HomeMy Public PortalAboutBoard of Health Minutes 12-16-2020 ABOARD OF HEALTH MEETING MINUTES The Watertown Board of Health has scheduled a REMOTE ZOOM meeting on Wednesday December 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm PRESENT: Dr. John Straus, Chairperson and Dr. Barbara Beck, Secretary; Richard Arnold, Board Member. Staff: Larry Ramdin, Director of Public Health, Maureen Foley, Head Clerk In attendance Elizabeth Birch, PhD, RBNC Therapeutics CALL TO ORDER: Dr. Straus called the meeting to order 7:04 pm Minutes Minutes were approved for Novemberl 8, 2020 meeting, Motions granted (Arnold, Beck) 3-0. All in favor. Public Comment No public comments. RBNC Therapeutics Dr. Elizabeth Birch was present at the hearing. Mr. Ramdin advised that the WBSC reviewed the application and recommended approval with conditions. Documents were provide showing the conditions were met was provided therefore the application is recommended for approval without conditions. The Board approved RBNC Therapeutics permit. Motions granted (Beck, Arnold) 3-0. All in favor. Biosafety Applications There are 40 labs that have to comply with the new safety protocols by July 1, 2021. New applications are being accepted presently. COVID -19 Update Watertown has had to date 1119 cases, 175 active cases, 916 recovered, 28 deaths Cause of the increase in activity is due to family spread, sporting activities and Thanksgiving Holiday. COVID 19 Vaccines Watertown Health has not received guidance on the vaccines either inoculations or distributions. There may be challenges with vaccinations of the residents in nursing homes regarding the consent due to power of attorney and health proxy of each participant. 11Page The Town is providing testing over 3 weeks with the Cares Act funding. The Broad Institute is processing the tests. Restaurant Appealed Face Covering Order Donohue's Restaurant appealed a fine due to employees not wearing their face coverings properly. The Court agreed that there was a violation but stayed the fine, if there are any additional violations of the face covering order, the fines will be reinstated. Staffing and Department Update Rajit Gupta attended a Plan Review seminar provided by the FDA for 5 days virtually. Next Meeting Scheduled for Wednesday January 20, 2021 Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m. (Motion Straus, seconded by Arnold 3-0) Respectfully submitted: Larry Ramdin, Director of Public Health 2IPage