HomeMy Public PortalAbout20140204 - Select Board - Agenda  TOWN OF HOPKINTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN’S MEETING AGENDA TOWN HALL, 18 MAIN STREET, 2ND FLOOR Tuesday, February 4, 2014 5:30 PM CALL TO ORDER 1.EXECUTIVE SESSION (ROOM 211) i. EXECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES (ACTION) The Board will consider approving executive session minutes: 12/17/13; 01/07/14; 1/21/14 ii. CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS, LITIGATION AND REAL PROPERTY ●To discuss the deployment of security personnel or devices, or strategies with respect to emergency communications and the 2014 Boston Marathon; ●To discuss strategies with respect to collective bargaining updates by the Town Manager, because an open meeting may have detrimental effects on the bargaining positions of the Board; ●To discuss considering the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property in regards to a property on Lumber Street, Main Street and Ash Street, because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Board; and ●To consider or interview applicants for employment or appointment as part of a preliminary screening process, because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect in obtaining qualified applicants. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 6:30 PM PUBLIC SESSION (Room 215) 2.PUBLIC FORUM Residents are invited to share ideas, opinions or ask questions regarding town government. Page 1 CONSENT AGENDA 6:40 PM i. RESIGNATIONS (ACTION) 3.The Board will consider accepting the resignations of Meghan McSkimming, Anne Mattina, and Steve Kellett as At-Large members of the 300th Anniversary Committee. Supporting Exhibit: Resignation Letters. ii. STREET NAME APPROVAL (ACTION) The Board will consider revising the private drive name “Hunter’s Ridge Way” to “Hunters Ridge Way,” sans the apostrophe. iii. ONE-DAY LIQUOR LICENCE (ACTION) The Board will consider a One-Day Liquor License for Hiller Cheer Boosters for an inaugural fundraiser on March 1, 2014 at Weston Nurseries. Supporting Exhibits: Application & Permitting Team Comments. iv. MINUTES (ACTION) The Board will consider approving the following public session minutes: November 19, 2013; December 3, 2013. 6:45 PM MARATHON NUMBERS (ACTION) 4.The Board will continue its discussion on distributing the Marathon Invitational Entries relative to the allotment given to the Police Department and one additional number that the town has to offer. Supporting Exhibits: Current allotment versus requests. 7:00 PM OPEN TOWN MEETING WARRANT (ACTION) 5.The Board will consider opening the warrant for the 2014 Annual Town Meeting. The warrant will close on March 6, 2014, 60 days before Annual Town Meeting, pursuant to Town Charter §2-6(c) and Town Bylaws, §28-2. Supporting Exhibit: Annual Town Meeting Timeline. Link to all relevant Town Meeting documents (accessible on web site home page): http://www.hopkintonma.gov/home/government/townmeeting 7:15 PM PUBLIC HEARING: CHANGE IN BAR MANAGER (ACTION) 6.The Board will consider approving a change in the bar manager at the Woodville Rod & Gun Club, Inc. At its December 17th, 2013 meeting, the Club voted for Stefanie Garner to serve as Bar Manager. Supporting Exhibit: Bar Manager Change Application. 7:30 PM FIRE CHIEF GOALS UPDATE (DISCUSSION) 7.The Board will hear an update from the Fire Chief on the progress toward his goals for FY14. Supporting Exhibits: FY14 Goals; Progress Report from the Fire Chief. Page 2 8:00 PM POLICE CHIEF SEARCH COMMITTEE UPDATE (DISCUSSION) 8.The Chair of the Police Chief Search Committee, Bob Levinson, will give the Board any updates relative to the Police Chief search. 8:20 PM BILL’S PIZZA EMPLOYMENT TRAINING (ACTION) 9.The Board will consider approving the employee training program, as submitted by Bill’s Pizza. Supporting Exhibits: Notice of Decision Correspondence 8:40 PM LIAISON REPORTS 10.For Board liaison assignments, click here. 8:45 PM TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT 11.a. Police Chief Search Update b. Hayden Rowe Traffic Calming & School Campus Driveways c. Ice Hockey Rink Supporting Exhibit: RFP from Demons Youth Hockey. 8:50 PM FUTURE BOARD AGENDA ITEMS 12. 8:55 PM ADJOURN 13. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Board Correspondence 1.Tax Relief Committee Letter regarding elderly residents receiving tax relief (January 2014) The listed matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair to be discussed at the meeting. Not all items may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law. Page 3