HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0718 ORDINANCE ~0. 718 AN OFDINANCE AMEPdDING CITY ORDINANCE NC. 5~'0 AS FOLLOWS: AMENDING SECTION 4.05 (B`~ REFEALING THE P'ORPrL.R SECTICPd ~, 05 AND ADOPTING A NBW SECTIGN 4.Oj}; 4C6 (?3Y REPEALING FORMER a~CTION 4.G6 AND ADOPTING A NEW SECTION 4.06; 5.05 (~Y REPr,ALING FORM~R SECTION 5.05 ATQD ADOPTING A NEW SECTiON j.05); 6.05 (BY REFEALING FORT~R SECTION 6.05 AND ADOPTING A NEW SECTION 6.o5),AND BV ADCFTINU iHE FOLL06d'I?~IC NEW SEt;TIONS THEREOF: 4.07, 5.06, 6.c6, 6.c7, 6.0~, 6.og,6.lo, 6,11, 6.12, 6.i;o 6.14, 6.15, 6,16, 14.13 A~rD 14.14. The C.it;,; Cotznci~ of the City of Lynwood does or~dai_~ as `°ollows: Section l. That Section 4.05 of Chepter IV of Ordinar.ce Nc. 5?0 shall be amended ~o read as follows: "Section 4,05. A building or structure shall not be erected, con.s~~^u~ted, aite:ed, enlarged, occupied or used in Zones R-l, R-2, or ?~3 on any ].ot or parcel of lar.d ~hieh has an area of less than 6,000 square f.'e.2t, ar the average ur:idth is less than the required width, e~e2pt thet one singlE~~farnil.y residence at7d such other structures a~ are permitred in Zone R_1 ma~,~ be erected, constructed, altered, er.larged, :;ccu~?ied and u~ed on a lot or parcel of land in Zone R-2 the averag~ width o'_' which is not less than the required width and has an area of no±; less than 3,Q00 sc~uare feet." Section 2. That Section 4.06 of Ordinance No. 5'70 shall be amended to read as follows: "Section 4,06. Single-family Zones. (R-1). A person shall not F,~rect, coristruct, occupy, use, alter or enlarge more than one building or strueture, except outbuildings permitted in such zone, on any lot or parcel of land having less than twice the required area in Zone R-l." Section 3. That a new section numbered 4.07 shall be added T,c Crdinance No. 570 to read as follows: "Section 4.07e Single-family Zones. A person shall r.ot erect, consY,ruct, occupv, use, alter or enlarge more than one build;:.g :,r structure, e~cept ot~tbuildings permitted in such zone, in Zone R-1, X~er requ:~r~d area on ar.y lot or parcel of land having twice or rnore than twice the required area," -1- Section 4. That Section 5.05 of' Ordinance No. 5i0 shall. e;~, am~nded `,o read as I'ollows: "Section j.05e Zone R-2. A person shail_ not erec't, constrrac± > occr~py, ~,~Se, alter, or~ enlarge more than one building or structure or. any lot or par~~el o~ land in 'Lone R-2 which has less than 6,OOC squa_~e i°ee~t, except. "(e1 Outbuildings pex°mitted in Zone R-2e "i;p) A singi_e-flamily residence as specifically perm~tted h,, this ;rdir.ance." Se~tion 5, Thaf. a new section numbered 5,06 shall be addea tu Chapter V oF Ordinance Pdo. 5'j0, to read as i'ollows: "Sect,ion j,06. Zor.e R=2. Area. A person shall not erect, eonstrnct, occupy, use, alter er enlarge more than one building or s;~c°~ucture per 6,G00 squ~re feet on an,y lo~t or parcel of land in Z~ne =?.--2, e~cept: „r Ea) Outbuildings ~>ermitted in Zone R-2. "(b) One single-flamily residence,together with outbuilding^ custo~mar~r to ;;uch ~use per~itted in Zone R-l, if there are no other buildings or struetures thereon, may be used: "(1) On a lot or parcel of land having the required area. "(2) On each 3,000 square feet." Section 6o That Section 6.05 of Ordinance No. 570 shall be amer.ded to read aa follows: "~eetian 6.05, Zone H-3 Regulations (Multiple Residence). Pro~erty in Zone R-3 may be used for: "~a) Any use permitted in Zone R-2. "(b) Any flat building, apartment house, group houses, bu.ngalow court.s, and other m~.zitiple dwellings, together with outbuildings cixstomary to such uee, located on the same lot or parcel o£ land, Snr:L~zding: °(1) One or more private garages or car ports with a total capacity not to exceed four automobiles to each two dwelling units. "(2) Outbuildings expressly per•mitted in Zone R-2, A building permitted by this subsection (b) sh~ll -2- not exceed in heignt six stories, ir~cluding the basement but exeluding tne cellar, and ~hall havN a 1ot area of not less than o00 square feet aer family." ~Fction 7. That a new section nu.mbered 6.06 shali be adde~ t~~ ~~'ra,~ter `JI o~ Ordinanee No. 57G, to read a~~ follows; "Secti~n 6.06. Zone R-3. Area. A~,~erson shall not erecL, c~~~ns~tr~~ac~t~, occup;~, use, alter•, enlarge more ~;han one building or structtzre _per 6,OOG square feet on any lo~ or parcel. o£' land ir_ Zore n'.