HomeMy Public PortalAbout13) 7D Audit Report for Prop A, Prop C, Measure R, and Transportation Develop Act Article 3 FY 12-14City Council February 17 , 2015 Page 2 of 3 --------·---------------------~ 4. Effective November 4 , 2008 , Measure R, approved by the electorate , increased the County Sales Tax by one-half cent to provide for public transportation projects . Fifteen percent of these funds are allocated to municipalities based on a per capita basis . Cities have the year of receipt plus three additional years to expend the funds . 5. On June 23 , 2011 , the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board authorized an amendment to the agreement by replacing the capital reseNe authorization of $5 ,000 ,000 in Proposition C funds with $1 ,500 ,000 Proposition A and $7,000 ,000 Proposition C funds for a total of $8 ,500 ,000 in capital reseNe . In addition , the term of the reseNe account was extended from June 30 , 2011 to June 30 , 2014 . 6 . In October 2014, the firm of Vasquez & Company LLP conducted field work for the annual audits of Proposition A , Proposition C , Measure R and Transportation Development Act Article 3 . A separate audit of the City of Temple City 's Proposition A , Proposition C, Measure R and Transportation Funds is required on an annual basis by an independent audit fi rm (Vasquez & Company) contracted and hired by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority . 7 . On February 3 , 2015 , the City received the final audit from Vasquez & Company . ANALYSIS: There are two non-compliance items that the auditor mentioned : the accounting procedures and record keep i ng of timecards for salaries and benefits charged to Proposition A and grant retroactive approval from MTA for Measure R. The City has revised its current procedures to resolve these issues . The following reports are presented for your review. Proposition A During the FY 2013-14 , the City received a total of $738 ,986 in revenues for Proposition A funds which includes bus pass sales revenue of $126 ,990 and interest on income of $1 ,826 . The total expenditures for FY 2013-14 were $2,167 ,643. The City of Temple City utilized Proposition A funds for the following items: • Special SeNice Paratransit ; • Recreation Transit; • Bus Shelter Maintenance ; • Bus Pass Subsidy; • Portion of San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Membership (60 %); • Direct Administration ; and • Rosemead Boulevard Improvement Project. City Council February 17 , 2015 Page 3 of 3 Proposition C During the FY 2013-14 , the City received $504 ,927 revenues for Proposition C which also includes interest income of $36 . The expenditure for Proposition C was $789 ,651, for the Rosemead Boulevard Improvement Proje ct and $88 ,548 for the Las Tunas Drive Improvement Project in FY 2013-14 . MeasureR During the FY 2013-14 , the City received a total of $378 ,491 in revenues for Measure R funds which also includes interest income of $777. The expenditure of $799 ,456 represents Measure R's portion of the funding of the Rosemead Boulevard Improvement Project. Transportation Development Act Article 3 Transportation Development Act Article 3 provides for construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities including ADA wheelchair ramps . Transportation Development Act Article 3 funds are placed on reserve in the Local Transportation Fund Account with the County Auditor-Controller and are drawn down whenever the funds become eligible for a specific project. During the FY 2013-14, the City drew down $15 ,403 from the County Auditor-Controller in Transportation Development Act Article 3 Funds with additional $88 ,682 to be drawn down during FY 2014-15 to cover for the Ros emead Boulevard expensed in FY 2013- 14. CONCLUSION: Staff is recommending that the City Council rece ive and file the Proposition A , Proposition C , Measure R and Transportation Development A ct Article 3 Audit Reports for the year ended June 30 , 2014 . FISCAL IMPACT: This agenda item does not have a fiscal impact on the FY 2014-15 City Budget. ATTACHMENT: A. Annual Financial Report of Proposition A , Proposition C, Measure R and Transportation Development Act Article 3 Funds FINANCIAL SECTION ASSETS Cash and investme nts City of Temple Cit y Proposition A Local Return Fund Balance Sheets June 30 2014 2013 $ 786 ,964 $ 2 ,228,232 Total assets $ 786 ,964 $ 2 ,228,232 LIABI LITI ES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts payable $ Total liabilities Fund balance Restricted -Rosemead Boulevard Improvement Project Restricted Tota l fund b a lance Tota l liab i l ities and fund bal a nce $ See notes to fi nancial statements. 