HomeMy Public PortalAbout10C Review of Strategic Plans ImplementatiOn Plan Matrix - Copyr---------------------------~ ----------------- AGENDA ITEM 10.C. MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: January 20 , 2015 TO: The Honorable City Council FROM: Bryan Cook, City Manager By : Tracey Hause, Administrative Services Director Giselle Corella , Executive Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: REVIEW OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN'S IMPLEMENTATION PLAN MATRIX RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: a) Review the City of Temple City Strategic Plan 's Implementation Plan Matrix (Attachment "A "); and b) Adopt Temple City Strateg ic Plan 's Implementation Plan Matrix at the February 3 , 2015, Regular City Council Meeting . BACKGROUND: 1. On October 7 , 2014 , the Ci ty Council d iscussed the City of Temple City's Strategic Plan and directed staff to finalize the first phase of the Strategic Plan for adoption at the October 21 , 2014 Regular City Counci l Meeting . 2 . On October 21 , 2014 , the City Council adopted the first phase of the C ity of Temple City Strategic Plan . 3. From October 2014 to January 2015 , the Standing Committee met on numerous occ asions to review, revise and finalize the Implementation Plan Matri x (i.e ., second phase of the Strategi c Plan). 4 . On January 10 , 2015 , the City Council held a Special C ity Council Meeting to discuss t he City of Temple City Strategic Plan 's Implementation Plan (i.e ., Part II of the Strategic Plan , w ith Part I as the Strategic Direction , Part II as the Implementation Plan and Part Ill as the Strategi c Funding). City Coun cil January 20 , 2015 Page 2 of 4 ANALYSIS : Since the adoption of the Strategic Plan 's first compo nent , the "Strategic Direction ," the Strategic Planning Implementation Standing Committee has w orked on developing an Implementation Plan Matrix that pull s together all the recommendations of the master plans and major in itiatives into a comprehens ive document. In a Specia l City Counci l Meeting on January 10 , 2015 , the City Counci l comp leted a prioritizing exercise for the 17 programs and initiatives they identified as impo rtant programs and initiatives to undertake in the upcoming f ive years. The following are the 17 programs identified by priority : ~':-. . . . . -.. • • ... c" -· ~--~-v:·, ·-~ • ·:1 ,,,. ·"·.·"~-... -~: ~~ -~~*1~: ': . .: ~_::: :-f>~;~}~>··~-. ., I 1 , ~.t:~~ .J~)~-· .J• I J!'~ J ,- ~..... . .-. Tou Prioritl£ {Must Do} Emergency Preparedness Program PHS CDBG Proqram GG ;Q L Commun ications Plan GG ; CEC Economic Developmen t -Business Promot ion and Publ ic Information GG ; QL; ED ; CEC Serv ices Water Conservation and Clean-up of Urban Runoff Sl General Plan GG ; Q L; ED ; CEC Parks and Open Space Master Plan PHS ; QL March 2014 Pavement Management Plan Sl October 2013 2"d Prioritl£ {Will Do} Bike Master Plan PHS; QL ; S l Ma rch 2011 Downtown Parking Plan ED November 20 12 Energy Act ion Plan Sl November 2012 Law Enforcement Strategy GG ; PHS ; QL; CEC 2011 Public Art Proqram QL Street Lights a nd Master Pl an /Capita l Replacement Sl February 2011 Traffic Calm ing Ma ster Pl an Sl November 20 12 Civic Center and Library Upgrade Project QL ; Sl 3 'd Prioritl£ {Should Do} Sewer Master Plan Sl June 2008 *NOTE: Strategic Goal Definition: GG -Good Governance; PHS -Public Health & Safety; QL -Quality of Life ; Sl-Sus ta inable Infrastructure; ED -Economic Development; CE C -Citizen Educ ation & Communication City Council January 20 , 2015 Page 3 of 4 The programs and initiatives listed above have with it corresponding tasks which will then be prioritized by the City Manager based on available funding and abil ity of staff to complete . While separate from a staff Work Plan , the Implementation Plan Matrix identifies major tasks that achieve a goal of the specified program or initiative . The following are the components of the Implementation Plan Matrix: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Major program/priority tied directly to the adopted Strategic Plan goa l(s); Prioritization of each major program/priority w ith a ranking system of top priority (must do), 2 nd priority (will do) or 3rd priority (should do). The ranking system is based on several factors , including but not exclusively limited to , consistency with current demands and needs of the community, ability of staff to complete , and the availability of current and future resources ; Each major program/priority comes with objectives (or tasks) in which the major program/priority is set to achieve ; Each objective is then identified by its status as an Ongoing (0 ) activity , Enhancement from current activity (E), or a completely New (N) activity; Each objective is then given a ranking of A , B , or C similar to the manner in each major program/priority has its ranking system ; and Estimated Budgets, Potential Funding Source , Target Completion Date , and Responsible staff are then identified for each objective . By prioritizing important programs and initiatives to undertake in the up coming f ive years , the City Council has provided City Manager and staff direction on some conside rations for resource alloc ation in the upcoming f is cal years and budgeting processes . Moving forward , as staff prepares for FY 2015-16 City Budget, the third component or phase three of the Strategic Plan , "Strategic Funding ," will utilize the Implementation Plan Matrix to develop the 5-Year Forecast Model for resource allocation . CONCLUSION: Through the efforts by the City Council , the Ad Hoc and Standing Committees, Consultants , staff and the community, the implementation strategy for how the C ity w ill achieve initiatives and recommendations of the various master plans is complete and documented in "MAKE TC Happen : Implementation Plan Matrix ." It is recommended that the City Council review the City of Temple City Strateg ic Plan 's Implementation Plan Matrix. City Council January 20 , 2015 Page 4 of 4 FISCAL IMPACT: This item does not have an impact on the FY 2014-15 City Budget. ATTACHMENT: A. MAKE TC Happen : Implementation Plan IMPLEMENTATION PLAN MATRIX ATTACHMENT "A" Program/ Priority Strategic Plan Goal Status (O-Ongoing; E- Enhancement; N-New) Task Priority (A - 1st, B - 2nd; C - 3rd) Objective Estimated Budget Potential Funding Source Target Completion Date Staff (L-lead; S-support) O A Continue quarterly publication of Connect Magazine O A Continue annual programming and oversight of Citizens Academy O A Continue regular postings on the City's social media sites O A Continue quarterly ad placements on the City's cable scroll O A Continue quarterly ad placements on the Rosemead Blvd. digital billboard E A Continue as-needed development and implementation of special civic engagement initiatives O A Continue as-needed coordination with local media outlets O A Continue oversight of cable channel, radio station, Connect-CTY and Nixle E A Continue to review and improve the City website N A Evaluate the addition of a Leadership Program for residents O A Engage a consultant to act as the economic development coordinator for the City and in coordination with the Chamber of Commerce TBD Economic Development Reserves 2015 N A Utilize the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership for various economic development services (e.g., business visitation efforts, collection of market data, understanding regional presence) TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2014 E A Enact citywide business visitation program that assesses local business conditions and collects information for future policy consideration TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 E A Initiate specific dialogue with the Las Tunas business community that communicates scope and impact of the upcoming Las Tunas Streetscape and Enhancement Project TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 E A Continue active Community Preservation efforts TBD General Fund 2015 E A Introduce businesses and property owners to the national Main Street model for downtown revitalization TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2016 E A Review and update Sign Ordinance TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 E A Evaluate technology upgrade opportunities (e.g., Citywide WiFi) TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2016 E B Identify future use of City Properties TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 N C Explore viability of possible establishment of a business improvement district (BID) TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2016 N A Downtown Parking Plan: Establish a Downtown Parking Advisory Committee of elected and appointed officials, business owners and residents to develop a strategy and schedule TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 E B Downtown Parking Plan: Update Downtown Parking Map TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 N C Downtown Parking Plan: Evaluate parking standards TBD General Fund & Special TBD TBD N C Downtown Parking Plan: Facilitate leasing private parking and allow shared parking between businesses/properties TBD General Fund & Special TBD TBD E C Downtown Parking Plan: Review striping of existing parking lots TBD General Fund & Special TBD TBD N C Downtown