HomeMy Public PortalAbout11) 7B Consideration of request to Co Sponsor Relay for Life of TCHSCity Council Feb ruary 17 , 2015 Page 2 of 4 4 . On Ju ne 5 , 2012 , th e C ity Co uncil approved a requ est fr om the Am erican Cancer Society for the City to co -sponsor the Relay for Life of Temple City at Temple City High School on July 28-29 , 20 12. 5 . On March 19, 2013 , the City Co un c il app roved a request from th e American Cancer Society for th e City to co-sponsor the Rel ay for Life of T emp le C it y at Temple City High School on July 27-28 , 2013 . 6 . On March 4 , 2014 , the City Cou ncil approved a request from the American Cance r Society for the City t o co -sponso r the Relay for Life of Temple City at Temple City High Sc hool on July 26-27 , 20 14 . 7 . On December 24 , 2014 , the American Ca ncer Society submitted a letter requesting th e City to co-sponso r the Relay for Life of Temple City at Temple City Hi gh School on Jul y 11 -12 , 2015 . ANALYSIS : Th e American Ca ncer Society is a nationwide , co mmunity-based, vo lun ta ry hea lth organization dedicated to e lim inating cancer as a major health problem through resea rch , ed uca tion , advocacy , and se rvi ce . Relay for Life is an overnight even t designed to ce lebrate survivorship and raise money for resea rch and programs for the American Cancer Society, this year marks the 301h Anniversary of Relay for Life . Over the past fiv e years , the City has deve loped a strong re lationship with the American Ca ncer Society by co -sponsori ng th e fir st four Relays for Life in the City of Temp le City (i.e ., The Southern California Chinese Relay for Life at Temple City H igh School on June 26 -27 , 20 1 0 ; the Relay f or Life of th e Chin ese Commun ity South at Live Oak Park o n April 16-17, 201 1 and on April 14-1 5 , 2012 ; a nd the Relay for Life of Temple City at Temp le City High School on Jul y 28 -29 , 2012 ; July 27-28 , 20 13 ; and July 26-2 7, 2014). The American Cancer Society is o nce again requesting the City to co-sponsor the Relay for Life of Temple City by providing th e following assistance: • Relay fo r Life bann er hung over La s Tuna s Dr ive The ev ent o rgani zer is requesting to have a promotional Relay for Life banner h ung over La s Tuna s Drive from Jun e 10 to July 12 , 2015 . T he American Cancer Society will provide the street ba nner. There is c urrently no fee for the use of the banner space on Las Tu nas Drive , however ; th ere is a fee of $428 for City staff to in stall the street banner. Th e event organ ize r is requestin g to w a ive all fees for the i ns tallment of th e stree t bann e r. In order for City staff to in sta ll the street banner, the Rel ay for Life tea m will need to provide t he banner ten days prior to City Council February 17 , 2015 Pag e 3 of 4 Jun e 1oth and additio na ll y provid e two 50 foot nylon ropes , 12 spring clips , reinforced and air pockets . • Proclaim June 6t h Paint th e Town Purp le Day Paint the Town Purpl e Da y will be a day that R elay for Life volunteers will put purple ribbons along the C ity trees on Las Tuna s Drive from Rosemead Boulevard to Bald win Aven ue and Temple City Boulevard . Relay for Life vo lunteers will pl ace the ribbons on every other tree on June 6t h and will be responsible for rem oving the ribbon s by Tu esday, August 11th. The purpose of Paint the Town Purple is to in crease awareness in the community for cancer prevention , the American Cancer Society, and Relay for Life Templ e City . • Use of the Te mpl e City Park Gazebo and Com mun ity Room The event organizer is requesting to use the T emple City Pa rk Gazebo and Community Room on June 6th as the headquarters for Pa i nt th e Town Purple Da y from 8:00 a .m . to 1:00 p .m . Th e American Cancer Society team will p lay mu sic and pass out American Cancer Society and Relay fo r Life informationa l packets from th e Gazebo a nd store th ei r suppli es in the Commu ni ty Room . The American Cancer Society requests th at the C ity waive a ll fees (i.e., fee for bandstand is $40/ hour) and deposit (i.e ., $300) required for the reservation of the Gazebo and Community Room . • T ab ies at City Concerts in the Park The event organizer is requestin g one table at all the City's Concerts in the Park se ri es . The tabl e will be used t o promote the relay and Cancer Survivor appreciation . • Promote of Relay for Life us ing variou s o utl ets The Ame ri ca n Cancer Society is asking th e City to run public service announ ceme nt prom otin g th e Relay for Life e ve nt on t he City's website , Facebook page, th e Temp le City Govern ment