3 63 ,358 $ 75 ,969 63 ,358 75 ,969 1,504 ,503 7 23 ,606 647 ,760 723 ,606 2 ,152,263 786 ,964 $ 2 ,228 ,232 City of Temple City Proposition A Local Return Fund Statements of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance Revenues Proposit io n A $ Proj ect generated reven ue In vest men t income Total revenues Expenditures V a r ious proj ects Total expenditures Def icie ncy of reve nu es over expe nd it ures Fund ba lance at b e ginn ing of year Fun d ba lan ce at e nd of year $ See notes to fin ancial statements. 4 Years ended June 30 2014 2013 610 ,170 $ 5 54 ,620 126,990 139 ,107 1,826 6 ,6 08 738,986 700 ,335 2 ,167,643 70 3 ,555 2 ,167,643 703,555 (1 ,428 ,657) (3 ,220) 2,152 ,263 2,155,483 723,606 $ 2 ,152 ,263 Proje ct Code 11 0-01 130-01 14 0-02 170-04 250-03 270-02 380-1 1 480 -05 City of Temple City Proposition A Local Return Fund Supplemental Information Schedule of Expenditures -Actual and LACMT A Approved Project Budget Year ended June 30 , 2014 Actual for 2013 2014 LACMTA Proje c t Name Budget Actual Fixed Route Shutt le $ 100,000 $ - Special Service Pa ratransit 375 ,000 363,151 Recrea tiona l Transit 40 ,000 35,421 Bus Shelter Ma intena nce 8,950 7 ,752 User-S ide Subs id y 175 ,800 163,341 San Gabriel Va ll ey Council of Governments Membe rs hip 9,500 9,471 Rosemead Bo ul evard Improvement Project 1,500,000 1,505 ,723 Direct Admi nistrat ion 83,625 82 ,784 • Tota l exp e nditures $ 2,292,875 $ 2,167,643 • See Compl ia nce Matrix. See report of indep endent auditors. 5 Variance Pos itive 2013 (N e gative) Ac t u al $ 100,000 $ 36,421 11,84 9 344 ,314 4 ,579 41 ,454 1,198 7 ,752 12,459 172,485 29 9 ,435 (5,723) 84 1 91,694 $ 125 ,232 $ 703 ,555 B al ance Dat e July 1, City of Temple City Propositi on A Local Return Fund Supplemental Information Schedule of Capital Assets Year ended June 30 , 2014 Ba la n ce June 30, Acqu i re d Descr i p tion 2013 Additions De letions 2014 08 /05/08 Form E350 Van $ 25 ,799 $ To t a l $ 25 ,799 $ See report of in dependent auditors. 6 -$ - $ 25,799 -$ - $ 25 ,79 9 ASSETS Cash and investme nts City of Temple City Proposition C Local Return Fund Balance Sheets June 30 2014 2013 $ ________ -_$ ____ ~36~·~87~5~ Total assets $ -$ 36 ,875 =========== LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities D ue to General Fund Total liabilities Fund balance Restricted-Rosemead Boulevard Imp rovement Project Unassigned Total fund balance $ 336,397 $. ________ _ 336 ,397 70 ,342 (336,397) (33,467) (336,397) 36 ,875 Total liabilities and fund balance $ =====-= $==~3;,;;6;.k,8;;,;7,;;5~ See notes to fin anc ial statements. 7 Project Code 270-01 380-11 City of Temple City Proposition C Local Return Fund Supplemental Information Schedule of Expenditures -Actual and LACMTA Approved Project Budget Year ended June 30 , 2014 Actual for 2013 2014 LACMTA Project Name Budge t Actual Las Tunas Drive Improvement Project $ 1,200 ,000 $ 88 ,548 Rosemead Boulevard Improvemen t Pr oject 5 ,387,210 789,651 Total ex p enditures $ 6 ,587 ,210 $ 878,199 See report of independent auditors. 9 Variance Po s itive 2013 (Negative) Actual $ 1 '111 ,452 $ 494,668 4,597,559 4 ,034 ,935 $ 5 ,709 ,011 $ 4 ,529 ,603 Date Acquired None Description B alance July 1, 2013 City of Temple City Proposition C Local Return Fund Supplemental Information Schedule of Capital Assets Year ended June 30, 2014 Additions Deletions Balance June 30, 2014 $ _______ -_$ _______ -_$ _______ -_$ ______ __ Total $ -$===-=$====-=$==== See report of independent auditors. 10 ASSETS Cash and investments $ Total assets $ City of Temple City Measure R Local Return Fund Balance Sheets June 30 2014 2013 521 ,261 $ _ __;;9~42::::.!•::..:22~6:_ 521 ,261 $ =~9~42;;:,!•,;;;22;;;6~ LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts payable Fund balance Re stricted $ _______ -_$ _______ _ Total liabilities Total fund balance Total liabilities and fund balance $ See no tes to financia l statements . 