HomeMy Public PortalAbout20210615 - Select Board - Agenda PacketTOWN OF HOPKINTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, June 15, 2021 6:00 PM Hopkinton Town Hall, 18 Main St, Hopkinton, MA-Room 215/216 (Executive Session will be held in Room 211) Please click the link below to join the meeting virtually,or attend at the address above: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89047168659?pwd=UWI0RE9aZ0FYWmtkQ0dEOXk1SVRVZz09 Passcode: 435854 Or One tap mobile : US: +13017158592,,89047168659# or +13126266799,,89047168659# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 408 638 0968 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 890 4716 8659 International numbers available:https://us02web.zoom.us/u/ke9rwRqVn 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER 1.EXECUTIVE SESSION i.Pursuant to M.G.L.c.30A, s.21(a) purpose 3, to discuss litigation strategy concerning Department of Public Utilities docket number 20-80,because discussing the same in an open session would have a detrimental effect on the Town’s litigation position. ii. Pursuant to M.G.L.c.30, s.21(a) purpose 3, to discuss litigation strategy concerning [Parents Individually and on behalf of a Minor Child]v. Hopkinton Public Schools & others, Middlesex Superior Court docket number 2181CV01005,because discussing the same in an open session would have a detrimental effect on the Town’s litigation position. iii. Pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a) (purpose 3)to consider strategy with respect to collective bargaining relative to DPW, Police, Fire and Library Unions, and negotiations with non-union staff because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Board. iv. To approve executive session Minutes (5/4/21,5/18/21). 6:30 PM CALL TO ORDER - OPEN SESSION 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 6:31 PM PUBLIC FORUM 3.Residents are invited to share ideas, opinions or ask questions regarding Town Government. 6:40 PM CONSENT AGENDA 4.i.MINUTES - The Select Board will consider approving the Minutes of the 5/28/21 & 6/1/21 meetings. ii.AMBULANCE FUND GIFTS - The Select Board will consider accepting the following Ambulance Fund gifts in memory of Lawrence Tedstone:1) $100 gift from James 1 Bartlett; 2) $50 gift from Claire Wright; 3) $250 gift from Daniel & Eileen McIntyre; 4) $20 gift from Elaine Mullen. 6:45 PM 2021 BOSTON MARATHON - PARADE PERMIT APPLICATION 5.The Select Board will consider approving a Parade Permit for the B.A.A. for the 125th Boston Marathon, being held on October 11, 2021. Supporting Exhibits:Parade Permit Application;Permitting Team Comments 6:50 PM APPOINTMENTS - ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE #2 6.The Select Board will consider the following finalist candidates recommended by the Town Manager and School Superintendent for the Elementary School Building Committee #2. Recommended finalists will be moved forward for Select Board appointment. Finalists are Jagrut Jathal, Jonathan Graziano, Mike Shepard and Tiffany Ostrander. Supporting Exhibits:Elementary School Building Committee #2 Membership & Charge; Finalist Applications 7:00 PM ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS 7.The Select Board will consider making the following appointments: i) Reappoint Constable: Barry Sims, to a term expiring 6/30/2024; ii) Appoint new Traffic Constables, to terms expiring 6/30/2024: ●Dispatcher Rob Savolt ●Firefighter Paul Finneran ●Firefighter Patrick Rahill iii) Appoint members to the following Boards and Committees:Board of Appeals, Community Preservation Committee, Conservation Commission,Council on Aging, Cultural Council, Historical Commission, Marathon Committee, Sustainable Green Committee, Trail Coordination and Management Committee,Upper Charles Trail Committee, Woodville Historic District Commission,Youth Commission. No applications have been submitted for vacancies on the following boards and committees: Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board, Hopkinton Historic District Commission (Resident of District), Marathon Fund Committee,Permanent Building Committee, Personnel Committee, Tax Relief Committee,Veterans Celebration Committee. Supporting Exhibits:Board/Committee Annual Appointments - Select Board Meeting 6/15/2021;Board/Committee Applicants - Applications;Barry Sims Letter 7:10 PM COMMUNITY UPDATES 8.i)Juneteenth Activities -A Hopkinton Freedom Team representative will review activities related to the Juneteenth holiday, June 19, 2021. ii)Hopkinton's First LGBTQIA+ Pride Parade - A Hopkinton Freedom Team representative will review the Pride Parade event scheduled for June 26, 2021. Supporting Exhibits:Parade FAQ Sheet 7:20 PM PUBLIC LIBRARY STRATEGIC PLAN PRESENTATION 9.Representatives of the Library Friends, Foundation,and Trustees will join Heather Backman, Library Director, to speak about the Library Strategic Plan and each groups' Page 2 role in supporting the Plan. Supporting Exhibits:Public Library Strategic Plan Presentation 7:30 PM MUNICIPAL BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES APPROVAL 10.The Select Board will consider approving bond anticipation notes (BAN) financing to support $5,297,502 approved for capital projects at the 2019 and 2021 Annual Town Meetings. Supporting Exhibits:Memo to Select Board from Chris Heymanns, Treasurer/Collector, with supporting documents 7:35 PM WATER AND SEWER RATES 11.The Select Board will consider setting Water and Sewer Rates for FY22. Supporting Exhibits:Water and Sewer Rate Hearing Public Notice; FY22 Water Rate Study Recommendation; FY22 Sewer Rate Study Recommendation;FY22 Water & Sewer Rate Study Final Report 7:50 PM TOWN MANAGER REPORT 12.i) Main Street Corridor Project Update ii) Announcement of the release of executive session minutes. Supporting Exhibits: 7:55 PM LIAISON ASSIGNMENTS & REPORTS/BOARD INVITES 13.The Select Board will approve the FY22 Liaison Assignments and appoint Select Board members to the Irvine-Todaro Properties Advisory Group,Pratt Farm Master Plan Team, Marathon Fund Committee, and Open Space Preservation Commission. Supporting Exhibits:FY22 Draft Liaison Assignments 8:00 PM FUTURE BOARD AGENDA ITEMS 14.Board members will identify future agenda items. 8:05 PM ADJOURN Correspondence to Select Board 1.76 Pine Island Road Waterways License 2.Thank You Note, Hopkinton Women’s Club 3.Acceler-8 I-90 Bridge Replacement Projects Update Upcoming Select Board Meetings 1. July 6, 2021 2. August 3, 2021 3. September7, 2021 4. September 21, 2021 Page 3 The listed matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair to be discussed at the meeting. Not all items may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.Unless an agenda item is a posted public hearing, the matter may be considered earlier than the indicated time if there are last minute cancellations or other unforeseen events which cause the Board to move more quickly through the agenda. Page 4 Convening in Executive Session under the Open Meeting Law M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a) Procedure for Convening an Executive Session 1. The Chair posts notice of the Executive Session at least 48 hours prior to convening (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays). Such notice must state the purpose for convening in Executive Session (see reverse side). If the Executive Session will be convened under Purpose 1, the individual in question must receive written notice 48 hours in advance of the Executive Session. If the Executive Session could not have been reasonably anticipated by the Chair at the time of the posting of the meeting, the Chair must explain the circumstances that justify convening in Executive Session without having posted its intention to convene in Executive Session. 2. The Board or Committee convenes in an open session. 3. The Chair requests a motion to enter into Executive Session. 4. A majority of members vote (by roll call recorded in the minutes) to convene in Executive Session. Records Relating to an Executive Session 1. All votes taken during an Executive Session must be recorded roll call votes and shall become a part of the record of the Executive Session. 2. The minutes of the Executive Session and records used during the Executive Session may remain secret only as long as publication would defeat the lawful purpose(s) of the Executive Session, but must thereafter become public records. 3. The Board or Committee must, at reasonable intervals, review the minutes of Executive Sessions to determine if the minutes remain exempt from disclosure, and such determination must be announced at the next meeting of the Board or Committee and recorded in the minutes of that meeting. Model Motion for Convening in Executive Session [CHAIR READS]: I request a motion that the Board vote to convene in Executive Session 1. For the purposes of [insert purpose as listed on reverse side modified to include all subjects that may be revealed without compromising the purpose of the Executive Session (for example, the motion should specifically identity of the union, the nonunion member, the litigation matter, or the property to be discussed)]; 2. [For Purposes 3, 6, and 8] because the Chair declares that having such discussion in Open Session would have a detrimental effect on [insert language from specific Purpose]; 3. To allow [name any nonmembers] to participate in the discussion; and 4. [Not to/to] convene in Open Session after the conclusion of the Executive Session.1 ____________________________ 1 Remote Participation: A member participating remotely may participate in an executive session, but shall state at the start of any such session that no other person is present and/or able to hear the discussion at the remote location, unless presence of that person is approved by a simple majority vote of the public body. 40 Grove Street, Suite 190 Wellesley, MA 02482 (617) 489 -1600 F (617) 489-1630 Purposes for Conven ing in Executive Session 1. To discuss the reputation, character, physical condition or mental health, rather than professional competence, of an individual, or discuss the discipline or dismissal of, or complaints or charges against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual.2 2. To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with non-union personnel. 3. To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares. 4. To discuss the deployment of or strategy regarding security personnel or devices, e.g., a sting operation. 5. To investigate charges of criminal misconduct or to consider the filing of criminal complaints. 6. To consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real estate, if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body. 7. To comply with, or act under the authority of, any general or special law or federal grant-in- aid requirements. 8. To consider or interview applicants for employment by a preliminary screening committee, if the chair declares that an open meeting will have a detrimental effect in obtaining qualified applicants. This shall not apply to any meeting regarding applicants who have passed a prior preliminary screening. 9. To meet with a mediator regarding any litigation or decision; provided that (i) any decision to participate in mediation shall be made in open session and the parties disclosed and (ii) no action shall be taken with respect to the issues involved without deliberation and approval of the action at an open session. 10. To discuss trade secrets or confidential or proprietary information regarding activities by a governmental body as energy supplier, municipal aggregator or energy cooperative, if an open session will adversely affect conducting business relative to other entities making, selling or distributing energy. ____________________________ 2 If the Board wishes to convene in Executive Session for these purposes, the individual in question has the right to receive written notice 48 hours in advance of the Executive Session; to be present at the Executive Session; to have counsel or another representative present to advise the individual, though not to actively participate in the session; to speak in his/her own behalf; to make an audio recording or transcription of the Executive Session; and to require that that the discussion be held in open session. 40 Grove Street, Suite 190 Wellesley, MA 02482 (617) 489 -1600 F (617) 489-1630 1 April 5, 2021 Town of Hopkinton 18 Main Street Hopkinton, MA 01748 RE: Boston Marathon Parade Permit – Monday, October 11, 2021 Chair Tedstone and Select Board Members: If road races are allowed to take place as part of the Massachusetts reopening plan, the 125th Boston Marathon will be held on Monday, October 11, 2021. The Boston Athletic Association requests the Town of Hopkinton issue a Parade Permit to conduct the annual event. The B.A.A. has and will continue to work in close coordination with our local, city, and state partners in planning for this historic event on its rescheduled date. The date for the 125th Boston Marathon was selected in close coordination and collaboration with the eight cities and towns that comprise the marathon route. During the date selection process, the B.A.A. regularly met with representatives from the eight cities and towns for feedback and guidance on potential dates and collaboratively selected Monday, October 11th. The B.A.A. has reduced the field size from 31,500 to 20,000 participants. In addition to this reduction, significant safety measures, protocols, and requirements will be in place to ensure participant and public health. The steps the B.A.A. is taking to create a safe environment, based on advice from the COVID-19 Medical and Event Operations Advisory Group, are outlined in the included attachments. The B.A.A. is committed to making the oldest annual marathon in the world as safe as possible in October. The B.A.A. plans to work within a similar footprint used in the past. The race operations team is reviewing site plans, event timelines, equipment needs, and other items and coordinating with the Town and others, as required. The B.A.A. will provide updates to all partners as soon as they are available. The B.A.A. requests that Hopkinton’s authorization includes permission to control and utilize the roadway and adjacent sidewalks and other appropriate areas, as determined in our planning sessions, to conduct the race in a safe and controlled manner. This includes permission to deliver and install course signage, hydration stations, portable toilets, medical stations, timing mats, mile markers, sponsor activations, and other equipment, the locations of which are outlined in the included attachments. The Town of Hopkinton is named as an additional insured on our liability insurance policy and an example certificate of insurance is included here. An updated copy will be provided when the policy renews in July. 2 The Boston Athletic Association looks forward to working with the Town to conduct a safe and successful event for the athletes, volunteers, and spectators taking part in the 2021 Boston Marathon. Sincerely, Boston Athletic Association TOWN OF HOPKINTON Office of the Selectmen 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748|508-497-9700 selectmen@hopkintonma.gov A Complete Application ​must be filed a minimum of 30 days before event date APPLICATION FOR PARADE PERMIT - PLEASE PRINT - Applicant’s Name:________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’sAddress:______________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: _________________________Cell Number______________________________ Email Address:______________________________________________________________________ Applicant: ❑Private/Individual ❑Business ❑ Non-Profit ❑Town Dept./Board/Committee Date of Event:________________(RainDate):_______________Time:__________________________ Purpose of Parade Permit:______________________________________________________________ Road Closures: ______________________________________________________________________ Description/Purpose of Event (Please provide a separate visual or map of the complete route of the proposed event along with a Public Safety Plan) ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Starting Point:____________________________Ending Point:________________________________ Expected number of Participants:________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. A copy of a Certificate of Insurance must be provided to the Board of Selectmen’s Office with this application, naming the Town of Hopkinton as an additional insured for at least $1million dollars in the case of accident. 2. The undersigned applicant agrees that the applicant and parade participants will conform to applicable laws, by-laws and regulations, as well as special requirements that may be made a condition of the granting of a Parade Permit pursuant to this application. 3. Map or specific description of the route of the proposed event, along with a Safety Plan must be submitted along with this request. 4. Litter Control Plan. I/we agree to hold the Town of Hopkinton harmless from any and all liability and will defend the Town of Hopkinton in connection there within. Signature of Applicant: _________________________Date: _______________________________________ © 2021 Boston Athletic Association 1 2021 B.A.A. Boston Marathon COVID-19 Guidelines for Event Participants, Volunteers, and Personnel Revised March 12, 2021 The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) looks forward to getting back to racing, but we want to ensure that it occurs safely and responsibly. The B.A.A. has developed the following guidelines, based on advice from the B.A.A. COVID-19 Medical and Event Operations Advisory Group, to define the steps we are taking to create a safe environment. This document will be updated as planning progresses. The B.A.A. will establish and enforce the following guidelines for all constituents throughout B.A.A. controlled areas pertaining to the Boston Marathon, in accordance with local health and safety protocols. These include: Boston Marathon Expo at the Hynes Convention Center, pre-race bus loading at the Boston Common, athlete transportation to the start, the start area in Hopkinton, the course and support infrastructure throughout eight cities and towns, and the finish area around Copley Square in Boston. At all times, constituents will be subject to state and local COVID-19 guidelines and policies. Overall Event Operations Guidelines The B.A.A. will make its assessments based on community health factors and the risk of exposure. Personal and environmental prevention practices will be enacted to help reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure and spread. Mitigation strategies will be layered and may be scaled up or down based on the specific risk presented. • Reduce the field size and overall event density o Registration reduced by 37% to 20,000 participants to create additional space for social distancing o Signage, barriers, and spacing markers used to maintain social distance; tables and workstations will be separated by 6 feet or more o Non-essential personnel removed from high traffic areas • Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) is required for all o This includes masks for event participants (while not running on the course), volunteers, and personnel as well as additional equipment for medical and other high contact roles. © 2021 Boston Athletic Association 2 • Maintain clean hands and disinfect surfaces o Hand washing stations and hand sanitizer made widely available to participants, volunteers, and personnel in all areas of the event Pre-screening and Testing • Event participants, volunteers, and personnel will be encouraged to get a COVID-19 vaccine if available to them. • Individuals will be encouraged to complete a pre-travel COVID-19 test before coming to Boston. All out-of-state residents will be required to abide by current Commonwealth of Massachusetts guidelines for travel. • Once arriving in Boston, participants will be required to show a negative COVID-19 test prior to picking up their bib and once again prior to boarding B.A.A. transportation from Boston to Hopkinton on race day. Additional self-administered symptom assessments may also be required. • A positive test will result in the individual not being allowed to race or work on event day and require the following of all current COVID-19 quarantine protocols. Pre-Race Expo • The B.A.A. will follow the hygiene and safety protocols set by Hynes Convention Center. • Bib pick-up will use no-contact QR code scanning to check-in athletes. Bus Loading and Transportation • Security and health screenings will occur for all athletes prior to boarding transportation or entering a B.A.A. controlled area. • Buses will be loaded in a manner to reduce crowding in Boston Common using line demarcation and participant arrival schedules. • Buses will be sanitized prior to any use and all windows will be opened to maintain ventilation. • All passengers will wear a mask and refrain from eating and drinking while aboard. © 2021 Boston Athletic Association 3 Start • A rolling start format will be established that eliminates runner corrals, limiting potential exposure time between athletes, and creating enough space for social distancing at the start, throughout the course, and at the finish. • Athletes’ Village in Hopkinton, where runners typically congregate prior to the race, will be removed. Runners will exit transportation and move directly to the start. Course • On-course hydration and nutrition infrastructure will be redesigned to provide a safe environment that does not risk the health of volunteers or runners in the serving/consumption of product. • Runners will be encouraged to be self-sufficient and carry their own hydration and nutrition. • Revised medical protocols will take into consideration the need for additional PPE, more space for treatment, and isolation procedures. Finish • Access to the immediate finish may be limited based on outdoor capacity restrictions and bleacher/seating capacity will be reduced to allow for social distancing. • Participants will be required to redon a mask upon entering the Finish Area. • Participant refreshments will be prepackaged to facilitate efficient distribution with minimal contact. • Communal food service will be removed and replaced by single serve food and drink. • Medical protocols will take into consideration the need for additional PPE, more space for treatment, and isolation procedure. • The Family Meeting Area will be relocated to provide enough space for social distancing. Participant Expectations • Masks will be required everywhere prior to starting and after finishing the race. • Runners are asked to be considerate of others with whom they come in contact: keeping distance from other participants and spectators along the course, not spitting, and not accepting outside food or drink. © 2021 Boston Athletic Association 4 Volunteer Expectations • Overall volunteer numbers will be reduced, eliminating jobs not deemed necessary for this year. • Volunteers will be required to wear PPE provided by the B.A.A. at all times throughout their shifts. Gloves are required if handling food items. • Volunteers should not report to work if they are feeling ill prior to shift. • Volunteers who do not abide by direction of B.A.A. officials or Team Captains will be asked to leave their shift. • B. A. A. BOSTON MARATHON BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS USATF CERTIFIED COURSE — MA 14012RN MEASURED BY RAY NELSON / JUSTIN KUO 8/6,7/2014 EFFECTIVE 8/19/2014 — 12/31/2024 �Ja�erl7St. (9K• 1s -r. ENO Ma • 1./• 13S i8i FRAM$GHAM i Boston Marathon' ,15kCenTral St. NATICK 3a5` TPRT p \ ROAD 5 5� J yrWiSTATUEI l U COVERd µ0�SN /�CONCTEBA'E / GRASS ISLAND i ;14WELLESLEY 0 6 COMmonwEALTH NEWTON :30K; Commonweallk Ave. Ch r , ndr •, ao 4Csr.0 on e.42d, ST. 6P PASS _ , O. `d /'(o' a ,1 o Hereford .t0u•- st a� Iston a cr.'a N BOSTON DOOR #665 — ... — OVEgi 'PENCIL -THICK' GROOVE L7/1:1 7, : ROB C ON TOP OF CURB BOYSTON ST. • • 6 FT. 4 IN. FINISH STRIP 1 11 � FINISH • EAST END OF STRIP SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER F : INSURER E : INSURER D : INSURER C : INSURER B : INSURER A : NAIC # NAME:CONTACT (A/C, No):FAX E-MAILADDRESS: PRODUCER (A/C, No, Ext):PHONE INSURED REVISION NUMBER:CERTIFICATE NUMBER:COVERAGES IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. OTHER: (Per accident) (Ea accident) $ $ N / A SUBR WVD ADDL INSD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. $ $ $ $PROPERTY DAMAGE BODILY INJURY (Per accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT AUTOS ONLY AUTOSAUTOS ONLY NON-OWNED SCHEDULEDOWNED ANY AUTO AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y / N WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below If yes, describe under ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE $ $ $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT EROTH-STATUTEPER LIMITS(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EXP(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EFFPOLICY NUMBERTYPE OF INSURANCELTRINSR DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) EXCESS LIAB UMBRELLA LIAB $EACH OCCURRENCE $AGGREGATE $ OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE DED RETENTION $ $PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $GENERAL AGGREGATE $PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $MED EXP (Any one person) $EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED $PREMISES (Ea occurrence) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY PRO-JECT LOC CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CANCELLATION AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016/03) © 1988-2016 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. CERTIFICATE HOLDER The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD HIRED AUTOS ONLY Willis Towers Watson Northeast, Inc. c/o 26 Century Blvd P.O. Box 305191 Nashville, TN 372305191 USA Boston Athletic Association 185 Dartmouth Street, 6th Floor Boston, MA 02116 USA Certificate Holder is Additional Insured as respects the B.A.A. Boston Marathon and related events. Aggregate limits of liability apply on a per location basis on the General Liability policy evidenced above. Coverage is Primary and Non-contributory, Umbrella/Excess Follows Form. Town of Hopkinton Board of Selectmen 18 Main Street Hopkinton, MA 01748 07/07/2020 1-877-945-7378 1-888-467-2378 certificates@willis.com National Casualty Company 11991 Federal Insurance Company 20281 W17233263 A 2,000,000 500,000 5,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 Y 6L-KKO-00000084914-00 06/30/2020 06/30/2021 B 5,000,000 Y 7986-99-87 06/30/2019 06/30/2020 5,000,000 173857319834684SR ID:BATCH: Willis Towers Watson Certificate Center Page 1 of 1 April 5, 2021 Town of Hopkinton 18 Main Street Hopkinton, MA 01748 RE: Boston Marathon Race Permit – Monday, October 11, 2021 Public Safety Plan The Boston Athletic Association works alongside with the Hopkinton Police and Fire Departments, along with local, state, and federal partner agencies to develop a comprehensive event public safety plan. The plan brings together resources to ensure the safety and security of race participants, spectators, race staff, volunteers, and other stakeholders. Meetings throughout the year in the Town of Hopkinton and organized by Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, allow for effective communication, coordination, and collaboration. In addition, a series of exercises are organized to practice capabilities for event day. The Boston Athletic Association will establish a Hopkinton Command Post to work alongside Hopkinton Unified Command Post, B.A.A. Race Operations Center, and M.E.M.A.’s Unified Coordination Center. B.A.A. medical volunteers will establish first aid stations and support. Please see attached documentation prepared by H.P.D. and H.F.D. and distributed as part of M.E.M.A.’s Unified Coordination Plan. The B.A.A. will continue to coordinate with the Town of Hopkinton to ensure a safe a safe and successful event. Parade Permit Application - 2021 Boston Marathon -October 11, 2021 Permitting Team Comments April 15, 2021 My only comment is that the DPW's overtime costs should be reimbursed by the applicant as has been past practice. John Westerling Director of Public Works April 15, 2021 The PD has begun working on this with the team and have no comment on the application at this time. Joseph E. Bennett III Chief of Police April 15, 2021 HFD has no comments for the permit application. Chief Stephen Slaman Submit Date: May 20, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Elementary School Building Committee: Submitted Lake Maspenock Dam Advisory Group: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I am a registered professional Civil Engineer (PE) in the state of Massachusetts with over 18 years of engineering experience in the design and maintenance of dams worldwide. I am also an active member of dams committees within the United States Society on Dams and the Embankments, Dams and Slopes Committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Being a resident of Hopkinton, i offer my knowledge, experience and skills to this board as a volunteer member to serve the community to the best of my capacity. Professionally, anything 'dam related' gets me excited and while i have worked on dams worldwide, this is my first opportunity to offer my services this close to home! I also have recent experience with the design of geothermal energy systems for schools in Cambridge and Belmont, MA. As an engineer at CDM Smith, i am currently a part of the City of Cambridge's engineering team designing the foundations for the new school building for the Tobin Montessori and Vassal Lane Upper Schools Project. I offer my services to the Elementary School Building Committee to serve our young student population. As a parent of daughters who will soon be graduating into elementary school, i am truly excited to actively contribute to building a top class facility for our young student community. Jagrut Jathal CDM Smith Principal Engineer Jathal_Jagrut_Dams_0520_Hopkinton.docx Jagrut Jathal Page 1 of 1 Jagrut Jathal, P.E. Principal Engineer Mr. Jathal is a Principal civil/geotechnical engineer at CDM Smith with over seventeen years of consulting experience providing civil engineering solutions for solid and liquid waste storage dams. He has worked with public and private sector clients in developing leading edge engineering designs for sustainable management of mine tailings dams and water dams. He also has extensive experience in the design of municipal and hazardous waste landfills. His services span the complete project lifecycle from pre-planning studies through long term post-closure monitoring. He has collaborated on and led multi-disciplinary engineering teams and successfully managed consulting projects ranging from $50,000 to $6 million in engineering fees. Mr. Jathal also has recent experience in the design of geothermal energy systems for schools in Cambridge and Belmont, MA. As an employee of CDM Smith, he is on the City of Cambridge’s engineering team currently designing the foundations for the new school building for the Tobin Montessori and Vassal Lane Upper Schools Project. Mine Tailings Dams Senior Project Manager, Engineer of Record Services, Filtered Tailings Facility Management, Atacama, Chile (2014) Mr. Jathal managed engineer of record services for the world’s largest operating filtered gold tailings facility in Atacama, Chile. He oversaw a geotechnical and hydrogeological site investigation program which included the management of local drilling subcontracts. The project scope included engineering evaluation of current filtered tailings facility and recommendations for future project expansion. Lead Engineer, 3rd Party Inspection of Bauxite Residue Dam (2017- 2020) Mr. Jathal led a two-person team to perform annual 3rd party inspection for a bauxite residue (red mud) dam in Clarendon, Jamaica. The inspection included meetings with client’s operations staff, review of residue operations and on-site inspection of the residue storage areas. A report documenting the findings of the inspection was issued along with recommendations for repairs as needed. He has been the technical lead for all subsequent 3rd party inspections of the facility to date. Senior Engineer, Geotechnical Stability Evaluation of Tailings Dam, Northern Territory, Australia (2016). Mr. Jathal performed a preliminary evaluation of the geotechnical stability for the existing Brocks Creek Tailings Dam in Northern Territory, Australia. Project Engineer Design, Construction Oversight and Monitoring of Gypsum Tailings Dams, Various Clients, Central Florida (2003-2010). Mr. Jathal designed expansions and closures for ten upstream raise phosphor gypsum tailings dams located in the United States and Internationally. He engineered all aspects of dam construction and management which Current Employer: CDM Smith, Boston, MA Education M.S. – Geotechnical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 2003 B.E. – Civil Engineering, Maharaja Sayajirao University, Vadodara, India, 1999 Registration Professional Engineer: Arizona, Texas, Massachusetts Certifications OSHA HAZWOPER – 40 Hr. Professional Organizations USSD – Tailings Dams Committee Member ASCE – Embankments, Dams and Slopes Committee Member Jagrut Jathal, P.E. included construction QA/QC, water balance, cooling pond sizing and post closure monitoring. Project Engineer Design, Mine Tailings Dam Structure Stage 2 Expansion, Mullan, Idaho (2011). Mr. Jathal directed engineering analyses and prepared an engineering design report which included technical specifications in support of the construction permit for the Stage 2 construction of a tailing’s dam for the silver mining operations in Mullan, Idaho. Staff Engineer/Project Engineer Design, Water Balance Projections, Central Florida (2003-2010). Mr. Jathal developed tailings water balance models for four phosphor gypsum tailings storage facilities in Central Florida. He was responsible for calibrating and updating models annually to provide process water treatment recommendations for process water management ahead of the summer hurricane season in Florida. Senior Engineer, Rosemont Copper Project, Due Diligence Study, Arizona (2014). Mr. Jathal participated in the due diligence evaluations for the design of the filtered tailings storage facility as part of Hudbay’s acquisition of the Rosemont Copper Project from Augusta Resources. The due diligence study included technical evaluations of slope stability for the tailing’s storage facility design, constructability reviews and review of conveyor and tailings filtration cost estimates. Tailings Dam Reclamation Project Engineer, Closure of Phosphogypsum Storage Dams, Polk County, Florida Mr. Jathal designed the closure of several phosphogypsum dams and associated cooling pond systems over a eight year period from 2003-20011. Projects included phosphogypsum facilites at CF Bartow, Mosaic Bartow and Mulberry Phosphates plant in Polk County, Florida. The closure cap consisted of HDPE liner system and soil cover. The slopes of the gypsum stack were reclaimed by lime amendment of the gypsum, followed by seeding. He performed water balance analyses as part of pre-reclamation process water management for these facilities. He also managed regulatory permitting and construction oversight services for the reclamation projects. Water Storage Dams Project Engineer, Emergency Inspection of Baseline Reservoir, City of Lafayette, Colorado (2013). Mr. Jathal has performed emergency inspections for the East and Northwest dams at Baseline reservoir for the City of Lafayette, Boulder County, Colorado following the 1:1000 flood event in September 2013. Mr. Jathal issued an engineering inspection report which summarized the damage assessment and recommended technical solutions. Experience Highlights Mine Tailings Dams Water Storage Dams Construction Cost Estimating School Construction Jagrut Jathal, P.E. Mining Dams Permitting Project Manager, Copper Mine Dry Tailings Storage Facility, Water Pollution Control Permit, Yerington, Nevada (2012-2013). Mr. Jathal managed engineering efforts in support of a Water Pollution Control Permit (WPCP) application for a ‘Dry’ tailing’s dam in Yerington, Nevada. Mr. Jathal presented technical workshops to the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (NDEP) to introduce the concepts of dry stack tailings facility design. He participated in meetings with public interest groups to facilitate permitting. Major project highlights included demonstration of effective tailings containment without a geomembrane base liner. When operational, the 67,500 tpd dry stack tailings dam will be one of the largest in the world and will set a regulatory precedent for other dry stack tailings dams in the United States. Technical Lead, Aquifer Protection Permit, Holbrook, Arizona (2012- 2013). Mr. Jathal managed the engineering efforts for the tailing’s management portion of the Aquifer Protection Permit for the proposed mining operations in Holbrook, Arizona. The project included design of a 45,000 tpd de-brined tailings stack and a 600-acre double lined evaporation pond system. Permitting efforts included proposing alternative engineering designs for evaporation pond base liner aimed at improving project economics and demonstrating equivalency to prescribed regulatory design. Technical Lead, Third Party Review of Tailings Siting Study and Cost Estimate, Admiralty Island, Alaska (2013). Mr. Jathal conducted a third- party review of the siting study and cost estimate for a dry stack tailings dam expansion as part of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). SCHOOL DESIGN EXPERIENCE Senior Engineer, Tobin School Feasibility Study, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mr. Jathal is the senior geotechnical engineer leading the geotechnical aspects of the feasibility study to evaluate potential remediation alternatives and associated construction considerations for the design of the new Tobin School. Mr. Jathal will be working with a team of multi-disciplinary experts to develop remedial action goals for the site, identification and screening of remedial technologies and planning and directing a bench scale study for the in-situ stabilization/solidification alternative. Senior Engineer, Geothermal Ground Source Heat Pump Design and Testing, Belmont High School, Belmont, Massachusetts. Mr. Jathal is the senior engineer in charge of designing the ground source heat pump system at the Belmont High School. The design involves planning and executing a test well program to estimate thermal conductivity of the soils and working with HVAC sub-contractors to develop heating and cooling loads for geothermal well design. A geothermal well layout will be developed as part of the design and specifications for installation of the wells will be prepared. Jagrut Jathal, P.E. Senior Engineer, Geothermal Ground Source Heat Pump Design and Testing, King Open School, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mr. Jathal is the senior engineer in charge of directing and executing the engineering oversight for the field testing of the installed geothermal wells at the King Open School. The field testing includes pressure testing, flushing and purging of the geothermal pipes. He also serves as the lead design engineer on the project and works closely with project partners to identify and resolve construction issues during installation and commissioning of the geothermal system. Senior Engineer, Green Line Extension, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mr. Jathal supports the City of Cambridge as a Senior Geotechnical Engineer on the Green Line Extension project which involves expansion of transit services by extending current rail operations along the Green Line. Mr. Jathal reviews construction design packages prepared by the Contractor to assess potential impacts to existing City of Cambridge infrastructure from the potential rail line extension activities. He attends meeting with the Contractors to express potential concerns and works collaboratively with City of Cambridge engineers to make sure the concerns are adequately addressed during the design phase. Submit Date: May 09, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Elementary School Building Committee: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? My husband and I moved to Hopkinton in Spring of 2012. Hopkinton was our choice for a hometown and our future family at the time as my husband was born and raised here. His experience was a positive one largely due to the active educators in our community. With three young children who will be educated within the Hopkinton public school system starting in the fall of 2022, I am looking to become an active member in supporting our schools. I am