HomeMy Public PortalAbout7A2 CC Minutes January 6, 20151. CALL TO ORDER CITY COUNCIL TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 6, 2015 AGENDA ITEM ?.A-2. Mayor Blum called the City Council Regular Meeting to order at 7 :30 p .m . in the Counc i l Chambers located at 5938 Kauffman Avenue , Temple City . 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT : ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: 3. INVOCATION Councilmember-Sternquist , V izcarra , Yu , Chavez and Blum Councilmember-None C ity Manager Cook , City Attorney Vail , City Clerk Kuo , Administrative Services Director Hause , Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs , Community Development Director Forbes and Assistant to t he City Manager/Economic Development Manager Haworth Jerry Jambazian , Temple City business owner , provided the Invocation. 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Jim Law , led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . 5. PRESENTATIONS -None 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Jim Law, Temple City res ident, expressed that he would li ke to have a Ch ick-F il-a restaurant in Temple City . Steve Stafford , Temple C ity resident, commented about the City 's no park i ng on street sweeping days and t he placement of those signs on tel ephone poles . Franklin Ruedel , Temple City resident , e xpressed concern about pedestrian safety on Garibaldi Avenue (south towards Rosemead Boulevard ). Traffic has increased since the instal lation of the traffic control on Garibaldi Avenue making the street more of a City Counci l Minutes January 6 , 2015 Page 2 of 10 thoroughfare . James Cleary, Temple City resident , commented about City Council attending conferences and the disc losure of the payments for those conferences . 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Pro Tem Chavez made a motion to approve the consent calendar items . Seconded by Councilmember Yu and approved by the follow i ng votes : AYES : Councilmember: ABSTAINED : Councilmember: NOES : Councilmember: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sternqu ist , Vizcarra , Yu , Chavez , Blum None None The City Council is requested to review and approve : 1) Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of December 16 , 2014 ; 2) Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of December 16 , 2014 ; and 3) Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of December 17 , 2014 . Action : Approved . B. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS-MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13 , 2014 The City Counci l is requested to review the Planning Commission actions of the ir regular meeting of November 13 , 2014 . Action : Received and filed . C . PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS-MEETING OF DECEMBER 9 , 2014 The City Council is requested to review the Planning Commission actions of their regular meet ing of December 9 , 2014 . Action : Received and filed . D. TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION ACTIONS - MEETING OF DECEMBER 10 , 2014 The City Council is requested to review the Transportation and Publ ic Safety Commission actions of their regular meeting of December 10 , 2014. Action : Received and filed . City Counci l Minutes January 6 , 2015 Page 3 of 10 E. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ACTIONS -MEETING OF DECEMBER 17 , 2014 The City Council is requested to review the Parks and Recreation Comm ission actions of their regular meeting of December 17, 2014 . Action : Received and filed . F. FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP APPROVAL FOR PARCEL MAP NO . 71772 , A THREE-UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT AT 5120 DALEVIEW AVENUE The Final Map for the subdivision is ready for recordation . The Final Map has been examined and certified by the City Engineer as substantially compliant with the Tentative Map . Certifying the Final Map will allow the developer to record the Final Map and start construction of the project. Actio n: 1) Received the Subd ivision Improvement Agreement ; 2) Approved Parcel Map No . 71772 and dedications indicated on the map ; 3) Authorized the City Manager to execute the Subdivision Improvement Agreement ; and 4 ) Authorized the City Clerk to certify Parcel Map No . 71772. G. SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO . 14-997 AMENDING ARTICLE F OF CHAPTER 1 OF TITLE 4 OF THE TEMPLE CITY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIVE TO REMOTE CALLER BINGO Adoption of proposed ordinance will allow remote caller bingo in Temple City and would provide local nonprofit organ iz ations with an opportun ity to raise additional funds through bingo games and provide more incentive for bingo p layers in the form of in creased jackpots . Action : Waived further reading and adopted Ordinance No . 