11 521 ,261 942 ,226 521,261 942 ,226 521 ,261 $ =~9,;,;42~·;;;22;;;6~ City of Temple City MeasureR Local Return Fund Statements of Revenues , Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance Revenues Me asure R $ In vestment i ncome Total revenues Expenditures Va rious proj ect s Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues o ver expe nd it u re s F und balan ce a t b eg inn ing of year Fu nd ba lan ce at e n d of year $ See notes to fin a nc ial statements . 12 Years ended June 30 2014 2013 377 ,714 $ 34 4 ,618 777 2 ,323 378 ,491 34 6 ,941 799,456 26,466 799 ,456 26,466 (420,965) 320 ,475 9 4 2 ,226 621,751 521 ,261 $ 94 2 ,226 City of Temple City Measure R Local Return Fund Supplemental Information Schedule of Expenditures -Actual and LACMTA Approved Project Budget Year ended June 30 , 2014 Actual for 2013 2014 Project LACMTA Code Proje ct Name Budget Actu al 01 -001 Rosemead Boulevard Improvement Project $ -$ 799,4 56 02-002 Citywide Traffic Ca lming Study and Master Plan 02-003 Comprehensive Downtown Parking Study and Strategic Plan -$ Total expenditu r es S ____ _ 799,456 • See Complia nce Matrix See report of independent auditors. 13 Variance 2013 Po s itiv e Actual (Negative) • $ (799,45 6) $ 10,320 16 ,146 s F991456l s 26,466 Date Acquired None Description Balance July 1, 2013 City of Temple City Measure R Local Return Fund Supplemental Information Schedule of Capital Assets Year ended June 30 , 2014 Additions Deletions Balance June 30 , 2014 $ ________ -_$ _______ -_$ _______ -_$ ________ _ Total $========-=$=======-=$=======-=$========= See report of independent auditors. 14 ASSETS Du e from LAC MT A City of Temple City Transportation Development Act Article 3 Fund Balance Sheets Pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 99234 June 30 2014 201 3 $ ____ ~15~4~0~3_$ ______ 6~·~85~4~ Total assets$ 15,403 $ 6 ,85 4 ======~== ==~--~== LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities Due to General F und Fund balance Unassigned $ 104,085 $ _____ 7__,,...;_00.;__4_ Total liabi l ities 104,085 7 ,004 (88 ,682) (150) Total fund balance (88 ,682) (150) Total liabilities and fund balance $ ===1;,;;5:!,4;,;0;,;;3=$ ===~6::!:,8~5;,4~ See notes to fin ancial sta tements. 15 City of Temple City Transportation Development Act Article 3 Fund Statements of Revenues , Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance Pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 99234 Revenues Inte rg ove rnm e ntal Allo c atio ns: Article 3 $ Interest in come Total revenues Expenditures Construction/Main tena nce Total expenditures De ficiency of reve nu es over expenditures (Unassigned) fund bal ance at beginning of year Un assigne d fund balan ce at end of yea r $ See notes to fin anc ial sta tements. 16 Years ended June 30 2014 20 13 15,403 $ 6 ,853 5 15 ,403 6 ,858 103,935 7,095 103,935 7,095 (88,532) (237) (150) 87 {88,682) $ {150) City of Temple City Transportation Development Act Article 3 Fund Supplemental Information Schedule of Transportation Development Act Allocation for Specific Projects Pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 99234 Year ended June 30, 2014 Totals to Date Prog ra m Project Description Year Allocations Expend itu res Local Allocations: Ro semead Boulevard Safety Enhancement 2014 $ 15,403 $ 103,935 Totals $ 15,403 $ 103,935 Unexpended interest accumulated to date Un assigned fund ba lance at beginn in g of year Unassign ed fund balance at e nd of year See report of independent auditors. 17 Unexpended Project Allocations Status $ (88,532) Ongoing (88,532) (150 ) $ (88,682) NOTE 1 NOTE 2 City of Temple City Notes to Funds Financial Statements Years ended June 30, 2014 and 2013 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Fund Accounting The operations of th e Proposi tio n A Local Return Fun d (PALRF), Propo sition C Lo ca l Return Fund (PCLRF ), Measure R Loca l Return Fund (MRLRF) and Transportati on Developme nt Act Article 3 Fund (T DAA3 F) (co ll ective ly, the Fun ds) are acco unted f or in sepa rate se ts of sel f-bala ncing accou nts that comprise thei r assets , liabil it ies, fu nd balance, revenues and expe nd itu res . PALRF and PCLRF represent 25% and 2 0%, re spectively , of the ~ cen t Propo sit ion A and ~ cent Proposi t ion C