HomeMy Public PortalAbout10) 7E Adoption of Strategic Plans Implementation Plan------------------------~-~-------------------------------- DATE: TO: FROM: MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM February 3, 2015 The Honorable City Council Bryan Cook , City Manager By : Tracey Hause, Administrative Services Director Giselle Corella , Executive Assistant to the City Manager AGENDA ITEM 7E SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN'S IMPLEMENTATION PLAN RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt Temple City Strategic Plan 's Implem entation Plan. BACKGROUND : 1. On January 10 , 2015 , the City Council held a Special City Council Meeting to d iscuss the City of Te mple City Strategic Plan 's Imp lementatio n Plan to prioritize programs and initiatives (i .e., Part II of the Strategic Plan , w ith Part I as the Strategic Direction , Part II as the Implementatio n Plan and Part Ill as the Strategic Funding ). 2 . On January 20 , 2015 , at the Regular City Council Meet ing (Attachment "A "), the City Council discussed the City of Temple City Strategic Plan 's Implementation Plan Matrix and directed staff to finalize the Implementation Plan by including it in the Strategic Plan (Attachment "B") for adoption at the February 3 , 2015 Regular City Council Meeting . ANALYSIS: At the Regular City Coun cil Meeting on Ja n uary 20, the City Council received a presentation from the Strategic Plan Implementation Standing Committee (i .e ., Mayor Blum and Mayor Pro Tem Chavez) on phase two of the Strategic Plan , the Implementation Plan. No additional revisions or major comments were given by the City Counci l and the publi c . Therefore , the City Counci l directed staff to fin ali ze the .-------------------- City Counc i l February 3 , 2015 Page 2 of 2 Implementation Plan by including it as a section in the Strateg ic Plan t o ma ke one comprehensive document. CONCLUSION: Th rough the efforts by the City Counci l, the Ad Hoc and Stand ing Committees , staff and the community , the implementation strategy for how the City w i ll achieve i nit iat ives and recommendations of the various master plans is complete and documented i n "MAKE TC Hap pen ." It is recommended that the City Council adopt the C ity of Temple City Strategic Plan 's Implem entation Plan . FISCAL IMPACT: This item does not have an impact on the Fis cal Year (FY) 2014-15 C ity Budget. ATTACHMENTS: A. January 20 , 2015 City Council Meeting staff report B . MAKE TC Happen ATTACHMENT "A" MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE : January 20, 2015 TO : The Honorable City Council FROM: Bryan Cook , City Manager By : Tracey Hause , Administrative Services Director Giselle Corella , Executive Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: REVIEW OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN 'S IMPLEMENTATION PLAN MATRIX RECOMMENDATION: It is recomme nded the City Council : a) Review the City of Temple City Strateg ic Plan 's Imp lementation Plan Matri x (Attachment "A "); and b) Adopt Temple City Strategic Plan 's Implementation Plan Matrix at the February 3, 2015, Regular City Council Meeting . BACKGROUND: 1. On October 7, 2014 , the City Council discussed the City of Temple City's Strategic Plan and directed staff to finalize the first phase of the Strateg ic Plan for adoption at the October 21 , 2014 Regu lar City Council Meeting . 2 . On October 21 , 2014 , the City Council adopted the first phase of the City of Temple City Strateg ic Plan . 3 . From October 2014 to January 2015 , th e Standing Committee met on numerous occasions to review , revise and fina lize the Imp lementatio n Plan Matrix (i .e ., second phase of the Strateg ic Plan). 4 . On January 10, 2015 , the City Counc il held a Special City Council Meeting to discuss the City of Temple City Strategic Plan 's Implementation Plan (i.e ., Part II of the Strategic Plan , w it h Part I as the Strategic Direction , Part II as the Implementation Plan and Part Ill as the Strategic Funding ). City Council Janua ry 20 , 2015 Pag e 2 of 4 ANALYSIS: Since the adop tio n of the Strategic Plan 's first component , the "Strategic Direction ," the Strategic Planning Implementation Standing Comm ittee has worked on developing an Impl ementatio n Plan Matrix that pulls together all the recommendations of the master plans and major initiatives into a comp rehensive document. In a Special City Council Me eting on January 10 , 2015, the City Council completed a pr ioritizing exercise for the 17 programs and initiati ves they identi fied as important programs and initiatives to undertake in the upcoming five years . Th e following are the 17 programs identified by priority: Park s and Open Space Master Plan March 2014 Pavement Management Pla n October 2013 2"d Priority (Will Do) Bike Master Plan March 2011 Downtown Parking Plan November 2012 Energy Action Pla n November 2012 3rd Priority (Should Do) Sewer Master Plan June 2008 PHS ;QL Sl PHS ; QL ; Sl ED Sl GG; PHS ; QL ; CEC Sl *NO TE: Strategic Goal Definition: GG-Good Governance; PHS-Public Health & Safety; QL-Qualrty of Life ; Sl-Sustainable Infrastructure; ED -Economic Development; CEC-Citizen Education & Communication City Council January 20 , 2015 Page 3 of 4 The programs and initiatives l ist e d above have with it corresp onding tas ks which will then be prioritized by t he City Manager ba sed on available funding and ab ility of staff to complete . While separate from a s taff Work Plan , the Implementation P lan Matrix identifies major tasks that achieve a goal of the specified p rogram or initiative . The following are the components of the Implementatio n Plan Matrix : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6 ) Major program/priority tied directly to the adopted Strategic Plan goal (s ); Prio r itization of each major program/prio rity with a ran ki ng system of top priority (must d o), 2"d priority (will do) or 3rd p rio rity (should do). T he rank i ng system is based on several fa cto rs , including but not exclusively limited to , consistency with curre nt demands and needs of the communit y , ability of staff to complete, and the availability of current and f uture resou rces ; Ea ch major program/priority comes with objectives (or tasks) i n which the major program/priority is set to achieve ; Each objective is then identified by its status as an Ongoing (0) activity, Enhancement from current acti v ity (E), or a completely New (N ) acti vity ; Each objective is then give n a ranking of A , B , or C simil ar to the manner in each major program/priority has its ran king system ; and Estim ated Budgets , Potential Funding Source , Target Completion Date , and Responsible staff are then identified for each objective. By prioritizing important programs and i nitiatives to undertake in the upcom ing five years , the City Council has provided City Manager and staff d irection on some considerations for re source allocatio n in the upcoming fiscal years and budgeting processes. Moving forward , as staff prepares for FY 2015-16 City Budget, the third component o r phase th ree of the Strategic Plan , "Strategic Funding ," will utili ze the Implementation Plan Matrix to deve lop the 5-Yea r Forecast Model for resource a llocation . CONCLUSION: Through the effo rts by the City Council , the Ad Hoc and Standing Committees, Consultants, staff and the commu nity, th e implementation strategy for how the City will achieve initiatives and recommendations o f the various master plans i s complete and documented i n "MAKE TC Happen : Implementation Plan Matrix." It is recommended that the C ity Council review the City of Temple C ity Strategic Plan 's Implementation Plan Matrix. City Council January 20, 2015 Page 4 of 4 FISCAL IMPACT: Thi s item does not have an i mpact on th e FY 2014-15 City Budget. ATTACHMENT: A. MAKE T C Happen : Implementation Plan ATTACHMENT "B " MAKE TC HAPPEN A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR OUR FUTURE C it y of Temple Cit y, California October 20 14 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS City Council Carl Bl u m Tom Chavez Cynthia Sternquist Fernand o Vizc arra Vincent Yu City Staff Bryan Cook, City Mana ger Tra cey Hause, Administ ra tive Se rv ices Director C a thy Burroughs, Parks and Rec reat ion Director Mic ha e l Forbes, Community Devel opment Director Brian Haworth, Assistant t o the Ci ty Manager/ Economic Development Manager G iselle Corella, Executive Assista nt t o the Ci t y Manager Table of Contents MAKE TC HAPPEN! ........................................................................................................................ 