HomeMy Public PortalAbout20210517 - Planning Board - Meeting MinutesHopkinton Planning Board Monday, May 17, 2021 7:00 P.M. REMOTE MEETING Minutes Members Present:Gary Trendel (Chair), Robert Benson (Vice chair), Fran DeYoung, Deborah Fein-Brug, Muriel Kramer, Mary Larson-Marlowe, David Paul, Jane Moran, Sundar Sivaraman Members Absent: Present:John Gelcich, Principal Planner; Stephanie Pemberton, administrative assistant; Stephen Borgatti, BETA Group _____________________________________________________________________ Mr. Trendel called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM Mr. Trendel called the name of each Planning Board member, and each member that was present responded affirmatively that they were present and could hear him. Mr. Trendel then called the names of staff members; Mr. Gelcich, Ms. Pemberton,and Mr. Borgatti who responded affirmatively that they were present and could hear. Mr. Trendel stated that the meeting is being conducted remotely consistent with Governor Baker ’s Executive Order of March 12, 2020, due to the current State of Emergency in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus.He noted that in order to mitigate the transmission of the virus, the Board is complying with the Executive Order that suspends the requirement of the Open Meeting Law to have all meetings in a publicly accessible physical location. He stated that the Executive Order allows public bodies to meet entirely remotely as long as the public body makes provisions through adequate,alternative means to ensure that interested members of the public are provided reasonable access to the deliberations of the meeting. He noted that for this meeting the Board is convening by video conference via Zoom App as posted on the Town’s web meeting calendar and the Board’s agenda identifying how the public may join. He stated that the meeting may also be broadcast by HCAM. He noted that the meeting is being recorded and attendees are participating by video conference. Mr. Trendel stated that all supporting materials that have been provided to the Board are available on the Town website via the web meeting calendar, unless otherwise noted. Mr. Benson moved to open the public hearings, Mr.Sivaraman seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor through roll call vote 9-0-0. 1.Administrative Items a.Wilson Street Solar Project Update Mr. Trendel stated that he had hoped a more formal update would have been available. 1 b.Growth Study Committee Final Report Discussion and Next Steps The Board discussed the Growth Study Committee’s final report and topics of concern by the Board. The top concerns of the Board were: traffic, zoning review, holding a conversation around density, creating a dashboard to track development, and a discussion regarding Open Space. The Board noted concern for traffic and asked how they can control it. Mr. Trendel asked if they believed the residents' concerns were with public safety or travel time. Ms. Moran believed it could be both.Ms. Kramer noted it was not attainable to be taken up at GSC and would be best to discuss with professionals and find out the community’s suggestions and concerns.Mr. Gelcich noted traffic is a large issue to tackle and suggested a more specific focus. He also suggested a public forum to begin, but noted they may not have the best cross-section to work with. He also noted that MAPC is the regional planning agency who the Board could ask to join a meeting and hold a discussion along with the public. The Board also recommended a review of the zoning bylaws to make them more user friendly and streamlined along with reconsideration of density and diversity. Ms. Larson-Marlowe noted in regards to the density,that the Zoning Advisory Committee believed it needs a larger forum that includes public comment. Mr. Benson noted the committee was formed due to the concern by residents of growth and the cost to the residents. He noted in the report the proposed zoning to manage growth at the appropriate rate once new growth tapered off and that it needed more future projecting data in the report.Mr. Trendel noted a dashboard showing projected and actual growth may be helpful.Mr. Benson noted that he agreed it would be helpful as well as suggested the Board members attend planning classes. Ms. Kramer noted the idea of intentional planning and pursuing growth that is wanted in the community is an important consideration. It was noted the Land Use and Finance departments would be best suited to start to engage the Town with using the proposed dashboard. Mr. DeYoung recommended looking at current Open Space and parcels that could potentially be developed while also encouraging maintaining Open Space in town. Mr. Trendel noted he was reluctant to take on more projects, but would like to revisit later in the year and liked the idea of holding public forums. Mr. Paul noted it may be good to add into the Master Plan at some point. Mr. Trendel asked for an update of sub-groups at the next meeting on June 7th, 2021. 