HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 04:273 r:) af QIar±£r£Í ~arau£4 MIDDLESEX COUNTY ,1\rÜl ~l,[5l'1.! I)I'T:(:I:: (11 LINDA A. RIVERA Iii CO()I\E~n:"LE Assistant Municipal Clerk CARTEI1ET, i\E\\' JEltSEY llïllllo MEMORANDUM TO: HEIDI HANLEY, ESQ. SCHWARTZ SIMON EDELSTEIN CELSO & KESSLER TEN JAMES STREET FLORHAM PARK, NJ 07932 DATE: SEPTEMBER 24, 2004 FROM: LINDA A. RIVERA, ASSISTANT MUNICIPAL CLERK SUBJECT: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT - DR. GARY W. RITTER, PH.D. ENCLOSURERS: CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION #04-273. LARlapm cc: Dr. Gary W. Ritter Treasurer Purchasing Borough Attorney File " ~ürüug~ üf illar±rr£Í " MIDDLESEX COUNTY ,Nclu :J erSC¡¡ OFFICE OF LINDA A. RIVERA 61 COOKE AVENUE ASSISTANT MUNICIPAL CLERK CARTERET, NEW JERSEY 07008 MEMORANDUM TO: HEIDI HANLEY, ESQ. SCHWARTZ SIMON EDELSTEIN CELSO & KESSLER TEN JAMES STREET FLORHAM PARK, NJ 07932 FROM: LINDA A. RIVERA Assistant Municipal Clerk DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 2004 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT - DR. GARY W. RITTER, PH. D. ENCLS: CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION #04-273. LARfcp cc: Dr. Gary W. Ritter Treasurer Purchasing Borough Attorney File 2R250Iuttolt of ±q2 ~ürüug4 üf ú.IètrÍ2rEt ~- JJ- J No#04-273 - Date 01 Adoptìon--5-e~beL-2, 2004 APPROVING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT - DR. GARY W. RITTER, PH. D WHEREAS, the Borough of Carteret is in need of a professional expert witness in connection with Borough's petition seeking Abbott designation for the Carteret School District; and WHEREAS, Gary W, Ritter, Ph, D" Associate Professor of Education and Public Policy of the University of Arkansas, 241 Graduate Education Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas, possesses the requisite experience and expertise to provide specialized objective analysis of Carteret's per pupil income and expenditures; and WHEREAS, Gary W, Ritter has submitted a proposal at an hourly rate of $150,00 per hour not to exceed a maximum cost of$IO,OOO,OO; and WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified that funds are or will be available for said purpose, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret that Gary W, Ritter, Ph, D., is hereby appointed as an expert witness in connection with the Borough's petition seeking Abbott designation for the Carteret School District at an hourly rate of $150,00 per hour not to exceed a maximum cost of$IO,OOO.OO. Adopted this 2nd day of September, 2004 and certified as a true copy of the original on September 3, 2004, ~- 0 ~/v-v~ ,~ LINDA A. RIVERA Municipal Clerk RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE COUNCILMAN YES NO NV A,B. COUNCILMAN YES NO NV A.B. KRUM y DHH' Y NÁPLES y SITARZ y ,., ~ PARTST y SOSNOWSKI y x - Indicate Vote AB - Absen! NY - Not VOling XOR - Indicates Vote to Overrule Veto -- -r Adopted at a meetmg of the Municipal Councj] SePtember 2. 2004 ~ 0_ ~t/-v-t~ CLERK SI""Dl-D4 Dl: 17pm FrDm-SCHNART1 SIMON &733DI Dzea T-459 peDI/eJ4 F-643 SCHWARTrz SIMON EDELSTEIN CELSO & KESSLER J.,LP Ten]arnesSrreet, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932 Tel: 973 . 30t . 0001 Fa", 973 . 301. 02Q3 FAtx TRANSMITTAL DATE: September 2, 2004 ,"v 't '::::->'" , TO: ATIN: JESSICA Office of Robert Berg~ Borough Momey Borough ofCarteret, ¡New Jersey FAX No.: (732) 324-7606 FROM: Heidi Hanley, Esq. RE: Retention of Expert Witness for Borough's Abbott Petition NUMBER. 01' PAGES 'TRANsMITnm: (INCLUPING TInS COVERSHEET) 13 MEssA« ;;; As a follow-up to Dr. Celoo's lette1' to MayorR,,;man of Angust 27,2004, and as per ,our recent telephone discussions, please find s,ttached a copy of Dr. Ritter's C. V. and proposal for expert witness services in the above-captiçned matter. We w:e reque!!ting authorization for this fum to enter ÌI1l0 direct contractual agreetrient with Dr. Ritter, and to bill the Borough back for bis services rendered, 50 that his report will be privileged attoroey worK product. We recommend that the Borough initially approve paymem in this regard at the proposed hourly rate of $150 per working hour up to $10,000, w~ we anticïpate to be an oJrtsidc figure. Please ensure that any resolution to be pas&ed fur this PUlJÍose specifies the foregoing contractnal relationship, and kindly forward us a certified copy qf said resolution îf it does pass tonight. Thank you for your courtecus attention to this matter, ;f>lease do not hesi.tate to caIl with any questions. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The docuiT1ents accompanying this fax lransmissiorî contain information from the law firm of Schwanz Simon Edelslein Celso & Kessler which is conftdentia! andfor legally privileged. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named on this transmi&sion sheet. If you are not the intended rECIpient, )'Ou ere hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, dlslr1bution or the taking of any action in reliance on¡lhe con1ents of this faxed information is S1Iictly prohibited, and that documents should be returned to lhi5ò firm Immediately. In this regard, if you have received this fax in error, please notify us by telephone immediately so that we can arrnnge for the return of the ortginal documents to us at no cost to you, Our File No. BOCOOl ¡OOl9707¡; 1) 100~ xv.'