1 PHASE 1: STRATEGIC DIRE CTION ................................................................................................... 3 MISSION I VISION I VALUES ........................................................................................................ 4 STRATEGIC GOALS ........................................................................................................................ 6 TOOLS ............................................................................................................................................. 7 THE STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS ...................................................................................... 7 LONG-TERM FINANCIAL PLANN ING ........................................................................................ 8 PRIORITY BASED BUDGETING .................................................................................................... 9 AN UPDATED GENERAL PLAN ................................................................................................ 10 IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY: MAKE TC HAPPEN! ................................................................ 11 PHASE II: IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY ...................................................................................... 12 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN .............................................................................................................. 13 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN METHODOLOGY ................................................................................ 14 APPENDIX A : ................................................................................................................................ 15 COMMUNITY OUTREACH ........................................................................................................ 15 NOVEMBER 2013 STAKEHOLDER MEETING ........................................................................ 16 DECEMBER 2013 ALL-COMMUNITY MEETING ................................................................. 18 APPENDIX B: ................................................................................................................................. 20 STRATEGIC GOAL ELEMENTS .................................................................................................. 20 APPENDIX C : ................................................................................................................................ 23 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN MATRIX ............................................................................................ 23 APPENDIX D: ................................................................................................................................ 31 FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................... 31 TEMPLE CITY STRATEGIC PLAN 1 2014 MAKE TC HAPPEN! What is a strategic plan ? Does Temple City need one? We all know that failin g to plan is a plan to fail. Therefore , it is important for our c ity to lay ou t a stra tegic pla n t o lead us into the future . The purpose of th e Stra tegic Plan is to o rga nize and prioriti ze the City 's work. It is a t ool for documenting and decision-making . City M ission MakeTC Ha p pen! Th e St rategic Plan has three distinctive phases and related documents. Thi s first docu ment addresses the Stra tegic Direction of the Ci t y over the next 20 years. It identifi es th e long term Mission and Vision for the City. It defines the Values upon which this Plan is built , es tablishes Goals for the next ten years and id e ntifies the tools that the City will use to accomplish t hese goals. The second document will identify the Implementation Strategy over the next 5 to 1 0 years . The City has undertaken many studies over the pas t four years. The Implementation St rategy docum ent pulls t ogeth e r those studies and t heir recommendations into a compreh ensive document to help g uid e the C ity 's leadership in the years ahead. Th e third document w ill address the strategic funding which will accomplish the Strategic Pla n. The third document is the annual budgeting process in which the C ity will evaluate its progress with its programs as outlined i n the Strategic Plan's Implementation Plan . This will provide the City an opportunity to adjust, if necessary, how th e implementation of the on-going programs takes place for the upcoming fiscal year. It should also be p oi nted out that stra t egic p lannin g is not a one-time endeavor. It is ongoing because our enviro nm ent is always in fl ux. As such, this Strategic Plan is intended to be dynam ic-changing at times t o address important l I Po g e TEMPLE CITY STRATEGIC PLAN 1 2014 community iss u es t ha t may arise in t h e future. The document wil l be subject to reviews every fi ve years a n d semi-annual p rogress reports t o keep the City focused on it s goals. The success o f this lo n g-ran ge plan wil l depend on t he focus and com m it ment of future C ity Councils. 21 Page TE MPL E CITY STRATEG IC PLAN 1 2014 PHASE 1: STRATEGIC DIRECTION 31 Page TEMPLE CITY STRATEG IC PLAN 1 2014 MISSION I VISION I VALUES OUR MISSION To provide th e highes t quality o f life to our entire community through e xcellent c ust omer serv ice, essential in frastructure, public safety, recrea t ion, education, innovation and welcoming economic growth within the constraints of fiscally respons ible government. OUR VISION Tem p l e City is and will conti nue t o be a sa fe, progressive, sustai nable, vibrant, lea rn ed and a d iverse commun ity. We will con t inue to be a desirable place to live , get an education, raise a family, conduct busi n ess, and enjoy recreational and cultural acti vities. 4J Page ,.--------------- TEMPLE CI TY STRAT EGIC PLAN 1 2014 OUR VALUES The following seven v alues provide g u idelin es for st ra t egic planning and decision making, represe nting t he City's highes t priorities and deeply held dri v ing forces. INEGRITY. HONESTY & TRUST Honest. transparent governin g, deserving of the publ ic trust. RESPECT & CARING Consis t entl y treat staff. residents and the business community well. BEST OF CLASS Recru it and appoint the bes t quali fied candidat e. LEVERAGE RESOURCES Utilize Cit y staff and fundi n g to obt ain additional resources (people, money and partnerships to meet t he City's goals). INNOVATION & BEST PRACTICES Encourage creative thinki ng i n find i ng techniques, process, methods and materials to best meet the needs of t he C ity. BE PROACTIVE & TAKE ACTION Anticipate commu nity n eeds as wel l as ext ernal opportuniti es and threats t o the C ity and proactively address them. 51 Page -·---------- TEMPLE CITY STRATEGIC PLAN 1 2014 STRATEGIC GOALS The City initiated development of this Strategic Plan to create a more focused v ision for the next five, ten and twenty years through the prioritization and implementation of recommendations from