Parking Plan: Test angle parking along Temple City Boulevard TBD General Fund & Special TBD TBD N C Downtown Parking Plan: Test removal of parking stall delineations on Las Tunas Drive TBD General Fund & Special TBD TBD E C Downtown Parking Plan: Collect parking duration data to best determine how to refine time restrictions TBD General Fund & Special TBD TBD E C Downtown Parking Plan: Install bike racks TBD General Fund & Special TBD TBD N C Downtown Parking Plan: Increase pedestrian walkways between parking lots and Las Tunas TBD General Fund & Special TBD TBD N C Downtown Parking Plan: Coordinate with businesses to establish pedestrian walking routes that are designed in topical themes, such as history, art or health TBD General Fund & Special TBD TBD N C Downtown Parking Plan: Provide informational kiosks with location of parking areas TBD General Fund & Special TBD TBD N C Downtown Parking Plan: Designate employee parking areas TBD General Fund & Special TBD TBD N C Downtown Parking Plan: Review in-lieu fee program TBD General Fund & Special TBD TBD N C Downtown Parking Plan: Test valet parking for downtown restaurants TBD General Fund & Special TBD TBD N C Downtown Parking Plan: Pursue funding opportunities to implement near-term and long-term recommendations TBD General Fund TBD N A Develop a Regional Board acceptable program TBD General Fund & Other State or Federal Funds 2015 N A Evaluate need, then solicit maintenance contract bids for installing and maintaining catch basin inserts and then install and set maintenance program $ 30,000 General Fund & Special TBD 2016 O A Submit Rosemead Blvd. annual reports for 2012-13 and 2013-14 N/A General Fund & Special TBD 2015 N A Pursue a sustainable funding source TBD TBD TBD N A Reduce Water consumption by a minimum of 10% Citywide TBD TBD TBD Communications Plan (Top Priority) Economic Development - Business Promotion and Public Information Services (Top Priority) Water Conservation and Clean-up of Urban Runoff (Top Priority) 2015General Fund & Special TBD Operations GG; CEC GG; QL; ED; CEC SI L - Management Services; S- Community Development L- Community Development L - Management Services STRATEGIC GOAL: GG - Good Governance; PHS - Public Health Safety; QL - Quality of Life; SI - Sustainable Infrastructure; ED - Economic Development; CEC - Citizen Education Communication 1 of 7 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN MATRIX ATTACHMENT "A" Program/ Priority Strategic Plan Goal Status (O-Ongoing; E- Enhancement; N-New) Task Priority (A - 1st, B - 2nd; C - 3rd) Objective Estimated Budget Potential Funding Source Target Completion Date Staff (L-lead; S-support) Communications Plan (Top Priority)2015General Fund & Special TBD Operations GG; CEC L - Management Services N A Conduct kick-off meeting and City tour 2014 N A Develop a Community Outreach Plan 2014 N A Develop a Make TC Happen web site 2014 N A Conduct Stakeholder interviews 2014 N A Establish General Plan Advisory Committee 2016 N A Conduct outreach at community events 2015 N A Create the Community Profile Document 2014 N A Create the Vision and Guiding Principles Document 2015 N A Create a Placemaking and Land Use Map 2015 N A Identify of Areas of Opportunity and Preservation 2014 N A Develop Alternatives, Build out Analysis, and Fiscal Assessment 2015 N A Create Land Use Map 2015 N A Develop the Draft General Plan 2016 N A Develop the Draft Las Tunas/Rosemead Specific Plan 2016 N A Achieve Environmental Clearance 2016 N A Conduct the Scoping Meeting 2015 N A Complete Draft Environmental Impact Report 2016 N A Complete response to comments and prepare Final Environmental Impact Report 2016 N A Initiate Zoning Code Update 2016 N A Conduct General Plan Consistency Analysis 2016 N A Complete Draft Zoning Code 2016 N A Conduct Hearings, Adoption, and Certification 2016 N A Prepare Final General Plan and Zoning Code Documents 2016 N A Recommendation for approval by City Council the Final General Plan and Zoning Code Documents at the Planning Commission Meeting(s)2016 N A Adoption of the Final General Plan and Zoning Code Documents at the City Council Meeting(s)2016 General Plan (Top Priority)Economic Development ReservesGG; QL; ED; CEC $ 1,300,000.00 L - Community Development STRATEGIC GOAL: GG - Good Governance; PHS - Public Health Safety; QL - Quality of Life; SI - Sustainable Infrastructure; ED - Economic Development; CEC - Citizen Education Communication 2 of 7 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN MATRIX ATTACHMENT "A" Program/ Priority Strategic Plan Goal Status (O-Ongoing; E- Enhancement; N-New) Task Priority (A - 1st, B - 2nd; C - 3rd) Objective Estimated Budget Potential