HomeMy Public PortalAbout06) 7A3 CCM 2015-02-031. CALL TO ORDER CITY COUNCIL TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 3, 2015 AGENDA ITEM 7.A-3. Mayor Blum called the City Council Regular Meeting to order at 7:32 p .m. in the Council Chambers located at 5938 Kauffman Avenue , Temple City . 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT : ALSO PRESENT: 3. INVOCATION Councilmember-Sternquist, Vizcarra , Yu , Chavez, Blum Councilmember-None City Manager Cook , City Attorney Vail, City Clerk Kuo , Administrative Services Director Hause , Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs , Community Development Director Forbes , Assistant to the City Manager/Economic Development Manager Haworth , and Executive Ass istant to the City Manager Corella Pastor Darrel Kelty , Community of Christ , provided the Invocation . 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Boy Scout Troop 169 led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance . 5. PRESENTATIONS A. PET OF THE MONTH Presentation was cancelled. B . 2015 CAMELLIA FESTIVAL ROYAL COURT Camellia Festival Chair , Donna Georgina , introduced the 2015 Camellia Festival Royal Court to the City Counci l. C ity Council presented the 2015 Came l lia Festival Royal Court with certificates of recognition. City Council Minutes February 3, 2015 Page 2 of 9 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Jing Li , Temple City Library Manager, announced upcoming library events for the month of February . Steve Stafford , Temple C ity resident , spoke regarding possible soil contamination on a property (i .e ., Crown C ity Plating) located south on Temp le City Boulevard. Quang Tran , Temple C ity resident , commented that construction work are allowed too early in the morning (i.e., on Longden near Temple City Boulevard ) and is affecting his quality of life . Sunshine Valenzuela , Temple City resident, asked for help to address indecent activities occurring in parked vehicles in her neighborhood and she also requested enforcement of speed limit on her street. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Pro Tem Chavez made a motion to approve the consent calendar items . Seconded by Councilmember Sternquist and approved by the following votes : AYES : Councilmember: ABSTA INED : Councilmember: NOES : Councilmember: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sternquist , Viz carra, Yu , Chavez, Blum None None The C ity Council is requested to review and approve : 1) Minutes of the Special City Counci l Meeting of January 7 , 2015 ; 2) Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of January 20, 2015 ; 3) Minutes of the Regular City Counci l Meeting of January 20 , 2015 ; and 4) Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of January 26 , 2015 . Action : Approved . B. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS-MEETING OF JAN UARY 13 , 2015 The City Council is requested to review the Planning Commission actions of the ir regular meeting of January 13 , 2015 . Action : Received and filed . C . TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION ACTIONS - MEETING OF JANUARY 14 , 2015 City Council Minutes February 3 , 2015 Page 3 of 9 The City Council is requested to review the Transportation and Public Safety Commission actions of their regular meeting of January 14 , 2015. Act ion : Received and filed . D. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION ACTIONS -MEETING OF JANUARY 21, 2015 The City Council is requested to review the Parks and Recreation Commission actions of their regular meeting of January 21 , 2015 Action : Received and filed. E. ADOPTION OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN 'S IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The implementation strategy for how the City will achieve initiative and recommendations of the various master plans is complete and documented in "MAKE TC HAPPEN". Action : Adopted Temple City Strateg ic Plan 's Implementation Plan . F . ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO . 15 -5059 ORDERING THE ENGINEER 'S REPORT TO ESTABLISH LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE DISTRICT ASSESSMENT RATES FOR FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2015-16 Pursuant to the 1972 State Lighting and Landscape Act, an engineer's report must be prepared for each fiscal year in which assessments are levied and collected for the City's Lighting and Ma intenance District. Action : Adopted Resolution No . 