recently completed planning studies (see pg. 13 for list of programs). Out of a se ries of community workshops ultimately emerged the following six strategic goals, which will be used by leaders and sta ff to guide the City into the future . Good Governance Manage t h e City's many responsib ilities in an efficient, effective manner. Promote fi n ancial stabil ity, and promote bes t practices and innovation in all aspects of government operations. Public Health and Safety Provide a sa fe community with quality law enforcement and emergency services, well-managed in frast ructure systems and h ealthy living opportunities. Quality of Life Cultivate a st rong sense of pride in the community through special events and the arts, well-maintained and attractive neighborhoods, commercial and recreational facil ities. Sustainable Infrastructure Become an environmentally and economically sustainable community . Address th e effects of cl imate c h ange th rough a number of environmenta l p rograms, a n d pursue "green" i nfrastructure improv ements where poss i ble. Economic Development Retain and support a diverse mix of quality busine sses, while facilitating business recruitment, expansion and in ves tment. Provide incentives, development standards, shared resources, efficient processes and ongoing vision for economic v itality. Citizen Education and Communication Create an informed, involved and engaged community thro ugh public outreach, education and communication . The goals outline d were the result of much comm unity deliberation, and reflect what citizens want in th eir city . In the Appendix B, you will find e xpanded discussion on each goal. 6I Page TEMPLE C ITY STRATEGIC PLAN 1 2014 TOOLS The City will use the following five major tools to help acc omplish this Strategic Plan. THE STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS Th e Temple Cit y Council has u ndertaken the strategic plan n ing process to ensure that there is a regular review of existing City projects and programs and a methodology for conducting research and plannin g, then implementation of new programs. The following steps constitute the Strategic Plann ing Proce ss : ASSESS GOALS/NEEDS RESEARCH NEW PROGRAMS/PROJECTS/SERVICES UNDERTAKE PLANNING ENGAGE COMMUNITY INPUT PR IORITIZE ALLOCATE FUNDING TAKE ACTION! REPEAT ... 71 Page TEMPLE CITY STRATEGIC PLAN 1 2014 LONG-TERM FINANCIAL PLANNING As part of the strategic planning p rocess, the following steps will be taken it develop a Long-Te rm Financial Plan. Priority Based Budgeting, discussed in the following section, will al so be an integral part of the analysis of funding issues. Implement Through Budget StaffTm Council&: Staff Tm j Council&: StaffTcl with Critial Point of Public Input A Long-Term Financial Plan tries to identify potential long-term imbalances, and financ ial strategies are developed to counteract these imbalances. The Long- Term Financial Plan does not just forecast the status quo, it considers various fi nancial and economic environments, forecasts revenues and expenditures both on-going and one time, capit al needs and considers future debt. The preparation of the Long-Term Financial Plan involves all stakeholders, elected officials, operating departments, and the public who can all help in developing the b ig picture and identifying long-term needs. The ultimate goal will be to develop consensus strategies to ensure a successful implementation of the St rategic Plan . 81 Page TEMPLE CI TY STRAT EGIC PL AN 1 2014 PRIORITY BASED BUDGETING The City has in augurated a Pr iority Based Budgeting system to h elp establish cost e ff ective spen ding. Th e following five st ep process is used: 1. Determine Goals -Comprehensive, high-level and over-arching reasons the organization exists in the eyes of the community 2. Define Steps needed to accomplish Goals 3 . Identify Existing Programs and Services 4. Value Existing Programs Based on the Goals Eva luate fac t ors affe c tin g p rograms: ./ Which programs are of the hig h es t priority in t erms of ac h ievi ng what t he community expects? ./ Which program s are tru ly mandat ed for us to provide? ./ Whic h progra ms are o ffered because they are "se lf-imposed?" ./ Whic h p rograms are offered for which th ere are no oth er service providers? ./ Are there programs that m ight lend themselves to public/private partn erships? ./ Who in the private sector is off eri ng programs th at are si milar in nature? ./ Wh ich programs are experienci ng an increasing o r decreasi ng level of demand from th e community? ./ Are th ere programs o ffe red t hat are no longer helping us achieve our intended goals? ./ Wha t are we spending to achieve our goals? 5. Allocate Resources Based on Priorities The p rocess for al locating resources based on identified priori ti es will include assess ing the t otal estima t ed cost, possible funding sources, t imeframe for completi on of the project and the priority . 9I Page TEMPLE C IT Y STRA TE GIC PLAN 1 2014 AN UPDATED GENERAL PLAN California State law req uires all cities t o adopt a General Plan . The General Plan serves as th e b lueprint for th e fu tu re by providing goals, pol icies, and programs related to the growth and physical development of the community. The General Plan is implemented throu g h the Zoning Code to guide decisions about private development, and is used to direct City investment s in public improvement s. Th e General Plan is one of several tools for implementing t he Strategic Plan by establishing goals, policies, and programs specifically related t o land use, t ransportation, a nd o th er subject areas covered by th e General Plan. The General Plan is bui lt upon the community's visio n and guiding principles, as establis h ed in th e Stra t egic Plan. General Plans sh o uld be upda t ed every few years t o ensu re that t hey are a reflection of t he community's current vision and desires for its fu t ure . Temple Ci t y 's Genera l Plan was last updated in 1987. The City is now working on a comprehensive update to the Genera l Plan . The City Council has appointed a 12-member Genera l Plan Advisory Committee that will work closely w ith City st aff and the City's General Plan consultant to create an updat ed General Plan to guide Temple C ity's growth and development in the coming decades. 10 I Page ---------------------------· -~ TEMPLE C ITY STRAT EGIC PLAN 1 2014 IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY: MAKE TC HAPPEN! Th e City Council will work with the City Manager and management staff to u ndertake the resou rce allocation and scheduling of 17 planning efforts that have been undertaken by the Ci t y in the past four years. Programs • Emergency Pr eparedness Program • CDBG Program • Communications Plan • Economic Development -Bus iness Promot ion and Public In formation Services • Water Conservation and Clean-up of Urban Runoff • General Plan • Parks and O pe n Space Master Plan (March 2014) • Pavement Management Plan (October 2013) • Bike Master Plan (March 20 11) • Downtown Parking Plan (Nove mbe r 2012 ) • Energy Action Pl an (November 2012) • Law Enforcement Strategy (20 11 ) • Public Art Program • Street Lights and Master Plan/Capital Replacement (February 2011) • Traffic Calming Master Pla n (N ovember 2012) • Civic Center and Library Upgrad e Project • Sewer Master Plan (June 2008) Wh ile an initial prioritiza ti on and im p lementat ion plan will be developed, taking into consideration t hat some p rograms have al ready been i nitiated, the remaining tools will be used to determine the priority, schedule and funding mechanisms as part of th e annual budget process. When possible City staff will combine and integrate construction/ im plementation o f programs to m inimize disruption to the community and maximize the amount of work accomplished with t he limited available funds . 