HomeMy Public PortalAboutPB Minutes 1999-08-24 PLANNING BOARD AUGUST 24, 1999 MINUTES A meeting of the Orleans Planning Board was held on August 24, 1999, in Meeting Room A, Orleans Town Hall. Present were: Acting Chair Ron Dilauro; Nate Pulling; Mark Zivan; and Associate E. John Wherry (voting tonight); and Director of Planning George Meservey. Definitive Subdivision Plan. Location: Portanimicut Road. Applicant: Kinne Realty Trust. Also present: Phil Scholomiti, Ryder and Wilcox, who presented the plan which proposes to create 3 buildable lots. A previous Definitive Plan, dated 11/14/86 that created the road had been submitted. Phil Scholomiti presented a"Pavement and Drainage Plan" showing the improvements. The proposed road will be 14...wide. The Board discussed road plans, drainage, water service and a covenant for road construction. Abutter Eric Rogers questioned the location of the proposed road. Mr. Scholomiti explained where it would be built with the 40' layout. Dorrie Klimshuck said that the applicants are not maximizing the lot potential and they have been excellent neighbors. Eric Rogers said the plan is well thought out and considerate of all abutters. Nate Pulling asked that the maintenance of the road, "T"turn around, and drainage system be the obligation of the owners of the 3 lots. MOTION: On a motion by Mark Zivan, seconded by Nate Pulling, the Board voted to approve the Definitive Plan prepared for Kinne Realty Trust, Scale 1" _ 40', dated July 6, 1999, by Ryder and Wilcox, Inc.,including the drainage and pavement addendum, dated 7/6/99,with the following conditions: 1. Water service to be approved by the Water Department and installed prior to release of the lots; 2. A covenant to be executed for construction of the road and other improvements prior to the release of the lots. 3. Water easement must be provided for Lots 1B & 1C over lot 1A; 4. Maintenance of the road, "T" turn-around, and the drainage system is to be the obligation of the owners of Lots 1A, 1B, and 1C, and such shall be noted on the Definitive Plan. VOTE: 4-0-0, Unanimous. Orleans Planning Board 8124199 Minutes. Page 1 Public hearing for the removal of a public shade tree. Location: 100 Monument Road. Applicant: Steve Bornemeier. This hearing was cancelled at the request of the applicant. The Planning Board reviewed the Draft Land Use Chapter of the Local Comprehensive Plan. The Board recommended that the plan should place more emphasis on allowing residences over stores in the Village Center. They felt that there are limitations in the regulations that make it unfeasible. Issues of land use were discussed MOTION: On a motion by Mark Zivan, seconded by E. John Wherry, the Board voted to recommend removing HC-14 from the Local Comprehensive Plan so as not to penalize the existing uses. VOTE: 4-0-0, Unanimous. Approval of Minutes MOTION: On a motion by Nate Pulling, seconded by Mark Zivan, the Board voted to approve the minutes of 8/10/99. VOTE: 4-0-0, unanimous. Adjournment SIGNED: DATE: (Clerk Mark Zivan) Orleans Planning Board 8124199 Minutes. Page 2