HomeMy Public PortalAboutFebruary 2020 MinutesTOWN OF WATERTOWN TRAFFIC COMMISSION Michael P. Lawn Chief of Police Michael P. Lawn, Chair Robert Quinn, Fire Chief Gerald Mee, Supt. of Public Works Steven Magoon, Community Development and Planning Mr. John S. Airasian Ms. Kelly Gallagher David Sampson Sergeant Tel: 617-972-6547 February 28, 2020 February 26, 2020 Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes In attendance: Michael Lawn, Robert Quinn, Steven Magoon, John S. Airasian, Kelly Gallagher At the February 26, 2020 Traffic Commission meeting, members addressed following items: Item 1— Chief Quinn made a motion to approve the minutes of the November, 2019 Traffic Commission meeting; Mr. Airasian seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Item 2 — The Commission reviewed a request by Ms. Carole Montalto of Pleasant Street for the installation of a cautionary Hidden Drive sign at #111 Pleasant Street for westbound traffic. Ms. Montalto reported that she has difficulty exiting her driveway due to westbound vehicles traveling too fast; this is particularly difficult because of the bend in the road prior to her driveway. Ms. Montalto noted that there is a Children sign in the area that was posted for the DCR Dealtry Pool at 138 Pleasant Street but the crosswalk and crossing guard are no longer present at this location. Sgt. Sampson reported that although the crossing guard and crosswalk were no longer present for the pool, the area has a large influx of children using the pool during the summer months. Sgt. Sampson received Town Engineer Matthew Shuman's opinion on the matter; both he and Sgt. Sampson were in favor of keeping the Children sign posted on Pleasant Street. Sgt. Sampson assessed the driveway of #111 Pleasant Street and noted that the private bushes and stockade fence belonging to #111 Pleasant Street contribute reduce the line of sight for motorists attempting to exit the driveway. Sgt. Sampson asked Ms. Montalto to work with her condominium board to reduce the size of the bushes. Sgt. Sampson also stated that he could install a temporary speed feedback sign in the area to make motorists more aware of their speeds. Ms. Gallagher reported that she is familiar with the area and has a business office on Pleasant Street. Her location is more open than #111, and would not be opposed to another Hidden Drive sign for #111 Pleasant Street. Mr. Magoon and Mr. Airasian also reported that they would support an additional warning sign. Ms. Gallagher made a motion to install a cautionary Hidden Drive sign in an appropriate location determined by the Department of Public Works for the driveway of #111 Pleasant Street; Mr. Airasian seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Item 3 — The Commission reviewed a request by Ms. Araxie Poladian on behalf of several residents of 56 Bigelow Avenue to consider re -installing a crosswalk at 56 Bigelow Avenue. Ms. Poladian reported that she speaks for many of the residents of 56 Bigelow Avenue — All are senior citizens. Due to the number of churches and businesses in the area, the "cut -through" nature of the street, and the limited mobility of many residents of her building, she would like to have a crosswalk re -installed in front of her building. She suggested that a crosswalk similar to the one at 48 Bigelow Ave is necessary to maintain pedestrian safety. An additional benefit of the former crosswalk was that vehicles could not park in front of the building; this created a convenient area for the residents to be picked up and dropped off. Resident Ms. Jannie Koumjian reported she uses the area more often at nighttime. She noticed that the crosswalk brings more awareness to the area and cars slow down. Many times, she is being picked up and without a crosswalk, she will have to stand between two parked cars. She hoped that the old crosswalk could be re -installed. Sgt. Sampson reported that in May, 2017 the Traffic Commission voted to remove the crosswalk. At that time, roadway improvements were completed which included bump outs and compliant crosswalks at Nichols Avenue, and a raised crosswalk at 48 Bigelow Avenue. The former crosswalk at 56 Bigelow Avenue was non -compliant. The Town could not install a compliant crosswalk at this location due to driveway openings, trees, and drainage issues. Municipalities install crosswalks where it is safe to cross the street and they must be ADA compliant. Although a crosswalk may not be appropriate, Sgt. Sampson suggested that a no parking area in front of 56 Bigelow Avenue may benefit the residents. This area could be used as a pick up and drop off area. Under the current conditions, a 26 foot space could be restricted in front of the building. Mr. Magoon reported that in addition to the reasons noted by Sgt. Sampson, the former crosswalk was situated mid -block — This is also not encouraged. Mr. Magoon felt that Sgt. Sampson's parking restriction suggestion made sense, and only questioned whether the restriction should be No Parking, or No Parking — Loading Zone. If approved, Sgt. Sampson will obtain Engineer Shuman's opinion for the appropriate restriction. Ms. Gallagher agreed with Mr. Magoon and felt that the parking restriction could be a benefit as long at the old crosswalk can be fully removed. Chief Lawn reported that the former crosswalk should not have been installed in that location. He noted that residents should use the crosswalk at 48 Bigelow Avenue, and supported a parking restriction in front of 56 Bigelow Avenue. Mr. Magoon made a motion to restrict parking as a general No Parking or Loading Zone in front of 56 Bigelow Avenue; Ms. Gallagher seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. [Note] On Thursday February 27, 2020 Sgt. Sampson received guidance from Town Engineer Matthew Shuman regarding appropriate signage for the area. Mr. Shuman suggested MUTCD signage R7-4, "No Standing Any Time". The Watertown Traffic Rules and Orders defines Standing as, "The halting of a vehicle whether occupied or not, otherwise than for the purpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers or in obedience to a police officer or a lawful traffic regulating signal, sign or device." Based on this definition, passenger pick-up/drop-off would be allowed in the area. Item 4 — The Commission tabled a request by Ms. Laura Wiener, Watertown Senior Transportation Planner, for Traffic Rules and Orders modifications; the Commission will address these matters at a future meeting. Item 5 — The Commission reviewed a request by Sgt. Sampson of the Watertown Police Department to remove the Handicap Only parking space at 34 Keenan Street. Sgt. Sampson reported that in October, 2018 the Traffic Commission voted to restrict parking at this location to Handicap Only. Unfortunately, the person for whom the space was granted passed away in January, 2020. Sgt. Sampson notified the Department of Public Works and requested removal of the sign, and now asked to remove the restriction from the Traffic Rules and Orders. Mr. Magoon made a motion to remove the Handicap Only parking space in front of 34 Keenan Street; Mr. Airasian seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. New Business No new business was brought before the Traffic Commission. Chief Quinn made a motion to adjourn; Mr. Airasian seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Sgt. David Sampson Assistant to the Traffic Commission