Information Channe l (which is allowed for lo ca l non-profit organ izations), a nd Connect Magazine. Additionally , the American Cancer Society is requesting t o place flyers and poster in City Hall and at Live Oak Park starting April. • Temple C ity Volunteers a nd Youth Committee Invol v ement The event organizer is ask ing for possible involvement by the City's volunteer groups and City's Y o uth Co mmittee. Involvement by the City's volunteer groups and Youth Committee will need t o be coord in ated with the Parks and Recreation De partment. However , involveme nt by the City's Yo uth Co mmittee may be City Council February 17 , 2015 Page 4 of 4 difficult as the curre nt committee members' terms end on June 30 th before the Relay for Life event begins. • Mayor and City Council Involvement The event organizer requests that the Mayor and City Cou nci l speak at t he opening ceremony on July 11th as th eir schedu le s permit. • City Equipment The eve nt organizer would like to use 12 of the Ci ty 's pop-up te nts to use durin~ the 24-hour event. C ity staff will assist in delivering and setting up on July 11 t beginning 6:3 0 a .m . and taking down the 12 white pop-up tents on July 1 ih beginning 9 :30a.m . CONCLUSION: The City Council is requested to co nsider co-sponsoring for th e Relay for Life of Temple City at Temple City High School on July 11 th to 1 i h, 2015, from 9 :00 a .m . to 9 :00 a .m ., a 24-hour event ; proclaim June 6 , 20 15 , Paint the Town Purple Day ; and waive all fees and deposit for the use of the Templ e City Park Gazebo (i.e ., Pavilion ) and the Community Room . City Council 's approval is require d for City co-sponsorship of the event. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of this item would not have an impact on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-15 City Budget as additional staff support would not be needed for this event. Staff est imates that support wi ll be provid ed during regularly sched uled bus iness hours and if needed , over-time is appropriated in the FY 20 14-15 City Budget. ATTACHMENTS: A. American Cancer Society Relay correspondence f rom Lauren Worsley and Mary Sneed . Giselle Corella From : Sent: To: Subject: Hello again , ma ry sneed <ms needtc @yahoo.com> Tuesday, Feb ruary 03, 2015 9:41 PM Giselle Corella Re: Relay for Life of Temple City At our meeting tonight, we realized we had the wrong date on our letter for our Paint the Town Pu rple date . The date of th is event is actually Saturday , Jun e 6, 20 15. Tha t is also the date we are requesting use of the Commun ity Room and Ga zebo . We hope to have every tree on Las Tunas from Rosemead to Baldwin tied with a purple ribbon . Th e proclamation we a re requestin g for th is event would refle ct the actual date of June 6 , 20 15. The other times and dates in our letter are correct. I apologize for the confus io n on th e dates . We w ill re move the ribbons by the August 1 1th date. Thank yo u for help ing us wit h our arrang ements. I hop e thi s change will not cause t oo large a p roblem . I wil l be attend ing the Council meeting on February 17 , and w e have a plaque to present to the city counc il to than k them for their sponsorship last year. If yo u need to reach me during the day, I teach at Longde n, and I can be reached at 626-548-5068 , or I will respond to your emai l as soon as possib le . Thank you again for all your help . Mary Sneed Event C ha ir R e lay For L ife of Temple C ity 20 15 Fro m : Giselle Corella <gcorella@templecity.us> To: '"lauren .wor sley@cance r .org'" <l auren . worsley@cancer. org > Cc: "'msneedtc@yahoo.com "' <msneedtc@yahoo.com > Sent: Tuesda y, February 3 , 2015 11 :07 AM Subject: Relay for Life of T emple City Good Morning Ms. Worsley and Ms . Sneed , Just c hecking in . I wa nted to write to let yo u know that the City Council wi ll conside r co -sponsoring the Relay fo r Life event at the Tuesday , Februa ry 17 City Council Meeti ng. I am currently preparing the sta ff report and wo uld like to make sure that I have all of the Ame rica n Society 's requests in the staff report for Council. Pleas e review the requests below: Th e American Ca ncer Society is once aga in requesting the C ity t o co -sponsor the Rel ay for Life of T e mple Ci t y by pro v iding the foll owing assistan ce: • Relay for Life banner hung over La s Tunas Drive Th e event orga nizer is requesting to ha ve a promotio nal Relay for Life banner hung o ve r Las Tuna s Drive from Jun e 10 to July 12 , 20 15. T he Am e rican Cancer Socie ty will provide the street banner. There is currently no fee for the use