Funding Source Target Completion Date Staff (L-lead; S-support) Communications Plan (Top Priority)2015General Fund & Special TBD Operations GG; CEC L - Management Services E A Develop a use agreement with Los Angeles Flood Control for development of trails and meet the need for walking and biking trails in Temple City TBD General Fund 2017 L - Parks and Recreation S - Contract Engineer E A Continue to meet with TCUSD to develop and expand joint use agreement to use open space amenities N/A N/A On-Going O A Increase awareness and participation rates of programs and special event offerings among users and use data to make educated decision about program trends and future program offerings TBD General Fund On-Going O A Ensure future programs are aligned with market factors and community demographics TBD General Fund On-Going O A Evaluate programs that are offered by similar providers (i.e., church's basketball program) N/A N/A On-Going O A Track program age segments served and ensure a greater percentage of programs are offered for the aging population in Temple City N/A N/A On-Going O A Increase extent on customer feedback using a variety of online and on-site mediums including bilingual (English, Mandarin / Cantonese) methods (online surveys, lost customer surveys, “caught-in-the-act” surveys etc.) N/A N/A On-Going O A Conduct customer service training to ensure staff is focused on providing an outstanding guest experience and introduce diversity training to enhance the staff’s ability to deal with a varied and multicultural audience in Temple City N/A N/A On-Going O A Continue to enhance focus on volunteerism and partnerships to minimize operating costs and maximize revenue potential N/A N/A On-Going O A Conduct annual customer surveys and communicate the results to all staff to identify positive or negative trends in customer responses and utilize customer input to improve and enhance offerings N/A N/A On-Going E A Prepare new Master Plans for Live Oak Park and Temple City Park $ 35,000.00 General Plan Spring 2015 E B Undertake additional multi-lingual marketing through English and foreign language social media N/A N/A 2016 N B Add a smartphone customized website and also build an app, if possible $ 5,000.00 General Fund 2016 O B Create greater consistency in program delivery, look and feel through system‐wide standards to help build a strong brand awareness N/A N/A On-Going N C Explore and evaluate obtaining properties as identified in the Parks and Open Space Master Plan TBD General Fund Reserves/Grants 2016 N C Imitate Needs Analysis for alternate locations for City Maintenance Yard and develop plans and evaluate the potential for development and construction of new park space at old City Maintenance Yard N/A N/A 2016 E C Develop plans and complete development and construction of open space at the Primrose Avenue parking lots TBD TBD 2021 N C Develop plans and complete development and construction of new City Maintenance Yard TBD TBD 2021 E C Create a core program area – Fitness and Wellness targeting all ages N/A N/A On-Going E C Create a volunteer recognition program mirroring airline rewards programs N/A N/A On-Going N C Meet with private schools/churches to discuss possible use of property for park and open space development N/A N/A On-Going N C Utilize community partnerships and crowdfunding sources such as www.kickstarter.org or www.razoo.com to enhance financial support for existing or future offerings N/A N/A On-Going N C Continue expanding volunteer support through online platforms such as www.volunteermatch.org N/A N/A On-Going N C Incorporate parklets into the Las Tunas Drive improvements plans To be determined with Las Tunas Project State Gas Tax, Proposition A and C Assessment District TBD N C Develop plans for possible parking lot conversions behind business’ on Las Tunas Drive To be determined with Las Tunas Project State Gas Tax, Proposition A and C Assessment District TBD Meet with Los Angeles County and Los Angeles Flood Control to discuss development of trails in Eaton Wash and Arcadia Wash Complete Change park rules to allow on-leash dog walking and add doggy waste stations Complete Parks and Open Space Master Plan March 2014 (Top Priority) PHS; QL L - Parks and Recreation STRATEGIC GOAL: GG - Good Governance; PHS - Public Health Safety; QL - Quality of Life; SI - Sustainable Infrastructure; ED - Economic Development; CEC - Citizen Education Communication 3 of 7 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN MATRIX ATTACHMENT "A" Program/ Priority Strategic Plan Goal Status (O-Ongoing; E- Enhancement; N-New) Task Priority (A - 1st, B - 2nd; C - 3rd) Objective Estimated Budget Potential