sa les taxes which are distributed to the jurisdicti ons within Los Ang eles County based on popu lation and must be used excl usiv ely fo r transportation re lated programs and proje cts. MRLRF is derived from 15% of a county-wide ~ cen t sales tax w hi ch is distributed to th e jurisdi ctio ns wi thin Los Angeles Co unty based on a per cap ita basis and must be used exclus ively for t ransporta t ion p urpo ses. Transportation Development Act Article 3 Fund (TDAA3F ) is poo led wi th oth er City mon ies in th e Special Reven ue Fu nd . T he Specia l Reve nu e Fund accounts for the City 's s hare of the Transpo rtati on Deve lopment Act Article 3 all oca ti ons which are lega ll y restr icted fo r specific pu r poses . Basis of Accounting PA L RF, PC LRF , MRLRF and the TDAA3 F are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of acco unt ing whereby reven ues are recognized whe n th ey become both measu rab le and ava il ab le to fin ance expe nditures of the c urrent period and expendit ures are gene rall y recognized when th e related fund liabi liti es are incurred . Budgets and Budgetary Accounting Th e bud geted amounts presented in this repo rt for compar ison to th e actual amo unts are presented in accordan ce wi th accoun ting principles gene rally accep ted in the United Sta tes of America . Unrealized Gain (Loss) In accordance wit h GAS B Statement No. 31 , Accounting and Financial Reporting for Certain Investments and Ex ternal Investment Pools , local governments a re required to use fa ir va lu e (i nstead of amortized costs ) fo r fin ancia l reporti ng pu rposes. As a resu lt of suc h implementation, the City recognizes the unrealized gai n (loss). ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The finan cial stateme nts refl ect only the fi nancial position and res ults of operatio ns of the PA LR F, PCLRF, MRLRF an d TD AA3 F, and do not purport to , and do not, present fairly t he City 's financial position as of Jun e 30 , 20 14 and 201 3, and the cha nges in its fin anc ial posi t ion for the years th en ended in accorda nce wi th accounting princi ples ge nerally accepted in the Un ited States of Ame r ica . 18 NOTE 3 NOTE4 NOTE 5 NOTES City of Temple C ity Notes to Funds F i nancial Statements Years ended June 30, 2014 and 2013 PROPOSITION A AND PROPOSITION C LOCAL RETURN COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS The Proposition A Ordina nce requires that Loca l Return (L R) funds be used exclusively to benefit public transit. Expend itu res related to fixed route and para transit services, Transportation Demand Management, Transportation System s Management and fare subsidy programs that exclusively benefit transit are a ll eligible uses of Proposition A LR funds . Proposition A LR funds may also be traded to other Jurisdictions in exchange for general or other funds . The Proposition C Ordinance directs that LR funds also be used to benefit public tra n si t , as described above , bu t provides a n expa nded list o f e ligible project expenditures inclu ding , Congestion Management Programs, bikeways and bike lanes, street improvement s supporting pub lic transit service , and Pavement Management System projects. Proposition C LR fun d s cannot be traded . In accordance with Proposition A and Proposition C Local Return Program Guidelines , funds received pursuant to these gu idelines may o nl y be used for Propos ition A and Pro position C Local Return approved programs. See accom pa nying Com pliance Matrix. MEASURE R LOCAL RETURN COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS T he M ea sure R Ordinance specifies that LR funds are to be used for transportation purposes . In accordance with Measure R Lo cal Return Program Guidelines, funds received pursua nt to these guidelines may only be used for Measure R Local Return approved programs . See accompanying Compliance Matrix. TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS In accord ance with Public Utilities Code Section 99234 , funds received pursuant to this Code's section may o nly be used for activities re lati ng to pedestrians and bicycle facilities. CASH AND INVESTMENTS The PA LRF , PC LRF , MRLR F and T DAA3F ca sh a nd investment balances were pooled wi th var ious o the r Ci ty fund s for de posit and invest men t purposes . T he sh are of each fund in t he poo led cash account was separa te ly main tained and i nterest i ncome wa s ap portioned to the participating funds based on the relat io nsh ip of their average mon th ly balances to t he total of the poo led cash and investments. Please refer to the City 's Comprehensive Annu a l Financial Report (CAFR) for a full description of risks relati ng to cash and i nvestments. 