11 I Po g e TEMPLE CITY STRATEGIC PLAN 12014 PHASE II: IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY 121 Page TEMPLE CI TY STRAT EG IC PLAN 1 2014 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Since th e adoption o f th e Strategic Plan's first component. the "Strategic Direction," the St rategic Planning Implementation Standing Committee has worked o n developing an Implementation Plan Matrix that pulls together all the recommendations of the master plans and maj or in iti atives into a comprehensive docume n t. In a Special City Council Meeting on January 10, 2015 , the Ci t y Council completed a prioritizing exercise for the 17 programs and ini t iatives they identified as important programs and initiatives to undertake in the upcoming five years. The following are the 17 programs identified by priority: Parks a n d Open Space Master Plan March 20 14 Pavement Management Plan October 2013 2 nd Prior ity (W ill Dol Bike Master Plan March 20 11 Downto wn Parking Plan 12 J rd Priority (Should Dol Sewer Master Plan June 2008 PHS ; QL Sl PH S; Q L; Sl ED Sl GG; PHS ; QL ; CEC Sl *NO TE: Stra tegic Goal De fin i tio n: GG -Good Governance; PHS-Public Hea lth & Safety; OL-Qua li ty o f Ufe: Sf - Sus tainable Infras truc ture; ED -Economic Develo pme nt; CEC -Citizen Educatio n & Communication 131 Page TEMP LE CI TY STR ATEGIC PLA N 1 2014 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN METHODOLOGY The programs and init iatives listed have w ith it corres p ondin g tasks w hich will th en be prioritized by the Cit y Manager based on avail able funding an d ability of staff to complete. Wh il e separate fr om a staff Work Plan, th e Implementa ti o n Plan Matrix ident ifies major t as ks tha t achieve a goal of the sp ecifi ed program or initiative. The fo ll owing are the component s of the Implemen tation Plan Matrix: 1) Major program /pri o rity ti ed d irec tl y to th e adopted Strategic Plan goal (s); 2) Prioritization of each major program/priority with a ranking system o f top priority (m ust do), 2nd priority (will do) or 3rd priori t y (should do). The ranki ng system is based on several factors, incl uding but not excl usively li mited t o, con sis t ency w ith current demands and needs of the comm unity, abil ity of staff to complete, a nd th e avail ability of current and future re so urces; 3) Ea c h major program/priority comes with obj ectives (o r tasks) in which the major program/priority is set t o a chieve; 4) Ea c h obj ective is then ident ified by its status as an Ongoing (0) activit y, Enh ancement from curr e n t activi t y (E), o r a compl etely New (N) activity; 5) Ea c h obj ective is then given a ran king o f A, B, o r C similar to the manner in each major program/priority has its ranking sys t em; and 6) Esti mated Bud gets, Potential Funding Sou rce, Target Completion Date, and Re sponsible staff are then identified f or each objec ti ve . By prioritizing impo rtant p rograms and initiatives t o undertake in the upcoming five years , t he City Council has provided City Manager and staff direction on some considerations fo r resource allocat io n in th e upcomin g fiscal years and budge tin g processes . 141 Page TEMPLE C ITY STRA TE GIC PLAN 1 2014 APPENDIX A: COMMUNITY OUTREACH The City of Temp le City engages its residents regularly on matters that are important to th e health and v itality of the community. The stra tegic planning p rocess is no exception. In order to develop this framework documen t, t he community has been informed about the process i n the City's award winning CONNECT magazine and through updates at City Council meetings. In addition, two in -depth commu nity meetings were held -one with community st akeholders in November 2013, and another w ith the community at large in December, 2013. Finally, the City Council held a workshop January 2014 to discuss the resu lts and provide direction regarding the drafti ng of two documents: "Make TC Happen! A Strategic Planning Framework" and "2014- 2016 Strategic Pl an Implementati on." lSI Page TEMPLE C ITY STRATEGI C PLA N 1 2014 NOVEMBER 2013 STAKEHOLDER MEETING Community stake h olders representing c ity comm1ss1ons, communit y organizations, the school districts, and the business community were invited to participate in a live ly discussion about future needs, values and goals. An overview of the City's Priority Based Bud get effort was given. The community was asked t o iden tify goals, p rograms, and projects that are o r would be d esir a ble in the Six Goal categorie s th at make up the Priority Based Budget . Fo ll owing on the next page is a sa mple of the points that were raised . 161 Page ------------~------------------ TEMPLE CITY STRATEGIC PLA N 1 2014 Programs and Projects that the Community id e ntified as meeting at least one the Ci t y's six Stra t egic Goals : Tra nsparency Partnersh ip with TC USD Joint Use Agre ements Civic Center Master Pla n Code Patrol Citizen In volvemen t Park s and Sport s Pro grams Library Se ni or Lunch Program Fest ivals Farm ers Market Road Maintenance Tree Service Beautifica ti on Trash Service Traffic Planning Water Quality and Power Facil it ies Sewers and Storm Drai ns Neighborh ood Watch Law Enforcement Code Compliance Fire Serv ice Traffic Control Citizens Academy Com munity Meetings and Citizen Workshops Email Communications City Website Public Par king Downtown Improvement s Fac;ade Improvements Rosemead Project Bu siness Prom otion Small Busines s Assistance 171 Page TEMPLE CITY STRATEGIC PLAN 1 2014 DECEMBER 2013 ALL-COMMUNITY MEETING The community was briefed o n t he Strategic Planning process and other planning projects th at would soon be underway -Priority Based Budgeting and the General Plan Upda te. Attendees broke into g roups and provid ed feedback on "what's working?" and "what o pportu nit ies sh ou ld we explore?" Fo ll owing is a hig hlight o f t h e responses: 181 Page Working : • CONNECT Magazine • Access to information -Council and staff and community • Frie ndly and welcoming City Hall • Ample public m eeti ngs and public participat ion • Teen Zone • Joint use of gym • Safe Routes to School • Youth Sports • Trees and Landscape Opportunities: • Improve budget meeting p resentations to community; more user frie ndly • Better community representation on commissions • Provide more visua l images w ith planning project presentations • Regular City Manager's Reports with simple language, not jargon • Shared recrea t ional and green space • Aquatics center usage • Co-sponsorship o f extracurricular youth programs • City internship opportunities for students/Citize n 's academy for teens • Improved pedestrian amenities - drinking founta ins, comfortable public sp aces TEMPLE CITY STRATEGIC PLAN 12014 • Cleanliness and Safet y • Easy access to City Hall • Fi xed Route Transit • Police Patrol • Code Enforcement • Area meetings • CERT t raining • Adult classes and outings - dance, aquatics, music, arts and crafts • Walking/jogging trail • Wi-Fi/internet access • Better visibility of stores and storefr ont design guidelines • Support of businesses and chamber; streamlined licensing process • Events to attract people - themed walks, discounts/promotions, street fair, etc. • New neighbors "Welcome" program • Block parties and events • Larger sidewalks • Installation of public art • Encourage outdoor dining at restaurants • Larger playgrounds and dog parks • Community service p rojects for youth • Dedicated senior cent er 191 Page TEMPLE C IT Y STRATEGIC PLAN 1 2014 APPENDIX B: STRATEGIC GOAL ELEMENTS GOOD GOVERNANCE • Protects , manages, optimizes and invests in its financial, human, physical and technology resources • Ensures sou nd fi sca l policies and enables trust and transparency by ensuri n g accountability, efficiency, best practices and innovation in all operations • Supports