HomeMy Public PortalAbout1997/10/21 An Informal Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret was called to order by Mayor Peter J. Sica at approximately 7:00 P.M. in the Council Office, Municipal Building, 61 Cooke Avenue, Carteret, New Jersey. Upon individual roll call, the following were noted present: Councilmember James Failace " Jack Fazekas " William Feingold " Stanley Gutowski Noted absent were Councilmembers Deborah Bialowarczuk and John DuPont. Also noted present were Frank Raia, Jack Wolfe and Dr. Wolfe. ard J'ora.Yl AtwrĊ“y Q:aig J. ea.yùin. Mailed to The Home News Tribune, The Star Ledger and posted on the bulletin board on October 17,1999. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss Housing Projects. RESOLUTION #99-335A was introduced by the Mayor and was referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Failace and Fazekas RESOLUTION #99-335A "RESOLUTION TO GO INTO CLOSED SESSION" was adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Failace, Fazekas, Feingold and Gutowski voted in the affirmative. Councilmembers Bialowarczuk and DuPont were noted absent. Mr. Raia, Mr. Wolfe and Dr. Wolfe were noted absent from the meeting at this time. 1 At approximately 7:10 P.M., the meeting was adjourned into Closed Session. OCTOBER 21, 1997 INFORt-1AL MEETING PRESENT STATEMENT OF MEETING NOTICE PURPOSE RESOLUTION #99-335A Closed Session Adopted Raia, Wolfe & í;1olfe Noted Absent Adjourned Into Closed Session OCTOBER 21, 1997 MEETING OPE1VED PRESENT DISCUSSION Upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Failace and Fazekas and unanimous affirmative vote of the four (4) Councilmembers present, the Mayor declared the meeting to be open at approximately 7: IS P.M. Noted present were Mr. Raia, Mr. Wolfe and Dr. Wolfe. Mayor Sica said the governing body has looked at both projects, Cardinal Arms and the Wolfe project and they think both projects are worthwhile. They are not, at this time, going to give out any grant money. They have made somewhat of a commitment to Mr. Raia that they would lend him money. At this time, the Council has taken the approach that they will take $1,000,000 and they will loan $SOO,OOO each to both entities, at no interest for 30 years. Payments are to be $10,000 a year with a balloon payment at the end of the 30 years. Every time the borough gets a $484,000 payment from Readington, they will take $284,000 of that money, divide it in half and give Raia and Wolfe $142,000. It comes in six month intervals, until such time as the $SOO,OOO is satisfied. The other $200,000 will be given out to taxpayers to upgrade existing houses. By doing that both Raia and Wolfe can go to the county and borrow the money at a cheap rate with the commitment that every six months $142,000 will be forthcoming from the Borough of Carteret. The only contingency they will ask is that both projects get started within 60 days and the governing body has a right to monitor the expenditures. It's a lot to digest in a short time. Mr. Raia asked what dates would these funds be coming in? Mayor Sica said when the borough gets them, the next day he would get them. He said he didn't have the dates in front of them, but they have them. Mr. Raia said he spoke with the Wolfes in the hall and they won't be able to start until the beginning of the year or the end of the year because their funding sources depends on the federal (inaudible) and just tax credits alone won't be until July. What they need is a commitment from the town. Mayor Sica· said if the borough gives Wolfe the commitment of $SOO,OOO, they won't give him the $142,000 until they do somehing. Mr. Raia asked if his project is working and balanced housing is approved next week, he could start immediately. Mayor Sica said when the first increment comes in and Wolfe isn't ready, Mr. Raia would get it. Then when Wolfe is ready to go, he will get his. They would like to have that taken down, it looks terrible. He said the borough has committed $284,000 from each of the payments from Readington. If Mr. Raia starts first and he needs the bulk of$284,000 that's fine. That's not a problem. 2 Mr. Wolfe said he would know on the 27th of October. There proposal is in. Mr. Raia said his proposal was for $560,000. Mayor Sica said he would have to eliminate 3 units and just get the $500,000. Mr. Raia said there are 7 units that have to be done in the Hill Section. Mayor Sica said that was a separate entity. Tonight they would talk about Cardinal and Mr. Wolfe's proposition. They should be hearing something from another town about RCA money and then they will look at other units. He said now they know they have committed $1,000,000 here and $500,000 someplace else. They will take that and add it all together and add the money they will be receiving and then see the ratio balance. So much money will go to the taxpayer and so much to the developer. Mr. Raia said the Federal Government has already given him their share when he bought those buildings. Mayor Sica said they will look at it and the Council wants it cleaned up more than Mr. Raia does. Mr. Raia said 568 Roosevelt is completed. Two are handicapped units. Borough Attorney Coughlin said whatever the Council does is subject to the approval of COAH. They will have to put together a project plan. They have to approve it. He proposed that they put together a contract which will outline what everybody's obligations are and the plans. Getting things attended to and accomplished. Meeting our obligations both under our Regional Contribution Agreement and our requirements to getting the proof through COAN and HFA. Mayor Sica asked the Council to work with these guys. Borough Attorney Coughlin said they had to put the numbers together, not only the plans. Mayor Sica said they wanted both Raia and Wolfe to get started. They want them to finish up the Hill and then get started in the Chrome area. He said they fully intend to make the streetscape down there. He said he wants to try and wipe out all the buildings down there that are a mess and make everyone of them into a decent place. He said working together he was sure they could do it. He asked if they had a basic agreement? Both Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Raia said yes. 3 Borough Attorney Coughlin said he had a telephone conference today with the Administrative Law Judge and Mr. Haddad of Simon's Night Club. The Judge proposed that they stick with the conditions of private security and have a 30 day suspension. He told the Judge he didn't think that was good enough and he would talk to the Council about 60 days. Mayor Sica said to compromise and go with 45 days. OCTOBER 21, 1997 DISCUSSION Continued Simon's Night Clul OCTOBER 21, 1997 Simon's Night Club Continued School Guards Blue & White Collar Negotiations ADJOURNED Borough Attorney Coughlin said that was the number he suggested. Mr. Haddad said he wasn't guilty of anything. The Judge suggested they have a hearing. Mayor Sica said let him have a hearing. Borough Attorney Coughlin asked for a time for a meetinl: for negotiations for School Guards. They wanted to have it on the 12' . Mayor Sica said if that's when they wanted to have it. Borough Attorney Coughlin said they would have it on November 12th at 6:30 P.M. Councilmember Failace spoke about a mediator. Borough Attorney Coughlin said the only people with binding arbitration are the cops. Mayor Sica said the cops are binding only if the borough doesn't appeal in Superior Court. Borough Attorney Coughlin said they would have a heavy burden if they appealed it. Mayor Sica said if they came in and gave then an 8% raise, they would have to appeal it and if they won they could suspend it. Borough Attorney Coughlin said they had a meeting scheduled with the Blue and White unions on the 27th. Councilmember Failace asked if they wanted mediation or did they just want to meet with the Council? Borough Attorney Coughlin said they just wanted to meet with them. Mayor Sica said if they meet with them again it says they are weak. Councilmember Failace said they didn't want to meet with them. There being no further business or discussion, upon MMS&C, by Councilmembers Failace and Fazekas and unanimous affirmative vote of the four (4) Councilmembers present, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:30 P.M. ~l1Y ,"bmitt"', ~~y THLEEN M. BARNEV Municipal Clerk KMB/sj