2 2.New Public Hearing - Definitive OSLPD Subdivision - Connelly Farm - Ravenwood LLC Ms. Larson-Marlowe recused herself from this hearing Mr. DeYoung chaired the hearing. Joe Marquedant,J.D. Marquedant & Associates, Inc.,introduced the project. He noted the applicants,Ron and Chris Nation,have proposed a nine-lot definitive subdivision off of Hayden Rowe and College Avenue . He noted they have proposed closed drainage points to basins to keep the volume at or below pre-development flows as required by state bylaws. He noted that cleanings and inspections are noted in the designs. He also noted connections to the municipal water and sewer system. It was stated that all home access will be off a future roadway and noted the driveways proposed are in line with the fire department recommendations. It was also noted they intend to cross wetlands and are seeking approval with the Conservation Commission. Mr. Gelcich noted that the Board of Health had submitted comments. He also noted per his comments that the waiver request from Section 210-4 is associated with the OSLPD Special Permit, and while it can be granted by the Planning Board if they so choose, it cannot be addressed through the Definitive Subdivision process. He suggested the Applicant revise the Special Permit in order to address this waiver. Stephen Borgatti, BETA Group, noted there are various comments in the letter from BETA. Some comments and concerns included: consider vegetated swails; soils throughout site and stormwater basins, recommend additional test pits; additional contours in areas of basins. Ms. Kramer asked about frontage waiver requirements. Mr. Gelcich noted it will need to be addressed prior to the issuance of the Definitive Subdivision. He noted it can be addressed the earlier it could be done essentially as a joint hearing. Mr. DeYoung asked the Applicant and Mr. Marquedant how they would like to proceed. Mr. Marquedant asked for clarification.Mr. Gelcich noted the OSLPD bylaw is tied to the Special Permit and noted he can speak with the Zoning Enforcement Officer. It needs to be recorded during the special permit process. Mr. Marquedant noted there is time, they will research the ability to not need the waiver. Mr. Trendel asked for context on the need for that waiver. Mr. Marquedant noted it is frontage along the roadway for uniformity and beyond that can be more flexible. Mr. Trendel asked if it would be possible to adjust the lots to be consistent with the bylaw. Mr. Marquedant noted lot 4 is the biggest issue with this but would review it with the Applicant. Mr. Sivaraman asked about the BETA's concern with construction standards to provide 3 additional street trees. Mr. Marquedant noted they will look into this along with addressing BETA’s other outstanding comments. Mr. DeYoung noted the decision criteria. Mr. DeYoung asked the Board if they felt a site walk was necessary given the additional information. The Board felt that the site walk in the fall for the special permit was sufficient as the proposed plan is inline with the special permit. Mr. Marquedant noted in line with all the requirements.Mr. Trendel noted he believed the lots had substantial wetlands, Mr. Marquedant most have portions, but have enough uplands and hoped for alignment between the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission. The Board discussed the following waivers: ● 5.4.1.N: Cross-sections of each street at 50-foot intervals - none submitted. Mr. Marquedant noted he didn’t believe they were needed. ● 5.4.1.Y: Street Lights - none proposed. Mr. Marquedant noted it is a residential setting, maybe post lights at the end of driveways, but no proposed street lights. Mr. Paul suggested to strike the request as it’s not required in developments. Mr. Gelcich noted it’s a requirement if street lights are proposed that they be on the plan, as there are none proposed per the plan it is unnecessary. Ms. Kramer noted a finding of fact that there are no street lights proposed, Mr. Marquedant confirmed this. ● 5.4.1.BB: Deep hole and percolation test locations and results at individual house lots - none performed, proposed connection to municipal sewer system. Mr. Marquedant noted he would be happy to supply soil testing for the basins,but didn’t believe it warranted additional testing through the site. Mr. Paul suggested striking this waiver request. ● 8.2.2.A: Granite curb along pavement edges with radii less than 100’ - modified Cape Cod proposed. Mr. Marquedant noted granite gutter mouths at