HomeMy Public PortalAbout08) 7A5 CCM February 9, 20151. CALL TO ORDER CITY COUNCIL TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2015 AGENDA ITEM ?.A-5. Mayor Blum called the City Council Special Meeting to order at 7 :01 p .m . in the Counci l Chambers located at 5938 Kauffman Avenue , Temple City . 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Coun cilmember-Sternqu ist, Vizcarra , Yu , Chavez , Bl um ABSENT: Councilmember-None ALSO PRESENT: City Clerk Kuo 3. INTERVIEWS FOR COMMISSION VACANCY The City Council interviewed five appl icants to fill one seat on the Planning Commission with an une xp ired term of June 30 , 2016 . The five candidates that interviewed for the Planning Commission were Lance Baro ld i , He len Marston , V ictor ia Guasco , Se rge Haddad and Betty Kwon . City Council meeting recessed at 8:25 p.m . and reconvened at 8 :29p.m. City Council discussed regarding the ir selection for the Planning Commiss ioner. City Council made a motion to appoint Serge Haddad , to fill one seat with an une xpired term of June 30 , 2016 . Motion was carried by the following vote : AYES : NOES : ABSTAIN : Counci lmembe r -Sternquist , Vizcarra , Yu , Chavez, Blum Counci lmember-None Councilmembe r -None 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Albert Leung , Planning Commissioner, agreed with City Council that all five appli ca nts were strong cand idates and would have been able to contribute to the Planning Commission . City Council Minutes February 9 , 2015 Page 2 of 2 5. ADJOURNMENT The City Council 's Special Meeting was adjourned at 8:46p.m. Carl Blum , Mayor ATIEST : Peggy Kuo , City Clerk