19 NOTE7 NOTES NOTE9 City of Temple City Notes to Funds Financial Statements Years ended June 30, 2014 and 2013 PROJECT GENERATED REVENUE PALRF 's project generated revenue for the years ended June 30 , 2014 and 2013 represents bus pass sales amounting to $126,990 and $139,107, respectively . CAPITAL RESERVE On July 1, 2006 , LACMTA and the City entered into capita l reserve agreements to establish a capital reserve account amounting to $5,000 ,000 for the Rosemead Boulevard Street Improvements Project (Project). The Project will be funded with the Proposi tion C Loca l Return funds allocated to the City. A ll interest shall be accrued and placed in the Account for use exclusively for the said projects. On June 23 , 2011 , the LACMTA Board authorized an amendment to the agreeme nt by replacing the capital reserve authorization of $5,000,000 in Proposi tion C fund s with $1,500,000 Propositio n A and $7 ,000 ,000 Proposition C funds for a total of $8 ,500 ,000 in capital reserve . In addition , the term of the reserve ac cou nt was extended to June 30 , 2014 . For the year ended June 30 , 2014 and 20 13, followi ng is the capita l reserve amount for PCLRF : PALRF Capita l reserve at June 30, 2012 $ 1,50 0 ,0 00 $ Interest in come earned 4,503 Capital expenses during the year Capital reserve at June 30 , 2013 1,504 ,503 Interest income earned 1,220 Capital expenses during the year (1,505 ,723) PCLRF 4,092 ,990 12 ,287 4 ,034 ,935 70 ,342 (70 ,342) Cap ital re serve at June 30, 2014 $ --------$ ------ TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND REVENUE ALLOCATION Th e revenue allocation for the years ended June 30 , 2014 and 2013 consisted of the following : FY 2008/09 reserve FY 2009/1 0 reserve $ $ 20 2014 2013 -$ 6 ,853 15,403 15,403 $ 6 ,853 NOTE 10 NOTE 11 City of Temple City Notes to Funds Financial Statements Years ended June 30, 2014 and 2013 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUNDS RESERVED In accordance with TDA Article 3 (SB821) Guidelin es, funds which will not be spent during the fiscal year have been placed on reserve i n the Local Transportation Fund (L TF ) account with the County Auditor-Con troll er to be drawn down whenever the funds become eligi ble for a specific project and an approved drawdown request is received by LACMTA. As of June 30 , 2014 and 2013 , the City has funds on reserve as follows: FY 2009/1 0 reserve FY 20 10/11 reserve FY 2011/12 reserve FY 2012/13 reserve FY 2013/14 allocation Avai lab le reserve balance $ $ 2014 -$ 14,391 17,306 25,547 29,140 2013 15,403 14,391 17,306 25,547 86 ,384 $ ____ 7_2:....,6_47_ For FY 2013/14 , any TDA Article 3 fun ds left on reserve for FY 2009/10 or prior, are subject to lapse if not c laimed by the City by June 30 , 2014. There were no funds that lapsed in FY 2013/14 . SUBSEQUENT EVENTS The City has evaluated subsequent events through December 10 , 2014 , the date the financial statements were avai lable to be issued , and concluded that no events have occurred th at require disclosu re in or adj ustments to the financia l statements. 21 COMPLIANCE SECTION " ~ Vasouez J (41 & Com PanY LL P C~mt~ Pu A<"'TI< -" a"�5 and 6.JS<.,ess Con" .u ~r .. s Report of Independent Auditors on Compliance To the Honorable Members of the City Council of the City of Temple City, California and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Report on Compliance 8 01 South Grand A..