HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0700ORDINANCE N0. 700 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD REGULATING TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NUMBERED 493, 604, 605, 661, ANv 673 AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. The City Council of the City of Lynwood does ordain as follows: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS Section 1. Definitions of Words and Phrases. (a) Whenever any words or phrases used in this ord.inance are not defined herein, but are now defined in the Vehicle Cod.e, such definitions are incor- porated herein and shall be deemed to apply to such words and phrases used herein as though fully set forth herein. (b) The following words and phrases when used in this ordinance shall £or the purpose of this ordinance have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this article. Section 2. Alley. Any unnamed streets of 25 feet or less in width between property lines. Section 3. Holidays. Within the meaning of this ordinance, holidays are the first day o£ January, the twelfth day of February, the twenty-second day of February, the thirtieth day of May, the fourth day of July, the first Monday in September, the ninth day of September, the twelfth day of October, the eleventh day of November, the twenty- fifth day of December, and Thanksgiving Day. If the first day of January, the twelfth d.ay o£ February, the twenty-second day of February, the thirtieth day of May, the fourth day of July, the ninth day of September, the twelfth day of October, the eleventh day of November or the twenty-fifth day of December falls upon a Sunday, the Monday follow- ing is a holiday. Section 5. Official Time Standard. Whenever certain hours are named herein, they shall mean standard time or d.aylight saving time as may be in current use in this city. -1- Section 6. Park. To stand. or leave standing any vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading of passengers or materials, Section 7. Parkway That portion of a street other than a roadway or a sidewalk. Section 8. Passenger Loading Zone. The space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the load- ing or unloading of passengers. Section 9. Ped.estrian. Any person afoot. Section 10. Person. Every natural person, firm, co- partnership, association or corporation. Section 11. Police Officer Every officer of the police department of this city, or any officer authorized to direct or regu- late traffic or to make arrests for violations of traffic regulations. Section 12. (a) Stop. When required, means complete cessation of movement. (b) Stop or Stand. When prohibited, means any stopping m standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the direc- tion of a police officer or official traffic control device. ARTICLE II TRAFFIC ADMINISTR~TION Section 30. Police Administration There is hereby estab- lished in the police d.epartment of this city a traffic d.ivision to be und.er the control of an officer of police appointed. by and d.irectly responsible to the chief of police. Section 31. Duty of Traffic Division. It shall be the duty of the traffic division with such aid as may be rendered. by other members of the police department to enforce the street traffic regulations of this city and all of the state vehicle laws applicable to street tra£fic in this city, to make arrests for traffic violatim s, to investigate traffic accidents and to cooperate with the city traffic -2- engineer and other officers of the city in the administration of the traffic laws and. in developing ways and means to improve traffic con- ditions, and to carry out those duties specially imposed upon said. division by this ordinance and the traffic ord.inances of this city. Section 32. Traffic Accident Studies. Whenever the accidents at any partiCular location become numerous, the traffic division shall cooperate with the city traffie engineer in conducting stud.ies of such accidents and determining remedial measures. Section 33. Traffic Accident Reports. The traffic divi- sion shall maintain a suitable system of filing traffic accident reports. Accident reports or cards referring to them shall be filed alphabetically by location. Such reports shall be available for the use and information of the city traffic engineer. Section 34. Traffic Division to Submit Annual Traffic Safety Report. The traffic division shall annually prepare a traffic report which shall be filed. with the City Council. Such a report shall contain information on traffic matters in this city as £ollows: 1. The number of traffic accidents, the number of persons killed, the number of persons in~ured, and other pertinent traffic accident data; 2. The number of traffic accidents investigated and. other pertinent data on the safety activities of the police; 3. The plans and recommendations of the division for future traffic safety activities. Section 35• City Traf£ic Engineer. The office o£ city traffic engineer is hereby established. The City Engineer shall serve as City Traffic Engineer in ad.dition to his other functions, and shall exercise the powers and duties with respect to traffic as provid.ed in this ordinance, Section 36. Duties of City Traffic Engineer. It shall be the general duty o£ the City Traffic Engineer to determine the installa- tion and proper timing and maintenance of traffic control d.evices and signals, to conduct engineering analyses of tra£fic accid.ents and to -3- devise remed.ial measures, to conduct engineering and traffic investi- gations of traffic conditions and to cooperate with other city officials in the d.evelopment of ways and means to improve traffic cond.itions, and to carry out the additional powers and duties imposed by ordinances of this city. ARTICLE III ENFORCEMENT AND OBEDIENCE TO TRAFFIC REGULATIONS Section 50. Authority of Police and Fire Department Officials. (a) It shall be the d.uty of the officers of the police department or such of£icers as are assigned by the chief of police to enforce all street traffic laws of this city and all of the State vehi~le laws applicable to street traffic in this city. (b) Officers of the police department or such officers as are assigned by the chief of police are hereby authorized to direct all traffic by voice, hand. or other signal in conformance with traffic laws, provided that in the event of a fire or other emergency or to expedite traffic or to safeguard pedestrians, officers of the police d.epartment may direct traffic as conditions may require, notwithstand- ing the provisions of the traffic laws. (c) Officers of the fire d.epartment, when at the scene of a fire or when in the course of their duties they are protecting the personnel or equipment of the fire department, may direct or assist the police in directing traffic. Section 51. Required Obedience to Traffic Ord.inance. It is a misdemeanor for any person to do any act forbid.den or fail to perform any act required in this ordinance. Section 52. Obed3ence to Police and. Fire Department Officials. No person shall wilfully fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order of a police officer or fire department official when directing traf£ic. Section 53. Traffic Regulations Apply to Persons Riding Bicycles or Animals. Every person riding a bicycle or riding or driving an animal upon a highway shall be granted all of the rights -~- and shall'be subject to all of the duties applicable to the d.river of a vehicle by this ord.inance, except those provisions which by their very nature can have no application. Section 54. Persons Other than Officials Shall not Direct Traffic. No person other than an of£icer of the police department or a person d.eputized. by the chief of police