HomeMy Public PortalAbout10B Consideration of General Vision Statement And Guiding Principles - CopyAGENDA ITEM 10.8. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM January 20, 2015 The Honorable City Cou ncil Bryan Cook , City Manager Michael D. Forbes , AICP , Community Development Director By : Scott Reimers , Planning Manager SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF GENERAL PLAN VISION STATEMENT AND GUIDING PRINCIPLES RECOMMENDATION: The City Council is requ ested to consider and provide comment on the General Plan Vision Statement and Guiding Principles (Attachment "A ") approved by th e General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC). BACKGROUND: 1. On September 22 , 2014 , GPAC m embers participated in a visioning activity in which they were asked to identify things th ey li ked most about Temple City , things they lik ed least, and to describe how th ey would like to see T empl e City c hang e in the future . The results of this meeting were used to inform the preparation of the Genera l Plan Vision Statement and Guiding Principles . 2 . On October 27, 2014, the GPAC revi ewed and provided com ment on a draft of the Genera l Plan Vi sion Statement and Guiding Principles . The draft was developed taking into account input received from the G PAC at its previous meeting , comme nts submitted at a Gen e ral Plan booth at the T emple City Farm ers Market in January of 2014 , and input received during th e City 's Strategic Plan o utreach efforts . 3. On December 5, 2014 , staff and th e City's General Plan consultant hosted a booth at th e Lights on Temple City holiday e vent. The public had an opportunity to provide commen t on a revised draft of the V ision Statement and Guiding Principles. Comments receiv ed from th e public at this eve nt validated the direction and themes in th e document. City Council January 20, 2015 Page 2 of 3 4 . On December 15 , 2014, the GPAC unanimously approved the Vision Statement and Guiding Principles and recommended the Planning Commission and City Council cons ider the document. 5. On January 13, 2015 , the Planning Commission reviewed the Vision Statement and Guiding Principles. Staff will brief the City Counci l on any feedback received from the Planning Commission on January 20. ANALYSIS: In updating a General Plan , one of the first steps is to identify where it is the community wants to be in the future and determine the guiding principles the community shou ld follow to reach that goal. The Vision Statement is a paragraph that describes the end state of what the commun ity will look like and how it will function . The Vision Statement approved by the GPAC and recommended to the Planning Commission and City Council encapsulates the following ideas, among others : • Small town, family-friendly atmosphere with safe and attractive neighborhoods ; • Exce ll ent schoo ls; • Businesses that thrive and commercial areas that are vibrant ; • A sustainab le City ; • Safe , efficient, and cost effective travel serving pedestrians, bicyclists , transit , and other vehicles ; • Responsive civic and community leaders ; and • Informed , involved , and engaged community members . The guiding princip les include six categories : • Quality of Life -This section desc ribes the atmosphere , cu lture , diversity, and valu es of the community . • Community Character -This section describes the mix of uses and the positive impacts they will have on the community . • A Vital Economy-This section describes the mix of businesses desired and the relationship the City plays in fostering that business community. • Community Programs and Facilities-This section describes the programs and the associated facilities which will create an informed community; reach seniors , youth , and families ; and support education and the arts. • A "Greener" Community-This section describes the infrastructure , programs , and development pra ctices to improve the City's sustainability . • A Healthy and Safe Community-This section describes a city that is healthy , safe , active , and c le an. City Council January 20 , 2015 Page 3 of 3 Fro m here, the Vision Statement and Guiding Principles will be the founda t ion for creating the General Plan goals and po li cies . CONCLUSION: The Ci ty Cou nc il is requ est ed to review the major themes of the V ision Statement and Guiding Principles and verify that th ey are a sound foundation for the creation of goals and policies and are comprehensive and representative of the community's sentiment. The Vision Statement and Guiding Principles are based on a significant community outreach effort beginning with the work related to the Strategic Plan , commun ity events , and three G PAC meetings . The document encapsu lates the vision of the community incl uding qua lity of life , community c haracter, the economy, community programs and facilities , sustainab ility , health , and saf ety. Th ese ideas will form the foundation of future goals and pol icies in th e General Plan . FISCAL IMPACT: T hi s item does not hav e a n impact o n th e Fisca l Year 20 14-15 City Budget. ATTACHMENT: A. Genera l Plan Visi o n Statement and G uiding P rin ciples ATTACHMENT A General Plan Vision Statement & Guiding Principles ----------------- In 2050 the City of Temple City ma1ntams its small-town, family-friendly atmosphere. Its safe and attractive neighborhoods have good neighbors; clean streets, sidewalks, and public spaces; excellent schools; and thriving local businesses. People who grow up in Temple City can return after college to good jobs, a home within their budget, and a thriving community where they choose to raise their own families. Downtown and other commercial areas of the City are vibrant and prosperous, with a diverse mix of new and expanded busmesses that provide a variety of skilled jobs and quality retail, and with places to gather, be entertained, recreate, and celebrate the community's history, culture, and diversity. Temple City IS "greener" and more sustainable through investments made to attain water and energy efficiency, improve accessibility, reduce veh1cle commutes, and increase the health and well-being of the commun1ty. Streets enable people to get where they need to go safely, efficiently, and cost-effectively-on foot, on bike, on transit, or by vehicle. Sidewalks serve as the outdoor living room for the community, with places to socialize, celebrate, and play. Civ i c and community leaders are innovative and collaborative, and listen and respond to the interests of residents and the business community. Temple City has an informed, involved, and engaged community wi th a strong culture of civic engagement and support for the arts, education, and services that help community members of all ages to be proud they are from Temple City. www.makeTChappen.com ,----~~~-----· --~----------------- We treasure and maintain a rela xing, peaceful, fami ly-friendly atmosphere. » We cu ltivate community pride through special events, public art, safe and quiet neighborhoods, supporting local businesses, and spending the day at the park with family and friends. We celebrate the diversity in our community and appreciate everyone's differences. We use creativity and in novation to address community challenges. Our network of activities and services helps improve the health and lifestyles of individuals and families. We recognize that our quality of life is related to a prosperous economy and good education. Our community IS balanced with places for l1ving, working, shopp1ng, recreation, entertainment, arts and culture, and education that reflect our comm u nity priorities. We value and protect the neighborhoods, business districts, civ ic f acilities, and open spaces that have developed since our City's founding. Our new housing and commercial development is selectively accommodated in locations that complement and enhance existing uses or are underutilized to accommodate anticipated growth and change. We prioritize the development of new commercial uses that serve and are access ible to adJoining residential neighborhoods, lessening the need to trave l to other communities for these uses. » We recognize and build on the strengths of our pedestrian-o r iented downtown as the physical, economic, cultura l, and socia l heart of Temple City. Our housing and commer cial uses will be scaled and designed to complement and trans i tion with adjoining neighborhoods and districts. Ou r development patterns , mix of uses, and design of bui ldings, infrastructure, and public spaces contribute to a sustainable environment that minimizes consu mption of scarce environmental resources, pol lutants, and greenhou se gas emissions. » Our residents enjoy healthy lifestyles through development patterns that promote walking ove r automobile use, a robust system of parks and recreation uses, access to good foods, and a quality network of health providers. >> Our community provides numerous places and facilities for celebrations, events, and cultura l en richment where we can meet and socia l ize with our neigh b ors. » We respect the importance of designing and maintaining our bui ldings, properties, and public spaces at the highest level of quality. www.makeTChappen.com ~---~~------~------~ --~--------------~------- 1 I » Temple City has a diverse mix of vital and economically prosperous busi ness districts that serve consumers i n the City and surrounding communities and provide revenue to sustain a high level of services for our res idents. » Our deve l opment entitlement processes are r esponsive to and support new an d expanding com mercial uses with i n the community. » We e n courage a balance of commercial uses, including national retailers, loca l es t ab l ishments, and new businesses. We p lace a high priority on reinvestment, and