-, Surte 4 00 l os Anptu , CA !10017 Ph. (213) 8 73-1700 f u (213) 8 7 3-1777 wwvl.vasque_tcpA .com OFFICE l OCATION S: l osAncelu Sac~m" nto We have audited the compliance of the City of Temple City , California (the City) wi t h the Propos ition A and Proposition C Local Return Guidelines, Measure R Local Return Gu idelines , Transportation Deve lopment Act Arti cl e 3, and the Los A ngeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority 's Funding and Alloca tio n Gu ideli nes for Transportation Development Act Article 3 Bicycle and Pedestrian F unds (colle ctively, the G uid eli nes) for the year en ded J une 30 , 201 4 . Management's Responsibility Manag em ent is responsi bl e fo r th e C ity's co mpli a nce w ith the G ui d e lines. Auditors' Responsibility Ou r responsibi lity is to express an op1 mon on the City's complian ce based on o ur audit. We co n ducted our audit of compliance 1n accorda nce w ith the aud it ing standards generally accepted in the United States of America ; the standards appli cable to fina ncial aud its conta ined in Government Auditing Sta ndards issued by the Compt roller General of t he U nited States; and the Guideli nes. Th ose standards a nd th e Gu idelines re q uire that we plan and pe rform the aud it to obtain reasonable assu ran ce abou t w heth e r noncompliance w ith the compl iance re quirements referred to above that co u ld have a di rect a nd m aterial effect o n th e Proposi tion A Lo cal R eturn Program , Propos ition C Local Retu rn Prog ra m , Measure R Loca l Return P rogram , a nd Transportatio n Deve lopment Act A rti cle 3 Prog ra m occu r red . An aud it incl ud es examining , o n a te st basis , evidence about the City 's comp liance with th ose requirements and pe rforming su c h o the r procedures as we considered necessary in the ci rc umstances . W e believe that o ur aud it provides a reaso nable basis for o ur opi nion on compliance w ith the G uidelines . However, o ur audi t does not p rovi de a leg al d etermi nation of the C ity 's compl iance w ith th e Gu idelines. Opinion In o ur opi nion , th e C ity of T emple Ci ty , Ca lifornia compl ied , in a ll materia l re spects , with th e compliance req uirem e nts o f the Guidel ines for the year ended Jun e 30, 2014 . Other Matte rs T he results of o u r aud iting procedures disclosed instances of noncompli ance w ith the requ i rements, which are des cribed in the a cc ompany ing Compliance Ma t rix . Ou r opi nion is not mod ifi ed w ith respect to t hese m atters. In Compliance Requirements Comp l iance Yes No A. Proposition A and Proposition C Local Return F unds 1. Timely use of fund s X 2. Expenditures approved before being inc urred . X 3. Expe nd itu res did not excee d 25% of LACM T A's approved budget. X 4 . Administrative expenses a re w ithin the 20% cap. X 5. All on-going and carryover projects we re reported in Form B . X 6 . Annual Project Summary Report (Form B) was submitted on time . X 7 . Annual Ex pend iture Report (Form C) was subm itted on time. X 8. Cash or cash equivale nts are maintained . X 9. Accou nting procedures, record keeping a nd doc umentation are adequate. X 26 -------------------------- Questio ned Costs None None No ne None None None None None $81 ,577 C ity of Templ e City Compli a nce Matr ix Year e nd ed J une 30 , 2014 If no, pr ovide details and management response. Finding #14-01 PA LRF The salaries and benefits totaling $81 ,577 under Project 4 80-05 , Direct Administration, was based on percentages determined by th e City departments to be attributable to the LACMTA project. However, the perce ntages util ized can not be supported by timesheets or si m ila r time and effort docu m entation to demonstrate that the salaries ch arged we re expended on approved Proposition A Local Return p roject. We recommend that the City revise its current labor reporting procedures to ensure that la bor costs charged to LACMTA proj ects are adequately supported by timesheets or similar docume ntation . In Compliance Requirements Compliance Yes No A. Propos ition A and Proposition C Loca l Return Funds (Continued) 9 . Accounting procedures , re cord keeping and documentation are adequate. (C ontinued) B. Measure R Local Return Fund 1. Funds were expended for transportation purposes . X 2 . Funds were used to augment, not supplant existing local re venu es being used for transportation purposes unless there is a funding shortfall. X 3 . Sig ne d Assurances and Understandings on fil e . X 4 . Separate Measure R Local Return Account was established. X 5 . Revenues received including allocations, projec t generated revenues and interest income was properly credited to the Measu re R Local Return Account. X 27 Questioned Costs None None None None None