the area of Hayden Rowe and cul-de-sac. He noted it is easily destroyed; they've proposed Cape Cod berm, as it’s easier to repair; examples from trash trucks, snow plows, etc. Mr. Paul recommended retaining the waiver, Mr. Trendel agreed. Mr. Trendel moved to continue the public hearing to June 21, 2021, Ms. Moran seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor through roll call vote 8-0-0. Mr. Trendel returned to chair the remainder of the meeting 4 3.New Public Hearing - Application for 1-year Extension of Earth Removal Permit - 52 and 55 Wilson St. - Eversource Energy Jim Blackburn and Tracy Adamski came to the Board to ask for an extension on the existing Earth Removal Permit issued on January 24,2019. Ms. Adamski noted the ongoing construction and that it was not enacted until June of 2019. The applicants are requesting a year extension so the construction can be finalized. It was noted that the majority of earth removal has been completed, but there is some site work activity that is ongoing. It was noted that the majority is expected to be completed this calendar year, but there will be additional tree planting next spring.Mr. Gelcich noted he had walked the site and it appeared to be compliant with the regulations as they stand. Mr. Trendel noted the decision criteria for this extension that the provisions of this chapter and the existing permit has been complied with. Mr. DeYoung asked the applicant, how much earth removal is still to be done. Mr. Blackburn noted there is a small fraction of remaining work, but would prefer to have a buffer should it be needed. It was noted that the conditions set forth as part of the permit issued on January 24, 2019 shall remain in full force and effect. Mr. Gelcich also recommended that no additional work be approved per the extension. The Board found that no new work is to be approved as part of this extension. Mr. Benson moved that the Board finds that the proposed earth removal activities conform to the provisions of Chapter 96 of the General Bylaws of Hopkinton; that all applicable criteria and standards set forth in the Earth Removal Chapter (Chapter 96), specifically Section 96-6, Criteria for issuance of permits have been satisfied; and that the conditions of the permit issued on January 24, 2019 have been complied with and that no new work is proposed as part of this extension, Mr.Sivaraman seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor through roll call vote 9-0-0. Mr. Sivaraman moved that the Board grant an extension to the Earth Removal Permit under Chapter 96 of the General Bylaws, and subject to the conditions that were previously read aloud by the Chair, Ms. Kramer seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor through roll call vote 9-0-0. Ms. Kramer moved to close the public hearing, Mr.Benson seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor through roll call vote 9-0-0. 5 4.Administrative Items, continued a.Minutes of April 12, 2021; April 26, 2021 Mr. Benson moved to approve the draft minutes of April 12, 2021 with edits by Ms. Kramer and Ms. Larson-Marlowe, Ms. Kramer seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor through roll call vote 9-0-0. Mr. Sivaraman moved to approve the draft minutes of April 26, 2021 with edit by Ms. Kramer, Mr. Benson seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor through roll call vote 9-0-0. Mr. Benson moved to adjourn, Mr. Sivaraman seconded and the Board voted unanimously in favor through roll call vote 9-0-0. Adjourned: 9:00 PM Submitted by: Stephanie Pemberton Approved:July 12, 2021 Documents used at the meeting: ●Agenda and Meeting Materials for Planning Board meeting,May 17, 2021 ●Connelly Farm OSLPD - Supporting Information, dated 03-31-21 ●Connelly Farm OSLPD - Definitive Plan, dated 03-31-21 ●Connelly Farm OSLPD - Drainage Report (in 5 parts),dated 03-31-21 ●Connelly Farm OSLPD - Environmental Analysis, dated 05-03-21 ●Connelly Farm OSLPD - Pre- and Post-Development Subcatchment Map, dated 04-29-21 ●Connelly Farm Subdivision- BETA Review Letter, dated 04-30-21 ●Connelly Farm OSLPD - Connelly Farm - Board of Health Comments, dated 05-05-21 ●Final Growth Study Committee Report voted by the Committee 5-5-21, May 11, 2021 ●Planning Board draft minutes of April 12, 2021 ●Planning Board draft minutes of April 26, 2021 ●Wilson St. 52 & 55 - Earth Removal Permit Extension Request, dated 04-14-21 ●Wilson St. 52 & 55 - Eversource Energy - Extension Request - Email from J. Westerling, dated 04-21-21 ●Wilson St. 52 & 55 - Earth Removal Permit Extension - Board of Health Comments, dated 04-28-21 ●Wilson St. 52 & 55 - Original Earth Removal Permit - As filed 01-24-2019, dated 01-24-19 The files may be found online in the public shared folder on Google Drive 6