HomeMy Public PortalAbout03) 7A City Council and Public Arts Commission Actions 2015-01-071. CALL TO ORDER CITY COUNCIL TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL & PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION SPECIAL JOINT MEETING JANUARY 7, 2015 AGENDA ITEM 7A-1 Mayor Blum called the City Council and Public Arts Comm iss ion called the Special Joint Meeting to order at 7 :06 p .m. in the City Hall Community Room located at 9701 Las Tunas Drive , Temple City . 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: Councilmember -Councilmember-Vizcarra, Yu , Chavez, Blu m Commissioner -Hepler, Zhao, Ho , Rachfo rd, Kee lin , Kim Councilmember-Sternquist Commissioner -Larsen City Manager Cook , Deputy C ity Clerk Bonus , Economic Development Manager/Assistant to the City Manager Haworth 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Cha ir Kim , led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Blum opened public comments. Hearing no re quest to speak , Mayor Blum closed Public Comments. 5 . INTRODUCTION Mayor Blum led the introductions of the City Council and Public Arts Comm is sion . A. BACKGROUND ON FORMATION OF THE PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION Ma yor Blum gave a brief introduction on the background and formation of the Public Arts Commission . Councilmember Vizcarra and Mayor Blum thanked Robert Hepler for helping start the de ve lopment of public art in the City . Ma yor Blum discussed how each commission agenda is developed and a brief description of how each agenda is focused on achiev i ng a vision for the City of Temple City. City Counc il Minutes January 7, 2015 Page 2 of 5 6 . DISCUSSION ITEMS A. PUBLIC AR TS COMMISS ION ANNUAL WORK PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014-15 Mayor Blum expressed the importance of complet ing the Publ ic Arts Comm ission Annual Work Plan before the budget process begins . B. FUNDING FOR THE PUBLIC ARTS COMM ISS ION OPERATION (i.e ., MEETING , TRAINING AND PROJECTS) Ma yor Blum provided a brief statement regard ing the importance of the A n nua l Work Plan and how it's used as a guide during the budget:ng process . Commissioner Hepler requested information regarding l ight ing for the pub l ic art on Rosemead Boulevard . Councilmember Yu stated that add itiona l funding would need to be a ll ocated to address the lighting for public art on Rosemead Boulevard . Mayor Blum stated that li ghting and any addit ional work would have to be incorporated int o the Public Art Annua l Work Plan to allow for funding . Commissioner Ho discussed the possible use of t he impact fees to fund public art projects . Ma y or Blum stated that the City Council 's orig i nal pla n t o fu nd the Pub li c Arts Co mm ission projects were through grants and other creat ive measures av oid ing the use of t he Ci t y's General Funds . Vice Cha irman Keelin requested a c o py of the Maintenan ce Report f or the pu b lic art that was supplied to the City. Assistant to th e City Manager/Econom ic Development Manager Haworth stated that the Maintenance Report created by the Conservator w ill be prov ided to the Co mm iss ion . The report details wi ll allow the Public Arts Comm ission to ant ici pate the funding that will be necessary to mainta i n the public arts pr ogram in the Cit y. City Manager Cook stated that undesignated funds are available to pay fo r certa i n ma intenances when fund ing has not been allocated . Cha irman Kim as ked if funding would need to be all ocated p rior to insta llin g t he m ura ls o n Rosemead Boule vard . Co mmissioner Hepler as ked if the allo c ated funding for a spe ci fi c proj ect ma y be used f or othe r proj ects instead of what it was or ig inally desig nated for. Vi ce Chairman Keelin asked if f unding c an be saved and roll ed over a pe rio d of time in ant ici pation for larger projects . Co uncilmember Cha vez stated that unused funds wi ll g o ba c k into th e City 's Gene ral C ity Coun ci l Minu tes January 7, 201 5 Page 3 of 5 Fund . Mayor Blum stated that the City has previously used money as leverage to attain grants and although there 's not a lot of funding in place for publ ic arts projects , fund i ng is not necessary to begin the process of developing projects . Councilmember Yu stated that there are other sources of fund ing tha t ma y be explored . Counc il member V izcarra stated that there are creative wa ys to generate fund ing for the projects . Councilmember Yu stated that there are train i ngs and Conferences the Pub lic Arts Commissioners may attend to help develop plans and ideas to creatively fund projects for their Annual Work Plan . Assistant to the Cit y Manager/Econom ic Development Ma nager Haworth stated that an ema i l was sent to the Public Arts Comm iss ion inviting the Comm iss ione rs to j oin the Publ ic Arts Assoc iat ion . Cit y Manager Cook iden t ified that ded icated fund ing is ava ilable for the Pub li c Arts Commissioners to use to attend conferences and trainings . Commissioner