HomeMy Public PortalAboutBeachwood Ct_1 FROM C. R. GRIFFIN INC. FAX NO. : 912 598 7783 Jun. 09 1999 09:41AM P1 ELEVATION CERnFicATE Q.M,B. Na, 3067 -0077 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Expires July 31, 1 999 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ATTENTiON! Use of this Certificate dose not provide a'waiver of **flood insurance purchase requirement. This farmis used only to pro- vide elevation information necessary to ensure compliance with applicable community floodplein management onsinances, W determine the proper insurance premium rate, and/or to support a request for a Letter of Map Arnendrhent or Revision (LOMA or LOMR). Yoe are rot requiredto respond to this collection of information uniesa a valid OMB control number Is displayed in the upper right comer of this ,form. Instructions for eompleting this form can be found on the following pages. • • SECTION A PROPERTY INFORMATiON 1 FOR iNsuRANCE corAPAN% USE • 8UILDiNO PIER'S �5 (, T POLICY NuMBEP. • C , - . &ME f t1C- V). .-..._ STRIET ADDRE99 (Inr.dutiin Apt Unit, S,+Ite arior els19. Niiimba0 OR P0. wiOUTE A1 BPX NUMBER ' COMPANY NAIL NUMBER . .. . 1 _._ er.h ir)00t _- OTHER PESCRIPTION too Mack Numb t...a 1 (Lot , ct-�4 4 . i. 0 tz .0 Lk1t calms" 3c- ye' . *I A:.. D CITY r , r STATE ZIP CODE `r?'Qe e 5i NUJ:. < G -ebecr IA ' 3 r 7_. SECl'ION. 6 _, FLOOD INSURANCE LATE MAP {FIRM) INFORMATION . . . • Provide' the - following - lro m tfie ppe proper IRM••(S a Instructio.ne): t. COMMUNtrY NUMBER Z, PANEL NUMBEI9 3. SUFFIX 4, DATE OF FIRM INDEX 5. FIRM ZONE . 9, SE f'L40 .t pn AS AO Zones , u843 doh) iN (351 4 0 r . 7. execute tie e atten d atum system used on the FIRM for Sass Flood Elevations (EsFE): fGVtJ'2e ❑ Other (describe on back) 8. For Zones 'A or V, where no $FE is provided on the FIRM, and the community has established a BFE tor this building site indicate the community's BFE: l ` 1 -.,4 LI feet NOVO (or other FIRM datum -see Section 8, item 7), SECTION C BLILD1NC ELEVATION INFORMATION 1- Using the Elevation .Certificate Instructions, indica the diagram number from the diagrams found on Pages 5 and 6 that best describes the subject building'$ reference bevel O f — . — 2(a). FIRM Zones A143b, AE, Ali, and A (with BFE). The top of the reference level floor from the selected diagram is at an elevation of 1.2_011 1,2 .11 feet NGVD (or other FiRM datum -see Section B, Item 7). (b). FIRM Zones V1 -V30, VE, and V (with BFE). The bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the reference level from the selected diagram, is at an elevation of LI_Li.l J ,L feet NGV© (or other FiRM datum-see Section B, Item 7). (c)_ FIRM Zone A (without BFE). The floor used as tine reference level from the selected diagram is I j 1 L feet above El or below [7,1 (check one) the highest grade adjacent to the building. (d), FIRM Zone AO. The floor used as the reference level from the selected diagram is f I .I .L......1 feet above 1P„ or below (. (check one) the highest grade adjacent to the building. tf no flood depth number is available, Is the building's lowest tiger (reference igvem) elevated in accordance with the community's fioodplain management ordinance? ❑ Yes ,.. a ❑ Unknown 3: fndlcatetfie•etev on daruin'system used :n'cietermining.,the above reference level elevations: GVD '29 a Other (describe under Comments o PAge..2). (NOTE: fi the elevation dewm used in Measuring the elevations is different than that used Orr the FIRM Nee Section S, Item 77, then convert the elevations to t datum system used on the FIRM and show the conversirarn equation under Comments oft" Pape 2.) 