-~ eRCe~pt: "f,a} Outbuilding~ permitted in Zone R-3. "~{b) A two~family residence, together with outbuildings cu;,tomary t such use per;riit,*ed in Zone R-3, if there are no o~her h~;idi:igs or structures thereon, may be used: "(1) On a loi or parcel of land having the required ar~=s. "(2; On each 3,000 square feet. "fc° Except as lirnited by Subdivision (b) of this Section, an unlinited nu,mbe;r oP dwelling units on a lot or parcel of° land having an area of at least 6,000 square feet, except said lot or parCel of lar_d shall have a lot area of" not less than 600 square feet pex° ?arniiy," Sect,_on 8. That a nevr section numbered 6.07 shall be added ~-c~ Chapter VI o:P Crdinance No. j70, to read as follows: "Section 6.07. Plot Plan. When more than one single-family x°e~;i.dence in Zone R-=l, or more than two single-family or one two-family r°sidence in Zone R-2 or a residence containing more than two family ur.it:, in ~nr.es R-3 or P are e5tablished, constructed, occupied, st.ruct~aral]y alt~red or used on a lot or parcel of land having ttivice the ,^equired area or more, the owner of such lot or parcel of land :_:~~all i'ile in the of"fice of° the Secretary of the Planning Commis~ion i'br ttie adrRi.r_i:+trhrive records and for revision and verification of com- pliar:ce9 a plot plan showing the size of said lot or parcel o° land, the nce and iocations ef" the buildings, and the,area provided for eactl st.ch re;ider.ce as herein required." -3P Seetion 9. That a new section numoered 6.08 shall be added ~_ Chapter VI of' Ordinance No. 570, to read ae> follotNS: °Section 6.08. Proper Location. In the event that the plans show that the proposed development of the property will violate an~ provision of this ordinance, will not maintain the eharacter and integr°ity of" rhe district in which such use is intended to be estab- lished, ererr~d, construrted, occupied, structurally altered or used, o~° ~ill be detrimentai to the generai welfare o£ the com~munity, the City Manager ma5r require such revision of the plans as may be necessat°y to correct these conditions." Sect;i_on 10. That a new section numbered ~.09 shall be added to Chepter VI of Ordinance No. 570, to read as follows: "Secti.on 6.09. Location (continued). Where more than or.e dweiling is constructed on one lot or parcel of land, the buildings sriall be so l.ocated +hat the lot or parcel of land can be divided ir.to Rmaller par~cels or lot, each ofl which shall contain not less than the reqizired area, and on each of which,when considered as a separate lot; ,r parcel, tne number and location cf the buildings will comply with the requirements of this ordinance." Section 11. That a new section numbered 6.10 shall be added to Chapter VI of Ordinance No. 570, to read as follows: "Section 6.10. Contiguous Narrow Lots, Where prior to the territory being zoned R-1 or R-2, lots exist not less than one hundred feet deep but less than fifty feet wide, if two or more such contiguous lots, or one or more such contiguous lots and one or more lots also contiguous thereto which have a depth of not less than one hundred feet, have a total frontage of not less than fifty feet, such lots may be treated and considered as one parcel. "If such parcel is in Zone R-l, two single-family dwellings may be constructed thereon and so used. If sueh parcel is in Zone R-2, two e,ingle-family dwellings or one two-family dwelling may be constructed thereon and so used." Section 1Z: That a new section numbered 6.11 shall be added t;o ~kiapter VI of' Ordinance No. 570, to read as ~°ollo~as: -~- "Section 6.llo L?ndersized Lots or Parcels. The owner or or.~,ers of" two or more contiguous lot> or parcels of land, or.e ar• more of° whicPi has an area less than tkiat required 'py this ordinance in th: parti~~_zlar zone in which ~aid lots are located, may file a map with the C~ty Er.gineer re-subdividing such lota or parcel~ of land into the same riu.mber or. a lesser number of parcels. The Cit~~ Engineer ma~ appro•ae su;h map, if: "{a} The parcei on such map having the smallest area ha; an ar°~a not ie~s than the original lot or parcel o~ land having the s:nallc-st area, and "(b) The parcel on such map having the narrowest average ~aidth has an average width not less than that of the original lot or carcel having the least average width, except that sueh average width need no'r, ,~,E- more than sixty 1eet, if the