HomeMy Public PortalAbout09/16/74 Special CCM60 18. Julius Dorweiler, Fire department information Mr. Dorweiler presented further information regarding Hamel Fire Deparfinent finances a»d bids that have been received on a new fire truck. Discussion of financing of same if ordered for delivery 2 years hence. He inquired if there was interest and if council was appreciative the problem and willing to work with the fire department. Lotion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Thomas Stevens to instruct attorney to explore W methods of financing fire truck, issuance of bonds and joint powers agreement. Motion carried unanimously i Motion by Thomas Stevens, seconded by Donald DesLauriers to pay the bills, amounts as follows: Order checks $ 14;353.93 and Payroll $5,655.67 Motion carried unanimously Motion by Thomas Stevens, seconded by Arthur Theis to adjourn Motion carried unanimously Meeting adjourned at 1:10 A M ATTEST Donna Roehl, Clerk L a,yne(JNeddermeyer, Mayor September 16, 1974 The Council of the City of Medina met in special session of Monday September 16, 1974 at 8:00 P M Members present at 8:00 P M: Mayor Wayne Neddermeyer, Councilmen Robert Franklin and Thomas Stevens and Clerk Donna Roehl Members arriving at 9:30: Councilmen Donald DesLauriers and Arthur Theis 1. Leo Leuer Road Supervisor Leo Leuer notified council that there is a locked gate on Chestnut Road near the George Carter home. Council advised that he ask the Carters to open the gate to allow a public vehicle to inspect the culvert beyond the gate. Discussion as to the pos=ibility of charging a deposit before hooking up water facilities to renters Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Thomas Stevens to acquire a $25.00 deposit for sewer and water service, money to be refunded upon moving if account is current. Motion carried unanimously Leo Leuer Stated that there is a need for a thrash pump and he could purchase one for $ 200 used or $450 new. Motion by Thomas Stevens, seconded by Robert Franklin to purchase Homelite Thrash Pump with suction hose. . Motion carried unanimously Discussion of purchase of motor grader from Hennepin County. Attorney advised that we do not need bids in this situation. Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Thomas Stevens that we purchase 1960 Caterpillar Motor Grader with snow removal equipment. Serial No. 99E112E, from Hennepin County Purchasing Dept. for $12 000. Purchase .price to be taken out of Revenue Sharing. Motion carried unanimously 61 He also stated that N.W. Bell Telephone had damaged a new culvert on Arrowhead Drive while installing underground cable. They will be billed the necessary amount for repairs. Leo also gave a report as to date of last wage increase of road crew and asked that an increase be considered for 1975. 2. Holy Name Church non -intoxicating malt liquor license Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Thomas Stevens to grant Holy Name Church and Father Mathias Spier a non -intoxicating malt liquor license at no charge to be used on September 21st. Motion carried unanimously 3. Health Care Studies Planning commission will study information given to Medina and make a recommendation regarding the overall Health care plan for Hennepin County. 4. Ray Kerchiel, resignation Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Thomas Stevens to accept the resignation of Ray Kerchiel as a member of the Planning Commission. 5. Pickup truck purchase Discussion of purchasing a ton pickup truck from Hennepin County. Leo Leuer informed council that vehicle is a 1969 Chev. with 35,000 miles and may be purchased for $900.00 Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Donald DesLauriers to authorize Leo to purchase said truck, Serial No. CE 149J850769. Motion carried unanimously 6. Salaries Council discussed various salaries Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Arthur Theis to pay Donna Roehl $375.00 per month beginning Oct. 1st with the agreement that she take the minutes of the planning commission meetings if there are no conflicts with other business. Motion carried unanimously Motion by Robert Franklin, seconded by Thomas Stevens to pay Sylvia Rudolph $3.00 per hour for assistant clerks work and any building cleaning clerk decides needs to be done Motion carried unanimously 7. Budget Remainder of meeting was spent in preliminary budget preparation Dollar amounts tentatively Mayor & Council Salaries Clerk & Ass't. " Supplies Treasurer Auditor Legal Services Engineer It set: $ 3740 6000 1500 600 1600 12,000 6000 Motion by Thomas Stevens, seconded by Motion carried unanimously Meeting adjourned at 12:30 A M ATTEST 42074//20)/e-Gle- Clerk for 1975 Planning & Zoning Mun. Bldg. utilities PERA & Soc. Security Bldg. Inspector Zoning Administrator Police Budget, Total Fire Protection General support Fire calls $ 2500 5700 8000 2500 1200 54,000 6400 2000 Donald DesLauriers to adjourn meeting.