HomeMy Public PortalAbout07) 7B Planning Commission Actions 01-13-2015AGENDA ITEM 78 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: February 3 , 2015 TO : Th e Hono rable City Co unc il FROM : Bryan Cook, City Manager Via : Michael D. Forbes, AICP , Community Development Director ~ By : Je nn ifer Venters , Planning Secretary SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS -MEETING OF JANUARY 13, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: Th e Ci ty Council is requested to rece iv e a nd file th e Plan ning Commission (Co mmi ssion) actions from th e ir meeting of January 13 , 2015. BACKGROUND: On January 13 , 2015 , the Commission held their regu larly scheduled meeting. ANALYSIS: The following is a s umm ary of actions taken at the January 13 , 2015 meeting : 1. RO LL CA LL: Present: Co mmi ssioner-Cordes , O'Leary , Vice -Chairman Curran , Chairman Leung Absent: Commi ssioner-None Excused : Co mmi ssioner-Horton 2 . CONSENT CALENDAR The Commission approved the minutes from th ei r regular meeting of December 9 , 2014 . City Council February 3 , 2015 Page 2 of 3 3 . PUBLIC HEARING A. A MAJOR SITE PLAN REVIEW AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP TO SUBDIVIDE AND CONSTRUCT THREE CONDOMINIUM UNITS The Commiss ion approved a Major Site Plan review and Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide and construct three condominium units located at 9703 Garibaldi Avenue . The approved project consists of three detached two- story condomin iums with attached garages . The site is zoned R-2 , Light Multiple Residential , and designated Medium Density Residential by the General Plan . B. A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A BRIDAL SHOP IN AN EXISTING 930 SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIAL SPACE The Commission approved a request for the establishment of a bridal shop at 9235 Las Tunas Drive . The proposed business will provide planning and photography services for weddings and supply wedding gowns for sale and rental. The site is designated West Commercial (WC) as des ignated by the Downtown Specific Plan by the General Plan . 4 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS-None 5 . NEW BUSINESS A. REPORT REGARDING THE GENERAL PLAN VISION STATEMENT AND GUIDING PRINCIPLES The Commission provided input to staff regarding the General Plan Vision Statement and Guiding Principles brought forth by the General Plan Advisory Comm ittee . The Planning Commission were briefed on the following guid ing principles : quality of life , community character, a vital economy , community programs and facilities , a greener community , a healthy and safe community , and responsive government. 6 . COMMUNICATIONS-None 7 . UPDATE FROM THE PLANNING MANAGER Planning Manager Reimers announced that the next regularly schedu led Planning Commission meeting of January 27, 2015 , w ill be cancelled ; the next Planning Commission meeting will take place February 10 , 2015 , in the Community Room located at City Hall. ,-----------· ---- City Council February 3 , 2015 Page 3 of 3 8 . ADJOURNMENT The Commission meeting was adjourned at 8 :25 p.m . CONCLUSION: The City Council is requested to receive and file this report . FISCAL IMPACT: This item does not have an impact on the Fiscal Year 2014-15 City Budget.