HomeMy Public PortalAbout1964-06-13 Meeting178 moved that the bid of $296,636.00 by Widell Associates, Inc. be accepted, the contract to be awarded upon the adoption of the ordinance on June 13, 1964 providing for the issuance of the bonds. Motion seconded by Mr. White and unanimously approved. Mr. White made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Mr. Sanders and unanimously approved. ATTEST: Village Clerk COUNCIL MINUTES June 13, 1964 The Council of Bal Harbour Village met at 9:30 A. M. on Saturday June 13, 1964, in regular session. Present: Messrs. Faulkner, Hart, Sanders and White. Absent: Mr. Beatty. Also present were W. H. Webb, Village Manager; Mary T. Wetterer, Village Clerk; and Thomas H. Anderson, Village Attorney. Upon motion of Mr. Hart, seconded by Mr. White, the minutes of the meeting of May 23, 1964 were unanimously approved as written. Mr. Faulkner stated that one of the matters to be con— sidered was the confirmation of Resolutions No. 114 and No. 115. Mr. Frank J. Kelly, attorney representing all of the owners of improved property in the Village east of Collins Avenue, inquired as to the basis for the assessments proposed in said resolutions. Mr. Anderson stated that the purpose of the meeting was to hear objections of any interested persons to the confirmation of the resolutions and that if objections were made and overruled, and the resolutions wereapnfirmed, the Council was going to consider the adoption of an ordinance providing for the issuance of rev— enue bonds to pay for the work provided for in the resolutions. Mr. Kelly objected to the rate of 70S per toilet per month to pay for the improvements in Districts S=1-2 and recommended that the Council make a primary pledge of the cigarette tax revenue since June 13, 1964 179 the., was cencrally derived °; a? h l raSStr, t, -addition- ally suapor`d ;,y wha?eve; !;: may he neceos ry to .P imposed { r. co the taxpayers in said "is! riri, pins r' r po1. '•n of the Florida Powe ^ and Light Cs moan :.' tr?^. ':h that rta" 'P Thereucon the Village ";3erk ro ues,-_;t,an No. i;el calling for the crnstrtatien and recenst.r:.:ctirn of sanitary sewer- and water improvements nod re- a he levying of special assessments upon benefitted property. Mr. Hart moved tLat Resoluti..n No. lie he confirmed. The m-ticn was Mr. White and unan;mo.,;l y ador'tec1, �'t The Village Manuaer then read Resolution NO, Il5 fixing the rate of 0/ per toilet in every inaildina in ?mprov2men4. Districts 3-J-2 and callir.cl for a public hearing in the Council. Chambe:s at 9:30 A. M. on _tune 13, 1964 for the purpose of hearing objections to such rates, fees or charges. Mr. Hart moved to confirm Res^luticn Nn. 115, which was seconded by ,Mr. While gad unanimously adapted. The objections as presented by Mr. Kelly were then discussed by the Council and the Council agreed to take them under consideration and possir.ly to amend the ordinance if the Community National Jank and the Miami _'each First National 'ank would agree to the necessary changes and amendments in the ordinance. Mr. C. L. Clements of the Community Na:.ional !sank appeared before the Council advising that they wanted to add a small trust department t: the hank which would add another 1200 square feet to the building, They are aware of our ordinance stating the oarkin; must be contiguous to the 'Ouild- Inge Nawe,ver, as they are attempting tc establish an aaJitinnal Int on the e. W. corner of 96th Stredt and Collins Avenue, a variance might he made in their case. t :icunci agreed they could ons ' the a nroceeci with the necessary construction and the matter of the p:ar'cing would be taken up at a later date at which time they were sure something could he worke1 out. Mr. Anderson read ORDINANCE NO, 103 AN ORDINANCE AUTAURIZINC THE ISSUANCE OF $375,000.00 SEWER REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF 1964 Mr. Hart moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 103. Mr. Sanders seconded the motion, 3efo.re a vote was taken upon the motion Mr. Sanders moved that in view of the matters that were pre- viously discussed in connection with the pledging of the rev- enues for the Sewer Revenue Certificates that, the meeting be recessed until 7:30 P. M. Toesdav, Jone 16, 1964 to permit further discussion. The notion was seconded by Mr, hart and unanimously adopted. June 13, 1964