decision-making wi t h timely and accurate short-term and long- range analysis that enhances vision and plan n ing • Provides assurance of regulatory and policy compliance to minimize and mitigate risk PUBLIC HEALTH and SAFETY • Offers protecti on, e nforces th e law, proactively prevents crime and is prepared to respond t o calls for assistance • Plans and provides for a safe, well-maintained, well-managed infrastructure system , ensuring safe traffic flow and mobility • Supports, preserv es and sus ta ins a we ll-designed , well-kept, properly regulated and visually appealing community • Provides for and promotes t he physical and enviro nmental health and well-being of th e community • Offers a variet y of safe, accessibl e parks and recreation opportunities that promote healthy living and cul tura l activiti es • Builds an in fo rmed, engaged and educated community that shares in the re sponsibilit y for its safety and well-being QUALITY of LIFE • Provides and susta i ns a safe, clean , healthy and properl y regulated environment in which to live and work • Collaborativ ely promotes, encourages and plans for quality neighborhood s, thriving commercial areas, well-managed infrastructure, a variety of h ousing options th at meet the needs of the community • Cultivates a strong sense of culture and community through access to quality education , e xposure to the arts and opportunities fo r life-long education 20 I Page TEMPLE CITY STRATEGIC PL AN 1 2014 • Provides accessible , well-maintained parks and open spaces, as well as a variety of quality recrea t iona l o pportunities that p ro m o t e an active and healthy life style • Promotes and supports a variety of venues and even ts tha t offer entertainme nt, leisure and relaxation opportunities that meet the diverse needs of a m ulti-cultural , multi-generational community • Fosters an environment that encourages citizen engagement and involvement; instills a se nse o f community pride, provides timely and accurate informa tion and com munication • De monstra t es a commitment to providing high quality, accessible and innovative serv ices that instill trust, focus on customer sa ti sfaction and exceed commu nity expectations SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE • Plans, manages, maintains, and adequately invests in a safe, accessible infrastructure network • Pr ovides for t he protection , preservation , maintenance, efficient use and enjoyment of its parks and g reen space • Pr omotes, e n courages a nd invests i n energy conservation, a lternative e n e rgy sou rces, "green" i ni tiatives, standards and practices a n d access to alternative mobil ity options ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • Encourages and supports a diverse mix of qu al ity businesses • Plans for community econ o mi c growth, promoting l ocal businesses that provide for the day-to-day needs of the com mu nity • Facil it ates bus in ess development and growth t hrough incentives, shared resources a nd efficient processes • Invests in mai ntaining a safe, attractive, accessible and su ffi ciently regulated environment fo r residents, businesses and visitors • Encourages and promotes well-planned development, renovation and revitalization supported by sufficient and reliable infrastructure • Delivers responsive and courteous service t o internal and e xternal customers, while ensuring tim e ly and effecti ve two-way communication • Attracts, motiva tes a nd develops a high-qualit y , e n gaged and p rodu ctive workforce CITIZEN EDUCATION and COMMUNICATION • Creates an in formed, involved and engaged community through public outreach, e ducation and communication 21 I Page TEMPLE CITY STRATEGIC PLAN 1 2014 • Ensures that it conducts its day-to-day business in an environment that is accessible and transparent • Seeks community feedback and encourag es participation and partnerships • Fosters an environment that is inclusive and recognizes its diversity • Utilizes a wide and diverse variety of formats, forums and mediums to ensure community education and outreach 22 I Po g e TEMPLE C IT Y STRATEGIC PLAN 1 2014 APPENDIX C: IMPLEMENTATION PLAN MATRIX 23 I Page IMPLEMENTATION PLAN MATRI X Status Task Strategic P'-n (O.Ongolng; E· Pr iority Programl Prionty Goal En M ncement; (A -1oi,B Objlctaw N-Now) -2nd; c- lrdJ 0 A Contmue uaner bkat•on of Connect """ 0 A Continue annual j)IOOfRrnrT"4 Rnd O't'ers· hi of Cltilens Acade 0 A Continue regular post•na• on the Clty'a sooaii"Mdla t~M 0 A Continue Qutul er!Y ad placements on t he CitY's cebte scroll Comm untc at lons Plan GG;CEC 0 A Cont1nue uarte1 ed cements on lhe Rosemead Blvd. dktltal btiiJoard (Top PrlorltyJ E A Conhnue as-needed deveto ntand I tementatlon of 1 aiCN'tc e menl iMiabYes 0 A Conhnue as-needed coordinatiOn wtth local media outlets 0 A Conhnue oversight of cabte channel radio statiOn Connect.CTY and Plble E A Continue to review and !morave the C1tv website N A Evaluate the addition of a Leadershl Program for resktents E~~ a consutant to act as the economic development coordinator for the C1ty and 111 COOJdinabon 0 A With the Chamber of Commerce Utl•ze the San Gabriel Valley Economc Partnership fOf various econorTIIC development aiHVIces (e.g., N A business viSrtation eHortl colocdon of market data underllandmo teQionat presence) Enact cilyV.1de business vialtatlon Pfogram that oasossos IOC:al buSmess condruons •net colects E A lnform..1t1on for hrture pol'c;y_consldorotion lnlbate specific dialogue with the LM Tunas business COIMlUOity that convnunlcot DS scope and Impact E A of the upeotnng Las Tunes StrMtst.llpe and EMMC.tunent ProjKt E A Conbnua active CommunitY Prnervation efforts E A Introduce businesses and Dtooertv owners to the nahonel Mliln Street model for downtown ravitalizabOn E A E A ~e.g Citywici8Wi-FI E B N c or a business l fllPtovament district BID E co nomic Oawlopmant -town Par~ng Adv~ry Commttee of alectod and app<)'nted N A ot1k:iats bus.1ness owners and resk:htnti to develoo a strataav and schedule Business Promot io n and GG; QL; EO ; E B Downtown Parking Plan Updato Downtown Parking Map Public Info rmation CEC N c Downtown Perk'•no Plan Evaluate parking standards Services Downtown Park•ng Paan Fooktota •as1ng private porkmg and aaow shared parkJng between (Top P rlortty) N c bttSinesses/orooertiO!I E c Downtown Parking Plan Review 11ripu~ _of arts! k lola N c Downtown Parkina Plan Teat angle p&rlung along Temple C1ty Boulevard N c Downtown Parklno Plan Tntremovol of parklnn stDI delneauons on Las Tunos Drive E c Downtown Parkino Pion Colect oark1no durabon dotn to best determine how to refine time restncbons E c Downtown Parking Ptan Instal ~a racks N c Downtown Parking Ptan lnctease pedestnan WAikwftYS_between_pa:uking lots and LAs Tunas Downtown Parking Pian Coordinate Wllh bustnesses to establsh pedestnan walldng routes that are N c desiQned In tooical themes such as h!StOfV , art or heatlh N c Downtown Parkl Plan Provide lnlormalional kiosks with locahon of parkloo areas N c Downtown Parktoo Plan Des nAte e .. rkl ar•n N c Downtown Parking Plan Review t~u fee Pfogram N c Downtown Park•no Pion Test valet parkii'IQ for downtown restaurants uown1own Parking Plan Purwue luoong opportuNbea 1o implomonl noar-1etm and long-larm N c recommendations N A Develop a Reoional Board acceptable l)fQOram Water Conservation and Evaluate need, then aokit rT*nlenaoce c:onbact bKb tor lnstalng and malntaiNng catch basin 11'15erts Clean-4Jp of Urban Runott Sl N A Md then instal ond ut mtuntenance oronram (Top Pnonty) 0 A Submt Rosemead B~d-annuAl re rts for 2012-lland 201~14 N A Puraue a sustalnab .. funding source N A Reduce Water consumption by a mmmum ol10% Ciryw;de STRATEGIC GOAL GG-Good Governance , PHS· Pubic Healh Salary, OL-Quality of Ule, Sl· Sustnlnabkl l nfrasllucture, ED-Econorm: Development. CEC-Cfllzen Education Commumcabon