! ££:£1 to/ZO/60 Sop-OZ-04 02: 17P111 Fror-SCHIIARTZ SIIoIJI/ 9733010Z03 T-459 P,002/014 F-643 G4JtYW. R.u LJ:a&, PH.D. ASII()ClA'JUI1:Rœ:BSSOB. OF EDUCATION AND Pwwc Pouc;y C.nr I "œo"BDucATION&~TH~S T.1NIvmtsrrY O!' AJIXANs¡.s 241 GJlADUAn! B.nucATION BU1LDJNG F^"..u.bvuJ:.S, All 72701 Emai1: GalyR@øa¡k.cdu Walk (479) 575-4971 Fax (479) 575.2492 Hmm: (479) 443-5083 August 26, 2004 l'oIicholas Celso,. m Scbwan:z Simon J3de1stdn O:lsq & 1" -.,¡~ LLP TIII1 James Street FJorham Park, New Jersey 079J:ï, , Dr. Cclsa, I IID1 ccm"'~~ you in œfenihœ'to dlscussiom I bave bad wJth your colleague, Hc:idi Hon1ey. This1Ulteis 10 <:nomrm mypropa:rallo WOD: with yourfinn us an c:x~ witness at antte of$150 per worlWlg:hour to IinaIyzc aad. ¡;ahulate ~ data which your finn initially will provide (as WEill suçb othea-lIdditicmaJ nece&$1Iy data that I may ~st). 'in IXInnectiOIl with the Boroush of ea.~ .a'.. Petition n"' "'1\g Abbott. ~1br the Ca. b.¡"L ScbooJ District. I J proPQR to p-f....~ ~ obj~w analysis of Cartm'Ct's per pupil income and c:tepeJJdjnues, in comparison with Naw Jersey's 30-odd AbbattDistriClS (iDcludû1g Salem Township), as well as the St3.tc noan,. and to provide a written report 5II!DInIIrOOng the jind;'>g~. As r unde:rstand .it, the ÐYCrõ!1 qucstian being posed: is: vi'hCIhec IUId. to 'What c:xtcat the appliçation of the State-assisted loc:aI ¡¡chool fi1ndiag,scbeme: (c.El.F A) in Canen:t !Day be: deemed inequitable in light of £he addiIiaœl fimcIin¡ available La lÓlí;tiJady IIÌtWI!cd Abbott Districts.. J will provide my own as.sc:ssmDZ1t orb Districts Cligibjnty tor Abbott SI8tUs when all n:1cvant ÍDdicaton¡ are ø.pplicd against the: ClDrent Srmc standard.: 1 am able to c;nm"'~çç work 011 t1&ili proj= in 1he next week or 50., and to be able to complcte the work over the Dext sevaraJ wer..ks (1Iot includins PO!entialIy appearing to Le.\;tity in the: future, should tbc matter proceed to IIJ1 eVidentiary h....,.;wtg). 1 look forward to hearing from Y01l, TbImk you.. .. SiDccrely, GftJ.~, Gary w. Ritter, Ph.D, r A:iIIOCiil1'C Prober of Education ~ Public Polley ¡ xv.'! ££ :£1 to/ZO/60 7.00~ Sop-DZ-D4 OZ:18 11 Fram-SCHWARTZ SIMON ma01D2a3 T-459 p,ooa/Ol4 F-643 -, GARY W. RlTTEli AssocrhTE FRDFESSOR, EDUCATION ./\.ND PuBLIc POLICY UN1VE.RSny OF ARxhNSAS (l1NJvERSnY) , (HOMlõ) 241 Gfv\DUAiEEDUCATIONBUlLDING I 1145 BoNNIE LANE COlLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HEALT!f' PROFESSIONS FAYm"IEVlLIE,.hR 72703 FA YETt'EVlI.LE, AR 72701 phone: 479-443.5083 pbooe: 479-575-4971 cmail: GaryR@uarloeJu fax; 479-575-2492 hrtp:I/poü<:)I.uarA:.ldulrinerl EDUCATION 2000 Ph.D., EDuct\TJONPoLICY ANDl.EAn:ERsmP, tJ1oDvm!srn- O~ Pf;¡o.'NS'i'LVANIt\ . Dissertation r<tle; The Ac>!demic: Impact ofVolunleer TUfOJÙIg in Urban Public EIerrJCDrS:ry School.: Re$ults of an ExperiInenI8J¡OQïgnEvaJuadon . SupervisDr: Rebecca A Mhyna:rd 1996 M........, J:>UBLJ:c l'0L1CY AND ~NAGÐŒNT, UNIVERSn'v OP PENNsn.vANIA, WHAK'l'ON SCil.IJ01. , " I 1993 M.A., SoC!AL PoLICY, UI"IVER6ITY OF M.u¡""""'IER, Manel""'er, Englo.,,¿ 1990 B~ l'tNANCE,JOHNC'A1l"QL Ulm'J!:Rsn'y, CÚNel<IIuI. Ohio . PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE UNJVERSITY TEACHING UNIVERSITY OF ARKANsAs, CoDe1¢, of EdUCiZlJoIl & Heallh Professions Ftryareville, AR , J A&oo<oia,e Prof........ (~ure), EdaeatloliaJ CoIlbSeliDG, Leadership aad Foundations 2004 - prese", Assistmn Proftsso.., Edur>dionaJ C.........Jing. Leader.¡hip alld Foundatiom 2000 - 2004 · CouneJ: Issues in Edu&:aliot, Policy: Evaluation of Proanuns, Projcas, aDd Policies: Research McdJods in Edncmion; GIobld Education; Ecommics of Education SemInar; Philosophy of Education. · FaCILlry; AsSOCilW: Director 9fUniversity-wide Public Policy Ph.D. Program · Research ¡_re.m, ~JP'Ul1 Evaluation. Schoo] rlDllllC%, AI-Risk Youth Associatc DÎl'ector', UnlTerSity- Wide ~Iic 1'o1i"Y Ph.D. Progr.¡m (PUBP) 2002 ' pru.nr InaUtlll...,! Faœlty, UDi.",,,,iiJ' ofArkaw;as ('Imt.....sœ-I ofl'ublkServiœ 20lH - p""'.", Direc:lnT, omœ for EduaniOll Po1il:y (~.n1LlÙ Budget = $60,000) 2003 - P""$eJIt , 1lNIvERsay OF PENNsYLVANIA, Grad_. School of Ed1tcation PhilaiÚ!lplUo., PA Teac:biu.: A8ÃSl:lUlt to Rebl!CCD A. MIIYIlln!; QlIotlntitmive Research MerJrod:¡ in Educarion J997 UNIVERSITYOF~VANIA, WhœrollSclu>ø1 PhUaddphI4, PA InstnH:tnr: BIßim!ss in "'" Polf1it:tú &v;,t,nment 1!}9(j - J 997 ., £oo/l] XVI! ££:£1 ÞOIZO/60 S..-G2-D4 02 . 1;.- F,_SCHWARTZ SIMON ST3SDt GlDS T-4U P.DD4/DI4 F-643 ...' -.oJ ."_ __2 GRAN'f-FuNDEO »"=4RCH PRO~CT AND MANÄcmMRNT E:xPF:RmNœ UNIvERSITY OF ARKANSAS, Co~e of EdUCJllÛ lI & Hell11h Professions Fayeae.ille, Alì . I . Principal InftStigator, om"" for Ed¡'catioa Polky at the Uaivr...ïty of Ari<aDsas 2003 - 20fJ6 Onmt Amount: $221.810, With the SU;;>part of a private Norti¡west Arlcanoao foundation, .ervc as principal inVl:Stigator responsible fur directiDg tIÌ. QtW Offiee for Education Policy and overseeing the work of the Grad';"" Srnder>!s working in and funded by rbe l)fijc:c. Housed in liIe College ofEducalion and Hea1rJ¡ Professions at the Univecsjly of AIkaDsas, the Øffice collects, analyzes. and dissenrinates timely information to aid Ammsas Iegi.lators and poliC)'12lÙcrs in data-drivCJ¡ 8Dd eVi.dc:nce-bascd dei:ision-making wilh respect to key education poIîcy issues, The On-,,,,, will mainmin an inf~ web page, publioh regular Policy Brio<fs, conduct anllllllua1 n:view of educuicra in the 5t>JIC of Arlalnsas, ~ 1__e in reIaJed !aSks so thaI educational dCl:ÍllioDs in the state are made with !be bc>t possible information. Prilleipal ~tor, No.& "...4 ArÌ:Imsas .. n...... Ed__ ø-.-o....600Jcs 2001 _ 2004 llii!!!!.Amaum: $99.9.'í5, Wid¡ the _*art of the Nonh1W:S[ ArlwIsas CoUDCil, serve as prineipøJ iIM$dgBtOr respausibIc fot ~"B 8Dd -gillf!ifbe mnuaJ bcncbmar1oll1Ddy of public schoob in the Nonbwat AIbnaas melmpoIitau regio . TIle goal of1he ~!