15-5059 ordering the preparation of the Lighting and Ma i ntenance Assessment District Annual Engineer's Report for FY 2015-16. G. SECOND QUARTER TREASURER 'S REPORT , REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY REPORTS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FINANCIAL REPORT Staff is submitting reports to the City Counc il on treasury activities and revenue and expenditure transactions . The reports represent activit ies for the second quarter of Fisca l Year (FY) 2014-15 , October 2014 through December 2014 . City Council Minutes February 3, 2015 Page 4 of 9 Action : Received and filed the Second Quarter City Treasurer's Report , Revenue and Expenditure Summary Reports and the Capital Improvement Financial Report . H. FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2014-15 CITY BUDGET-SECOND QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS Staff is recommending the revenue and appropriation adjustments be made at this time to ensure actual spending levels in individual line items are within budgeted appropriations as of December 31 , 2014 . Action : Authorized staff to revise various budgeted appropriations for the FY 2014-15 City Budget to ensure revenue estimates are accurate and actual spending levels are within budgeted appropriations during the current fiscal year . I. PETTY CASH AND VISA CARD REPORT The City Council is requested to review, receive and file the Petty Cash Report . Action : Received and filed report . J . ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO . 15 -5060 APPROVING PAYMENT OF BILLS The City Council is requested to adopt Resolution No . 15-5060 authorizing the payment of bills Action : Adopted Resolution No . 15 -5060 . 8. PUBLIC HEARING -None 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS-None 10. NEW BUSINESS A. ADOPTION OF URGENCY ORDINANCE NO . 15-999 TO ENACT A MORATORIUM ON MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS Given changes in State law , the Temple City Municipal Code needs to be updated to provide adequate regulations for massage establishments. While new regulations are being contemplated , it is necessary and appropriate to City Council M i nutes February 3 , 20 15 Page 5 of 9 adopt a moratorium on new massage establishments to ensure that new massage establishments will comply with new regulat ions . Community Development Director Forbes provided a summary of the staff report and answered City Council questions. Mayor Blum opened public comment. Mary Kokayko , Temple City resident , commented on the moratori um for massage establishments . She also requested that City Council consider spac ing out sim il ar type of businesses so they are not all clustered in one area . Hearing no additional request to speak , Mayor Blum closed public comment. Ci ty Council discussed and commented about a moratorium on massage establishments . Councilmember Yu made a motion to introduce Ord inance No . 15-999 by title only ; waive further reading ; and adopt Urgency Ordinance No . 15-999 to enact a moratorium on massage establishments . Seconded by Counci lmember Vizcarra and unanimously carried by the following votes : AYES : ABSTAINED : NOES : Councilmember : Councilmember : Councilmember : Sternqu ist, Vizcarra , Yu , Chavez , Blum None None City Council meeting recessed at 8:15p.m . and reconvened at 8 :19p.m. B. PERCENT-FOR-ART ORDINANCE Adoption of a Percent-For-Art Ordinance would requ ire development projects to include provision for public art either through artwork commission or an in- lieu funding contribution. Assistant to the City Manager/Economic Development Manager Haworth gave a summary of the staff report and answered City Council questions . Mayor Blum opened pub lic comment. Helen Marston , Temple City resident , spoke against the adoption of Percent- for-Art Ordinance . Kenny Chung , representative for one of the landlords i n the Temp le C ity Plaza center , asked questions regarding the Percent-for-Art Ordinance and City Council Minutes February 3, 2015 Page 6 of 9 expressed concerns about the adoption of a Percent-for-Art Ordinance . Kathy Keelin , Temple City resident/Public Arts Commissioner, spoke in favor of the City adopting a Percent-for-Art Ord inance. Hearing no further request to speak , Mayor Blum closed public comment. City Council discussed and commented regarding imposing a Percent-for-Art Ordinance for capital improvement projects , privately developed commercial and industrial projects and multi-and single-family residential developments of four or more units . City Council meet ing recessed at 10 :14 p.m . and reconvened at 10 :24 p.m . City Council directed staff to bring back an ordinance to include fees proposed by City Council (i.e ., fees for eligible City Capital Improvement Projects will be considered on a case-by-case basis ; 1% fee for private commercial and industrial projects with a threshold of $100 ,000 and fee capped at $1 million . Fees for private commercial and industrial projects over $5 million w ill be set by negotiation ; 0 .5% fee for residential/ single family with a threshold of $500 ,000 ; and 0.5 % fee for multi-family and single-family developments of 2 or more units with a threshold of $250 ,000) for adopt ion at the first regular City Council meeting in April. 