Funding Source Target Completion Date Staff (L-lead; S-support) Communications Plan (Top Priority)2015General Fund & Special TBD Operations GG; CEC L - Management Services O A Maintain City streets at a pavement condition index of level B TBD State Gas Tax, Proposition A and C Assessment District On-Going O A Re-inspect all Arterial/Collector (FAU) routes over the next two years TBD State Gas Tax, Proposition A and C Assessment District 2017 O A Re-inspect all Local roads, including alleys over the following four years at a rate of approximately 25% of the streets every year TBD State Gas Tax, Proposition A and C Assessment District 2019 O A Maintain data files of pavement maintenance needs, performance, unit costs, and pavement deterioration models TBD Measure R Annually O A Redevelop pavement condition index (PCI) report every 2 years TBD Various Transportation Funds & Measure R Funds Annually O A Develop a schedule for re-inspection of alleys and sidewalks TBD Various Transportation Funds & Measure R Funds Annually O A Participate in an annual inspection and programing of liability by JPIA TBD Various Transportation Funds & Measure R Funds Annually E A Evaluate curb and gutter installation policy TBD Various Transportation Funds & Measure R Funds 2015 E A Install new street signs at commercial corridors and residential areas TBD Various Transportation Funds & Measure R Funds & General Fund 2016 E A Repaint house numbers on curbs TBD General Fund 2015 O A SR2S: Engage in on-going Community Education Programs in Partnership with TCUSD N/A N/A On-Going O A SR2S: Construct new curb ramps at numerous locations N/A N/A N/A O A SR2S: Add new and modernize existing crosswalks N/A N/A N/A O A SR2S: Increase signage N/A N/A N/A O A SR2S: Increase lighting N/A N/A N/A O A SR2S: Complete work approved until current Notice of Funds Available (NOFA) N/A N/A N/A O A SR2S: Continue to seek additional funds for education purposes N/A N/A N/A O A SR2S: Continue to explore funding for Safe Routes to School Program N/A N/A On-Going E A Identify staff training needs for basic SEMS/NIMS training and provide training for all staff needing training Operations General Fund Completed O A Continue to review and assign staff to EOC positions to ensure that EOC is adequately staffed Operations General Fund Completed N A Develop layout of EOC in Civic Center building and identify furniture and equipment needs Operations General Fund Completed N A Procure furniture and basic equipment needed to outfit EOC Operations General Fund Completed O A Continue to provide position-specific EOC training for all staff (in progress) Operations General Fund 2015 E A Relocate radios and other equipment and supplies from old EOC location in library building to new location Operations General Fund 2015 N A Identify long-term EOC equipment and facilities needs including priorities and budget Operations General Fund 2015 E A Develop a long-term schedule of refresher training and EOC exercises Operations General Fund 2015 O A Continue providing CERT training to Temple City residents Operations General Fund On-Going O A Continue identifying and recruiting CERT graduates to participate in Advanced CERT program Operations General Fund On-Going O A Continue providing additional training for Advanced CERT members Operations General Fund On-Going N A Establish joint training and exercise opportunities for Advanced CERT and City staff Operations General Fund 2016/ongoing O A Identify programs and projects that will provide most benefit to community and ensure that money is spent in a timely manner Operations General Fund On-Going O A Continue to work with Los Angeles Community Development Commission (LACDC) to get programs and projects approved Operations General Fund On-Going O A Continue to work with CDBG consultant to promote programs and ensure they are being utilized to their full potential Operations General Fund On-Going O A Continue to work with LACDC to process payments and ensure that drawdown requirements are being met Operations General Fund On-Going Pavement Management Plan October 2013 (Top Priority) L - Community DevelopmentGG; QL; ED Emergency Preparedness Program (Top Priority) GG; PHS; QL L - Community Development L - Community DevelopmentSI CDBG Program (Top Priority) STRATEGIC GOAL: GG - Good Governance; PHS - Public Health Safety; QL - Quality of Life; SI - Sustainable Infrastructure; ED - Economic Development; CEC - Citizen Education Communication 4 of 7 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN MATRIX ATTACHMENT "A" Program/ Priority Strategic Plan Goal Status (O-Ongoing; E- Enhancement; N-New) Task Priority (A - 1st, B - 2nd; C - 