or person authorized by law shall direct or attempt to direct traf£ic by voice, hand or other signal, except that persons may operate when and as herein provided. any mechanical pushbutton signal erected by ord.er of the City Traffic Engineer. Section 55. Public Employees to Obey Traffic Regulations. The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to the driver o£ any vehicle owned by or used in the service of the United States Govern- ment, this State, any county or city and it shall be unlawful for any said driver to violate any of the provisions of this ordinance except as otherwise permitted in this ordinance or by the Vehicle Code. Section 56. Exemptions to Certain Vehicles. (a) The provisions of this ordinance regulating the operation, parking and standing of vehicles shall not apply to any vehicle of the police or fire department, any public ambulance or any public utility vehicle or any private ambulance, which public utility vehicle or private ambulance has qualified as an authorized. emergency vehicle, when any vehicle mentioned in this section is operated. in the manner specified. in the Vehicle Code in response to an emergency call. (b) The foregoing exemptions shall not, however, protect the driver of any such vehicle from the consequences of his wilful disregard of the safety of others, (c) The provisions of this ordinance regulating the parking or standing of vehicles shall not apply to any vehicle of a city department or public utility while necessarily in use for construction or repair work or any vehicle owned by the United States while in use for the collection, transportation or de]_ivery of United States mail. -5- Section 57. Report o£ Damage to Certain Property. (a) The driver of a vehicle or the person in charge of any animal involved in any accident resulting in damage to any property publicly owned or owned by a public utility, includ3ng but not limited. to any fire hydrant, ornamental lighting post, telephone pole, electric light or power pole, or resulting in damage to any ornamental shad.e tree, tra£fic control device or other property of a like nature located in or along any street, alley, park, or public place, shall within twenty-four (24) hours after such accident make a written report of such accident to the Police Department of this city. (b) Every such report shall state the time and the place where the aceident took place, the name and address of the person owning and of the person driving or in charge of such vehicle or animal, the license number of every such vehicle, and shall briefly describe the property damaged in such accident. (c) A driver involved in an accident shall not be sub~ect to the requirements or penalties of this section if and during the time such driver is physically incapable of making a report, but in such event said driver shall make a report as requ:_red in subdivision (a) within twenty-four (24) hours after regaining ability to make such report. ARTICLE IV TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Section 60. Authority to Install Traffic Control Devices. (a) The City Traffic Engineer shall have the power and duty to place and maintain or cause to be placed and maintained. official traffic control d.evices when and as required under the traffic ordinances of this city to make effective the provisions of said ordinances. (b) Whenever the Vehicle Code requires for the effective- ness of any provision thereof that traffic control devices be installed to give notice to the public of the application of such law, the City Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized to install or cause to be installed the necessary devices sub,ject to any limibations or restric- tions set forth 3n the law applicable thereto. -6- (c) The City Traffic Engineer may also place and maintain or cause to be placed anc maintained such additional traffic control devices as he may deem necessary to regulate traffic or to guide or warn traffic, but he shall make such determination only upon the basis o£ traffic engineering principles and traffic investigations and in accordance with such standards, limitations and. rules as may be set £orth in the trafic ordinances of this city or as may be determined by ordinance or resolution of the City Counc-l. Section 61. When Tra£fic Control Devices Required.for Enforcement. No provision of the Vehicle Code or of this ord.inance for which signs are required. shall be enforced against an alleged violator unless appropriate signs are in place and sufficiently legible to be seen by an ord.inarily observant person, giving notice of such provisions of the traffic laws. Section 62. Obedience to Traffic Control Devices. The driver of any vehicle shall obey the instructions o£ any official traffic control d.evice applicable thereto placed in accord.ance with the traffic ordinances of this city unless otherwise directed by a police officer sub~ect to the exceptions granted the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle when responding to emergency calls. Section 63. Installation of Traffic Signals. (a) The City Traffic Engineer is hereby directed to install and maintain official traffic signals at those intersections and other places where traffic conditions are such as to require that the flow o£ traffic be alternately interrupted and released. in ord.er to prevent or relieve traffic congestion or to protect life or property from exceptional hazard. (b) The City Traffic Engineer shall ascertain and determine the locations where such signals are required by resort to field. observation, traffic counts and other traffic information as may be pertinent and his determinations therefrom shall be made in accordance with those traffic engineering and safety standards and instructions set £orth in the Planning Manual of Instructions, Part 8, "Tnaffic," -7- issued. by'the Division of Highways of the State Department of Pub3ic Works. (c) Whenever the City Traffic Engineer installs and main- tains an official tra£fic signal at any intersection, he shall like- wise erect and maintain at such intersection street name signs visible to the principal flow o£ traffic unless such street name signs have previously been placed and are maintained at any said intersection. Section 64. Lane Marking. The City Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized to mark center lines and lane lines upon the sur£ace of the roadway to ind.icate the course to be traveled by vehicles and may place signs temporarily designating lanes to be used by traffic moving in a particular direction, regardless of the center line of the highway. Section 65. Distinctive Roadway Markings. The City Traffic Engineer is authorized to place and. maintain distinctive roadway markings as described in the Vehicle Cod.e on those streets or parts of streets where the volume of traffic or the vertical or other curva- ture of the roadway renders it hazardous to d.rive on the left sid.e of such markings or si~ns and. markings. Such marking or signs and. marking shall have the same effect as similar markings placed by the State Department of Public Works pursuant to provisions of the Vehicle Code. Section 67. Traffic Control Devices--Hours of Operation. The City Traffic Engineer Bhall determine the hours and d.ays during which any trafic control device shall be in operation or be in effect, except in those cases where such hours or d.ays are specified in this ordinance. ARTICLE V TURNING MOVEMENTS Section 70. Authority to Place and Obedience to Turning Markers. Intersections. Multiple Lanes. (a) The City Traffic Engineer is authorized. to place markers, buttons, or signs within or ad.