14-997 amending Art icle F of Chapter 1 of Title 4 of the Temple City Municipal Code re lative to remote caller bingo . H . ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO . 15-5056 APPROVAL OF PAYMENT OF BILLS The City Council is requested to adopt Resoll'tion No. 15-5056 authorizing City Council Minutes January 6 , 2015 Page 4 of 10 the payment of bills . Action : Adopted Resolution No . 15-5056 . 8. PUBLIC HEARING A. APPEAL OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 'S DECISION RELATIVE TO REMOVAL OF A SWEETGUM TREE LOCATED AT 9839 DAINES DRIVE The City Council is requested to consider the appeal , hear testimon y for and against the appeal , and uphold the Parks and Recreation Comm ission 's decision to not remove the tree . Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs gave a brief summary of the staff report . Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs and C ity Arborist Cruse answered City Council questions. Mayor Blum opened public hearing . Mou Louie , Temple City homeowner, answered City Council questions regarding the installati on of their solar panels and the solar energy the panels current generates . Carol Cushing , Temple City resident , commented about installation of solar panels . Hearing no additional request to speak , Mayor Blum closed public hearing . Councilmember Yu made a motion to uphold the Parks and Recreation Commission 's decision approving the in itial appeal to not remove t he tree . Seconded by Councilmember Sternquist and unanimously carried by the following votes : AYES : ABSTAINED : NOES : Counci lmember: Councilmember: Councilmember: Sternquist , V izcarra , Yu , Chavez , Bl um None None B. APPEAL OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 'S DECISION RELATIVE TO REMOVAL OF A SYCAMORE TREE LOCATED AT 5471 GOLDEN WEST AVENUE The City Council is requested to consider an appea l of staffs determ i nation to ..--------~------- City Council Minutes J a nuary 6 , 2015 Page 5 of 10 remove a Sycamore tree locat ed in the pub lic right of way at 5471 Golden West Avenue , and uphold staffs decision authorizing removal of the tree . Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs gave a brief summary of the staff report . Parks and Rec reation Director Burroughs and City Arborist Cruse answered City Council questions . Mayor Blum opened public hearing . City Counci l d iscussed abou t alternative methods to fix the raised sidewalk adjacent to the tree at 5471 Golden West Avenue . Carol Cushing , Temple City resident , shared that in some cities , fines are issued to those who remove a healthy California native tree. Franklin Ruedel , Temple Ci ty resident , spoke in favor of saving the tree and commented on locations of sidewalks . Marya nne Noonin , Temple City res ident, spoke in favor of not removing the tree . Hearing no further request to speak , Mayor Blum closed public heari ng . Councilmember Vizcarra suggested for staff to contact the gas company when the sidewalk is lifted so they can inspect the gas pipe underneath . Councilmember Vizcarra made a motion to uphold the Parks and Recreation Commission 's decision not to remove the tree . Seconded by Councilmember Sternquist and unanimously carried by the following votes : AYES : ABSTA IN ED : NOES : Councilmember: Counci lmember: Counci lmember: Sternquist, Vizcarra , Yu , Chavez, Blum None None City Counci l meeting recessed at 8 :53p.m. and reconvened at 9 :01 p .m. 9 . UN FINISH E D BUSINESS A . ADOPTION OF RESOL UTION NO . 15-5055 APPROVING THE INSTALLATION OF AN ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL AT THE INTERSECTION OF LONGDEN AVENUE AND ENCINITA AVENUE The intersect ion of Longde n Avenue and Encinita Avenue has previously been City Counci l Minutes January 6 , 2015 Page 6 of 10 identified as having l i mited sight visibility . A Safety Review of the intersection has determined tha t the installation of an a l l-way Stop control is appropriate and justified pursuant to California Manual on Uniform Traffic Contro l Devices requirements . Community Development Director Forbes gave a summary of t he staff report and provided City Counc i l the response from Cslifornia Joint Power Insurance Authority regarding the installation of the all-way stop sign and additional warn i ng signs . Janet Robbins , Trans tec h Eng ineering Inc ., provided informat ion regarding the additional signs and pavement markings that will be installed before the all-way sto p control at the intersection and answered City Counc i l questions . C ity Attorney Va il suggested installing a "Do Not Cross " sign for pedestrians at the inte rsection of Longden Avenue and Enc i nita Avenue . Ma yor Blum opened pub li c commen t. Steve Staffer , Temple City resident , spoke in f avor of reducing the speed lim it to 15 mph on Longden Avenue and installation of crosswalks at the intersection of the all-way Stop . J im Cl ift , Temple City res ident , spoke in favor of installing additiona l warning signs before the all -way stop . Hea ri ng no further request to spea k , Mayor Blum closed publ ic commen t. Mayor Pro Tem Chavez made a motion to adopt Resolut ion No . 