s Estimated Budget Potantilll Fu nding Sourc-e Target Comp .. tlon Date Sian (L-Ioad; S4upportJ Operabons Genera l Fund & SpeCial TBO 2015 L ·Management Serv~ces reo Economc Development Reserves 2015 reo General Fund & Speaal TBD 201• TBD General Fund & SpeCial TBD 2015 reo General Fund & SpeCia l TBD 2015 reo Gener_. Fund 2015 reo General Fund & Speclol TBO 2018 reo General Fund & S cle i TBO 2015 reo General Fund & Special TBO 2016 reo General Fund & Specl.a l TBD 2015 reo General Fund & Soeael TBD 2ll16 reo General Fund & Speaal TBD 2ll15 reo General Fund & Speaal TBO 2ll15 L-Managemonl Services: S- reo General Fund & Spedel TBO TBO Convnumty Development reo General Fund & Speael TBO TBO reo General Fund & ~~9tal TBO reo reo General Fund & Spedal TBO TBD reo Geneml Fund & Spedol TBO TBO reo General Fund & Special TBO reo TBD General Fund & S al reO reo reo General Fund & Special TBO reo reo General Fund & Special TBD reo TBO General Fund & Soecfal TBO reo reo General Fund & S dalreO reo reo General Fund & Spedal TBD reo reo General Fund & Spada! TBD reo reo General Fund reo General Fund & Other StDta or ~ederal reo Funds 2015 30 000 General Fund & Spedal TBD 2ll18 l-CorTVnUt\ICy Development NIA General Fund & S~_al TBO 2ll15 reo reo TBD reo TBO reo IMPLEMENTATION PLAN MATRIX Status Tuk Strategk. PLan (O.Ongoing; E-Prtonty Prog,.ml Pfionty Goal Enhancement: (A-lai. B Obfotl•w N-New) ·2nd;C • lnl) N A Contiue1 ._1Ck-4ft mHtii'IQ and CitY tour N A Oovt RCommur'll OutrMeh PlRn N A Oltvf'k:lp 1\ M.1kfl TC HAWf'M WPb •• ,. N A Conduct Smkeholdof ~nterv.rws N A •••*h .,.,..aJ Plftfl Adveorv Comtn~ttee N A N A "-~ N A Croato cument N A CteAIG N A ldentifv ation N A Oev e AlernatNH 8Uikf out na Fttcal Altnament N A Create Land Usa Map Genen~l Plan GG; OL; ED ; N A Oevetop tht Draft Canaral Plan (To p Pnori1YI CEC N A Owetoo the Otaft Las TuMSIRonmead SPidfk: Plnn N A Ach•ev• rw.rOt'U'nlntJII C•arance N A Conduct tM Sco MHO N A CofT1llele Otaft Enwonment-.1 1 eiRe 1 N A Co~e rHponaa to comment• and PfiPitl Fin~ EtwMorvnenlat lll\PKI Report N A l n.tlftta Zon1no Code Uortata N A Cor<lutl Gonellll Plan C"""'lencv AnalYsis N A Co a Ckaft zo,.. ~ N A Conduct Htori Ado andCertlbbon N A Prepe~a Final General PBn and ZofW'IQ c.oca Oocumenes RocoiMltrdabolllor OPI>COYol by C4y C...nallho FNI Goner-' Pion ond Zorong ~Documents al N A 1ho Plornno C__...n Mo .. no!s N A -ot the Ftnal Mral P .. n And Zot'll"lq Code Ooc:utr.nts M the c.ty Counal MeeMq S) STRATEGIC GOAL GG ·Good Governance. PHS· Pubic Hoalh Safety, OL-Ouatty ol Ute. Sl • Sustlltnabtt lnfr•sUucture, EO. Economc Dctveloprnenl, CEC-Cltllen Educabon Convnurwcabon $ EIUtna .. d Bud~l Potential Fund ing Souru Taro-t Completion Date Sleft (l-INd; S.cupport) 20 .. 2014 2014 2014 2015 2014 2015 2015 2014 2015 2015 1.300,000.00 Ec:onon"IC Oevetopment RHII'VH 2015 L -commu,.;1y Dtvelopmenl 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2018 2015 IMPLEMENTA TION PLAN MATRI X 6tatU5 Task Stntteglc Plan 10-0ngol ng: E· Priority Progntml Prio nty Goa l En hancement ; I A-1st.B Objec-h ve N~ew} ·2nd ; C . lrdJ Develop a use agreem.nl W'lth La. Angeles Flood Control tor c:tevolopment of lnllta and meet the need E A to r watklo<> and bokono uolto In Temolo Cotv E A Conhnue to meet With TCUSO to devek>o and exoend k»nt use eoreement to use oDen soace amenlbos Increase awareness and perUCipaiJon rates of progtam1 and special event oftenngs among users and 0 A use data to make educated decislon about prOQram Ire nets and Mure program ofterinas 0 A Ensure futu re oroarams rue alioned With market factors and cofT'WT'IUnitv demoaraohlcs 0 A Evaluate r rams that are offered simi lar rovkters .e. church's basketban rom Track program age segments served and ensure a greater percentage of programs ate offered for the 0 A leoir<~ popttlation in Tom... City l nctease extent on customer IGidbaet using 1 variety of onlne and on-c•te medium~ Including ~ual (Englsh, Mandarin I Cantonese) methods (onlne surveys, lost cuatomer surveys, •caughl~n-the-.acl• 0 A survevs etc. Conduct cus tomer s.ervica lfWning to ensure start ts locused on providing an outstanding guest nxpeuonce and inuoduce diversity training to enhance the staff's ability to deal wtlh a varled and 0 A mui1Cufturalaud1ence •n Temple C ~~y Continue to enhance locus on volunteenam and pertnershlpato mnlm.za opereUng coats and ma1urraze 0 A revenue POienhal Conduel annual cus tomer surveys and commoo•cate thlrnuh to al staff to KSenllty posUIYe or negatiVe 0 A trends in customer res.PQ!'ISM and uhtize cusiOITitU '"P!It to l_mpr_!We and enhance offe~loo_s Pa ries and Open Space E A Prepare new Master Plans lot Uve Oak Park and Temple CitY Park E B Undertake additional mu1..anauol marketina lhrouoh Enabh and foreton lonaueoe sodal meda Master Plan P HS; Q L N B Addesma one custorrired website and atso build an aoo. if oossibe March 20 14 (T op Prlonty) Create greater consfstency in ptogram dehery, look and feel thfough syste~WK:Se s tandalds to help 0 B bu[kt a atrcmg brand awareness N c Elptore and evalunte obtaining PfOpertles as ldenbfied In the Parks and Open Space M.-.sutr Ptan Irritate Needs Anat(llllor atternate locaiJOns lor C1ty Maintenance Yard and dovatop ptans end avakJate N c the ootenhal tor develooment nnd constructiOn of new oark aoaee at oki C1tv Maintenance Yard Oovebp plans and complete dovetopment and consbuction ol open space altha P rimrose Avenue E c loorki..itots N c Oevebp plans and comptftl e dovetopment and construe110n o f new CltV MAinteMnct Yord E c Create a core ram area-Frlr'I8$S and Welness taroet100 al eon E c Create a volunteer rec nrtiOn ram muon atrlne rewards roms Meet wrth private schoolalchurches to diSCuss pouib• usa of property for park and open apoce N c devetopment U\llze comm.Jnity partnershlps and crowdfunding sources such as www.lockstarter.org or N c www.razoo.com to enhance tlnandnl suooort for exlsUno or ruture onetinas N c Contmue ex ndl volunteer 1u rt thr h onlne tatfomw such as www.volunteermatch.or N c l nc:ouJOrata oark~ts Into tha LM Tunas Onve lmDfovements Dlons N c Oevolop pfans for PGSSibMI Plirklng lot conversions behind business· on Las Tunas Ouve Meet With Los Ange._ County nnd Los A.ngekts Flood Control to discuss development of trnlB In Eaton WMh end Arcadia Wash Chango pork rules to •-~-wa•lng_ond add d waste slabOna STRATEGIC GOAL GC-Good Governance; PHS-Pubic Heath Salety, Ol-Quality of Ufe, Sl -Sustamab&e l nfrastl'ucture. ED-Econornc Development. CEC-Citizen Edutatk>n Convnumcation Elllmo .. d Budget TBD N'A TBO TBD N'A N'A N'A N'A N'A N'A s 35 000.00 N'A s 5 000.00 N'A TBD N'A TBD TBO N'A N'A N'A N'A N'A To be dl!ltlrmfned With Las Tunas Project To bt determined With Lu Tul'\al Project Comotelo Compte It! Pot ential Fundin g Sou rce T•rget Completion Da te s .. n I L-Iood ; S-cuppo rtJ General Fund L ·Parts and Reaeabon s 2017 • Conuact Enatn&er N'A On-Golno General Fund Dn-Golno GenemiFund o..oo;ng N'A On-Going N'A Ot>Golno N'A o...ao.,., N'A On-Go! no N'A On-Golng N'A on-eo;,., General P lan S n 2015 N'A 2016 General F und 2016 N'A L • PerU end Recreation On-Golno General Fund Reservea/Grants 2016 N'A 2016 TBO 2021 TBD 2021 N'A On-Golng N'A o..oo;no N'A o..oo;no N'A On-Golr<~ N'A on-eo;,., Statl!l Gas Tax , PropoUJon A and C Assessment District TBO Slate Gas Tax, Proposition A and C Assusment District TBO Progr.ml Pno nty Pavement Management P io n Ocrober 2013 (Top Prkmty) Emergency Preparednna Program ITop Prior~YI CDBG Program ITop Priorit y) STRATEGIC GOAL S f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E E N N IMPLEMENTATION PLAN MATR IX Ob,.chw M.tln1"'n Cotv s1reet& o1 o _o,..n1 conditoon 1-x of lovol B A Ro-lnspoctoO, r fFAUl roul .. ovor !he no•! two voo10 A :,-;::::.:,~ ;::':~ Including aloys ovor lhe loiOw\ng lour years o1 a rato of' !25% :;:r:~:: =•~ pavomo,. """ntenonco needs. pe~ornwnca. unrt