~acent to intersections ind.icating the course to be traveled by vehicles turning at such intersections, and the City Traffic Engineer -8- is aut'horized to allocate and indicate more than one lane o£ traffic from which drivers of vehicles may make right or left hand. turns, and the course to be traveled as so indicated may conform to or be other than as prescribed. by law or ord.inance. (b) When authorized markers, buttons, or other indications are placed within an intersection indicating the course to be traveled. by vehicles turning thereat, no driver of a vehicle shall disobey the directions of such indications. Section 71. Authority to Place Restricted Turn Signs. The City Traffic Engineer is hereby a~thorized to d.etermine those inter- sections at which drivers of vehicles shall not make a right, left, or U turn, and shall place proper signs at such intersections. The making of such turns may be prohibited between certain hours of any day and permitted at other hours, in which event the same shall be plainly ind.icated. on the signs or they may be removed when such turns are permitted. Section 72. Obedience to No-Turn Signs. Whenever authorized signs are erected indicating that no right or left or U turn is per- mitted, no driver of a vehicle shall disobey the direction of any such sign. Section 73. Authority to Prohibit Right Turns Against Traffic Stop Signal. The City Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized to determine those intersections within any business or residence district at which d.rivers of vehicles shall not make a right turn against a red or stop signal and shall erect proper signs giving noti ~ of such prohibition. No driver o£ a vehicle shall disobey the d.irec- tions of any such sign. ARTICLE VI ONE-WAY STREETS AND ALLEYS Section 80. The City Traffic Engineer to Sign One-Way Streets and Alleys. Whenever any ord.inance or resolution of this city d.esignates any one-way street or alley, the City Traffic Engineer shall place and maintain signs giving notice thereof, and no such regulations shall be effective unless such signs are in place, Signs -9- ind.icating the direction of lawful traffic movement shall be placed. at every intersection where movement of traffic in the opposite direction is prohibited. Section 81. Obedience to One-Way Signs. When signs are erected on any one-way street or alley giving notice thereof, no person shall drive any vehicle in a direction contrary thereto. ARTICLE VII SPECIAL STOP SIGNS REQUIRED Section 90. The City Traffic Engineer to Erect Stop Signs. Whenever any ord.inance or resolution of this city d.esignates and des- cribes any street or portion thereo£ as a through street, or any intersection at which vehicles are required to stop at one or more entrances thereto, or any railroad grade crossing at which vehicles are required to stop, the City Traffic Engineer shall erect and maintain stop signs as follows: A stop sign shall be erected on each and every street intersecting such through street or portion thereof so deaignated and. at those entrances of other intersections where a stop is required. and. at any railroad grade crossing so designated. Every such sign shall conform with and shall be placed as provided in Sections 21351 to 21355, inclusive, of the Vehicle Cod.e. (a) Section gl. Stop at Through Street or Stop Sign./ Those streets and parts of streets referred to in Section 188 hereof are hereby declared. to be through streets for the purpose o£ this section. (b) The provisions of this section shall also apply at one or more entrances to the intersections as such entrances and. inter- sections are referred to in Section 189 hereo£. (c) The provisions of this section shall apply at those highway railway grade crossings as described in Section 190. Section 92, Emerging from Al1ey, Driveway or Build.ing. The driver of a vehicle emerging from an alley, d.riveway or building shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sid.ewalk or into the sidewalk area extending across any alley way. -10- ARTICLE VIII MISCELLANEOUS DRIVING RULES Section 100. Driving Through Funeral Processions. No driver of a vehicle shall d.rive between vehicles comprising a funeral procession while they are in motion and when the vehicles in such processions are conspicuously so designated, Section 101. Clinging to Moving Vehicles. Any person riding upon any bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, roller skates or any toy vehicle shall not attach the same or himself to any moving vehicle upon any roadway. Section 102. Vehicles Shall Not be Driven on the Sidewalk. The d.river of a vehicle shall not drive within any sidewalk area or any parkway except at a permanent or temporary driveway. Section 103, New Pavement. No person shall rid.e or drive any animal or any vehicle over or across any newly made pavement or freshly painted marking in any street when a barrier or sign is in place warning persons not to drive over or across such pavement or marking, or when a sign is in place stating that the street or any portion thereof is closed, Section 104. Restricted Access. No person shall drive a vehicle onto or from any limited access road.way except at such entrances and exits as are established. by public authority. Section 105. Miscellaneous Regulations Relating to the Use of Streets. It shall be unlawful for any person, without first obtaining a permit from the City Council of the City of Lynwood to engage in any game, dance, public meeting, parade, or exhibition upon any street or alley. Section 106. Closing Streets Temporarily. The Chief o£ Police shall have the right, authority and power at any time to close any street or any portion thereof temporarily to vehicular, pedestrian or other tra£fic when in the opinion of such Chie£ of Police the public peace, health or safety requires such temporary closing; pro- vided, however, that in all such cases, suitable signs shall be con- spicuously posted giving notice of the fact that such street or porti m -11- thereof is closed, or a police officer or person designated by the Chief of Police is present thereat £or the purpose of giving such notice. No person shall, in case any such street or portion thereof is so closed, enter into or upon such closed portion or drive any vehicle into or upon the same contrary to any such notice or notices or the order or orders of any such police officer or person so desig- nated. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as depriving the City Council and/or City Engineer of said. City from concurrent power to likewise temporarily close any street or portion thereof within said City, but the delegation of power to the Chief of Police herein made shall be construed as in addition thereto. Section 107. Merchandise on Street Prohibited. Sub~ect to the provisions o£ Section 23 of City Ordinance No. 678, no person shall leave or permit to remain in or upon any street, alley, side- walk or in or upon any parkway in any street within said city, any merchandise, fruit or fruits, melon or melons, vegetable or vegetables, meat or meats or any baggage or any other article of personal property. ARTICLE IX PEDESTRIANS Section 110. The City Traffic Engineer to Establish Crosswalks. (a) The City Traffic Engineer shall establish, desig- nate and maintain crosswalks at intersections and. other places by appropriate devices, marks or lines upon the surface o£ the roadway, as follows: Crosswalks shall be established and. maintained. at all intersections and other places where the City Traffic Engineer deter- mines that there is a particular hazard to pedestrians crossing the roadway subject to the limitation contained in (b) of this section. (b) Other than crosswalks at intersections, no crosswalk shall be established in any block which is less than four