/ect is to pabIìsb 111\ 8IIJ1IJ8! baldwork repon fila! <:ompaœs the educational data of [he ti"" major Nonb_ ArlcaJ1ju school districts 10 various con1plrÎSOII sdwol disrriets lIuouglmur tile nation. The al!iecd~ of the BIDdy Is to *>wniDe haw....,n sc&ool dislrias in Nartbwesr Arlœnsaa CX/IIJ JaIe 10 high- perfutrning acbool dÌIIlJÎcra 1!rtnIÐIi the C<>UII!Iy. , , Princi¡"11 InftSligator,luqJlemaItIbc 4cmuntability in PubIIe Edtœa1ioD 200/ - 2003 Grant Amount: $295.00Il WIth the ""PPOrt of the Smith Richardson Foundation, serve as principaI investi¡¡ator rcspon"ible f.".desigcingand canyingoiJl:a smdyoftbe Implcmemation ofK:-12 scl100i accaunœbilitysysten¡s in United Slates. SbJdyfocuses on'seven large srateS in \\1ûcb attOIID!3bility meebanisms are co......cbcasIve and affecr variouo aspectS of school. !'JId distriClS It tbe state. Tbe objo:cJjve of the stUdy is 10 derive lessons for those stale poIicymakers cwrentIy in the proœss of impJt;memíng K-12 scbool accoon.œbiIity aysŒmB, UNIVE~ OF PEN¡.¡sn,v ANIA, ~TIIÚuIlB Sc~ool of Education Phikuielphia, PA Rosesrch Coordtnator. EraIuatiou of ¡he West Pb""""W"ia 1'nIo~ Project 1998 - 2000 ann! llmolm" S48S.DOO. WIth 11m SOWart of the Smith Richardson Foundation. served as project maneger responsible for des gning and canyiDg W¡ an axperimentaJ design evaluation of the West PbiladeJpbia Tnroring Project (""<Jriåna.in coPjuncrioa with Prit ::ipal~: Drs. Rcbc.:ca A. Ma)'lUlfd and Katherine Schul",). Tbe Tutoring Project creo:ted approximatdy 4/10 weekly tutoring pa:rtncl$hips between University of Pennsylvania 5l\ItIems and elcmenwy 5èIIooJ students iJ, West Pllil.!ddphia public schoo¡s, Respoasibilitie¡ included providing admini.""nÎve and rnarlagetllcnt Inppon; inainlaining projCCl scbedules and files: preparing and IIXIIÚtoring the fiscal StanIS or the project; serving as a !Íaison "'ith the Wcat Philadelphia Tutoring Project staff and ihe tutoriug coon:lin.rors at the partieipating elemeu1aiy 5C/wolsõ and perfOnning a variety of re5earcb-relaœd tasks inclUding data CO)lecEion and processing as well as analysis and rcpDrting. INTERNAL GAANTS F'UNDED AS I"JImCIPAL OR Co-PRINcIPAL INvEsnGATOR UNJVI!:RSITl' OF ARKANSAS, College:of Edp""'';PII & HeDlIh Profusions FczyerrevllJe, AR Gnmt Amount; S6OO. Muny, J. W.. Jr., IHI, O.F., & Ritœr, G.W. (2000, August). Derenninams of opponLUJity and advance"...nt for African-American coach<.. at NCAA Division I.A Institutions: A national rtnrly, RESEARCH ASsIsTANCE UNIVEkSITY OFPENNSVLVANIA. GrD4U01e School of Educœion PhiJadelphio.. PA Research Asststant tð Rel>eœol A. M"yoI.rd J9f16 - J998 ÞOO~ XViI ÞS:ST ÞOnO/60 Š,p"âz-â4 âz:iBPiI From-SCHwARTZ SIMON 9T33UI DZD, T-4S9 PDDS/D14 F-S43 -01"'- -' _3 Provided srarisrica1 and compudng mpp(1It in rhe condUCt of Ihe impaa evalll3lion of Ihe Tecnoge:Parent Hame VlSÏllJr SeI'Iices Demonsb'alion :fimdcd ty the Bemy J. Kaiser Family FQundation and Ihe AdmJnistralÎon fur ClJildren IUId Fó\'Vi1;"'. UoilCd Slates DeparlmoDl ofHealdi and Hwnon Savices. Included croarIon and 8IIaIysio of , public use daø. files. Ex1racted, J'1'CJII'I'ei1 and anaIy=d d.nœets ftom tœ Nationa1 Longimdina. Survey of Youth toT foUow-up work Ie the Kids Having KìdsjprojecL Funded by theRobinhood Foundation, Kids Having Kitú was a book-length SIUdy DO the social rooseqDi:nœs and economic: eøslS ofleCJl patc:ming, c:di!ed by Rebecça Maynard. Reøørch,¡h.;cfDm: to SasanH.~oan lf196 _ J99B AnaI~ die aa:oUD1abüity isaueo rei"";! to the e¡nerging field of exrerna1 """"ol-desígn refusm partJIers in a project supponed by the ComoItium fur PoJiey f.eseardJ in F.dn~";03I. Designed and condw::u:d IUI møpìricaI swdy of Ihe accountability within verJdOJ'osc:hooI JdajiDlllhi.,. in 5e>'er8.I1arge urbm scbooI diirricrs in theUuilCd States. R......rch ...--.....t 110 ÁJÛfa A. S~. 1995 _ 2000 Analyxcd the filllding allocated to Ibe Ph)ladelphia Sehool District by 1hc Commonwealth of Peunaý!vania in work tied ID t we major rmmds of scbool fiDan¢c liligstion iDvoIvinc Philadelphia. Found thaI, givCb the level of poveny withiu tbe Philadelphia School District, d... Dimct benefits ti'DJn a reIaively low level of stale fund;ng. Fmther. the standin:: of the Plriladelphla DlOtIict ill rl!taticro to olherPcnnsylvania districts ba:¡; dimini.hed in the 1990" EmTuRIAL UNIv. OY~, OFnCEOF Ri.sEA.RcH, MEASUREMENl', ANn BVALUAnON Faymeville, AR Co-Edïro...Anbuuar EdactlliøBl ~ &: PDliq SbM1ùt8 JOØ7UI/ 200J _ 2003 Co-EditO< .00 co-f'cuq er.of IiIIo new regj.:>naI, pà:r-«vicwcd jourpal aimed at cncoura¡ïng and disseminating , ' cdw:afi"nal research aod policy stndïes tilCIISÌtIg on I....... partic:u1arIy imponan! ID Ar....n....... The journal i. II:> be pnblis!u:d twice per year. in S\IDIIDI:;I' and 'Winter. witlJ.the ioaogur.ù edition pobIiahed in June 2001. PENNSYLvANIA. EcONOMY LJlAcm. Phikuk/phía, PA M.nagiJJg Editor, Gretlkr Phi/Q¡Jelphiti,Røgìotl4l Review . ~997 . 2002 Editor uf the Grau..r PhiJDå..lphU. Regio;uù If,,,,,icw ,po_d by the Pern¡sylvaNa Economy League. Rcspansible for cboosiDg. colJecEing. and condensing ~:n:icles tor the magazine, which is pubJi.bed 2-3 times per year. t oTImR WORKExl'EIuENcr ~V.t.NU. EcoNOMY l.UGuE l'hilDddphU., PA Itese3n:h AJõ&ociaIe J995 - ]998 Reæorch Assocjatr: (part-time) for rhe nonprofil, public policy researcb organization. . , SACK£V IŒ.Un' 1ã ~AJIY SCHOOL ConItJItIt, NJ Foortb Grade Teødaer . 1!}94 TaughI: .n ,Sut,jeclS In a fourth grade class !,3f 1WI:II1y-SÌX smdems for the second balf of Ibe school year. SAamv ß&un' 1<1 """"iTAJlYSClUJOL ' Camd"", NJ Full-TIme C.........nõl,y Vohmlar 1991. ]992 Woritc<l j the ochool commlDlity (througt. the Jesuit VolDlUeer Corps) with inncr-city yooth as a full-time volunl=r in the 1ollowing capacities: substimle sc~oo1 teacber. physical education teacber. athletic coach, and youth group leader. A VERY IJJ:/<lOWION CoItPOM'I1QN pczinen,ü/.., DE Fimmdal CollI Aeçno~""n' ]990-1991 THE PJu"lcnoN REvlEw MANAGEMENT CORP. Philad../phia, PA Test Pr.P......tion Iostructø.. JflBB - ]997 soo~ xv,>! ts: ST to/ZO/60 SIP-D2-0. 