HomeMy Public PortalAboutEighth St_406_Units A & B US. DEPARTMENT OF H0183.AND SECURITY ELEVATION CERTIFICATE OMB No_ 16130-0008 Evokes Februanr 28. 2009 1 Fedend I: : , :. .. !Management Agency Nanonal Rood laburance Regnant knportant Read the inshucfions on pages 1-8. -,,,, ■,,,, I[ ii 1 IIIA". a" ill, wile IC &II ,1 nramialam . I For losuranoe Compel* Use: Al_ Bulging 1 Pdicy Number "rino VS "TIA M c. CI a ANVIPtw-1:20, A au rodin944,10.21iAdnerenor Bldg. No.)orP-0. Rode and Box No. - - -- I Company NAIC-Number .... i Pr...'elrr' -1 u Ca Y rY E3E-E ___T Lo 8, Male ,.- f....7 tilsiD (2. 4. I IR . ZIP Code , 3 I 1 2 11 A3. Proved° Desciption g.at and atost Nosous, Tax Parcel Number. Legal Desailann. etc.) L. o: 121 a C= ri sevc am e 1 r.1".-71 re ri *CZ.' 14.07$ 1 24 4( v't WA-A.0 2, T`t eZVIS, A4. Building Use (e.g.. - .) RE' S) D! A5. tailludellangibideC _ o ° 5 - ( 3 . W...lb Hl tei Dam= 0 NAD 1927 BUD 1983 AS. Attach atleast2 . . , .,, , ,. - ____,.. dela bullring Ware Cealicales is being needle obtain food insurance. A7. Building Diagram leirober AS. Foes Ming with a crawl space or endoeure(s), pnividw it r) A9. Fora Ibuilang vat an attached garage. Plualec g r, a) Squage 'Dotage of crawl space or enclosungs) sq t a) Square footage of attached garage `- sq ft b) No. of , , , „ . ...• , food openings in the (lewd space or b) No. of pennenentilood openings in the allachtgarage enclosureftwallevaillin 1.0 footebove adjacent grade tt wale Wain 1.0 footainve adjaceet grade c) Total netaree ofilood openings in Aftb — C115 -- 5g 15 c) Total net anise °flood openings ire Aab 0 sq in SECTIONS - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP row INFORMATION 81 .IFP Name& C 82. N ommon* Number . I Name M. Slate I 1 S 1.4 t 3 S I 41 I cuan 14es-s I GIEJebiz I et { 134. MapIPanel Number I 85. Sic I 139. Mid Wes 87.. FIRM Panel 139. Rood BO. Base Rood Elevallors(s) (Zone Date EffecnveRevised Dale AO, use base load depth) 113Sitai - 000 I I C I 6-1 c, — i "7 - la le I Z one() MO. Ina:abeam source aft Rood Elevation (Medals orbase load deplb entered irk Item 99. O RS Podia 0 Community Debanined 001ber(Desalbe) Bit Indicate elevation datum used for BFE in Mem Mk arIGIOD 1929 ONAYD 1988 0 Ober (Desalbe) B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Bonier Resources System (C8RS) area or Otherwise Proteded Areal (CPA)? 0 Yes 10 Designation Date 0 C8RS 0 OPA 41511Cil 6. ,J C -BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) . Cl. Buiciksg elevation ale based am 0 C . .... , .: - Drantams* 0 Bonding Under . . *A new eavaNan Cadilicaterdi be sequilradagben .. .... . . . - of ilie building le complete. Ca Bevanons -Zones Al-A31),A8. AN, A Ovilh BM. YE, W- V (iNth li FE). AR, ARIA, AR948.ARfAl-A31). ARIA14. ARAM Complete lams C2s-g below accorang to the buillikg diagram spec:Ned in Nem A7_ Benchmark UNized 1... c(ir..