hundred (400) feet in length. Elsewhere not more than one ad.d.itional crosswalk shall be established in any one block and such crosswalk shall be located as nearly as practicable at mid-block. (c) The City Traffic Engineer may place signs at or adjacent -12- to an''intersection in respect to any crosswalk directing that ped,es- trians shall not cross in the crosswalk so indicated. Section 111. When Pedestrians Must Use Crosswalks. No pedestrian shall cross a roadway other than by a crosswalk in any business district. Section 112. Crossing at Right Angles. No pedestrian shall cross a roadway at any place other than by a route at right angles to the curb or by the shortest route to the opposite curb except in a marked crosswalk. Section 113. Standing in Roadways. No person shall stand in any roadway other than in a safety zone or in a crosswalk if such action interferes with the lawful movement of traffic. This section shall not apply to any public of£icer or employee, or employee of a public utility when necessarily upon a street in line of d.uty. ARTICLE X STOPPING, STANDING AND PARKING Section 120. Application of Regulations. (a) The provi- sions o£ this ordinance prohibiting the stopping, standing or park- ing o£ a vehicle shall apply at all times or at those times herein specified, except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the d.irections of a police officer or official traffic control device. (b) The provisions of this ordinance imposing a time limit on standing or parking shall not relieve any person from the duty to observe other and. more restrictive provisions of the Vehicle Cod.e or the ord.inances of this city, prohibiting or limiting the standing or parking of vehicles in specified places or at specified times. Section 121. St and.ing in Parkways Prohibited.. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle within any parkway. Section 122. Use of Streets for Storage of Vehicles Pro- hibited. (a) No person who owns or has possession, custody or con- trol of any vehicle shall park such vehicle upon any street or alley for more than a consecutive period of 120 hours. (b) In the event a vehicle is parked or left standing upon -13- a street in excess of a consecutive period. of 120 hours, any memb'er of the police department authorized. by the Chief of Police may remove said vehicle £rom the street in the manner and subject to the require- ments of the Vehicle Cod.e. Section 123. Parking for Certain Purposes Prohibited. No person shall park a vehicle upon any roadway for the principal purpose of : l. Displaying such vehicle for sale. 2. Washing, greasing, or repairing such vehicle except repairs necessitated by an emergency. Section 124. Parking Parallel with Curb. (a) Sub,ject to other and more restrictive limitations, a vehicle may be stopped or parked within 18 inches of the left-hand curb facing in the direction of traffic movement upon any one-way street unless signs are in place prohibiting such stopping or standing. (b) In the event a highway includes two or more separate roadways and traffic is restricted to one direetion upon any such road.way, no person shall stand or park a vehicle upon the left-hand side of such one-way roadway unless signs are in place permitting such standing or parking. (c) The City Traffic Engineer is authorized. to determine when standing or parking shall be prohibited upon the left-hand sid.e of any one-way street or when standing or parking may be permitted upon the left-hand. side of any one-way roadway of a highway having two or more separate roadways and shall erect signs giving notice thereof. (d) The requirement of parallel parking shall not apply in the event any commercial vehicle is actually engaged in the process of load.ing or unloading freight or good.s, in which case that vehicle may be backed up to the curb, provided that such vehicle does not ex- tend beyond. the center line of the street and does not block traffic thereby. Section 125. Signs or Markings Indicating Angle Parking. (a) Whenever any ordinanee of this city designates and describes any -14- street or portion thereof upon which angle parking shall be permitted, the City Traffic Engineer shall mark or sign such street indicating the angle at which vehicles shall be parked. (b) When signs or markings are in place indicating angle parking as herein provided, no person shall park or stand a vehicle other than at the angle to the curb or edge of the roadway indicated by such signs or markings. (c) Angle parking shall be permitted upon those streets and parts of streets described in Section 191 hereof. Section 126. Parking Adjacent to Schools, (a) The City Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized to erect signs indicating no parking upon that side of any street ad.jacent to any school property i^tien such parking would, in his opinion, interfere with traffic or create a hazardous situation. (b) When official signs are erected indicating no parking upon that side of a street ad.~acent to gny school property, no person shall park a vehicle in any such designated place. Section 127. Parking Prohibited on Narrow Streets. (a) The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to place signs or markings indicating no parking upon any street when the width of the roadway d.oes not exceed 30 feet, or upon one side of a street as indicated by such signs or markings when the width of the roadway does not exceed 40 feet. (b) When official signs or markings prohibiting parking are erected upon narrow streets as authorized herein, no person shall park a vehicle upon any such street in violation of any such sign or marking. Section 128. Stopping or Parking Prohibited--Signs Required. The City Traffic Engineer shall appropriately sign or mark the follow- ing places and when so signed or marked no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any of said. places. 1, At any place within 15 feet of a point on the curb immediately opposite the mid-block end of a safety zone, -15- z. At any place within 15 feet of an intersection in any business district except that a bus may stop at a d.esignated bus stop. 3. Within 15 feet of the approach to any traffic signal, boulevard stop sign, or official electric flashing device. 4. At any place where the traffic engineer determines that is is necessary in order to eliminate unusual traffic hazard. Section 130. Unlawful Parking--Peddlers, Vendors. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section and in Section 23 of city Ordinance No. 678, no person shall stand or park any vehicle, wagon or push-cart from which goods, wares, merchandise, fruits, vegetables or food stuPfs are sold, displayed, solicited or offered. for sale or bartered or exchanged or any lunch wagon or eating car or vehicle, on any portion of any street within this city, except that such vehicles, wagons or push-carts may stand or park only at the request of a bona fide purchaser for a period of time not to exceed ten (10) minutes at any one place. The provisions of this sub- section shall not apply to persons delivered such articles upon ord.er of, or by agreement with a customer from a store or other fixed place of business or distribution. (b) No person shall park or stand on any street any lunch wagon, eating cart or vehicle, or push-cart from which tamales, peanuts, popcorn, candy or other articles of food are sold or offered for sale without first obtaining a written permit to do so from the Chief of Police which shall designate the specified location in which such cart shall stand. (c) No person shall park or stand. any vehicle or wagon used or intended to be used in the transportation of property for hire on any street while awaiting patronage for