3rd) Objective Estimated Budget Potential Funding Source Target Completion Date Staff (L-lead; S-support) Communications Plan (Top Priority)2015General Fund & Special TBD Operations GG; CEC L - Management Services N A Support organized rides and cycling events; allow street closures N/A N/A Staff - TBD O A Phase 2: 2013 to 2015 construction of proposed bikeways (p.39) $ 205,000.00 BTA 2015 E A Phase 3: 2017 construction of proposed bikeways (p. 39) $ 60,000.00 Grants 2017 E A Phase 3: 2018 construction of proposed bikeways (p.39) $ 76,300.00 Grants 2018 E A Phase 3: 2019 construction of proposed bikeways (p.39) $ 108,000.00 Grants 2019 N A Create an online presence about the Bike Master Plan and City amenities N/A N/A Staff - TBD O A Provide community updates regarding planned projects N/A N/A Staff - TBD N A Identify and secure funding to implement the Plan N/A N/A Staff - TBD E A Phase 3: 2016 construction of proposed bikeways (p.39) $ 160,000.00 Grants E B Complete regular updates of the Bicycle Master Plan to be competitive in grant funding $ 30,000.00 General Fund/Grant 2016 E B Enact changes in City codes to encourage bikeway support facilities N/A N/A 2017 N B Develop a bicycle parking policy N/A N/A 2017 N B Provide bicycle education and undertake safety education campaigns $ 25,000.00 General Fund/Grant On-Going O B Coordinate with developers to provide bicycle facilities that encourage biking and link to key destinations N/A N/A Staff - TBD E B Support the development of facilities that encourage new riders N/A N/A Staff - TBD N B Implement projects that improve the safety of bicyclists at key locations N/A N/A Staff - TBD E B Support traffic enforcement activities that increase bicyclist safety N/A N/A Staff - TBD O B Evaluate impacts on bicyclists when designing new or reconfiguring streets N/A N/A Staff - TBD O B Support Safe Routes to School efforts N/A N/A Staff - TBD E C Support training for the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department (LACSD) N/A N/A Staff - TBD E C Encourage bicycle commuting N/A N/A Staff - TBD N C Develop bikeway maps and way finding signage and striping $ 50,000.00 General Fund/Grant Staff - TBD O C Support community involvement via citizen participation and stakeholder group N/A N/A Staff - TBD N A Meet a reduction of 20% of current energy usage for City facilities TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2018 O A Facilitate implementation of policies and actions related to municipal operations. Table 18 of the EAP provides 18 policies that will be implemented by Community Development, Public Services, Parks and Recreation TBD General Fund & Grants 2015 N A Consider the formation of a new City Energy Commission TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 O A Conduct an annual review of electricity usage and associated GHG emissions TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 N A Prepare an annual progress report for review and consideration by the City Council TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 O A Integrate EAP initiatives into the City’s General Plan and other appropriate policy documents TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 O B Pursue local, regional, state, and federal grants as appropriate to support implementation TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 N B Update the Plan to incorporate new technology, programs, and policies as available to achieve electricity efficiency TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 O B Consider updating and amending the Plan, as necessary, should Temple City find that policies and actions are not meeting the intended electricity reductions TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 O B When City resources are available, integrate the EAP into a comprehensive climate action plan or GHG reduction plan TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 O B Continue collaboration with the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) and participation as an active member of the SGVEWP and the Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Committee TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 O B Ensure implementation through the inclusion of policies and action in department budgets, the capital improvement program, and other plans as appropriate TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 O B Implement the identified policies, actions, and projects identified in this EAP. Demonstrate to SCE that the energy efficiency actions identified in this EAP have been implemented and the criteria identified in Appendix D have been met TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2015 