HomeMy Public PortalAbout15) 7F Single Audit ReportCity Council February 17 , 2015 Page 2 of 2 ANALYSIS: As a recip ient of Federal grant funds in excess of $500 ,000 , the City is required to be in compliance with the financial reporting requirements of the Office of Management and Budget Circular A -133, Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations . The Single Audit Act of 1984 (amended in 1996) prounced the reporting process for compliance , and is commonly known as the "Single Audit ". A Single Audit is intended to provide a cost-effective audit of non -Federal entities in that one audit is conducted for all Federal grant funds in lieu of individual aud its of each . All Single Audits are due to the Federal reporting agencies nine months after the close of the fiscal year, (i .e ., March 31 , 2015). The City Council is requested to accept the Audit Committee's recommendation to receive and file the Draft Single Audit Report so that staff can transmit the Single Audit Report to the Federal report ing agencies by March 31 , 2015 . CONCLUSION: Filing of the Single Audit Report by March 31 , 2015 , will satisfy the financial reporting requirements of the Federal reporting agencies . FISCAL IMPACT: This action of receiving and filing the Single Aud it does not have a fiscal impact on the FY 2014-15 City Budget. ATTACHMENT: A. Single Audit for the Year Ended June 30 , 2014. REPORTS OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS Report of Independent Auditors on Interna l Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compl iance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance wi th Government Auditing Sta ndards Report of Independent Auditors on Compliance For Each Major Program, on Internal Control Over Compliance , and on the Schedule of Expend itures of Federa l Awards Requ ired by OMS Circular A-133 SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS AND QUESTIONED COSTS STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR AUDIT FINDINGS City of Temple City Table of Contents 3 6 7 8 11 City of Temple City Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Year ended June 30 , 2014 Federal Grantor/Pass Through Grantor/Program Title U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Dev e lopme nt Passed-through County of Los Angeles : Ho using Rehabilitation Loan Program Community Development Block GranUEntitlemenl Grant Asbestos and Lead -Based Paint Testing and Ab ate ment Program Direct Assistance Co mmu nity Development Block GranUEntitlement Gra nt Total U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Dev e lopment U.S. peoartment of Transportation Passed-th rough State of Cali fornia Department o f Transportatio n Hi ghwa y Planning and Con struction Total U.S. Department of Transpo rtation Tota l Federal Expendit ures • Ma jor Progra m 6 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assi stance Number 14 174 14 .218 14 900 14 218 20 .205 Program Identificatio n Number D96756-13 D97755-13 600604·13 601595-13,601596-13 CML-5365 (007) $ F e deral Award Expenditures 120.406 26.882 30,966 139 ,771 318 ,025 2,687,330 2,687,330 $ 3,005,355 NOTE 1 NOTE 2 C ity of Temple City Notes to Sch e dule of Expend itures of Federa l Awards Year ended June 30 , 20 14 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Scope of Presentation The accompany ing schedule of expend itures of fede ral awards presents on ly the expenditures incurred by the City of Temple City , California (City ) th at are reimbursab le under progra ms of federal agencies pro viding fin ancial awards. For purposes of th is schedule , financial awards includ e federal awards recei ved directly from a federal agency and federal fu nd s receiv ed i nd irectly by the City from a nonfederal agen cy or other organization . Only the portion of program expend itures reimb ursable w ith federa l funds is reported in the accompan yi ng schedule . Program expenditures in excess of the ma ximum re im bursement authorized or the port ion of the program expenditures that were funded with other state, loca l or other nonfederal funds , if any , are excluded from the accompanying schedule. Basis of Account ing The expend it ures incl uded i n the accompany ing schedule were reported on the modified accrua l bas is of ac cou nt ing . Under the modified accrual bas is of accounting , expenditures are incurred when th e City becomes oblig ated for payment as a resu lt of the receipt of the related goods and se rvices . Ex pend itures reported inclu ded any property or equipment acq uisitions i ncurred under the federa l programs. Schedule of Expend itures of Fede ra l Aw ards Pres entatio n The Schedu le of Expenditures of Federa l Awards presented is prepared onl y fro m the accounts of the City 's gra nt programs and , therefore , does not purport to present the financial positio n or results of operations of the City . The City 's report ing ent ity is defined i n Note 1 to the City's financial statements . Rela tionship to Financ ial Statements In accordance w it h the Go ve rnmental Accounti ng Standa rds Boa rd 's Stateme nt Nos. 61 and 39 , act ivi ties relat ing to all federa l financi a l ass ista nce programs are blended in the City 's financial statements as special revenue funds . Relationship to Fede ral Financ ial Reports Gra nt expendi tu re reports as of June 30, 2014 , which have been submitted to grantor agencies , will, in some cases, differ from amounts disc losed herein . The reports for grantor agenci es are typically prepared at a later date and often refl ect refined estimates of the year-end accrua ls . MAJOR PROGRAM T he follow in g Catalog of Federal Domes tic Assistance (CFDA ) pro gram was te sted as a majo r program : Highway Planning and Construction CFD A #20 .205 7 City of Temple City Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs Year ended June 30, 2014 Section I-Summary of Auditors ' Results Fjnancjal Statements Type of auditors ' report issued on the financial statements Internal control over financ ial reporting Ma teria l weakness (es) identified S ignifican t deficiency (ie s) identified that are no t considered to be material weaknesses Noncompliance material to financia l statements noted Federal Awards Internal control over its major programs Materi al weakness(es ) identified Significant defic iency(ie s) identified that are not considered to be materia l weak nesses Type of a ud itors' report issued on compliance for its maj or program Any aud it findings disclo sed that are requ ired to be reported in accordance with Section 510(a) of OMB A-133 ldentjficatjon of Major program : CFDA Nu mber 20.205 Dollar th res hold used to distingu ish between T ype A and Type B programs Auditee qualified as a low-risk auditee Unmodified No Yes (FS 14-01 ) No No None reported Unmodified None Name of Federa l Program Highway Planning and Construction $300 ,000 Yes 8 City of Templ e Ci ty Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs Year ended June 30 , 2014 Section II -Financial Statement Audit Findings Finding FS 14-01 Year-end Adjustments Criteria Adequate effective internal control systems should be i n place to perm it the preparation of financia l statements that fairly present financial activit ies and financial position . Condition and Context As part of the year-end process, there were a number of audit adjustments required to bring the acco un t balances in to agreement with the supporting detail sche du les. Some of these adjustments are considered essential to th e preparation of accurate financial statements . Cause and Effect While the Finance staff made great efforts to ensure that all closing entries were processed timely , challenges w ith resolving issues from the past such as up dat i n g the f i xed asset accounts consumed a great deal of time and hindered the City 's ab ili ty to properly update the accounting records , monitor them for accuracy , identify requ ired correct ions and make adj ustments as necessary . The resulting undetected errors delayed the year-end clos ing of the books and , thus , the audit of those books . Recommendation To provide assurance of accurate interim financial reports and allow for the time ly generation of reliable annual financial statements , we recommend the C ity perform month ly closing procedures by analyzing the accuracy of the month-end account balances and correcting errors found during th is process . Variances should be investigated before adjustments are made , and all adjustments shou ld be reviewed by qualified Finance Department personne l. This procedure w ill substantiall y reduce the amount of adjusting journal entries at year-end , improve the rel iability of interim fi nancia l statements and allow for more timely completion of the annual fin a nc ial statements and independent aud it. Views of Responsible Officials and Planned Corrective Action The City will perform monthly closing procedures by analyzing the accuracy of the month-end account balances and correcting errors found during this process . V ariances will be investigated before adjustments are made and all adjustments will be approved by the Adm inistrative Services Director . FS 14-02 Concentration of Credit Risk Criteria The investment pol icy of the City conta ins no limitation on the amounts that can be in vested in any one issuer beyond that stipulated by the California Government Code . Under Section 53601 (h) of the Cal iforn ia Government Code , the City is allowed to invest in negot iable cert ificates of deposit up to 30% of the City 's total in vestments . Condition and Context During our audit, we noted that during fiscal year 2014 the C ity had invest ments in negotiable certificates of deposit that were in excess of the 30 % lim it. The City 's investments in negotiable certificates of deposit of $10 ,360 ,000 amounted to 38 .3% of the tota l City 's investments of $27 ,119 ,280 as of September 30 , 2013 . The City 's investments in negotiab le certificates of deposits of $6 ,462 ,000 amounted to 32 .3% of the City 's total investments of $19 ,989 ,841 as of March 31 , 2014 . The City reduced its investments in negotiable certificates of deposit to be low the 30 % limit by June 30 , 2014 . Accord ingly , the City is in compliance as of June 30 , 2014 . 9 Cause and Effect City of Temple City Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs Year ended June 30 , 2014 The City mistakenly classified the negotiable certificates of deposit as time deposits which have no investme nt limit. Maintaining a large share of an investment portfolio in one type of investment exposed the City to risk of loss of its investments in the event that the financial institution was unable to fulfill the terms of the investment agreement. Recommendation We recommend that the City conti nue to monitor its investment portfolio to ensure it is in compliance with its investment pol icy and the California Government Code . Views of Responsible Officials and Planned Corrective Action The City implemented the following to be in compliance w ith its investment policy by taking the following actions: • Cease in making any new i nvestments in negotiable cert ificates of deposit (NCD); • When an NCD ma tures , the re-investme nt of the proceeds are either in another investment instrument or utilized for liquidity purpose ; and , • Sold current NCDs in the portfolio prior to maturity at par or at a small gain . Section Ill-Federal Award Findings There were no federal award findings noted during the fiscal year ended June 30 , 2014 . 10 City of Temple City Status of Prior Year Audit Findings Year ended June 30, 2014 Section IV-Status of Prior Year Findings FS 13-01 Concentration of Credit Risk Criteria The inves tment pol icy of the C ity contains no limi tat ion on the amounts that can be invested in any one issuer beyond that stipu lated by the California Government Code. Under Section 53601 (h ) of the Ca lifornia Govern m en t Code, the City i s allowed to invest in neg otiable cert ificates of deposit up to 30 % of the City 's total investments . Condition and Context During our audit, we noted that the City had in ves tments in negotiable ce rtificates of deposit that were in excess of the 30 % limit. The City 's invest ments i n negotiable certificate s of deposit of $11 ,096 ,069 amounted to 38 .7% of the to tal City 's investments of $28 ,702 ,528. Cause and Effect The City mistakenly classified the negotiable certificates of deposit as tim e deposits which have no investment limit. Maintaining a large sha re of an investmen t portfol io in one ty pe of inve stmen t exposes the City to risk of loss of its investments in the event that th e financial institu tion is unable to fulfill the terms of the investment agreement. Recommendation We recommend that the City restru cture its in vestmen t po rtfo lio to be in compliance with its investme nt po li cy . Views of Responsible Officials and Planned Corrective Action The City has i mp lemented the foll ow ing to be in compliance with its investment po licy by taking the following action s: • Cease in making any new i nvestments in negotiab le certificates of deposit (NCO ); • When an NCO ma tures , the re -investment of the proceeds are either in another investment instrument or uti li zed for liqu idity purpose ; and , • Sold current NCDs in the portfolio prior to maturity at par or at a small gain. The City has made every effort to bring the in vestments in NCDs below the 30% threshold once becoming aware of the fin d ing . Status Implemented as of June 30 , 2014 . 11