HomeMy Public PortalAboutPB Minutes 2003-10-28 ORLEANS PLANNING BOARD October 28, 2003 —Minutes A meeting of the Orleans Planning Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on October 28, 2003,in Meeting Room A, Orleans Town Hall. Present: Clerk: Sims McGrath;Nate Pulling; John Fallender; Associates: Gil Bamford; Seth Wilkinson; Town Planners: George Meservey, John Jannell; Secretary: Karen Sharpless. Also Present: and Finance Committee Liaison: David Dunford and a Board of Selectmen Member: John Hinckley Absent: Chairman: Alan Conklin; Vice-Chairman: Kenneth McKusick. Sims McGrath chaired this meeting in the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman. PARKING SETBACK WAIVER FOR 63 & 69 RAYBER ROAD—KURT MARTIN Stephanie Sequin(Ryder and Wilcox)brought a request from Kurt Martin for a waiver for the required 10' buffer between the proposed parking area and the lot line. This application has been filed with the Site Plan Review Committee for commercial development on two lots. Both lots are owned by Kurt Martin. There are two separate buildings one on each lot with one common driveway and shared parking by both lots that goes through the middle of the two properties and is within 10' of the lot line and they need a waiver from the 10' buffer requirement. The southerly lot is a long narrow lot and they are proposing warehouse space with overhead doors on the side to allow loading areas. The parking is on the opposite side of the driveway opposite the overhead doors. The Site Plan Review Committee noticed that due to the size of the building and the size of the lot, the parking spaces go over the lot line. The Site Plan Review Committee will require that easements be granted from one lot to the other. They are presently owned by one person, but they want the ability to sell one lot off. Sequin stated that she is anticipating that they will have to provide easements for the use of the shared driveway and for parking spaces to be located on the adjacent lot. Sequin restated that she is requesting from the Planning Board a waiver from the 10' buffer between the proposed parking and the lot line. Sequin stated that there is 2,420 sq. ft.between the shared driveway and parking spaces of covered area within the required buffer. Sequin noted that the Planning Board is allowed to waive that requirement as long as they are providing an equivalent buffer elsewhere on the lot. Sequin said this plan was approved by the Conservation Commission(there is a wetland in the back), there is an approved limit of work. The area between the limit of work and the back lot line is to remain undisturbed based on the Order of Conditions from the Conservation Commission. The area beyond the limit of work is around 24,000 sq. ft. That shows there is an equivalent area elsewhere on the lot to compensate for this buffer area that they are not able to provide. Meservey stated that Brian Harrison(Building Inspector) agrees with allowing this waiver because it is in the Industrial District which is getting full and there is a need for this type of development to serve the needs of the community. George Meservey noted that there are no other districts in town that seem appropriate for Industrial Zoning, so the town needs to make good efficient use of the area. George Meservey stated that the Planning Board can require the easement in case one of the lots is sold off. McGrath asked if Bob Bersin(Highway Manager)is in agreement with this plan. Meservey said yes, he prefers only one curb cut. The Planning Board agreed that this seems to be in the public interest. There were no comments from the audience. Planning Board Minutes October 28, 2003 Page 1 of 3 Sims McGrath made the following Findings of Fact: 1. There is sufficient buffer area to exchange for the 2,400 sq. ft.required. 2. It is in the public's interest to have a single curb cut versus several MOTION: On a motion by Sims McGrath, seconded by Seth Wilkinson, the Planning Board voted to approve the parking setback waiver on a plan prepared for Kurt Martin by Ryder& Wilcox for 63 & 69 Rayber Road, dated January 22, 2003,revised on October 8, 2003, Scale 1"= 30',provided that there are easements for parking areas, driveways, and footage dumpster and that the square feet being preserved by the proposed limit of work be shown on the plan and set aside as dedicated open space. VOTE: 5-0-0 The vote was unanimous. DOUG PRENTISS—STATUS REPORT/UPDATE ON VILLAGE TRAFFICE STUDY Doug Prentiss (Judith Nitsch Engineering, Inc.) gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Village Center Traffic Study. The firm counted traffic,pedestrians, and bicycles throughout Orleans. The traffic counts were done during the summer for a week in August. They observed crosswalks. They looked at the crosswalk Main Street and Route 6A to see how many people pushed the walk button vs.just walking across the street. They studied the intersection signals. There are approximately six weeks until the study is complete. Audience comments: Jack Miller(First Choice Cleaners) suggested widening Cove Rd and put parking on left and right sides of the road. He has suggestions about how to handle traffic on Tonset Road, whether to send them to the Police Station or on to the Methodist Church to make the left turn onto Route 28. Miller stated that he sits in his business on Route 6A and watches the gridlock. Miller stated that the locals stay away from Route 6A in the summer. Miller felt the problem is the light at Main and Route 6A. Prentiss responded that the 2-phase signal is already optimized. HANDOUT OF POTENTIAL ZONING AMENDMENTS FOR NOVEMBER 25TH,2003 DISCUSSION Meservey stated that the Zoning By-Law Task Force has assembled seven potential By-Law changes to be discussed at the November 25th, 2003 meeting. McGrath noted that a bylaw change for outdoor dining is unnecessary because there is a section of the regulations that allows dining to increase seating without providing parking. Meservey stated that if a business expansion requires fewer than six parking spaces, they do not have to be provided. Meservey told Board members that there is a Zoning Bylaws amendment proposed for §164-22-A-7 regarding 2 houses on one lot—it allows a 2nd dwelling on a lot that is less that 40,000 sq. ft and was built prior to 1982. The Planning Board discussed the possibility of deleting this bylaw. McGrath stated that nitrogen restrictions will come in as wastewater treatment goes forward. Wastewater Management studies are in progress. Fallender questioned personal cell towers on private property. Meservey stated that the Orleans By-Law only allows cell towers only in the Industrial District. They would have to go to the Zoning Board of Planning Board Minutes October 28, 2003 Page 2 of 3 Appeals for a variance to put a cell tower in a Residence District, even if attached to a residential wind facility. NEW BUSINESS Meservey notified the Planning Board that an application was received for a Chapter 91 Waterways License Application from Gwendolyn Hobbs,proposing to license and maintain an existing timber pier, ramp & float in Arey's Pond, Orleans. The Planning Board had no comment ORLEANS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FY '05 FOR DISCUSSION NOVEMBER 3RD 2003 Meservey stated that the Orleans Comprehensive Plan Recommendations are due to the Board of Selectmen by November 14th, 2003. There will be a discussion of the recommendations on November 3rd, 2003 at 4:00 p.m. John Hinckley(Board of Selectmen) spoke to the Planning Board and noted that this is an extremely important plan because it is the voted Town Plan. It has been recognized by the Cape Cod Commission, and they will be reviewing Orleans in another 2-3 years. Hinckley asked the Planning Board to consider two points: (1) It is arduous, but it is important to understand what priorities were placed by previous Planning Board members; (2) then make the distinction of what you feel within the terms of current understanding should be changed. Hinckley asked that the continuity be addressed and noted that does make it more difficult. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: On a motion by Nate Pulling , seconded by John Fallender, the Board voted to adjourn at 9:10 P.M. VOTE: 5-0-0 The vote was unanimous. SIGNED: DATE: (Clerk: Sims McGrath) Planning Board Minutes October 28, 2003 Page 3 of 3