*(.1- Vertical Datum hiC v 0 Pi 2.5 CorwessionICommerds Ni Ps Clack lbe measummerd used_ a) Top of bolom floor (including basemen* . awn space, or enclasunelloa() I g ..S &cot 0, meters (Puerto Fax, only) b) Top Otte next nigher foor A, fast Liman= (Puerto Rico only) c) &arm alba lowest boa:meal structural member (V Zones oily) * 4 III feet 0 meters (Puede Rico ally) d) Alladsed garage (top of slab) Airm I feet 0 meters (Puerto Rio) Int) e) Lowestelevation of mactarety or severing lie bulking C Iliateret 0 makas (Puerto Rico only) (Desaibe type of equipment in , a . 1 . , .., I) LOMA adjacent (finished) grade (LAG) _____} 0 maims (Puerto Rico only) g) Hgtrest adjacent adobe* grade (NAG) 0 melees (Potato Mc only) ,c...: .... '. k. D - SURVEYOR, adoREER, OR ARCIENTECT 1•411.1 in". Tills cedilicalion is kr assigned and sealed bye lend ew payar. engineer. oratchlect aulbodeed Weer lo carlyelewalion Information. 1 cedirylbet Me ' ,- . , ,, , on MA303010=10 , , ., ...: 4 , .,. my bastelforts to intespostimrdate available. .....,,--- ‘; z-,*_ I undensiald that anyfafse statementany be punishable by ins or ii . , , ,14 , 4 I J1 7. I . wafer 18 U.S. Codk Section 1001. ' . 74. EeCtiedr here if . , .. ... we provided on back ofform. f.- v •-' , /,176 7 ;5" - e7::N.:' ":-- LiCeffne Number 1 a t; , t,11- ,. I = Cergilei C. elrore HE' a.„4".N... t g2.2.. t ----- . - • a The Company Name Lpri.vv, 5100.v eva". at Ili s . — State • 31449 '4 Address Si: Xkl/4 "OR 1r4 4, A. ZIP Code . ,, v It Signakwe \ co&L.--e,/..„ Dale 1-3 4 - 4 t ' 2.S -.3523 a••••••• \ _____ , FEMA Form 81-31, February 2006 s----1 See reverse side for confinuafion. Replaces all previous taloa liPPlitlfi Mil -? la k T 1 I i PPP f0 i- i i 1 I V i ° I' I Ili) -- ..q 1sa 1 441 1 ; 1 g g7_, 1 1 ItIligi 11111 II= A !II .' 7 t F1 ill '-i'llgiil 7 ` 7 , 2 II I iIl grodr11- IF SI (14i - I pila f11 ti " r a l 1 -1 ei - • . - -=-= 'Ide I itT 1- • z" I i - - ID— -; - I It . 7 4 ---,= f 7 Dr 7 Mil l'' i `Fi 3 N1' II! IL11111 - . IC 1. i. --., i i ; e ,:„,, „ t i i .„!!i iiI l 7,.. 1 j titi . .... z ,2 1 -: I , iv _-=--:_,? 7 vil W. r." r (l .7. II k•`, 1: 1 tiro i I • .1 1 - ,iit, a 11.1ilh VI ill 4 -i!.; . 4. 1 11 I r ! ii ' 7: III i ' ' " / NI I 4 ftlwr 11i g ' i i ; . 1 7,. 0 .--__ i 1 1 b I ui iier. ii - .14 P Ill! i , g,,, : o 0 11 1 4, 3 F : DO . 1 7 i - 11 . 4g ' A ill cA) " ; P it - 7_ Ili P ilorlidoqi I ff ti 'l't -1 ' i I dip II' ill . . t , 1 ,,. i 7. II mi. pi I . o 17 . : , vul 4 1 1 .1 1 1 Il 1 li 1 0 . . si . 0 : r0 .iDO 1 i m i 1 di I I 1 .1 li di I 1 il r. 1 i I i 1 I p g I ro II i ) I I _ ......