HomeMy Public PortalAboutPleasant Bay Alliance -- 2016-03-09 Minutes BREWSTER TOWN CLERK. Meeting Minutes '16 APR14 9:71101 Pleasant Bay Alliance Steering Committee March 9, 2016,4 pm, Brewster Town Hall Attending: Chris Miller,Jane Harris,Chuck Bartlett, Dolly Howell,Judith Bruce,Allin Thompson, Carole Ridley Allin called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm. Minutes of February 9 were approved unanimously on a motion by Dolly and a second by Judith. Coordinator's report: • The Alliance was not invited to submit a full proposal under the SNEP Coastal Restoration Grant. The DLTA submission to the Cape Cod Commission is still under review. • A draft letter to the Cape Cod Commission regarding the development of a watershed plan was discussed. The letter was the result of meetings and discussions with the Cape Cod Commission and other analysis prepared by Wright Pierce. The analysis by Wright Pierce and the Watershed Work Group compiles information from the MEP,TMDL report,town plans and Cape Cod. Commission. The objective is to identify consensus loads, and load allocations, and to combine the four town plans and evaluate the resulting nitrogen removal against reductions needed to achieve thresholds. The analysis has identified differences in assumptions and data between the various MEP and town data sources and the Cape Cod Commission. These need to be reconciled for the analysis to be completed. The preference would be to incorporate Commission loading data for use in MEP model runs, however questions need to be clarified. The purpose of the letter sets out the Alliance's approach to developing a watershed plan that complies with the 208 plan update,and the questions that need to be answered in order to use the Commission's data to complete the watershed plan. There was a lengthy discussion about the issues addressed in the letter. Carole suggested adding language that makes it clear that the Alliance would review any watershed report and analysis with Selectmen in each town before presenting to the Cape Cod Commission. After lengthy discussion, Dolly moved to authorize the Coordinator to send the letter to the Commission with copy to Boards of Selectmen and DEP. Jane offered a second to the motion and it was voted unanimously. • A proposed scope of work from SMAST to evaluate the implications of the Cadmus trend assessment was discussed. Carole noted that refinements of the scope would be requested of SMAST. Chuck suggested adding as a research question the meaning of falling pigment levels and increasing nitrogen levels. Judith moved authorization to enter into a contract with Cadmus based on a refined scope, for an amount not to exceed $20,000.Jane seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. • With the new projects underway,Carole suggested that the Steering Committee formalize its policy for work groups.Jane moved that consist of regular attendees who are members of the Steering and Technical Resource Committees. Representatives of regional or state agencies,and town consultants are encouraged to participate ex officio,along with interested citizens, but are not members.Judith offered a second and the vote was unanimous. • The results of the RFP for the Sea Level Rise Assessment were discussed. Two firms submitted qualifying proposals: GZA Environmental Consultants and Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies. A review committee evaluated both proposals using a scoring form. PCCS was rated higher by each member of the committee, for a total of 111/125 points, compared with 79/125 points for GZA. Both proposals came in just under the allotted $40,000 budget as proposed in the RFP. An interview was held with PCCS to get clarity on aspects of the proposal. Satisfactory responses were provided and the review committee agreed to recommend that PCCS be awarded the contract for$39,968.07. The April Steering Committee meeting was rescheduled to April 13th at 4 pm. The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 pm. Submitted / 'Tj211X/ G' ,., Date `' -/Z BREWSTER TOWN CLERK Pleasant Bay Alliance A PP,f 4 9::;11-4c :r l : Steering Committee October 30, 2015, 1 pm Brewster Town Hall Attending: Dolly Howell,Judith Bruce,Fran McClennen, Chuck Bartlett,Chris Miller, Allin Thompson, Bob Duncanson, Carole Ridley Minutes of September 9,2015 were approved on a motion from Judith Bruce and a second from Chuck Bartlett. Coordinator's Report: • The FY17 budget was presented. The budget is level funded from FY16. The budget highlights include 59,500 for salary and administration; and$34,500 for program expenses. Program expenses include$23,500 for water quality monitoring, $4,500 for watershed planning and modeling,$5,000 for coastal resiliency/sea level rise planning, and$1,500 for public outreach. Chris suggested included some funds for ecological assessments,which were in last year's budget. Carole will add $1,500 for ecological assessments,with adjustments to other program categories to maintain level funding.Judith made a motion to approve the budget with that change,seconded by Dolly,and the motion passed unanimously. It was noted that the Alliance has accrued funds from past grants and other program savings that are available for projects in the current fiscal year. • Greg Skomal was notified of the award of$5,000 for acoustic monitoring equipment. He is proposing to locate receivers inside the north inlet,and between Nickerson Neck and Strong Island. Equipment he had previously planned to use inside the inlet was not functioning,so the award is timely. • A scope of work and proposal from Wright-Pierce to provide technical assistance to the watershed work group was discussed. The work group has been working with the Cape Cod Commission to combine the four town plans into a watershed plan.The 208 plan process requires that this be done by June 30, 2015. The Cape Cod Commission is providing assistance,but the scope covers work that the Cape Cod Commission is not doing.The scope will lead to development of consensus on nitrogen loads and load allocations that can be run through the MEP model. Bob Duncanson spoke to the need for the analysis, to assist in evaluating work underway by the Commission,and assist the towns in understanding the potential for efficiencies that could only be identified by combining the four plans. He noted that there are already known differences in data and approach and this scope will help to evaluate the significance or insignificance of these differences. Overall this will help to build public confidence in the plans.Two amendments to the scope were