02:19P11 Frao-SCHWARTZ SIWDN smolom T-459 P.DDS/D!4 H43 IJIlQ "wv- .... page 4 PUBliCATIONS I Riw:r, Gary W. &: J..ocas. ChrisIOpt..¡r, 1. 2003. Puzzled s~. lVIw-a"cm Nor, 3.4.55,(>1. Ritter, Gary W. &. Luœs, ChrislOpber, 1; 2003_ Eslimalions of Readiness for NCLB: Lcs$ons ù::aroed frœn StaleF.doœtIoa OfIiçíals, EJucazúm N"':1. 3,4. Available: hltD:l/www.educatio\"""".or<Ýunabridued/2oo34154.txIf (ThIs paper is the anabridgal vaBiau of ~]e"'Puzzled StateJ" paper described above)_ RiLler, Gary W, McDonald, Ja¡æt, Bomcu. Joshua. and S1IIlIIDetS, Julie. 2003. qSchooI FIJ>IQJCe in A:rbnsas in 2002-2003." Repon Published by the Sc looI Finance Special1nIen:st Group of the Am"""",, "'''~Honal Research AøaciatiOll in the A=uaI Maaograpb frQm !be ProÒeedings of the State of the StaleS and ProvùJces Symposium. (Note: Tbis is not Jdereecl). Rittec, Gary W.. Zìd, Susan, Goo &: ¡'suver. Sbeni C. 2003. lbe Use of Evidence in Our of School TiøJe Iniriati yes: Implications for Research ...,Ü>ractice, Pe"" GSE Penp«tiwu on Urban Edw;arion, 2. 1. A va:ilable: Irtm:l/www nrlJanedioumal.or"¡commenarieslc:ommentOOO3.blm! Riner, Gary W. ok Lauver. Shcrri C, : 2003. SchOo] Finance Reform in New Jeney: A PIecemeal Response to A SysœnticProblem. J()unud oj'Edu.carimliFinDnee. 28, 4, S75-5!1S. . . Børaett, Joshua IL, Rifler, Gary W., & Luca¡¡. Cbriaropher J. 2002. EducarionoJ Reform in Arkanaas: Making So::nse of the Debate over School CoDSOlicìation. Arkwuar Educational Researcn dl Policy Srwdip Journal.. 2, 2, 1- 21. I' Ritter. Gary W., Mulv.""Dn. Sean W., Scon, Krisúna A., ok Lucas, Christopher J. 2002. Overcoming the Obstacleo: Implcmenlini State Acconmability S;yst<:ms fur Schools. Ârkœt.sw EducalioruJ R".œn:h & Policy . SlIuiw JollmDL 2, 1.28-50. Ri'ter. Gary W. &Lllcas. Ouisroph"¡,J. 2002. The 'Common School' Fallacy; T_ SuspectArgumènts in the Debate over CboIce. "'J~~"lf;'i~ Week.~, 8, 44~ R;lter, Gary W" Rush, Alison, &: Rw\",loe1. 2002. How Mi&bt School Choice Affect RaciaJ Integration in Schools? New Evidence 1ium tbe ECLS-1~ Geo'l1- PIÚJIk Policy R~. 7, 2, ]25-]36. fEn, O. Fitzga'illd. ~trer,. Gary W" !Irony, Jr., John W.. &: Hufford, Candice. 2002. Coaching: Colleges' (Un)Lcvel Playing Field. B14I:I< l..ues in Higher lld.ræœiI>". 19,4, 111. Lauver, Sheni C., Ritt..... ON)' W_. &:<3aIInz, MargaretE. 2001. Caught ÏD the Middle: The Fare of !be Non- Abbon Distric:lS In rhc Wake ofNewJ~y's CoW1Rnling. J()unud ofEducaJion Fl1ItI1U:e. 26. 3. 281-296. R;ttcr, Gary W. &: Miller, William Hi 2001. AIb.nsam' Views DO Key EducationoJ Policy ]ssues. Arh1n.tas EducariOllDl ResctUCh & Policy Srtdlús J~unuú. 1. I, 18-41. Mulvenon, Sean W., Murry, Jr., Jolm W q &: Ritter, Gary W. 2001. Hi¡b Stakes Testing and Accountability Programs; Poljçy and Prac::tice Gnidclio""iror lInplementing tbesePrograms. Arkansa.s EductzlioruJ Rft!Jetlrch & Policy StULlie3Joumal.,l.J. 76JJ7. La,.vcr. Shari C., R;ner. Gary W..l'ohynard, Rebecca A., &: Alberino. Crist!. 2001. Exœnded Learning Opportunities for Pmladelphia Students: Local Actions, National Implícatiop,¡? The FeEs CÐueTofGDIIe171n'lJmI JouT1l/JI ()fCOy l1IId Stale Pubüc Affairs. 4, 1, 18-31. Rilt"". Gary W. 2DOO_ The At:adem#: Impact of Volunteer Tutoring in Urban Public Elemenrary Schools: RC5ult!. "f an Experimental Design Eva¡u~:ion, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania. 2000. 235 pp. Advisor: Maynarú. Rebeccl A. 900~ XV.>! SS:ST ÞO/7.0/60 SIP-OZ-04 OZ: 1 gpm Frœ-SCHWARTZ SII«I" HU01DZD3 T-4Sg P,007/014 F-643 "'--~,f\-" .. _5 . Ritter, GaryW. & Boruch, RohcnP; 1999. 'fhe!'oliticaland InstilUlional OriginsofaRimdomízed COlltro1led Trial un EJcmcnuuy School Cass-sizc: T¡_oe '. :Project STAR. EdW:t.rlonßl EvallltUlolI rmd Policy Anßl)lsis, . 21,2.. 111-125, MANUSCRIJ'TS SUB~rrrrED FOR PUBUCATlON" UNDER REVIEW Ritu:r, G. W~ Hi&¡iDs, K. K.. &; Nev.igentR. A. (in press, Fall 20(4). The Volun",,,, TutOring Expc:rlence, The Who, What" and Why of Univemty VoIujlreerTuron; Workln¡ witb Urb"" EJementary School Turees. Jounu:U of Jœ.œarc:h in J1ÅrI"'~~n.. , Ritter, Gat)! W. &. LIlCB.S, Chrisrophet J. (submlmod August 2003). Devil In the Dcœìls: No ChIld Left Behind. EJUCOIioflal Policy. Muny, JI'~ Joim W ~ Ritter, 1;38l)' W.,· &; Hill, O. Fitzpno\d. (submi!Ied August 2003). Barriers ODd Oppornmities for Afucan American Foot~aII Coacbeos iø tb£ NCAA. SocioloKY of Sporr JounJDl. , PEER4REVIEWED PRESENTATIONS Turner, R. c. &. Ritœr. G.W_ ~pnl;2ÖQ4, "Does the Impact ofPn.scbool Child",= OD Cognition and Behavior PO'SisI lhroughOut tÞe EJen...""">, Y cdS?" PapeI' prcsenIed at the annual meeting of the American Edm:atíonal Researoh Association, S~ Diego, CA. A¡t.i¡ 12-16,2004. Scher, L., Zicf, S. G., Riaar, G. W., C<>tIÌIII!ham, P., & Lauv.... S. C. February 2004. '"fest Bcd Reviews: l5su<:s, Options and Da:isions in Geneno~.g Reviews. n J'a¡u prcsenæd at "'" fuurth Campbell Collaboration Colloquium. WaminJPDD, DC, Februmy 1'. 2004. I Ri .ta, G. W. & LuI;as, C. J. Novemb;.".2003. K An: Stale EducaÛOll officials Ready for NCLB? An In-Depth Examination." Paper I'M-...d at 111. """fw mozèIJ¡ of !he: Assaciadon fur Public I'Dlicy Analyois and Ma1Iageme:m, W~,J?C, No~ I\, 2003. . Ritter, G. W_ & Tume:r. R. C. April 2¡J03. "The impact of Day Care on Schoo! Readiness: Using New Data 10 Examine the Conrri>versy" Pap.... pr _ ,1P4 at the biennial conference of the Society for Re5o:8I!=h In Chi!d Development, Tampa Bay~ FL., ¥ 24. 2'J03. Ri".... G. W. & Lanvet'. S. C. ApriI2þo3, "Racial Imegratjon for Young Students in Public and Private Schoo!,: New Evidence from tHe ECLS-K." Paper pr"""""¡ at the annual meeting of the American EducatlonaJ R..