HomeMy Public PortalAboutTri-Town Groundwater Protection District -- 2016-08-24 Minutes ORLEANS, BREWSTER, EASTHAM, GROUNDWATER PROTECTION DISTRIC BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING AUGUST 24,2016 Board Present: John Kelly,Chairman, Orleans; Mike Embury, Brewster; Martin McDonald, Eastham., Sheila Vanderhoef, Eastham. Others Present: Jay Burgess, Chief Operator;Steve Brito,Assistant Chief Operator;Tom Parece, AECOM;Alan McClennen,Orleans Selectman; Charles Harris, Eastham; Joe Martins, Retired District Employee; Paul Southwick, Retired District Employee; Beverly Carney,Orleans resident. 1. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. A motion was made by Martin McDonald to approve the Board of Managers Minutes dated August 10,2016.This motion was seconded by Mike Embury and approved and passed. Vote:3-0 • John Kelly stated we can schedule another meeting in September and approve the Treasury Warrant and have the final employee severance checks cut or continue paying the employees for three months,that's an option. It's up to the individual employee. • Jay stated the next/last pay period will be August 29th • John Kelly stated if we schedule our next Board meeting for two weeks,September 7th we are going to need the final payouts for the three towns to get their share of money to the District to cover those checks.Will you be in contact with Jim Nowack? • Jay stated he will try to make contact with him as soon as this meeting is over. • John Kelly stated he will try to reach out to Jim as well to try and figure out how we are going to figure out the monthly meetings, and to be in a position to have the funds from the three towns to continue making our payments going forward. If you can get those numbers from Jim we can circulate it to the three Board members. • Jay asked if the Board will be needing Cyndi's services anymore? • John Kelly stated at the last Board meeting I mentioned to her that we were going to need some clerical services. I can certainly talk to her about it. He also stated Jay should contact the fire and police departments to remove his name as the contact person and have Tom Daley be the person who is called. • Jay asked if it will be the fire and intrusion alarms going to the police department. Currently we have it set up as the District employee on call. • John Kelly stated if you can have it set up to go to the police and fire departmens we will handle it on Orleans end. 1 • Jay stated he talked to Brian Dudley, DEP, informing him that he will no longer be responsible for the permit after Friday. I did not have a contact person for him when I leave. All I have is the electronic information which is password protected and I will email you the password and you can forward it to whomever takes over. • Jay stated the District employees have asked for letters of termination. • A motion was made by John Kelly to vote to sign lay off notices for the employees who are not retiring from the District,and for the Board to authorize him to sign that letter. This motion was seconded by Mike Embury and unanimously approved and passed. Vote:3-0 3. Chief Operator Updates—Jay Burgess: • Jay stated the carbon has been removed from the Plant.AECOM put together a list of some equipment that they thought may be of interest to whomever. • We have all of the hazardous materials that are restricted either gone or going to be gone by Monday. We have someone coming to take the lab chemicals. Cape Cod Community College took a lot of them for their Wastewater Program.The Polymer has been picked up. The carbon has been removed.All of the tanks have been pumped down.We have two tanks remaining that need to be pumped down. One is just a well water tank. We have used the government wells so that we would not run out of water while we were cleaning, and pumped them to an off-line secondary tank and we are circulating and discharging like it is effluent.That is already cleaned discharge water which will be pumped down tomorrow and no longer available. We have kept one septage tank on line which has 1,000 to 5,000 of liquid in it and on Tuesday we have Robert Our scheduled to pump the last of it. We have saved the bulk lime tank which also has about 1,000 gallons of hydrated lime that we will pump into the receiving tank to do a lime stabilization of whatever is left in there because the District opted not to vactor the tanks. • John Kelly stated what about the fuel tanks? • Jay stated the fuel tanks have not been decided upon, at least I have not been notified. We have about 500 gallons of diesel fuel. 1 did get a price from a company who would take it for $2,600 and that price is firm. I can leave that contact information with Steve Brito who will be here until Wednesday. • John Kelly stated he didn't realize tomorrow is Jay's last day of work with the District and said it has been real honor to work with him on the monthly basis,for keeping this plant going with all the battles over the years. 2 • John Kelly stated as far as DEP is concerned is there anything we need to discuss? • Tom Parece, AECOM, stated not that we know of. I will talk with Jay and his staff over the next few days regarding security, leaving the plant water on, etc.. He also stated there is a memo listing equipment at the plant that may be beneficial to the three towns. • John Kelly stated in the past when there was surplus equipment, a list was circulated to the three towns to see if there was an interest, so we can certainly do that.The list of Plant equipment includes a 1998 GMC Dump Truck with 149,000 miles on it; a 1999 GMC Dump Truck 3500; a One-Ton Dump Truck 3500 with 31,000 miles; 1988 Trojan 1500 Front End Loader; a Fork Lift; a couple of generators,and miscellaneous hand tools; power washer; and an arch welder.We can circulate this list to the three towns public works people and see if there is any interest and put it on for discussion for the next Board meeting, otherwise we have to declare it as surplus and try to sell it. He also stated that Tom Parece provided the Board with the bid phase estimate. For the next step of the bidding phase of the construction project, can AECOM give the Board a proposal as an add on to the current contract so the Board can vote on it and be ready for Town Meeting for funding the deconstruction of the facility and administration of it. For the contract for administration and engineering services, we would include that in the construction costs, and having that available helps us with the planning. Regarding the hazardous materials, it appears there is nothing that is going to be problematic, no asbestos, and no lead paint,so we don't need any work done in advance of the general contractor coming in.We are also going to have the Compost Building removed as a separate contract paid by the Town of Orleans. We also need to go through the Plant's records for the State's requirement of Records Retention and find a place to store them. 4. District EmploVee Pay Out: • John Kelly stated the District cannot have any employees on the payroll effective September 1, 2016 or Barnstable County Retirement will assess the District with an additional retirement assessment.The goal was to have the employees last day be August 31, 2016. What we previously discussed was taking the three months of health insurance out of that last pay so that the employees would be covered with their health insurance through December 2016.As of December 31, 2016, every employee must retire in order to stay on the health insurance. He suggested having a lump sum payout to the District Employees by September 1, 2016 so that we do not incur additional assessments for the September 30th deadline from Barnstable County Retirement, and for the Board to continue to work on the health insurance issue beyond the December 31, 2016 date. He stated he will follow up with the Retirement Board with further questions. Perhaps we can extend the IMA to state anyone not retiring January 31, 2017, cannot stay on the health insurance.We will put this on the next Agenda for further discussion and follow-up. 3 5. The Board reviewed the District's bank balances. 6. A motion was made by Martin McDonald to approve Treasury Warrant No.3 for payment. This motion was seconded by Mike Embury and approved and passed.Vote:3-0 7. A motion was made by Martin McDonald to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 a.m..This motion was seconded by Mike Embury and approved and passed.Vote:3-0 Respectfully submitted, Cyndiachman District Secretary 4