very interested in helping to strategically support the development of our school buildings and ultimately educational programming. As a community member and parent I am interested in being close to the development of Hopkinton's applications, submissions, and vision development for the MSBA as the outcome of this committee's work will greatly impact my family and our town's school aged children. As an advocate for educational equity I feel this is an opportunity for us to ensure continued long term success for our community's children and educational programming as facilities impact class size, program offerings, inclusive practices, and much more. My interest in this committee is also related to my current work experience within Shrewsbury Public Schools. I feel strongly that my experience as an elementary school principal would be an asset to the Hopkinton Elementary School Building Committee most specifically my experience serving on an Elementary Redistricting Committee, involvement of opening a new elementary school focused on building culture/community/stakeholder buy-in, and participation on the SPS Innovation Team charged with identifying instructional best practice/operational needs to support hands on experiential learning. Thank you for your time and consideration. Tiffany M Ostrander Shrewsbury Public Schools Elementary School Principal Tiffany M Ostrander Page 1 of 2 Upload a Resume T._Day_Resume_2021.docx Tiffany M Ostrander Page 2 of 2 Tiffany M. Ostrander Education M.S.A., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro: School Administration, 2011 B.S., The University of Maine: Elementary Education, 2008 Licensure Massachusetts Department of Education, Professional Principal/Assistant Principal License (2016) Massachusetts K-6 Teaching License (2012) North Carolina Department of Instruction, Initial Principal’s License K-12 (2011) North Carolina Department of Instruction, Standard Professional II K-6 Teacher License (2008) Maine Department of Education, Initial K-8 Teacher License (2008) Administrative Experience Calvin Coolidge School, Shrewsbury, M.A (July 2017-Present) Principal Daily Responsibilities: Lead faculty to develop and implement a shared commitment of high standard of teaching and learning with high expectations for all students, plan and facilitate engaging meetings with a clear purpose to include thoughtful and productive participation from educators, communicate with varying stakeholders to proactively engage families, community members, and district leaders in differing areas such as strategic planning, community building, academic initiatives, non-academic opportunities, utilize instructional data to inform shared decision making and empower specialized support staff to develop and implement a comprehensive system of support for students, collaborate with K12 Directors, Assistant Superintendents, and other colleagues in the creation and implementation of measurable, results- oriented school and district goals, resolution of student discipline, teacher evaluations, school-wide scheduling, teacher hiring/retention, lead student support team to promote student health, safety, wellness, and school connectivity Floral Street School, Shrewsbury, M.A (July 2012 – July 2017) Assistant Principal Daily Responsibilities: Daily assisting responsibilities include resolution of student discipline, teacher evaluations, school-wide scheduling, parent communication, and teacher hiring/retention. Professional Learning Community responsibilities include Early Intervening Team, School Community Committee, staff presentations/professional development facilitation through Faculty Meetings, paraprofessional coaching, participation in grade level meetings, and assisting in fostering the empowerment of teacher leadership school-wide. Eastlawn Elementary School, Burlington, N.C (July 2011 – July 2012) Assistant Principal of Data and Instruction Daily Responsibilities. Restructuring a K-5, Title-I School, utilizing Race to the Top Funding and The Turnaround Model. Daily assisting responsibilities include resolution of student discipline, classroom evaluations, school-wide scheduling, parent communication, and teacher hiring/retention. Community engagement responsibilities include activities to involve parents/community (i.e., “Magic School Bus Initiative, Literacy Night, Parent Financial Aid Courses, Community Ice Cream Social, etc.). Instructional Leadership. Responsibilities included professional development sessions on ELA and Mathematics Common Core Standards for all K-5 teachers, data analysis days with each grade level quarterly to review/evaluate student growth/proficiency, participated in bi-weekly “SMART Study Groups” to help drive instructional strategies/curriculum pacing, facilitation of School Improvement monthly Meetings, creation of a growth model walkthrough form to elicit instructional feedback to all K-5 teachers, and elicitation of staff instructional surveys to drive professional development as well as school-wide systemic transparent change. District Level Leadership. Responsibilities included Calendar Committee Member and member of the ELA Common Core Team responsible for creating and implementing professional development for K-5 teachers at all the district’s elementary schools. Teaching Experience Sylvan Elementary School, Snow Camp, North Carolina (June 2008-June 2011) Classroom Teacher of grades 2,3 and 4 Classroom Responsibilities. Included collecting and analyzing data to inform planning and instruction within small and whole group classroom settings. Parent involvement opportunities included literacy and mathematics parent nights to feature student achievement. Technology integration was a daily component of classroom instruction through the use of a Dual-Touch Smart Board within lesson planning to feature student lead technology as well as the use of iPod Touches to differentiate student instruction to meet the needs of individual Special Education, ESL, Academically Gifted, and economically disadvantaged students. School Leadership Responsibilities. Included Grade Level Leadership Chair, leading Grade Level PLC meetings to address formative/summative student data, participant on multiple committees (i.e. RTI Committee, Chair of the Scheduling Committee, PTA). District teacher leadership responsibilities included report card evaluation, district liaison for curriculum mapping/pacing, and Mathematics Implementation Team. Grant Writing Experience Alamance Burlington School System Innovation Grant Recipient (Spring 2011) Award Amount: $20,000 to purchase 25 iPads, 1 Elmo Projector, 5 Flip Cameras, and 1 Bretford Syncing Cart Grant items were used to create a 1:1 digital learning environment focused on project-based learning featuring higher order thinking skills. Professional Service and Leadership Innovation Grant & Exploration K-12 District Team Coalition for Equity & Antiracism Elementary Redistricting Committee 2020-2021 Elementary Principal Representative on Curriculum, Assessment, & Instruction Reopening District Committee Elementary Principal Representative on Summer Reopening Negotiation Team with Shrewsbury Education Association Alamance County, North Carolina Homeless Coalition Promise Neighborhoods Task Force, Burlington North Carolina Elon University Teacher Leadership Panel Participant, Elon, North Carolina The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Global Public Health, Service Learning Supervisor Professional References Submit Date: May 24, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Elementary School Building Committee No. 2 (ESBC-2): Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? When we moved to Hopkinton 10 years ago, the school system was what drew us here. We have been blessed to have great experiences at all levels of the Hopkinton Public Schools for all 3 of our children and my wife and I have tried to give back to the schools to help them continue to thrive. While my children will be well past attending the replaced or renovated Elmwood, I want to be a part of giving other students the same great experience my children have had. I also am aware that this is a challenging time for the community as we are dealing with unprecedented growth and the spending needs across the town have placed a burden on the taxpayers. Getting a solution approved by the town will require thorough analysis, consideration of options and clear and consistent communication with residents. Having served on the School Committee for six years, the previous Elementary School Building Committee and the HS Turf Field Committee, I have demonstrated the ability to deliver solutions to Town Meeting for large spending projects that have won approval. I also have experience working with the MSBA and understand the project process. I was a part of navigating that process for the Marathon School project including the negotiations to increase their original enrollment estimate. I think my experience would be of value to this project and I hope to be able to serve the Hopkinton Public School again. Thank you for your consideration. Jonathan Graziano Heidrick and Struggles Principal Jonathan Graziano Page 1 of 1 Submit Date: Jun 01, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Elementary School Building Committee No. 2 (ESBC-2): Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? Longtime Hopkinton resident, previously served on numerous school building projects both in town and Brookline. With Grandchildren currently going through school in Hopkinton I want to make sure that they have the best available educational experience. Michael W Shepard Town of Hopkinton Building Inspector Michael W Shepard Page 1 of 1 HOPKINTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE No.2 The Select Board shall appoint the following members to the Hopkinton Elementary School Building Committee No. 2 (“ESBC-2”): Designation Title Vote 1 Local Chief Executive Officer One Select Board Member Yes 2 Administrator or Manager Town Manager No 3 School Committee Member One School Committee Member Yes 4 Alternate School Committee Member One School Committee member Only in the absence of the Member 5 Superintendent of Schools Superintendent No 6 Local Official Responsible for Building Maintenance HPS Director of Facilities No 7 School Principal Principal, Elmwood School No 8 Member of the community knowledgeable in educational mission and function of facility Seek applicants with MSBA school building experience; school administration experience; educational facility management; facility management Yes 9 At Large member of the Community Resident Yes 10 Local budget official or member of local finance Committee One Appropriations Committee member Yes 11 One or more members of community with architecture, engineering and/or construction experience One member from among applicants with architecture, engineering and/or construction experience to provide advice relative to the effect of the Proposed Project on the community and to examine building design and construction in terms of its constructability Yes 12 A member of the community with Communications/PR/Marketing/or Facilitator experience Seek applicants with communications, public relations, marketing and/or facilitator experience to provide advice on how to best guide the project through the necessary milestones and processes toward final completion Yes 13 SBC member who is MCPPO certified School Director of Finance No Purpose:The Elementary School Building Committee –No2 (ESBC–2)shall be formed in accordance with the provisions of the Town’s Charter and Bylaws for the purpose of developing,evaluating,and,if appropriate,advancing a school building project worthy of the Town of Hopkinton,generally monitoring the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA)School Building Grant Application process,advising the Select Board during the construction of an MSBA Approved Project,and communicating transparently with the residents of Hopkinton. Mission: To facilitate the development of a proposed solution to the operational and educational constraints of Elmwood School as well as the district more broadly,with attention to enrollment growth as well as academic programming needs, which will be supported by the voters of Hopkinton as well as the MSBA. Tasks: To assist the Select Board,the School Committee,and the Town and to bring recommendations to the Select Board that can earn the support of the residents of the Town and meet MSBA grant process requirements,as applicable. The following tasks will be completed by the committee: ●Outlining,in cooperation with the School Committee,current school facility challenges,establishing community understanding of those challenges, and gaining support for their remediation. ●Defining,after consultation with the Select Board and School Committee,success criteria for any proposed remediations involving building renovation or construction. ●Assisting the Select Board and School Committee,as well as facilitating public participation,in the site evaluation and selection process for any proposed building construction. ●Forming the Project Team: Procuring,after consultation with the Select Board,the School Committee and the public,the team of professionals utilizing MSBA-specific procurement processes and standard Request for Services (“RFS”)templates and Contracts;and working with the Select Board as the proposed project advances through the Town’s approval and process and the MSBA’s grant process,including project OPM and Designer. ●Feasibility Study:Collaborating with the School Committee,MSBA and the public to document the Town’s educational program,generate an initial space summary,document existing conditions,establish design parameters,develop and evaluate alternatives,and recommend the most cost-effective and educationally appropriate preferred solution for the Select Board to submit to the MSBA Board of Directors for its consideration. ●Schematic Design:Working with the team of professionals,the School Committee,and the public to develop a robust schematic design of sufficient detail to establish the scope,budget,and schedule for the Proposed Project. ●Funding the Project:Assisting the Select Board and MSBA staff to establish and document the project scope,budget,schedule,and MSBA financial participation to forward to the MSBA Board of Directors for approval of project funding. Once the Town secures community authorization and financial support,the MSBA and the Town enter into a Project Funding Agreement,which defines the scope,budget,and schedule for the Proposed Project. ●Detailed Design:Working to advance the design,generate construction documentation,procure bids,and award a construction contract in accordance with the agreed upon project scope,budget,and schedule as documented in the Project Funding Agreement,and the requirements contained in the MSBA’s standard contracts for Owner ’s Project Management and Designer Services or adopted by the Town. ●Construction: Overseeing the construction work, including approval of change orders. ●Completing the Project:Assisting the Select Board and School Committee in evaluating the Draft Audit Report and, if necessary, completing and submitting the Non-Acceptance Form to the MSBA ●Other duties:Review invoices prepared by the OPM and recommend their payment throughout the life of the project. Time Requirements: SBC members shall be available to participate in weekly or bi-weekly meetings from the Eligibility Phase to Project Completion.The ESBC-2 will be expected to make presentations of its progress and recommendations to joint meetings of the Select Board and School Committee, when requested. Selection Process: For ESBC-2 members from the community,applications will be made to,and reviewed by, the Town Manager and the School Superintendent;and the School Superintendent will consult with the School Committee. Recommended finalists will be moved forward to the Select Board for appointment. BARRY SIMS, CONSTABLE 67 Dunster Road, Holliston, MA 01746 direct line: (508) 872-3757, fax: (508) 620-6565 TheConstable i msn. coin May 9, 2020 Mr. Brendan Tedstone, Chair Select Board Town of Hopkinton 18 Main Street Hopkinton, MA 01748 Dear Mr. Tedstone: My appointment as a Town Constable is due to expire soon. I have enjoyed this appointment for the past 3 years and would now like to request a re -appointment so that I may continue to provide this service to the residents and businesses of Hopkinton. I have lived in Holliston for 43 years and I look forward to continuing my 15 years of professional service to my appointed towns of Hopkinton, Holliston, Ashland, Framingham and Webster as owner of Metrowest Constable Service. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Barry Sims Constable, Notary Public, NAAPS Board/Committee Annual Appointments - Select Board Meeting 6-15-2021 Dates of Vacancy Notices: 5-10-2021 and 5-26-2021 Note: Please see below for the procedure for selecting between more than one candidate. Committee Name: Board of Appeals Total Number of Members: 5 full members; 4 associate members Number of Expiring Terms/Vacancies: 1 full member,1 associate member Term Length: 3 years Applicants: New Person: Kevin K. Baxter, Tahari Johnson (requests associate member position) Person seeking reappointment:Michael DiMascio (full member) Committee Name: Community Preservation Committee Total Number of Members: 9 Number of Expiring Terms/Vacancies: 1 at-large member Term Length: 3 years Applicants: New Person: Person seeking reappointment:Al Rogers Committee Name: Conservation Commission Total Number of Members: 7 Number of Expiring Terms/Vacancies: 3 Term Length: 3 years Applicants: New Person: Person seeking reappointment:Kerry Reed, Janine LeBlanc, Jeffrey Barnes Committee Name: Council on Aging Total Number of Members: 7 full members, 2 associate members Number of Expiring Terms/Vacancies: 3 full members,2 associate members Term Length: 3 years Applicants: New Person: Person seeking reappointment:Patricia Srodawa Committee Name: Cultural Council Total Number of Members: 13 (membership may be between 5 and 22) Number of Expiring Terms/Vacancies: 1 Term Length: 3 years Applicants: New Person:Kathy Yang, Ekaterina Naumova, Nelicia Bowen 1 Person seeking reappointment: Committee Name: Historical Commission Total Number of Members: 7 full; up to 2 associates Number of Expiring Terms/Vacancies: 1 full member,1 associate member Term Length: 3 years Applicants: New Person: Person seeking reappointment:Mike Roughan (full member) Committee Name: Marathon Committee Total Number of Members: 14 Number of Expiring Terms/Vacancies: 7 Term Length: 2 years Applicants: New Person: Person seeking reappointment:Charles Wallace, Craig Gormley, Judith Pitasi, Jane Goodman, Jacques Leduc, Jean Cann Committee Name: Sustainable Green Committee Total Number of Members: 15 Number of Expiring Terms/Vacancies: 4 Term Length: 3 years Applicants: New Person: Olivia Sward, Robert Gilbert Person seeking reappointment: Committee Name: Trail Coordination and Management Committee Total Number of Members: 7 Number of Expiring Terms/Vacancies: 1 at large member;1 Con. Comm. nominee Term Length: 3 years Applicants: New Person: Person seeking reappointment:Peter LaGoy (at-large) Committee Name: Upper Charles Trail Committee Number of Full Members: 9 Number of Alternate Members: 2 Number of Expiring Terms/Vacancies: 2 at-large full members Term Length: 3 years Applicants: New Person: Person seeking reappointment:Eric Sonnett (full member) 2 Committee Name: Woodville Historic District Commission Total Number of Members: 7 Number of Expiring Terms/Vacancies: 1 Resident of District; 1 Historical Commission nominee; 1 Boston Society of Architects nominee Term Length: 3 years Applicants: New Person: Person seeking reappointment:Craig Nation (Resident of District) Committee Name: Youth Commission Total Number of Members: 7 Number of Expiring Terms/Vacancies: 3 Term Length: 3 years Applicants: New Person: Eva Bennett, Carly Grant, Kelly Karp,Nelicia Bowen Person seeking reappointment: Runoff Voting Procedure: Step 1: The Chair states: “Before I entertain a motion,I would like to ask each of the Board members to indicate which candidate they prefer for the position of _____.” Step 2: Each member states his/her preference. IF ONE CANDIDATE IS PREFERRED BY A MAJORITY OF ALL THE BOARD MEMBERS: Step 3: The Chair states: “I will entertain a motion to appoint [the preferred candidate] to the position of _____ for the next year. Step 4: The motion is made and the Board proceeds to a vote. IF NO CANDIDATE IS PREFERRED BY A MAJORITY OF ALL THE BOARD MEMBERS, BUT TWO CANDIDATES ARE PREFERRED BY MORE BOARD MEMBERS THAN THE OTHERS: Step 3: The Chair states: “I will entertain a motion to appoint a candidate to the position of _____ for the next year, by selecting between [one of the most preferred candidates] and [the other most preferred candidate]. Step 4: The motion is made and the Board proceeds to a vote. 3 Submit Date: May 24, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Board of Appeals: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I have lived in Hopkinton for over three years and I am quite fond of the town. I was an early resident of the Lumbrer apartment building, then rented a house in the center of town, and have now purchased a home on Fruit Street. While I am open to serve my town where it is needed, I had a friend who served on the Board of Appeals in Rockport who spoke of how rewarding it was. If there was a greater need elsewhere in the town structure, I would be willing to look at that as well. I sit on a few non-profit boards and believe that service to one's town and church are important aspects of being a good citizen. Kevin K.Baxter Boston Society of the New Jerusalem senior Pastor Baxter_Resume_2021.pdf Kevin K. Baxter Page 1 of 1 KEVIN K. BAXTER Education & Doctor of Ministry in Transformational Leadership 2018-Present Professional Boston University School of Theology Certification: Master of Divinity May 2004 Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude May 2000 Urbana University, Urbana, OH Philosophy and Religion Minister of the Gospel June 2004 Ordained a Minister of the Gospel by the General Convention of the New Jerusalem, USA Professional Experience: Senior Pastor January 2017 – Present Boston Society of the New Jerusalem (“Church on the Hill”), Boston, MA • Chief Administrated Officer of the Church. • Oversee and direct the chapel staff and volunteers. • Develop and implement written policies. • Develop and lead weekly and special worship services. • Oversee external communications both print and electronic. Director July 2004 – Present Almont Summer School (week-long religious-education camp for all ages) Almont New Church Assembly, Almont, MI • Develop programs, theme, and content for summer session. • Supervise curriculum development. • Recruit and direct staff. • Coordinate and supervise day-to-day operations. • Plan and lead worship throughout camp session. Amanda’s House Manager January 2015 – December 2017 Glens Falls Hospital Glens Falls, New York • Manage and oversee the day-to-day operation of Amanda’s House. • Develop Policies and procedures for the operation of the house. • Supervise Volunteers. • Develop and oversee annual. • Collaborate with local community groups and businesses seeking to support the house. • Work with the Glens Falls Hospital Foundation in seeking community funding. Chairperson of The Council of Ministers for the Swedenborgian Church July 2013 – 2016 Council of Ministers of the Swedenborgian Church • Oversee the operations of the Council of Ministers. • Chair meetings of the Council of Ministers, including those related to ethical and conduct matters. • Administer the executive functions of the council. • Supervise and coordinate with the various committees of the council. • Develop and oversee the budget of the council. Senior Pastor 2006 – July 2014 2 Cambridge Society of the New Jerusalem (“Swedenborg Chapel”), Cambridge, MA • Administer and direct the wedding ministry and its staff. • Develop and lead weekly and special worship services. • Collaborate with local community groups to facilitate cultural and social services provision. • Oversee and direct the chapel staff and volunteers. Co-Editor, Our Daily Bread 2009 – 2014 General Convention of the New Jerusalem USA • Generate and select content for the magazine, a bimonthly devotional periodical. • Develop and implement graphic design and page layout. • Produce and manage Internet site and electronic versions of the periodical. • Develop and manage budget. Member, Harvard Chaplains; Swedenborgian Chaplain to Harvard University 2006 – July 2014 Swedenborgian Chaplaincy to Harvard University • Provide pastoral care for Harvard University students and staff. • Develop and present lectures and programming on spiritual formation and religious dialogue. • Serve on the Executive Committee of the Harvard Chaplains as Treasurer • Develop and oversee budget and expenditures. Secretary July 2007 – 2013 Council of Ministers of the Swedenborgian Church • Record the business meetings of the Council of Ministers and its Executive Committee. • Maintain the Roll of Ministers of the Swedenborgian Church. • Prepare and distribute meeting materials. • Send and receive correspondence on behalf of the Council and Committee. Director of the Center for Applied Ethics August 2004 – December 2005 Urbana University, 579 College Way, Urbana, Ohio 43078 • Assessed and redesigned the university’s curriculum and pedagogical strategy for instructing personal and professional ethics. • Counseled students experiencing spiritual, ethical, and academic concerns and decisions. • Taught undergraduate senior seminar on personal philosophy. • Planned and coordinated university- and community- wide events for the Center (including lectures from nationally known authors and local experts). Adjunct Instructor June 2004 – December 2005 Urbana University, 579 College Way, Urbana, Ohio 43078 • Designed and taught undergraduate philosophy, ethics, video production and religion courses. Media Technician September 2001- May 2004 Pacific School of Religion, 1798 Scenic Ave., Berkeley, CA 94709 • Assisted faculty and students with various types of media for educational purposes. • Provided troubleshooting and solutions to electronic and computer issues. • Managed video equipment and staff at events. Volunteer Experience: Non-Profit Board Member • Bostonview Corporation (501c2 | Apartment Building) 2018-Present • Swedenborg Foundation (Publishing Company) 2019-Present • New York New Church Legacy Fund 2021-Present Charity Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Mason 2009 - Present • Lodge Secretary 2021-22 • Master of the Lodge 2011 3 Tour Guide for the Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts 2012 - Present • Lodge 2021-22 Interior Firefighter, EMT, and Vehicle Lieutenant 2014 – 2017 Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Company, Queensbury, New York • Rescue Vehicle Lieutenant • Interior Firefighter (National Certified FF1 & Hazmat Operations) • Emergency Medical Technician New York State • Emergency Vehicle Operator President 2007 – 2013 Massachusetts Association of the New Jerusalem • Plan and facilitate the meetings and programmatic activities of the Association. Firefighter/Rescuer 2 1994 – 2000 Kensington Volunteer Fire Department • Maintain EMT and Firefighter Certification • Operate emergency vehicles • Supervise and train new members Computer Skills MS Word HTML Quickbooks MS Excel MS Outlook Adobe Page Maker MS FrontPage MS Power Point Adobe Photoshop MS Publisher Adobe Premier Desktop Publishing Networking Basics Computer Diagnostics Troubleshooting Final Cut Pro Streaming Software Imoive Wordpress Hobbies: Woodworking Basic home repair Basic plumbing Basic Electrical Web Design Gardening Archery Photography Academic Awards • Humanities Award (given to a graduating senior who best represents the ideas and qualities of the humanities) • Urbana University Gold Medal (given to the graduating senior who best represents the ideas and values of Urbana University: academics, community, and citizenship) • Urbana University Honor Society & Alpha Chi Honor Society (given for academic achievement) • Richard Anderson Student Services Award (given to a graduating senior who shaped and changed the student life at Urbana University) References Available upon request Submit Date: Jun 02, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Board of Appeals: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? Greetings My name is Tahari Johnson I have relocated to Hopkinton from Virginia. My interest stems from my previous two years experience serving on the Prince William County Architectural Review Board. My duties on the board include reviewing National Register Nominations and Certified Local Government grant applications; conducting an ongoing inventory of historic properties in the County and reviewing certificates of appropriateness.When a homeowner, whose home is within a historic overlay district, performs substantial alterations or makes any changes to the outside appearance of the home they must first apply to the Architectural Review Board for a Certificate of Appropriateness. Virginia law requires any locality with one or more historic district to designate a review board that reviews and issues a Certificate of Appropriateness for structural alteration and/or demolition within the historic district/districts. This was a phenomenal experience and I grew passionate about local history that I hope to bring to the Board of Appeals. Tahari Johnson Hopkinton_Board_2020.pdf Tahari Johnson Page 1 of 1 Tahari Johnson SUMMARY A native of Neabsco, Virginia whom came to the field of historic preservation through a combination of outdoor learning experiences and a growing love of history. Recognized for the ability to effectively form and build productive relationships with: executive leadership, government officials, contractors, staff and the public. Looks to the future in business, even when the context may be firmly rooted in the past. EDUCATION Bachelor of Business Administration— Computer Information Systems Howard University—Washington, D.C. Land Use Education Program, Board of Zoning Appeals October 2020 Virginia Commonwealth University— Richmond, VA Construction Quality Management for Contractors June 2018 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers COMMUNITY SERVICE Prince William County Architectural Review Board 2017- Present Prince William County Circuit Court Archives 2017-Present Historic Prince William Society, Board Member 2017- Present Prince William Streams & Trails Coalition, Board Member 2018- Present PROJECTS Jeanie Dean Memorial Park, Manassas, VA August 2018- October 2020 • As a member of the Jennie Dean Memorial committee I work to preserve and archive the history of Jennie Dean. • Raised $750,000 for the refurbishment of memorial park. • Reviewed and prepared contracts, permits, drafts, cost estimates and insurance • Served as liaison for the fundraising committee at public engagement events. Submit Date: Mar 15, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Board of Appeals: Submitted Permanent Building Committee: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I have served on the board for thirteen years. I am an engineer and a building, fire and accessibility code consultant. I have been involved with the construction field for over forty years. I have been a member of the PBC for 5 years and was a member and chair of the town accessibility committee. I feel as I can continue to bring my expertise in construction, engineering and codes to the committee. I am familiar with the town processes and the workings of the board. It is important to me to give back to the Town of Hopkinton that has served me so well for the past 25 years. Michael Dimascio Solutions Engineering Inc.President/Engineer DiMascio_resume_ABA.doc Michael Dimascio Page 1 of 1 Michael DiMascio, PE President/Engineer SOLUTIONS ENGINEERING INC Michael DiMascio, PE President/Engineer Professio n Fire Protection Engineer, Code Consultant Current P o s it i o n President Professio nal History 2019 - Present Solutions Engineerin g, Inc. 2003 - 2019 Arup Fire 1992 - 2003 Solutions Engineerin g, Inc. 1989 - 1992 FP&C Consultant s, Inc. 1983 - 1989 Firepro, Inc. 1980 - 1983 City of Redwood City 1979 - 1980 Briggs Engineeri ng & Testing, Inc. Factory Mutual Engineeri ng Professi onal Qualific ations Fire Protecti on Engine ering Progra m, Worces ter Polytec hnic Institut e BS, Civil Engine ering, Worces ter Polytec hnic Institute, 1975 PE, Fire Protection Engineerin g Massachus etts (FP 35298) Professiona l Association s Member (Past President), New England Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers Member, National Fire Protection Association Member, Internation al Code Council Appointmen ts/Committe es Member, Life Safety Code® (NFPA 101) Technical Committee on Detention and Correctiona l Occupanci es, National Fire Protectio n Associat ion Member, NFPA Building Code™ (NFPA 5000) Technica l Committ ee on Detentio n and Correcti onal Occupa ncies, National Fire Protectio n Associat ion Key Data Mike DiMascio is senior member of SEI’s Fire Consultanc y, bringing over 40 years of experience in the resolution of various fire, life safety and code issues. He has experienc e in performa nce- based design and analysis; active fire protection system design and evaluatio n; code analysis for new and existing buildings; computer -based fire and egress modeling; and fire/explo sion reconstru ction. Mike has presented papers at fire safety conferenc es and at academic institution s. He has also given several presentations to architects and various Fire and Building Departments regarding performance- based design in the USA. He is also a very active participant on several building and fire safety technical committees. Mike is a member and chairman of the Existing Buildings Advisory Committee for the Massachuset ts State Building Code Board of Building Regulations and Standards. He is a member and past chairman of the Subcommitte es on Detention and Correctional Occupancies for the NFPA 101 Code for Safety to Life from Fire in Buildings and Structures and the NFPA Building Code. Mike was also formerly the President of the New England Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) and he served as a member of the Technical Committee for the NFPA 921 Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations . Presentati o n s Timed Eg res s An aly sis at the Fle et Ce nte r Build Boston, Boston Society of Architects Evacuation Planning a Comprehen sive Approach Annual Seminar, New England Chapter- Society of Fire Protection Engineers NFPA Life Safety Code Professional Engineers Exam Review Course, Northeastern University Documenting Performance Based Designs Annual Meeting and Seminar, Association of Massachusett s Building Officials Various Fire Protection Subjects Professional Engineers Exam Review Course, Society of Fire Protection Engineers Working with Buildin g Official s and the Massa chusett s State Buildin g Code Lecture, Worcester Polytechnic Institute SOLUTIONS ENGINEERING INC Michael DiMascio, PE President/Engineer NFPA Life Safety Code WPI long- distance learning videotap e series, Worcest er Polytech nic Institute Center for Firesafet y Studies Relevant Projects University School Shaker Heights, OH Building, Fire, and Accessibilit y Code Consultant for the new addition to and renovation of the existing classroom, dining hall and gymnasiu m building. The first phase of the renovation contains mechanica l and electrical spaces, a dining hall, a new entry lobby and a woodsho p. Complete d an existing building analysis based on the existing building code, egress analysis, plans review and a comprehe nsive code report. Harvard University Hasty Pudding Theater Renovatio ns Cambridg e, MA Building, Fire and Accessibilit y Code Consultant for the complete renovation of this historic property. The renovation effectively replaced the existing building with the exception of the historic façade and attached rooms. Completed an accessibilit y analysis, plans review and a comprehen sive code report. Provided variance support with regard to several existing conditions and accessibil ity issues. New Britain Museum of America n Art New Britain, Ct Code Consulta nt for the new addition to and renovatio n of the existing museum building. The renovated facility will contain exhibit space, multi- purpose rooms, offices and new entry. Complete d an existing building analysis, egress analysis, plans review and a comprehe nsive code report. Submitted an d pr es en te d va ria nc es fo r se ve ral is su es . Koch C hil dc ar e C en te r Cambridge, M A Technical s u p e r v i s o r f o r t h i s n e w m o d u l a r c h il d c a r e c e n t e r b u il d i n g. The buildi ng conta ins dayc are room s, classr ooms , and office s. Resp onsibl e for code revie w and auto matic sprin kler and fire alarm desig n revie w. Rhode Island School of Design Dormitory Providence, RI Building, Fire and Accessibility Code Consultant for the adaptive reuse of this high-rise, office building into a dormitory. The new occupancy contains dorm rooms, a library, SOLUTIONS ENGINEERING INC Michael DiMascio, PE President/Engineer student meeting spaces and dining facilities. Reviewed plans, analyzed egress and developed a complete accessibilit y program and code narrative. MIT Media Lab Cambridg e, MA Accessibilit y and Code Consultant for the addition and renovation of the existing multi- disciplinary facility. The project involved minor changes to the existing building and a major addition. Completed an existing building analysis, egress analysis, plans review and a comprehe nsive code report. Provided variance support with regard to the atrium smoke control system necessar y due to the design vision of the architect. UMass Campus Dormitor y Apartme nts, Lowell, MA Code Consulta nt for the new five story residentia l building including apartmen ts, study spaces, first floor meeting rooms and cafe. The building design follows a study that looked at campus programmatic needs. Mattatuck Museum Waterbury, Ct Code Consultant for the new addition to and renovation of the existing museum building. The renovated facility will contain exhibit space, multi-purpose rooms, offices and new entry. Completed an existing building analysis, egress analysis, plans review and a comprehensiv e code report. BU Arena Recreation Complex Boston, Massachuse tts Project Manager, Code Consultant and Fire Protection Engineer for the new five story recreation complex and attached arena. The new facility will contain meeting rooms, pools, gymnasiu ms, an eight thousand seat arena, fitness space, dance studio and a six-story atrium. Developed smoke manageme nt concepts, timed egress analysis, Fire protection system design, plans review and a comprehen sive code report. Isenberg School of Manage ment Amherst, MA Code Consultant for the design and constructi on of the new three- story Isenberg School of Managem ent building for the University of Massach usetts. Develope d building, fire and lifesafety concepts, egress analysis, plans review and comprehe nsive code reports. Eastern Connecti cut State Universit y New Dormitory Building Project M an ag er an d C od e C on su lta nt for th e ad ap tiv e re us e of an ex ist in g bu ild in g int o a do rm ito ry, th ea ter an d gy m na si u m . C o m p l e t e d p l a n s r e v i e w b a s e d o n t h e I C C I n t e r n a ti o n a l E x i sting Buildi ng Code as modif ied by the State of Conn ecticu t, occu pant load and egres s analy sis, comp leted the ICC Plan Revie w Form s for the buildi ng and a comp rehen sive code report . Suffolk University Boston, Massachusetts SOLUTIONS ENGINEERING INC Michael DiMascio, PE President/Engineer Project Manager and Code Consultant for the renovation of Suffolk’s high-rise classroom building. The facility contains classroom s, meeting rooms, offices, a black box theater, multipurpo se rooms and a two- story atrium. Developed smoke manageme nt concepts and egress analysis, provided variance support, plans review and a comprehen sive code report. Harvard University Science Center, Cambridg e, MA Accessibilit y and Code Consultant for a 20,000ft² renovatio n including new offices, library space, meeting spaces, and upgrades to the means of egress systems. Boston Universit y Armory Apartme nts Boston, Massach usetts Project M an ag er, C od e C on su lta nt fo r th e ne w fift ee n st or y do r mi to ry ap ar tm en ts. T he ne w fa cil ity co nt ai ns m ee tin g rooms, student residential apartments and support spaces. Developed egress analysis, completed fire protection system design, plans review and a comprehen sive code report. SOLUTIONS ENGINEERING INC Submit Date: Apr 22, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Community Preservation Committe: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I enjoy my time on CPC. I am a strong supporter of the CPA. My background is in construction and facilities maintenance and management. As a municipal school district facilities manager I have a strong background and experience in construction, facilities management and how town government works. These things make me, I think, an asset to this board. Alfred W Rogers Jr Hopkinton Public Schools (Retired) Alfred W Rogers Jr Page 1 of 1 Submit Date: Apr 01, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Conservation Commission: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I have enjoyed serving on the Conservation Commission for several years now and would like to continue to serve. I feel that the Conservation Commission serves an important role of protecting Hopkinton's natural resources while balancing with the Town's continued growth. My background in environmental engineering and municipal government are helpful for my role as a Commissioner. Additionally, my involvement regionally and statewide in water resources and climate resiliency is an asset to the Conservation Commission. Kerry Reed City of Framingham Senior Stormwater & Environmental Engineer Kerry Reed Page 1 of 1 Kerry Reed, PE, LEED® AP 1 Education Certificate in Local Government Leadership & Management (High Honors), Suffolk University/MMA B.S., Environmental Engineering, United States Military Academy M.S. Environmental Engineering, Missouri University of Science & Technology Professional Qualifications Professional Engineer: MA LEED® AP Professional Summary Over 20 years of experience in a variety of challenging technical and leadership roles. Ms. Reed has experience leading small and large groups and managing multi-million dollar, multi-faceted projects. She is an effective written and oral communicator who has been selected to present at numerous public meetings, professional, and local events. Ms. Reed is an efficient, organized, collaborative, results-driven team leader. Employment History Senior Project Manager, City of Framingham, 2014 – present • Project Manager responsible for planning, studies, design, cost estimates, permitting, regulatory compliance, bidding, contracting, budgets, schedules, submittals, change orders, and safety for capital projects. Projects range from $250,000 to over $2M. Funding sources include general funds, capital appropriations, grants, and Chapter 90. • Led cross-department teams (e.g. Highway, Water/Sewer, Parks & Recreation, Facilities, Health, Conservation, Planning, Schools, Fire, Police, & the Mayor’s office) of staff and boards to facilitate projects and initiatives. • Assisted in the development, preparation, and presentation of the DPW operations ($12.2M) and capital ($20M) budgets for review by the Chief Finance Officer, City Council, and Mayor. Provides support to City leadership for long-term planning and budgeting for public infrastructure and capital improvement plan. • Drafts policy, ordinances, and regulations (e.g. stormwater enterprise ordinance, public street acceptances). • Regional leader whose been selected as the Chairperson for the Massachusetts Statewide Municipal Stormwater Coalition and the Central Massachusetts Regional Stormwater Coalition. Regularly coordinates with state agencies (MassDEP, DCR, DOT, MEMA), federal organizations (EPA), regional planning councils, and other municipalities. • Awarded federal and state grants worth over $2.3M. Senior Engineer, AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc., 2006 – 2014 • Conducted stormwater utility feasibility studies, including public meetings and analysis of stormwater programs, future needs, and funding alternatives. Presented results to Town Managers, Boards of Selectmen and City Councils. • Provided permitting, environmental compliance, & engineering support for Brownfields redevelopment projects including Modera Natick Center (former Natick Paperboard) and Ink Block Apartments (former Boston Herald headquarters). • Awarded CEO award for performance as local health and safety representative for 100-person office. Engineer Officer, U.S. Army, 2000 – 2006 • Awarded Army Achievement Medal for project management for base realignment and closure (BRAC) for 6 Army camps in Korea which required synchronization of over 30 agencies. Achieved mission 4 months ahead of schedule. • Managed over 35 personnel, over $1M of construction equipment (heavy, medium, automotive, tools, and supplies), and over $2M of construction projects as a Platoon Leader/Construction Manager. • Personnel & Logistics manager for ROTC program. Planned, coordinated, directed, reviewed, and reported on the work of 3 civilian contracted GSA employees and over 100 cadets. • Served in the following positions: Platoon Leader at Fort Lewis, WA; Company Executive Officer at Fort Leonard Wood, MO; Assistant Brigade Operations Officer at Camp Casey, Korea; and ROTC instructor at SC State University. Kerry Reed, PE, LEED® AP 2 Professional Organizations: • Massachusetts Municipal Association, Policy Committee for Energy and the Environment member • Massachusetts Statewide Municipal Stormwater Coalition (Chairperson) • Massachusetts Coalition for Water Resources Stewardship (Board of Directors) • Central Massachusetts Regional Stormwater Coalition (Co- Chair) • New England Stormwater Collaborative (Tri-chair) • New England Water Environment Association • New England American Public Works Association Other: • Water Environment Federation (WEF) Leadership Institute, Class of 2020 • New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) Public Educator of the Year, 2020 • Metrowest Leadership Academy, Class of 2019 • Vice-chair, Hopkinton Conservation Commission, 2012 – present • Board member, Hopkinton Little League, 2018 - present • Coach, Hopkinton-Ashland American Youth Football, 2017 – present • Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing Official (MCPPO) Public Contracting Overview completed December 2019 • OSHA 40-hour Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response certified Presentations: Ms. Reed is an effective communicator who has been selected to present at numerous professional organizations and local events. • Massachusetts Municipal Association Annual Conference (Jan 22, 2021) • New England Water Environment Association Annual Conference (Jan 26, 2021) • Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissioners Annual Conference (Feb 2020) • National 303(d)/TMDL webinar hosted by NEIWPCC (January 9, 2020) • EPA New England Soak Up the Rain webinar (December 5, 2019) • New England American Public Works Association Spring Conference (April 17, 2019) • Massachusetts Congress of Lake and Pond Associations Annual Workshop (April 12, 2019) • Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts STEM conference (March 24, 2019) • Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissioners Annual Conference (March 2, 2019) • New England Water Environment Association Annual Conference (Jan 28, 2019) • MetroWest Stormwater Roundtable hosted by MetroWest Regional Collaborative (MWRC) of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) (November 20, 2018) • Framingham Community Conversation (October 25, 2018) • Metrowest/495 Partnership (October 4, 2018) • Stormwater Forum hosted by Wayland League of Women Voters (September 12, 2018) • New England American Public Works Association Annual Conference (June 2017) • New England Water Environment Association Conference (Jan 2016) • Massachusetts Coalition for Water Resources Stewardship Annual Symposium (May 12, 2015) • New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) Non-point Source Pollution Conference (April 29, 2014) Submit Date: May 17, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Conservation Commission: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I am completing my first term serving on the Conservation Commission. Conserving our natural resources has been a long held interest of mine, and it has been an honor to serve Hopkinton in this capacity. In order to be a better partner, I have completed 7 of the 8 required units towards the Mass Association of Conservation Commissions certificate training program. It has been quite a learning experience into the MA Wetlands Protection Act and related regulations. I would like the opportunity to continue serving the community that I have called home for 10 years, as a member of ConComm. Thanks Janine S Leblanc Meridian Life Science, Inc Global Director of Finance leblanc_51121.pdf Janine S Leblanc Page 1 of 1 Janine S. LeBlanc LeBlanc0518 S U M M A R Y Senior Finance Professional growing profits by partnering with business leaders to provide tools and guidance to achieve business goals and objectives. Keen ability to balance financial responsibilities with the need to drive growth and maintain a deep and strongly supportive customer base. Recognized accomplishments in implementing operational and accounting systems and ability to explain complex financial concepts to non-financial business leaders. • Key member of management team executing successful $68M company sale; including development and presentation of financial models and management of due diligence process. • Driver of strategic planning process; including development of five-year financial outlook (with R&D investment and capital requirements necessary for achievement of goals), key objectives and risks and opportunities. • Delivered sound financial guidance to business leaders which resulted in record profitability for the division. • Developed and implemented controls to bring significant control deficiencies to a status of only minor exceptions, resulting in a clean SOX audit and significant reduction in audit fees. • Represented division in successful transition from Deltek job cost system to JDEdwards financial system and from FourthShift ERP to Infor XA ERP. E X P E R I E N C E M ERIDIAN LIFE SCIENCE , I NC. 2019 – present ($160M Manufacturer of raw materials for diagnostic applications, a division of Meridian Bioscience) Director of Finance, Global Life Science Reporting to the CFO and member of Life Science leadership team. Responsible for all financial aspects of the five global entities comprising the Life Science division. Collaborate in determining annual business and operational goals. • Review consolidated financial results and variance to plan and prior year, including quarterly business review presentations. • Forecast and analyze sales data by customer and product to identify trends and opportunities. • Drive process for developing annual operating plan; including revenue and gross margin by customer type and product, and calculation of standard costs. Work with business leaders to achieve continued margin improvement. • Develop financial models for proposed strategic initiatives. • Negotiate service contracts and supplier agreements. M AGELLAN D IAGNOSTICS , I NC. N Billerica, MA 2012 – 2019 ($18M Point-of-Care Medical Device company, acquired by Meridian Bioscience March 2016) Director of Finance and Customer Support / Chief Compliance Officer Reporting to the CEO and member of executive management team. Responsible for all financial aspects of the corporation, which includes financial statements and reporting, forecasting and Janine S. LeBlanc LeBlanc0518 analysis, audit, banking and insurance. Collaborate in determining annual business and operational goals. • Prepare monthly actual variance to plan and prior year, including quarterly business review presentations to Magellan board of directors. • Analyze and report sales data by customer and product to identify trends and opportunities. • Implemented data analytics tools to more effectively utilize sales trace data from distribution partners to drive a better understanding of end user behavior, leading to revenue growth. • Develop annual operating plan; including revenue and gross margin by customer type and product, and calculation of standard costs. Work with business leaders to achieve continued margin improvement, approve product pricing. • Develop financial models for proposed manufacturing automation and new product development. • Review all service contracts, supplier agreements and distribution agreements. • Built effective finance and customer service function (formerly a shared service); including staffing, policies, procedures, and developed meaningful reports and dashboards used to identify growth drivers and key metrics. • Point person and key team member for transition of 401K plan and payroll to new parent company providers, as well as implementation of new ERP system, travel/expense reporting system and account reconciliation software. • Managed external relationships with legal, tax, audit and insurance providers. O BSERVANT LLC Waltham, MA 2008 – 2012 (A strategic market research partner to leading organizations in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries) Director of Finance and Administration (Administrative Partner) Responsible for all finance and administrative functions of the firm, which included finance, human resources, IT, facilities and legal. Named Administrative Partner to the firm, April 2011. • Converted cash basis reporting system to accrual basis (including implementation of percentage of completion revenue recognition) and restated prior 4 years of financial results, leading to a better understanding of operations and key drivers. • Designed and implemented financial reports, tools and systems to provide managing partners a better understanding of the business and its drivers; including business line profitability, client profitability, project costing and proposal tracking. • Developed pricing models to guide partners in understanding financial impact of pricing decisions. • Analyzed actual project costs as compared to budget, which provided information for future pricing decisions and improvement in project execution. • Prepared monthly forecast and actual variance to plan and forecast reporting. Developed the annual budget. Maintained weekly cash forecast. • Segmented business to determine optimal product mix and resource allocation to drive increased profitability. • Complied and updated business plan for potential investors; including strategic initiatives and 5 year financial outlook. • Reviewed and negotiated all contracts; including leases, master service agreements and preferred provider agreements. Janine S. LeBlanc LeBlanc0518 C HARLES R IVER L ABORATORIES , P RE-C LINICAL S ERVICES , Worcester, MA 1995 – 2007 (Formerly Primedica, a $72M Contract Research Organization acquired by Charles River Laboratories 2001 from Genzyme Transgenics) Controller (1999-2007) Reporting to the General Manager and member of senior management team. Responsible for all financial aspects of the division, which included financial statements and reporting, forecasting and analysis, SOX compliance and financial management. • Prepared monthly forecast and actual variance to plan and forecast, including quarterly business review presentations to CEO and CFO. • Effectively managed the revenue recognition processe based on percentage of completion method, for approximately 400 on-going contracts. • Developed the $50M+ annual operating plan for 14 product lines and 23 departments, as well as the total site capital plan. • Developed business plans for proposed new businesses and product lines; including participation in creating a joint venture for a new service offering and planning for a $150M build-out. • Tracked product-line profitability to determine optimal product mix and potential growth areas to drive maximization of earnings. • Key member of design team for development of comprehensive contract management system; including documentation of business processes and operational plan for implementation to all other Charles River Pre-Clinical divisions. • Managed Primedica’s Corporate Accounting function; including development of accounting policies/procedures, the audit function and development of accounting staff. Assistant Controller (1997-1999) • Reviewed financial statements of three Primedica divisions. • Analyzed actual contract costs reported in job cost system as compared to contract budget, which provided information for pricing decisions and improvement in execution of studies. • Completed government rate submission and monthly and quarterly government reporting. • Developed cost models for standard contracts for use in revenue recognition. Senior Accountant (1995-1997) N ATIONAL T RANSACTION N ETWORK , Hudson, MA 1993 – 1995 ($10M Developer and integrator of POS solutions) Accounting Manager C LEARPOINT R ESEARCH C ORP , Hopkinton, MA 1988 – 1993 ($50M Developer and manufacturer of memory and storage solutions) Accounting Manager (1992-1993) Senior Accountant/Staff Accountant (1988-1992) E D U C A T I O N Janine S. LeBlanc 3 Scarlata Road, Hopkinton, MA 01748 - 508.410.7519 - jsl.leblanc@gmail.com LeBlanc0518 Bentley College, MBA, Concentration in Finance, Waltham, MA - 1997 Bryant College, BSBA, Concentration in Accounting, Smithfield, MA - 1988 Submit Date: May 22, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Conservation Commission: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? Jeffrey S Barnes Self-Employed Director Jeffrey S Barnes Page 1 of 1 Submit Date: Apr 05, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Council on Aging: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I am a retired widow and mom of two sons. I have four granddaughters, one living with my son in Michigan and three here attending Hopkinton schools. I am originally from Michigan and prior to moving to Massachusetts, I volunteered at assisted living and memory care facilities in my community, spending time with residents and offering social activities. After my husband passed, my oldest son and his family invited me to share living with them in their Hopkinton home. This is the beginning of my sixth year in Hopkinton. My family assured me that I would enjoy living here. So true! I am delighted to be part of this community and enjoy the resources available. It didn’t take long to discover the Hopkinton Senior Center, their warm welcome, as well as many volunteer opportunities I enjoy. My volunteer activities have allowed me to meet older members of our Hopkinton community. Many are well and active. Some however, are living with chronic illness, disabilities, and dementia. I have become aware of how important it is for them to live safely, easily, and comfortably at home in Hopkinton supported by the community. I am interested in becoming a COA board member to assist in promoting well-being and enhancing the quality of life inclusive for all older adults. It is my interest that my voice will help meet them where they are in life by promoting current resources and services as well as helping to design and implement new ones to fill their needs in the areas of housing, caregiving, volunteering, and socialization. Being an older adult myself and a former caregiver for my husband who was living with dementia due to Alzheimer’s for eight years, I know the importance of community understanding and support. Patricia Srodawa retired Volunteer COA_application.docx Patricia Srodawa Page 1 of 2 Patricia Srodawa Page 2 of 2 My volunteer activities include the following: 2016 I trained with the Alzheimer’s Association to be a volunteer facilitator of a caregiver support group, and I then  volunteered to create and facilitate a caregiver support group at the Hopkinton Senior Center that met in­person  monthly. Since COVID, these meetings continue to be offered virtually biweekly. Spring 2017 I joined the Friends of the Hopkinton Senior Center board. Fall 2017 I partnered with the Hopkinton Senior Center and the Hopkinton Library to plan a memory café for our community. We planned to create a welcoming gathering place for those experiencing forgetfulness, mild cognitive impairment, or  living with dementia and their care partner, family, and friends. The café offers a place to socialize, share  experiences, and form friendships with others going through similar changes. It’s a place to celebrate life and create  happiness. Typically, a café is attended by 24­30 participants.  2018 The first event of Hopkinton’s Our Time Memory Cafe’ was held May 15th and met the second Tuesday of each  month. Since COVID, these cafés continue to meet virtually monthly. Fall 2019 After attending a Dementia Friends information session sponsored by the MCOA, I trained to become a Dementia  Friends Champion. Again, in partnership with the Hopkinton Senior Center and Hopkinton Library, we began offering  Dementia Friends sessions, which I led, in the community at the library. Many members of Hopkinton municipalities  and our community attended. Our hope was these sessions would build awareness about dementia, help eliminate  stigma and isolation for those living with dementia and their caregivers and increase community support.  Spring 2021 Appointed to the Hopkinton Council of Aging Board March 16, 2021. Submit Date: May 19, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Cultural Council: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I learnt about Culture Council from the mural activity last year that my daughter Dora participated. Advocating diversity and inclusion through art resonated with me. I have been served as a co-chair of FSCC (Family of Students of Color Council) for four years at my daughter's middle school. Promoting equity, diversity & inclusion to enrich the community is always near and dear to my heart. I wish I can serve and contribute to our Hopkinton community in my capacity. Kathy Yang Kathy_Yang_Resume.pdf Kathy Yang Page 1 of 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Commitment | Leadership | Diversity & Inclusion ▪An empathetic, kind and resourceful person who has strived to advocate for diversity & inclusion with global perspectives ▪An Authentic & Inspiring people oriented leader with passion and proven ability of building, leading and coaching high-performance team ▪A seasoned global operations and planning professional with extensive 18 years of progressive and dynamic experience in diverse supply chain functions and manufacturing engineering ▪Sound business and finance acumen with technical/technology experience ASPIRATION Serve the community I love to better community members’ quality of lives through promoting multi- cultural activities and sustainability outreach with my global experiences AREAS OF EXPERTISE Business Operations Integrated Business Planning Supply Chain Management Strategic Leadership Critical Thinking Diversity & Talent Development Community EXPERIENCE Co-Chair for FSCC (Family of Students of Color Council) Dana Hall School, Wellesley, MA, 2017 ~ 2020 Volunteer at Hopkinton Chinese Community 2014 ~ Present PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Cisco Systems – Boxborough MA Manager of Integrated Business Planning Team, Aug 2017 ~ Feb 2019 Direct Reports – 8 persons ▪Lead ~ A team of 8 across US and Asia to manage $10B annual revenue business with Supply Chain, Engineering, Marketing, Sales and Finance ▪Develop ~ A high performing team with diverse talents 1 KATHY YANG Cisco Systems – Guangzhou China; San Jose CA; Boxborough MA Sales & Operations Planning Manager, Feb 2012 ~ Aug 2017 ▪Manage ~$2B annual Edge Routing business and the challenging high volatile Mobility business ▪Drive Executive Decision Making Process: Manage the trade-offs by aligning with business strategy and executive decision to enable positive business results. ▪Align Ship Revenue Plan with Finance and communicate BU Finance and GM ▪Maximize Profitability by reducing E&O through forecast performance improvement and balanced inventory management ▪Accelerate Operating Planning Team Performance with clearly stating the shared goal, building trustful & harmony team culture and expanding team capability ▪Team Development: Coached and developed 5 new integrated business planners. Cisco Systems – Shanghai China Manufacturing Production Manager, July 2011 ~ Jan 2012 Cisco Systems – Shanghai China Manager of Supply Operations & Manufacturing Production Manager, Oct 2010 ~ Jun 2011 Cisco Systems – Shanghai China Manager of Supply Operations, Mar 2010 ~ Sep 2010 Direct Reports – 10 persons Cisco Systems – Shanghai China Supply Operations Program Manager, Jun 2007 ~ Feb 2010 Cisco Systems – Singapore; Shanghai China Test Engineer, Nov 2000 ~ May 2007 EDUCATION MCS Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) B. Eng.Huazhong University of Science and Technology (China) 2 KATHY YANG Submit Date: May 20, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Cultural Council: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I strongly believe in the power of culture to bring people together because culture is an expression of humanity. I would like to serve the Hopkinton community through my direct participation on the Hopkinton Cultural Council to working together with community members, local groups, and council members to engage residents in multicultural events. Although I am a new resident in Hopkinton, I believe that with my professional and personal background I can make a valuable contribution to the mission of Hopkinton Cultural Council, which is to “promote excellence, access, education and diversity in the arts, sciences, and humanities to improve the community’s economics and quality of life”. This spring I have taken the initiative to create a Facebook group for town and local area residents to share their thoughts on the topic of “community inclusion”, as well as share ideas for future events, projects, or programs that can come to fruition with the hope is to bring people together. As I have received a positive response from the community, I am now working toward developing a series of spoken word/multimedia events, in-person and virtual, in collaboration with the Hopkinton Center for the Arts. I would genuinely appreciate the opportunity to serve the local community in a greater capacity as a member of the Hopkinton Cultural Council. Ekaterina Naumova Self-employed Program Manager ENaumova_Resume_2021.docx Ekaterina Naumova Page 1 of 1 Ekaterina Naumova Education Lasell University – Master of Science degree, Management (2020) University of Massachusetts/Boston - Bachelor of Arts degree, Philosophy, Summa Cum Laude (2007) National Academic Honor, Alpha Lambda Delta Vice-President, Mexican Multicultural Student Club Core Member of InForMID, Tufts University Certification & Continuing Education Tufts Environmental Institute Certificate 2010 Tufts Institute of the Environment – Medford, MA Teaching English as a Foreign Language Diploma 2009 Instituto Mexicano-Americano de Relaciones Culturales - Hermosillo, Mexico Teaching English as a Foreign Language Certificate 2009 Boston Language Institute – Boston, MA Administrative Experience AI Systems, Inc. – Program Management Nov 2018 Providing excellent administrative support to a local software company STEM program development for young learners Cerebration Creations – Founder/Multimedia Artist May 2017 Development of arts and crafts digital catalogue Sheehan Health Group, LLC - Resident Services Liaison Aug 2017- Sept 2017 Resident Services Liaison (RSL): four-week skill-exchange at the Presentation Rehabilitation and Skilled Care nursing care center to produce a Resident Service Liaison Reference Manual and staff training materials. Alexeyenko Medical Associates, P.C. - Office of Dr. Irina Maysky MD Oct 2016- Mar 2017 Administrative Assistant/Medical Secretary Responsible for secretarial assistance to a physician in a medical office, including: excellent customer service, office correspondence, clerical support, assisting healthcare representatives, following up with patients, transportation prescriptions, appointment scheduling, billing, new admissions, bilingual communication/translation, HIPAA and data management. Good Health, LLC - Administrative Assistant/Data Management Dec 2015-Nov 2016 Responsible for secretarial assistance to the Brighton Pharmacy owner/manager, including: Product delivery: compiling training materials for receptionist orientation and training, contributed to “Policy and Procedures” reference manual. Pharmacy products: produced “Herbal Tea and Tinctures” retail section, customer service, assisted Russian newspapers delivery program, assisted pharmacy technicians in as required, OTC product ordering, register operations. 1 HIPAA training and certification, bilingual communication/translation, data management. Customer Service Representative & Assistant Manager/Administrative Assistant 1998 –2016 Ben’s Coffeehouse, Newbury Comics, 1369 Coffeehouse, B&D Delicatessen, SushiNet, Red Barn Coffee Roasters, Harrell’s Café, Athan’s European Bakery, MBConvenience LLC, Starbucks Coffee Company. Excellent customer service, retail sales experience, administrative support, producing staff training materials, screening/interviewing and training new hires. Experience in food/beverage preparation, barista, and managerial duties in the food service industry, staff schedule coordination, inventory and register operation. Menubis App User Experience (2014) Staff training with Menubis app developers, contributed to data management and product advertising strategy, complied database for customer feedback, participated in pilot test of a user device application on location. Language & Technical Skills Multilingual Communication: English -Fluent, Russian/Spanish - Conversational Technical Skills: Microsoft Suite, Dropbox, Google+, Reference Search Engines (EndNotes, PubMed, MedLine), Digital Photography, Statistical Software (SPSS), Social Media, Online Health Services (MassHealth Provider Online Services, Emdeon, AmazingCharts, DigitalRx, PointClickCare, Citrix Access Gateway, VisiTrack) Academic Research Experience University of Massachusetts, Boston MA Department of Counseling and School Psychology - Graduate Assistantship 2013-2014 Pilot study funded by the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). Responsible for data analysis and literature review on issues the public healthcare sector. Tufts University, Medford Campus Tufts Institute of the Environment (TIE) - Event Coordinator 2010 - 2013 The International EnvironMetrics Society Symposium 2013: responsible for literature review and digital archive completion on health and healthcare in the Alaskan region. Participated in the Tufts Institute of the Environment Arctic Workshop (2010). Community Center Development Initiative for Associacion Casa de Ave Maria (ACAM) 2011 Association of the House of Ave Maria, Masaya, Nicaragua - Freelance Academic Internship Community resource center skill-exchange internship; responsible for art and physical education class development. Internship designed to advocate for early childhood development and public health interventions. Tufts University School of Engineering, Medford Campus - Academic Internships 2002-2011 2 Participated in scholastic research for the Arctic One Health Initiative, responsibilities included; development of project website, administrative support, research and report preparation for the APHA Annual Conference. Conducted literature reviews on the seasonality of infections in the elderly population; participated in 135th American Public Heath Association’s Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA (2009). Photojournalism project for a NIH-funded study on the health of Ecuadorian children which was presented by Tufts University faculty at national/international academic conferences. Project photographs published in the UMass "The Watermark" Journal Spring 2003 Issue. Tufts University School of Nutrition, Boston Campus Summer Scholars Programs - Data Management 1998-2007 Responsible for data management and administrative support for NIH and CDC-funded studies (Department of Fitness and Developmental Health), including protocol, data management programs, team-working skills, and product delivery. International & Local Teaching Experience ESL Teacher - Paolo Freire Preparatoria, Hermosillo, Mexico 2009 Teaching position responsibilities included effective and engaging ESL lesson plans, classroom instruction, and adjusted lesson plans to address special needs of students. ESL Teacher - Blue Bird Educational Summer Camp, Novosibirsk, Russia 2008 Teaching position for Conversational English language acquisition, engaged students in aspects of American culture, and confidence building in young language learners. Teaching Assistant - University of Massachusetts - Department of Philosophy 2005-2006 Teaching assistant position experience included research-based presentations, facilitating class discussion, preparing supplementary teaching materials, and student paper review. 3 Submit Date: Jun 10, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Cultural Council: Submitted Parks and Recreation Commission: Submitted Youth Commission: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? My family and I just moved to Hopkinton last year. I am a mom of 5 children. All of my children attend the Hopkinton School system. I want to ensure Hokinton remains #1. I want to do my part to help. Nelicia Bowen Reliant Medical Benefits Projects Specialist Nelicia Bowen Page 1 of 1 Submit Date: Apr 06, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Historical Commission: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? Continue to serve on the Historical Commission Michael Roughan HDR VP-Health Planning Principal Michael Roughan Page 1 of 1 Submit Date: Apr 02, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Marathon Committee: Submitted Marathon Fund Committee: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I am a current Member of the Marathon Committee and the Marathon Fund Committee and would like to continue to serve the Town of Hopkinton on both committees. I have a vast experience with the planning, operational logistics, coordination and finances related to the Boston Marathon. Charles Wallace Charles Wallace Page 1 of 1 Submit Date: Apr 07, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Marathon Committee: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I am re-applying for my current position on the board. Craig Gormley Educe Group Principal Craig Gormley Page 1 of 1 Submit Date: Apr 09, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Marathon Committee: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I love being part of the Marathon Committee. I work hard both on the committee and as a Captain with the Boston Athletic Association. My responsibilities are varied. Helping to ensure Hopkinton's needs are met. I direct the teams that collect the discarded clothing which is important, to make sure that Hopkinton is clean and the roads open on schedule. I look forward to continued service to the community. Judith A Pitasi US Department of Labor Economist Judith A Pitasi Submit Date: May 11, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Marathon Committee: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I would like to continue serving on the Marathon Committee. As I was born and raised in Hopkinton I have loved the Boston Marathon for as long as I can remember. My father was on the BAA Board of Governors and was a member of the Hopkinton Marathon Committee as well. I know how much work it is in preparing Hopkinton every year for the Boston Marathon. I also work as a dispatcher for the Hopkinton Police so I see how much preparation goes in to make sure the event is fun and safe for everyone. I love how the world comes to Hopkinton for a day. One of my favorite times during the weekend of the marathon is working at the information booth on the common. Meeting everyone from all over the world and assisting them with whatever questions they have. I hope to continue to serve the Hopkinton Marathon Committee. Jane M Goodman Hopkinton Police dispatcher Jane M Goodman Page 1 of 1 Submit Date: May 17, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Marathon Committee: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? Having served on the Marathon Committee since 1981, my role originally was to volunteer to paint the Start Line. Since 1997, I have been the Co- Start Line announcer and putting Hopkinton in the forefront. (In 2018 I retired from painting the Start Line.) Jacques V.Leduc Retired Jacques V. Leduc Page 1 of 1 Submit Date: Jun 09, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Marathon Committee: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I am reapplying to serve--I have been a member of the Hopkinton Marathon Committee since 2010 and have been an officer for the last several years. I have been involved with the Boston Marathon in many ways--as an official at the start, as a coach for the B.A.A. running club, as a freelance writer who writes for the official Boston Marathon Program and for the B.A.A. press room and website. I have lived in Hopkinton since 1998 and I have volunteered at the information booth on the town common on Patriots' Day and marathon weekend since 2010. I enjoy combining my love of and knowledge of running, the Boston Marathon, and the town, to help make the Boston Marathon a positive experience both for those coming to compete and for the people of Hopkinton. Jean E Cann Hopkinton High School Cross Country and Track & Field Coach Coaching_resume.docx Jean E Cann Page 1 of 1 Jean Cann Related Employment Experience Hopkinton High School, Head Coach Cross Country and Track & Field, 2017-present Coordinate training, racing, meet entries, course set-up, meet direction, equipment ordering, uniform distribution, team events, and communication for team of more than 100 athletes. Have directly coached four athletes to school records. Teams have won league championship for 9 of 11 seasons possible with overall record of 55-1. Indoor track & field team won 2020 M.I.A.A. Division 3 title. Named Tri Valley League Coach of the Year seven times. Named Boston Globe Division 3 Coach of the Year and Mass. State Track Coaches Association Eastern Mass Girls Coach of the Year, 2020. Hopkinton Middle School, Co-Head Cross Country Coach, 2014-2016 Plan and oversee training and racing for more than 80 young athletes, many brand new to the sport. Wheaton College, Academic Enrichment Coordinator, 2010–2013 Supervised twice-weekly study hall for student-athletes on academic probation. Monitored students’ meetings with tutors. Communicated with students, coaches, administrators, professors, and advisors about students’ academic progress. Brandeis University, Head Coach, Cross Country and Track, 2001–2003 Coordinated all aspects of successful NCAA Division III men’s and women’s cross country and track programs, including developing, implementing, and supervising training programs; scheduling; travel; budget; equipment; recruiting, and injury management. Planned and directed meet for more than 1,000 high school athletes and assisted with all logistics of home meets, including conference championship. Women’s team qualified for NCAA Cross Country Championship for first time in 10 years. Coached four athletes to 12 All America performances and numerous school-records. Brandeis University, Assistant Coach, Cross Country and Track, 1999–2001 Helped recruit and coach athletes for track and cross country programs. Planned and directed meet for more than 1,000 high school athletes. Coordinated alumni events. Named part of University Athletic Association Coaching Staff of Year. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Assistant Coach, Cross Country and Track, 1998-1999 Responsible for coaching women’s cross country runners and distance runners on track & field team. Supervised speed workouts for all athletes. Assisted with directing home meets. Boston Athletic Association, Assistant Coach, 1995-1999 Coached non-elite marathon runners and other distance runners for twice weekly practices, as well as supervised long runs and races. Assisted many runners to significant personal bests. Coached an elite junior athlete to three Massachusetts All- State titles, a still-standing state record in the indoor 2-mile, and the USATF Junior National Cross Country Championship win. Education Boston University Master’s, Communication, December, 1995 Brandeis University Bachelor’s, English, Cum Laude, May, 1992 (six-time NCAA Division III All American. Inducted into Brandeis Athletics Hall of Fame, 2000) MIAA Certified Coach, NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching Course Current Volunteer Activities *Hopkinton Summer Track & Field Program, Co-Founder and Co-Director , 2011–present -Work with Parks Department to run five-week instructional program for more than 200 youth *Hopkinton Marathon Committee, 2011–present, secretary, 2013-present *Boston Athletic Association, clinician and coach at youth events Submit Date: May 09, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Sustainable Green Committee: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I have been attending meetings of the Sustainable Green Committee since January and have really enjoyed it. I have always been really passionate about environmental issues and hope to major in environmental studies in college (I'm a junior in high school). Being on the committee would allow me to directly help environmental issues and promote sustainability in my community. I am already a part of the Environmental Awareness Club at Hopkinton High School, but I want to become more involved in the environmental field. Additionally, working on the committee would help me develop valuable skills and experience that will help me be successful in creating environmental change in the future. Olivia Sward Copy_of_Olivia_Sward_Resume- February_2021.pdf Olivia Sward Page 1 of 1 Olivia Sward EDUCATION Hopkinton High School:September 2018-Present ●Projected graduation May 2022 ●4.89 Weighted GPA as of February 2021 Harvard University:6/23/20-8/6/20 ●Environmental Policy and Social Justice Course, received grade of A minus Georgetown University:7/21/19-7/27/19 ●International Relations Summer High School Academy HONORS AND DISTINCTIONS Tri-M National Music Honor Society,Hopkinton High School:September 2018-Present ●Inducted in Fall of 2018 and founding member National Honor Society:November 2020 ●Applied and was accepted into Hopkinton High School’s National Honor Society chapter Science Departmental Award, Hopkinton High School:June 2019 ●Won the science award given annually by the science department to a few students who demonstrate aptitude and leadership in their science classes. French Departmental Award, Hopkinton High School:June 2019 and June 2020 ●Won the French award twice given annually by the foreign language department to a few students who demonstrate aptitude and leadership in their foreign language class. Band Departmental Award, Hopkinton High School:May 2020 ●Won the band department award annually given by the music department to a few students who demonstrate aptitude and leadership in their music class. Science Fair Participant-September 2019-March 2020 ●The project studied sea lettuce (a common algae species) as a possible method to help lessen ocean acidification. High Honors, Hopkinton High School:Freshman Year (September 2018) to Present (Both Semesters) Hopkinton Music Association Lesson Scholarship:June 2019 and June 2020 ●After town-wide auditions, awarded scholarships towards private clarinet lessons LEADERSHIP Board Member, Tri-M National Music Honor Society, Hopkinton, MA:September 2018-Present ●Founding member of Tri-M Chapter at Hopkinton High School ●Organize volunteers for and volunteer at all of the district’s concerts for chorus and band ●Plan events to bring together music students (socially) at the high school from all three areas of music performance (chorus, band and orchestra) ●Publish a newsletter 4-5 times per year to keep all HPS students of music and their families apprised of performances, celebrations and milestones that the music department is celebrating districtwide ●Update the Hopkinton Music Association website whenever they need an update to be published to the web Board Member, Project Just Because Board, Hopkinton, MA:May 2020-Present ●Interviewed for and currently serve as a Project Just Because board member ●Project Just Because is a local charity that provides food, clothing, and other necessities to families in need. The responsibilities of the position include attending several board meetings a year and recording the meeting minutes as well as implementing fundraisers and charity events at Hopkinton High School and in the community. UNITE Mentor, Hopkinton High School:May 2020-Present ●Applied for and earned a position as a UNITE mentor ●UNITE is a program at Hopkinton High School dedicated to supporting the freshman class as they transition from middle school to high school.The responsibilities of a UNITE mentor include leading a small group of freshmen in meetings throughout the school year, running and planning school events, and being a positive role model in the community. HOBY Leadership Conference:8/7/20-8/9/20 ●Nominated to join leadership group training and conference for HOBY. ●“During this three-day HOBY seminar, students gather at university sites across the U.S. to explore and discover their personal leadership strengths and learn how to apply them to serve their community” (hoby.org). FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS Band,Hopkinton High School:September 2018-Present ●Play clarinet in Hopkinton High School Honors Concert Band Clarinet Lessons,Hopkinton Music Association:February 2019-Present ●45-minute lessons weekly with Hopkinton High School band director Dance,Christie Cali Dance Connection,Milford, MA:September 2018-Present ●Take Jazz, Lyrical, and Tap Classes as a member of the dance company ●Participate in performances twice yearly Drama,Hopkinton High School:September 2018-Present ●Ensemble member, Godspell (Fall 2018) ●Played Cora Middleton in Radium Girls (March 2019) ●Participated in One Act Play Festival (June 2019) ●Ensemble member, Pirates of Penzance (Fall 2019) ●Stage crew member, Almost Maine (Spring 2020) Hoop Band, Hopkinton High School:November 2018-Present ●Play pep band music at home varsity basketball games to help support the team and bolster school spirit 2-4 hours weekly during basketball season (late November to February) SCHOOL-BASED CLUBS Member, Environmental Awareness Club, Hopkinton High School:September 2019-Present ●Organize campaigns and engage in different projects school-wide to raise awareness and rally the school population to make a difference by contributing to the group’s efforts ●Projects include running a clothing drive to earn funds to donate towards the Australian wildfires and trash clean ups at a local beach COMMUNITY SERVICE Tutoring, Hopkinton Middle School:May 2020-June 2020 ●Took the initiative to contact Hopkinton Middle School directly during the Coronavirus Pandemic and volunteered to tutor students who were struggling with remote learning ●Tutored several students 2-5 times per week, depending on the student’s needs Volunteer, Project Just Because, Hopkinton, MA:August 2020-Present ●Volunteer for at least 1-2 hours weekly receiving food deliveries, sorting, and taking inventory. ●Total hours to date: 91 Volunteer, Hopkinton Center for the Arts, Hopkinton,MA:July 2018 ●120 hours helping run theater, film, and art summer camps for children ages 3-12 Volunteer and Member of Tri M Music Honor Society :September 2018-Present ●70 hours of community service volunteering at band and chorus concerts in the Hopkinton Public School district PAID WORK AND INTERNSHIPS Host, Central Public House, Hopkinton, MA:July 2020-Present ●As a host in a very busy, centrally-located restaurant in town, there is a need for a dynamic, process-oriented and efficient presence to keep things organized ●Take and organize reservations, greet and seat customers,take and distribute take-out orders, answer the phone Child Caregiver:September 2018- Present ●Support several families in town as a local child caregiver (babysitter) SKILLS ●Natural connector in work with children and their parents ●Strong public speaker ●Proficient in Microsoft Office Programs and the Google suite ●Proficient in social media work and websites ●Proficient in French, strong student of mathematics ●Strong writer and communicator ●Strong time management skills ●Meticulously attentive to detail ●Independent worker and self-starter REFERENCES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST Submit Date: Apr 06, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Board of Health: Submitted Capital Improvement Committee: Submitted Parks and Recreation Commission: Submitted Planning Board: Submitted Select Board: Submitted Sustainable Green Committee: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? My family are new residents to town. I just retired a year ago after working ten years at Boston 25 TV. I want to get involved with town activities, meet and help people. Robert P.Gilbert retired, Boston 25 TV Account Manager Robert P. Gilbert Page 1 of 1 Submit Date: Apr 01, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Trail Coordination and Management Committee: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? Work on developing town-wide trail system. Peter Lagoy LaGoy Risk Analysis, Inc.President Peter Lagoy Page 1 of 1 Submit Date: May 08, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Community Preservation Committe: Submitted Historical Commission: Submitted Irvine-Todaro Properties Advisory Group: Submitted Lake Maspenock Weed Management & Control Advisory Group: Submitted Upper Charles Trail Committee: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? Continue participation on Upper Charles Committee Eric Sonnett Baypath Associates Owner Eric Sonnett Page 1 of 1 Submit Date: Apr 01, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Woodville Historic District Commission: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? Craig Nation Craig Nation Page 1 of 1 Submit Date: Apr 06, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Youth Commission: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? Today's youth are experiencing different challenges than what the adults in the commission experienced as children, including challenges on social media and other worldwide open platforms. I am a high school student who understands the needs of the youth, the unique challenges we face, and how to influence the youth. I am interested in offering student representation in the youth commission of Hopkinton. As a young woman and a person of Asian origin (born in the US), I also bring the perspectives of women and minority. In 2021, it is important to make efforts to be more inclusive and better engage the diverse members of the community including youth, women and people of color. Eva Bennet Eva Bennet Page 1 of 1 Submit Date: May 09, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Youth Commission: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I would like to become more actively involved in creating programming and events to help with areas of need in the town including mental health, bullying prevention, LGBTQ support, and building diversity, equity, inclusion and tolerance. I have 4 children in the Hopkinton schools and am invested in supporting the children and creating a better Hopkinton Community for all. Carly Grant Mass General Hospital Cancer Genetic Counselor CFG_CV_Jan_2021.pdf Carly Grant Page 1 of 1 Grant 1 Carly Friedman Grant, MS, LCGC ADDRESS Office: 55 Fruit Street Yawkey 10B Boston, MA 02114 Home: 9 Greystone Lane Hopkinton, MA 01748 CERTIFICATION AND LICENSURE American Board of Genetic Counseling 2007-present Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Board of Registration of Genetic Counselors (GC052) 2009-present PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP National Society of Genetic Counselors -Cancer Special Interest Group 2005-present 2009-present Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Association, Genetic Counselor Advisory Group Living LFS Advocacy Group -Living LFS Family Camp Retreat. Missoula, MT (October 10-13, 2019) 2017-present 2018-present EDUCATION Brandeis University, Waltham MA Master of Science in Genetic Counseling 2003-2005 Haverford College, Haverford, PA Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology 1993- 1997 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Center for Cancer Risk Assessment, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA Senior Genetic Counselor Provide a full range of adult and pediatric cancer genetic counseling services including a variety of educational, outreach, and research activities. Co-lead on IRB approved original research study. Co-lead on video design and production for genetic testing decision aid tool. Lead GC in newly developed pediatric cancer genetics program. Genetic Counselor Performed a full range of cancer genetic counseling services to a diverse population of adult patients in a busy clinical setting. 2018-present 2015-2018 Center for Cancer Genetics and Prevention, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA Genetic Counselor Performed a full range of adult and pediatric cancer genetic counseling services to a diverse population in a busy clinical setting. 2009-2013 Grant 2 Program in Genetics and Genomics, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA Genetic Counselor Coordinated research studies on multifactorial conditions including autism and atopic dermatitis. Provided general pediatric genetic counseling services to a diverse patient population. Perinatal Diagnostic Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA Genetic Counselor Performed a full range of prenatal genetic counseling services to a diverse population in a busy tertiary perinatal diagnostic unit. 2006-2009 2005-2006 PUBLICATIONS/ABSTRACTS Shelley McCormick, MS, LCGC, Carly Grant, MS, LCGC, Stephanie Hicks, MS, LCGC. Toward a Better Understanding of the Experience of Patients with Moderate Penetrance Breast Cance r Gene Mutations: A focus on ATM and CHEK2. NSGC Annual Education Conference, November 18-22, 2020. (Poster presentation); New England Regional Genetics Group Conference, December 5, 2019. (Platform presentation) Wojcik MH, Thiele K, Grant CF, Chao K, Goodrich J, O'Donnell-Luria A, Lacro RV, Tan WH, Agrawal PB. Genome Sequencing Identifies the Pathogenic Variant Missed by Prior Testing in an Infant with Marfan Syndrome. J Pediatr. 2019 Oct;213:235-240. Jackson SA, Davis AA, Li J, Yi N, McCormick SR, Grant C, Fallen T, Crawford B, Loranger K, Litton J, Arun B, Vande Wydeven K, Sidani A, Farmer K, Sanders M, Hoskins K, Nus sbaum R, Esserman L, Garber JE, Kaklamani VG; Northwestern Cancer Genetics Group. Characteristics of individuals with breast cancer rearrangements in BRCA1 and BRCA2. Cancer. 2014 May 15;120(10):1557-64. Grant, C and Tan, WH. Rapidly progressive aortic root dilatation in an infant: A novel connective tissue disorder? American College of Medical Genetics Annual Meeting, 2009. (Poster presentation) LECTURES/TALKS/WEBINARS “Beyond BRCA: Other Hereditary Breast Cancer Genes” MGH Blum Patient and Family Learning Center. May 14, 2019 and October 20, 2020. “Ask a Genetic Counselor” Educational breakout session, LFSA Annual Conference. October 4, 2020. “Talking to Kids about Li-Fraumeni Syndrome” LFSA Ask a GC Webinar Series. May 19, 2019. “Cancer Genetic Counseling at the MGH Cancer Center” MGH Bullfinch Primary Care Providers. March 5, 2019. “Common Questions in Genetic Counseling” LFSA Ask a GC Webinar Series. October 14, 2018. “Cancer Genetics and Genetic Counseling” Hopkinton Women’s Club. Hopkinton, MA. October 15, 2018. “Introduction to Clinical Genetics and Genetic Counseling”, AP Biology Classes at Brookline High School and Hopkinton High School. May, 2018. “Common LFS Genetic Counseling Questions” Educational Breakout Session. LFSA Annual Conference. Toronto, CA. April 2018. Grant 3 "Standing at the Crossroads: The Intersection of Clinical Oncology and Clinic Genetics” Platform presentation. ACMG Annual Meeting. Nashville, TN. March, 2014. “Cancer Genetic Counseling” Pediatric Oncology Fellows Lecture Series. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA. April, 2012. “Passing it Down: The Genetics of Cancer” Young Adult Cancer Survivors Conference, Boston, MA. March, 2012. “The Importance of Family History” Harvard Medical School Lecture. Boston, MA. August, 2010. AWARDS 2017 National Society of Genetic Counselors Cancer SIG Award :“Toward a Better Understanding of the Experience of Patients with Moderate Penetrance Breast Cancer Gene Mutations: A focus on ATM and CHEK2” S. McCormick and C. Grant Submit Date: May 25, 2021 First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Home Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Employer Job Title Upload a Resume Town of Hopkinton, MA Boards & Commissions Application Form Profile Which Boards would you like to apply for? Youth Commission: Submitted Interests & Experiences Please tell us about yourself and why you want to serve. Why are you interested in serving on a board or commission? I am interested in serving the community in a capacity that focuses on the well being of our youth and their families. I have served the community if a few different capacities over the years and feel this is where my passion and experiences would be best suited. Kelly Karp Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Commonwealth Realtor Resume-Kelly-Karp.pdf Kelly Karp Page 1 of 1 Kelly Karp Greater Boston Summary Driven, results-oriented, Management professional experienced in leading teams through large scale projects to enhance the customer experience. Excellent problem solver with strong analytical skills. Works collaboratively with key stakeholders to ensure objectives are met. Experience Licensed Real Estate Agent Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Commonwealth Real Estate Apr 2021 - Present (2 months +) Licensed Real Estate agent for Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Commonwealth Manager, Merchant Support Ross Stores, Inc. 2018 - Present (3 years 5 months +) • Manage team of Merchant Support Administrators, Coordinators and Supervisors to support Merchants with purchase order entry, markdown and edits. • Established partnership with Sr. Leadership and Merchant counterparts to identify improvement opportunities and implement best practices across entire division. • Exceed merchant expectations, set high performance and production standards, and hold team accountable to agreed-upon deadlines. • Hire, on-board, and train team, providing on-going coaching and development. • Expanded cross-functional organizational capacity by collaborating across departments on priorities, functions and common goals. Secretary, Board Of Directors Mental Health Collaborative Jan 2019 - Present (2 years 5 months +) Senior Manager Bed Bath & Beyond 2017 - 2018 (2 years) • Managed $20M store, overseeing staff of 60 associates and supervisors. • Cultivated customer-focused shopping environment. • Created and maintained merchandising standards to meet sales and margin goals. • Planned for and ordered inventory utilizing historical data and market trends. • Interviewed job candidates and made staffing decisions. • Assigned employees to specific duties to best meet needs of store. • Held staff accountable for safety standards. Kelly Karp - page 1 • Implemented new processes and identified poor work habits to improve process effectiveness. District Merchandise Manager Bed Bath & Beyond 2014 - 2017 (4 years) • Directed merchandising execution strategy for 8 Stores to enhance customer shopping experience. • Created, communicated and coordinated execution of planograms. • Collaborated with Merchant counterparts to identify and procure merchandise specific to store location. • Forecasted sales in to maximize inventory needs and profit potential. • Trained effective merchandising techniques and ordering strategies to drive sales and control inventory levels. • Directed weekly regional conference calls to review, analyze, plan and order for ads, special events, campaigns and seasonal change-overs. • Planned, ordered and mapped new store openings and remodels. District Manager Bed Bath & Beyond 2007 - 2014 (8 years) • Oversaw total operations for 7 stores generating more than $60M in annual revenue. • Recruited, trained, mentored and managed team of 150 associates, managers and district staff, ensuring outstanding customer service. • Developed and implemented strategic merchandising plans to achieve sales and profit margin goals. • Conceptualized and implemented strategies to realign operational processes and enhance personnel management approaches. • Led targeted training programs to educate staff on product benefits and service capabilities. • Built positive and productive relationships with store and field leadership. • Consistently exceeded goals in key metrics such as customer service, shrink and sales. District Merchandise Manager Bed Bath & Beyond 2005 - 2007 (3 years) • Directed merchandising execution strategy for 8 Stores to enhance customer shopping experience. • Created, communicated and coordinated execution of planograms. • Collaborated with Merchant counterparts to identify and procure merchandise specific to store location. • Forecasted sales in to maximize inventory needs and profit potential. • Trained effective merchandising techniques and ordering strategies to drive sales and control inventory levels. • Directed weekly regional conference calls to review, analyze, plan and order for ads, special events, campaigns and seasonal change-overs. • Planned, ordered and mapped new store openings and remodels. Merchandise Planner Bed Bath & Beyond 1999 - 2005 (7 years) Kelly Karp - page 2 • Created planograms and field merchandising guides for Kitchen Textiles and Bedding. • Forecasted sales, created distribution plans and allocated merchandise to maximize inventory with volume responsibility of 1500 stores. • Planned and coordinated product availability for advertising and promotional purposes. • Developed partnerships with internal groups such as packaging, visual and e-commerce. • Traveled to market, visited vendors and assisted buyers with merchandise selection. • Tracked and recapped key item performance. • Established strong vendor relationships to maintain and support business. • Identified risks and established opportunities to drive growth and increase profit through effective inventory management.   Store Manager Bed Bath & Beyond May 1995 - May 1999 (4 years 1 month) Assistant Manager/Dept Manager Bed Bath & Beyond May 1993 - May 1995 (2 years 1 month) Education Penn State University Bachelor's degree, Communications 1996 - 2001 Skills Merchandising   •   Store Management   •   Assortment   •   Retail   •   Profit   •   Loss Prevention   •   Store Operations   •   Inventory Control   •   Inventory Management   •   Driving Results Kelly Karp - page 3 Hopkinton Pride Parade: Hopkinton Freedom Team & Hopkinton Youth Commission FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) SHEET EVENT QUESTIONS: Q: When/Where is the Parade? A: The Parade will take place on Saturday June 26th at 2:00pm on the Hopkinton High School Outdoor Track (Field 3). Q: We’ve never had a Hopkinton Pride Parade, why are we having one now? A: We are proud to be hosting Hopkinton’s First Pride Parade. June is commonly referred to as “Pride Month,” and various LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, +) related events are hosted throughout the country to celebrate this community. Pride events are fun and upbeat centered around celebrating LGBTQIA+ people for who they are. They work to promote greater understanding and acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community.They help highlight visibility for LGBTQIA+ people showing that they are equally present and a part of our community. Pride events are celebrations of love as the most beautiful and powerful thing. Q: Do I need to register? A: Yes! All walkers must be registered to attend.This is due to COVID regulations and the need to monitor the amount of people in attendance. If you are unsure whether or not you are registered please email the event organizer, Freya, at proudmanfreya@gmail.com to confirm. Q: How will the event work? A: We have invited various groups/organizations from throughout Hopkinton town to walk in the Parade. PRIOR TO THE EVENT: Each group/organization has been assigned a number corresponding to the Parade order. Please review the list below and arrive knowing your group number. Parade Order & Group Numbers FOR EXAMPLE: Group 1: Hopkinton Freedom Team Group 2: Hopkinton High School Diversity Club Group 3: Hopkinton High School Gender Sexuality Club Group 4: HMS Pride Alliance Group Group 5: To be determined (TBD) TBD TBD Once we know which organizations will be attending - we will send out an updated order list to everyone before the event! ON ARRIVAL You are required to check in with one of our event volunteers at one of our “Check in Booths.”Due to COVID regulations, we are required to monitor all who enter the event. Once you have checked in, please go stand in the spot marked with your Group Number on the Track (refer to map below as to where your group should stand) Please avoid mixing with other groups due to COVID regulations. DURING THE WALK: At 2:00PM when the Parade is set to begin, our announcer will have some opening remarks/speech to welcome all to the event. The announcer will explain the instructions:When the music begins everyone will proceed to walk 3 LOOPS around the Track. Once everyone is back in their original spot the third time, the announcer will ask everyone to STOP. Please remain in your group’s spot for some closing remarks. AFTER THE WALK: Following the closing remarks, the announcer will dismiss everyone back to their cars by group number. This is to stagger the dismissal to avoid congestion due to COVID regulations. Depending on your group number you may need to wait 10-20 minutes to be dismissed to your car. Thank you for your understanding. Q: Where should I park? A: Q: What should I wear/bring? A: Please feel free to wear bright colors, rainbow colors are especially encouraged! If your organization has organization t-shirts, you are welcome to wear those. You are also welcome to make/bring anything you would like to carry including signs. Any clothing,signs, banners, etc should have positive, accepting, and inclusive messaging. For example signs may often include colorful hearts, the words “love, acceptance, inclusivity, equality” or things like “love is love,” “LGBTQIA+ Pride!” etc. The Hopkinton Middle School student Pride Alliance Group has a shop for “Hopkinton Pride” t-shirts and apparel! I believe that all proceeds from this shop go to support the HMS Pride Alliance group. Feel free to check out their items here:https://teamlocker.squadlocker.com/#/lockers/hopkinton-pride?_k=dfzczf Please note the event will not tolerate any hurtful,discriminatory, or non-inclusive messaging in the form of t-shirts, signage, etc. We ask you please also refrain from expletive language on signage and understand that the event staff retain the ability to remove any signage deemed harmful. Q: How many people will be at the event? A: Current COVID regulations allow us to invite a maximum of 250 people to this outdoor event. Please expect a maximum of 250 people. The Hopkinton Health Department informed us that "Contingent on continued positive trends in the public health and vaccination data, on May 29th, additional sectors will be permitted to re-open and gathering limits will increase to 200 people indoors and 250 people outdoors for event venues, public settings and private settings." Q: Are spectators allowed? A: Due to COVID regulations we are only able to allow 250 people into the Parade. Unfortunately this does not allow enough people to have both a sufficient amount of walkers, spectators, and volunteers. Therefore, we have decided to prioritize walkers over spectators, as people will be able to spectate from home on HCAM. So unfortunately no, we will be unable to accommodate spectators at this time. Q: Will the event be filmed? A: Yes. HCAM will be in attendance at the event. They will be filming and broadcasting the event on HCAM channels. Q: What should I do with trash? A: We kindly ask that you please take any trash with you when you leave the event or place it in one of the garbage bags we have provided around the track. COVID-RELATED QUESTIONS Q: Do I need to wear a face covering? A: Yes. As this event occurs on the Hopkinton Public School campus, it is Hopkinton Public School’s policy that you are required to wear a face covering at all times during the event and on the school grounds (even if fully vaccinated), unless you are medically exempt. Q: How can I maintain social distancing? A: (Please refer to the image at the right) We have socially distanced each group from the group walking in front and behind it. On arrival please check in and then stand in your assigned spot. Please avoid mixing with other groups. We have allowed each organization to have between 1-5 people walking on behalf of the organization. This restriction was put in place to also allow people room to socially distance from other people within their walking group. While you walk the 3 loops please be conscious to maintain space between the groups around you and the people within your group. When the walking is finished, please remain in your spot until the announcer dismisses your group back to your car. Dismissal has been staggered to avoid congestion. Q: Will there be sanitizing stations? A: Yes. We plan to have 3 sanitizing stations. These will have hand sanitizer, some cleaning wipes, and extra face masks if needed. Please refer to the map regarding their location. Q: Will there be access to the bathroom? A: There will be a porta-potty available for use on the track. This is a handicapped sized porta-potty that can accommodate a wheelchair if needed. We will also have hand sanitizer readily available at our sanitizing stations. Q: Should I attend the event if I have a fever, sore throat, or other COVID symptoms (See CDC guidelines for more https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html) A: No. If you have COVID-related symptoms we ask that you please do not attend the event. Q: I’ve signed up to walk in the event but I can’t make it anymore A: If you can no longer make it, please let us know.Please email the event organizer, Freya, at proudmanfreya@gmail.com If someone else will be attending in your place, in your email please let us know the name of the NEW person attending and their email address so we can update our information. Q: What should I do if I test positive for COVID and I have attended the Pride event? A: If you test positive for COVID at any point up to 14 days after attending the Pride event, Hopkinton Department of Public Health will be made aware of this. The Department will work closely with the Pride event organizers to inform anyone who has been in close contact with the individual at the Pride event. The Department of Public Health defines close contact as: Begging within less than 6 feet of COVID-19 case for at least 10-15 minutes and/or heaving direct contact with infectious secretions of a COVID-19 case (eg. being coughed on) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment. For more information please visit Hopkinton’s COVID-19 Hub at https://coronavirus-hopkintonma.hub.arcgis.com Hopkinton Select Board - June 15, 2021 STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2022 - FY 2027 Library Mission ◈◈◈◈◈◈ We inspire exploration, discovery, and engagement as we enrich and strengthen the social network of our diverse community. 1: Connecting our community We are a community gathering place, bringing Hopkinton together through shared spaces as well as resources, programs, and events that inform, educate, and entertain. 2: Providing access to education, arts, culture, and knowledge We reaffirm our commitment to the library’s fundamental focus on reading, learning, and personal exploration. We serve as a trusted source for accurate information. 3: Creating an inclusive, welcoming, and safe environment for all We are a community destination providing spaces, resources, and experiences that are welcoming, comfortable, safe, and respectful for the entire Hopkinton community and beyond. Our doors - physical and virtual - are open to all. 4: Striving to deliver an exceptional, customer-focused user experience We are committed to continual improvement. We aim to provide top-notch customer service that responds effectively to changing community needs. 5: Stewarding and obtaining resources to accomplish strategic priorities We leverage available financial and other resources to their fullest. We advocate for and seek out additional support as needed to enable us to fully meet community expectations. FY22-27 Strategic Priorities ◈◈◈◈◈◈ Annual Action Plans will describe the specific projects the library will undertake each year to move forward in each of our strategic priority areas. The FY22 Action Plan is available to read on the library website. Themes in this year's action items include: ●Resuming normal/full services after COVID recedes ●Finding ways to continue some services implemented during COVID (e.g. online card applications, virtual events, curbside pickup, "quick picks") ●Launching or expanding on special areas of the collections (e.g. a Library of Things, databases, non-English collections) ●Creating more detailed plans and structures to guide future action (in areas such as marketing/publicity, staffing, technology, diversity/equity/inclusion, etc.) ●Modifying or improving upon work that staff is already doing (e.g. offering events, continuing and increasing collaborations, managing collections) to bring our work more in line with the community's needs and priorities ●Taking steps to ensure that library programs and services better reflect the needs and diversity of our community FY22 Action Plan ◈◈◈◈◈◈ Read the Strategic Plan and FY22 Action Plan on our website: www.hopkintonlibrary.org/strategicplan.asp Want to know more? Friends of the Hopkinton Public Library Contributions ◈◈◈◈◈◈ The Friends held a "Thanks for All you Do" breakfast for staff as a morale booster in February of 2020 before the shutdown. They fulfilled staff requests for software during the shutdown to help with social media and a summer reading program. The Friends continued to purchase Adventure Passes to support nonprofits during 2020, and are purchasing passes for this year as sites are opening up. A display case, funded with a grant from the Middlesex Bank Charitable Foundation, was installed and will be used for diverse cultures or organizations to display their special cultural events or activities. This year, the Friends will support Action Plan goals including the Adventure Pass program, ESL conversation circles, a continuing education lecture series, and taff diversity and development training. Hopkinton Public Library Foundation Contributions ◈◈◈◈◈◈ Last June, the Hopkinton Public Library Foundation (HPLF) fulfilled its commitment of providing the Town $1 million toward the cost of the library project. In the last 2 years, HPLF contributed over $12,000 to fund: ●Lucky Day Book collection (2019) ●Heritage Quilt Frame (2020) ●3D Printer and Laptop (2020-2021) ●Library’s Strategic Planning Process (2020-2021) This year, in honor of HPLF's 10 years supporting our library, HPLF is committing $10,000 to launch a Library of Things. June 11, 2021 TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: TOWN OF HOPKINTON OFFICE OF THE TRE ASURER/COLLECTOR 18 MAIN STREET Hopkinton, Massachusetts 01748 Telephone 508-497-9715 Fax 508-497-9786 E-mail address: cheymanns@hopkintonma.gov Select Board Chris Heymanns, Treasurer/Collector !A-­ Timothy M. O'Leary, Chief Financial Officer c:r;-o Norman Khumalo, Town Manager � Approval of Municipal Bond Anticipation Notes I recommend the approval of a general obligation borrowing in the form of municipal bond anticipation notes (BANs) in the amount of $5,297,502 to support full funding for five capital projects approved at the 2021 and 2019 Annual Town Meetings and authorized as borrowing excluded from the tax levy limit proposition 2 ½, as follows: 2019 ATM Art. 25 -Ladder Truck (Fire) $1,200,000 2021 ATM Art. 20 -Police Station Roof $250,000 2021 ATM Art. 18 -School HVAC Upgrade $350,000 2019 ATM Art. 51 -Municipal Parking Lot, 25 -35 Main Street $497,502 2021 ATM Art. 19 -Hopkins and Middle School Roof Replacement $3,000,000 BANs are short term borrowings issued in advance of general obligation bonds. Because there are substantial fixed costs associated with issuing general obligation bonds, it is the Town's practice to use BANs as a temporary funding mechanism until an amount closer to or in excess of $10,000,000 is needed. This practice of funding bonds in efficient size batches helps minimize effective interest rates on Town borrowing. On June 10, 2021, I accepted the lowest bid for the issue of this debt from Jefferies LLC, a Manhattan investment bank, with an effective interest rate of 0.228%. A rate this low is a very favorable result when compared to our most recent previous BAN issued in June of 2019, which had an effective interest rate of 1.56% This excellent borrowing rate reflects our AAA rating which was re-validated by S&P in 2020, as shown in enclosure (1 ). This very low rate also reflects that the financial markets expect very low inflation in the coming year. The accepted bid on the borrowing included a premium of $67,385 and a stated interest rate above the 0.228% effective rate. In the municipal bond market, bonds are issued with rounded interest rates to promote easy marketability, and the face values are adjusted to align the stated interest rate with the effective interest rate that is bid. Enclosure (3) provides the necessary required vote language. I would like to thank Mr. Khumalo, Mr. Sweeney and Mr. O'Leary for their assistance and guidance with the budgeting and borrowing process, as well as Deputy Miller from the Fire Department, Ms. Rothermich from the School Department, and Mr. Daltorio from the Facilities/Engineering department for their timely support of the borrowing. Encl: (1) Town of Hopkinton S&P Rating dated 06/04/2020 (2)Certificate of Award, $5,297,502 (3)Vote of Select Board, $5,297,502 Summary: Hopkinton, Massachusetts; General Obligation Primary Credit Analyst: Kimberly Barrett, Centennial (1) 303-721-4446; Kimberly.Barrett@spglobal.com Secondary Contact: Victor M Medeiros, Boston (1) 617-530-8305; victor.medeiros@spglobal.com Table Of Contents Rating Action Stable Outlook Related Research WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT JUNE 4, 2020 1 Encl (1) Summary: Hopkinton, Massachusetts; General Obligation Credit Profile US$9.5 mil GO muni purp loan bnds ser 2020 dtd 06/25/2020 due 06/15/2050 Long Term Rating AAA/Stable New Hopkinton GO Long Term Rating AAA/Stable Affirmed Rating Action S&P Global Ratings assigned its 'AAA' long-term rating to the town of Hopkinton, Mass.' series 2020 general obligation (GO) bonds. At the same time, S&P Global Ratings affirmed its 'AAA' rating on the town's GO debt outstanding. The outlook is stable. The series 2020 GO bonds are secured by Hopkinton's full-faith-and-credit pledge. The bonds are payable from unlimited-ad valorem tax revenues, that are not subject to Proposition 2 ½ limitations. Proceeds of the 2020 GO bonds will finance school capital projects. Hopkinton's existing debt that is secured by its full-faith-and-credit pledge, and is subject to Proposition 2 1/2 limitations, is rated on par with our view of the town's general creditworthiness. Despite limitations imposed by the commonwealth's levy-limit law, we do not make a rating distinction between the limited- and unlimited-tax GO pledges because the ad valorem tax is not derived from a measurably narrower property tax base and there are no fungibility of resources limitations, supporting our view of its overall ability and willingness to pay debt service. Under our criteria, titled "Ratings Above The Sovereign: Corporate And Government Ratings—Methodology And Assumptions," published Nov. 19, 2013, on RatingsDirect, Hopkinton is eligible to be rated higher than the nation because we think it can maintain better credit characteristics than the nation in a stress scenario based on its predominantly locally derived revenue base and our view that pledged revenue supporting bond debt service is at limited risk of negative sovereign intervention. In 2019, locally-derived taxes generated 79% of general fund revenue, which demonstrates a lack of dependence on central government revenue. Credit Overview The rating reflects very strong financial management practices and policies that continue to support the town's strong financial performance and flexibility. We believe that prudent budget management and relatively stable general fund revenues, comprised primarily of property taxes, will help the town weather the current recession. The rating also reflects strength in the town's local economy, which has typically demonstrated steady annual growth, and that also benefits from participation in the broad and diverse Boston metropolitan statistical area (MSA). However, there is still much uncertainty related to the potential impacts from COVID-19 and the related recession, so we will continue to monitor for any material adverse effects. (For more information on S&P Global Ratings latest economic forecast, see the article "An Already Historic U.S. Downturn Now Looks Even