N B Re-inventory community and municipal GHG emissions every three to five years TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2018 L - Community Development L - Community Development Energy Action Plan November 2012 (2nd Priority) PHS; QL; SI SI Bike Master Plan March 2011 (2nd Priority) STRATEGIC GOAL: GG - Good Governance; PHS - Public Health Safety; QL - Quality of Life; SI - Sustainable Infrastructure; ED - Economic Development; CEC - Citizen Education Communication 5 of 7 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN MATRIX ATTACHMENT "A" Program/ Priority Strategic Plan Goal Status (O-Ongoing; E- Enhancement; N-New) Task Priority (A - 1st, B - 2nd; C - 3rd) Objective Estimated Budget Potential Funding Source Target Completion Date Staff (L-lead; S-support) Communications Plan (Top Priority)2015General Fund & Special TBD Operations GG; CEC L - Management Services O A Include crime statistics and other information in the City Manager’s Report N/A N/A 2015 O A Participate in disaster preparedness N/A N/A 2015 O A Attend emergency preparedness meetings, trainings and workshops N/A N/A 2015 O A Include information in City’s website, Connect Magazine and other public information sources regarding Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) N/A N/A 2015 E B Engage deputies in the implementation of the bicycle master plan N/A N/A 2015 E B Include a link on City’s website that introduces department members to the community N/A N/A 2015 O B Include Sheriff personnel in Citizen’s Academy N/A N/A 2015 N B Include a link on City’s website highlighting survey results N/A N/A 2015 N B Post areas of greatest community traffic concern on City’s website N/A N/A 2015 E B Conduct joint training between Community Preservation Division and patrol deputies N/A N/A 2015 E B Assist with the development of a manual of commonly used Municipal Code sections N/A N/A 2015 E B Conduct annual training between deputies and staff N/A N/A 2015 O B Encourage Community Preservation staff to go on ride-alongs with deputies N/A N/A 2015 O B Support neighborhood watch activities including “Business Night Out” by contributing financial resources and in-kind services (such as advertising, food, etc.) N/A N/A 2015 O B Host Neighborhood Watch recognitions at City Council meetings N/A N/A 2015 O B Assign a staff member to be the City’s representative at Neighborhood Watch and Business Watch programs N/A N/A 2015 E B Assist with the dissemination of a community survey to residents TBD General Fund & Special TBD 2016 N A Establish a Percent for Art Ordinance and Administrative Guidelines N/A N/A 2015 O A Complete the Rosemead Blvd. art projects $ 15,000.00 General Fund 2015 O A Conduct a mid-year 14-15 Annual Plan review to possibly consider initiatives including: hiring an artist for the proposed Las Tunas Streetscape Improvement Project; realizing an "art-in-the-park" installation; and developing a public art funding strategy. N/A N/A 2015 O A Develop Annual Plans N/A N/A 2015 E B Revive the Rotating Mural Program. $ 15,000.00 General Fund/Olson 2015 E B Amend the Community Profile and Participate in the General Plan process. $ 5,000.00 General Fund/Olson 2015 O A Evaluate other sources of funding TBD Ad Volerum 2015 O A Maintain street trees for light clearance and exposure TBD Ad Volerum 2015 O B Discuss option with Southern California Edison of purchasing lights from the City N/A Ad Volerum 2015 O B Engage an engineering firm to conduct a 2014 review of the 2001 report $ 50,000.00 Ad Volerum 2016 O B Repair and replace street lights to meet the standards TBD Ad Volerum 2019 O B Obtain current day cost for light standard repair and replacement N/A Ad Volerum N/A N C FOCUS AREA A: Temple City High School & Oak Avenue Intermediate School improvements: turn restrictions; speed tables/raised crosswalks; curb extensions/ bulbouts; and road closures (p.6-6 of plan) $ 290,750.00 Varies Transportation Funding and Grants TBD N C FOCUS AREA J: Sereno Drive improvements: curb extensions and/or chokers; restriping; traffic circle; turn restrictions; speed humps and/or raised crosswalks (p.6-33) $ 106,000.00 Varies Transportation Funding and Grants TBD N C FOCUS AREA K: La Rosa Elementary School improvements: curb extensions and chokers; raised crosswalks and speed humps; turn restrictions; and restriping (p.6-37) $ 131,200.00 Varies Transportation Funding and Grants TBD N C FOCUS AREA L: Olive Street to Lower Azusa Road Cut through routes improvements: speed humps; curb extensions and/or chokers; and chicane (p.6-39) $ 192,000.00 Varies Transportation Funding and Grants TBD N C FOCUS AREA M: Cleminson Elementary School