HomeMy Public PortalAboutBoard of Health -- 2015-11-03 Minutes a ct tewe.' TOWN OF BREWSTER OFFICE OF •; 2198 MAIN STREET HEALTH DEPARTMENT :I 'v ' > BREWSTER,MA 02631 I _c-- •a PHONE:(508)896-3701 EXT 1120 ° ?jp.—,..Nti• ° FAX:(508)896-4538 BRHEALTH CI BREWSTER-MA.GOV - - - BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 3, 2015 AT 7:00PM TOWN HALL, ROOM A Board members present: Lemuel Skidmore,MS,MPH,Chairman;Carmen Scherzo,DVM, Vice Chairman;Annie Dugan,RN; Mary Chaffee,RN,PhD Board members absent: Joe Ford Others present:Nancy Ellis Ice, MPH,CHO,RS,Health Director and Tammi Mason, Senior Department Assistant 1. Chairman's announcements Mr. Skidmore reminded the Board about the flu clinic on November 5 at Our Lady of the Cape Church and stated that the Brewster Pond Coalition meeting was videotaped and is available to the public. 2. David Quinn-appeal of the Health Director's decision on 48 Barons Way This request was continued until the November 17th meeting. 3. Karma-food service permit application $rian Assent, Co-owner of Karma was present. He explained to the Board that this business will be both retail and wholesale. The permit he is looking for currently would be for retail,catering and take out. Mrs. Ice asked about the wholesale license from the State. Mr.Assent stated that he is still waiting to hear from the State. Mrs.Ice stated that a septic inspection was done and approved. Ms.Dugan asked if the classes he was proposing on the site would be held in the same place as where the food prep was going to be done. Mr.Assent stated that some will be lectures and some will be in the kitchen. Mr.Assent did receive a copy of the Assistant Health Director's review. Motion:Approve the application and grant the food service permit for"Karma"for retail food, catering and take out. The recommendations from the Assistant Health Director must all be taken care of and a final inspection needs to be done prior to the issuing of the permit. Motion:Annie Dugan Second: Dr. Scherzo Vote: 4-0-0 Action: Motion carried 4. Discuss testing for Manganese in well water Mrs.Ice told the Board that the Barnstable County Lab director said he could add Manganese to the routine test in Brewster if the Board wanted. Dr. Scherzo spoke about DEP establishing rules in 2015 with regards to this and read a statement. He asked if the Board would be willing to put a press release in the paper. Mrs.Ice will ask the lab director to add Manganese to the routine testing. WWW.TOWN.BREWSTER.MA.US Dr.Chaffee asked Mrs. Ice to let the VNA know so that they can include this in their well baby visits. Motion:Make the change in the Well Regulations to add Manganese into the routine testing and bring back to the Board for review and signatures,put a press release in the paper and on the Town website and let the VNA know. Motion: Dr. Scherzo Second: Annie Dugan Vote:4-0-0 Action: Motion carried 5. Discuss banning smoking on beaches Mr. Skidmore would like to hold off on this discussion until the full board is present. 6. Discuss the draft Pond Nutrient regulation Mr. Skidmore stated that it would be a good idea for the Board to have a public meeting after the CWPC meeting in early December. Dr.Scherzo handed out a copy of the"Schoolhouse Pond Rapid Watershed Assessment"report. He then read a statement that he had prepared with regards to this report. Mr. Skidmore gave the Board a brief review of his meeting with Mark Nelson. Dr. Chaffee spoke about groundwater flow. Dr.Scherzo would like his statement and findings to be forwarded to Mark Nelson. Mr. Skidmore would like the Board to vote on this regulation at their next meeting. Mrs.Ice will forward Dr. Scherzo's information to Mark Nelson. 7. Topics the Chairman did not anticipate The Board discussed the December meeting dates and voted to have just one meeting on December 15"'. Informational items were noted. • Any documents related to agenda items are available for review in the Health Department • To review past/present meetings:ww.brewster-ma.gov/documents and archives/ch18 video archives BOH 11/3/2015 Minutes Page 2 III