such vehicle or wagon without first obtaining a written permit so to do from the Chief of Police which shall designate the specific location where such vehicle may stand. -16- (d) Whenever any permit is granted und.er the provisions of this section and a particular location to park or stand is speci- fied therein, no person shall park or stand any vehicle, wagon, or push-cart on any location cther than as designated in such permit. In the event that the holder of any such permit is convicted in any court o£ competent ~urisdiction for violating any of the provisions of this section, such permit shall be £orthwith revoked by the Chief of Police upon the filing of the record of such conviction with the Chief of Police, and no permit shall thereafter be issued to such person until six (6) months have elapsed. from the date of such revocation. Section 131. Emergency Parking Signs. (a) Whenever the City Traffic Engineer shall determine that an emergency traffic con- gestion is likely to result from the holding of public or private assemblages, gatherines, or functions, or for other reasons, the City Traffic Engineer shall have power and authority to order temporary signs to be erected. or posted indicating that the operation, parking or standing of vehicles is prohibited on such streets and alleys as the City Tra£fic Engineer shall direct during the time such temporary signs are in place. Such signs shall remain in place only during the existence of such emergency and the city Traffic Engineer shall cause such signs to be removed promptly thereafter. (b) When signs authorized. by the provisions o£ this section are in place giving notice thereof, no person shall operate, park or stand any vehicle contrary to the directions and provisi.ons of such signs. ARTICLE XI STOPPING FOR LOADING OR UNLOADING ONLY Section 140. Authority to Establish Loading Zones. (a) The City Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized to determine and to mark 1oad.ing zones and passenger loading zones as follows: 1. At any place in any business district. 2, Elsewhere in front of the entrance to any place of business or in front of any hall or place used.for the purpose -17- of public assembly. (b) In no event shall more than one-half of the total curb length in any block be reserved for loading zone purposes. (c) Loading zones shall be indicated by a yellow paint line stenciled with black letters "LOADING ONLY," upon the top of all curbs within such zones. (d) Passenger loading zones shall be indicated by a white line stenciled with black letters "PASSENGER LOADING ONLY," upon the top of all curbs in said zones. Section 141. Curb Markings to Indicate No Stopping and. Parking Regulations. (a) The City Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized, subject to the provisions and limitations of this ordin- ance, to place and when required herein shall place, the following curb markings to indicate parking or standing regulations, and said curb markings shall have the meanings as herein set forth: l. Red shall mean no stopping, standing or parking at any time except as permitted by the Vehicle Code, and except that a bus may stop in a red zone marked or signed as a bus zone. 2. Yellow shall mean no stoppin$, standing or parking at any time between 7:00 a.m, and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays and. holid.ays for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers or materials, provided. that the loading or unloading of passengers shall not con- sume more than three (3) minutes nor the load.ing or unload- ing o£ materials more than twenty (20) minutes. 3. White shall mean no stopping, standing or parking for any purpose other than loading or unloading of passengers, or for the purpose of depositing mail in an adjacent mail box, which shall not exceed three (3) minutes and such res- trictions shall apply between 7•00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m, of any day except Sundays and holidays and except as follows: (1) When such zone is in front of a mail box the -18- ~ restrictions shall apply at all times. ~ (2) When such zone is in front of a theater the restrictions shall apply at all times except when such theater is closed. ~. Green shall mean no standing or parking for longer than twenty (20) minutes at any time between 7:00 a.m, and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays and holidays. (b) When the City Traffic Engineer as authorized und.er this ordinance has caused such markings to be placed, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehiele ad~acent to any such legible curb marking in violation of any of the provisions of this section. Section 142. Effect of Permission to Load or Unload. (a) Permission herein granted to stop or stand a vehicle for purposes of loadin~ or unloading o£ materials shall apply only to cemmercial vehicles and shall not extend beyond the time necessary therefor, and in no event for more than twenty (20) minutes. (b) The loading or unloading of materials shall apply only to commercial deliveries, also the delivery or pick-up of express and parcel post packages and United States mail. (c) Permission herein granted to stop or park for purposes of load.ing or unloading passengers shall include the loading or unload- ing of personal baggage but shall not extend beyond the time necessary therefor and in no event for more than three (3) minutes. (d) Within the total time limits above specified the pro- visions of this section shall be enforced so as to accommodate neces- sary and reasonable loading or unloading but without permitting abuse of the privileges hereby granted. Section 143. Stand.ing for Loading or Unloading Only. No person shall stop, stand. or park a vehicle in any yellow loading zone for any purpose other than loading or unloading passengers or material for such time as is permitted in Section 142. Section 144. Standing in Passenger Loading Zone. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any passenger loading zone for -19_ any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers for such time as is specified in Section 142. Section 145. Standing in Any Al1ey. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of persons or materials in any alley. Section 146. Bus Zones to be Established. (a) The City Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized to establish bus zones opposite curb space for the loading and unloading of buses or common carriers of passengers and to determine the location thereof subject to the directives and. limitations set forth herein. (b) The word "bus" as used in this section shall mean any motor bus, motor coach, trackless trolley coach, or passenger stage used as a common carrier. of passengers. (c) No bus zone shall exceed 60 feet in length, except that when satisfactory evidence has been presented to the City Traffic Engineer showing the necessity therefor, the City Traffic Engineer may extend. bus zones not to exceed a total length o£ 100 feet. (d) Bus zones shall normally be established on the £ar side of an intersection. (e) No bus zone shall be established opposite and to the right of a safety zone. (f) The City Traffic Engineer shall paint a red. line stencil with white letters "NO STANDING,'~ together with the words "BUS ZONE" upon the top or side of all curbs and places specified as a bus zone. (g) No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle except a bus in a bus zone, except that the Traffic Engineer is hereby auth- orized to determine and mark: "LAY OVER" points at any place in the City of Lynwood where, in the opinion of the Traffic Engineer said lay over points are necessary or proper, where persons authorized to trans port passengers by bus or