15 -5055 approving the installation of an all -way Stop control and related signs and pavement markings at the intersection of Longden Avenue and Encin ita Avenue. Seconded by Counci lmember V izcarra and unan imously c arried by the f ol lowing votes : AYES : ABSTAINED : NOES : 10. NEW BUSINESS Coun cilmember : Councilmember : Cou ncilmember : Sternquist, Vizcarra , Yu , Chavez , Blum None None A. REQUEST TO DEVELOP A 2015 VETERAN 'S DAY C ELEBRATION EVENT Th e City Council is requested to direct City Staff to develop a 2015 V eteran 's Day Celebration Eve nt. ------~ City Council M i nutes January 6 , 2015 Page 7 of 10 Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs gave a brief summary of the staff report . Mayor Blum opened public comment. Franklin Ruedel , Temple City resident , spoke in favor of a Veteran 's event. Sharon Johnson , Temple City resident , spoke in favor of the City having a Veteran 's Day event. Dale Case , Temp le C ity resident , spoke in favor of a Veteran 's Day event. Hearing no further request to speak , Mayor Blum closed public comment. Councilmember Sternquist made a motion to direct City Staff to develop a 2015 Veteran 's Day Celebration Event with the City's Cost not to exceed $5,000 . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Chavez and unanimously carried by the following votes : AYES : Councilmember : Sternquist , Vi zc arra , Yu , Chavez , Blum ABSTAINED: Councilmember : None NOES : Councilmember : None 11. COMMUNICATIONS 12. UPDATE FROM CITY MANAGER City Manager Cook w ished everyone a Happy New Year . 13. COUNCIL REPORTS REGARDING AD HOC OR STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS A. ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT STANDING COMMITIEE (Councilmember Yu and Mayor Blum )-Formed 6/3/2011 No report. B . SCHOOL DISTR ICT/C ITY STANDING COMMITIEE (Mayo r Pro Tern Chavez and Mayor Blum)-Formed 1/3/2012 No report . C . CITY CODE REVIEW STANDING COMMITTEE (Mayor Pro Tern Chavez and Councilmember Vizcarra )-Formed 11/6/2012 C ity Counc il M inutes January 6 , 2015 Page 8 of 10 No report . D. CIVIC CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDING COMMITTEE (Councilmember Yu and Mayor Blum )-Formed 5/13/2013 No report. E. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION STANDING COMMITTEE (Ma y or ProTem C havez and Mayor Blum )-Formed 1/2 7/2014 Mayor Pro Tem Chavez announced that the C ity Council will be meeting on January 10 , Saturday , 1 p.m ., to review the matrix of the Strategic Plan . F . LAS TUNAS DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION STANDING COMMITTEE (Councilmembers V izcarra and Yu )-Formed 2/18 /2 014 No report. G. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF CITY PROPERTIES STANDING COMM ITTEE (Councilmembers V izcarra and Yu )-Formed 2/1 R/2014 No report. H . AUDIT STANDING COMMITTEE (Councilmember Yu , Mayor Pro Tem Chavez, and Planning Comm issioner Curran)-Formed 7/1 5/2014 No report . I. FACILITIES , PUBLIC WORKS , AND INFRASTRUCTURE AD HOC COMMITIEE (C o uncilmember Yu and Mayor Blum )-Formed 2/4/2 0 14 No report . 14. COUNCIL ITEMS SEPARATE FROM THE CITY MANAGER'S REGULAR AGENDA A. COUNCILMEMBER STERNQUIST-None B. COUNCILMEMBER VIZCARRA -None C . COUNCILMEMBER Y U Counc ilmembe r Y u wi shed everyone a Happy New Year. City Council Minutes January 6 , 2015 Page 9 of 10 D . MAYOR PROTEM CHAVEZ Mayor Pro Tern Chavez wished everyone a Happy New Year . E. MAYOR BLUM Mayor Blum wished everyone a Happy New Year . 15. REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES TO CITY OFFICIALS FOR CONDUCT OF CITY BUSINESS AND FOR CITY PAYMENT OF CONFERENCE EXPENDITURES A. COUNCILMEMBER STERNQUIST-None B . COUNCILMEMBER VIZCARRA-None C . COUNCILMEMBER YU-None D . MAYOR PROTEM CHAVEZ-None E. MAYOR BLUM-None 16. RECESS TO SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMPLE CITY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING At 9:43p.m ., the City Council recessed to the Successor Agency Meeting. M inutes of the Successor Agency Meeting are set forth in full in the Successor Agency 's records . RECONVENE AS CITY COUNCIL The City Council meeting was reconvened at 9:44 p.m . with all Counc ilmembers present. 17. ACTIONS TAKEN BY CITY AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMPLE CITY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY-None 18. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA- None 19. ADJOURNMENT NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF: The C ity Council Regular Meeting was adjourned at 9 :45 p .m . City Council Minutes January 6 , 2015 Page 10 of 10 ATIEST: City Clerk Mayor