-rch AssocIation. Chicago. n.. April ::!l-2S, 2003. RiTter. G, W.. Higgins, K. K.. & NcwBent R. A. April 2003. "VOJUDt= Tutors: Who are <bey. why do they do it, and how do they be:ødit'?'" Paper ~ed at the aI1rwa1 meeting of the American Educational Research Assocl:1tion, ChicaJlo, n., April 21-25. 2003. Mulvenol1, S. W., Stegman, c., & Ri....... G. W. Apri!2003. ~Djvene Pcnpectives on Test Amåcty fin' Elcmen¡ary StwImJts: Wbat do SlUdems, 1 eachc:rs, and Parents Rep<:n?" PapeI' prc:scno::d at the IIIDlWÙ meeting of tile American Edllcational RCS<:aIeh Assodation, Cbicago. JL. April 21-25. 2003. RiuO', G. W. FebrUary 2003, "Review of the ;Evidence on Ibe Effectiveness of V olun'oer Tutoring Programs." Paperpresemed at the third Campbell Colli"",....,;"" Colloquitnn, SlDckholm. Sweden. February 26, 2003. LOO III xv.'! 55: 51 ÞOIZO/60 hp-gZ-g4 DZ: 'ep! Frc:t"'SCHWARTZ S¡= BTiiOiû2ûi T-45ø P,OOØ/OI4 F-643 . Gary J/j¡I/Ir -.' _Ii Rilœr. G. W ~ Murry. J. W., & MuI_, S. W. Novemb... 2002. "Oven:oming the Obsacles: InJplementina State Accounr.tbility l'ra l1lIllS foi Schø)Js." Popcr presented at rhe Mllual meeting of !he Association fur Publie Policy lUIBlysis and M~ DaI4s- TK. November 8. 2002. RITter G. W ~ I..1mve.'. S. c.. &;:ãcf, S. G. NOV<:åa'2002. ~licatioDS of Sysrœúe Reviews in Education IDlCrYeTj~." MinI-plenmy session at! the annual meeting of the AssociaÛOll tbr Publie Policy ~ and MsnagCDlelU" Dallas. TX. November 8.120b2. . Rin...., G. W. AprlI2002. 'The: Jnt>ac:t of Day Care on SohooJ :Readiness: New lnfonnation from Ea.;ly Childhood Lon2ltudinal Study (ECLS-I()." Paper Jtt3enbl at the """ullJ meeting of the Am..riCBD EduellIioullJ Research Association, New ~ LÞ;. ApriJ 4, 2002. Ritter, G. W. &; Omnors,1, No~b=r2001. "RcsUlTeCtiog IbeResearch onPc:crTutoriDg." Papcrpresented at the liT1IIuaJ weeting of !be Mid-Sourh J!duearional Research AssocIation, little Rock. AR. Novembec 16, 2001. Zowoe, Mo, Dcaay. G~ & R,ina, q. W. N"""'Dba 2001. ~1arlDg the Relatiœisbip Betwam A~~anic SeIf-&TCIeID 3JIcI Academic P".~ for StudentS in Low-PcorIbnning Urban Elemenmry Schools." Paper p",semed at the armua.I meeting of the Mid-Sautb Educationa! Research Association, Little Rock, AR. November 15. 2001. ,. :WZOJlC, M., Riner, G. W., & Stcgutin, C. Noveuilier 2001. "1''''''''15' attitudes IOwan! aDd pen:e¡xions of SlaDlbrdlzed testing. .. AI!d what is !be ~t on øtudeat achievement?" Paper II1!æDU:d at the II11DIJa! DU:eting of the Mid-South P"'v=nm'l! Rescarcb ARŒiation, Ualc.RocIc, AR'. Novembar 14, 2001. II;T..... G. W. & Hughes, M. F. N"":mI= 2001, "Compuing Schoo! Finance Equity among Mid-South States:' Paper rresenbl at the"DIIIJIJJ meetiÍlg 0( the Mid..sOUlb E~"~ri",,.1 Re!8IIrCb. Aø.oociali01l, Lime Rock, AR, Novemha 14,2001. Riner, G. W. Nov=ber2OO1. "Dóes Volunteer Turnrin¡:Lead to Ac:ademie lmprovement f'wDilodvamaged Elc:menwy Students:' Paper presenred:l!be amrual meeting of the Association for Pnblie Policy ANlysì& and Managcment, Waahingtol1, DC, Novemb¡". I, 2OOl. I Riner, G. W. & Rush. A. Now:llJbcf 2001. "New Evidence on the Effects of Sc/lool o.oice on RaclIIJ lnregnuioo." Paper presented al rhe anntial mœtiog of !be Assocïadon far Public Policy Analysis and M&lagement, Waslùngton, DC, Noverober 3, 2001. . Riner, G. Woo Rush. 1.. & Biglan, K., May 2001. "The Effects of Artificial Turf on PIa"", Awilability and Longevity in Major Lca¡úe Ba5eò.a1l. ~ P,<per P' _.1I>.od at the IUDDIal meeting of rhe North American Society far Sports Man.apm:ut. VuginiaBeach, VI(,JdDt:2. 2001. . , Murry. J, W.. Hill. O. F" Scb1eibaUIt. M.. and Riner. G, W. May 2001. "Barriers ""d Opponmrities for Attican-Americaø Coaches in NCAA n Faper preeenred a.1 the alJllWtJ meeting of the Notth Amcriea.n Society for Sports MaDagemeut. Vir¡inïaBeaeh, VA; May 31, 2OOl. EOgecombe, N. & Rilla", G. W. Apljl2001. "Smdeot Ranked Sociù Supports." Poster presented in SywpoSlUDI (Title ".E~.m;'';1\g Ou= ',>f1be Chlca¡:o Comet SDP: School Climate and Child WeU-Being") at the annual "ooñRoce of !be Society foT Rcsc¡orcl1 in Child Dcvclop"-lLo MiJmeapoIis, MN. April 21. .2001. Rin.... G. W. April2oo1. "The Evidcoœ on the Effectivencss ofVohmteer Tutorin¡ In the UDitBd States: lmplica dons for Policy and Pnctïce." Pa¡>er presemed at the annual meeting of the American Edw:alional Research Associ.cion, Seattle. WA, April 11, 2001, Ritter. G. W. & Miller, '!I, February 2001. "Ariamaans' Vicws on x.:y Educational Policy Issues." Paper presented at the annual medmg of the Ar~al1Sa$ Polirical Science Association. Searcy. AR, February 24, 2001, ROO~ XVII ~£:£T tO/¡:O/SO SIP-U2-D4 02:2DPIII Fr....SCH\llARTZ SID 9733010203 1-459 P. 009/0 14 F-643 , --~ ---- .. _7 "" RittCT, G. W. &: Lanver, S. c.. Noven:ioer 2000, '"Owghr in !be Middle: The Fa", ofRmaJ and Middle-Wealth Díatri<:1s in !be WaIœ ofN'ew Jersey'. &hIla) FJn3]Iœ Rdonn." Paper 1" .."...,.¡ II the ""uua1 """'ling of the Association fur Pnbtic Policy Anal.1"'is and M..".gr~~'11, SeauJe, W A. NoWlllbel' 2, 2000. MulvellOl1, S. W., Murry. J. W.. &: AAœr. G. W. November 2000. "High Stakes Testing and A<:èoumability Prog>ams; PoIk:y and P1'aI:tiœ Guideline¡¡ ¡Or l"'P'~..g these P"'IVIIlDS." Paper presented at the annual meeling of the Associenon for Public Poücy AnaJ~¡is and Management. SemI... W A, November 4, 2000. Lauver. S. C., Ritter, G. 'w.. M..yDard( R.. A.. & Albc:rWo, C. Novem1x:t 2000. "'The Role of Aftcr--Scbool ProP"'" for At-Ri.ek Swdenis in Pbiladdjlhia," Paper presented at !be: annual meeting of the Associatiori fur Public Policy ADlIlysis and M>wagement, SeaIIle,¡ W A. No.....,ber 4, 2000. , Riller. G. W. &: LæM::r. S. C. April2')Q( . "Exploring the Incql!ÎlÎe5 in Scbool Funding in Middle- and Low- Wealth CoDJlPUDÍlies in New J"""'Y." Pa¡i::r presemed at the annual meeting of the American Educational Res_cb Associatioo" New Orlca:ns. LA. Apil28, ~OOO. Riuer, G. W. April 2000, ."