hire in said city over fixed routes, shall be permitted to park or leave not more than one (1) bus at a time for a period not to exceed twenty (20) minutes. "Bus" as used in this -20- subsection (g) shall mean motor bus, motor coach or passenger stage used as a common carrier of passengers where the owner or operator of said motor bus, motor coach or passenger stage is required to travel over fixed routes. ARTICLE XII STOPPING, STANDING OR PARKING RESTRICTED OR PROHIBITED ON CERTAIN STREETS, Section 150. Parking Time Limited in Business District. When authorized signs are in place giving notice thereof, no person shall stop, stand, or park any vehicle on any of the streets enumerated in Section 192(a) hereof between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays and holidays for a period of time longer than one hour. Section 151. Parking Time Limited on Certain Enumerated Streets. When authorized signs are in place giving notice thereof no person shall stop, stand., or park any vehicle on any of the streets enumerated in Section 192 (b) hereof for a period of time longer than two (2) hours at any time between the hours of 7:00 a.m, and 6:00 p.m. of any d.ays except Sundays and holidays. Section 152. Parking Prohibited at All Times on Certain Streets. When signs are erected giving notice thereof no person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any of the streets or parts thereof described in Section 193 of this ordinance. Section 153. All Night Parking Prohibited Except Where Certificate of Necessity Granted. (a) No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle on any street for a period of time longer than two (2) hours between the hours o£ 1;00 a.m, and 6;00 a.m. of any day except in accordance with the Certi£icate of Necessity issued by the Chief of Police, as hereinafter provided. (b) Said Certificate of Necessity, or a decal or other reasonable facsimile thereof furnished by the Chief of Police shall be attached to each vehicle to which the Chief of Police has, in writing, made the Certificate applicable, as hereinafter provided.. (c) It is the intention o£ the City Council in enacting -21- Section 153 of this ord.inance to cause, insofar as practical, a single investigation to be made of the question as to whether or not there exists sufficient necessitous circumstances affecting the occu- pancy of a particular dwelling or of a group of dwellings and their appurtenances upon a particular lot or parcel of land. in the city, to warrant the issuance by the Chief of Police of a Certificate of Necessity to an occupant and/or occupants of said dwelling or dwellings, and to provide a single investigative fee, as hereinafter provided, to cover an entire lot and/or parcel of land and all of the dwellings located thereon, as a whole. Therefore, in accordance with the fore- going preamble, be it ordained that any occupant of a dwelling, located in said city who, for reasons of hardship or necessity believes that there should be issued to him or her a Certificate of Necessity which would exempt him or her from the provisions of Subsection (a) of Section 153 of this ordinance may file an application for a Certificate of Necessity for each motor vehicle to which he or she d.esires a Certi£icate of Necessity to apply, that said application shall meet the £ollowing requirement: 1. It shall be in writing on a form furnished by the Chief of Police; 2. It shall set forth; (1) The name and address of the applicant; (2) The name and address of the owner of the real property where the applicant resides, or agent of the owner, if said property is being managed by an agent; (3) The number of separate dwellings on a parti- cular lot or parcel o£ land a£fected by the application; (4) The number of vehicles insofar as known by the applicant, possessed by the occupants of said lot and./or parcel of land; (5) T1'ie license number and motor number or serial number of the vehicle or vehicles to which applicant desires the Certificate of Necessity to apply; _Z2_ (6) The make, model, and type of each vehicle to which the applicant d.esires the Certificate of Necessity to apply; (7) The necessity for the Certificate requested, and, (8) Such other pertinent information as the Chief of Police shall require. (d) The application first to be filed. affecting a particul~ lot and/or parcel of land shall be designated for the purposes of this ordinance as the "original" application. (e) The applicant first to file such an application shall accompany such application with an investi~ative fee of Two Dollars ($2.00), which shall be paid to the City Clerk of said City. (f) Upon the filing of each such original application, the Chief of Police shall cause to be made such investigation as he may deem proper to ascertain whether or not there exists su£ficient necessitous circumstances affecting the particular lot and/or parcel of land and the dwellings located. thereon, described in the application to warrant the issuance by him of a Certificate of Necessity to the applicant. If, after such investigation, the Chief of Police determines that there is not adequate off-street parking space reasonably obtain- able by the applicant at the place o£ his residence or within 600 feet thereof, for the parking of the vehicle or vehicles described in the application, a Certificate of Necessity shall be granted to the appli- cant for each motor vehicle for which applicant has made application and to which the Chief of Police, in his discretion, determines that the Certificate of Necessity should apply. The Certificate of Necessity shall be for a term of one year from the date said Certificate is issued by the Chief of Police, unless terminated as hereinafter pro- vided. Should said Certificate of Necessity be denied, the investiga- tive fee shall not be refunded. (g) The Chief of Police shall cause a permanent file to be made o£ all "ori~inal" applications, and all of the investigative -Z3- written datia made and compiled in connection with each investigation, with the intent and purpose that said file and the information therein contained shall constitute the foundation for the processing of all subsequent applications affecting the same lot and/or pancel of land described. in the original application. (h) All applications for Certificates of Necessity filed subsequent to the filing of the "original" application shall be referred to for the purposes of this ordinance as "SUbsequent" applications. For each subsequent application filed, a fee of ~1.00 shall accompany said application and shall be paid to the City Clerk of said city. Should said Certificate of Necessity be denied, the fee of $1.00 shall not be refunded. (i) If, at the expiration of the term provided £or in the Certificate of Necessity, irrespective of whether such Certif3cate was issued under an "original" or "subsequent'~ application, the holder of the Certificate is d.esirous of renewing his certificate, the same procedure shall be followed as provided herein in the case of a "subsequent'~ application, except as follows: if the holder of the certi£icate shall file application for renewal of a certificate with the Chief of Police at least ten days before the expiration of the term thereof, the fee of $1.00 shall be waived. (j) 1. If the particular motor vehicle upon which a Certificate of Necessity has been granted shall pass from the owner- ship or possession of applicant during the term of said Certificate of Necessity, said Certificate of Necessity shall ipso facto terminate and. be of no further force or effeet. 