improvements: speed humps; roundabouts; curb extensions; and raised crosswalks (p.6-42) $ 1,102,000.00 Varies Transportation Funding and Grants TBD N C Establish a process for future Traffic Calming Requests TBD Staff of Consultant TBD N C FOCUS AREA B: West of Rosemead Boulevard cut through traffic improvements: speed tables or humps; roundabouts; medians; restriping; and radar speed detection (p. 6-9) $ 546,500.00 Varies Transportation Funding and Grants TBD N C FOCUS AREA C: East of Rosemead Boulevard cut through traffic improvements: road closures; roundabouts; traffic circles; chokers or neckdowns; and signage (p.6-12) $ 670,000.00 Varies Transportation Funding and Grants TBD N C FOCUS AREA D: Longden Elementary School improvements: raised medians; speed humps; raised crosswalks; turn restrictions; chokers or neckdowns; and restriping (p. 6-15) $ 119,650.00 Varies Transportation Funding and Grants TBD N C FOCUS AREA E: Woodruff Avenue from Encinita Avenue to Eastern City boundary improvements: chokers; semi-driverters; curb extensions; roundabouts; and flashing crosswalks (p. 6-18) $ 795,000.00 Varies Transportation Funding and Grants TBD N C FOCUS AREA F: First Lutheran School improvements: chokers and curb extensions; medians; restriping; and road closure (p. 6-22) $ 160,500.00 Varies Transportation Funding and Grants TBD N C FOCUS AREA G: Cleverly Elementary & St. Luke Elementary School improvements: restriping; raised crosswalks; chicane; and curb extensions (p.6-25) $ 396,000.00 Varies Transportation Funding and Grants TBD N C FOCUS AREA H: Golden West Avenue improvements: medians; speed humps; restriping; roundabouts; chokers and/or curb extensions (p.6-27) $ 122,000.00 Varies Transportation Funding and Grants TBD N C FOCUS AREA I: Live Oak Park improvements: curb extensions; traffic circles; raised crosswalks; restriping & road diet; and medians (p.6-31) $ 726,400.00 Varies Transportation Funding and Grants TBD Law Enforcement Strategy 2011 (2nd Priority) L - Management Services L - Communications OfficePublic Art Program (2nd Priority) GG; PHS; QL; CEC QL SI SI L - Community Development L - Community Development Street Lights and Master Plan/Capital Replacement February 2011 (2nd Priority) Traffic Calming Master Plan November 2012 (2nd Priority) STRATEGIC GOAL: GG - Good Governance; PHS - Public Health Safety; QL - Quality of Life; SI - Sustainable Infrastructure; ED - Economic Development; CEC - Citizen Education Communication 6 of 7 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN MATRIX ATTACHMENT "A" Program/ Priority Strategic Plan Goal Status (O-Ongoing; E- Enhancement; N-New) Task Priority (A - 1st, B - 2nd; C - 3rd) Objective Estimated Budget Potential Funding Source Target Completion Date Staff (L-lead; S-support) Communications Plan (Top Priority)2015General Fund & Special TBD Operations GG; CEC L - Management Services O A Hire a contract space consultant to assess City Hall needs $ 150,000.00 Facilities Reserves 2015 N B Determine the grand scope of the project TBD General Fund & Special TBD TBD N C Hire a contract Library/Civic Center development project manager TBD Facilities Reserves 2016 N C Prepare an RFP for a design team - architect, landscape architect, environmental consultant to develop a Civic Center Master Plan TBD Facilities Reserves 2016 N C Evaluate feasibility of adopting the recommendation of the Library Visioning Committee TBD Facilities Reserves 2018 N A Redevelop and update Sewer Master Plan TBD General Fund & Special TBD TBD N A Develop a replacement and upgrade schedule for each of 10 service areas $ 3,544,000.00 Sewer Construction Fund 2016 N B Take following measures to supplement the model used prior to any sewer system improvement project ( periodic inspections of deficient pipes and manholes; CCTV inspections of representative sewer lines; periodic flow monitoring of sewer lines in the C and D level deficiency categories, especially prior major developments) TBD General Fund & Special TBD Periodic N B Utilize a “project priority” system that includes four tiers of deficiency (currently substantially deficient - immediate; ultimately substantially deficient - 5 years; currently marginally deficient - 10 years; ultimately marginally deficient - ongoing visual inspection) TBD General Fund & Special TBD TBD Task Complete Sewer Master Plan June 2008 (3rd Priority) SI L - Community Development QL; SI Civic Center and Library Upgrade Project (2nd Priority) L - Management Services STRATEGIC GOAL: GG - Good Governance; PHS - Public Health Safety; QL - Quality of Life; SI - Sustainable Infrastructure; ED - Economic Development; CEC - Citizen Education Communication 7 of 7