... Acaqomic Impact of Volunleel' 1'uwrlng in Urban Public Elemeolary Schools: Resulls of ar¡ ExperimcmaI Deægn E'V3lua!i=" Paper preøented at the annual meeting of the American Edu=",,"al RCsearch jI.""";'''on. New Orl....... LA. -1.prlJ 25, 2000. Kelsey. M~ I.auver-. S. C~ & RittI::r, d. w, April2OOQ. "HoW to do R.lllldom Assigmocut in Schools and Other Related Settings..'" PapeI' ~1Iod at the ,nnual mcelÌtI ¡ gf the American Ed8C8!ional Rese8n:b Associaåon,. New Orleans, LA. Apri12S. 2000. I Lauver. S. C~ Ritter, G. Woo & Goéra.. M. Eo April 1999. "CaueJ¡tln the Middle: The Fate oflhe Non-Abbott Dísb:icl> In the Wake of New J..~·s Çourt Ruling." Pap..- preoenred II1Ihe øimwù meeting of the Am<::ric:an EducatÜ,naI Rcs=h Associatioo" Momre¡..¡. Canada. April 20, 1!1!19. Riu...., G. W. April 1999. "Experimeltm1 Eve1I181iCRt o(a Unlven;Ity-~lIc School Pannerahip.- Pa:po;.. presCßted at the 1999 Spencer futmdalion ;.Smdelll R :.J>. Syn1pnoñn,,\ Univ=ity ofPcnnsyIvama Graduate School ofEdll<:3tion, PIúla4dpbia. PA. A;ìri19. 1999. I Rio.... G. W _ Lauver, S: c.; &~, Marpret E. Man:b 1999. ''Caught in the Middle: The Fare of the Non- Urban Districts In rile Wake of New Jerscy's School Fimmce LiIiFtion." Paper preoenœd at the armuaIltlCCti,Jg of !be,Amcrican Filn'-;"" rmanœ A!lSOCÌ8!Í'm. Seattle. WA. March 18, 1999. Riner. G. W. & Boruch. R. F. OctOboi, 1998. ''Tþe Political and IJ;JOtirntioual Oñgius of a l.arge-ScaIe Educali,'n Experiment." Paper ¡moseated *t the annual meeting of!be Ass""'. non for Public Policy Analysis and Managernem, New York. NY, Ocrnbcr31i 1998. . Belcha-, C. 1... Fuhrman. S.H. &Ri~~. G. W. Ocmber 1998. "Variability in AccouniabilityRelariDDShips Between Schools iIIId External Ve:ndor.!. - :~aper presented at the aunual meeling of the AssocialiDIJ far Public Policy Analysis and Mm:IagcmeM. New York, N1tf. OclOber 29. 1998. Riucr, G. W. & Fuhrman, s. H. April; 1998. "E>m:mal School Refonn Providets and AccotmtabiJity. - Paper presented a1 the anoaal meeting of the Amirican EiI1IurionaJ Research Association, San Diego, CA. April 15, 1998, Fuhrman, S. H. and Ritter, G. W. Nmember 1997. "The MCII1IÍng of Accotmtability Across School Wide Dcs!¡:ru; Promoœd by Outside Vendots-" J'al"'" presented at !be annual meeling of the Association far Public Policy Analysis and Management. Washington DC. November 15, 1997. I~VITED PRESENTATIONS RittCl', Gary W. Jlme 2003. "Flllding¡, from the Smnmer 2003 SlICond Almual Bcochmark Repon on Schools in Northwest Arkans..... Invited presematiot to the North""'"' Arkansas CounciJ. Ro2ers. AR. JUDe 13, 2003. - 600~ xv.~ 9S: Sf tonO/60 Sep-ÐZ-Ð~ DZ,ZDpm From-SCHWARTZ SIMON 97"D1DZD' N59 POIO/OU F-643 . I.kIq ('1fI!r .- _e8 Ritter, Guy W. May 2003. "'~ Reoncws SyD!:IIWÍC Revie"" at Intcrvœtíons for Children S!rU ¡g1ing ÍD School: Val.......... ThmriDg.n Im!.œè.I"-'-1WÏon at the New fiiIIdInEs from me Campbell CoUaboradon (C-2) T_Bedl'n!icc:t. St. MicbBd's, MD. M.;'y 29. 21103. Ril""', Gæy W. & Turner. Raxma è. May 2003. ''The Imþact of Day Care on Sebool Re¡diru:ss: Using New I:\at¡o to Examine we CoDlrow:lSy'" Papqr ~ III Rcsearc.b In Progress (RIP) Scarinar Series, University of ArJcan¡¡as, Fa:yettcville. AR. May 2, 2Od¡. Riltl:. Oary W. April2Ò03. "Issu~. in Education Policy: Foeus on Arkansas." Invited >re8clllllIian.b the Society atProfcSl<ÎODaI Journalists,. Sp~ale, AR, April 9, 2003. . Ritœr, Gary W - October 2002. '1'tililic Schools. Private Schools, and Schoollmegrarian." Paper presented 111 Re&o:an;b In Progress (RIP) Sauina:r Sc(ics, UnMmty at Arkansas, Fayelllov\U", AR, October 2. 2002. , SchJ¡eller. Heather ami Ritter, GæY W. October 2002. "Review at !he Research and Litigation on Scbool VaocbetS." Pap« presen!l!d at R!'S<'8fCt In Progress (RIP) Seminar Series. Univenity of Arkan&as. FayeuevilJe. AR, Ocrober 2, 2002, Rilta'. Gæy W. AugIUI: 2002. "Fin'~ ftom Ibo Smmœt 2002 :Annual Beøclmw1c: Repo¡t on Schools in Nanhwo>st ArJaonsß" Invited ~~OD to IbeNCJ<1bwest Atbœas Couuc:iI, DentonvWe, AR, August 30, 2002. . . Ritter, GàryW, July2002. "'S)'SIaIIæic::Review o~Vol~Tlltoring:Pmgmms: What MOftI Can WeLeam Tbroagh Additional Search &ad AnaI~'l" InYited p¡;esentation ar the MJd-Srn:am Review of We Campbell Colbbor:ation Test Bed Projea, Baltimore, MD, July 9. 2002. . : Ii Ritta, Gary W. May 2002. "InitiaJ Findings from the Annual Benebmark Repon on Sc:hools iI1 Northwest Arkansas." Invited pæscntadon to lbeNorthwest ArkæJsas Council Educatjon Task Foroe. Bcnton-;lJe, AR. May 23,2002- . . Rilla'. Gary W, Mateh. 2002. "Dís$octing!be Reauiborizalilm of tbe ESEA: What arc the ImpoItllnt Compunenrs'Z" Paper fJRISCI\b'd at !be R¡:scarcb Con(erenœ of !be Arlœnsas Educational R.eaemdJ aDd Policy Sl1Idles Journal_ Little Rcc:k. AR, Marchi6, 2002. . ( , Huffiml, Candice M., IIDdRitrer. 0.,1' w. March 2002. '"How Slates Implement Accountability in me Unite<J Slates." Paper presenœd at the ArkaDsaii Educatioœl Resem:h and Policy Studies annual research conf""ence, Liule Rack. AR. March 6, ~, '. Ritt=, Guy W. Dr~-tJer 2001. '1mposaI m DcveIop aD Annual Dcnchmarlc Report on ScbooJs in Northwest ArJœm¡...H Invited pn:scntaliou uYÙJeN¡"th.._~CoIDICi!, Belm;my¡JIc, AR. Dec.:n¡ber 11,2001. Mul""""", Searl W, & Ritter, Gmy W. June 21101. "Univemty of Arkansas: Supporting Greenland Educalional Rcfum1," Conference 1m Educational Roi'òrm in Polar SWCI, Nuuk, GrecnJand. JUDe 21101. RilœO'. Guy W. April2l101. "Cutretil Issues iI1 Edocalion Rcfurm." Invited prcsemation 10 I:hc WODJCo Dt:mocrats ofWasbin&tan Comlty, Fayctt=viJI", AR. Apri122, 2001- . Rin=-. Guy W. September 2000. 1'ha ...