HomeMy Public PortalAbout20141222 - Board of Health - Meeting MinutesBOH December 22, 2014 Minutes Page 1 Approved on January 7, 2015 BOARD OF HEALTH Town of Hopkinton, Massachusetts 18 Main Street, 2rd Floor Meeting Room #211 Monday, December 22, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. MINUTES Members present: Paul Winshman, Chairman; Jennifer Belesi; Nasiba Mannan BOH Staff Present: Edward Wirtanen, Public Health Administrator Late Arrival: Ms. Mannan arrived to the meeting at 7:20 p.m. The meeting was called to order at 7:12 p.m. by Chairman Winshman. Acceptance of Minutes Mr. Wirtanen requested that the Board approve the meeting minutes of August 21, 2014 and December 8, 2014. Ms. Belesi motioned to approve the August 21, 2014 and December 8, 2014 meeting minutes. Chairman Winshman seconded. All in favor. Open Session Mr. Ziff, Eden Management, Inc., updated the Board in regards to the Crossroads Development Parkwood Drive Extension. This is a project that will create an entry way off of 495 to show the Town’s perception of affluence where people would live, work, and play in the community. The area will have about 375 homes which will be elevated and also have retail stores, the two Perkin and Elmer buildings (lots 1 & 5) will stay. He further added that the area is zoned industrial but hopes to change that to residential/business at town meeting in the future. They are in discussions with the Zoning Board. He also stated that the abutters have no issues with the development of the area. Mr. Ziff said that a couple of things have occurred since his initial presentation to Board in March which is that the Water Supply and Treatment Evaluation Report from Weston & Sampson, a potable water infrastructure study, has been completed and the report states that the Town of Hopkinton has enough water to supply this project and also has sufficient water flow. He informed the Board that this report has been given to the Board of Selectmen and also said that the Soil Sampling from Beal Associates have concluded that the soil is suitable to construct the proposed roadway. He showed the Board a preliminary district plan which showed the proposed community and also showed the proposed roadway exhibit plan which indicated where the entry road to Wood Street would be constructed. Chairman Winshman asked if this project would be on its own wastewater treatment system or town water and sewer. Mr. Ziff’s said that whatever works best for the project is what they will go with and are willing to take the necessities to make this project reality and better for the town. BOH December 22, 2014 Minutes Page 2 Approved on January 7, 2015 Chairman Winshman said that the Board’s concern is that this project has the appropriate infrastructure to support the population’s wastewater treatment needs and thank Mr. Ziff for his update. Request for a Building Permit Application Approval/196 Lumber Street/ Mr. Jeff Prall, Construction Advisor, Sarah & Patrick Donnelly ≈ This item is a continuation from the December 8, 2014 Board of Health meeting. Overview: Mr. Prall requested the Board’s approval for a building permit application to finish the basement at 196 Lumber Street. He said that this is an existing 4 bedroom, 9 room home built in 2013 and the owners would like to renovate the basement that would include two (2) finished rooms and a sink, preferably without submitting a deed restriction. Mr. Prall said that the developer informed the owners that they would be able to add additional rooms in the basement and provided them a quote for the work. He also informed the Board that they now have a revised floor plan from the one they submitted before and gave copies to the Board to review. Mr. Wirtanen informed the Board that the department spoke with the developer, at the time of constructing the home, and suggested to increase the size of the septic system to allow for additional rooms to this home and the developer did not want to increase the size of the system. Board of Health Recommendation: The Board reviewed the revised floor plan and after a lengthy discussion the Board insisted on the following:  That Mr. & Mrs. Donnelly increase the opening by the storage and utility area to minimum of 8 feet, possibly installing the separation wall at a 45 degree angle. This would provide a continuous open space and comply with the Board of Health’s room count regulation. They were also requested to return to the Board’s December 22nd meeting with the revised floor plan. Chairman Winshman noted that this is the only way to comply without submitting a deed restriction on the home. Present Discussion: Mr. & Mrs. Donnelly presented the Board with their revised floor plan with the changes as suggested at their December 8, 2014 meeting. Ms. Belesi motioned to approve the amended floor plan with the revisions as discussed at their December 8, 2014 meeting. Ms. Mannan seconded. All in favor. BOH December 22, 2014 Minutes Page 3 Approved on January 7, 2015 Request for a Building Permit Application Approval/69 Winter Street/Michael Todisco Mr. Todisco and Joseph Kupstas, Remodel Werks, requested the Board’s approval to renovate the kitchen, master bedroom expansion and to convert the garage into a family room. The home is a one (1) bedroom, seven (7) room house built in 2003 on a .23 acre of land with a private well. The septic flow is 330 gpd and the septic system is for a 3 bedroom