HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 101June 1,1926 Hr;T } 1 Air 101 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Ault was called to ord-3r by Mayor Girardot at 8:15 P.Y. Upon roll call the following member's were found present, Anderson, Hasbrouck, Sivers, Smith. Absent Peterson and Young. The minutesp4 AgNAAAAng meeting were read and approved as read. The motiontlnWto fhe expense on Mr. Curry's motorcycle was discussed. Mr. Young came in during the discussion. Hasbrouck moved, Seconded by Sivers that beginning June 1,1226 W.L.Curry Jr. be paid the salary of $140.00 per month as Town M=arshall and N,i ghtwatchman, said Curry to dear all expense and liability on motorcycle used i the discharge of such work. All present voted Aye. Absent Peterson. The coilecting of Dog Tax on dogs that are confined cti scus s ect.. it was decided to collect tax on al l ctogs wheat'ier they he confined or allowed to run at large. The following 0111.5 hav i nff been cllecked by the finance committee were read, Smith Lumber eo. X2.25 Smith Lumber Co. 3.60 J.A.BEeIc sex 7.0t) Huctgins-Peence Motor t>o. 8.18 Cont. Oil uo. Cont Oil Co. 3.01 4 . L .Curry J r . 8 . F, Mountain Sta. T. T.Co. .15 Ault Advertiser 14.02 0. .Frye 25. 0 tt . lei. RePas s 43.'d0 Home Gas & Ble. C o. 82.00 Home Gas & ;le. Co. 1.50 Home Gas & Ele. Co. 17.91 Home Gas & Ele.Co. J . M. Minni s First Nat l Bank Greeley I.O.O.F.Realtir Co. School Dist x',34 YI,.L.Curry Jr. J . D. Si viers J . 3). Sivers J.B.Sivers Martin Janssen Claude Fiddler Bankers Trust Co. Fairbanks Morse Co. F.J .Sta_r.key $94.60 26.00 1027.50 21.50 15.00 95.73 4.00 62.50 62.50 100.00 24.10 .34 300.00 20.05 Hasbrouck moved. Anderson seconded that the bills be allowed/and warrants dr=awn on the Treasurer for the same. Al] present voted Aye. Absent Peterson and Smith. Disposition of the rain water tat drains south on Second Avenue discussed. go action taken. Installing of a nightwtcbrnans light discus >ed. This was turned ()VDT to the Police Committee. Hasbrouck moved to adjourn subject to the call of the Mayor. Sivers sc o-onded this motion. All present voted Aye. REGULAR MEETING Mayor Clerk Jule 6,1926 A re _lar meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Ault was called to order by Mayor Girardot at 8:15 P.M. Upon roll call the following members were found present, Ancerson, Hasbrouck; Peterson, Sivers, and Young. Absent Smith. The minutes of the preeeding meeting were read and approved as read. Mr.Sivers reported that the Committee had taken up the matter of installing t'e Policemans light with Mr. Croll of the Telephone Co. and was awaiting his reply. Installing of intersection markers at the Main street intersections discussed. Mr Curry offered some suggestions in regard to the size and shape of the markers. The Board favored the installation and this was turned over to the Street & Ai ey committee. Paving of the square at the bank corners discussed. The committee was asked to obtain bids on this work with the view of having it done. They were also asked to see what could be done about draining the water from the corner of the Highway at the Northern Imp.P. Produce Co. Mr Smith came in at this time. The following bills having been checked and approved by the Finance Committee were r e ad . Mountain Mates T.& T.Co. $.10 Home Gas & Ele Co. Home Gags & El e, Co. 82.00 Home GAS & Ele. Co. Home GAs & Ele. Co. 128.60 C . F .Frye 1.50 2.25 6.00