costs. and pavomonl A Redevelop pavement o < IPCO rooon everv 2 Years A !leYoloo o schedulo lor ro-lnlooctron ol alloys A Ptlfii<IDOIO In an onnuat lrwoocbon ~ tloN!otv lr¥JPIA A Evotualo curb ard ooAtor inllolaOon oolcv !t,.tol o ew llrooiMJM at com....ralll corndoro ond r......,blll ore .. ~ IOONIIIO I Fundi Avroilablo INOFAJ Oonbnue to uptoro IIJn<llng tor S.lo Rouloo to scnoor Prog110m A ~"::'; ''"" uarrong nooas tor > UOINOCI ~ provide ••""11 1o1 alsten rooed!rcl A :O...,uato rovrow lind ""'""' ston 10 EOC _..,,.to -'"olhal EOC >s odtquol•lr ,,._ A : Cantor bUildrno lind llft•>"lv IUrnrturo ..., .,....,..,. - A 'rocuro IUfroMo end btic OQU!pmonl neldod to~ EOC A : EOC trarnrna lor olatan lin D<OOfOSSl Esllmotod Budgol TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Ooo<atiorw PotentiAl Funding Source MeasureR Genon!Fund Gono10IFund Gonerai Furtl Gon1110IFurt1 Goner11!Fu..O Tarvel Comp.,lion O.te On-Goo no 2017 201Q Annually Annuol" 2118 Comdotod GG: PHS: OL E A ~~::::~• rodroo lind olher tq'"pmentond 1uppl01 hom old EOC locobon In lblory biJdd.ng to new Oooratiorw Gonof10! Fund 2015 ~==~N==~=~A~IId~onb~'YI~~~··•~m•]Ecoc~:~~~~~,.,~~~~~~~~~~~~~========~======~o~ .... ~tiorwt::=:=~====~Go~ne~ralltF~und~====~====~201t=5:=~ E A Devoloo olo"""erm IChoduto o f rehosher tralnlna and EOC oxeldses Oooraborw General Fund 15 A Contonue providing CER"" trolnlng to Temple :rty rosld""ts General Furtl Or>-iOing Contonuoldenblv ono and roc.uotrnn CERT oraduateo to oorticooate on Advanced •:ERT oroorom Doerohons General Fund On-iOino A Contonue orovidina odditlonol holnlng lor Advanced CER"" membe,. Gonerel Fund On-iOina N A ttralnlna and exorcise oooonunl~es lor Advanced CER"" and CI!Y olaff Operotions Genom! Fund ~"'" ~orng 0 A ~~~~~~~':.:':: .:.'::.ojoclllhat wll provrdo ,_, t>onoat to communrty end onouro that money Is . Qporratiorw Generol Fund On-GOing O. A 1;,:'';~~~::!:::::. Loo Angotoo Convoo,.ty Devolopmom Colrms$ion ILACDC) to golllfOQ<O,.. Ooerobone General Fund On-Goona GG:CL;ED ~--~--4-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,_----~~~~----,_----~~~~~----,_--~~~---4 0 A 1::.::~~~:1 work wrth COBG conoUI!antto PfomGio p<ogtonw oooon•urothoy oro -.g UlllZod to tnoll Ooorllllorw Generol Fund On-CiOing 0 A 1:::7"".,.,0 work ""lh LACDC to p<oceso payments.,.., orwuro tnot dnowoown roquwomonll oro borng Opeuoborw General Furtl On-CiOino GG. Good Governance, PHS-Pubk Heath Salety, OL-Quaity ol Ute. Sl-Sustamot* lnfrasuuctuft, ED-Economc Development. CEC-Clllztn Educ.tion Conwnuncabon Stafl ll*"d: S.cupportl L -Convoonrty Development L • Commurwry Development l-Commun~ty Oevelopmen l IMPLEMENTA TI ON PLAN MAT RIX Stat us Ta ak Strategic Plan (O~ngo ing ; E· Pn onty Programl Pnonty Goa l En hancement ; (A·ls~B Objocl1110 IUiow) -2nd; c - Srd) N A Suppon oroai"MTed ridH and cyet.oo events alow street doluru 0 A PMse 2 2013to 2015 constmcbOn ol PfOpOI.cj btl.~ (p 3i E A PMse 3 2017 COI"'Ibuc11on ol 0 ed ~kewnVI (D. 38 E A Phua 3 201 e conttructlon ot 0 ld txkew .39 E A Phase 3 201fi corwtruction ol proposed bikeways (p.JO N A Create an on•ne PtHenca about the Bike M aster Plan and City amervties 0 A Provide commuf'lltv uodates raoardlna EJiaMed protects N A ldentr and secUie fundi to tm temenl th e Plan E A P hase 3: 201 6 construc bon otP":~ed bikeways .39 E 8 Complete renular updates of the Bicycle Master Pian to be competitiVe in g rant funding BIQ M .. ter P .. n E 8 Enact chanoes In CitY codelto encourage bikeway support faellibes N 8 Oevek) a clo • I Marth 2011 PHS; OL;SI N 8 Provide le «tueetlon and undertake sat educatiOn ... (Znd Pno nty) 0 8 Coordinate With devek:lpert to PfCNide beyde liiCr•U• that eneol!!_~blk!_ng_nnd •nk to k&v desbnalions E 8 SliP()Of'tlhe devMopmenl ol fac*Un lhll encourage new riders N 8 -oolotYolblc'l<h10olkr;._bo,. E 8 s_~ thM Increase 1 u• 0 8 Evaklat "' new Of recon streets 0 8 SIJPI)Ofl: om E c Support lr&liinQ kM d\e Loa Angeles CoootY Shenn Depennwnl LAC SO E c Encourooo blcvclt tommuiiM N c OoYo btkewa ma ord and st 0 c Suppor1 commundy IOYOHement '11-1 ~ patbelpabOn and 51akehokier proup N A Meet • reducbon of 20"4 of current energy UPQe foe CitY t.c:at.s Faalllate mplementabon of pollan and acttorw r•~ec~ to mulliQpal opera~. T ... 11 or the EAP provect. 18 ~ thll 'MI be tmplemented ~ Corrmu,..ty Development. Pubic SetVcn. P arks and 0 A Recreation N A Conader the klmwbon of • new City Energy CormwlfOO 0 A Conduct en amualr~ of •t.c:tnotv laaQe and auoaatltd GHG emsaoN N A Pro • an annual r .. s renon tor re-v.ew and conudefat.on bv the Crtv Counal 0 A l nlt~grate EAP iMiatNes Into the t;_1ty_1 General Plln and other 0 .... documonb 0 8 Purtue locl'tt regfoNtl alate and federal grants •• Jt~O~ateto su.P90rt_tf!\plernentetl0n Update the Plan to lncorporoto new technology ptogranw, and poiaes as available to achieve oteclretty N 8 ollldoncv Energy Action Plan Cof'Wikter updMtng and amendu'lg the P*an, as n.cutary, •Mutt T emple Crty lnd that polldelanct November 2012 Sl 0 8 ncbons ere not mHbna the Intended e•ctncitv reductiOns !2nd Prio rity) When Clty resources ara avellllblll, Integrate the EAP Into a compreheOSNe clmata aCUOn plan or GHG 0 B reduction p lan Contrnua coltaborotton Wi th the San Gobr1ol Vatley Coundl o f Govemments (SGVCOG) and particlpabOn 0 B M an aetNa member of the SGVEWP and tha Enemv. Environment and Natural Resources Commttae Ensure unptementalkln ttv®Qh tha lnCius;on of polaH and acbon Ill dapertmenl budgets. tna captal 0 8 lmDfovemenl OfOoram and other Diana H aDntoonata lmpltmanl the idlntlhd polic: ... , acbona, and projllctlletlntlled In t.hts EAP. Oemonsuate to SCE that tha anergy atklency ectionl idlnt•fiOd In rtfl E.AP h.ava bHn unp6emented and the cntorW!I i:lonbfied m 0 B Aooendor 0 have bften met N ~ ~nYitfliOry convntJnl end mun.a I ernu.o,. eve rnree to lve yeats STRATEGIC COAL GG. Good Governance PHS· Pubic Haalh Safety, OL • Ouaity of l.Jfe , 51· Sustumable lnhasttuctura, ED-Econorrlc OIYaloprnant, CEC • C~en Edueauon CofT'fR.Irucation $ $ $_ $ $ $ Eatmoted Budget Potenbal Funding SO u rce Tarvel Comp .. tioft o.te Ston (L-INd; S-cuppo r1) NIA NIA so.n-reo 205 000 00 8TA 2015 110000 00 Grantl 2017 78 300 00 Cllanll 2011 101000.00 Grants 2010 NIA N/A so.n-reo N/A N/A SOon-TBD NIA N/A Stan. TBO 160000.00 Grants 30000.00 General Fund/Grant 20 11 N/A N/A 2017 N/A N/A 2017 2S 00000 General Fund/Grant On-Gol L • Convnumy Deveklpmenl N/A N/A Stan. TBO NIA NIA so.n-reo NIA Nl'-51oft -TBO Nl'-Nl'-SO.ft·TBO NIA NIA so.n-reo NIA NIA so.n-reo NIA N/A so.n-reo NIA N/A so.n-reo soooooo General Func:UCrant Stoft-TBD Nl'-N/A ston-TliC TBO Gene,... F und & s TBD 2011 Gene<al Fund & Clonts TBD 2015 TBD G.ner .. Fund & Spec~ .. TBO 2015 TBO General Fund & S'** TBO 2015 TBO Generatfund & S TBD 2015 TBO General Fund & SpeaN TBO 2015 TBD General Fund & Spedal TBO 2015 TBD General Fund & Special TBO 2015 TBD Genera.! Fund & Special T80 2015 L .. Community Oevek:lprnent TBD General Fund & Speaal TBO 2015 General F und & Speoal TBO TBO 2015 TBD GeneraJ Fund & S~ TBO 20 15 GeneraJ Fund & Speaal TBO T80 2015 T8C Genoool Fund & Spoclol TBD 21118 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN MATRIX Status Task Strategic Plan (O.Ongolng: E-Priority Program/ Prionty Goal Enhanc:ement ; (A-111 ,8 O bjoctlw N~o w) -Znd: C - lrd) 0 A Include crime stat111)ca and other lntormation In the ~ty Manager'a Report 0 A ParbciDBte In chMter Df&D&rldnesa 0 A Anend emer • redness meetj s , traiN I lnd WOfkshoOI lnck.lde inlofmebon 1"1 Crty's we~. Connect M4tgazine and other publc.lnlormabon aourcu regarding 0 A Commurn1V EmeiQoncv Response Team (CERn- E B Enoaoe dePldios In the rmPMmentation of the bicyckt mastet' plan E B Include a link on Cltv's website that introduces depanmenl merOOefS to the community 0 B Include Shentf ~~nnel in Crtlzen's Acade Law Enforc em ent Strategy N B Include a link on Ctty's website _hlnl:!