Hepler asked if the Commission will be able to participate during the development of the public art impact fees . Ma yor Pro Tem Cha vez stated that there is a ba lance the City Cou nc il will have to cons ider when de velopi ng impact fees . Commissioner Ho requested information regarding fund ing options a vailab le to the Public Arts Commiss ion . Councilmember Yu thanked the Public Arts Commiss ion for the work the y have contributed to as Public Arts Comm iss ioners . He also encouraged the Pub li c Arts Comm ission to continue developing ideas for their Annua l Wo rk Plan . Comm issioner Rachford requested to be involved from t he beg inn in g of upcom ing projects in the City (e .g., Las Tunas Dr ive ). Comm iss ioner Hepler thanked Ass istant to the City Manager/Econom ic De v elopment Manager Haworth for the support he has provided to the Pub li c Arts Com mi ss ion . Vice Chairman Keelin inquired about the completion of the library mural contract . Cit y Manager Cook stated that the library mural contract is still being re vi ewed and has not been finalized . Vice Cha irman Kee li n as ked how items can be added to t h e Publ ic A rt s Co mmi ssion Agenda . City Council Minutes January 7, 2015 Page 4 of 5 Councilmember Vizcarra suggested designating time during the Pub li c Arts Commission meetings to develop the Agenda for upcoming meet ings . Mayor Pro Tern Chavez encouraged the Public Arts Commission to continue developing plans and researching costs in preparation for the Annual Work Plan and budgeting process . Chairman Kim thanked the City Council for all the support they provide to the Public Arts Commission . City Manager Cook thanked the Publ ic Arts Commission for the work and dedication they have provided to the City . Mayor Blum thanked Assistant to the City Manager/Economic Development Manager Haworth for all the work and time he has dedicated to the Publ ic Arts Commission. C. ROLE OF THE PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSIONERS Mayor Pro Tern Chavez reiterated the importance of report ing-out any progress made during ad hoc committee meetings to the Public Arts Comm ission . Vice Chairman Keel in reported that the reason for an ad hoc comm ittee is to research proposed projects and provide a recommendation to the Public Arts Commiss ion. Mayor Pro Tern Chavez suggested reviewing the ord inance that established the Public Arts Commission to help provide direction and a ~lear definition of the Pub li c Arts Commissioners roles and duties . Commissioner Hepler stated that the lack of staffing for the Public Arts Comm iss ion is caus i ng a delay on completion of projects and would like to know how to expe dite the process . City Manager Cook stated his role is to advise the City Council regarding necessary staffing in the organization and to determine the capacity and amount of t im e in which staff is able to execute projects requested by the City Council. He also added that the commitmen t he made with the City Council is to provide adequate staffing for the projects that need to be completed . Mayor Blum suggested the use of ad hoc committees and /or standing committees to develop and research the projects prior to bringing the ideas to the Comm ission to allow for an expedited execution of the projects . Commissioner Help ler asked the difference between an ad hoc committee and standing committee . Mayor Pro Tem Chavez gave a description of the differences between an ad hoc committee and standing committee and added the aci hoc comm ittee 's role is to provide recommendations to the Public Arts Commission . City Coun ci l Mi nutes January 7, 20 15 Page 5 of 5 Councilmember Yu cautioned the Public Arts Commiss ion away from developi ng too many ad hoc committees . The ad hoc committee should report back any progress made each time the ad hoc committee meets to the Pu blic Arts Comm ission . V ice Chairma n Keelin asked if the projects requested by a Public Arts Comm iss ioner would have to be brought to the Pu bl i c Arts Comm ission and then recommended to the City Council for approval. Mayor Blum stated that Public Arts Co mm ission wou ld need to provide a recommen dation to the City Counc il for approval and give a brief description of the projects and staffing re qui red for all t he requests the C it y Commissions have . 7 . PUBLIC ART PROJECTS A. WALTER TEMPLE BUST B . MURAL ON TEMPLE CITY LIBRARY C . ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD I. SCULPTURES II . S IDEWALK PAVERS Ill. TILE MURALS IV . C IT Y MONUMENTS D. LIN DEN WALK SCULPTURE E. TEMPLE CITY PARK GAZEBO EXPANDED DANCE FLOOR ENGRAVING F. POTENTIAL FUTURE PROJECTS Ma yo r Blum prov id ed a br ief overview of t he publ ic arts projects in the City and the ir status . 8. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mayor Blum ope ned public comment s . H ea ri ng no req uests to speak, Mayor Blum c losed public comments . 9. ADJOURNMENT The City Council Regular Meeting was adjourned at 8 :54p.m . Mayor ATTEST: Deputy City Cle rk