~........,;<: Impact of Voluotcar Tutoring in Uman Public Elamcmary School.: Results of an Experimenral Des\~ Evaluation." Paper ~ 81 Public Policy Ph.D. Research Seminar. Fayetteville. AR. SeplCmber 25, 2000. , RiIlI1r, Gal)' W. August 1999_ "Cau!:hl in !ba Middle: Tb" Fale of the Non-Urhan Di.tricts in the Wake of New Jeney·. School Finance Litigation. n InviJcd prasantalion 10 tha New Jersey State Departmem at Educ:ation. CElFA (Comprehensive EdllCatlon 1mpnwcmcn(an¡ Finan¢ing Act) Working Group, Subcommittee on Ability to Pay North IIrunswick, NJ. August 3, 1999. . , 010~ XV.. 9S: SI tono/so Sop-02-04 02:20pm F '....SCHWARTZ S IÐN 9133010203 T-459 P.OI1/014 F-643 . Gtt'7 Muler .. pø~d PROJECl'REPORTS, ¥ED1A PUBUCATJONS, AND MEDIA COVERAGE lLtær, Gary W. August 6, 2003. ItolaVir:wot:d by KUAF (Nllliemal Public Radio Affiliate ill Pa~ AR) : News Show, "Qr;atks aI Larcc." fur a ~"Y on school ccmsolidatiou m Arbao.... , Rilla" Gory W. February 7. 2003, 'C""""""'*'Y: Froedomand I..oismo. KUAF (NlllionalPublieRadio Affili.'~ in Fayenr:villo. oAR) N.... Sbor-, "Ozarlts at úrge." Rirll:r, Gary W_ 2002. "A Tal.. of two Eð"~hnl1 Systems: Lessons for ArIéansas." ArkaMw DÐNJCJYJt Gazme. De<:eu>bcr 31. 2CJ02. Rit!l:r. Gory W. Decanber 27, 21Xt:. Commeutary: A Lost Oppornmity to ~ the Food Tax. KUAF (NatiOllaJ Public Radio AffiIiaIe in Fa",,,,v1Ik, AR) News Show, ''Ozarks at Large." Ri.=, Gary W. n---,.".,. 6,:2()OL Commentary: Reacting 10 the: School PiDance Lawsuit in Arkaooas. KUAF (National Public Radio Affiliate in FayellCvi11e, AR) News Show, ''OzorJa¡ at Large. " Ri,,,,,, Gary W. Noverobcr 8. 2002, Co=wr The DiscoDIleCtBetwecn Mans..,.' Desired Bducadonal Refonns a:nd their WiUiugoess 10 Pay. J!:UAF (Nadonal Public Radio Affilialc in Fayettevîll.. AR) News Sbow, ""OzDk.. at Large. H Rir=,GoryW. September 1.2002. Commcnœry: The Myth oftheC'nmmon ScbooL KUAF(NalionalPublic RBdio Affiliate in Fayettevi11e, AR) N~ Show, "O¡arks at Large," GrccnWOQd, Reed M. &: Rluer, Gar)' W. Ao,gust 2D02. Press: Conference to Aonoonce Publication of Summer 2002 AnnuaJ Bc:øc:iuIJad: Repon 00 Sehço S in NoI1hwest ArlcaDsas, Springda1e, AR. August 16,2002. , CoUege ofEducarlon IIIId Hœlth Prt.cc:ssions, University of Arlcansas, Sumn>ec 2002. "Nonhwest Arlamsas AImWlI education Bcochmarlcs: A 'RepOn Card' on our Districts and Schools." Rcpon SubmihE!d to obc NorthWest Arlcans'lS CoW1CiL (Oaly W. Riner, Priri=ipo1 Investigator for th.. Universiry of Arkansas.) Rm..., Oa:ry W, August 2. 2002. C('mmonwy: Ignoring the Market in Tcacber Pay. KUAF(NlllionaJ Public lùdio Afilliatc in Fa""tteville, AR) N.."".: Show. "0zarI<s ar Large." R,ta:<, Gary W. 2002. ''Good Idea.: Bad ExccwiOD." Arluutsas DtmlQcra/ Gaunt:. July 8, 2002. Ritœr, Guy W. May 19, 2002. Co=nenrary: Wbar Do We Want fioom Public Schools? KUAF (Nalioual Public Rac1io AtfiIIIItc in Fa)'l'tœviIk, AJ¡.) N...... Show, "Ozarks at Large." Ritll:r, Guy W. JaIl""" 25, 2002. loterVjewed by KUAF (National Public Rlldio Affllia1C in Fayetb:vilIe, AR) NI:W5 Show, "0zatIa; ad.ar...." for a 5to!y on .œNo CbiJd Left Bebind Act. R,ItI:J'. Gary W" HuffiJrd, Candiu, ~: Thombwgh, David. 2001. "State and Local Tax Burdens in the PhiJadcIpbia Region." Gnater PJû'lDk/)iria RqiolfDl Review. Smmn"I2001 Issue. Maynard, RdJccœ A. &0 Ritter. Gary W. April 2001. "The Academic Impact of VoJutuecr Tutoring in Urban Public Schools: RcsuI[ ¡ of an ExperimmW Deslen EvaluatJon," Repon SubmitŒd to the Smith Richardaon Foundation in coqjuncrioo with Grant 98(11-155: Evaluation of West Philadelphia Tutoring Proj""'- Parry,Janinc &. Ritter, Gary W. November 2000. Press Conference to Anno= Findings trom !be 2000 Arkano;as Pon, Little Rode. AR, No"""'~'" 1,2000. Inll1an, Rober!P, &:Riucr. Gill)' W. .1998. "Loca] Tax"" and m.. EconomicFul1.1re ofPlù1ade1pbia: 1998 Repon." GreaJer PhikuMphiø Re¡:iond!R~. WiJJlC ' 1998-1999 Issue. noli] xv.'! LS:ST tonO/60 Sep"02-04 02 :2lpm Frao-SCH'ltARTZ Slt.lJN ma01D203 T-459 P.OI2/014 F-64 . GmyRiIkr .' _~lO R;tœr, Gary W. 1998. '"Wbaè's (3çing On in kAn~hr", Rdarm? A GWJ.þr tlII. Perplexed. ~ GrøaJer Phi/Qti,,/phi4 RegÜ1n<11 Review. F.iill I!J!'B Issue. R;rter, Gary W. 1998. "Public ~>o1 officials wrong 10 scoff at LEAP cbanør oc.bool." South Jersey Coumr- Post. SeptEmber 17, 1998.' . . R;uer, Gary W. 199B. "Poor nonwb8Ì:I school CÜ5tÒds receive short shrift in Ncow Jersey." PhiIødelphio. InqKÌl'er. Juœ 27,1997. , Surnrom'S. Anita A. & RÌtIer. Gary ~o¡, 1997. "How PI. Sbood¡BQgo:s schools." PhllmJe/phW. I"",,¡fer. Marcb 12, 1997. S\l1UII>a'S, Anita A. & Ritler. Gary W. SepœmbOQ' 1996. An Intercitv and Inœrdistrict ConlD..rison of the PhllodelnhR ~hool District's 1'1"'''' S~ Worldng l'IIpe.- j268. Tbc Whanon Scbool, University of PemJsylvanl..PA. SUImDttS, AIlÎø A. & RiDer.. Gary 'i, AupIst 1996. The Costs In Lar"e Cities ofF..ducstilU!: Poo< Cln1dren, Draft Warkirt8 Paper. Tho Wbmon Sebbol, UDi"""my ofPamsylvllllia, PA. RESEARcll WORKSHOPS ¡TRAINING GRANTS ,. " NICRD-SECC (Study ofEady auld Oøe) Ad.,....œ¡!'Traiølag lDstimb! Augusr lJ - 16. 2003 . . , ~r: NaliOD3l JDsriIute of ~1d Healcb aDd a......... 0.,..............1 (JIIICØD) fully funds all those selected fo; participation based on tJ1e c'om,Iititive application process. T"uning is provided .nlle University of NDI1I1 c..roJiDa at Chapel Hi,~ in affiliation with tbeResean:h Triøngie InstItute. Fraple Families aJJ<I Çhild WeJJœiGg !>tui!1. Summor D3m Woril:sboP July 15 -19,2002 Smoso,o Socialllldiœtor.Surwy ~er iii: Columbia'University in New York. NY fully fnuds al] those selected for pmticiparion baoed I,JD the ccmpctirive app!iq¡ttiOD pmo:ss. NLSY (Nøltoaal Loaci........·' Suney ,If Youth) Dalabase TraiDíng Seminar July23-27,200I , Stx>nsor: Center ø.r: ~~ Resøurœ'p ~ ~ Obio ~~ UIIÏ1re:rsity In Columbus, OH fully fUods aU those ""laded ÍOI' parti<:ipaIiOD based "" ~.,. ....