2. An applicant to whom a Certificate of Necessity has been granted and. who, either because the motor vehicle to which it applies has passed out of his ownership or possession d.uring the term of the Certificate o£ Necessity, or for reasons of his own, desires to cause the Certificate o£ Necessity to be transferred to another motor vehicle which he owns or to which he has the right of legal possession, may apply to the Chief of Police for a Certificate of -z4- Necessity ~pon said. substituted motor vehicle, and if the Chief of Police is satisfied that conditions have not materially changed since the issuance of the Certificate of Necessity as to the original vehicle, he shall grant the Certificate upon said substituted vehicle for the unexpired term of said Certificate of Necessity, upon the payment by applicant to the City Clerk of a fee of $1.00. Section 154. Parking Space Markings. The City Traf£ic Engineer is authorized to install and maintain parking space markings to indicate parking spaces adjacent to curbings where authorized parking is permitted. When such parking space markings are placed in the highway, subject to other and. more restrictive limitations, no vehicle shall be stopped, left standing or parked other than within a single space unless the size or shape of such vehicle makes compliance impossible. ARTICLE XIII RESTRICTED USE OF CEftTAIN STREETS 5ection 163. Truck Routes. (a) Whenever any ordinance, of this city designates and. describes any street or portion thereof as a street, the use of which is permitted by any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of three tons, the City Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized to designate such street or streets by appropria'(r signs as °Truck Traffic Routes° for the movement of vehicles exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of three tons. (b) When any such truck traffic route or routes are estab- lished and designated by appropriate signs, the operator of any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of three tons shall drive on such route or routes and none other except that nothing in this section shall prohibit the operator of any vehicle exceed.ing a maximum gross weight of three tons coming from a"Truck Traffic Route" having ingress and egress by direct route to and from restricted streets when necessary for the purpose of making pickups or deliveries of goods, wares and merchand3se from or~to any building or structure located on such restricted streets or for the purpose o£ delivering materials to be used in the actual and bona fide repair, alteration, -z5- remod~ling.or construction of any build.ing or structure upon such restricted stneets for which a building permit has previoualy been obtained there£or. (c) The provisions of this section shall not apply to (1) passenger buses under the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Com- mission, or to (2) any vehicle owned by a public utility while neces- sarily in use in the construction, installation or repair of any public utility. (d) Those streets and parts of streets described in Section 194 hereof are hereby declared to be truck traf£ic routes for the movement of vehicles exceeding a maximum gross weight of three tons. Section 164. Commercial Vehicles Prohibited from Us Certain Streets (a) Whenever any ordinance of this city designates and describes any street or portion thereof as a street the use of which is prohibited by any commercial vehicle, the City Traffic Engineer shall erect and maintain appropriate signs on those streets affected by such ordinance. (b) Those streets and parts of streets described in Section 195 hereof are hereby declared. to be streets the use of which is pro- hibited by any commercial vehicle. The provisions of this section shall not apply to passenger buses under the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission. ARTICLE XN TRAINS Section 170. Trains Not to Block Crossings. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permit any railway train or rail- way cars or similar vehicle on rails to operate or to be operated in such a manner as to prevent the use of any street for the purposes of travel for a period of time longer than ten (10) minutes, except that this provision shall not apply to railway trains, cars or similar vehicles on rails while blocking or obstructing a crossing because o£ an accident which requires the operator of the train, car or similar vehicle on rails to stop at or near the scene o£ the accident. -26- • ARTICLE XV VARYING PERMISSIBLE SPEEDS BY MECHANICAL MEANS. Section 180. Regulation o£ Speed by Traffic Signals, The City Traffic Engineer is authorized to regulate the timing of traffic signals so as to permit the movement of traffic in an orderly and safe manner at speeds slightly at variance from the speeds otherwise applicable within the district or at intersections, and. shall erect appropriate signs giving notice thereof. ARTICLE XVI SCHEDULES OF DESIGNATED STREETS REFERRED TO IN ORDINANCE, Section 187. One-Way Streets. In accordance with Section 80 and when properly sign-~aosted., tra£fic shall move only in the direction indicated upon those streets or parts of streets designated by ordinance or resolution o£ the City Council. Section 188. Through Streets. In accord.ance with the pro- visions of Section 91(a) and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall stop at the entrance or entrances to those intersections designated by ordinance or resolution of the City Council. Section 189. Stop Intersections. In accordance with the provisions of Section 91(b) and when signs are erected giving notice thereof,drivers o£ vehicles shall stop at the entrance or entrances to those intersections designated by ord.inance or resolution of the City Council. Section 190. Railroad Stops. In accordance with the pro- visions of Section 91(c) and when signs are erected giving notice thereof,drivers of vehicles shall stop before crossing the railroad tracks at those highway railway grade crossings designated by ordinance or resolution of the City Council. Section 191. Angle Parking on Certain Streets. In accor- dance with Section 125 and when signs or markings are in place giving notice thereof,drivers of vehicles may stand. or park a vehicle only as indicated. by such marks or signs on those streets or parts of -27- r '• streets designated. by ord.inance or resolution of the City Council. Section 192. Parking Time Limited on Certain Emumerated Streets. (a) In ~~ccord,=u~~e with Section 152, parking is limi_ted to one (1) liour betvr-:,n the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 ~~.rn. o£ an~~ day except Sundays and holidays upon any of those streets or parts of streets designated by ordinance or resolution of the City Council. (b) In accordance with Section 152, parking is limited to two (2) hours between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any days except Sund.ays and. holidays upon any of those streets or parts of streets designated by ord3nance or resolution of the City Council. Section 193. Parking Prohibited at Al1 Times on Certain Streets. In accordance with Section 154 and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall at any time park a vehicle upon any o£ those streets or parts of streets designated by ordinance or resolution of the City Council. Section 194 Truck Routes In accordance with Section 163 and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, those streets or portions of streets designated by ordinance or resolution of the City Council are hreby declared to be truck traffic routes for the movement of vehicles exceeding a maximum gross weight of three (3) tons. Section 195. Commercial Vehicles Prohibited. In accordance with Section 164, those streets and parts of streets designated by ord.inance or resolution of the City Council are hereby declared to be