HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 143Continued from :age 142. Street & Alley report from !.Tani, to Dec. 1 3. 28 by Chairman of the S & A. Corm. John G. Newman. Crad.ed end drained Alleys for two blocks on N.orht an South side of Main S t re e. Put in 64' of 12" Bell Tile across 2nd street on East Side of track with view of d einin 2nd, 3rd and A. Street. Also iaed and plowed A. Street North of S-_-iht Lbr., Co., Cutting the Gutter deep enough to get rid off_ the aforementioned drainage. The Citizenspromised to run drain ditch across from 3rd street to 2nd Street but to this time have not done so. 4 d side walks repaired and put in curbing where required in the main business District an _ charged same up to the pro ;arty owners. Al]. of whom have . aid the Charge. Put in 50 ft. of Curbing on lots 9 & 10 h. cGlenn Addition belonging to the Town of Ault . Put in 60 ' of 10" Bell Tile across 3rd street south of the C ongaga t ion l Church . rut in 32 ft. of 12 inch Corrugated Galvanized Pipe across the Park Street next to the Grade School Building. Put in New bridge across irrigating ditch connecting All icon Street .: i ththe Main Highway. Put 2,160,000 Gallons of water on streets while sprinkling during the Summer and Fall months. Graded and drained 'A Street South from Smith Lumbar Yard for on block. Graded. 2nd. Street 1 lock west from Ru ther :or Filling Station. Thru the help of y . 1..+. Edward and his men we were Idle to gtavel 23 blocks of the To1n Streets. The Gravel cost the Town nothing but the cost of raking off the large rock and hauling same 'hn 0-. Newman Chairman Street & Alley Com. Cerne -ry Report of T. H. Paterson , Chairman of Committee. hr. J. p. Fiddler was a o inted caretaker for the Cemetery for the Summer of 1928 and is to be complimented onthe manner in which he handled the job. The Cemetary has been kept clear :s '� '' 'F^" t' �:'� '3 regularly. New Trees were rut L of aieeds and irrigated igat .d. regul _rly. Ne:. Sere ::_u�,� in where the oldones had died out. Janssen with the aid of a r.rison er trimmed all of the trees. The cost has been very reasonable averaging less than 2O per month for the summer months. The Parks have been kept in exc elland condition and New trees gat in there the old ones died cut. Mr. Jannsen the car: et ker and a prisoner tri-ided all of the trees =ithout additional ional expanse to the Town. T. H. Peterson chairman Cemeta.ry & Parks Pumping Planr . and Water report of F. J. McIntyre , Chairman of the Committee. Total amount of Water pumped from Jan. 1 to iec. 1 , 1928 amounts to 22, 325, 000 'gallons. a t r Account Re c e ip � s R T F4 Drafts Profit Bal 4,339.43. 4,233.94 r 1..5.49 1420 .81 This amount was carried Fwd. Jnn 1, 1928 52,6.307 Total amount in W. `forks fund Dec. 1 1928 Out of the ' at,er Receipts we have paid off one registered parr .nt for 'l375.00 and ' 817.50 of interest on Water bonds. Aver cost per t��o�,;.s..nd. g llons of water for all ex: anses incl�.din �Bords, Interee t and o],erat ng cost. .19 cents _ er thousand .' 1 ons of .._.ater. receipts from each water user using 230 connections as w basis to figure from. 1.286 per connection. Continued.