HomeMy Public PortalAbout1964-12-12 Meeting193 11111 ,.•r•,-,. r., ;..w1; .1;1I 1 n; _ 1i I :,, 1 1 ' .. , _ 11 r r Vr,•I/.ri. 1 -. ..,1 11, 1 i :r 1 I t 1! I V . ,i01,, :In in tin 1n.Ir1 c,111 ,.. -ii i. Ilij' h 1' r; n ' '; ,, ,, i' P : ;• i i, . I j ., r . , t; n , . • COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 12, 1964 The Council of Bal Harbour Village met on Saturday, December 12, 1964 at 9:30 A. M. in the Village Hall. Present: Messrs: Beatty, Faulkner, Hart, Sanders and White. Also present were W. H. Webb, Village Manager; Mary T. Wetterer, Village Clerk and Thomas H. Anderson, Village Attorney. December 12, 1964 194 On motion of Mr. Hart, seconded by Mr. White and unan- imously voted, the minutes of the previous meeting of November 28, 196k were approved as submitted. The Village Clerk read ORDINANCE NO. 111 amending Ordinance No. 6 to provide bar closing hours on January 1st. Mr. Hart moved to accept Ordinance No. 111. Motion seconded by Mr. Sanders and unanimously voted. Mr. Webb turned over the correspondence on the "Sister City" program to Mayor Faulkner who stated he believed the Rotary Club is interested in sponsoring this program. He advised he would follow through on this matter and report to the Council. The Village Manager advised the members that the Wash- inton National Insurance Company had presented the additional life insurance plan for employees, and it was within the $80.00 limitation the Council had approved at the last meeting. The additional monthly cost to the Village would be $77.80 and the coverage for employees as follows: Earnings of less than $5,000 yearly would receive $2,000 insurance; earnings between $5,000 and $7,500 would be entitled to $k,000 insurance; earnings between $7,500 and $10,000 would receive $8,000; earnings over $10,000 would receive $10,000 life insurance. Mr. Samuel I. Adler of Camelot Associates appeared be- fore the members requesting permission for his men to work on Sunday, December 13th at Camelot Hall, Lot 13 Oceanfront Section of Bay Harbor. He explained they were trying to move in some of their tenants by December 15th and that this request was for December 13th only. After discussion Mr. Hart moved that the Council grant Mr. Adler's request. Motion seconded by Mr. White and unanimously voted. Mr. Webb read a letter from the Americana Hotel request- ing permission to use the garage areafor four conventions during the period of January through April, 1965. Upon motion of Mr. Sanders, seconded by Mr. White and unanimously voted,, the Village Manager was instructed to advise the Americana Hotel that permission is granted for the use of the garage area for the conventions listed in their letter provided all fire requirements are met. The Village Manager then informed the Council that a representative from the Metropolitan Dade County Traffic Engineering Department had been in his office and he had asked him to look at the Bal Harbour Shops plot plan. The representative had suggested that, with the Council's approval, the plot plans be sent to their Division to have them prepare a study showing the provisions that would have to be made. Also, Mr. Webb would send a copy of the plot plan to the State Road Department for a survey on A-1-A. December 12, 196k Mr. Hart made a motion that the plot plan be forwarded to Metro- politan Dade County and the State 'toad Department for a complete survey. Motion seconded by Mr. Sanders and unanimously voted. Mr. Webb advised the Council of a memorandum received from Mr. Hoke Welch, Acting County Manager, in which he is making certain recom•iendations to the County Commission for Metro's take over of certain functions of the municipalities. In this connection Mr. Anderson stated as Metro takes over more and more of these functions there is going to be a lessening need for municipalities and suggest- ed that the Council.members give this matter some serious thougt. It was agreed that Mr. Webb would have this memorandum copied and sent to each Council member for his study and perusal. The audit for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1964 was then presented and after consideration, on motion of Mr. Hart, seconded by Mr. Beatty and unanimously voted, the audit as pre- sented was approved. In this connection, Mr. Webb advised that the audits would be mailed to all taxpayers next week. Mr. Ralph Scott, representing the Board of Governors of the Ba.l Harbour Club, appeared before the Council and stated that the Record Plat Dedication for club purposes only would expire on December 31, 1964 and asked for a continuance of this zoning. Mr. Anderson explained that under the Zoning Ordinance this land can only be used for a private club as long as it is owned by Hal Harbour Club, Inc. However, in order to give the Board of Governors something definite, he suggested that the Council could delete the reference to use other than private clubs and if the club ever sold this land or wished to build an apartment on the oceanfront, they could apply for a variance. On motion of Mr. Hart, seconded by Mr. White and unanimously voted, Mr. Anderson was instructed to prepare an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance deleting the refer- ence to the expiration of the dedication and the reverting of the use of Tract "E" of the Residential Section of Bat Harbour and Tract "A" of the Oceanfront Section of Bay Harbor to single family and multiple family respectively. Mr. Sanders made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Mr. White and unanimously approved. ATTEST: ,• Village Clerk December 12, 1964