~..,¡:,IJ"" W-.""" pro<:e5$. ¡. - , , ECLS [Early ChWhood'~dfna.I i~lDdy) Database Trai Jjng Seminar Augusr 8 - n, 2000 SCOn5UT: Naticmal Cmter fur Ednœ~D Statislics in Wasll!np;m. DC fully funds all those selected tOT pardciparioa based OD the ...........titi 01: application process. STUDENT ADVISING Membership on Ph.D. DissertaIÏon t:omrilÌ!lœs (comp1cn:d): 1 student Membership 00 Ph.D. DIsse.uatian ~tIeea (cmn:m): S students Memb-',.,hip on Ed.D. DI&semltion ComJ1IÍttee1: (=[); 2 IltUdents M<:mbcrship aD Ph.D. Advisoty Commin6es: 9 studeats MelJlbrrsbip on EdD. AdVÎSOJy Cornmitt¡~; 9 students Membership on MA Comprebensive :Exatn CnmmiIlCe$: 1 stUdenl , ZTO~ XV,¡ g:£I to/Z0/60 S....02-1).4 02:21P11 Froa-SCHWARTZ SIMDH 9T33010203 T-459 P,Ol3/014 F-64! .0' - ....... pIICt u r.ROFESSION).¡£ CONSULTATION I LEGAL TES17MDNY Res_cb suppa" tor1egal cOlIllSd in the WilJill11U v, $lme cifCalifi>mi4achool-tìmding lawsuit.. 2003. Scotistical analysis and written le¡aÌ cestimony fur Ieg¡tI coll1lSel n:prcseming seventeen low-wealth New J....."y scboo] districts in a sobool funding II~Jit against the Sta\t' of New Jen;ey. Delivered 3 days of testimony before !be Admini!Øm!Ìve Law Judge in Tnmton. New Jersey ñ'om September 6-8, 2001. 1998·2001. RoOsearch and 5laUSÙcaJ suppon ftr'ICllo! COIIIISI>I rcpresentí1Ig the City ofJ'lWadelpbil in a school funding lawslli. against the Commonweahb ofPt.uJSy\vlllÍa. 1997- 2OOl. Stotistical analysis and "'"I'~a1ion ¡Dr 1e,goltestimony tor leg¡ù counsel. represenúng forty-two midd1e-wcaltb New Je=y scbooJ distri= in a scbooJ ~Jnding ta....m against die: Stare of New Jersey. 2000- 2001. PROFESSIONAL SERVlCE JUlioci"'" DireCInI' for tile UuiYctSÍty of'A1kaDoos InterdiIciplJIJIII)' Public Pl>1icy Ph.D. p¡ "P....., 2002 - present eo..: Faca1ty Member fur the Universil)[ of ArJænsa5 InIerllliJcipIinaly Public Policy Ph.D. Program, 2000 - present Facn1ty AdYÏSœ'. "StuclemWorldng Papc.. Series~ oftbe Utllvenïty of ArlaImas Poblic Policy Ph.D, Prognun, 2002 - prr$eOt Co.Editor, Arkansl1S, Educarionlll Ruert¡-ch &: Po/iq SøuJiu J()IlmaJ. University of Arkansas, 2001 - p_ Review.,., Clrba70 1iducation, 2003 Reviewer, Smith Ric!mrdson Founclatí"'!, 2001 Volunt..,. Session Chair and Sc:ssion Di¡CI1SSaPr. Amarican EducalÏonollùosean:h APociaúop A.unu.a1 Coofereace. 2003,2004- , Reviewer, AmcriC8l1 Educational Rescar:h Associaãon Ammal Conference, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 V o1u",= Session Cbair, Association fo~' Public Policy Analysis and Managc:mcrx Conference, 2002 Vollmtcer Session ChaiT, Mid-South Edp:arional Research Association Annual Conf=m::e, 200] Reviewer. E<bu:øIionðl E\1al/IIIZiQn and l'oli~ Analy..ž.., 2000 UNIVERSITY SERVICE ChaiT. College ofEducadon am1 Health J'rofessions Gnduatc Studies CornmiIIee. 2003 - pre!IePt Chair, Col\e ¡e ofEducaúon and Health t'nJ&ssions CmrlcuJlIØ1 Committee, 2001 - 2003 Secretary, CoJ1cze of Education and H=!lth Professi~ Graduate Studies Committee, 2001 - 2003 Cbair. University of Arkansas Graduate Çmriculum Committee, 2001 . 2002 Me",ln:t. UDÍYctSÍty of Arkansas Gradui:e Studies ~ 2001 . prcsem , MemIx:r. UIÚverslty of Arkansas Counej and Prognuns Committee, 2002 - preoent Meml'<r, Educational Leadenobip, Coun.¡.\ïn ¡, and Foundations Peer Review Committee, 2002 . present Member. ColJege ofEdocarion me! Hcallh Profi:ssions SeardI Commitœea for faculty members in Curriculum and lJ"tnlc:tion, Higher EducaúOD. and Educauonøl Administration. 2001 - present SCHOLARLY ~ WARDS, HONORS, AND MEMBERSHIPS 2002 Faeulty Outstanding Research AW8:7d (College), College of Education and Health Proíes.ions 2002 Faeulty Clulsauuiing Research A~:d (DepartlJItnt), Educational Leadership, Connsding, and FoUDdalÎotIS D..1"'ftDIctI! . Sel=<d for DavidL, Clark Narional ~dnak Student Researcll Seminar in Educanonal Admi~OD and Pol.ìcy (l~) , Selected for the Spencer Foondalion', R¢>eøn:b Tnûuing Gnmt UCI.AIPHNN Scbo ars Exchange Prognun (1999) £10~ XVd LS:ST tOlZ0/60 Sop-DZ-D4 DZ;ZI,,", Frar-SCHWARTZ SIIIJ/I iT33U1DZD3 T-45& P.D14/DI4 F-643 ( . Gør7 RW.r Jo' ~J2 . _con EdJIcariDlllll Rese>srch ~Jion AsIociati"ll for Public Policy and Mana¡¡ement , American Education Finance AssociatiQo Beta Gamma Sigma - N:I!ilmaJ B...mes$ Honor SocJety Alpba Sigma Nu - Jesuit Nad<mal Honoi Society , ACTlVlTIES VolUlllcer T -BaD Coaeh.2D02~ Vol_SocœrCoach. ~. Vo1unu:er TeodIc:IfAJblctic Coacb atÍJllíer ciry ek:meImDy school. 1991-1997, UDi_si!y ofMazJd¡atcr BaskctÞall a~b, 1992-93, John CarroU University Smdeut Union Presided, 1989-90. REFERENCES Rober1 F, :Boruch Susau lL Fuhrmau UDi""l'5ity Trustee Chair Prof..... , Dcao of Graduate School ofEducalion Grad..."e School of Education Geœge and Diane Weiss Prof. ofEducarlon Um-siIy ofPenøoylvania . University ofPcnnsy .vania 3700 WaImu: Street , 3700 WaImlI: Street PhilodeIphÍa.PA 19104-6216 I PbDodclphia. PA 19104-&16 Phcn1co (215) 898-Q409 .. Pbooc:: (215) 898-7014 , RebaccaA. ~ ADita A, Summen¡ Ttuotee Professor of Educaùoll and Socil~ Policy ¡ Prokasor Emerlru Oraduote School of BducaIi.>n Wharton Real E.tate Center UDiven;ity ofPenDsy1vania UDiversiry of Pennsylvania 3700 Walnur Stn:et 307 Lauder Fiscbel'HaII Philadelphia, PA 19104-6216 P/riladclphia. PA 19104-6330 Phone: (215) 898-3558 Phone: (215) 898-4076 .. . , Cbrislopba-J. L_ , William H. MiDer, Directur Profes5Or of Edueanoll ; Public Policy Ph.D. Program. 234 Graduate Educ:aâon Building 441 Old Main UDiversity gf Arkmsas UDiver.¡ity of A/'kans.. Faydt<:viIIe. AR 72701 FayeneviUe, AùR72701 Phone; (479) 575-5447 Phone: (479) 575-6442 ~oebt- Coffl_gÞ_ftI Commissioner, Natioul Cenrer furEdllOi.rion Evalulltloo and Re¡ional Assistance 1J¡sti!U~ gf Educatioo Sci_ V.S, Depamncnl gfEdueatioo 555 New Jasey Ave, NW washingu:m, DC 20208-5500 Phone: (202) 219-2484- Þ10~ XV,; 9£:£1 to/lO/50