Worse," published April 16, 2020.) WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT JUNE 4, 2020 2 Encl (1) The rating further reflects our opinion of the following credit factors: • Very strong economy, with access to a broad and diverse metropolitan statistical area (MSA); • Very strong management, with "strong" financial policies and practices under our Financial Management Assessment methodology; • Adequate budgetary performance, which incorporates our view that potential impacts from the pandemic and recession could result in performance that is weaker than usual for the town, which typically experiences operating surpluses in the general fund and at the total governmental fund level; • Strong budgetary flexibility, with an available fund balance in fiscal 2019 of 12.7% of operating expenditures; • Very strong liquidity, with total government available cash at 26.7% of total governmental fund expenditures and 2.8x governmental debt service, and access to external liquidity we consider strong; • Adequate debt and contingent liability position, with debt service carrying charges at 9.6% of expenditures and net direct debt that is 80.9% of total governmental fund revenue, as well as low overall net debt at less than 3% of market value; and • Strong institutional framework score. Environmental, social, and governance factors We analyzed the town's environmental and governance risks relative to its economy, management, financial measures, and debt and liability profile and determined that they are in line with our view of the sector standard. In addition, we believe the town's community engagement in the budgetary process is indicative of good transparency practices, which we view as a governance factor. Absent the implications of COVID-19, we consider the town's social risks in line with that of the sector standard as well. We view the risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic to public health and safety as a social risk, which if sustained could weaken the economy, liquidity, and budget performance. Stable Outlook Downside scenario We could lower the rating if the town experiences financial pressure -- stemming from the recession or otherwise -- that leads to budgetary imbalance or material draws on reserves to a level we no longer consider to be strong. We could also take a negative rating action if pension and OPEB carrying charges rise to a level we believe could create budgetary pressure. Very strong economy The town, with an estimated population of 16,831, is located in Middlesex County in the Boston-Cambridge-Newton MSA, which we consider to be broad and diverse. The town has a projected per capita effective buying income of 215% of the national level and per capita market value of $254,693. Overall, the town's market value grew by 7.7% over the past year to $4.3 billion in 2020. The town's tax base has typically exhibited annual growth in recent years, but that growth could slow due to the current economic downturn. Management reports all existing and planned developments are still ongoing, though they may be delayed. The largest recent project that is underway is Legacy Farms, a major mixed-use development WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT JUNE 4, 2020 3 Summary: Hopkinton, Massachusetts; General Obligation Encl (1) including hundreds of residential units and thousands of square feet of commercial space. In addition, a bioscience company is in the process of renovating a recently vacated property, and a retirement community just finished an expansion. Management has dampened its growth projection for fiscal 2021 valuation due to the pandemic and recession, but still anticipates some growth, given the new projects coming onto the tax roll. Dell EMC Corp., a computer technology company, is Hopkinton's leading employer and taxpayer, with 4,800 employees, and 4.5% of the total tax levy. Overall, the tax base is diverse, with the top ten taxpayers accounting for 14% of the tax levy. Residential properties account for 84% of assessed value (AV), while commercial and industrial properties account for 12%. While management expects a long-term economic recovery, officials believe the town is well-positioned relative to other locations due to the nature of its workforce and its lack of reliance on tourism-related revenues. Given the stability and variety of employers in the town and the Boston MSA, the town unemployment rate has typically trended below the state and national averages, peaking at approximately 6.2% to 6.4% in 2009 and 2010 during the Great Recession, compared to the national average of about 10% during that same timeframe. Despite a historically low county unemployment rate of 2.3% in 2019, rapidly evolving economic conditions due to the pandemic have already affected the labor market (see "U.S. Jobs Market Buckles Under The Coronavirus Pandemic," published April 2, 2020), and as a result, we expect the unemployment rate could materially increase in the near-term. The relatively low unemployment rate the town had throughout the last economic cycle could be a positive indicator of potential local economic performance during the upcoming recession. We will continue to monitor the long-term effects of the current downturn on the labor market and the economy overall. Very strong management We view the town's management as very strong, with strong financial policies and practices under our Financial Management Assessment methodology, indicating financial practices are strong, well embedded, and likely sustainable. Highlights include management's regular budget monitoring and generally conservative revenue and expenditure assumptions. The town produces budget-to-actual reports for the town appropriations board and board of selectmen. Hopkinton maintains 10-year capital improvement and financial plans, which it presents to the town selectmen annually. In 2012, it adopted formal investment management, debt management, and reserve policies. The reserve policy calls for free cash of at least 5% of expenditures and mandates the establishment of a plan to restore reserves should they fall below this level. The town maintains a formal investment policy with annual reporting during the auditing process. In regards to cyber-security, we believe the town has taken appropriate measures to prepare its IT systems and staff for potential cyber-attacks. Adequate budgetary performance Our assessment of budgetary performance incorporates event risk related to the pandemic and recession, which could result in budgetary performance being weaker than is typical for the town in the next two years. The town typically experiences positive operating results at the general fund and total governmental fund level each year. Prudent budget management typically leads to actual results outperforming budget estimates. After adjusting for recurring transfers, and one-time capital expenditures, the town realized a general fund surplus of $1.6 million (or 1.7% of expenditures) in fiscal 2019, and a $2.7 million surplus (2.7% of expenditures) across all governmental funds. With a fiscal year-end of June 30 quickly approaching, management expects minimal effects to fiscal 2020 year-end results as a result of the pandemic and recession. The town's revenue base is relatively stable, with nearly 80% of WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT JUNE 4, 2020 4 Summary: Hopkinton, Massachusetts; General Obligation Encl (1) general fund revenues coming from property taxes, and 10% coming from state aid, leaving very little exposure to more volatile revenues streams such as sales or hotel taxes. In the current year, there was an extension of the property payment deadline by 30 days, but nearly all payments have been collected fiscal year to date according to standard due dates. The town has implemented a hiring freeze and a tiered spending control policy for the remainder of fiscal 2020 to limit expenditures. Management plans to adopt monthly 1/12th budgets for the first few months of fiscal 2021, with formal adoption of the full fiscal 2021 budget occurring in September. By delaying adoption of the full budget, management expects to have more information on state aid revenues available, and also hopes to have the ability for meetings and more normal community participation in budget hearings. Management expects the biggest impact to the 2021 budget to be a reduction in state aid, and has initially budgeted for a 21% decrease in those revenues. Additionally, officials have reduced projected increases in new growth property tax revenues by 25% compared to initial forecast. Finally, the town will delay capital projects in the current long-term capital plan to the extent necessary to manage next year's budget. The potential receipt of funds from FEMA and the CARES act could also assist with 2021 finances. Strong budgetary flexibility Hopkinton's budgetary flexibility is strong, in our view, with an available fund balance in fiscal 2019 of 12.7% of operating expenditures, or $11.9 million. The town has maintained strong reserves over the past three audited years, ranging from about 11% to 13% of general fund expenditures. Management currently projects a potential $800,000 use of fund balance in fiscal 2021, after implementation of budget adjustments mentioned above. If that projection is realized, we expect reserves to remain in range of recent historical levels, and would still be considered strong. Very strong liquidity In our opinion, Hopkinton's liquidity is very strong, with total government available cash at 26.7% of total governmental fund expenditures and 2.8x governmental debt service in 2019. The town has strong access to external liquidity if necessary, which has been demonstrated through frequent prior issuance of GO debt over the past 20 years. The town's investments are primarily held in US treasuries, mutual funds, and the Massachusetts Municipal Depository Trust, which we consider to be relatively liquid and not aggressive. The town does not currently have any variable-rate or direct-purchase debt outstanding that could affect our view of its liquidity position. Adequate debt and contingent liability profile Total governmental fund debt service is 9.6% of total governmental fund expenditures, and net direct debt is 80.9% of total governmental fund revenue. Overall net debt is low at 2.0% of market value, which is in our view a positive credit factor. Proceeds of the 2020 bonds will finance 18 new classrooms at three different school facilities. Management reports that continued residential growth and demand for its highly-rated school system has led to additional capacity needs at the schools, which will be addressed by this issuance. The 2020 bonds were approved by a majority (76%) of voters and the debt service will be excluded from the levy limitation. Subsequent to this issuance, the town plans to issue an additional $3.2 million of debt within the next two years to finance a fire truck and some street and parking projects. Given that a larger amount of principal will be retired within the same timeframe, we do not expect these additional debt plans to impact the town's overall debt profile. WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT JUNE 4, 2020 5 Summary: Hopkinton, Massachusetts; General Obligation Encl (1) Pension and other post-employment benefit (OPEB) obligations While current carrying charges are manageable, we think pension and OPEB liabilities will likely remain a long-term credit concern due to the pension plan's low funding status and our expectation that costs will likely increase. Hopkinton participates in the following pension and OPEB plans as of June 30, 2019: • Middlesex County Retirement System, a cost-sharing, multiple-employer defined benefit pension plan, 54% funded, with the town's net pension liability at $25.4 million. In our opinion, the plan's relatively high assumed long-term rate of return of 7.5% could lead to contribution volatility. While the town consistently meets actuarially determined contributions, they fall short of our view of minimum and static funding progress, which could also result in escalating costs. • Town of Hopkinton OPEB plan, a single-employer, defined-benefit health-care plan that provides medical, dental, and life insurance to eligible retirees. The OPEB plan is funded on a pay-as-you-go basis, and at fiscal-year-end had a funded ratio of 7.0% and a net OPEB liability of $26.6 million. The town established an OPEB Trust, which allows pre-funding of future liabilities, and had a balance of $2.5 million at fiscal-year-end 2019. The town's combined required pension and actual OPEB contribution totaled 3.6% of total governmental-fund expenditures in fiscal 2019: 2.1% represented required contributions to pension obligations and 1.5% represented OPEB payments. Strong institutional framework The institutional framework score for Massachusetts municipalities is strong. Related Research • S&P Public Finance Local GO Criteria: How We Adjust Data For Analytic Consistency, Sept. 12, 2013 • Criteria Guidance: Assessing U.S. Public Finance Pension And Other Postemployment Obligations For GO Debt, Local Government GO Ratings, And State Ratings, Oct. 7, 2019 • Through The ESG Lens 2.0: A Deeper Dive Into U.S. Public Finance Credit Factors, April 28, 2020 Ratings Detail (As Of June 4, 2020) Hopkinton GO (MBIA) (National) Unenhanced Rating AAA(SPUR)/Stable Affirmed Many issues are enhanced by bond insurance. Certain terms used in this report, particularly certain adjectives used to express our view on rating relevant factors, have specific meanings ascribed to them in our criteria, and should therefore be read in conjunction with such criteria. Please see Ratings Criteria at www.standardandpoors.com for further information. Complete ratings information is available to subscribers of RatingsDirect at www.capitaliq.com. All ratings affected by this rating action can be found on S&P Global Ratings' public website at www.standardandpoors.com. Use the Ratings search box located in the left column. WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT JUNE 4, 2020 6 Summary: Hopkinton, Massachusetts; General Obligation Encl (1) WWW.STANDARDANDPOORS.COM/RATINGSDIRECT JUNE 4, 2020 7 STANDARD & POOR’S, S&P and RATINGSDIRECT are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC. S&P may receive compensation for its ratings and certain analyses, normally from issuers or underwriters of securities or from obligors. S&P reserves the right to disseminate its opinions and analyses. S&P's public ratings and analyses are made available on its Web sites, www.standardandpoors.com (free of charge), and www.ratingsdirect.com (subscription), and may be distributed through other means, including via S&P publications and third-party redistributors. 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In no event shall S&P Parties be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, compensatory, punitive, special or consequential damages, costs, expenses, legal fees, or losses (including, without limitation, lost income or lost profits and opportunity costs or losses caused by negligence) in connection with any use of the Content even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Copyright © 2020 by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved. Encl (1) Encl (2)1 Bid Results Hopkinton (Town) $5,297,501 General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes (Unlimited Tax) The following bids were submitted using PARITY® and displayed ranked by lowest NIC. Click on the name of each bidder to see the respective bids. Amount Awarded (M) Bidder Name NIC Bid Amount Jefferies LLC 0.228000 5,297.501M TD Securities 0.239000 5,297.501M Piper Sandler & Co 0.253000 5,297.501M BNYMellon Capital Markets 0.303420 5,297.501M ---------------------------------------------- Awarded Totals 0M 21,190.004M Issue Size 5,297.501M Save *Awarding the Bonds to a specific bidder will provide you with the Reoffering Prices and Yields. Encl (2)2 Jefferies LLC - New York , NY's Bid Hopkinton (Town) $5,297,501 General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes (Unlimited Tax) For the aggregate principal amount of $5,297,501.00, we will pay you $5,364,885.21, plus accrued interest from the date of issue to the date of delivery. The Bonds are to bear interest at the following rate: Maturity Date Amount $ Coupon % Yield % Dollar Price 06/24/2022 5,297.501M 1.5000 0.1700 101.327 Bid:101.272000 Premium:$67,384.21 Net Interest Cost:$12,078.31 NIC:0.228000 Time Last Bid Received On:06/10/2021 10:41:23 EDST This proposal is made subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Official Bid Form, the Official Notice of Sale, and the Preliminary Official Statement, all of which are made a part hereof. Bidder: Jefferies LLC, New York , NY Contact: Jarad Bohan Title: Telephone:212-336-7161 Fax: Issuer Name: Town of Hopkinton Company Name: ___________________________ Accepted By: ___________________________ Accepted By: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________ Date:___________________________ Encl (2)3 TD Securities - New York , NY's Bid Hopkinton (Town) $5,297,501 General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes (Unlimited Tax) For the aggregate principal amount of $5,297,501.00, we will pay you $5,390,789.99, plus accrued interest from the date of issue to the date of delivery. The Bonds are to bear interest at the following rate: Maturity Date Amount $ Coupon % Yield % Dollar Price 06/24/2022 5,297.501M 2.0000 0.1800 101.816 Bid:101.761000 Premium:$93,288.99 Net Interest Cost:$12,661.03 NIC:0.239000 Time Last Bid Received On:06/10/2021 10:51:27 EDST This proposal is made subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Official Bid Form, the Official Notice of Sale, and the Preliminary Official Statement, all of which are made a part hereof. Bidder: TD Securities, New York , NY Contact: Chris Dimon Title: Telephone:212-827-7171 Fax: Issuer Name: Town of Hopkinton Company Name: ___________________________ Accepted By: ___________________________ Accepted By: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________ Date:___________________________ Encl (2)4 Encl (2)5 Piper Sandler & Co - New York , NY's Bid Hopkinton (Town) $5,297,501 General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes (Unlimited Tax) For the aggregate principal amount of $5,297,501.00, we will pay you $5,337,073.33, plus accrued interest from the date of issue to the date of delivery. The Bonds are to bear interest at the following rate: Maturity Date Amount $ Coupon % Yield % Dollar Price 06/24/2022 5,297.501M 1.0000 0.2200 100.778 Bid:100.747000 Premium:$39,572.33 Net Interest Cost:$13,402.68 NIC:0.253000 Time Last Bid Received On:06/10/2021 10:56:52 EDST This proposal is made subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Official Bid Form, the Official Notice of Sale, and the Preliminary Official Statement, all of which are made a part hereof. Bidder: Piper Sandler & Co, New York , NY Contact: Christopher DiCerbo Title: Underwriter Telephone:212-284-9387 Fax: 212-284-9411 Issuer Name: Town of Hopkinton Company Name: ___________________________ Accepted By: ___________________________ Accepted By: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________ Date:___________________________ Encl (2)6 BNYMellon Capital Markets - Pittsburgh , PA's Bid Hopkinton (Town) $5,297,501 General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes (Unlimited Tax) For the aggregate principal amount of $5,297,501.00, we will pay you $5,387,377.34, plus accrued interest from the date of issue to the date of delivery. The Bonds are to bear interest at the following rate: Maturity Date Amount $ Coupon % Yield % Dollar Price 06/24/2022 5,297.501M 2.0000 0.2300 101.765 Bid:101.696580 Premium:$89,876.34 Net Interest Cost:$16,073.68 NIC:0.303420 Time Last Bid Received On:06/10/2021 10:01:27 EDST This proposal is made subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Official Bid Form, the Official Notice of Sale, and the Preliminary Official Statement, all of which are made a part hereof. Bidder: BNYMellon Capital Markets, Pittsburgh , PA Contact: Luke Guglielmo Title: Trader Telephone:212-815-2655 Fax: Issuer Name: Town of Hopkinton Company Name: ___________________________ Accepted By: ___________________________ Accepted By: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________ Date:___________________________ Encl (2)7 From:Krystal Koch To:Margaret MacLean Cc:Peggy Legrand Subject:RE: [External] Century Bank"s Bid-Hopkinton Date:Thursday, June 10, 2021 10:20:07 AM My apologies, please see below. Hopkinton Bid $ 5,297,501 Coupon 0.85% Prem $ 17,650.00 NIC 0.52% Krystal J. Koch Team Lead Institutional and Government Banking Services Century Bank 400 Mystic Ave | Medford, MA 02155 O: 781.393.4142 | F: 781.393.4076 www.centurybank.com From: Margaret MacLean <Margaret.MacLean@unibank.com> Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2021 10:15 AM To: Krystal Koch <KKoch@centurybank.com> Cc: Peggy Legrand <PLegrand@centurybank.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: [External] Century Bank's Bid-Hopkinton Hi – your NIC is incorrect. Please correct and resend your bid. Thanks. From: Krystal Koch <KKoch@centurybank.com> Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2021 10:11 AM To: Margaret MacLean <Margaret.MacLean@unibank.com> Cc: Peggy Legrand <PLegrand@centurybank.com> Subject: [External] Century Bank's Bid-Hopkinton ** This email originated from outside UniBank. VERIFY any instructions via phone if the source appears to be a UniBank employee. Do NOT click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.** Encl (2)8 Good Morning, Century Bank would like to bid the following: Hopkinton Bid $ 5,297,501 Coupon 1.25% Prem $ 17,650.00 NIC 0.55% Thank you, Krystal Krystal J. Koch Team Lead Institutional and Government Banking Services Century Bank 400 Mystic Ave | Medford, MA 02155 O: 781.393.4142 | F: 781.393.4076 www.centurybank.com E-Mail confidentiality disclaimer: The information contained in this message (including attachments) may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message, destroying all copies and deleting it from your computer. Disclaimer This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this e-mail and destroy any copies. Any dissemination or misuse of this information by a person other than the intended recipient is unauthorized and may be illegal. E-Mail confidentiality disclaimer: The information contained in this message (including attachments) may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message, destroying Encl (2)9 VOTE OF THE SELECT BOARD I, the Clerk of the Select Board of the Town of Hopkinton, Massachusetts (the “Town”), certify that at a meeting of the board held June 15, 2021, of which meeting all members of the board were duly notified and at which a quorum was present, the following votes were unanimously passed, all of which appear upon the official record of the board in custody: Voted: to approve the sale of $5,297,501 1.50% percent General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes (the “Notes”) of the Town dated June 24, 2021, payable June 24, 2022, to Jefferies LLC at par and accrued interest, if any, plus a premium of $67,384.21. Further Voted: that in connection with the marketing and sale of the Notes, the preparation and distribution of a Notice of Sale and Preliminary Official Statement dated June 3, 2021, and a final Official Statement dated June 10, 2021, each in such form as may be approved by the Town Treasurer, be and hereby are ratified, confirmed, approved and adopted. Further Voted: that the Town Treasurer and the Select Board be, and hereby are, authorized to execute and deliver a continuing disclosure undertaking in compliance with SEC Rule 15c2-12 in such form as may be approve by bond counsel to the Town, which undertaking shall be incorporated by reference in the Notes for the benefit of the holders of the Notes from time to time. Further Voted: that we authorize we authorize and direct the Town Treasurer to establish post issuance federal tax compliance procedures and continuing disclosure procedures in such forms as the Town Treasurer and bond counsel deem sufficient, or if such procedures are currently in place, to review and update said procedures, in order to monitor and maintain the tax-exempt status of the Bonds and to comply with relevant securities laws. Further Voted: that any certificates or documents relating to the Notes (collectively, the “Documents”), may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be regarded as an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same document; delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page to a Document by electronic mail in a “.pdf” file or by other electronic transmission shall be as effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart signature page to such Document; and electronic signatures on any of the Documents shall be deemed original signatures for the purposes of the Documents and all matters relating thereto, having the same legal effect as original signatures. Further Voted: that each member each member of the Select Board, the Town Clerk and the Town Treasurer be and hereby are, authorized to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may be determined by them, or any of them, to be necessary or convenient to carry into effect the provisions of the foregoing votes. Encl (3) 2 I further certify that the votes were taken at a meeting open to the public, that no vote was taken by secret ballot, that a notice stating the place, date, time and agenda for the meeting (which agenda included the adoption of the above votes) was filed with the Town Clerk and a copy thereof posted in a manner conspicuously visible to the public at all hours in or on the municipal building that the office of the Town Clerk is located or, if applicable, in accordance with an alternative method of notice prescribed or approved by the Attorney General as set forth in 940 CMR 29.03(2)(b), at least 48 hours, not including Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, prior to the time of the meeting and remained so posted at the time of the meeting, that no deliberations or decision in connection with the sale of the Notes were taken in executive session, all in accordance with G.L. c.30A, §§18-25, as amended, further suspended, supplemented or modified by the Executive Order of the Governor of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, Chapter 30A, §20 dated March 12, 2020. Dated: June 15, 2021 _______________________________ Clerk of the Select Board 92339740v.1 Encl (3) Water and Sewer Rate Hearing Public Notice The Select Board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday,June 11, 2021 at 7:35 p.m., at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, to set Sewer and Water Rates for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022,pursuant to the Special Act establishing the Department of Public Works. A copy of the proposed Water and Sewer Rates for FY22 is available for review at the Hopkinton DPW during regular office hours or by calling DPW Director John Westerling at (508) 497-9740. TOWN OF HOPKINTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT TO: Town of Hopkinton Select Board FROM: Timothy M. O'Leary, Chief Financial qer is VIA: Norman Khumalo, Town Manager DATE: June 11, 2021 RE: Water and Sewer User Fee Rate Adjustment Recommendations After review of the Abrahams Group report provided in the June 15, 2021 Select Board meeting package and consultation with Department of Public Works Director John Westerling and Senior Accounting Manager Ben Sweeney, I recommend that the Select Board approve a 6.5% rate increase for Water user fees and 2.0% rate increase for Sewer user fees. These recommended increases will have the following impact on the average residential user: Average User Annual Cost Proposed Annual Increase New Average User Annual Cost Water Enterprise, $270 6.5%, $18 $293 8,494 Cu Ft Sewer Enterprise; $921 2.0%, $18 $939 7,044 Cu Ft The specific rates would change as follows: Tier Existing Rate Proposed Rate Water Tier 1, 0 - 1,000 Cu Ft $27.20 flat $28.97 flat Water Tier 2, 1,001 - 8,000 Cu Ft $3.31 / 100 Cu Ft $3.53 / 100 Cu Ft Water Tier 3, over 8,000 Cu Ft $6.88 / 100 Cu Ft $7.33 / 100 Cu Ft Sewer Tier 1, 0 - 1,000 Cu Ft $11.54 / 100 Cu Ft $11.77 / 100 Cu Ft Sewer Tier 2, 1,001 - 8,000 Cu Ft $13.69 / 100 Cu Ft $13.96 / 100 Cu Ft Sewer Tier 3, over 8,000 Cu Ft $16.92 / 100 Cu Ft $17.26 / 100 Cu Ft The proposed rate adjustments were developed by looking forward five years while considering: the current balance of retained earnings in each of the two Enterprise Funds, projected operating costs, projected user consumption, and projected capital costs. For the Water Enterprise Fund, the analysis is based on a five year series of equal rate adjustments that would leave the Water Enterprise Fund with a retained earnings balance of approximately 15% of current annual budget at the end of that five year period. For the Sewer Enterprise Fund, the analysis is based on a five year series of equal rate adjustments that would leave the Sewer Enterprise Fund with a retained earnings balance of approximately 20% of current annual budget at the end of that five year period. The target retained earnings balance is higher for the Sewer Enterprise Fund because significant Sewer Enterprise costs are outside the Town's control, including charges for service at the Milford Treatment Plant and potential unanticipated capital expenses at the Westborough Treatment Plant. Because the Town does not control these costs, it is prudent to target a higher level of retained earnings balance as an enhanced reserve. The 6.5% rate increase in Water user fees is driven primarily by new capital costs on the horizon. This recommendation includes consideration of an anticipated $2.5 million expense for the replacement of the second water tank at Grove Street in fiscal year 2024. The principal and interest expense on a project of this magnitude is very impactful on an Enterprise Fund that had only about $1.7 million in water user fee billings in 2021, necessitating this significant series of rate adjustments. It is noteworthy that this rate recommendation does not consider the impact of potential significant additional costs that may be on the horizon to address the long term safety, stability, and reliability of Hopkinton's water supply; including possible connection to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority as a source of supply, possible development of additional well fields, and possible addition of filtration or treatment facilities. These potential factors could have major additional impacts on Water Enterprise user fee rates in coming years. A cross -departmental team is carefully evaluating these issues, and the Select Board will be kept informed. The 2% rate increase in Sewer user fees is less than the 2.5% - 3.0% increase expected in operating costs for the Sewer Enterprise in coming years, and is possible because current debt levels in the Sewer Enterprise are trailing off and the lower user fee rate increases are adequate to support operations at the targeted level of retained earnings over the next five year time horizon. 2 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study 5-Year Summary-Rates-Option 1 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Description ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED COMMENTS Revenues and Other Sources 2.00%2.00%2.00%2.00%2.00% User Charges - Existing Users 1,502,742$ 1,358,782$ 1,275,836$ 1,739,264$ -$ 2,106,107$ -$ 1,792,931$ 1,811,963$ 1,848,203$ 1,885,167$ 1,922,870$ FY21 based on actual commitments and FY20; FY22 on based on FY20 commitments + rate changes shown User Charges - New Properties -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Amounts based on projected new accounts' usage + rate changes Connection Fees 99,159$ 4,275$ 14,675$ 8,525$ -$ 4,260$ -$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ Assume FY21 projected amount for all years FY22-Fy26 Liens and Penalty on User Charges 54,252$ 68,560$ 53,947$ 56,296$ -$ 105,404$ -$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 4-year avg., FY22 on, based on FY17-20.; assume level Betterment Receipts Phases I-III 281$ 268$ 256$ 243$ -$ 230$ -$ 218$ 205$ 193$ -$ -$ Projected Receipts from Town's Master Betterments File Betterment Receipts Phases IV-V 221,238$ 216,583$ 211,155$ 43,239$ -$ (792)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Projected Receipts from Town's Master Betterments File Betterment Receipts Phase VI 731,996$ 708,104$ 692,602$ 806,442$ -$ 714,425$ -$ 553,460$ 534,122$ 513,296$ 412,990$ 399,455$ Projected Receipts from Town's Master Betterments File Unanticipated Betterment Revenue 33,333$ 32,976$ 4,752$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Not carrying any for years not yet completed Miscellaneous -$ -$ 17,095$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ FY19 is actual and includes a transfer in; ignoring other years since only one year seen Earnings on Investments -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Removed since not recognized as revenue in MUNIS reports; Put back in? Sub Total 2,643,002$ 2,389,547$ 2,270,317$ 2,654,009$ 2,771,593$ 2,929,634$ 2,409,133$ 2,409,133$ 2,408,815$ 2,424,215$ 2,360,680$ 2,384,849$ Retained Earnings -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 133,000$ 86,690$ 56,000$ 84,397$ 8,191$ Retained Earnings Appropriated to Balance Budget or to Fund Capital Outlay Total Revenues and Other Sources 2,643,002$ 2,389,547$ 2,270,317$ 2,654,009$ 2,771,593$ 2,929,634$ 2,409,133$ 2,542,133$ 2,495,505$ 2,480,215$ 2,445,077$ 2,393,040$ Expenditures and Other Uses Salaries 159,304$ 154,385$ 163,001$ 158,479$ 177,742$ 177,742$ 174,818$ 174,818$ 179,188$ 183,668$ 188,260$ 192,966$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 2.5% yearly Expenses 896,097$ 831,700$ 699,541$ 700,958$ 1,006,951$ 1,006,951$ 913,862$ 913,862$ 941,278$ 969,516$ 998,602$ 1,028,560$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 3.0% yearly Existing Long Term Debt Service 1,638,658$ 1,607,006$ 1,708,280$ 1,326,987$ 1,301,478$ 1,296,983$ 1,010,729$ 1,010,729$ 981,700$ 912,718$ 906,461$ 812,249$ See Town's latest debt tracking file; incl. Westborough capital Short Term Debt -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ FY21 from budget; FY22 on assumes short-term debt for borrowings, w/ 2% int. rate New Debt Service -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 19,871$ 19,043$ 18,215$ 17,387$ Projected New Debt based on Borrowing assumptions on Capital Plan tab Capital Outlay -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 133,000$ 56,000$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Outlay based on Retained Earnings selections on Capital Plan tab Sub Total 2,694,059$ 2,593,092$ 2,570,822$ 2,186,425$ 2,486,171$ 2,481,675$ 2,099,409$ 2,232,409$ 2,178,037$ 2,084,945$ 2,111,538$ 2,051,163$ Indirect Costs 306,021$ 264,516$ 333,763$ 281,178$ 285,422$ 285,422$ 309,724$ 309,724$ 317,467$ 325,404$ 333,539$ 341,877$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 2.5% yearly Total Expenditures and Other Uses 3,000,080$ 2,857,608$ 2,904,585$ 2,467,602$ 2,771,593$ 2,767,097$ 2,409,133$ 2,542,133$ 2,495,504$ 2,410,349$ 2,445,077$ 2,393,040$ Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Available Funds > Expenditures and Other Uses (357,078)$ (468,061)$ (634,268)$ 186,407$ -$ 162,537$ -$ -$ -$ 69,866$ -$ -$ Retained Earnings Summary Project Certified Retained Earnings as of July 1, 2020 673,831$ Available Retained Earnings Start of FY 673,831$ 836,368$ 703,368$ 616,678$ 630,544$ 546,147$ Retained Earnings Appropriated -$ (133,000)$ (86,690)$ (56,000)$ (84,397)$ (8,191)$ Current Year Surplus/(Deficit)162,537$ -$ -$ 69,866$ -$ -$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance 836,368$ 703,368$ 616,678$ 630,544$ 546,147$ 537,956$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget 27.3%30.2%27.7%24.7%26.2%22.3%22.5% Comments: This tab represents projections based on the rate changes shown at the top of the sheet. FY 2022 Sewer Rates Recommendation.xlsx Page 1 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Rate Recommendations - Option 1 Description FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 FY 2031 Operating Breakdown User Charges - Existing Users 2,106,107$ 1,757,776$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ User Charges - New Properties -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Liens/Penalty on User Charges 105,404$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ Operating Revenues 2,211,511$ 1,816,039$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ Salaries 177,742$ 174,818$ 179,188$ 183,668$ 188,260$ 192,966$ 197,791$ 202,735$ 207,804$ 212,999$ 218,324$ Expenditures 1,006,951$ 913,862$ 941,278$ 969,516$ 998,602$ 1,028,560$ 1,059,417$ 1,091,199$ 1,123,935$ 1,157,653$ 1,192,383$ Indirect Costs 285,422$ 309,724$ 317,467$ 325,404$ 333,539$ 341,877$ 350,424$ 359,185$ 368,165$ 377,369$ 386,803$ Operating Expenditures 1,470,115$ 1,398,404$ 1,437,933$ 1,478,588$ 1,520,400$ 1,563,403$ 1,607,631$ 1,653,119$ 1,699,903$ 1,748,020$ 1,797,509$ Operating Surplus/(Deficit)741,396$ 417,635$ 361,933$ 321,278$ 279,466$ 236,463$ 192,235$ 146,747$ 99,963$ 51,846$ 2,357$ Operating Rate Changes 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Additional Revenue from Operating Rate Changes -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Adjusted Operating Surplus/(Deficit)417,635$ 361,933$ 321,278$ 279,466$ 236,463$ 192,235$ 146,747$ 99,963$ 51,846$ 2,357$ Capital Breakdown Betterments 713,863$ 553,678$ 534,328$ 513,489$ 412,990$ 399,455$ 385,894$ 372,334$ 358,773$ 344,114$ 193,091$ Connection Fees 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ Retained Earnings (to fund Capital Outlay)-$ 133,000$ 56,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Revenues 718,123$ 690,938$ 594,588$ 517,749$ 417,250$ 403,715$ 390,154$ 376,594$ 363,033$ 348,374$ 197,351$ Existing Debt Service 1,296,983$ 1,010,729$ 981,700$ 912,718$ 906,461$ 812,249$ 806,574$ 788,851$ 776,313$ 772,935$ 669,540$ New Debt Service -$ -$ 19,871$ 19,043$ 18,215$ 17,387$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Outlay -$ 133,000$ 56,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Expenditures 1,296,983$ 1,143,729$ 1,057,571$ 931,761$ 924,676$ 829,637$ 806,574$ 788,851$ 776,313$ 772,935$ 669,540$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Surplus/(Deficit)(578,859)$ (452,791)$ (462,983)$ (414,012)$ (507,426)$ (425,921)$ (416,420)$ (412,257)$ (413,280)$ (424,561)$ (472,189)$ Capital Rate Changes 2.0%2.0%2.0%2.0%2.0%2.5%2.0%2.5%3.0%4.5% Additional Revenue from Capital Rate Changes 35,156$ 70,361$ 106,600$ 143,564$ 181,267$ 229,339$ 268,758$ 319,017$ 380,836$ 476,345$ Adjusted Capital Surplus/(Deficit)(417,635)$ (392,623)$ (307,412)$ (363,862)$ (244,654)$ (187,081)$ (143,499)$ (94,263)$ (43,726)$ 4,157$ Total Adjusted Surplus/(Deficit)0$ (30,690)$ 13,866$ (84,397)$ (8,191)$ 5,154$ 3,248$ 5,700$ 8,120$ 6,514$ Deficits to be covered by appropriated Retained Earnings Total Rate Changes 2.0%2.0%2.0%2.0%2.0%2.5%2.0%2.5%3.0%4.5% FY 2022 Sewer Rates Recommendation.xlsx Page 2 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Rate Recommendations - Option 1 Retained Earnings Summary Available Retained Earnings Start of FY 673,831$ 836,368$ 703,368$ 616,678$ 630,544$ 546,148$ 537,957$ 543,111$ 546,358$ 552,059$ 560,179$ Retained Earnings Appropriated -$ (133,000)$ (56,000)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Current Year Surplus/(Deficit)162,537$ 0$ (30,690)$ 13,866$ (84,397)$ (8,191)$ 5,154$ 3,248$ 5,700$ 8,120$ 6,514$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance 836,368$ 703,368$ 616,678$ 630,544$ 546,148$ 537,957$ 543,111$ 546,358$ 552,059$ 560,179$ 566,693$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget 30.2%27.7%24.7%26.2%22.3%22.5%22.5%22.4%22.3%22.2%23.