4. Eievatiori reference :mark used appeare on F1R L; Yes ❑ No (See instructions on Page 4) 5_ The • reterence level elevation is based on: actual construction ❑ construction drawings (NOTE:, Use of construction drawings is only valid if the building does not yet have the reference lever floor in sacs, in which case this oertifioate•wiit only be valid.for:.ihe building during the course of construction. A post - construction Elevation Certificate will be roqubod once construction is r-ofnpi8to.) 6. The elevation of the lowest grade immediately adjacent to the building is: iQ 11,1. feet NGV( (or other F!PIM datum see Section 9, item 7). ' SECTION D COMMUN$TV INFORMATION 1, If the community official responsible for verifying building elevations spedfies that the reference level indicated in Section C. Item 1 is net the "lowest floor" as deflned'in the.cornmunity'a•ftoodplein management ortlihence, the elevation of the building's "lowest floor' as•deflrled,by tee, ordinanci.is: I 'I i i ! l , L.j feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum -see Section B, item 7), 2. C6te of the stars ct construction or substantial improvement FEMA Form 81.31, MAR 97 REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS' SEE REVERSE $!CE FOR COM1NUp„ItoN FROM : C.R. GRIFFIN INC. FAX NO. : 912 598 7783 Jun. 09 1999 09:42AM P2 SECTION E CERTIFICATION This certification is•to be signed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by state Or local law to certify elevation inforrnation when the elevation information for Zones A1—A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE),V1— V30,VE, and V (with BFE) is required. Community officials who are authorized by local law or ordinance to provide floodplaln management Information, may also sign the certification: in the case of Zones AO and A (without a FEMA or community issued BFE), a building official, a property owner, or an owner's representative may also sign the certification. Reference level diagrams 6, 7 and 8 - Distinguishing Features —If the certifier is unable to certify to breakewaylnon- breakaway wall, enclosure size, location (*,servicing equipment, area use, wall openings, or unfinished area Feature(s), then list the Feature(s) not included in the oertification Comments below. The diagram number, Section 0, Item 1, must still be entered. 1 certify that the information In Sections 8 end C on this certificate repreSent5 my best efforts to interpret the data available. 1 understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, motion 1001. G-A . )2 . l.. S. it �. S °7 0EPT Iii $ NAms. • LICENSE NV SEr1 +'or /Mix $ I) ........_ ._ 1..0 5.s? _! X10 , L.A. 01) S tik-Rive e- lit 14 C?' ---- ..r - - TITLE • COMPANY NAME o. • : s 30151 V AP NA 6-4o eat n AD $ 11Pait ! i CITY Zf - - STATE P J d - idk -- - -- Z-° - I „ qi _ ,l .— —._. .$,- b 8 gl .. Sc 1 A UAE DA4't% PHONE • Copies shOuid be Wilde of this 0111t0pte for: 1) community *Motel, 2) insurance agent/comptiny, and 3) building owner. ........ . .Acr /BAsE KI E A. - t COMMENTS: , � X11 AT 1 U1v " 8 'I -. OC 0.,f - 0 0Z,0 0 WM ON sue $A_EIAt Nr P ERO, OBI COLUMNS A V A A v • ZONES zCNEB ■ , zoNss zoNee YoNEs t , . - RfFE REMCf f , REFERENCE __ .... LEVEL ``• TERENCE u:wt � BLEYA � n 1 , EL : TtC4W ..I --%:• i 1 ADJACENT :.', a.. RE+ TLOOD ptooe ECEVAVON w •.11OJAC2f(f .QaIADE .i LEVEL EiEV TY�t ' F. • =it t 'f : . ^¢ �Nr AOJRCsIror • �' The diagrams above illustrate the points at which the elevations should be measured in A Zones and V Zones. Elevatieris for alt A zones should be measured at the to p of the reference level floor. Elevations for all V Zones should be measured at the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member. . Page 2