~tl~IJR_surve results G G; P HS ; OL ; N B Post areBS of greatest community trafftc concern on City's website Z0 11 CEC E B Conduct JOinttrain.ng between Commu,..tv Preservation 0Nision and patrol deputies (Z nd Priorily) E B ~n1vusodMuroc:IDo1Codosections E B I 0 B rld&-e With de OS uslMU Night Out• by contnbutlng lnandal IISOUIC81 0 B nnd ln-klnd services (such n Mfvertlslno. food etc.) 0 B Host NeJnhbofhood Watch recoon~tlo,.. a t Crtv CouncU meetlnos AnJQn a atan m&mber to be the City's representative at N~hborhood Watch and Business Watch 0 B JM'_Qg_18rlW E B A$51st wrth the d!Nemnauon of • community survey to residents N A Establish a Percent lor Art OrdlnlltnCe and Adrnnrstrabva GUJdelmes 0 A Co te the Rosemead Bt.ld. ar1 octs Conduct a rf'lld..year 14-lSAnnual Ptan revrew to possrbt; tonsfd8f rnitaatrvn mcludmg. hwmg an artist Public Af1 Program QL tor the proposod Las Tunas Streetscape Improvement Project reaiz:lng an •art-hHhe-park~ rnstallation. (2nd P riorily) 0 A and deve~plno a pubic art funding strategy. 0 A Oevek)o Annual Plans E B ReVIVe the Rotoll MuraiPr am E B Amend the Comm.lNty Profit& and Part~pate 1n tho General Plan rocess. 0 A Evaluate other sources or lundlna Street Ughts and M ast er 0 A = 11en 101 iah1 cloa•onco and exooouro PlaniCaprhll Rtpllc:tmtnl Sl 0 B With Southern Calfornia Edison or chU hts hom the c Febn.uuy 2011 0 B on onginool'ing firm to conduct a 2014 review ollhe 2001 re rt 12nd Priorit y) 0 B nd replace 11tee1 ightalo meet the standards 0 B ObCam current do cost for light stanch.ud repelt and replacement FOCUS AREA A Temple Oty Hoh School & Ook Avenue lnt'ermedrale School improvements turn N c restrictions· speed tabteslralsed crosswalks· curb &JttensJonsl bubouts and roBd closures (p_6-6 of plan FOCUS AREA J Sereno Onvelmprovements: eurb extenstons andlor chokers, restnP'ng, traffic orckt, N c turn restncbons soeed humps and/or raised crosswalks fo.s-.33) FOCUS AREA K La Rosa Elomentary Schoolrmprovements. curb extensiOns and chokers; rarsed N c crosswa5ks and _s~ humos . turn rHtrlctions· and restriDino lo.S-37) FOCUS AREAL Oive Street to LOwer Azusa Road Cut through routea iiTifXovements speed humps, N c cmb extensions andlor chokers· and chicane (p,$.30) FOCUS AREA M Clominson Elomontory School improvements. spood humps , roundabOuts, curb N c exleOSIOns lnd raised crosswalks (D.B-42l N c Establish a _JM:OOtiS for tuture Trafftc Calrnj R ..... Traffic Calming Master FOCUS AREA B West of Rosemead Boulevard cut through traffic improvements speed tables or N c humps, roundabouts· med1ans reslnping; and r&dor speed detection iJ,. 6-9) Plan S l FOCUS AREA C East of Rosemead Boukward cut through traffic Improvements. road closures, Novem ber 2012 N c roundabouts troftlc crrctes · choll:m or necl::downs. and sronaqe (o 6-12) (2nd P rlorily) FOCUS AREA 0 Longden Etementary School Improvements: raiSed medians: speed humps: raased N c crosswalks tum restrictions chokers or neckdowns and restripng__lo. 6-15'1 FOCUS AREA E Woodrun Avenue from Enomta Avenue to Eastern Crty boundaty l~ovements: N c chokers· s.arri-dnverters· curb extensions· roundabouts and ftashinn cros5walks tP. ~1e) FOCUS AREA F .. First Lutheran School Improvements choker~ and curb extensions , medians ; N c restnDina and road dosure (D. 8-22\ FOCUS AREA G Ctevertt Bementary & Sl. Luke Etemenlary SehooiiiTiplovements reatriplng, raJSed N c crosawalkJ: chtcane and curb 111ttenskms (p .~2~l FOCUS AREA H Golden West Avenuelmptovernonta medran5, ipttd hump&, rHtnpmQ, roundabouli, N c chokets and/or curb extenaiOna Co.8-2n 'U<.;U~ 1\KtA LJYO Ua< Of< mpiOVOmonb CUI D 0110nslons. 1romc cilciH. fOiled CIOIIWDb, N c 1estr•plng & road dret, and medhlnllP 6-3!) STRA TEG1C GOAL GG-Good Govetnonce, PHS· PubK Health Sa fety. OL· Oualty of Ule, S l · Sustatnable Infrastructure, EO· Econon'lc Owelopment. CEC ·Citizen Education Corrmumcation s s s s s s $ $ $ s $ s $ s s s Estimated Budget Potential Funding Source Target Comp .. t lon Date ShiH (L-Iood; 5-.upport) NJA NJA 2015 NJA NJA 2015 NJA NJA 2015 NJA NJA 2015 NJA NJA 2015 NJA NJA 2015 NJA NJA 2015 NJA NJA 2015 NJA NJA 2015 NJA NJA 2015 L-Management Services NJA NJA 2015 NJA NJA 2015 NJA NJA 2015 NJA NJA 2015 NJA NJA 2015 NJA NJA 2015 TBO General Fund & Speaal TBO 2016 NJA NJA 2015 15 000.00 General Fund 2015 NJA L-Communrcations Office NJA 2015 NJA NJA 2015 15 000.00 General Funci'Oison 2015 5 000.00 General FundiO~on 2015 TBD AdVolorum 2015 TBD AdVottfum 2015 NJA AJJVoterum 2015 L • Commun~ty Development 50 000.00 AdVoktrum 2016 TBO AdVolerum 2019 NJA AdVolerum NJA VarletS Transportahon Funding and 290 750.00 Grants TBD Vanes TransportatiOn Funchng and 106 000.00 Grants TBO Varies Transportahon Fundrng and 131 200.00 Grants TBD Vaties TransportatiOn Funding and 192 000.00 Gmnts TBO Varies Transportabon Funding and 1 102 000.00 Gmnts TBO TBD Start or Consulant TBO Vanes TransportaUon Funding and 54S 500.00 Grant! TBD Vanes Transportauon Functrng and l-Community Oevelopm&nt 670.000.00 Grants TBD Varies Transportation Funchng and 119 650.00 Grants TBD Vanes Transportation Funding and 795 000.00 Gmnts TBD Varies Transportation Fundrng and 160 500,00 Grants TBO Varies Transportation Funding and 3116 000.00 Grants TBD Vorlel TranaportoUon Funding end 122 000.00 Grants TBD Varies Tronsportatjon Funding and 726 .• 00.00 Grnnts TBO IMPLEMENTATIO N PLAN M A TRIX Statu5 Tuk Sl t8teQiC P&.n (O.Ongolng: E-P r lor1ty PrograrrJ Pnonty Go al E nhancement; (A ·1J t ,B O bjecllw N~tw) -2nd: C- l rd ) 0 A :lire a contruc.1JI PKLwnsu • SCi H el!d Civic Center and Library N B Oetermtne the arand scope of tho PJO}ect N t-trn a contrnct bra I'CNic nlftfdttvf!So n1 0 lm3n&ger Upgrade Projec:t OL:SI Prepare an RFP for a desgn taom-architect, "-ncbeupe arthllec1, env•ronmental consulant to develop (2nd Priority) N c a Civic Center Master Plan N c Evaluate feasiblkty of adopting the reconvnendatlon of the Ubrary Visioning CorTVT'Ittoe N A Redevelo and u te Sewer Master Pian N A Oevelo are cement and u rade schedule for each of 10 serv.ce areas Take folloWing measures to supptemenl the model used pnor to any sower system tmprovement project Sewer Mast er Plan ( periodic inspectiOns of de6ciont pipes and manholes, CCTV UlSpectiooS of representatrve sewer lines, June 2001 51 penodtc now mon~tonog of sewer lnes In the C and 0 teve l deliciency categories, espedaly pnor major (lrd Priority) N B devetoornanll I=~;::~,'::;'Zu=~~~~~'=t-"s~~~:=;~;,',:~;~~~~·~~n~~~~u~~~ uC::t~~ N B ma•R•naly deficlent -Ofl!!Omg v lsuallnopec:tionf ._ _______ _,Task Complete STRATEGIC GOAL GG-Good Governance, PHS -Pubic Health Safoty, OL-aua•tv of Ufe. Sl -SLr.Jtoinablo l nfroslructure, EO-Econon'lc Development. CEC-C;bzen Education Comrnunk:ation s Es tamate d Bu dget Pogntlal Fundin g Source Target Complt11o n Da t a SIOn (L-Ioad: S-<1 uppo n ) 1 00000 Facl •t•e• Rotervos 20 1S TBO General Fund & SpeCial TBD TBD TBD Fa<:J•tleJ Reserves 2015 L-Management Services TBD FaCiltles Reserves. 2018 TBD FaC11ities R eservM 20 18 TBD General Fund&. S daiTBO TBD 3 544 000.00 Sewer Conslfuction Fund 2016 General Fund & Special TBO L -COIM'fJf'llty Development TBD Perbdk: General Fund & Spada! TBO TBD TBO TEMPLE CITY STRATEGIC PL AN 1 2014 APPENDIX D: FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Nanette Fish Donna Georgin a Krystel Haddad PLANNING COMMISSION John Cordes Steve Curran Patrick J. Horton PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION Robert Hepler David Ho Kathy Keelin Angie Kim Robert Lopez Joanne Rosso Albert Leu ng Tom O'Leary Hilary Larsen MaryAnn Rachford Jianxin Zhao TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION Jim Clift Danny Redmond Se rge Haddad Nick Stratis Ousama Nimri CONSULTANTS: Lil ley Planning G roup 31 I Page TEMPLE CITY STRATEGIC PLAN 1 2014 [This page is left intentionally blank] 32 I Page