revitalization of the community to improve the quality and v italit y of our downtown and commerci al corridors. » We wor k with educational in stitutions and pri vate organizations t o nurture t h e skill and talent of Temple City's resident workforce with marketable skills demanded by area employers. » We accommodate uses that offer a robust base of well-paying jobs employing the marketable skills of the loca l workforce and lessen the need t o commute to other communities. » Our la n d use patterns and densities provide a substantial customer base supporti ng local businesses . » Temple City provides proactive administration, review, and approva l of prope r ty improve ments and prospective development projects. » Temple Cit y proactively pa rticipates in efforts to ensure conti nu ity of loca l fi scal resources and in programs that leverage external fundi n g and resources to benefit City services. » Temp l e City maintains systematic prioritized b udget, negotiation, and operati n g practi ces that strengthen the City's operating position. » Our community has a m i x of uses that ar e flexible, innovative, and res p o nsive to fluctuations i n the market. ---~~--~~--------------------------------- » Our citizens are informed, in volved, and engaged through com mu n ity programs and active commun ication platforms. » Ou r community facilities and programs are accessible to al l comm unity members (seniors, youth, and families). » We h ave flexible a nd col l aborative ed ucati onal programs available for community members of a l l ages and education leve l s. » Our fin e arts and pe rforming arts programs and facilities are we l l supported and atte nd ed as a primary way to celebrate comm unity history, culture, and diversity. » Our parks provide places for recreation, contribute to the health of r es id ents, and provide opportunities for socializing w 1th n eig h bors and friends. » Temple City has rep l aced aging infrastructure with "greener" infrastructure. » We have safe and sustainable infrastructure that is sufficient to meet current and future needs for water, electricity, and communication systems. >> Our water and energy conservation methods and techniques are wide ly used in development throughout the City. » O ur state-of-the-art digital and communications infrastructure attra cts new businesses. » We have a balanced circu l ation system coordinated with land uses to ensure the safe, efficient, and sustainab le movement of people and goods in the community. » Our network of complete streets accommodates pedestrians, bicycles, transit, and vehicles. » Our streets are safe and pleasant, with reduced traffi c speed , volume, and accidents. » An efficient parking management sys tem allocates scarce parking resources and reduces overall parking demand. » Ou r bicycle facilities provide a safe and convenient alternative to the private motor vehicle. » We encourage innovations and best practi ces, effective ly redu cing t h e impacts of climate change in all sectors. » Ou r development practices are sustainable and balance the needs of the economy, environment, and equity. » We preserve and protect natural, cultural, and historic resources. » A robust tree canopy, drought-resistant landscaping, and permeable su rfaces are prevalent i n all our neighborhoods and business d istricts. Healthy living practices and the well-being of citizens permeate all aspects of our commun1ty. We rely upon and support our quality law enforcement and emergency seNices. » Our streets and sidewalks are clean, well maintained, and shaded. » We are more likely to walk or bike to run errands in Temple City than we are to drive. » Vehicles, pedestnans, bicycles, and transit safely share the road . » We have pedestrian or bicycle access to actlVe and pass1ve parks and recreation facilit:les from ou r homes. >> We have access to affordable, fresh, and hea lthy foods. » New and expandmg technologies are appropriately balanced with safety and privacy for members of our commun1ty » We have safe and healthy programs for seniors, youth, and the disabled. » We have programs and polic1es that prepare homes, businesses, infrastructure, and individuals for emergencies and natural and man-made disasters, including effective notification and communication systems and emergency shelters www.makeTChappen.com Temple City's governance process is effic ient, effective, and ma i ntains financially stability. » Best pracbces and 1nnovabon are sought out and put into practice by our civic and community leaders. >> Ou r City officials listen and respond to the interests of the residents and business community through a transparent process. >> Ou r community leaders are provided with opportunities and encouraged to parbcipate 1n the governance process at all levels. » Ou r City has h1gh qua lity government services that are responsive to the changing needs of the community.