City of Temple City Compliance Matrix Year ended June 30 , 2014 If no, provide details and management response. Management Resp ons e The City has revised its current labor reporting procedures to ensure that labor costs charged to LACMTA projects are adeq uately supported by time sheet s . Co m p liance Require me nts B. Measu re R Loca l Return Fun d (C onti nue d) 6 . Funds were expended with LACMT A 's approval. In Com JJii a n ce Yes No X 28 City of Temple City Compliance Matrix Year ended June 30 , 20 14 Questioned If no, p rovide d et ails and C osts ma n ag eme n t respo nse. $799,456 Finding # 14-02 The City expenditures Rosemead claimed for the Boulevard project with no from Improvement totaling $799,456 prior approval LACMTA. Although, t his project was previously approved in F Y 2013 , the City is still required to subm it the Form One f or FY 2014 and carry over the budget and have it approved prior to spending the money. LACM T A Program Manager granted a retroactive approval of the said project on July 3 , 2014 . We recommend for the City to obtain approval from LACMTA prior to implementing any Measure R-funded project. Management Response The City w ill obtain approval from LACMTA prior to im p lementing any Measure R funded projects as part of the annual budget process . In Question ed Comp l iance Requireme nts Compliance Yes No Costs B. MeasureR Local Return Fund (Conti nu ed) 7. Expenditure Plan (Form One) was subm itted on time . X None 8 . Expenditure Report (Form Two) was submitted on ti m e. X None 9. T imely use of fund s . X None 10. Administrative expenses are with in the 20% cap. X None 11 . Fund excha nge s were approved by LACMTA. 12. A separate account was established for Capital reserve funds and Capital rese rve was approved b y LACMT A. 13. Recreational tran sit form was submitted tim ely. c. Transportation Developm ent Act Article 3 Fund 1. Timely use of fund s . X None 2. Expenditures w ere in curred fo r activities relat in g to pedestrian and bicycle facilities and amenities. X None 29 City of Temple City Compliance Matrix Year ended June 30 , 2014 If no, provide details and managem ent response. Finding # 14-03 The City submitted its Ex penditure Plan (Form One) on July 3, 2014 , which is beyond the due date of A ugust 1, 2013 set under the Guidelines. We recommend f or the City to establish proce dures and cont rol s to ensure that the Expenditure Plan (Form One) is subm itted by August 1 as required by the Guideline s. Management Response The City has establish ed procedures and contro ls as part of the year end closing process to ensu re that Expenditure Plan (Form One) is subm itted by August 1 as requ ired by the Guidelines . Not applicable . Not applicable . Not applicable . EXIT CONFERENCE City of Temple City Exit Conference Year ended June 30, 2014 An exit conference was held on De cember 10,2014 w ith C ity of Temple City representatives . Those in attendance were: Vasquez and Company LLP representative : Marialyn Salvador-Audi t Manager City of Temple City representatives : Tracey Hause-Administrative Serv ice Di rector Lee Ma-Accounta nt Matters discussed : Results of the audit disclosed issues of noncompl iance with the Guidel ines. A copy of th is report was forwarded to the following City of Temple City representatives for comments prior to the issuan ce of the final report : Tracey Hau se-Admin istrative Service Director Lee Ma -Accountant 30 Vasquez & Company LLP 80 1 S. Gra nd Av enue , Suite 400 Los Angeles , CA 90017 RE : CITY OF TEMPLE CITY , CA LIFORNI A A NNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE PROPOSITION A LOCAL RETUR N FUND , PROPOSITION C LOCAL RETURN FUND , MEASURE R LO CAL RETURN FUND A ND TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT AC T ARTICLE 3 FUND FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30 , 2014 AND 2013 I have received the annual financial repo rt of the Proposition A Local Return Fund , Proposition C Lo ca l Return Fund, Measure R Local Return Fund and Transportati on Develo pment Act Article 3 Fund , for the yea rs end ed June 30 , 20 14 and 2013 for t he City of Temple City and agreed with the co ntents of th e report except as ind icated below: (A ttach additional pages if necessary) Very truly yours , Name Titl e Da te