streets the use of which is prohibited by any commercial vehicle. ARTICLE XV3I PUBLIC OFF-STREET PARKING LOTS Section 205. What Off-street Parking Lots are Included. Public off-street parking lots shall include all public off-street parking lots established by the City Council, including but not res- tricted to public off-street parking in Vehicle Parking District No. 1 and Vehicle Parking District No. 2, as provided. by City Ordinances numbered 642, 659, 679, and 683, respectively. Section 206. Publ;c Off-street Parking Lots - Method o£ -28- Regulation. Subject to the power of the Board o£ Commissioners of Vehicles Parking Districts 1 and 2, and all other Boards of Commis- sioners of all other parking districts herea£ter formed, to operate, manage and control the parking places and make and enforce all neces- sary regulations for their use as provided by Section 31780 of the Streets and Highways Code, the method of regulation and control of parking or standing of vehicles in public off-street parking lots shall be determined by the City Council. Section 207. Overtime Parking. (a) The limit of parking times and the days and hours during which parking limits shall apply on public off-street parking lots shall be established by resolution of the City Council, except that no such resolution by the City Council shall become effective or valid unless and until the Board of Commissioners of Vehicle Parking District No. 1 and Vehicle Parking District No. 2, and. all other public parking districts hereafter formed shall have duly enacted. and passed a resolution in all respects the same as that enacted and passed by the City Council. (b) When appropriate signs or markers designating such parking time limits are in place giving notice thereof, it shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to stop, stand, or park said vehicle on any public off-street parking lot for longer than the per- mitted time. Section 208. Parking within Parking Spaces. When parking spaces on public off-street parking lots are designated by lines or other appropriate marking, it shall be unlawful for the operator of ar~ vehicle to stop, stand., or park said vehicle other than in a regularly designated parking or loading space, across any such line or marking, or in such a position that such vehicle shall not be entirely within the area so designated as a parking space. No vehicle shall be parked, stopped, nor shall stand either wholly or partially in any driveway of any public off-street parking 1ot or in any manner which shall obstruct or interfere with the free movement of vehicles in such drive- way or in any manner so as to obstruct or otherwise prevent or inter- -z9- to . fere with ingress/or egress from any regularly designated. parking. space. Section 209. Use of Entrance and Fxit. It shall be unlawful for any person to enter any public off-street parking lot over any area or driveway or the portion between any curb returns which is not marked. with the word "entrance" or otherwise indicated by arrows, signs, or words that it is a driveway or place for the entering of such parking lot. It shall be unlawful for any person to move any vehicle from any such parking 1ot into any public way over any area except an area marked with the word "exit" or otherwise indicated by arrows, signs, or words that it is a driveway or place for the leaving of such parking lot. Section 210. Use of Aisles It shall be unlawful for any person to travel in the direction opposite to that designated. in one- way aisles. It shall be unlawful for any person to travel on the left side of an aisle designated for two-way tra££ic movement. Section 211. Length of yehicles. It shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park any vehicle having an over-all length in excess of 21 feet in any public off-street parking lot. Section 212. Trailers. It shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand, or park any house or truck trailer in any public off- street parking lot. Section 213. Speed of Vehicles. It shall be unlawful for any person to move any vehicle on any public off-street parking lot at any speed exceed.ing ten (10) miles per hour. Section 214. Removal of Vehicles. The Police Department of the City of Lynwood is hereby empowered to remove, or cause to have removed to the neanest garage or place of safety, or to a garage des- ignated or maintained by the City of Lynwood, any vehicle that is stopped, standing, or parked on any publ3c off-street parking lot in violation of Sections 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, and 213 of this ordinance, or which is left on such public off-street parking -30- lot for a period exceeding thirty (30) hours. The provisions of Sections 22650 to 22655, inclusive, of the Vehicle Code of the State ~ of California pertaining to notice to owner and garage keeperts lien, shall apply in the event of such removal. Section 215. Prima ~acie Presumption. In any prosecution charging a violation of any of the provisions o£ this ordinance governing the stopping, standing or parking of a vehicle in any public off-street park;ng lot, proof that the particular vehicle described in the complaint was stopped, standing, or parking in violation of any provision o£ this ordinance, together with proof that defendant named in the complaint was at the time of such stopping, standing, or parking the registered owner of such vehicle, shall constitute in evid.ence a prima facie presumption that the registered owner of such motor vehicle was the person who stopped, left standing, or parking such motor vehiele at the point where and for the time during which such violation occurred. ARTICLE XVIII PENALTIES AND EFFECT OF` ORDINANCE Section 310. Penalties. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the city ,jail or in the county ,jail for not exeeed.ing three months, or by a fine of not to exceed three hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Secti.on 311. Effect of Ordinance. If any section, sub- section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the valid.ity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The legislative body hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and. phrase thereof, irres- pective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sen- tences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. Section 312. Repeal. Ordinances Numbers 493, 604, 605, 661, and 673 and all ordinances or parts of ordinance in con£lict -31- with or inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are ~. , hereby repealed, except that this repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any person for any act done or committed in violation of any ordinance hereby repealed. prior to the taking effect of this ordinance. Section 313. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Lynwood Press, a newsp8per of general circulation printed and circulated in the City of Lynwood. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on the lst day of March, 1960, and finally adopted. and. ordered published at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 15th day of March, 1960, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen English, Finch, Pender, Rowe, and Summens Noes: Councilmen None_ Absent: Councilmen None. R"• T• ' ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES: ss. CITY OF LYNWOOD ) I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, and. ex-officio clerk of the Council of said City, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of ordinance No. 700 adopted by the City Council of the City of Lynwood and that same was passed on the date and by the vote therein stated. Dated this 16th day of March , 1960 -~-- - A~- L , 0 OOD