HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 114�1 Special Meeting (Cent) April 12, 1927 The Mayor told the .Board of Mr. Curry's unexpected resignation. This was discussed briefly. Mr.Sivers asked tha his ±esignat ion from the .oardbe accepted at once and left, the meeting. The resignation and the cause of it was dis- cussed breifly. The Board decided not to accept the resignation at this time but try and prevail upon Mr.Sivers to withdraw it. The Mayor then thanked the Board for their help and co-operation throughout the year and remarked upon the harmony prevailing. He wished the menoers of the old Board who had been elected to the new, sucess and harmony in their new undertaking. The keys to the City were turned over to Dr.A.Anderson the newly elected Mayor. Hasbrouck moved, And:; ^son seconded that the meeting adjourn Sine Die. All present voted Aye. n ,- aJ",g Mayor Town Clerk NEW BOARD April 12,19 27 The new Board was called to order by Mayor Anderson at 8:15 P.M. Upon roll call the following members were found present, Hasbrouck, McIntyre, Newman, Peterson and Young. Absent Sivers. F.n..Girardot, a notary public was present and administered the oath od office to Dr. A.Anderson to serve as Mayor for the term of one year, and Jacob Hasbrouck, J . C7. Newman, and F . J . Mc Int yr a to serve as Trustees for the term of two years each. Mayor Anderson then spoke to the Board briefly. The following coim:iittees were appointed by the Mayor to serve for the coming year. Finance Core:Att ee, Hasbrouck, Young, Newman W.W.Committee Young, Mclntyre, Hasbrouck Street & Alley, Building and IInproveaent, Newman, e.cIntyre, Sivers Cemetery & Parks, Peterson, Young, Sivers Police Committee, Sivers, Hasbrouck, Peterson, Judiciary Comaittee, McIntyre, Peterson, Newman Y.ayor Pro-Tempore, Hasbrouck Chas McFetridge was present and asked permission to erect a garage of cement clock on the lots south of Starkey filling station. hasbrouck moved, Young seconded that .YcFetridge be allowed to build a garage in compliance with the fire Ordinances of the Town. Al.,. present voted Aye. The Applications of C.E.Hub yard for the position of night marshal, Martin Janssen, and J . =.Waits for the position of Park Supt., `. W. Tegt- r::anfor the Position of day aarshal, J.D.Sivers for the position of Town Clerk and Police Vagistrate,,; were read. Hasbrouck moved, Peterson seconded that J,D.Sivers be app oi: ted Town Clerk for the cor>:ing year at the salary of $125.00 per rno_ th. All present voted Aye. Young moved, Newman seconded that Llartin Janssen be ap_.:ointed Park Supt. for the coming summer at the salary of $100.00 per month. All present voted Aye. W. C. Tegtnian' s application for the position of day marshall was dis- cussed, and finally turned over to the Police com_._ittee to act upon as they see fit. Hasbrouck moved, Young seconded that Dr. McCain be appointed Town Physician. All present voted Aye. Young moved that Mr.Neisler be appointed Town Treasurer for the com- ing year. Newman seconded this motion. All pres:.;nt voted Aye. Hasbrouck moved that the Board accept the ap-lication of J.D.Sivers for the position of Police Magistrate. McIntyre seconded this motion. Ali present voted Aye. The Board was in favor of retaining C.F.Hubbard as Nightwatch altho no motion to this effect was entertained. Hasbrouck luoved, Young seconded that the position of day Marshal be declared vacant beginning April 1, 19127. All present voted Aye. The Clerk stated that Mrs. Kelly desired to erect some signs on the highway for advertising her hotel. The Board decided to grant this per- mission. The problems of the various comrittes were discussed at length. The Mayor gave the ittees some instructions in regard to their duties.