11. COMMUNICATIONS -None 12. UPDATE FROM CITY MANAGER City Manager Cook deferred his update to Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs . Parks and Recreation Director Burroughs announced that the Los Angeles County Parks and Open Space District will be recommending the C ity 's proposal for a walking/jogging path at Live Oak Park for grant funding (i.e ., $240 ,000) through the County's Fifth District Excess Grant Funds . 13. COUNCIL REPORTS REGARDING AD HOC OR STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS A. ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT STANDING COMMITTEE (Councilmember Yu and Mayor Blum )-Formed 6/3/2011 No report . B. SCHOOL DISTRICT/CITY STANDING COMMITTEE City Council Minutes February 3 , 20 15 Page 7 of 9 (Mayor ProTem Chavez and Mayor B lum )-Formed 1/3/2012 No repori. C . CITY CODE REVIEW STANDING COMMITTEE (Mayor ProTem Chavez and Councilmember Vizcarra )-Formed 11/6/2012 No report. D . CIVIC CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDING COMMITIEE (Councilmember Yu and Mayor Blum)-Formed ti/13/2013 No report . E. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION STANDING COMMITIEE (Mayor ProTem Chavez and Mayor Blum)-Formed 1/27/2014 No report . F. LAS TUNAS DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION STANDING COMMITIEE (Councilmembers Vizcarra and Yu)-Formed 2/18/2014 No report. G . FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF CITY PROPERTIES STANDING COMMITTEE (Councilmembers Vizcarra and Yu)-Formed 2/18/2014 No report . H . AUDIT STANDING COMMITTEE (Counc ilmember Yu , Mayor Pro Tem Chavez, and Planning Commissioner Curran)-Formed 7/15/2014 Councilmember Yu announced that the standing committee will be meeting this Friday, February 6 , 2015 at 9 a .m . in the City Hall Council Conference Room . I. FACILITIES, PUBLIC WORKS , AND INFRASTRUCTURE AD HOC COMMITTEE (Councilmember Yu and Mayor Blum)-Formed 2/4/2014 No report . J. COMMISSION APPLICATION REVIEW AD HOC COMMITTEE (Councilmember Sternquist and Mayor ProTem Chavez)-Formed 1/20/2015 C ity Council Minutes February 3 , 2015 Page 8 of 9 Mayor Pro Tern Chavez reported that the ad hoc committee rece ived 5 applications for the Planning Commission and 2 applications for the Public Arts Commission . The ad hoc recommended all 5 applicants for the Planning Commission to be i nterviewed in front of full City Council on Monday , Feb . 9 and postpone fill i ng the unexpired seat in the Publ ic Arts Commission unti l a later date or during regular recruitment period in April for commission seats expiring in June . 14. COUNCIL ITEMS SEPARATE FROM THE CITY MANAGER 'S REGULAR AGENDA A . COUNCILMEMBER STERNQUIST -None B. COUNCILMEMBER VIZCARRA-None C. COUNCILMEMBER YU Councilmember Yu commented on the Lunar New Year Street Fest iva l. D. MAYOR PROTEM CHAVEZ Mayor Pro Tern Cha vez commented on the Lunar New Year Street Festiva l. E. MAYOR BLUM Mayor Bl um commented on the Lunar New Year Street Festival and reported about the Los Ange les County Mayors ' meeting he attended . 15. REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES TO CITY OFFICIALS FOR CONDUCT OF CITY BUSINESS AND FOR CITY PAYMENT OF CONFERENCE EXPENDITURES -None 16. RECESS TO SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMPLE CITY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING At 10 :55 p .m ., the C ity Coun ci l recessed to the Successor Agency Meeting . Minutes of the Successor Agency Meeting are set forth in fu ll in the Successor Agency 's records . RECONVENE AS CITY COUNCIL The City Council meeting was reconvened at 10 :56 p.m. with all Counci lmembers present. 17. ACTIONS TAKEN BY CITY AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMPLE CITY C ity Counc il Minutes February 3, 2015 Page 9 of 9 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 18. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA -Non e 19. ADJOURNMENT The City Council Regular Meeting was adjourned at 10 :57 p .m . Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk