gave a brief history on the boat rental operation on Donner Lake. He noted that only 2% of the Town's population responded to this issue, objecting to personal watercrat'~ on Donner Lake. He objected to the ordinance because he felt it was directed at the boat rental operation. ~ - Noted that a copy of the Califomia Boater Laws are available at the Department of Motor Vehicles and that it refers to age restrictions and different sizes of boats that can be operated by a certain age limit. He stated that there needs to be a definition of "motorized watercraft". He stated that he was concerned with the statement that no person shall fuel motorized watercraft in or around Donner Lake except through the use of non-spill gasoline cans. Council Member Carpenter noted that the ordinance allows for the Town to establish standards at a later time as to the number of motorized watercraft and to the type of motorized watercraR allowed on Donner Lake. Council Member Eagan stated that a growing town will have the pressures as to its resources and products available and that this can create conflicts. She stated that she feels positive about the approach that the Committee has taken on this issue. Council discussed separating swimmers and boaters, permitting concessionaires on the Lake, horsepower of boats, wording in the ordinance, language in use the word personal watercraft versus motorized watercraft and age limit for the operation of personal watercraft. After Council discussion Town Attorney Crabb noted that Article 2, paragraph 2 would be changed to read "motorized watercraft over 15 horsepower on Donner Lake". Motion made by Council Member McCormack that the Council approve the language of the ordinance revising Article 2, paragraph 2 to include "motorized watercraft over 15 horsepower" for submittal to State Boating and Waterways to allow for review and comment, second by Council Member Carpenter. Motion passed unanimously. Authorize the Purchase of Public Works Vehicles. Public Works Director Jon Lander presented a request to the Town Council for the purchase of 1- I ton cab and chassis and 1 - 3/4 ton pickup track through the Califomia Department of General Services. He noted that the price for the vehicles ($39,272) exceeded the Town's original budget estimate for this purchase ($30,000). He also noted that through the operational needs these vehicles would become additions to the Town's vehicle fleet rather than replacement vehicles Town Council Iv[mutes Iv'arch 2, 1995 6 previously anticipated even though several of the Town's existing pickup tracks should be replaced. Finally he requested that the Town Council adopt a resolution authorizing the Department of General Services of the State of Califomia to purchase these vehicles pursuant to Govemment Codes Section 14814. Council Member Eagan stated that she did not have a problem with the increased costs in the vehicles. She does have a concern with doing piecemeal expansion of the vehicles fleet without doing an analysis of employees versus vehicle ratio. Council Member Carpenter asked for clarification on what happens to the sand ham project if Council proceeds with staffs recommendation to purchase these vehicles? Mr. Lander stated that cousmmtion for the sand bam will not be finished before the next fiscal year and that the Department plans on proceeding with the site master plan this year. He stated that with the balance that Public Works has now, there will be enough money to finish the design and foundation work on the sand bam. Council Member Eagan asked staffhow long the lease company is willing to carry their commitment for the Sand Barn? Finance Director Jill Brown stated that the interest rote portion on the sand barn may not be locked in any longer, however the rotes for the vehicles are locked in. Mayor Ch)ss opened for public comment. None at this time Motion made by Council Member Eagan to give staff the authorization to purchase 1 - 3/4 ton pickup and 1 - 1 ton cab and chassis; that Council approve the overage in the budget as a result of this purchase; and approve Resolution 95- 06 authorizing the Department of General Services of the State of Califomia to purchase the Public Works vehicles pursuant to Government Code Section 14814, second by Council Member McCormack. Motion passed unanimously. o 9.1 Report on the Team Building Workshop Town Manager Wright briefly reviewed the Team Building Workshop between Town Staff and Town Council. He noted that the fn'st day was spent on how the management team could best work together. The second day was spent on developing priorities for the coming year. Mr. Wright stated that the facilitator, Bill Lewis, is developing a written report that will detail the agreements that were reached and the various priorities list that were developed - hopefully this will be available at the next meeting. All Council Members concurred that this was a very positive and worthwhile workshop. Town Council Minutes March 2, 1995 7 Council Member McCormack reported on a youth drag abuse meeting that he attended. He noted that one activity that is taking place is the DATE Group (Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco Education) - they have met a couple of times and they are focusing on a review of the questionnaire that the 7th - llth grade students completed. He noted that in general all substance use has increased. The meas of observation fi'om the analysis are: dmgs are readily available, there is pervasive use by adults and the harmfulness of drags is not recognized by students - the message is not getting through. Council Member Carpenter reported on the appointment Dennis Zirbel to the North Sierra Air Quality Management District's Heating Body. 10. AIXDiJRN1V~NT. Meeting adjoumed at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Approved this 16th day of March, 1995