home. This property already has a 1 bedroom deed restriction using the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) form and another one from the previous owners. The Board reviewed the floor plan submitted and asked Mr. Wirtanen for a brief history on the property. Mr. Wirtanen said that this property was originally a nitrogen aggregate loading parcel which does not allow any additional bedroom to be added due to having less than one (1) acre of property. This property has two (2) deed restrictions; one from the DEP and the other from the previous owner which was not approved by the Board. Mr. Todisco informed the Board that in the last eight (8) years he has purchased two (2) abutting lots to the left and right side of their parcel and now have .73 total acreage and further indicated that he will also be testing his well water due to the set back restrictions in place. He further informed the Board that he will pursue the removal of at least one (1) of the bedroom deed restriction on the property in the near future. In light of the new information supplied by Mr. Todisco the Board voted the following: Ms. Belesi motioned to approve the proposed renovation plans in light of the increased acreage as indicated by Mr. Todisco and requested that a copy of his lawyer’s letter requesting the removal of the restriction be sent to the Board of Health. Ms. Mannan seconded. All in favor. Public Health Administrative Job Description Update Mr. Wirtanen informed the Board that he met with Maria Casey, Human Resources Director, regarding the job description and explained why there were two different ones and informed her of the approved job description from the Board and further asked when will the job description (the one approved by the Board) be advertised, and what the salary range will be. Chairman Winshman noted that he did speak with the Town Manager regarding the difference in the job description and asked for clarification from Mr. Wirtanen. Mr. Wirtanen stated that he believes that this position is not clear to people and the role that the position undertakes. This position is autonomous as it is with the staff and Board and is clearly stated under State law and the town’s charter. Staff represents the Board of Health members in their absence and has all those powers as an elected official. They answer only to the residents of the Town as representatives of the elected Board of Health. In matters representing the Department they only answer to the Board of Health. If the Public Health Administrator position is filled, its duties and responsibilities, as written in the job description that the Board previously approved, will overlap with those of the Director and will also have the opportunity to advance within the department. BOH December 22, 2014 Minutes Page 4 Approved on January 7, 2015 He noted that the Town Manager and the former Human Resources Director’s view of the position is misunderstood as noted on the job description that was updated and given to him. Mr. Wirtanen strongly noted that he is very much aware of what is needed in the department since he performs the duties and responsibilities on a daily bases and has a better understanding of the volume and great detail that the job encompasses. A position that combines the duties of the contractual employees will not restore the department to minimum full-time staffing levels. He also said that he believes the salary range and grade for the position will be at an entry level which is not what he believes the salary and grade should be to compensate an individual with the necessary dedication to improve the departments’ services. Mr. Wirtanen made it very clear that if the Public Health Agent job description that the Town Manager wants in place prevails there is no need for him or the contracted staff to be employed. He believes this is the Town Manager’s plan for control of all Town Departments. Finally, Mr. Wirtanen noted that he needs to get the department back full staffed as it was before the budget cuts occurred and needs the position to be filled as soon as possible. The Board stated that they fully understood Mr. Wirtanen’s concerns and will move forward with a direction letter to the Town Manager of what the Board is expecting to occur with the Public Health Administrative position sometime in January 2015. Informational Documents: Mr. Wirtanen informed the Board of the following informational documents for their review:  Update Fiscal Year 2015 Budget  Revisions of the Board of Registration in Embalming and Funeral Directing Rules & Regulations Public Hearing  Ending of Ban on Medical Marijuana  Marijuana and the Teen Brain Presentation  Information on PODS (Portable On Demand Storage)-These are the pods that the BOH files are being kept during the Town Hall renovations. Future Meeting Schedule Mr. Wirtanen reminded the Board of their upcoming meeting dates: ≈ Wednesday, January 7, 2015 ≈ Monday, January 26, 2015 BOH December 22, 2014 Minutes Page 5 Approved on January 7, 2015 Payroll Request Mr. Wirtanen requested that the payroll for him be signed by the Board.  December 22-27, 2014  December 29, 2014-January 3, 2015 Chairman Winshman signed the payroll request as presented for Mr. Wirtanen. ADJOURN: Ms. Belesi motioned to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Ms. Mannan seconded. All in favor Respectfully Submitted, Nidia LaRoche Administrative Assistant, LUPP