requested: One is to add April 30th as the date by which a report is issued. The other is to break out the budget amount according to the groupings of tasks. The proposal is for $32,000,with an upside of$35,000-$38,000 due to complications that could arise with some tasks. An overage of the $32,000 would not proceed without the Alliance's prior consent.The budget does not include the cost of MEP model runs,but Wright Pierce will coordinate the runs. Judith moved to approve the scope with the April 30th report date,and budget broken out by tasks,in an amount not to exceed$38,000. Chuck offered a second to the motion. The vote was unanimous. Bob will provide Wright Pierce the town's standard form contract. Bob asked whether Allin could execute the latest SMAST agreement for laboratory processing of water quality samples. The contract is extended every three years,but SMAST has kept the sample analysis price level. Fran made a motion to accept the contract and authorize the Chair to execute it on behalf of the Alliance. Dolly offered a second on the motion,which passed unanimously. With business concluded,Allin asked for a motion to adjourn. Chuck moved adjourn, Judith seconded and it was so voted. Signed edeeei.e, /L�/• Date Jv+' -6)/ - / BREWSTER TOWN CLERK Pleasant Bay Alliance Steering Committee ,y APR lit '-,4 January 12, 2016 Attending: Fran McClennen,Chuck Bartlett,Jane Harris,Judith Bruce, Dolly Howell, Chris Miller,Carole Ridley Minutes of December 1, 2015 were approved unanimously on a motion by Chuck and a second by Dolly. 1.Watershed Planning • Work is underway with Wright Pierce. Mike Giggey is working with individual towns and the Cape Cod Commission to reconcile watershed nutrient loading figures. Mike's analysis to date will be presented to the Watershed Work Group on January 27th at 9 am in Orleans Town Hall. The Commission will present its analysis to the Work Group on February 10th at 1 pm. Based on the work Wright Pierce is doing,it is likely that the watershed will have a composite plan by the close of the fiscal year. • A letter of intent to seek an EPA SNEP Grant was discussed. The draft letter of intent was prepared by Mike Domenica with input from Alan McClennen. The concept is for the Alliance to play a role in managing alternative technology projects,and in continuing coordination of the four town plans as a watershed plan. The letter of intent does not commit any resources. If the Alliance is asked by EPA to submit a full proposal, each town Board of Selectmen would be briefed. Jane moved to authorize Carole to revise the letter of intent based on any comments provided by the Steering Committee and others,and to share a revised version with the Steering Committee prior to submission no later than January 22. Dolly offered a second to the motion, which was voted unanimously. 3.The RFP has been issued for an Assessment of Sea Level Rise impacts on Nauset Barrier Beach and Pleasant Bay and responses are due February 12th. The Alliance has the ability to split tasks among firms, if desired. The Coastal Work Group will review the proposals and make a recommendation to the Steering Committee. 4.The Steering Committee was asked to consider voting an additional $400 to offset printing costs for the barrier beach pamphlet prepared by the Cooperative Extension Service (Greg Berman).The flyer was prepared at the Alliance's request. Previously$600 had been voted for 500 copies for the Alliance. Chris moved to spend a total of$1,000 to offset printing costs, provided the Alliance receives 500 copies of the flyer.Chuck offered a second and the vote was unanimous. 5.The Committee gave authorization to secure a quote for graphic design of the Erosion Management Guidelines document. The need for media outreach once the document is completed also was discussed. 6,Annual reports will be submitted soon. Jane suggested including a mention of projects underway and anticipated for the year ahead. The status of construction of the Muddy Creek Bridge was briefly discussed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 on a motion by Fran and a second by Chuck. Approved Date u Pleasant Bay Alliance t,nPzt�;TEp: TRH. +,Lfr, Steering Committee Meeting Notes ,.;5 App-14 December 1, 2015, 4-m, Chatham Annex Small Meeting Room :1'..:114,1 tf Attending: Allin Thompson, Fran McClennen, Chris Miller,Judith Bruce,Chuck Bartlett, Dolly Howell,Carole Ridley Minutes of October 30, 2015 were approved unanimously on a motion by Judith and a second by Dolly. Coordinator's Report FY 17 budget requests were submitted to the towns. The watershed work group will meet on December 3rd to review a draft of the shellfish study underway by Horsley Witten for the Town of Brewster. Shellfish advisory committees from the towns have been invited to attend. The contract with Wright Pierce has been signed and work is under way on the combined watershed management project Mike Giggey's initial analysis will be presented at a watershed work group meeting on December 16th at 2 pm,along with additional analysis by the Cape Cod Commission. Fran suggested that the shellfish study and watershed analysis be announced at the Orleans OWQAP meeting. Carole noted that Cadmus has been asked to provide a cost for presenting the water quality report to the OWQAP,at the request of Alan McClennen. Greg Berman has completed a 4-page pamphlet on barrier beach responses to Sea Level Rise, The pamphlet is an outgrowth of work underway by the Coastal Work Group. Funds are needed for printing the pamphlet. Chris moved to fund up to $600 for printing costs for 500 copies. Judith seconded the motion,which passed unanimously Erosion Management Guidelines are still in development. A draft should be ready for peer review by the end of the year. A final interim tide gage report from Graham Giese was circulated electronically. A scope of work for a request for proposals for a Coastal Resiliency assessment was discussed. The following comments were provided: • Change the planning horizon • Emphasize team approach • Invite creative responses to technical approach • Revise the last sentence of task 3 • Review the Orleans RFP for Nauset Beach to see if there is any helpful language or data references Fran moved to authorize release of an RFP for the scope of work as edited,for an amount up to $40,000. Chris provided a second to the motion and the vote was unanimous. Carole said she would work with Bob Duncanson to get the RFP out before the end of the year. She will circulate a revised RFP before it is issued. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm Signed Date 11