of the banner space on Las Tunas Drive . however; there is a fee of $428 for City staff to in stall the street banner. T he event organ iz er is request ing to waive al l fees for the installm e nt of the street banner. In order for City staff to install the street banner, the Relay for Life tea m wi ll need to provide the ban ner ten days prio r to June 1o th and additionall y provide two 50 foot nylon ro pes and 12 spring clips . • Proclaim June 51h Pa int the Town Purple Da y Pa int the T own Purple Day w ill be a day that Re lay for Life volunteers will put purp le ribbons along th e City trees on Las Tunas Drive from Rosemead Boulevard t o Baldwin Ave nu e and Temple City Boulevard . Re lay for Life vo lunteers wi ll place the ribbons on every oth er tree on J une 51h and wi ll be res ponsible for removing the ribb ons by Tuesda y , August 11 1h . The purpose of Pai nt the Town Pu rp le is to increase awareness in the community for cancer prevention , the American Cancer Society , and Relay for Life Temple City. • Use of t he T emple Ci t y Park Gazebo and Community Room The event organizer is requesting to use the Temp le City Park Gazebo and Community Room on June 51h as the headquarters f or Paint the Tow n Purpl e Da y from 8:00 a.m . to 1:00 p.m . The American Cancer Society team wi ll play music and pass ou t American Cancer Society and Relay for Life informational packets from the Gazebo and store their supp lies in the Community Room. Th e American Cancer Society req uests that the City waive all fees (i.e .. fee for band stand is $40/ hour) and deposit (i.e ., $300) required for the reservation of the Gazebo and Community Room . • Tables at City Concerts in th e Park The eve nt organizer is requesting one table at all the City 's Concerts in the Park ser ies . The tab le will be used to promote the relay and Cancer Survivor appreciation . • Promot e of Relay for Life us ing various out let s The American Cancer Society is ask ing the City t o run public serv ice announcement promoting th e Relay for Li fe event on the City 's website , Facebo ok page , the Temple City Government Information Channel (which is allowed for local non-profit organizations), and Connect Magazine . Add itiona l ly, th e America n Cancer Society is requesting to place flyers and poster in City Hall and at Live Oak Pa rk starting Apr il. • T emple City Volu nteers and Youth Committee Involvement The event organizer is asking for possible in volvemen t by the City 's vo lunteer groups and City 's Youth Committee . In vo lvem ent by the City 's volunteer groups and Youth Committee w i ll need to be coordi nated with the Parks and Recreation Department. However, involvement by the City 's Youth Com mitte e may be difficu lt as the current committee membe rs' terms end o n Jun e 301h before the Relay for Life event begins . • Mayor and City Counci l In vo lvement The event organizer requests that the Mayor and City Council speak at the opening ceremony on July 11th as the ir schedules permit. • City Equ ipmen t 2 The event organizer would like to use 12 of the City 's pop-up tents to use during the 24-hour event. City staff will ass ist in delivering and setting up on July 11 th beg inn ing 6:30a.m . and ta ki ng down the 12 white pop-up tents on July 12th beg inning 9:30a.m . CONCLUSION : The City Council is requested to consider co -sponsoring for the Relay for Life of Temple City at Temple City High School on July 11 th to 1ih, 2015 , from 9 :00a.m. to 9 :00a .m., a 24-hour event; proclaim June 5, 2015 , Paint the Town Purp le Day; and waive all fees and deposit for the use of the Temple City Park Gazebo (i .e ., Pav ilion) and the Community Room . C ity Council's approva l is required for City co-sponsorship of the event. Please also verify the time of the event highlighted in yellow. Thank you for your assistance . Should you have any questions , p lease feel free to call me as listed in my signature below. Best regards , Giselle Joyce B. Corella Executive Assistant to the City Manager Ci ty of Temple Ci ty 1 Management Se rvice s Department 9701 Las T unas Drive 1 Temple City, CA 91780 T: (626) 285-2171. Ext. 23221E: gcorella@templecitv.us CONFIDE NT IALITY NOTICE: This communication is solely for the use of the intended recipients (s) and said communication may conta in confidential and/or legally privileged information or otherwise protected by both Federal and State law. Unauthorized interception, review, use , or d isclosure is strictly prohibited . If you are not the intended recipient, please con tact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication . 3