required area is 7,000 square f~~et or more, ar~d need not be more than fifty (~0) feet in other casesa ";c) The division rnade by such map tends to promote the public healtn, safety, comfort, convenience, general welfare, and other p~z:~posF~s o£ tPiis ordinance to a greater extent that the division into tne criginal lots or parcels of land. "Each parcel shown on a map approved by the City Engir.eer pursuant to this section shali be deemed to have the required area." Section 13. That a new section numbered 6.12 shall be added to ~hapter VI of Ordinanee No. 570, to read as follows: "Section 6.12. Underwidth Lots or Parcels. The owner or owners of tuo or more contigu.ous lots or parcels of land, one or more of" which has an average width of less than fifty (50) feet in the requ:ired ar•ea is less tha_r,'j,000 square £eet or o£ less tnan sixty f`eet if' the reqnired area is 7,000 square feet or more, rriay file a map with the ~~ty Er.ginNer remsubdividing such lots or parcels of land ir_to the same or a lesser number of parcels. The City Engineer may approve such ma~,, i~ ; n (a) The areas of the parcels rreated by such map are either equal to the required area or could be approved pursuant to Sectior_ 6,11, and - 5- "~;bj The pax~cel on sixch rnap having the narrolaeat average width, has an ~vEr~age width not les9 than that K:~x°-;:~1 cf 1_and having the lea5t average width widtti need not be m~~re thari sixty feet, i£ the sq'uare f'~et oz° mere, and need not be more rhan other c,ase~, a~d of the or°iginal lo~ or ~xcept that such averag~ required area is `j,GOC i'ifty (~0) feet in "(c~~ The division m2de by such map tends to promote the p~ak:lic hEal*n, ~aflety, comf°ort, convenience, general wel£are, and othecr~ r~urpote^ of" this ordi:nar,ce to a greater extent than th<: division intc the original iots oxT parcels o£ land. "Each parcel shown on a map approved by the City Engineer pursuant ro this section ehall be deemed to have the reauired width." S~~ct:ion 14. That a new section rurnbered 6.13 shall be added to Chapter VT oP 4rdina.nce No. 5','0, to read as f°ollows: "S~ction 6.13. Sale. Where a portion of a lot or parc~l. of lard is ;~n1d or tran~z"erred, at~.d as a result of' such sale or transfer one or rr~cre ti~arcels are created of such an area that the number and lo~,t;lon oI t;he kn_z:ildings t;'r~ereon no longer conform re the requiremen.t;> of thi5 Ord-nance, then, in the determination of the permissible number a.nd locat.ion ot any buildings on any other parcel so created by such s~lE~ or transfer, the portion sold or transferred and the remainder~ shall be considered a~ one parcel." Section 15. That a new section numbered 6.14 shall be added to ~Jhapter VI of Ordinance No. 570, to read as follows: "Section 6,14. Area or Width Diminished by Public Use. Where a buildir.g or structure is lawfully located on property acquired for plablic u:s~ (by cr~ndemnation, purchase, or otherwise), such buildirg or str•tiacture may be relocated on the same lot or parcel of land, altnough such bu~ldirg or structure is existing by virtue of an exception, either auf;crr.at:ic c;:r not, or otherwise, or although the area or width regulations oP this ordinanr~e, or both, eannot be complied with. Where any part oz thi~ bulldi_r,g or structUre is required £or public use, the remainder oP` ~i,cn t:uildir,g cr structure may be repaired, reconstructed, or re- modeled, with ttie same or similar kind of materials as used in the existi_ng b~~ildings," -6- . , ;e~t.ior. 15. That a new section numbered 6.1j shall be adde~ to <hapter VI oi Crd:~nance No, j`~0, to read as iollows: "Secr;ion 6.15, Reduction efl Lot Area or Width. Exr.ep~, as othPrvrise p~~oaided ir. this ordinanee,, a person shall not divide any lot or par~~~1 of land, ard :~hall not convey ar.y lot or parcel of l~nd or any port;ion there~f, i£ as a result of such divi9ion or• conve,yance the ar°~~a or avera~e width of' any lot or pareel oi land is so reduced, or~ a lo! er ~are.el of' land is created, which lot or parcel of land has a*~,. are3 or averagF.> >~,idt,h less t;har_: "~!a) Suff;.cier~.t. v~o that the number and t.ype o£ strucbnre on s~a~Yt re..~~~ultir.g lot or parcels of land comply wi~h the provisiona of thi.:, Or6Lnance, or "„bj The required area, or :equired width, if an,y portion of sl,ch lot or parcel o_'' iand is in Zones R-l, R-2 or R-3." Se~tj_on 1'T, TYiat a new seetion numbered 6.16 chall be added to ~~h~pt~~z~ `vrI cf' Ordir.ance No, 570, to read as follows: "S:~ction 6.16. Reci~sion. Any deed of conveyance, sale or c>r_tra~st tr s.~ll made contrary ~to the provisions o£ thie Ordinance is voidable at t;he sole option of the grantee, buyer, or person contracting to pur^chaseg his heirs, personal representatives, or trustee in insol- vEncy or bankruptcy, witklin one year after the date of the executian of' the deed or conveyance, sale or contract to sell, is binding upor. any ~ssig~ee or t:rar:sf°eree of the grantee, buyer, or person contractirg to purchase, other than those above enumerated, and upon the grantor, vendor, or person contracting to sell, his assignee, heir, or devisee." Sectior. 18. That a new section numbered 14.13 e,hall be added to ~hapter XIV oP Ordinance No. 5'70, to read a's follows: "Section 14~13. Adverage Widthe Average width means the avErag~ widtt~ of a~crtiori of a iot or parcel of land which portion 1`~as the reqi.zired areag or the average width o£ that ~~crtion o£ an irregularly shaped lot or parcel of land a portion of which is deter^ined by the City Engir.eer to be an adequate building site." Sect.:on l~. That a new seetion numbered 14.14 shall be added te t;hapter XIV of Ordirance N3. 5i0, to read as follows: -7- "~e~±-1on 14.14. Required W:idtki „ ~X c ai: ed ?ti:idt;`t" :,m.easx~: As used in bhis ordir.ance "la ) 'I'he average ~nridth of a lot whi: h is shown as a~~a; t of a s'~zb~ivi,inn recorded as a final map or filed as a Record of S'~rvey Map in ac~ordance with law, except that ~ahere a F,ar•cel which ot.herwise W~iAiC~ Y1~VE' YJ°e:='I. S~70W11 dS 0:7_. ZOt 1S divided 11"i'GO liVvO OY' 1?IOY'E i0+.;~:; ~~e~~~;se c•~' +~he ~ity bo~un~ar~ line, in which cav:e the "~equired width" ~r.~ an~ rh._- a,~:~age •iaidf,h of .:~ch pflreel, or "~r.) The av~r~age width of a lot, or parcel o~' land th~ x~ight o~ ~p:~ssessio~ of' which, by ~irtu~ of a deed duly rec~rded, or by ~ re~ox~ded co:~±tr~cY, o£ sele, i~ vested in a per~on whc~ neither owne no~ ha:~, t:ne rigYlt c_" ~?ossession of" any contiguous parcel of aroperty; pr~- v:i.ded l;har t,}_~ ~EE.d or ~ont,rac`„ of eale by which su~h right of' posses~io.~a was separa+~cd has been recorded prior t,o the adoption by the Ci~~y Co!:nci.l o~' brtF: c,r~~di_r,•a.~re which imposes the widtn requinement upon snch lot o^ ~:ar~cl ~~ ]ar.d~ or "~"~l The width specified by any legislative restrictior, "4d;~ An average ~~idth of sixty feet i~° the required area is 'j , 000 sqtiare f"eet or more, "fe1 An average width of f"ifty feet where there is a required area and such required area is less than 7,000 square feet~ If there is r,o required area there is no requir°ed width." Sectior. 2~0, Repeals. That sections numbered 4.05, 5.05 and 6,Oj oP City Ordinance Noe 5'%0 are hereby repealed, Section 21. It appearing that the Gity Attorney has completed a draPt of a neLV zor.ir.g ordinance; that the City Manager, City Building Ir.spector, and the Secretary o~" the Planning Commission are now con- ducting stadies of this dra~'t, and the Planning Cornmission intendes to corduct st~adiee r,hereof within a reasonable tirne, the City Council, to protec` the xl;blic~ sa£~ty, health and welfare, adopts the f'oregoing te,uora;,T ir~teri.rr~ zoning ordinance prohibiting such and other u~es which may be in coni'li::t with s~,ch new zoning ordinance. Section 22, The City Clerk sha11 certify to the passage of this orainance, ar.d t;he : ame shall take ef"fect and be in force irnmediat,ely. _~j_ The said City Clerk shall cause said ordinance to be published once in the Lynwood Press, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated within said City of Lynwood, and which newspaper is hereby designated for that purpose. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of May, 1961, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Duncan, English, Finch, Pender, Rowe. Noes: Councilmen: None. Absent: Councilmen: None. < ~ MAY 0 _ t .- STATS OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES: ss. CITY OF LYNWOOD ) I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, and ex-officio clerk of the Council of said City, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of ordinance No. 718 adopted by the City Council of the City of Lynwood and that same was passed on the date and by the vote therein stated. Dated this 3rd , 1961