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 Retained Earnings Projections Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget Target FY 2022 Sewer Rates Recommendation.xlsx Page 3 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study 5-Year Summary-Rates-Option 1 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Description ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED BUDGETED PROJECTED BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED COMMENTS Revenues and Other Sources 6.50%6.50%6.50%6.50%6.50% User Charges - Existing Users 1,582,480$ 1,597,027$ 1,324,911$ 1,904,374$ -$ 1,676,240$ -$ 1,702,911$ 1,813,600$ 1,931,484$ 2,057,031$ 2,190,738$ FY21 based on actual commitments and FY20; FY22 on based on FY20 commitments + rate changes shown User Charges - New Properties -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 37,009$ 72,620$ 98,937$ 122,544$ 135,410$ Amounts based on projected new accounts' usage + rate changes Fire Protection Charges 296,856$ 296,856$ 297,856$ 297,856$ -$ 297,856$ -$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ Hydrant Rental amount same as FY19's in FY21, but adjusted for FY22; assume level each year Connection Fees 103,588$ 88,392$ 425,761$ 482,253$ -$ 561,150$ -$ 535,050$ 334,950$ 230,550$ 113,100$ -$ Calcs based on 2019 analysis for connections town-wide, updated this year Misc. Utility Fees (Backflow, Sprinkler, Finals)53,780$ 35,080$ 48,307$ 11,441$ -$ 20,971$ -$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 4-year average, FY21 on, based on FY17-20; assume level Liens/Penalty on User Charges 33,421$ 52,686$ 34,138$ 30,781$ -$ 36,973$ -$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 4-year average, FY21 on, based on FY17-20; assume level Earnings on Investments -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Zeroed out since not recognized as revenue in MUNIS reports Sub Total 2,070,125$ 2,070,040$ 2,130,973$ 2,726,705$ 3,165,228$ 2,593,189$ 2,584,320$ 2,597,379$ 2,543,578$ 2,583,380$ 2,615,083$ 2,648,557$ Retained Earnings -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 320,000$ 123,392$ 73,635$ 272,679$ 180,275$ Retained Earnings Appropriated to Balance Budget or to Fund Capital Outlay Total Revenues and Other Sources 2,070,125$ 2,070,040$ 2,130,973$ 2,726,705$ 3,165,228$ 2,593,189$ 2,584,320$ 2,917,379$ 2,666,970$ 2,657,015$ 2,887,762$ 2,828,832$ Expenditures and Other Uses Salaries 315,454$ 306,811$ 344,987$ 335,393$ 437,483$ 437,483$ 434,572$ 434,572$ 445,436$ 456,572$ 467,987$ 479,686$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 2.5% yearly Expenses 771,268$ 822,124$ 743,065$ 758,119$ 850,564$ 850,564$ 860,546$ 860,546$ 886,362$ 912,953$ 940,342$ 968,552$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 3.0% yearly Existing Long Term Debt Service 529,659$ 700,847$ 787,018$ 828,252$ 1,502,053$ 907,546$ 900,330$ 900,330$ 677,688$ 647,395$ 628,799$ 531,002$ See Town's latest debt tracking file; incl. Ashland debt (FY21 last year of it) Short Term Debt -$ -$ -$ 51,361$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 7,200$ -$ -$ -$ FY21 from budget; FY22 on assumes short-term debt for borrowings, w/ 2% int. rate New Debt Service -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 150,690$ 193,536$ 431,862$ 420,348$ Projected New Debt based on Borrowing assumptions on Capital Plan tab Capital Outlay -$ -$ 233,400$ 115,000$ -$ -$ -$ 320,000$ 101,000$ 38,000$ -$ -$ Capital Outlay based on Retained Earnings selections on Capital Plan tab Sub Total 1,616,381$ 1,829,783$ 2,108,470$ 2,088,125$ 2,790,100$ 2,195,593$ 2,195,448$ 2,515,448$ 2,268,377$ 2,248,456$ 2,468,990$ 2,399,589$ Indirect Costs 307,807$ 344,984$ 355,334$ 369,547$ 375,128$ 375,128$ 388,872$ 388,872$ 398,594$ 408,559$ 418,773$ 429,242$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 2.5% yearly Total Expenditures and Other Uses 1,924,188$ 2,174,767$ 2,463,804$ 2,457,672$ 3,165,228$ 2,570,721$ 2,584,320$ 2,904,320$ 2,666,971$ 2,657,015$ 2,887,763$ 2,828,831$ Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Available Funds > Expenditures and Other Uses 145,937$ (104,726)$ (332,831)$ 269,032$ -$ 22,468$ -$ 13,059$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Retained Earnings Summary Projected Certified Retained Earnings as of July 1, 2020 1,361,343$ Available Retained Earnings Start of FY 1,361,343$ 1,383,305$ 1,076,364$ 952,972$ 879,337$ 606,658$ Retained Earnings Appropriated (506)$ (320,000)$ (123,392)$ (73,635)$ (272,679)$ (180,275)$ Current Year Surplus/(Deficit)22,468$ 13,059$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance 1,383,305$ 1,076,364$ 952,972$ 879,337$ 606,658$ 426,383$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget 55.4%53.8%37.1%35.7%33.1%21.0%15.1% Comments: This tab represents projections based on the rate changes shown at the top of the sheet. FY 2022 Water Rates Recommendation.xlsx Page 1 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Rate Recommendations - Option 1 Description FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 FY 2031 Operating Breakdown User Charges - Existing Users 1,676,240$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ User Charges - New Properties -$ 34,751$ 64,026$ 81,905$ 95,256$ 98,833$ 98,833$ 98,833$ 98,833$ 98,833$ 98,833$ Misc. Utility Fees (Backflow, Sprinkler, Finals)20,971$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ Liens/Penalty on User Charges 36,973$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ Operating Revenues 1,734,183$ 1,708,636$ 1,737,912$ 1,755,791$ 1,769,142$ 1,772,719$ 1,772,719$ 1,772,719$ 1,772,719$ 1,772,719$ 1,772,719$ Salaries 437,483$ 434,572$ 445,436$ 456,572$ 467,987$ 479,686$ 491,678$ 503,970$ 516,570$ 529,484$ 542,721$ Expenditures 850,564$ 860,546$ 886,362$ 912,953$ 940,342$ 968,552$ 997,609$ 1,027,537$ 1,058,363$ 1,090,114$ 1,122,817$ Indirect Costs 375,128$ 388,872$ 398,594$ 408,559$ 418,773$ 429,242$ 439,973$ 450,972$ 462,247$ 473,803$ 485,648$ Operating Expenditures 1,663,175$ 1,683,990$ 1,730,392$ 1,778,084$ 1,827,101$ 1,877,480$ 1,929,260$ 1,982,480$ 2,037,179$ 2,093,400$ 2,151,186$ Operating Surplus/(Deficit)71,008$ 24,646$ 7,519$ (22,293)$ (57,959)$ (104,761)$ (156,541)$ (209,760)$ (264,460)$ (320,681)$ (378,467)$ Operating Rate Changes 0.0%0.0%1.0%2.0%2.0%2.5%2.5%2.5%2.0%3.0% Additional Revenue from Operating Rate Changes -$ -$ 19,065$ 60,147$ 103,958$ 158,726$ 217,602$ 275,595$ 321,062$ 385,419$ Adjusted Operating Surplus/(Deficit)24,646$ 7,519$ (3,228)$ 2,189$ (803)$ 2,186$ 7,842$ 11,135$ 381$ 6,953$ Capital Breakdown Fire Protection Charges 297,856$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ Connection Fees 561,150$ 535,050$ 334,950$ 230,550$ 113,100$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Retained Earnings (to fund Capital Outlay)-$ 320,000$ 101,000$ 38,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Revenues 859,006$ 1,102,550$ 683,450$ 516,050$ 360,600$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ Existing Debt Service 907,546$ 900,330$ 677,688$ 647,395$ 628,799$ 531,002$ 503,628$ 422,197$ 340,705$ 334,252$ 327,499$ New Debt Service -$ -$ 157,890$ 193,536$ 431,862$ 420,348$ 372,956$ 363,236$ 333,516$ 308,596$ 300,317$ Capital Outlay -$ 320,000$ 101,000$ 38,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Expenditures 907,546$ 1,220,330$ 936,578$ 878,931$ 1,060,662$ 951,351$ 876,584$ 785,434$ 674,221$ 642,848$ 627,815$ Capital Surplus/(Deficit)(48,540)$ (117,780)$ (253,128)$ (362,881)$ (700,062)$ (703,851)$ (629,084)$ (537,934)$ (426,721)$ (395,348)$ (380,315)$ Capital Rate Changes 6.5%6.5%5.5%4.5%4.5%5.0%-4.0%-4.5%-1.5%-0.5% Additional Revenue from Capital Rate Changes 106,192$ 223,217$ 330,474$ 425,194$ 524,379$ 633,916$ 539,714$ 435,327$ 401,227$ 389,804$ Adjusted Capital Surplus/(Deficit)(11,588)$ (29,912)$ (32,407)$ (274,868)$ (179,472)$ 4,832$ 1,781$ 8,606$ 5,879$ 9,489$ Total Adjusted Surplus/(Deficit)13,059$ (22,392)$ (35,635)$ (272,679)$ (180,275)$ 7,018$ 9,623$ 19,741$ 6,260$ 16,441$ Deficits to be covered by appropriated Retained Earnings Total Rate Changes 6.5%6.5%6.5%6.5%6.5%7.5%-1.5%-2.0%0.5%2.5% FY 2022 Water Rates Recommendation.xlsx Page 2 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Rate Recommendations - Option 1 Retained Earnings Summary Available Retained Earnings Start of FY 1,361,343$ 1,383,305$ 1,076,364$ 952,971$ 879,336$ 606,657$ 426,382$ 433,400$ 443,023$ 462,764$ 469,024$ Retained Earnings Appropriated (506)$ (320,000)$ (101,000)$ (38,000)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Current Year Surplus/(Deficit)22,468$ 13,059$ (22,392)$ (35,635)$ (272,679)$ (180,275)$ 7,018$ 9,623$ 19,741$ 6,260$ 16,441$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance 1,383,305$ 1,076,364$ 952,971$ 879,336$ 606,657$ 426,382$ 433,400$ 443,023$ 462,764$ 469,024$ 485,465$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget 53.8%37.1%35.7%33.1%21.0%15.1%15.4%16.0%17.1%17.1%17.5% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 Retained Earnings Projections Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget Target FY 2022 Water Rates Recommendation.xlsx Page 3 Town of Hopkinton FY 2022 Water and Sewer Rate Study The Abrahams Group June 2021 THE ABRAHAMS GROUP FOR BETTER GOVERNMENTS June 11, 2021 Mr. John Westerling Director, Department of Public Works 83 Wood Street Hopkinton, MA 01748 Dear Mr. Westerline,: We are pleased to submit to you the attached water and sewer rate study for review by the Select Board. I will be pleased to discuss this report with you at your earliest convenience. Sincerely yours, A, a ( Mark. D. Abrahams, CPA President 52 FLANAGAN DRIVE o FRAMINGHAM, MA 01701 BETTERGOVCAOL.COM o WWW.THEABRAHAMSGROUP.COM o PHONE (508) 788-9172 o FAX (508) 788-6217 The Town of Hopkinton operates a Water Enterprise Fund and a Sewer Enterprise Fund, both of which were fiscally challenged in the recent past. The Water Fund has maintained a healthy retained earnings balance the past few years. However, large potential water capital improvements in the near future may again stress the Water Fund. The Sewer Fund was facing a revenue shortfall for multiple years recently that was addressed with the rate action taken for FY 2020 and FY 2021. When setting rates for FY 2021, the Select Board voted to increase water rates 3.0% and increase sewer rates 2.5%. Rate setting for both funds was done with a focus on the state of the funds in the short term, but with consideration of the funds' longer -term sustainability. The objective of this report is to provide an update on the five-year analysis of both funds, with the focus on setting rates for FY 2022 and on recommended rate action to ensure both funds are financially stable long-term. WATER OVERVIEW This section contains an analysis on the current state of the Water Enterprise Fund, as well as projected revenues and expenditures and their impact on retained earnings. Town Meeting approved the FY 2022 operating budget for the Water Enterprise Fund. The budget is as follows: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND FY2022 Water Enterprise Revenue 2,195,448 WATER ENTERPRISE SOURCES OF FUNDS 2,195,448 Indirect Costs to be raised from the FY2022 Water Enterprise Fund revenue appropriated in the General Fund 388,872 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET 2,584,320 Retained earnings were certified at $991,343 as of July 1, 2020, up from the certified amount of $905,956 the year prior. The certification would have been around $1.36 million if not for overbudgeting of debt service in the FY 2022 budget. The next certification of retained earnings will include retained earnings reserved due to this overbudgeting. In the rate study for FY 2021, available retained earnings were projected to be almost $1.15 million at the end of FY 2020. The difference between the projection and the amount without the overbudgeting is primarily due to water consumption and, as a result, billings being much higher than anticipated and more new connections occurring in FY 2021 than anticipated. In 2014, the Town adopted a Water Master Plan that contains engineer -recommended capital improvements to the water system. Those capital improvements are reflected in the comprehensive capital plan maintained by the Department of Public Works for the Water Department. 2 The capital plan includes the following: Alprilla Farm Well 7 & 8 Cleaning Water Main Replacement, Woody Island Road International Dump Truck W5 Vehicle Ford utility pickup W4 Vehicle Ford utility pickup W3 Water Main Replacement Ingersoll Rand Compressor (1/2 water 1/2 sewer) Design for Tank Replacement at Grove St Tank Site Construction for Tank Replacement at Grove St Tank Site Vehicle Ford utility pickup WI Vehicle Ford utility pickup W2 Outlay/ Borrowing Outlay Outlay Borrowing Outlay Outlay Borrowing Outlay Borrowing Borrowing Outlay Borrowing Totals F Total Outlay (funded by Retained Earnings) Total Borrowing FY 2022 40,000 280,000 320,000 320,000 FY FY 2023 2024 100,000 48,000 47,000 260,000 6,000 200,000 2,300,000 38,000 80,000 461,000 P 2,618,000 101,000 38,000 360,000 2,580,000 The plan identifies which items the Town plans to fund using retained earnings and which the Town plans to fund using borrowings. The Town expects discussion on water sourcing to continue and capital improvements for water sourcing may be added to the capital plan in the near future. With most of the capital plan's items to be funded via borrowing, the Water Enterprise Fund's debt service projects to increase significantly over the next few fiscal years. Existing debt and new debt projections, based on the capital plan, as well as the percentage of the total when compared to the budget, are in the table at the top of the following page: Existing Debt Service New Debt Service Total Debt Service Debt as % of Budget FY 2022 $ 900,330 $ - $ 900,330 31.0% FY 2023 $ 677,688 $ 150,690 $ 828,378 31.1% FY 2024 $ 647,395 $ 193,536 $ 840,931 31.6% FY 2025 $ 628,799 $ 431,862 $ 1,060,662 36.7% FY 2026 $ 531,002 $ 420,348 $ 951,351 33.6% The Town now realizes revenue for all water connections. Per the Town's agreement with the Legacy Farms developer, the developer was to be reimbursed a certain amount of money in connection fee revenue prior to the Town's collection of connection fee revenue for Legacy Farms properties. The developer has been reimbursed the amount in the agreement and, since 3 FY 2019, the Town has been collecting connection fee revenue for Legacy Farms North properties. Projected connection fee revenue for anticipated connections over the next five fiscal years are in the following table: FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 Connection Fees $ 535,050 $ 334,950 $ 230,550 $ 113,100 $ - As shown in the table, the number of new connections is expected to decrease greatly over the next few years, due to the expected completion of the larger development projects in town. Those projects are expected to be completed sometime in FY 2025. Although no connection fee revenue is shown for FY 2026, assuming those projects are completed by then, the Town should still expect to see a small amount of connection fee revenue for some properties around town. The Town has collected connection fees from new, larger developments, including Legacy Farms, in the recent past. That connection fee revenue has contributed greatly to the fund's healthy retained earnings balance. Considering the connection fee was designed to fund future capital improvements, the Town should strongly consider using connection fee revenue and available retained earnings to fund new capital identified in the capital plan. Consumption increased from FY 2020 to FY 2021 by about 1.5 million cubic feet or 4.1%, after decreasing by about 1,100,000 cubic feet or 2.8% from FY 2019 to FY 2020. Consumption increased due to dry warmer months in 2020, which impacted outdoor water usage, and increases in residential usage with people home more due to the pandemic. There was a decrease in commercial water consumption because of the pandemic, but not enough to offset the increase in residential usage. The following table shows the fund's financial projections over the next five fiscal years. The revenue projections do not include a rate increase in any of the years analyzed and, therefore, this table presents the Baseline or "Do Nothing" Scenario. The "5 -Year Summary -Baseline" tab for the Baseline Scenario from the FY 2022 Rate Study workbook is presented as an attachment to this report. FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 Total Revenues and Other Sources $ 2,811,186 $ 2,421,362 $ 2,271,841 $ 2,129,742 $ 2,020,219 Total Expenditures and Other Uses $ 2,904,320 $ 2,666,971 $ 2,657,015 $ 2,887,763 $ 2,828,831 Surplus/(Deficit) $ (93,134) $ (245,609) $ (385,174) $ (758,020) $ (808,612) Projections show a deficit in FY 2022 due to the expectation that water consumption will revert to levels typically seen before the pandemic, as people will not be home as much as they were during the pandemic. Additionally, with decreasing connection fee revenues expected and with the ramping up of projected new debt service in FY 2025, in large part due to the tank replacement project at the Grove St site, the fund projects to have large yearly deficits soon. 4 RECOMMENDED RATE ACTION Option 1 Projections show that the following rate action plan ensures that operating revenues cover operating expenditures and ensures that capital revenues cover capital expenditures. This option presents a level rate plan that promotes stability. Rate Action Plan The following rate action plan is recommended to ensure operating and capital revenues cover operating and capital expenditures and ensure long-term stability for both operating and capital. Fiscal Years -> 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Rate Change -Operating 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.0% 3.0% Rate Change -Capital 6.5% 6.5% 5.5% 4.5% 4.5% 5.0% -4.0% -4.5% -1.5% -0.5% Total Rate Change 6.5% 6.5% 6.5% 6.5% 6.5% 7.5% -1.5% -2.0% 0.5% 2.5% User Impact Impact shown is on total yearly bffts Usage per Bill Minimum Residential User 1,000 Average Residential User 4,247 Tier 2 Residential User 8,000 Average Commercial User 7,341 Average Agricultural User 6,363 Average Industrial User 72,232 Option 2 Current $ 54.40 $ 269.35 $ 517.80 $ 474.17 $ 409.43 $ 9,356.12 New FY 2022 $ 57.94 $ 286.86 $ 551.46 $ 505.00 $ 436.04 $ 9,964.27 FY 2023 $ 61.70 $ 305.51 $ 58730 $ 537.82 $ 464.39 $10,611.95 FY 2024 $ 65.71 $ 325.36 $ 625.48 $ 572.78 $ 494.57 FY 2025 $ 69.98 $ 346.51 $ 666.13 $ 610.01 $ 526.72 FY 2026 $ 74.53 $ 369.03 $ 709.43 $ 649.66 $ 560.96 $ 11,301.73 $ 12,036.34 $ 12,818.70 Projections show that the following rate action plan ensures that operating revenues cover operating expenditures and ensures that capital revenues cover capital expenditures. This option presents a smaller increase in the short term and larger increases in the long term. Rate Action Plan The following rate action plan is recommended to ensure operating and capital revenues cover operating and capital expenditures and ensure long-term stability for both operating and capital. 5 Fiscal Yews -> 2022 Rate Change -Operating 0.0% Rate Change -Capital 4.0% Total Rate Change 4.0% User Impact Impact shown is on total yearly bills Usage per Bill Minimum Residential User 1,000 Average Residential User 4,247 Tier 2 Residential User 8,000 Average Commercial User 7,341 Average Agricultural User 6,363 Average Industrial User 72,232 2023 2024 2025 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.0% 8.0% 8.0% 8.0% Current $ 54.40 $ 269.35 $ 517.80 $ 474.17 $ 409.43 $ 9,356.12 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.0% 2.5% 6.0% 1.5% -4.0% -4.5% -1.5% -0.5% 8.0% 4.0% -1.5% -2.0% 0.5% 2.0% New FY 2022 $ 56.58 $ 280.13 $ 538.51 $ 493.14 $ 425.81 $ 9,730.37 6 FY 2023 $ 61.10 $ 302.54 $ 581.59 $ 532.59 $ 459.87 $ 10,508.80 FY 2024 $ 65.99 $ 326.74 $ 628.12 $ 575.20 $ 496.66 $ 11,349.50 FY 2025 FY 2026 $ 71.27 $ 76.97 $ 352.88 $ 381.11 $ 678.37 $ 732.64 $ 621.22 $ 670.91 $ 536.40 $ 579.31 $ 12,257.46 $ 13,238.06 SEWER OVERVIEW This section contains an analysis on the current state of the Sewer Enterprise Fund, as well as projected revenues and expenditures and their impact on retained earnings. Town Meeting approved the FY 2022 operating budget for the Water Enterprise Fund. The budget is as follows: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND FY2022 Sewer Enterprise Revenue 2,099,409 SEWER ENTERPRISE SOURCES OF FUNDS 2,099,409 Indirect Costs to be raised from the FY2022 Sewer Enterprise Fund revenue appropriated in the General Fund 309,724 SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET 2,409,133 Retained earnings were certified at $673,831 as of July 1, 2020, up from the certified amount of $260,897 the year prior. In the rate study for FY 2021, available retained earnings were projected to be about $550,000 at the end of FY 2020. The difference between the projection and the actual amount is primarily due to sewer flow and, as a result, billings being much higher than anticipated. The Department of Public Works maintains a capital plan for the Sewer Department. The current plan includes the items in the following table: Outlay/ FY FY FY Borrowing 2022 2023 2024 Vehicle FORD F250 Pickup Outlay 53,000 Inflow/Infiltration Investigation Outlay 80,000 Vehicle FORD F250 Pickup Outlay 50,000 Ingersoll Rand Compressor (1/2 Outlay 6,000 water 1/2 sewer) Totals F 133,000 r 56,000 Total Outlay (funded by Retained Earnings) 133,000 56,000 Total Borrowing - The plan identifies which items the Town plans to fund using retained earnings and which the Town plans to fund using a borrowing. The capital plan is light in comparison to the capital plan in recent years. As the table shows, the Town does not anticipate additional borrowings in the near future. 7 The fund's existing debt as well as the percentage of the total when compared to the budget, are in the table below: FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 Existing Debt Service $ 1,010,729 $ 1,001,571 $ 931,761 $ 924,676 $ 829,637 Total Debt Service $ 1,010,729 $ 1,001,571 $ 931,761 $ 924,676 $ 829,637 Debt as % of Budget 39.8% 40.1% 38.7% 37.8% 34.7% Although debt service is at least 34% of the budget in all years shown in the table, it was much higher in the recent past. It was about $1.6 million (54.6%) in FY 2017, $1.6 million (56.2%) in FY 2018, $1.7 million (58.8%) in FY 2019, $1.3 million (53.8%) in FY 2020, and $1.3 million (47.0%) in FY 2021. Unlike with water, which will add, on average, about 70 connections on a yearly basis over the next four years, the Town anticipates only a few new connections over the same period. Sewer flow is up over 1.7 million cubic feet from FY 2020 to FY 2021 or about 12.7%, after being up 200,000 cubic feet or 1.5% from FY 2019 to FY 2020. These two years of increased flow are the first two years of increased flow in considerable time. However, one large user's flow was abnormally high in both fiscal years and, without that high flow, sewer flow overall would have been down about 0.5% in FY 2021 compared to FY 2020. There are properties on South Street that are vacant and, if occupied again, could help sewer flow approach the high levels the Town saw in recent years. As discussed in the past, the sewer fund had a revenue problem for multiple years. Due to recent rate action by the Select Board, the fund's revenues are now approaching covering its expenditures and should soon. The following table shows the fund's financial projections over the next five fiscal years. The revenue projections do not include a rate increase in any of the years analyzed and, therefore, this table presents the Baseline or "Do Nothing" Scenario. The "5 -Year Summary -Baseline" tab for the Baseline Scenario from the FY 2022 Rate Study workbook is presented as an attachment to this report. FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 Total Revenues and Other Sources $ 2,506,978 $ 2,394,454 $ 2,317,615 $ 2,217,116 $ 2,203,582 Total Expenditures and Other Uses $ 2,542,133 $ 2,495,504 $ 2,410,349 $ 2,445,077 $ 2,393,040 Surplus/(Deficit) $ (35,155) $ (101,050) $ (92,734) $ (227,961) $ (189,458) Projections show a deficit, although not a large one, in each of the fiscal years presented because revenue is unchanged in these projections, but expenses are expected to continue to increase. Sewer rates should be increased to ensure revenues continue to keep up with expected expenditures. 8 RECOMMENDED RATE ACTION Option 1 Projections show that the following rate action plan ensures that operating revenues cover operating expenditures and ensures that capital revenues cover capital expenditures. This option presents a level rate plan that promotes stability. Rate Action Plan The following rate action plan is recommended to ensure operating and capital revenues cover operating and capital expenditures and ensure long-term stability for both operating and capital. Fiscal Years -> 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Rate Change -Operating 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Rate Change -Capital 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 4.5% Total Rate Change 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 4.5% User Impact Impact shown is on total yearly bills Usage per Bill Minimum Residential User 1,000 Average Residential User 3,522 Ter 2 Residential User 8,000 Average Commercial User 7,983 Average Industrial User 70,994 Option 2 New Current FY 2022 $ 230.80 $ 235.42 $ 921.32 $ 939.75 $ 2,147.40 $ 2,190.35 $ 2,131.79 $ 2,174.43 $ 23,464.57 $ 23,933.86 FY 2023 $ 240.12 $ 958.55 $ 2,234.15 $ 2,217.92 $ 24,412.54 FY 2024 $ 244.93 $ 977.72 $ 2,278.84 $ 2,262.28 $ 24,900.79 FY 2025 FY 2026 $ 249.83 $ 254.82 $ 997.27 $ 1,017.22 $ 2,324.41 $ 2,370.90 $ 2,307.52 $ 2,353.67 $ 25,398.80 $ 25,906.78 Projections show that the following rate action plan ensures that operating revenues cover operating expenditures and ensures that capital revenues cover capital expenditures. This option presents no rate change in FY 2022, with larger increases in subsequent years. Rate Action Plan The following rate action plan is recommended to ensure operating and capital revenues cover operating and capital expenditures and ensure long-term stability for both operating and capital. 9 Fisr cal Years -> 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Rate Change -Operating 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Rate Change -Capital 0.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 5.0% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 4.5% Total Rate Change Iv 0.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 5.0% 2.0% 25% 3.0% 4.5% User Impact Usage per Bill Minimum Residential User 1,000 Average Residential User 3,522 Tier 2 Residential User 8,000 Average Commercial User 7,983 Average Industrial User 70,994 New Current FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 $ 230.80 $ 230.80 $ 235.42 $ 240.12 $ 244.93 $ 249.83 $ 921.32 $ 921.32 $ 939.75 $ 958.55 $ 977.72 $ 997.27 $ 2,147.40 $ 2,147.40 $ 2,190.35 $ 2,234.15 $ 2,278.84 $ 2,324.41 $ 2,131.79 $ 2,131.79 $ 2,174.43 $ 2,217.92 $ 2,262.28 $ 2,307.52 $ 23,464.57 $ 23,464.57 $ 23,933.86 $ 24,412.54 $ 24,900.79 $ 25,398.80 10 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Summary-Baseline 15.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED Surplus/Deficit 162,537$ (35,155)$ (101,050)$ (92,734)$ (227,961)$ (189,458)$ Projected Retained Earnings 836,368$ 668,212$ 511,162$ 418,428$ 190,467$ 1,009$ RE as % of Budget 30.2%26.3%20.5%17.4%7.8%0.0% Target RE as % of Budget 15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0% The table and graph above represent the Baseline scenario, with no rate change. Target Retained Earnings as % of Budget: Baseline 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 Retained Earnings Projections -Baseline Scenario Target RE as % of Budget RE as % of Budget 6/11/2021 2:42 PM Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 1 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Summary-Rate Change Option 1 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 2.0%2.0%2.0%2.0%2.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED Surplus/Deficit 162,537$ -$ -$ 69,866$ -$ -$ Projected Retained Earnings 836,368$ 703,368$ 616,678$ 630,544$ 546,147$ 537,956$ RE as % of Budget 30.2%27.7%24.7%26.2%22.3%22.5% Target RE as % of Budget 15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0% The table and graph above and the table below represent projections based on the rate changes in the top table. User Type Flow Current Bill FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 Minimum Residential User 1,000 115.40$ 117.71$ 120.06$ 122.46$ 124.91$ 127.41$ Average Residential User 3,522 460.66$ 469.88$ 479.27$ 488.86$ 498.64$ 508.61$ Tier 2 Residential User 8,000 1,073.70$ 1,095.17$ 1,117.08$ 1,139.42$ 1,162.21$ 1,185.45$ Average Commercial User 7,943 1,065.90$ 1,087.21$ 1,108.96$ 1,131.14$ 1,153.76$ 1,176.84$ Average Industrial User 70,994 11,732.28$ 11,966.93$ 12,206.27$ 12,450.39$ 12,699.40$ 12,953.39$ User Type Flow Current Bill FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 Minimum Residential User 1,000 230.80$ 235.42$ 240.12$ 244.93$ 249.83$ 254.82$ Average Residential User 3,522 921.32$ 939.75$ 958.55$ 977.72$ 997.27$ 1,017.22$ Tier 2 Residential User 8,000 2,147.40$ 2,190.35$ 2,234.15$ 2,278.84$ 2,324.41$ 2,370.90$ Average Commercial User 7,943 2,131.79$ 2,174.43$ 2,217.92$ 2,262.28$ 2,307.52$ 2,353.67$ Average Industrial User 70,994 23,464.57$ 23,933.86$ 24,412.54$ 24,900.79$ 25,398.80$ 25,906.78$ User Impact (Yearly Totals)New Bills Rate Impact User Impact (per Bill)New Bills Rate Increases 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 Retained Earnings Projections -with Rate Changes RE as % of Budget Target RE as % of Budget 6/11/2021 2:42 PM Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 2 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Summary-Rate Change Option 2 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 0.0%2.0%2.0%2.0%2.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED Surplus/Deficit 162,537$ (35,155)$ (66,218)$ 33,627$ (121,361)$ (45,894)$ Projected Retained Earnings 836,368$ 668,212$ 545,994$ 523,621$ 402,260$ 356,366$ RE as % of Budget 30.2%26.3%21.9%21.7%16.5%14.9% Target RE as % of Budget 15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0% The table and graph above and the table below represent projections based on the rate changes in the top table. User Type Flow Current Bill FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 Minimum Residential User 1,000 115.40$ 115.40$ 117.71$ 120.06$ 122.46$ 124.91$ Average Residential User 3,522 460.66$ 460.66$ 469.88$ 479.27$ 488.86$ 498.64$ Tier 2 Residential User 8,000 1,073.70$ 1,073.70$ 1,095.17$ 1,117.08$ 1,139.42$ 1,162.21$ Average Commercial User 7,943 1,065.90$ 1,065.90$ 1,087.21$ 1,108.96$ 1,131.14$ 1,153.76$ Average Industrial User 70,994 11,732.28$ 11,732.28$ 11,966.93$ 12,206.27$ 12,450.39$ 12,699.40$ User Type Flow Current Bill FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 Minimum Residential User 1,000 230.80$ 230.80$ 235.42$ 240.12$ 244.93$ 249.83$ Average Residential User 3,522 921.32$ 921.32$ 939.75$ 958.55$ 977.72$ 997.27$ Tier 2 Residential User 8,000 2,147.40$ 2,147.40$ 2,190.35$ 2,234.15$ 2,278.84$ 2,324.41$ Average Commercial User 7,943 2,131.79$ 2,131.79$ 2,174.43$ 2,217.92$ 2,262.28$ 2,307.52$ Average Industrial User 70,994 23,464.57$ 23,464.57$ 23,933.86$ 24,412.54$ 24,900.79$ 25,398.80$ User Impact (Yearly Totals)New Bills New Bills Rate Increases Rate Impact User Impact (per Bill) 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 Retained Earnings Projections -with Rate Changes RE as % of Budget Target RE as % of Budget 6/11/2021 2:42 PM Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 3 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study 5-Year Summary-Baseline 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Description ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED COMMENTS Revenues and Other Sources User Charges - Existing Users 1,502,742$ 1,358,782$ 1,275,836$ 1,739,264$ 2,106,107$ 1,757,776$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ FY21 based on actual commitments; FY22 on based on FY20 commitments User Charges - New Properties -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Amounts based on projected new accounts' usage Connection Fees 99,159$ 4,275$ 14,675$ 8,525$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ Assume FY21 projected amount for all years FY22-Fy26 Liens and Penalty on User Charges 54,252$ 68,560$ 53,947$ 56,296$ 105,404$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 4-year avg., FY22 on, based on FY17-20.; assume level Betterment Receipts Phases I-III 281$ 268$ 256$ 243$ 230$ 218$ 205$ 193$ -$ -$ Projected Receipts from Town's Master Betterments File Betterment Receipts Phases IV-V 221,238$ 216,583$ 211,155$ 43,239$ (792)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Projected Receipts from Town's Master Betterments File Betterment Receipts Phase VI 731,996$ 708,104$ 692,602$ 806,442$ 714,425$ 553,460$ 534,122$ 513,296$ 412,990$ 399,455$ Projected Receipts from Town's Master Betterments File Unanticipated Betterment Revenue 33,333$ 32,976$ 4,752$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Not carrying any for years not yet completed Miscellaneous -$ -$ 17,095$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ FY19 is actual and includes a transfer in; ignoring other years since only one year seen Earnings on Investments -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Removed since not recognized as revenue in MUNIS reports; Put back in? Sub Total 2,643,002$ 2,389,547$ 2,270,317$ 2,654,009$ 2,771,593$ 2,929,634$ 2,409,133$ 2,373,978$ 2,338,454$ 2,317,615$ 2,217,116$ 2,203,582$ Retained Earnings -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 133,000$ 56,000$ -$ -$ -$ Retained Earnings Appropriated to Balance Budget or to Fund Capital Outlay Total Revenues and Other Sources 2,643,002$ 2,389,547$ 2,270,317$ 2,654,009$ 2,771,593$ 2,929,634$ 2,409,133$ 2,506,978$ 2,394,454$ 2,317,615$ 2,217,116$ 2,203,582$ Expenditures and Other Uses Salaries 159,304$ 154,385$ 163,001$ 158,479$ 177,742$ 177,742$ 174,818$ 174,818$ 179,188$ 183,668$ 188,260$ 192,966$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 2.5% yearly Expenses 896,097$ 831,700$ 699,541$ 700,958$ 1,006,951$ 1,006,951$ 913,862$ 913,862$ 941,278$ 969,516$ 998,602$ 1,028,560$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 3.0% yearly Existing Long Term Debt Service 1,638,658$ 1,607,006$ 1,708,280$ 1,326,987$ 1,301,478$ 1,296,983$ 1,010,729$ 1,010,729$ 981,700$ 912,718$ 906,461$ 812,249$ See Town's latest debt tracking file; incl. Westborough capital Short Term Debt -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ FY21 from budget; FY22 on assumes short-term debt for borrowings, w/ 2% int. rate New Debt Service -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 19,871$ 19,043$ 18,215$ 17,387$ Projected New Debt based on Borrowing assumptions on Capital Plan tab Capital Outlay -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 133,000$ 56,000$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Outlay based on Retained Earnings selections on Capital Plan tab Sub Total 2,694,059$ 2,593,092$ 2,570,822$ 2,186,425$ 2,486,171$ 2,481,675$ 2,099,409$ 2,232,409$ 2,178,037$ 2,084,945$ 2,111,538$ 2,051,163$ Indirect Costs 306,021$ 264,516$ 333,763$ 281,178$ 285,422$ 285,422$ 309,724$ 309,724$ 317,467$ 325,404$ 333,539$ 341,877$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 2.5% yearly Total Expenditures and Other Uses 3,000,080$ 2,857,608$ 2,904,585$ 2,467,602$ 2,771,593$ 2,767,097$ 2,409,133$ 2,542,133$ 2,495,504$ 2,410,349$ 2,445,077$ 2,393,040$ Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Available Funds > Expenditures and Other Uses (357,078)$ (468,061)$ (634,268)$ 186,407$ -$ 162,537$ -$ (35,155)$ (101,050)$ (92,734)$ (227,961)$ (189,458)$ Retained Earnings Summary Project Certified Retained Earnings as of July 1, 2020 673,831$ Available Retained Earnings Start of FY 673,831$ 836,368$ 668,212$ 511,162$ 418,428$ 190,467$ Retained Earnings Appropriated -$ (133,000)$ (56,000)$ -$ -$ -$ Current Year Surplus/(Deficit)162,537$ (35,155)$ (101,050)$ (92,734)$ (227,961)$ (189,458)$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance 836,368$ 668,212$ 511,162$ 418,428$ 190,467$ 1,009$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget 7.6%30.2%26.3%20.5%17.4%7.8%0.0% Comments: This tab represents the baseline scenario, with no changes to rates. Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 4 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study 5-Year Summary-Rates-Option 1 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Description ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED COMMENTS Revenues and Other Sources 2.00%2.00%2.00%2.00%2.00% User Charges - Existing Users 1,502,742$ 1,358,782$ 1,275,836$ 1,739,264$ -$ 2,106,107$ -$ 1,792,931$ 1,811,963$ 1,848,203$ 1,885,167$ 1,922,870$ FY21 based on actual commitments and FY20; FY22 on based on FY20 commitments + rate changes shown User Charges - New Properties -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Amounts based on projected new accounts' usage + rate changes Connection Fees 99,159$ 4,275$ 14,675$ 8,525$ -$ 4,260$ -$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ Assume FY21 projected amount for all years FY22-Fy26 Liens and Penalty on User Charges 54,252$ 68,560$ 53,947$ 56,296$ -$ 105,404$ -$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 4-year avg., FY22 on, based on FY17-20.; assume level Betterment Receipts Phases I-III 281$ 268$ 256$ 243$ -$ 230$ -$ 218$ 205$ 193$ -$ -$ Projected Receipts from Town's Master Betterments File Betterment Receipts Phases IV-V 221,238$ 216,583$ 211,155$ 43,239$ -$ (792)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Projected Receipts from Town's Master Betterments File Betterment Receipts Phase VI 731,996$ 708,104$ 692,602$ 806,442$ -$ 714,425$ -$ 553,460$ 534,122$ 513,296$ 412,990$ 399,455$ Projected Receipts from Town's Master Betterments File Unanticipated Betterment Revenue 33,333$ 32,976$ 4,752$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Not carrying any for years not yet completed Miscellaneous -$ -$ 17,095$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ FY19 is actual and includes a transfer in; ignoring other years since only one year seen Earnings on Investments -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Removed since not recognized as revenue in MUNIS reports; Put back in? Sub Total 2,643,002$ 2,389,547$ 2,270,317$ 2,654,009$ 2,771,593$ 2,929,634$ 2,409,133$ 2,409,133$ 2,408,815$ 2,424,215$ 2,360,680$ 2,384,849$ Retained Earnings -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 133,000$ 86,690$ 56,000$ 84,397$ 8,191$ Retained Earnings Appropriated to Balance Budget or to Fund Capital Outlay Total Revenues and Other Sources 2,643,002$ 2,389,547$ 2,270,317$ 2,654,009$ 2,771,593$ 2,929,634$ 2,409,133$ 2,542,133$ 2,495,505$ 2,480,215$ 2,445,077$ 2,393,040$ Expenditures and Other Uses Salaries 159,304$ 154,385$ 163,001$ 158,479$ 177,742$ 177,742$ 174,818$ 174,818$ 179,188$ 183,668$ 188,260$ 192,966$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 2.5% yearly Expenses 896,097$ 831,700$ 699,541$ 700,958$ 1,006,951$ 1,006,951$ 913,862$ 913,862$ 941,278$ 969,516$ 998,602$ 1,028,560$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 3.0% yearly Existing Long Term Debt Service 1,638,658$ 1,607,006$ 1,708,280$ 1,326,987$ 1,301,478$ 1,296,983$ 1,010,729$ 1,010,729$ 981,700$ 912,718$ 906,461$ 812,249$ See Town's latest debt tracking file; incl. Westborough capital Short Term Debt -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ FY21 from budget; FY22 on assumes short-term debt for borrowings, w/ 2% int. rate New Debt Service -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 19,871$ 19,043$ 18,215$ 17,387$ Projected New Debt based on Borrowing assumptions on Capital Plan tab Capital Outlay -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 133,000$ 56,000$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Outlay based on Retained Earnings selections on Capital Plan tab Sub Total 2,694,059$ 2,593,092$ 2,570,822$ 2,186,425$ 2,486,171$ 2,481,675$ 2,099,409$ 2,232,409$ 2,178,037$ 2,084,945$ 2,111,538$ 2,051,163$ Indirect Costs 306,021$ 264,516$ 333,763$ 281,178$ 285,422$ 285,422$ 309,724$ 309,724$ 317,467$ 325,404$ 333,539$ 341,877$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 2.5% yearly Total Expenditures and Other Uses 3,000,080$ 2,857,608$ 2,904,585$ 2,467,602$ 2,771,593$ 2,767,097$ 2,409,133$ 2,542,133$ 2,495,504$ 2,410,349$ 2,445,077$ 2,393,040$ Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Available Funds > Expenditures and Other Uses (357,078)$ (468,061)$ (634,268)$ 186,407$ -$ 162,537$ -$ -$ -$ 69,866$ -$ -$ Retained Earnings Summary Project Certified Retained Earnings as of July 1, 2020 673,831$ Available Retained Earnings Start of FY 673,831$ 836,368$ 703,368$ 616,678$ 630,544$ 546,147$ Retained Earnings Appropriated -$ (133,000)$ (86,690)$ (56,000)$ (84,397)$ (8,191)$ Current Year Surplus/(Deficit)162,537$ -$ -$ 69,866$ -$ -$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance 836,368$ 703,368$ 616,678$ 630,544$ 546,147$ 537,956$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget 27.3%30.2%27.7%24.7%26.2%22.3%22.5% Comments: This tab represents projections based on the rate changes shown at the top of the sheet. Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 5 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study 5-Year Summary-Rates-Option 2 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Description ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED COMMENTS Revenues and Other Sources 0.00%2.00%2.00%2.00%2.00% User Charges - Existing Users 1,502,742$ 1,358,782$ 1,275,836$ 1,739,264$ -$ 2,106,107$ -$ 1,757,776$ 1,776,435$ 1,811,963$ 1,848,203$ 1,885,167$ FY21 based on actual commitments and FY20; FY22 on based on FY20 commitments + rate changes shown User Charges - New Properties -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Amounts based on projected new accounts' usage + rate changes Connection Fees 99,159$ 4,275$ 14,675$ 8,525$ -$ 4,260$ -$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ Assume FY21 projected amount for all years FY22-Fy26 Liens and Penalty on User Charges 54,252$ 68,560$ 53,947$ 56,296$ -$ 105,404$ -$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 4-year avg., FY22 on, based on FY17-20.; assume level Betterment Receipts Phases I-III 281$ 268$ 256$ 243$ -$ 230$ -$ 218$ 205$ 193$ -$ -$ Projected Receipts from Town's Master Betterments File Betterment Receipts Phases IV-V 221,238$ 216,583$ 211,155$ 43,239$ -$ (792)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Projected Receipts from Town's Master Betterments File Betterment Receipts Phase VI 731,996$ 708,104$ 692,602$ 806,442$ -$ 714,425$ -$ 553,460$ 534,122$ 513,296$ 412,990$ 399,455$ Projected Receipts from Town's Master Betterments File Unanticipated Betterment Revenue 33,333$ 32,976$ 4,752$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Not carrying any for years not yet completed Miscellaneous -$ -$ 17,095$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ FY19 is actual and includes a transfer in; ignoring other years since only one year seen Earnings on Investments -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Removed since not recognized as revenue in MUNIS reports; Put back in? Sub Total 2,643,002$ 2,389,547$ 2,270,317$ 2,654,009$ 2,771,593$ 2,929,634$ 2,409,133$ 2,373,978$ 2,373,286$ 2,387,976$ 2,323,716$ 2,347,146$ Retained Earnings -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 133,000$ 56,000$ 56,000$ -$ -$ Retained Earnings Appropriated to Balance Budget or to Fund Capital Outlay Total Revenues and Other Sources 2,643,002$ 2,389,547$ 2,270,317$ 2,654,009$ 2,771,593$ 2,929,634$ 2,409,133$ 2,506,978$ 2,429,286$ 2,443,976$ 2,323,716$ 2,347,146$ Expenditures and Other Uses Salaries 159,304$ 154,385$ 163,001$ 158,479$ 177,742$ 177,742$ 174,818$ 174,818$ 179,188$ 183,668$ 188,260$ 192,966$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 2.5% yearly Expenses 896,097$ 831,700$ 699,541$ 700,958$ 1,006,951$ 1,006,951$ 913,862$ 913,862$ 941,278$ 969,516$ 998,602$ 1,028,560$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 3.0% yearly Existing Long Term Debt Service 1,638,658$ 1,607,006$ 1,708,280$ 1,326,987$ 1,301,478$ 1,296,983$ 1,010,729$ 1,010,729$ 981,700$ 912,718$ 906,461$ 812,249$ See Town's latest debt tracking file; incl. Westborough capital Short Term Debt -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ FY21 from budget; FY22 on assumes short-term debt for borrowings, w/ 2% int. rate New Debt Service -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 19,871$ 19,043$ 18,215$ 17,387$ Projected New Debt based on Borrowing assumptions on Capital Plan tab Capital Outlay -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 133,000$ 56,000$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Outlay based on Retained Earnings selections on Capital Plan tab Sub Total 2,694,059$ 2,593,092$ 2,570,822$ 2,186,425$ 2,486,171$ 2,481,675$ 2,099,409$ 2,232,409$ 2,178,037$ 2,084,945$ 2,111,538$ 2,051,163$ Indirect Costs 306,021$ 264,516$ 333,763$ 281,178$ 285,422$ 285,422$ 309,724$ 309,724$ 317,467$ 325,404$ 333,539$ 341,877$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 2.5% yearly Total Expenditures and Other Uses 3,000,080$ 2,857,608$ 2,904,585$ 2,467,602$ 2,771,593$ 2,767,097$ 2,409,133$ 2,542,133$ 2,495,504$ 2,410,349$ 2,445,077$ 2,393,040$ Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Available Funds > Expenditures and Other Uses (357,078)$ (468,061)$ (634,268)$ 186,407$ -$ 162,537$ -$ (35,155)$ (66,218)$ 33,627$ (121,361)$ (45,894)$ Retained Earnings Summary Project Certified Retained Earnings as of July 1, 2020 673,831$ Available Retained Earnings Start of FY 673,831$ 836,368$ 668,212$ 545,994$ 523,621$ 402,260$ Retained Earnings Appropriated -$ (133,000)$ (56,000)$ (56,000)$ -$ -$ Current Year Surplus/(Deficit)162,537$ (35,155)$ (66,218)$ 33,627$ (121,361)$ (45,894)$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance 836,368$ 668,212$ 545,994$ 523,621$ 402,260$ 356,366$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget 27.3%30.2%26.3%21.9%21.7%16.5%14.9% Comments: This tab represents projections based on the rate changes shown at the top of the sheet. Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 6 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Rate Recommendations - Option 1 Description FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 FY 2031 Operating Breakdown User Charges - Existing Users 2,106,107$ 1,757,776$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ User Charges - New Properties -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Liens/Penalty on User Charges 105,404$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ Operating Revenues 2,211,511$ 1,816,039$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ Salaries 177,742$ 174,818$ 179,188$ 183,668$ 188,260$ 192,966$ 197,791$ 202,735$ 207,804$ 212,999$ 218,324$ Expenditures 1,006,951$ 913,862$ 941,278$ 969,516$ 998,602$ 1,028,560$ 1,059,417$ 1,091,199$ 1,123,935$ 1,157,653$ 1,192,383$ Indirect Costs 285,422$ 309,724$ 317,467$ 325,404$ 333,539$ 341,877$ 350,424$ 359,185$ 368,165$ 377,369$ 386,803$ Operating Expenditures 1,470,115$ 1,398,404$ 1,437,933$ 1,478,588$ 1,520,400$ 1,563,403$ 1,607,631$ 1,653,119$ 1,699,903$ 1,748,020$ 1,797,509$ Operating Surplus/(Deficit)741,396$ 417,635$ 361,933$ 321,278$ 279,466$ 236,463$ 192,235$ 146,747$ 99,963$ 51,846$ 2,357$ Operating Rate Changes 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Additional Revenue from Operating Rate Changes -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Adjusted Operating Surplus/(Deficit)417,635$ 361,933$ 321,278$ 279,466$ 236,463$ 192,235$ 146,747$ 99,963$ 51,846$ 2,357$ Capital Breakdown Betterments 713,863$ 553,678$ 534,328$ 513,489$ 412,990$ 399,455$ 385,894$ 372,334$ 358,773$ 344,114$ 193,091$ Connection Fees 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ Retained Earnings (to fund Capital Outlay)-$ 133,000$ 56,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Revenues 718,123$ 690,938$ 594,588$ 517,749$ 417,250$ 403,715$ 390,154$ 376,594$ 363,033$ 348,374$ 197,351$ Existing Debt Service 1,296,983$ 1,010,729$ 981,700$ 912,718$ 906,461$ 812,249$ 806,574$ 788,851$ 776,313$ 772,935$ 669,540$ New Debt Service -$ -$ 19,871$ 19,043$ 18,215$ 17,387$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Outlay -$ 133,000$ 56,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Expenditures 1,296,983$ 1,143,729$ 1,057,571$ 931,761$ 924,676$ 829,637$ 806,574$ 788,851$ 776,313$ 772,935$ 669,540$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Surplus/(Deficit)(578,859)$ (452,791)$ (462,983)$ (414,012)$ (507,426)$ (425,921)$ (416,420)$ (412,257)$ (413,280)$ (424,561)$ (472,189)$ Capital Rate Changes 2.0%2.0%2.0%2.0%2.0%2.5%2.0%2.5%3.0%4.5% Additional Revenue from Capital Rate Changes 35,156$ 70,361$ 106,600$ 143,564$ 181,267$ 229,339$ 268,758$ 319,017$ 380,836$ 476,345$ Adjusted Capital Surplus/(Deficit)(417,635)$ (392,623)$ (307,412)$ (363,862)$ (244,654)$ (187,081)$ (143,499)$ (94,263)$ (43,726)$ 4,157$ Total Adjusted Surplus/(Deficit)0$ (30,690)$ 13,866$ (84,397)$ (8,191)$ 5,154$ 3,248$ 5,700$ 8,120$ 6,514$ Deficits to be covered by appropriated Retained Earnings Total Rate Changes 2.0%2.0%2.0%2.0%2.0%2.5%2.0%2.5%3.0%4.5% Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 7 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Rate Recommendations - Option 1 Retained Earnings Summary Available Retained Earnings Start of FY 673,831$ 836,368$ 703,368$ 616,678$ 630,544$ 546,148$ 537,957$ 543,111$ 546,358$ 552,059$ 560,179$ Retained Earnings Appropriated -$ (133,000)$ (56,000)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Current Year Surplus/(Deficit)162,537$ 0$ (30,690)$ 13,866$ (84,397)$ (8,191)$ 5,154$ 3,248$ 5,700$ 8,120$ 6,514$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance 836,368$ 703,368$ 616,678$ 630,544$ 546,148$ 537,957$ 543,111$ 546,358$ 552,059$ 560,179$ 566,693$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget 30.2%27.7%24.7%26.2%22.3%22.5%22.5%22.4%22.3%22.2%23.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 Retained Earnings Projections Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget Target Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 8 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Rate Recommendations - Option 2 Description FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 FY 2031 Operating Breakdown User Charges - Existing Users 2,106,107$ 1,757,776$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ 1,741,603$ User Charges - New Properties -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Liens/Penalty on User Charges 105,404$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ 58,264$ Operating Revenues 2,211,511$ 1,816,039$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ 1,799,866$ Salaries 177,742$ 174,818$ 179,188$ 183,668$ 188,260$ 192,966$ 197,791$ 202,735$ 207,804$ 212,999$ 218,324$ Expenditures 1,006,951$ 913,862$ 941,278$ 969,516$ 998,602$ 1,028,560$ 1,059,417$ 1,091,199$ 1,123,935$ 1,157,653$ 1,192,383$ Indirect Costs 285,422$ 309,724$ 317,467$ 325,404$ 333,539$ 341,877$ 350,424$ 359,185$ 368,165$ 377,369$ 386,803$ Operating Expenditures 1,470,115$ 1,398,404$ 1,437,933$ 1,478,588$ 1,520,400$ 1,563,403$ 1,607,631$ 1,653,119$ 1,699,903$ 1,748,020$ 1,797,509$ Operating Surplus/(Deficit)741,396$ 417,635$ 361,933$ 321,278$ 279,466$ 236,463$ 192,235$ 146,747$ 99,963$ 51,846$ 2,357$ Operating Rate Changes 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Additional Revenue from Operating Rate Changes -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Adjusted Operating Surplus/(Deficit)417,635$ 361,933$ 321,278$ 279,466$ 236,463$ 192,235$ 146,747$ 99,963$ 51,846$ 2,357$ Capital Breakdown Betterments 713,863$ 553,678$ 534,328$ 513,489$ 412,990$ 399,455$ 385,894$ 372,334$ 358,773$ 344,114$ 193,091$ Connection Fees 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ 4,260$ Retained Earnings (to fund Capital Outlay)-$ 133,000$ 56,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Revenues 718,123$ 690,938$ 594,588$ 517,749$ 417,250$ 403,715$ 390,154$ 376,594$ 363,033$ 348,374$ 197,351$ Existing Debt Service 1,296,983$ 1,010,729$ 981,700$ 912,718$ 906,461$ 812,249$ 806,574$ 788,851$ 776,313$ 772,935$ 669,540$ New Debt Service -$ -$ 19,871$ 19,043$ 18,215$ 17,387$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Outlay -$ 133,000$ 56,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Expenditures 1,296,983$ 1,143,729$ 1,057,571$ 931,761$ 924,676$ 829,637$ 806,574$ 788,851$ 776,313$ 772,935$ 669,540$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Surplus/(Deficit)(578,859)$ (452,791)$ (462,983)$ (414,012)$ (507,426)$ (425,921)$ (416,420)$ (412,257)$ (413,280)$ (424,561)$ (472,189)$ Capital Rate Changes 0.0%2.0%2.0%2.0%2.0%5.0%2.0%2.5%3.0%4.5% Additional Revenue from Capital Rate Changes -$ 34,832$ 70,361$ 106,600$ 143,564$ 237,822$ 277,411$ 327,886$ 389,971$ 485,892$ Adjusted Capital Surplus/(Deficit)(452,791)$ (428,151)$ (343,651)$ (400,826)$ (282,357)$ (178,598)$ (134,847)$ (85,394)$ (34,590)$ 13,703$ Total Adjusted Surplus/(Deficit)(35,155)$ (66,218)$ (22,373)$ (121,361)$ (45,894)$ 13,637$ 11,901$ 14,569$ 17,256$ 16,060$ Deficits to be covered by appropriated Retained Earnings Total Rate Changes 0.0%2.0%2.0%2.0%2.0%5.0%2.0%2.5%3.0%4.5% Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 9 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Rate Recommendations - Option 2 Retained Earnings Summary Available Retained Earnings Start of FY 673,831$ 836,368$ 668,212$ 545,994$ 523,621$ 402,260$ 356,366$ 370,003$ 381,904$ 396,473$ 413,729$ Retained Earnings Appropriated -$ (133,000)$ (56,000)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Current Year Surplus/(Deficit)162,537$ (35,155)$ (66,218)$ (22,373)$ (121,361)$ (45,894)$ 13,637$ 11,901$ 14,569$ 17,256$ 16,060$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance 836,368$ 668,212$ 545,994$ 523,621$ 402,260$ 356,366$ 370,003$ 381,904$ 396,473$ 413,729$ 429,789$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget 30.2%26.3%21.9%21.7%16.5%14.9%15.3%15.6%16.0%16.4%17.4% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 Retained Earnings Projections Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget Target Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 10 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY21 Projections Analysis FY21 Projections To ensure FY ends in surplus Analysis as of end of May Matt's Proj.YTD Actuals YTD Updated Adjustments Adjusted Proj. Revenues 2,929,634$ 2,613,285$ 2,613,285$ 326,935$ 2,940,220$ Expenditures 2,767,097$ 2,373,538$ 2,767,097$ 100,000$ 2,867,097$ Surplus/(Deficit)162,537$ 239,747$ (153,812)$ 226,935$ 73,123$ Matt's Proj. from Summary tab, as best estimation of where year ends up, but user charges revenue is conservative YTD Actuals off of latest budget to actual report YTD Updated off of latest budget to actual report for Revenues and Total Expenditures if fully spent, plus Indirect Costs Adjustments provided to add to (or subtract from) YTD Updated amounts to try to get at projection we're comfortable with in the Adjusted Proj. column. Review Additional Revenues amounts below. Input expected expenditure turnbacks in the yellow box above. I have included a random $100,000 for now. Projected Additional Revenues Commitments Total May (Actual)344,142$ Total 344,142$ 95.0%326,935$ Other Revenues YTD Matt's Proj.Difference Connection Fees 3,550$ 4,260$ (710)$ Maybe a bit more revenue here in near future Liens and Penalty on User Charges 87,837$ 105,404$ (17,567)$ Maybe a bit more revenue here in near future Betterment Receipts 713,863$ 713,863$ -$ Seems more revenue in than expected come in for this. Totals 805,250$ 823,527$ (18,277)$ Collections Assumption not included for now Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 11 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Initial FY22 Budget Build Org Code Org desc Object Project Org Obj Proj Account Desc 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Budget 2022 Request FY20-21 %Δ 6004401 SEWER DEPARTMENT PERS 511100 6004401 511100 SALARIES FULL TIME - - - #VALUE! 6004401 SEWER DEPARTMENT PERS 511300 6004401 511300 WAGES HOURLY 114,263.55 107,749.56 118,582.00 121,818.00 2.73%Incl $400 Longevity 6004401 SEWER DEPARTMENT PERS 513100 6004401 513100 OVERTIME 48,737.54 49,083.41 59,160.00 53,000.00 -10.41% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 521100 6004402 521100 ELECTRICITY 90,118.38 101,844.24 150,000.00 110,000.00 -26.67% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 521200 6004402 521200 HEATING OIL 47.63 61.29 700.00 700.00 0.00% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 523400 6004402 523400 WASTEWATER FACILITY USAGE CHG 318,371.98 270,640.10 500,000.00 400,000.00 -20.00% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 524100 6004402 524100 R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT 127.21 4,499.53 1,343.00 5,000.00 272.30% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 524100 SWE01 6004402 524100 SWE01 R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT - - - #VALUE! 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 524100 SWE02 6004402 524100 SWE02 R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT - - - #VALUE! 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 526600 6004402 526600 R&M ALARM SYSTEMS 5,130.60 5,130.60 5,000.00 5,200.00 4.00% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 526700 6004402 526700 R&M WASTEWATER TREATMENT FAC - - - #VALUE! 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 527400 6004402 527400 R&L DEPARTMENTAL EQUIPMENT - - 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 528100 6004402 528100 SWR-INFLOW-INFILTRATION REMOVL - 40,155.55 - 64,000.00 #DIV/0! 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 529200 6004402 529200 CONTRACTED SVCS FRUIT STREET 163,535.85 165,146.54 165,000.00 165,000.00 0.00% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 530290 6004402 530290 OTHER LEGAL 4,190.50 - - #VALUE! 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 534100 6004402 534100 TELEPHONE 6,847.56 7,392.61 17,000.00 10,000.00 -41.18% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 534200 6004402 534200 POSTAGE 4,263.35 1,462.52 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 538900 6004402 538900 MISC OTHER CONTRACTED SVCS 53,442.54 57,934.90 60,000.00 60,000.00 0.00% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 541110 6004402 541110 GASOLINE GENERATORS - - - #VALUE! 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 542900 6004402 542900 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,461.20 3,602.16 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.00% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 548900 6004402 548900 MISC VEHICULAR SUPPLIES 15,021.09 4,836.78 3,000.00 5,000.00 66.67% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 553200 6004402 553200 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 292.20 - 20,000.00 15,000.00 -25.00% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 553900 6004402 553900 MISC PUBLIC WORKS SUPPLIES 34,684.46 22,835.62 40,000.00 40,000.00 0.00% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 558500 6004402 558500 UNIFORMS AND OTHER CLOTHING 696.89 1,218.77 700.00 1,000.00 42.86% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 571100 6004402 571100 MEETINGS - - 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 571200 6004402 571200 CONFERENCES - - - #VALUE! 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 571300 6004402 571300 MILEAGE - - - #VALUE! 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 573100 6004402 573100 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 1,310.00 1,480.34 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00% 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 579950 6004402 579950 PRIOR YEAR EXPENSE - - - #VALUE! 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 593000 6004402 593000 ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS - - - 8,962.00 #VALUE! Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 12 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY21 YTD Thru March FUND ORG ORG OBJ PROJECT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION TYPE ROLLUP SUB-ROLLUP ORIGINAL APPROP REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL MTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6000 6004401 6004401 511100 6000-4-440-440-1-0-0000-000-511100-SALARIES FULL TIME E 0 0 887.91 0.00 0.00 -888 100.00 * 6000 6004401 6004401 511300 6000-4-440-440-1-0-0000-000-511300-WAGES HOURLY E 118,582 118,582 86,201.40 0.00 0.00 32,381 72.70 6000 6004401 6004401 513100 6000-4-440-440-1-0-0000-000-513100-OVERTIME E 59,160 59,160 38,936.82 0.00 0.00 20,223 65.80 6004401 Total 6004401 SEWER DEPARTMENT PERS 177,742 177,742 126,026.13 0.00 0.00 51,716 70.90 6000 6004402 6004402 521100 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-521100-ELECTRICITY E 150,000 150,000 65,052.72 0.00 0.00 84,947 43.40 6000 6004402 6004402 521200 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-521200-HEATING OIL E 700 700 0.00 0.00 0.00 700 0.00 6000 6004402 6004402 523400 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-523400-WW FACILITY USAGE CHARGES E 500,000 500,820 319,115.38 0.00 0.00 181,704 63.70 6000 6004402 6004402 524100 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-524100-R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT E 1,343 1,343 7,625.28 0.00 0.00 -6,282 567.80 * 6000 6004402 6004402 526600 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-526600-R&M ALARM SYSTEMS E 5,000 5,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000 0.00 6000 6004402 6004402 527400 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-527400-R&L DEPARTMENTAL EQUIPMENT E 5,000 5,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000 0.00 6000 6004402 6004402 528100 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-528100-SWR-INFLOW-INFILTRATION REMOVL E 80,000 19,388 51,306.28 0.00 0.00 -31,918 264.60 * 6000 6004402 6004402 529200 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-529200-CONT SVCS FRUIT STREET E 165,000 165,000 71,393.45 0.00 0.00 93,607 43.30 6000 6004402 6004402 534100 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-534100-TELEPHONE E 17,000 17,000 4,455.14 0.00 0.00 12,545 26.20 6000 6004402 6004402 534200 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-534200-POSTAGE E 5,000 5,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000 0.00 6000 6004402 6004402 538900 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-538900-MISC OTHER CONTRACTED SVCS E 60,000 60,000 28,314.85 0.00 0.00 31,685 47.20 6000 6004402 6004402 542900 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-542900-MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES E 4,000 4,000 404.94 0.00 0.00 3,595 10.10 6000 6004402 6004402 548900 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-548900-MISC VEHICULAR SUPPLIES E 3,000 3,000 80.21 0.00 0.00 2,920 2.70 6000 6004402 6004402 553200 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-553200-TREATMENT CHEMICALS E 20,000 20,000 3,800.66 0.00 0.00 16,199 19.00 6000 6004402 6004402 553900 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-553900-MISC PUBLIC WORKS SUPPLIES E 40,000 40,000 8,127.28 0.00 0.00 31,873 20.30 6000 6004402 6004402 558500 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-558500-UNIFORMS AND OTHER CLOTHING E 700 700 222.92 0.00 0.00 477 31.80 6000 6004402 6004402 571100 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-571100-MEETINGS E 8,000 8,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,000 0.00 6000 6004402 6004402 573100 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-573100-DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS E 2,000 2,000 105.00 0.00 0.00 1,895 5.30 6000 6004402 6004402 579950 6000-4-440-440-2-0-0000-000-579950-PRIOR YEAR EXPENSE SEWER E 0 0 4,383.77 0.00 0.00 -4,384 100.00 * 6004402 Total 6004402 SEWER DEPARTMENT EXPE 1,066,743 1,006,951 564,387.88 0.00 0.00 442,563 56.00 6000 6004403 6004403 414200 6000-4-440-440-3-0-0000-000-414200-TAX LIENS REDEEMED R 0 0 -1,584.00 0.00 0.00 1,584 100.00 6000 6004403 6004403 417300 6000-4-440-440-3-0-0000-000-417300-PENALTIES INTEREST TAX LIENS R 0 0 -77.77 0.00 0.00 78 100.00 6000 6004403 6004403 417600 6000-4-440-440-3-0-0000-000-417600-PENALTIES INT UTILITY USAGE R 0 0 -7,862.62 0.00 0.00 7,863 100.00 6000 6004403 6004403 421150 6000-4-440-440-3-0-0000-000-421150-UTILITY USAGE CHARGES SEWER R 0 0 -1,577,270.99 0.00 0.00 1,577,271 100.00 6000 6004403 6004403 421200 6000-4-440-440-3-0-0000-000-421200-UTILITY USAGE ADDED TO TAXES R 0 0 -77,293.85 0.00 0.00 77,294 100.00 6000 6004403 6004403 422100 6000-4-440-440-3-0-0000-000-422100-CONNECTION FEES R 0 0 -3,450.00 0.00 0.00 3,450 100.00 6000 6004403 6004403 422212 6000-4-440-440-3-0-0000-000-422212-SPECIAL ASSES PHASE 2 R 0 0 -180.00 0.00 0.00 180 100.00 6000 6004403 6004403 422215 6000-4-440-440-3-0-0000-000-422215-SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 5 R 0 0 792.00 0.00 0.00 -792 100.00 * 6000 6004403 6004403 422216 6000-4-440-440-3-0-0000-000-422216-SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 6 R 0 0 -541,648.33 0.00 0.00 541,648 100.00 6000 6004403 6004403 422312 6000-4-440-440-3-0-0000-000-422312-COMMITTED INTEREST PHASE 2 R 0 0 -50.40 0.00 0.00 50 100.00 6000 6004403 6004403 422316 6000-4-440-440-3-0-0000-000-422316-COMMITTED INTEREST PHASE 6 R 0 0 -172,776.51 0.00 0.00 172,777 100.00 6004403 Total 6004403 SEWER DEPARTMENT REVE 0 0 -2,381,402.47 0.00 0.00 2,381,402 100.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD E 0 142,537 0.00 0.00 0.00 142,537 0.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 1817 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-1817 S SYST FLOW METERING 1817 PP E 30,000 30,000 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 2219 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-2219 SEWER COMP WASTEWATER 2219 PP E 20,000 20,000 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 P4401 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4401 CWMP 092500 102604 PP E 22,935 22,935 22,934.72 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 P4403 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4403 S PHASE III 430488 071505 PP E 140,000 140,000 140,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 P4404 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4404 S PHASE VI 300596 080106 PP E 13,000 13,000 13,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 P4405 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4405 S INFLOFIL3 170503 102606 PP E 8,581 8,581 8,581.31 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 P4406 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4406 S PHASE VI 540507 071508 PP E 9,000 9,000 9,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 P4407 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4407 S PHVI SRF2 021209 121409 PP E 161,440 161,440 161,439.61 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 P4408 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4408 S PHVI SRF1 021209 121409 PP E 253,173 253,173 253,173.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 P4410 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4410 S 1 PHVI 300596 071510 PP E 15,000 15,000 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 P4412 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4412 S INFLO FIL2 170508 031511 PP E 6,470 6,470 6,469.50 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 P4413 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4413 S PHVI MILF 021209 071511 PP E 135,000 135,000 135,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 P4414 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4414 S INFLOFIL REF170508 061212 PP E 6,782 6,782 6,782.14 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 P4416 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4416 S WOOD LIFT ST 250511 030113PP E 0 105,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 105,000 0.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 P4419 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4419 S MAIN FLANDERS RD 330513 PP E 0 45,000 45,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007117 6007117 591000 P4420 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4420 ELM ST SEWER 021112 E 0 15,000 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007117 6007117 594500 6000-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-594500-WESTBOROUGH FACILITY DEBT E 0 0 131,942.67 0.00 0.00 -131,943 100.00 * 6007117 Total 6007117 RETIREMENT OF DEBT 821,380 1,128,918 1,013,322.95 0.00 0.00 115,595 89.80 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-INTEREST PAYMENT LTD E 0 4,495 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,495 0.00 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 1817 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-1817 S SYST FLOW METERING 1817 IP E 3,750 3,750 2,250.00 0.00 0.00 1,500 60.00 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 2219 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-2219 SEWER COMP WASTEWATER 2219 IP E 4,044 4,044 4,044.44 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 I4401 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4401 CWMP 092500 102604 IP E 1,115 1,115 1,115.45 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 I4403 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4403 S PHASE III 430488 071505 IP E 2,888 2,888 2,887.50 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 13 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY21 YTD Thru March FUND ORG ORG OBJ PROJECT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION TYPE ROLLUP SUB-ROLLUP ORIGINAL APPROP REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL MTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 I4404 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4404 S PHASE VI 300596 080106 IP E 4,325 4,325 4,325.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 I4405 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4405 S INFLOFIL3 170503 102606 IP E 480 480 480.45 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 * 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 I4406 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4406 S PHASE VI 540507 071508 IP E 3,285 3,285 3,285.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 I4407 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4407 S PHVI SRF2 021209 121409 IP E 49,769 49,766 49,766.40 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 * 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 I4408 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4408 S PHVI SRF1 021209 121409 IP E 63,584 63,584 63,583.57 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 I4410 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4410 S 1 PHVI 300596 071510 IP E 375 375 375.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 I4412 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4412 S INFLO FIL2 170508 031511 IP E 655 655 654.61 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 I4413 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4413 S PHVI MILF 021209 071511 IP E 3,375 3,375 3,375.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 I4414 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4414 S INFLOFIL REF170508 061212 IP E 1,698 1,698 1,697.74 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 I4415 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4415 S WOOD LFT ST 280512 030113 IP E 23,175 23,175 11,587.50 0.00 0.00 11,588 50.00 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 I4419 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4419 S MAIN FLANDERS RD 330513 IP E 4,163 4,163 4,162.50 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6000 6007517 6007517 591500 P4420 6000-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-P4420 ELM ST SEWER A021112 E 0 1,388 1,387.50 0.00 0.00 1 100.00 6007517 Total 6007517 INTEREST ON LONG TERM 166,681 172,561 154,977.66 0.00 0.00 17,583 89.80 6000 Total 6000 SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND 2,232,546 2,486,171 -522,687.85 0.00 0.00 3,008,859 -21.00 Revenue Total 0 0 -2,381,402.47 0.00 0.00 2,381,402 100.00 Expense Total 2,232,546 2,486,171 1,858,714.62 0.00 0.00 627,456 74.80 Grand Total 2,232,546 2,486,171 -522,687.85 0.00 0.00 3,008,859 -21.00 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 14 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Commitments Month Year Water Sewer Water Sewer July 2016 4,169,225 1,184,339 174,634$ 100,463$ August 2016 1,192,270 1,151,509 40,049$ 100,693$ September 2016 2,871,515 827,990 112,093$ 76,251$ October 2016 4,070,268 1,448,251 166,268$ 137,544$ FY17 November 2016 6,264,638 3,402,040 317,488$ 323,044$ FY18 December 2016 2,709,646 233,809 95,139$ 20,294$ FY19 January 2017 3,211,984 1,262,614 110,405$ 110,437$ FY20 February 2017 1,185,615 1,155,955 41,125$ 103,267$ FY21 March 2017 2,515,486 720,036 91,168$ 65,920$ April 2017 3,211,201 1,519,792 121,561$ 145,437$ May 2017 4,563,329 2,292,189 223,378$ 211,686$ June 2017 1,904,138 235,763 57,287$ 19,038$ July 2017 2,472,541 1,136,467 76,387$ 99,954$ FY17 August 2017 1,087,630 1,056,190 35,584$ 94,095$ FY18 September 2017 3,119,590 794,880 120,009$ 73,149$ FY19 October 2017 4,329,094 1,593,411 174,325$ 149,529$ FY20 November 2017 6,201,510 2,872,749 316,960$ 272,079$ FY21 December 2017 2,670,088 238,395 95,786$ 20,911$ January 2018 3,236,236 1,249,571 114,875$ 110,653$ February 2018 1,073,757 1,045,787 34,298$ 92,831$ March 2018 2,895,457 710,964 108,536$ 65,401$ April 2018 4,154,915 1,745,467 170,727$ 167,031$ May 2018 5,604,669 2,237,674 286,758$ 208,356$ June 2018 1,817,303 211,995 53,479$ 18,498$ July 2018 2,683,438 1,192,965 85,757$ 115,714$ August 2018 1,064,619 1,039,176 35,294$ 101,664$ September 2018 3,860,435 760,355 156,621$ 76,364$ October 2018 4,345,291 1,527,757 179,416$ 160,686$ November 2018 5,683,743 2,330,521 295,697$ 236,294$ December 2018 2,607,642 235,785 91,418$ 22,882$ Fill in each month's data here Consumption/Flow Billings Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 15 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Commitments Month Year Water Sewer Water Sewer July 2016 4,169,225 1,184,339 174,634$ 100,463$ Fill in each month's data here Consumption/Flow Billings January 2019 3,085,474 1,272,546 106,561$ 124,273$ February 2019 1,108,313 1,073,489 36,704$ 104,087$ March 2019 3,217,380 688,761 117,667$ 69,123$ April 2019 3,196,403 1,387,999 115,656$ 133,303$ May 2019 6,484,011 1,704,508 357,849$ 167,944$ June 2019 1,798,476 206,220 55,215$ 19,885$ July 2019 2,380,983 1,131,928 76,553$ 146,208$ August 2019 1,067,774 1,041,265 37,242$ 136,693$ September 2019 3,883,841 759,521 160,461$ 100,726$ October 2019 4,075,034 1,531,651 168,351$ 202,701$ November 2019 6,331,789 2,067,312 347,262$ 274,128$ December 2019 2,618,612 199,882 101,457$ 25,732$ January 2020 3,418,142 1,311,854 134,129$ 173,354$ February 2020 1,046,965 1,019,991 35,204$ 130,439$ March 2020 3,516,064 717,530 133,379$ 92,887$ April 2020 3,698,068 1,536,521 151,845$ 209,448$ May 2020 4,211,986 2,102,271 214,561$ 288,825$ June 2020 1,955,805 205,961 62,435$ 26,319$ July 2020 3,012,063 1,337,922 106,789$ 178,030$ August 2020 1,075,571 1,044,735 36,625$ 138,943$ September 2020 5,043,317 892,522 213,734$ 122,316$ October 2020 4,806,563 1,698,980 212,971$ 245,402$ November 2020 5,312,832 3,152,651 282,015$ 463,324$ December 2020 2,872,514 238,250 111,904$ 31,647$ January 2021 3,131,208 1,318,926 115,936$ 176,936$ February 2021 1,090,255 1,054,744 38,671$ 141,784$ March 2021 4,086,421 735,411 158,032$ 99,293$ April 2021 3,509,524 1,287,132 139,952$ 179,949$ May 2021 3,692,731 2,395,058 184,337$ 344,142$ Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 16 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Commitments This area used for comparisons, at the yearly level or a group of months Assume collections one month later, so each fiscal year below is for consumption June through May. No June 2016 here, so FY2017 one month less Totals Diff #Diff %Totals Diff #Diff %Totals Diff #Diff %Totals Diff #Diff % 35,965,177 1,493,310$ FY17 15,198,524 1,395,038$ 38,749,625 2,784,448 7.7%1,591,530$ 98,220$ 6.6%FY18 14,917,318 (281,206) -1.9%1,373,026$ (22,012)$ -1.6% 39,154,052 404,427 1.0%1,632,118$ 40,588$ 2.6%FY19 13,425,857 (1,491,461) -10.0%1,330,830$ (42,196)$ -3.1% 38,047,734 (1,106,318) -2.8%1,615,660$ (16,458)$ -1.0%FY20 13,625,946 200,089 1.5%1,801,026$ 470,196$ 35.3% 39,588,804 1,541,070 4.1%1,663,401$ 47,742$ 3.0%FY21 15,362,292 1,736,346 12.7%2,148,085$ 347,059$ 19.3% Totals Diff #Diff %Totals Diff #Diff %Totals Diff #Diff %Totals Diff #Diff % 35,965,177 1,493,310$ FY17 15,198,524 1,395,038$ 38,749,625 2,784,448 7.7%1,591,530$ 98,220$ 6.6%FY18 14,917,318 (281,206) -1.9%1,373,026$ (22,012)$ -1.6% 39,154,052 404,427 1.0%1,632,118$ 40,588$ 2.6%FY19 13,425,857 (1,491,461) -10.0%1,330,830$ (42,196)$ -3.1% 38,047,734 (1,106,318) -2.8%1,615,660$ (16,458)$ -1.0%FY20 13,625,946 200,089 1.5%1,801,026$ 470,196$ 35.3% 39,588,804 1,541,070 4.1%1,663,401$ 47,742$ 3.0%FY21 15,362,292 1,736,346 12.7%2,148,085$ 347,059$ 19.3% Represents about Represents about Represents about Represents about 100.00%of prior year 100.00%of prior year 100.00%of prior year 100.00%of prior year November November Use FY20 billings December Use FY20 billings December to complete year,January to complete year,January either using yearly February either using yearly February billings increase %March billings increase %March or rate incr. % below April or rate incr. % below April Yearly Incr:3.0%May 220,998$ Yearly Incr:19.3%May 296,045$ FY21 Incr.:3.0%FY21 Incr.:2.5% 220,998$ 296,045$ Consumption Billings Consumption Billings Consumption Billings Consumption Billings Full Year Comparison Full Year Comparison Year-To-Date Comparisons Year-To-Date Comparisons Water Sewer Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 17 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Commitments This area used for comparisons, at the yearly level or a group of months Assume collections one month later, so each fiscal year below is for consumption June through May. No June 2016 here, so FY2017 one month less Year-To-Date Comparisons Year-To-Date Comparisons Water Sewer FY21 Billings Projection 1,884,400$ FY21 Billings Projection 2,444,130$ Collections Rate 95%Collections Rate 95% FY21 User Charges Projection 1,790,180$ FY21 User Charges Projection 2,321,924$ To Update Projections: Include latest commitment numbers zero out the month above for that month's commitment Full year FY20:1,622,879$ Full year FY20:1,807,460$ + Rate Incr:1,671,566$ + Rate Incr:1,852,647$ Collections Rate:97%Collections Rate:97% Proj. FY22-FY25 1,621,419$ Proj. FY22-FY25 1,797,068$ FY21 User Charges Projection to Use: Through May 31, 2021: YTD U/C Rev:1,779,172$ May comm.:344,142$ From May comm.:326,935$ at 95%326,935$ Total FY21 U/C:2,106,107$ Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 18 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Existing Debt Service Trust?Exempt?Account #Date Fund Org Object Proj Description Type Payment 1 6000 6007117 591000 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD Principal 6000 6007517 591500 INTEREST PAYMENT LTD Interest Yes No CW-00-38 10/26/2004 6000 6007117 591000 P4401 CWMP 092500 102604 IP Principal 22,934.72 Yes No CW-00-38 10/26/2004 6000 6007517 591500 I4401 CWMP 092500 102604 IP Interest Yes No CW-00-38 11/11/2004 6000 6007517 591500 I4401 CWMP 092500 102604 IP Fees 79.43 Yes No CW-96-48 11/1/1998 6000 6007117 591000 P4402 S PH IV V 060397 020105 PP Principal Yes No CW-96-48 11/1/1998 6000 6007517 591500 I4402 S PH IV V 060397 020105 IP Interest Yes No CW-96-48 12/9/1998 6000 6007517 591500 I4402 S PH IV V 060397 020105 IP Fees No No 802014300 7/15/2005 6000 6007117 591000 P4403 S PHASE III 430488 071505 PP Principal 140,000.00 No No 802014300 7/15/2005 6000 6007517 591500 I4403 S PHASE III 430488 071505 IP Interest 2,887.50 No No 802062400 8/1/2006 6000 6007117 591000 P4404 S PHASE VI 300596 080106 PP Principal No No 802062400 8/1/2006 6000 6007517 591500 I4404 S PHASE VI 300596 080106 IP Interest Yes No CW-03-38 10/26/2006 6000 6007117 591000 P4405 S INFLOFIL3 170503 102606 PP Principal 8,581.31 Yes No CW-03-38 10/26/2006 6000 6007517 591500 I4405 S INFLOFIL3 170503 102606 IP Interest 9.08 Yes No CW-03-38 10/26/2006 6000 6007517 591500 I4405 S INFLOFIL3 170503 102606 IP Fees 32.18 No No 802513900 7/15/2008 6000 6007117 591000 P4406 S PHASE VI 540507 071508 PP Principal No No 802513900 7/15/2008 6000 6007517 591500 I4406 S PHASE VI 540507 071508 IP Interest Yes No CWS-06-37-A 5/30/2014 6000 6007117 591000 P4407 S PHVI SRF2 021209 121409 PP Principal 161,439.61 Yes No CWS-06-37-A 5/30/2014 6000 6007517 591500 I4407 S PHVI SRF2 021209 121409 IP Interest 23,954.36 Yes No CWS-06-37-A 5/30/2014 6000 6007517 591500 I4407 S PHVI SRF2 021209 121409 IP Fees 1,796.58 Yes No CWS-06-37 7/8/2010 6000 6007117 591000 P4408 S PHVI SRF1 021209 121409 PP Principal 253,173.00 Yes No CWS-06-37 7/8/2010 6000 6007517 591500 I4408 S PHVI SRF1 021209 121409 IP Interest 30,839.62 Yes No CWS-06-37 7/8/2010 6000 6007517 591500 I4408 S PHVI SRF1 021209 121409 IP Fees 2,312.97 6000 6007117 591000 P4409 S TRUCK 160508 071510 PP Principal 6000 6007517 591500 I4409 S TRUCK 160508 071510 IP Interest No No 802936200 7/15/2010 6000 6007117 591000 P4410 S 1 PHVI 300596 071510 PP Principal 15,000.00 No No 802936200 7/15/2010 6000 6007517 591500 I4410 S 1 PHVI 300596 071510 IP Interest 375.00 6000 6007117 591000 P4411 S 2 PHVI 300596 071510 PP Principal 6000 6007517 591500 I4411 S 2 PHVI 300596 071510 IP Interest Yes No CW-03-38A 3/15/2011 6000 6007117 591000 P4412 S INFLO FIL2 170508 031511 PP Principal 6,469.50 Yes No CW-03-38A 3/15/2011 6000 6007517 591500 I4412 S INFLO FIL2 170508 031511 IP Interest 336.82 Yes No CW-03-38A 3/15/2011 6000 6007517 591500 I4412 S INFLO FIL2 170508 031511 IP Fees 25.26 FY21Borrowing Information MUNIS Account Information Payments & Payments OnlyTotals Only Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 19 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD Principal INTEREST PAYMENT LTD Interest CWMP 092500 102604 IP Principal CWMP 092500 102604 IP Interest CWMP 092500 102604 IP Fees S PH IV V 060397 020105 PP Principal S PH IV V 060397 020105 IP Interest S PH IV V 060397 020105 IP Fees S PHASE III 430488 071505 PP Principal S PHASE III 430488 071505 IP Interest S PHASE VI 300596 080106 PP Principal S PHASE VI 300596 080106 IP Interest S INFLOFIL3 170503 102606 PP Principal S INFLOFIL3 170503 102606 IP Interest S INFLOFIL3 170503 102606 IP Fees S PHASE VI 540507 071508 PP Principal S PHASE VI 540507 071508 IP Interest S PHVI SRF2 021209 121409 PP Principal S PHVI SRF2 021209 121409 IP Interest S PHVI SRF2 021209 121409 IP Fees S PHVI SRF1 021209 121409 PP Principal S PHVI SRF1 021209 121409 IP Interest S PHVI SRF1 021209 121409 IP Fees S TRUCK 160508 071510 PP Principal S TRUCK 160508 071510 IP Interest S 1 PHVI 300596 071510 PP Principal S 1 PHVI 300596 071510 IP Interest S 2 PHVI 300596 071510 PP Principal S 2 PHVI 300596 071510 IP Interest S INFLO FIL2 170508 031511 PP Principal S INFLO FIL2 170508 031511 IP Interest S INFLO FIL2 170508 031511 IP Fees MUNIS Account Information Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 - - - - 22,934.72 27,463.39 27,463.39 26,940.31 980.76 980.76 457.68 457.68 55.26 134.69 55.26 27.63 82.89 27.63 - - - - - - 140,000.00 - 2,887.50 - - - - - 8,581.31 8,443.52 8,443.52 8,253.43 413.44 422.52 - 260.05 260.05 - 128.56 25.74 57.92 25.74 19.31 45.05 19.31 12.87 - - - - 161,439.61 164,948.58 164,948.58 168,533.47 22,339.96 46,294.32 22,339.96 20,690.48 43,030.44 20,690.48 19,005.14 1,675.50 3,472.07 1,675.50 1,551.79 3,227.28 1,551.79 1,425.39 253,173.00 258,287.00 258,287.00 263,505.00 28,307.89 59,147.51 28,307.89 25,725.02 54,032.91 25,725.02 23,089.97 2,123.09 4,436.06 2,123.09 1,929.38 4,052.47 1,929.38 1,731.75 - - - - 15,000.00 - 375.00 - - - - - 6,469.50 6,600.17 6,600.17 6,733.79 272.12 608.94 272.12 206.12 478.24 206.12 138.78 20.41 45.67 20.41 15.46 35.87 15.46 10.41 FY21 FY22 FY23 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 20 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD Principal INTEREST PAYMENT LTD Interest CWMP 092500 102604 IP Principal CWMP 092500 102604 IP Interest CWMP 092500 102604 IP Fees S PH IV V 060397 020105 PP Principal S PH IV V 060397 020105 IP Interest S PH IV V 060397 020105 IP Fees S PHASE III 430488 071505 PP Principal S PHASE III 430488 071505 IP Interest S PHASE VI 300596 080106 PP Principal S PHASE VI 300596 080106 IP Interest S INFLOFIL3 170503 102606 PP Principal S INFLOFIL3 170503 102606 IP Interest S INFLOFIL3 170503 102606 IP Fees S PHASE VI 540507 071508 PP Principal S PHASE VI 540507 071508 IP Interest S PHVI SRF2 021209 121409 PP Principal S PHVI SRF2 021209 121409 IP Interest S PHVI SRF2 021209 121409 IP Fees S PHVI SRF1 021209 121409 PP Principal S PHVI SRF1 021209 121409 IP Interest S PHVI SRF1 021209 121409 IP Fees S TRUCK 160508 071510 PP Principal S TRUCK 160508 071510 IP Interest S 1 PHVI 300596 071510 PP Principal S 1 PHVI 300596 071510 IP Interest S 2 PHVI 300596 071510 PP Principal S 2 PHVI 300596 071510 IP Interest S INFLO FIL2 170508 031511 PP Principal S INFLO FIL2 170508 031511 IP Interest S INFLO FIL2 170508 031511 IP Fees MUNIS Account Information Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total - - - - - - 26,940.31 - - - - - 27.63 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8,253.43 8,057.61 8,057.61 7,914.11 7,914.11 128.56 - - - - - 32.18 12.87 6.44 19.31 6.44 6.44 - - - - - - 168,533.47 172,195.94 172,195.94 175,938.67 175,938.67 39,695.62 19,005.14 17,283.18 36,288.32 17,283.18 15,523.80 32,806.98 2,977.17 1,425.39 1,296.24 2,721.62 1,296.24 1,164.28 2,460.52 263,505.00 268,829.00 268,829.00 274,260.00 274,260.00 48,814.99 23,089.97 20,401.68 43,491.65 20,401.68 17,659.08 38,060.76 3,661.12 1,731.75 1,530.13 3,261.87 1,530.13 1,324.43 2,854.56 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6,733.79 6,869.37 6,869.37 7,008.88 7,008.88 344.90 138.78 70.09 208.87 70.09 70.09 25.87 10.41 5.26 15.67 5.26 5.26 FY23 FY24 FY25 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 21 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD Principal INTEREST PAYMENT LTD Interest CWMP 092500 102604 IP Principal CWMP 092500 102604 IP Interest CWMP 092500 102604 IP Fees S PH IV V 060397 020105 PP Principal S PH IV V 060397 020105 IP Interest S PH IV V 060397 020105 IP Fees S PHASE III 430488 071505 PP Principal S PHASE III 430488 071505 IP Interest S PHASE VI 300596 080106 PP Principal S PHASE VI 300596 080106 IP Interest S INFLOFIL3 170503 102606 PP Principal S INFLOFIL3 170503 102606 IP Interest S INFLOFIL3 170503 102606 IP Fees S PHASE VI 540507 071508 PP Principal S PHASE VI 540507 071508 IP Interest S PHVI SRF2 021209 121409 PP Principal S PHVI SRF2 021209 121409 IP Interest S PHVI SRF2 021209 121409 IP Fees S PHVI SRF1 021209 121409 PP Principal S PHVI SRF1 021209 121409 IP Interest S PHVI SRF1 021209 121409 IP Fees S TRUCK 160508 071510 PP Principal S TRUCK 160508 071510 IP Interest S 1 PHVI 300596 071510 PP Principal S 1 PHVI 300596 071510 IP Interest S 2 PHVI 300596 071510 PP Principal S 2 PHVI 300596 071510 IP Interest S INFLO FIL2 170508 031511 PP Principal S INFLO FIL2 170508 031511 IP Interest S INFLO FIL2 170508 031511 IP Fees MUNIS Account Information Payment 1 Payment 2 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 179,762.31 179,762.31 15,523.80 13,726.17 29,249.97 1,164.28 1,029.46 2,193.75 279,800.00 279,800.00 17,659.08 14,861.08 32,520.16 1,324.43 1,114.58 2,439.01 - - - - - - - - - FY26 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 22 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Existing Debt Service Trust?Exempt?Account #Date Fund Org Object Proj Description Type Payment 1 FY21Borrowing Information MUNIS Account Information Payments & Payments OnlyTotals Only No No 802936200 7/15/2010 6000 6007117 591000 P4413 S PHVI MILF 021209 071511 PP Principal 135,000.00 No No 802936200 7/15/2010 6000 6007517 591500 I4413 S PHVI MILF 021209 071511 IP Interest 3,375.00 Yes No CW-08-34 6/6/2012 6000 6007117 591000 P4414 S INFLOFIL REF170508 061212 PP Principal 6,782.14 Yes No CW-08-34 6/6/2012 6000 6007517 591500 I4414 S INFLOFIL REF170508 061212 IP Interest 823.56 Yes No CW-08-34 6/6/2012 6000 6007517 591500 I4414 S INFLOFIL REF170508 061212 IP Fees 61.77 No No 0004870NS 3/1/2013 6000 6007117 591000 P4415 S WOOD LIFT ST 280512 030113PP Principal No No 0004870NS 3/1/2013 6000 6007517 591500 I4415 S WOOD LFT ST 280512 030113 IP Interest 11,587.50 No No 0004870NS 3/1/2013 6000 6007117 591000 P4416 S WOOD LIFT ST 250511 030113PP Principal No No 0004870NS 3/1/2013 6000 6007517 591500 I4416 S WOOD LFT ST 250511 030113 IP Interest No No 0004870NS 3/1/2013 6000 6007117 591000 P4417 S SOST LIFT ST 260511 010113PP Principal No No 0004870NS 3/1/2013 6000 6007517 591500 I4417 S SOST LFT ST 260511 010113 IP Interest No No 0004870NS 3/1/2013 6000 6007117 591000 P4418 S PH VI REF 300596 030113 PP Principal No No 0004870NS 3/1/2013 6000 6007517 591500 I4418 S PH VI REF 300596 030113 IP Interest No No 0014866NS 5/15/2014 6000 6007117 591000 P4419 S MAIN FLANDERS RD 330513 PP Principal 45,000.00 No No 0014866NS 5/15/2014 6000 6007517 591500 I4419 S MAIN FLANDERS RD 330513 IP Interest 2,306.25 No No 0014866NS 5/15/2014 6000 6007117 591000 P4420 ELM ST SEWER 021112 Principal 15,000.00 No No 0014866NS 5/15/2014 6000 6007517 591500 P4420 ELM ST SEWER A021112 Interest 768.75 6000 6007117 592900 DEBT SVC AUTH/UNISSUED Principal 6000 6007517 592900 DEBT SVC AUTH/UNISSUED Interest No No 0034640NS 5/25/2016 6000 6007117 591000 2014 VACTOR TRUCK SEWER 2014 PP Principal No No 0034640NS 5/25/2016 6000 6007517 591500 2014 VACTOR TRUCK SEWER 2014 IP Interest No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6000 6007117 591000 P4404 S PHASE VI 300596 080106 PP - REFUND Principal 13,000.00 No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6000 6007517 591500 I4404 S PHASE VI 300596 080106 IP - REFUND Interest 2,325.00 No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6000 6007117 591000 P4406 S PHASE VI 540507 071508 PP Principal 9,000.00 No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6000 6007517 591500 I4406 S PHASE VI 540507 071508 IP Interest 1,755.00 No No 0052840NS 11/15/2017 6000 6007117 591000 1817 SEWER METER PLAN 050117 ART 18 Principal 30,000.00 No No 0052840NS 11/15/2017 6000 6007517 591500 1817 SEWER METER PLAN 050117 ART 18 Interest 2,250.00 No No WESTBORO 6000 6007117 594500 WESTBOROUGH TREATMENT Principal 142,537.30 No Bond112619 11/26/2019 6000 6007117 591000 2219 SEWER COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER Principal 20,000.00 No Bond112619 11/26/2019 6000 6007517 591500 2219 SEWER COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER Interest 2,544.44 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 23 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type MUNIS Account Information S PHVI MILF 021209 071511 PP Principal S PHVI MILF 021209 071511 IP Interest S INFLOFIL REF170508 061212 PP Principal S INFLOFIL REF170508 061212 IP Interest S INFLOFIL REF170508 061212 IP Fees S WOOD LIFT ST 280512 030113PP Principal S WOOD LFT ST 280512 030113 IP Interest S WOOD LIFT ST 250511 030113PP Principal S WOOD LFT ST 250511 030113 IP Interest S SOST LIFT ST 260511 010113PP Principal S SOST LFT ST 260511 010113 IP Interest S PH VI REF 300596 030113 PP Principal S PH VI REF 300596 030113 IP Interest S MAIN FLANDERS RD 330513 PP Principal S MAIN FLANDERS RD 330513 IP Interest ELM ST SEWER 021112 Principal ELM ST SEWER A021112 Interest DEBT SVC AUTH/UNISSUED Principal DEBT SVC AUTH/UNISSUED Interest VACTOR TRUCK SEWER 2014 PP Principal VACTOR TRUCK SEWER 2014 IP Interest S PHASE VI 300596 080106 PP - REFUND Principal S PHASE VI 300596 080106 IP - REFUND Interest S PHASE VI 540507 071508 PP Principal S PHASE VI 540507 071508 IP Interest SEWER METER PLAN 050117 ART 18 Principal SEWER METER PLAN 050117 ART 18 Interest WESTBOROUGH TREATMENT Principal SEWER COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER Principal SEWER COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER Interest Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 FY21 FY22 FY23 135,000.00 - 3,375.00 - 6,782.14 6,914.34 6,914.34 7,050.27 755.73 1,579.29 755.73 686.59 1,442.32 686.59 616.09 56.68 118.45 56.68 51.49 108.17 51.49 46.21 105,000.00 105,000.00 105,000.00 105,000.00 105,000.00 11,587.50 23,175.00 10,537.50 10,537.50 21,075.00 9,487.50 9,487.50 - - - - - - - - - - - - 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 1,856.25 4,162.50 1,856.25 1,406.25 3,262.50 1,406.25 956.25 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 618.75 1,387.50 618.75 468.75 1,087.50 468.75 318.75 - - - - - - - - 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 2,000.00 4,325.00 2,000.00 1,675.00 3,675.00 1,675.00 1,350.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 1,530.00 3,285.00 1,530.00 1,305.00 2,835.00 1,305.00 1,080.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 1,500.00 3,750.00 1,500.00 750.00 2,250.00 750.00 142,537.30 141,724.26 141,724.26 141,414.92 20,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 1,500.00 4,044.44 1,500.00 1,125.00 2,625.00 1,125.00 750.00 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 24 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type MUNIS Account Information S PHVI MILF 021209 071511 PP Principal S PHVI MILF 021209 071511 IP Interest S INFLOFIL REF170508 061212 PP Principal S INFLOFIL REF170508 061212 IP Interest S INFLOFIL REF170508 061212 IP Fees S WOOD LIFT ST 280512 030113PP Principal S WOOD LFT ST 280512 030113 IP Interest S WOOD LIFT ST 250511 030113PP Principal S WOOD LFT ST 250511 030113 IP Interest S SOST LIFT ST 260511 010113PP Principal S SOST LFT ST 260511 010113 IP Interest S PH VI REF 300596 030113 PP Principal S PH VI REF 300596 030113 IP Interest S MAIN FLANDERS RD 330513 PP Principal S MAIN FLANDERS RD 330513 IP Interest ELM ST SEWER 021112 Principal ELM ST SEWER A021112 Interest DEBT SVC AUTH/UNISSUED Principal DEBT SVC AUTH/UNISSUED Interest VACTOR TRUCK SEWER 2014 PP Principal VACTOR TRUCK SEWER 2014 IP Interest S PHASE VI 300596 080106 PP - REFUND Principal S PHASE VI 300596 080106 IP - REFUND Interest S PHASE VI 540507 071508 PP Principal S PHASE VI 540507 071508 IP Interest SEWER METER PLAN 050117 ART 18 Principal SEWER METER PLAN 050117 ART 18 Interest WESTBOROUGH TREATMENT Principal SEWER COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER Principal SEWER COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER Interest Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total FY23 FY24 FY25 - - - - - - 7,050.27 7,187.92 7,187.92 7,329.26 7,329.26 1,302.68 616.09 544.21 1,160.30 544.21 470.92 1,015.13 97.70 46.21 40.82 87.02 40.82 35.32 76.13 105,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 18,975.00 8,437.50 8,437.50 16,875.00 7,312.50 7,312.50 14,625.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 2,362.50 956.25 506.25 1,462.50 506.25 506.25 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 787.50 318.75 168.75 487.50 168.75 168.75 - - - - - - - - - - - - 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 3,025.00 1,350.00 1,025.00 2,375.00 1,025.00 700.00 1,725.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 2,385.00 1,080.00 855.00 1,935.00 855.00 630.00 1,485.00 30,000.00 - - 750.00 - - 141,414.92 141,063.14 141,063.14 140,769.12 140,769.12 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 1,875.00 750.00 375.00 1,125.00 375.00 375.00 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 25 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type MUNIS Account Information S PHVI MILF 021209 071511 PP Principal S PHVI MILF 021209 071511 IP Interest S INFLOFIL REF170508 061212 PP Principal S INFLOFIL REF170508 061212 IP Interest S INFLOFIL REF170508 061212 IP Fees S WOOD LIFT ST 280512 030113PP Principal S WOOD LFT ST 280512 030113 IP Interest S WOOD LIFT ST 250511 030113PP Principal S WOOD LFT ST 250511 030113 IP Interest S SOST LIFT ST 260511 010113PP Principal S SOST LFT ST 260511 010113 IP Interest S PH VI REF 300596 030113 PP Principal S PH VI REF 300596 030113 IP Interest S MAIN FLANDERS RD 330513 PP Principal S MAIN FLANDERS RD 330513 IP Interest ELM ST SEWER 021112 Principal ELM ST SEWER A021112 Interest DEBT SVC AUTH/UNISSUED Principal DEBT SVC AUTH/UNISSUED Interest VACTOR TRUCK SEWER 2014 PP Principal VACTOR TRUCK SEWER 2014 IP Interest S PHASE VI 300596 080106 PP - REFUND Principal S PHASE VI 300596 080106 IP - REFUND Interest S PHASE VI 540507 071508 PP Principal S PHASE VI 540507 071508 IP Interest SEWER METER PLAN 050117 ART 18 Principal SEWER METER PLAN 050117 ART 18 Interest WESTBOROUGH TREATMENT Principal SEWER COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER Principal SEWER COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER Interest Payment 1 Payment 2 Total FY26 - - 7,473.26 7,473.26 470.92 396.18 867.10 35.32 29.71 65.03 100,000.00 100,000.00 6,187.50 6,187.50 12,375.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14,000.00 14,000.00 700.00 350.00 1,050.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 630.00 405.00 1,035.00 - - 140,418.72 140,418.72 - - Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 26 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Existing Debt Service Trust?Exempt?Account #Date Fund Org Object Proj Description Type Payment 1 FY21Borrowing Information MUNIS Account Information Payments & Payments OnlyTotals Only Sewer 6000 Principal 1,023,917.58 Interest 86,137.88 Fees 4,308.19 Total 1,114,363.65 Diff - Excluded - Levy 1,114,363.65 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 27 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type MUNIS Account Information Sewer 6000 Principal Interest Fees Total Diff Excluded Levy Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 FY21 FY22 FY23 105,000.00 1,128,917.58 741,381.26 105,000.00 846,381.26 749,431.19 105,000.00 73,662.40 159,800.28 71,218.20 65,293.44 136,511.64 63,525.71 56,921.04 3,956.68 8,264.87 3,956.68 3,595.06 7,551.74 3,595.06 3,226.62 182,619.08 1,296,982.73 816,556.14 173,888.50 990,444.64 816,551.96 165,147.66 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 182,619.08 1,296,982.73 816,556.14 173,888.50 990,444.64 816,551.96 165,147.66 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 28 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type MUNIS Account Information Sewer 6000 Principal Interest Fees Total Diff Excluded Levy Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total FY23 FY24 FY25 854,431.19 701,202.98 100,000.00 801,202.98 710,220.04 100,000.00 810,220.04 120,446.75 55,742.48 49,666.66 105,409.14 48,541.66 42,296.30 90,837.96 6,821.67 3,226.62 2,878.88 6,105.50 2,878.88 2,524.03 5,402.91 981,699.61 760,172.08 152,545.54 912,717.62 761,640.58 144,820.33 906,460.91 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 981,699.61 760,172.08 152,545.54 912,717.62 761,640.58 144,820.33 906,460.91 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 29 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type MUNIS Account Information Sewer 6000 Principal Interest Fees Total Diff Excluded Levy Payment 1 Payment 2 Total FY26 630,454.29 100,000.00 730,454.29 41,171.30 35,925.93 77,097.23 2,524.03 2,173.76 4,697.79 674,149.62 138,099.69 812,249.31 - - - - - - 674,149.62 138,099.69 812,249.31 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 30 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Capital Plan Project FY FY FY FY FY FY SEWER Cost 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Include?Funding Source 2021 CWMP Update 90,000 82,797 Yes Borrowing No Retained Earnings 2022 Vehicle FORD F250 Pickup 53,000 53,000 Yes Retained Earnings Inflow/Infiltration Investigation 80,000 80,000 Yes Retained Earnings No Retained Earnings 2023 Ingersoll Rand Compressor (1/2 water 1/2 sewer)6,000 6,000 Yes Retained Earnings Vehicle FORD F250 Pickup 50,000 50,000 Yes Retained Earnings No Retained Earnings 2024 No Retained Earnings No Retained Earnings No Retained Earnings 2025 No Retained Earnings No Retained Earnings No Retained Earnings 2026 No Retained Earnings No Retained Earnings No Retained Earnings TOTAL 189,000 - 133,000 56,000 - - - Bond Premium:15,213 Carrying this Bond Premium amount to be used at some point TOTALS Only include if Town notes its use.Retained Earnings Borrowing Short Term Debt Total SEWER CAPITAL PLAN FY21-FY26 Select from drop-down boxes below; Yes is in plan, No is not Capital Planning Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 31 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Capital Plan SEWER 2021 CWMP Update 2022 Vehicle FORD F250 Pickup Inflow/Infiltration Investigation 2023 Ingersoll Rand Compressor (1/2 water 1/2 sewer) Vehicle FORD F250 Pickup 2024 2025 2026 TOTAL Bond Premium: SEWER CAPITAL PLAN FY21-FY26 Term (Years):20 Interest Rate:4.00% Inflation Rate: FY FY FY FY FY FY FY Term (Years)Interest Rate 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 5 5.00%20,699 19,871 19,043 - - - - 53,000 - - - - - - 80,000 - - - - - - - 6,000 - - - - - - 50,000 - Totals 189,000 - - - - ######56,000 - 95,216 - - - - 20,699 19,871 19,043 Interest Rate:2.00%- - - - - - - - 284,216 - - - - ######75,871 19,043 For borrowings, set below or use defaults --->Borrowing Defaults: Borrowing Information Capital Expenditures by Year -----> Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 32 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Capital Plan SEWER 2021 CWMP Update 2022 Vehicle FORD F250 Pickup Inflow/Infiltration Investigation 2023 Ingersoll Rand Compressor (1/2 water 1/2 sewer) Vehicle FORD F250 Pickup 2024 2025 2026 TOTAL Bond Premium: SEWER CAPITAL PLAN FY21-FY26 0.00% FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 18,215 17,387 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18,215 17,387 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18,215 17,387 - - - - - - - - - Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 33 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study Capital Plan SEWER 2021 CWMP Update 2022 Vehicle FORD F250 Pickup Inflow/Infiltration Investigation 2023 Ingersoll Rand Compressor (1/2 water 1/2 sewer) Vehicle FORD F250 Pickup 2024 2025 2026 TOTAL Bond Premium: SEWER CAPITAL PLAN FY21-FY26 FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 34 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study B2A Revenue Latest Projections for current Fiscal Year YTD through the end of May 2021 ORIGINAL TRANFRS/REVISED YTD AVAILABLE Per Other Projected (Over) SEWER REVENUES APPROP ADJSMTS BUDGET EXPENDED ENC BUDGET % USED Month 1 Month FY 21 Under 414200 TAX LIENS REDEEMED (1,584)$ (158)$ (317)$ (1,901)$ (1,901) 417300 PENALTIES INTEREST TAX (78)$ (8)$ (16)$ (93)$ (93) 417600 PENALTIES INT UTILITY U (8,714)$ (871)$ (1,743)$ (10,456)$ (10,456) 421150 UTILITY USAGE CHARGES S (1,779,172)$ (177,917)$ (355,834)$ (2,135,007)$ (2,135,007) 421200 UTILITY USAGE ADDED TO (77,461)$ (7,746)$ (15,492)$ (92,953)$ (92,953) 422100 CONNECTION FEES (3,550)$ (355)$ (710)$ (4,260)$ (4,260) 422212 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 2 (180)$ (18)$ (36)$ (216)$ (216) 422215 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 5 792$ 79$ 158$ 950$ 950 422216 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 6 (541,648)$ (54,165)$ (108,330)$ (649,978)$ (649,978) 422312 COMMITTED INTEREST PHAS (50)$ (5)$ (10)$ (60)$ (60) 422316 COMMITTED INTEREST PHAS (172,777)$ (17,278)$ (34,555)$ (207,332)$ (207,332) 6000 SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND -$ -$ -$ (2,584,422)$ -$ 0.0%76 (258,442)$ (516,884)$ (3,101,307)$ (3,101,307)$ Linear Projection Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 35 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY20 Sewer B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6004401 511100 511100 SALARIES FULL TIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 887.91 0.00 -887.91 0.0% 511300 511300 WAGES HOURLY 115,873.00 0.00 115,873.00 107,749.56 0.00 8,123.44 93.0% 513100 513100 OVERTIME 58,000.00 0.00 58,000.00 49,388.00 0.00 8,612.00 85.2% 1 PERSONAL SERVICES 173,873.00 0.00 173,873.00 158,025.47 0.00 15,847.53 90.9% 6004402 521100 521100 ELECTRICITY 150,000.00 0.00 150,000.00 101,844.24 0.00 48,155.76 67.9% 521200 521200 HEATING OIL 700.00 0.00 700.00 61.29 0.00 638.71 8.8% 523400 523400 WASTEWATER FACILITY USA 500,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 270,640.10 0.00 229,359.90 54.1% 524100 524100 R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPM 1,343.00 0.00 1,343.00 4,499.53 0.00 -3,156.53 335.0% 526600 526600 R&M ALARM SYSTEMS 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,130.60 0.00 -130.60 102.6% 527400 527400 R&L DEPARTMENTAL EQUIPM 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0% 528100 528100 SWR-INFLOW-INFILTRA 64,000.00 0.00 64,000.00 40,155.55 0.00 23,844.45 62.7% 529200 529200 CONTRACTED SVCS FRUIT S 165,000.00 0.00 165,000.00 165,146.54 0.00 -146.54 100.1% 534100 534100 TELEPHONE 17,000.00 0.00 17,000.00 7,392.61 0.00 9,607.39 43.5% 534200 534200 POSTAGE 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 1,462.52 0.00 3,537.48 29.3% 538900 538900 MISC OTHER CONTRACTED S 60,000.00 0.00 60,000.00 57,934.90 0.00 2,065.10 96.6% 542900 542900 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 3,602.16 0.00 397.84 90.1% 548900 548900 MISC VEHICULAR SUPPLIES 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 4,836.78 0.00 -1,836.78 161.2% 553200 553200 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.0% 553900 553900 MISC PUBLIC WORKS SUPPL 40,000.00 0.00 40,000.00 22,835.62 0.00 17,164.38 57.1% 558500 558500 UNIFORMS AND OTHER CLOT 700.00 0.00 700.00 1,218.77 0.00 -518.77 174.1% 571100 571100 MEETINGS 8,000.00 0.00 8,000.00 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 0.0% 573100 573100 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 1,480.34 0.00 519.66 74.0% 593000 593000 ADMINISTRATIVE C 8,961.36 0.00 8,961.36 0.00 0.00 8,961.36 0.0% 2 EXPENSES 1,059,704.36 0.00 1,059,704.36 688,241.55 0.00 371,462.81 64.9% 6004403 414200 414200 TAX LIENS REDEEMED 0.00 0.00 0.00 -9,222.66 0.00 9,222.66 0.0% 417300 417300 PENALTIES INTEREST TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,398.02 0.00 2,398.02 0.0% 417600 417600 PENALTIES INT UTILITY U 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,436.44 0.00 5,436.44 0.0% 421150 421150 UTILITY USAGE CHARGES S 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,739,263.70 0.00 1,739,263.70 0.0% 421200 421200 UTILITY USAGE ADDED TO 0.00 0.00 0.00 -39,239.13 0.00 39,239.13 0.0% 422100 422100 CONNECTION FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 -8,525.00 0.00 8,525.00 0.0% 422212 422212 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 -180.00 0.00 180.00 0.0% 422215 422215 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 -43,239.01 0.00 43,239.01 0.0% 422216 422216 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 -601,503.39 0.00 601,503.39 0.0% 422312 422312 COMMITTED INTERE 0.00 0.00 0.00 -63.00 0.00 63.00 0.0% 422316 422316 COMMITTED INTERE 0.00 0.00 0.00 -204,938.44 0.00 204,938.44 0.0% 3 REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,654,008.79 0.00 2,654,008.79 0.0% 6004408 518888 518888 WAGES ENCUMBERED PR 453.78 0.00 453.78 453.78 0.00 0.00 100.0% 578888 578888 EXPENSES ENCUMBERED 16,281.58 0.00 16,281.58 12,716.90 0.00 3,564.68 78.1% Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 36 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY20 Sewer B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED ENCUMBRANCES 16,735.36 0.00 16,735.36 13,170.68 0.00 3,564.68 78.7% 6007117 591000 591000 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD 1,144,397.25 0.00 1,144,397.25 1,131,324.64 0.00 13,072.61 98.9% 6007517 591500 591500 INTEREST PAYMENT LTD 186,700.94 0.00 186,700.94 195,662.32 0.00 -8,961.38 104.8% 6007527 592500 592500 INTEREST PAYMENT STD 5,100.00 0.00 5,100.00 0.00 0.00 5,100.00 0.0% 7 DEBT SERVICE 1,336,198.19 0.00 1,336,198.19 1,326,986.96 0.00 9,211.23 99.3% 6009909 596100 596100 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FU 0.00 0.00 0.00 281,177.52 0.00 -281,177.52 0.0% 9 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 281,177.52 0.00 -281,177.52 0.0% 6000 SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND 2,586,510.91 0.00 2,586,510.91 -186,406.61 0.00 2,772,917.52 -7.2% Revenue Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,654,008.79 0.00 2,654,008.79 0.0% Expense Total 2,586,510.91 0.00 2,586,510.91 2,467,602.18 0.00 118,908.73 95.4% Grand Total 2,586,510.91 0.00 2,586,510.91 -186,406.61 0.00 2,772,917.52 -7.2% Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 37 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY19 Sewer B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6004401 511300 511300 WAGES HOURLY 136,500.00 0.00 136,500.00 114,263.55 0.00 22,236.45 83.7% 513100 513100 OVERTIME 55,000.00 0.00 55,000.00 48,737.54 453.78 5,808.68 89.4% 1 PERSONAL SERVICES 191,500.00 0.00 191,500.00 163,001.09 453.78 28,045.13 85.4% 6004402 521100 521100 ELECTRICITY 150,000.00 0.00 150,000.00 90,118.38 0.00 59,881.62 60.1% 521200 521200 HEATING OIL 700.00 0.00 700.00 47.63 0.00 652.37 6.8% 523400 523400 WASTEWATER FACILITY USA 500,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 318,371.98 0.00 181,628.02 63.7% 524100 524100 R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPM 0.00 0.00 0.00 127.21 0.00 -127.21 0.0% 526600 526600 R&M ALARM SYSTEMS 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 5,130.60 0.00 4,869.40 51.3% 527400 527400 R&L DEPARTMENTAL EQUIPM 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0% 529200 529200 CONTRACTED SVCS FRUIT S 165,000.00 0.00 165,000.00 163,535.85 7,181.58 -5,717.43 103.5% 530290 530290 OTHER LEGAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,190.50 0.00 -4,190.50 0.0% 534100 534100 TELEPHONE 17,000.00 0.00 17,000.00 6,847.56 0.00 10,152.44 40.3% 534200 534200 POSTAGE 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 4,263.35 0.00 -2,763.35 284.2% 538900 538900 MISC OTHER CONTRACTED S 80,000.00 0.00 80,000.00 53,442.54 9,100.00 17,457.46 78.2% 542900 542900 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 1,461.20 0.00 2,538.80 36.5% 548900 548900 MISC VEHICULAR SUPPLIES 3,000.00 1.14 3,001.14 15,021.09 0.00 -12,019.95 500.5% 553200 553200 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 292.20 0.00 19,707.80 1.5% 553900 553900 MISC PUBLIC WORKS SUPPL 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 34,684.46 0.00 15,315.54 69.4% 558500 558500 UNIFORMS AND OTHER CLOT 700.00 0.00 700.00 696.89 0.00 3.11 99.6% 571100 571100 MEETINGS 8,000.00 0.00 8,000.00 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 0.0% 573100 573100 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 1,310.00 0.00 690.00 65.5% 593000 593000 ADMINISTRATIVE C 8,000.00 0.00 8,000.00 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 0.0% 2 EXPENSES 1,024,900.00 1.14 1,024,901.14 699,541.44 16,281.58 309,078.12 69.8% 6004403 414200 414200 TAX LIENS REDEEMED 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,793.23 0.00 5,793.23 0.0% 417300 417300 PENALTIES INTEREST TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,189.97 0.00 1,189.97 0.0% 417600 417600 PENALTIES INT UTILITY U 0.00 -10,228.00 -10,228.00 -6,353.64 0.00 -3,874.36 62.1% 421150 421150 UTILITY USAGE CHARGES S 0.00 -1,475,000.00 -1,475,000.00 -1,275,835.76 0.00 -199,164.24 86.5% 421200 421200 UTILITY USAGE ADDED TO 0.00 -50,000.00 -50,000.00 -40,609.95 0.00 -9,390.05 81.2% 422100 422100 CONNECTION FEES 0.00 -5,000.00 -5,000.00 -14,675.00 0.00 9,675.00 293.5% 422212 422212 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 -180.00 0.00 180.00 0.0% 422214 422214 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 -10,913.00 0.00 10,913.00 0.0% 422215 422215 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 5 0.00 -205,000.00 -205,000.00 -200,241.83 0.00 -4,758.17 97.7% 422216 422216 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 6 0.00 -425,000.00 -425,000.00 -468,422.38 0.00 43,422.38 110.2% 422230 422230 APPT ASSESS NOT YET DUE 0.00 -25,000.00 -25,000.00 -4,752.00 0.00 -20,248.00 19.0% 422312 422312 COMMITTED INTERE 0.00 0.00 0.00 -75.60 0.00 75.60 0.0% 422316 422316 COMMITTED INTERE 0.00 -230,000.00 -230,000.00 -224,179.72 0.00 -5,820.28 97.5% 422900 422900 MISCELLANEOUS UT 0.00 0.00 0.00 -35.00 0.00 35.00 0.0% 497040 497040 TRANSFERS FROM C 0.00 0.00 0.00 -17,059.59 0.00 17,059.59 0.0% Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 38 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY19 Sewer B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 3 REVENUE 0.00 -2,425,228.00 -2,425,228.00 -2,270,316.67 0.00 -154,911.33 93.6% 6007117 591000 591000 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD 1,478,312.65 0.00 1,478,312.65 1,479,227.55 0.00 -914.90 100.1% 6007517 591500 591500 INTEREST PAYMENT LTD 230,552.08 0.00 230,552.08 229,052.08 0.00 1,500.00 99.3% 6007527 592500 592500 INTEREST PAYMENT STD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7 DEBT SERVICE 1,708,864.73 0.00 1,708,864.73 1,708,279.63 0.00 585.10 100.0% 6009909 596100 596100 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FU 0.00 0.00 0.00 270,363.00 0.00 -270,363.00 0.0% 6009909 596300 596300 TRANSFERS TO CAP 0.00 0.00 0.00 63,400.00 0.00 -63,400.00 0.0% 9 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 333,763.00 0.00 -333,763.00 0.0% 6000 SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND 2,925,264.73 -2,425,226.86 500,037.87 634,268.49 16,735.36 -150,965.98 130.2% Revenue Total 0.00 -2,425,228.00 -2,425,228.00 -2,270,316.67 0.00 -154,911.33 93.6% Expense Total 2,925,264.73 1.14 2,925,265.87 2,904,585.16 16,735.36 3,945.35 99.9% Grand Total 2,925,264.73 -2,425,226.86 500,037.87 634,268.49 16,735.36 -150,965.98 130.2% Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 39 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY18 Sewer B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6004401 511300 511300 WAGES HOURLY 135,000.00 0.00 135,000.00 105,514.80 0.00 29,485.20 78.2% 513100 513100 OVERTIME 55,000.00 0.00 55,000.00 48,870.24 0.00 6,129.76 88.9% 1 PERSONAL SERVICES 190,000.00 0.00 190,000.00 154,385.04 0.00 35,614.96 81.3% 6004402 521100 521100 ELECTRICITY 175,000.00 0.00 175,000.00 95,830.83 0.00 79,169.17 54.8% 521200 521200 HEATING OIL 700.00 0.00 700.00 891.18 0.00 -191.18 127.3% 523400 523400 WASTEWATER FACILITY USA 450,000.00 0.00 450,000.00 403,085.24 0.00 46,914.76 89.6% 524100 524100 R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPM 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,342.54 0.00 -1,342.54 0.0% 526600 526600 R&M ALARM SYSTEMS 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 563.40 0.00 4,436.60 11.3% 527400 527400 R&L DEPARTMENTAL EQUIPM 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.0% 529200 529200 CONTRACTED SVCS FRUIT S 65,000.00 0.00 65,000.00 199,155.65 0.00 -134,155.65 306.4% 534100 534100 TELEPHONE 17,000.00 51.69 17,051.69 13,941.42 0.00 3,110.27 81.8% 534200 534200 POSTAGE 250.00 0.00 250.00 4,698.78 0.00 -4,448.78 1879.5% 538900 538900 MISC OTHER CONTRACTED S 60,000.00 2,251.50 62,251.50 45,472.05 0.00 16,779.45 73.0% 542900 542900 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 1,181.04 0.00 2,818.96 29.5% 548900 548900 MISC VEHICULAR SUPPLIES 3,000.00 48.56 3,048.56 17,824.11 1.14 -14,776.69 584.7% 553200 553200 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.0% 553900 553900 MISC PUBLIC WORKS SUPPL 35,000.00 0.00 35,000.00 42,482.64 0.00 -7,482.64 121.4% 558500 558500 UNIFORMS AND OTHER CLOT 700.00 0.00 700.00 3,625.58 0.00 -2,925.58 517.9% 571100 571100 MEETINGS 8,000.00 0.00 8,000.00 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 0.0% 573100 573100 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 1,602.00 0.00 398.00 80.1% 579950 579950 PRIOR YEAR EXPENSE 0.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 100.0% 2 EXPENSES 850,650.00 2,355.75 853,005.75 831,700.46 1.14 21,304.15 97.5% 6004403 414200 414200 TAX LIENS REDEEMED 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4,670.67 0.00 4,670.67 0.0% 417300 417300 PENALTIES INTEREST TAX 0.00 -924.36 -924.36 -625.72 0.00 -298.64 67.7% 417600 417600 PENALTIES INT UTILITY U 0.00 -7,500.00 -7,500.00 -10,364.94 0.00 2,864.94 138.2% 421150 421150 UTILITY USAGE CHARGES S 0.00 -1,395,386.00 -1,395,386.00 -1,358,781.76 0.00 -36,604.24 97.4% 421200 421200 UTILITY USAGE ADDED TO 0.00 -50,000.00 -50,000.00 -52,898.23 0.00 2,898.23 105.8% 422100 422100 CONNECTION FEES 0.00 -9,500.00 -9,500.00 -4,275.00 0.00 -5,225.00 45.0% 422212 422212 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 -180.00 0.00 180.00 0.0% 422214 422214 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 4 0.00 -11,000.00 -11,000.00 -10,913.00 0.00 -87.00 99.2% 422215 422215 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 5 0.00 -210,000.00 -210,000.00 -205,669.66 0.00 -4,330.34 97.9% 422216 422216 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 6 0.00 -445,000.00 -445,000.00 -442,344.66 0.00 -2,655.34 99.4% 422230 422230 APPT ASSESS NOT YET DUE 0.00 -25,000.00 -25,000.00 -32,460.76 0.00 7,460.76 129.8% 422240 422240 INT APPT ASSES NOT YET DUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 -514.87 0.00 514.87 0.0% 422312 422312 COMMITTED INTEREST PHAS 0.00 0.00 0.00 -88.20 0.00 88.20 0.0% 422316 422316 COMMITTED INTEREST PHAS 0.00 -275,000.00 -275,000.00 -265,759.49 0.00 -9,240.51 96.6% 3 REVENUE 0.00 -2,429,310.36 -2,429,310.36 -2,389,546.96 0.00 -39,763.40 98.4% 6007117 591000 591000 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD 1,353,846.44 0.00 1,353,846.44 1,353,846.44 0.00 0.00 100.0% Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 40 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY18 Sewer B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6007517 591500 591500 INTEREST PAYMENT LTD 253,159.92 0.00 253,159.92 253,159.95 0.00 -0.03 100.0% 6007527 592500 592500 INTEREST PAYMENT STD 145,000.00 -145,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7 DEBT SERVICE 1,752,006.36 -145,000.00 1,607,006.36 1,607,006.39 0.00 -0.03 100.0% 6000 SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND 2,792,656.36 -2,571,954.61 220,701.75 203,544.93 1.14 17,155.68 92.2% Revenue Total 0.00 -2,429,310.36 -2,429,310.36 -2,389,546.96 0.00 -39,763.40 98.4% Expense Total 2,792,656.36 -142,644.25 2,650,012.11 2,593,091.89 1.14 56,919.08 97.9% Grand Total 2,792,656.36 -2,571,954.61 220,701.75 203,544.93 1.14 17,155.68 92.2% Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 41 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY17 Sewer B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6004401 511300 511300 WAGES HOURLY 137,370.34 0.00 137,370.34 106,896.65 0.00 30,473.69 77.80 513100 513100 OVERTIME 55,000.00 0.00 55,000.00 52,407.29 0.00 2,592.71 95.30 1 PERSONAL SERVICES 192,370.34 0.00 192,370.34 159,303.94 0.00 33,066.40 82.80 6004402 521100 521100 ELECTRICITY 197,825.00 0.00 197,825.00 82,448.73 0.00 115,376.27 41.70 521200 521200 HEATING OIL 700.00 0.00 700.00 212.94 0.00 487.06 30.40 523400 523400 WASTEWATER FACILITY USA 500,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 463,375.29 0.00 36,624.71 92.70 524100 524100 R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPM 0.00 0.00 0.00 217.23 0.00 -217.23 100.00 526600 526600 R&M ALARM SYSTEMS 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 8,042.82 0.00 -3,042.82 160.90 527400 527400 R&L DEPARTMENTAL EQUIPM 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 2,729.60 0.00 2,270.40 54.60 529200 529200 CONTRACTED SVCS FRUIT S 59,410.40 9,245.00 68,655.40 169,778.20 0.00 -101,122.80 247.30 530290 530290 OTHER LEGAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 209.00 0.00 -209.00 100.00 534100 534100 TELEPHONE 1,000.00 50.18 1,050.18 14,111.84 51.69 -13,113.35 1,348.70 534200 534200 POSTAGE 250.00 0.00 250.00 3,389.51 0.00 -3,139.51 1,355.80 538900 538900 MISC OTHER CONTRACTED S 43,000.00 25,727.00 68,727.00 79,249.33 2,339.00 -12,861.33 118.70 542900 542900 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 3,435.51 0.00 -1,935.51 229.00 548900 548900 MISC VEHICULAR SUPPLIES 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 10,206.20 48.56 -6,254.76 256.40 553200 553200 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 1,532.97 0.00 18,467.03 7.70 553900 553900 MISC PUBLIC WORKS SUPPL 19,000.00 0.00 19,000.00 54,027.65 0.00 -35,027.65 284.40 558500 558500 UNIFORMS AND OTHER CLOT 700.00 0.00 700.00 1,253.80 0.00 -553.80 179.10 571100 571100 MEETINGS 8,000.00 0.00 8,000.00 105.00 0.00 7,895.00 1.30 573100 573100 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 1,771.00 0.00 229.00 88.60 2 EXPENSES 867,385.40 35,022.18 902,407.58 896,096.62 2,439.25 3,871.71 99.60 6004403 414200 414200 TAX LIENS REDEEMED 0.00 0.00 0.00 -279.95 0.00 279.95 100.00 417300 417300 PENALTIES INTEREST TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 -13.13 0.00 13.13 100.00 417600 417600 PENALTIES INT UTILITY U 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5,220.11 0.00 5,220.11 100.00 421150 421150 UTILITY USAGE CHARGES S 0.00 -1,606,577.00 -1,606,577.00 -1,502,741.97 0.00 -103,835.03 93.50 421200 421200 UTILITY USAGE ADDED TO 0.00 0.00 0.00 -48,739.15 0.00 48,739.15 100.00 422100 422100 CONNECTION FEES 0.00 -1,490.00 -1,490.00 -99,159.20 0.00 97,669.20 6,655.00 422211 422211 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 1 0.00 -523.00 -523.00 0.00 0.00 -523.00 0.00 422212 422212 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 -180.00 0.00 180.00 100.00 422214 422214 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 4 0.00 -234,008.00 -234,008.00 -10,913.00 0.00 -223,095.00 4.70 422215 422215 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 -210,324.84 0.00 210,324.84 100.00 422216 422216 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 6 0.00 -732,567.00 -732,567.00 -462,277.83 0.00 -270,289.17 63.10 422230 422230 APPT ASSESS NOT YET DUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 -33,333.03 0.00 33,333.03 100.00 422312 422312 COMMITTED INTEREST PHAS 0.00 0.00 0.00 -100.80 0.00 100.80 100.00 422316 422316 COMMITTED INTEREST PHAS 0.00 0.00 0.00 -269,718.60 0.00 269,718.60 100.00 482000 482000 EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 0.00 -7,557.00 -7,557.00 0.00 0.00 -7,557.00 0.00 3 REVENUE 0.00 -2,582,722.00 -2,582,722.00 -2,643,001.61 0.00 60,279.61 102.30 6007117 591000 591000 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD 1,440,043.86 -89,703.73 1,350,340.13 1,350,339.98 0.00 0.15 100.00 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 42 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY17 Sewer B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6007517 591500 591500 INTEREST PAYMENT LTD 327,847.00 -39,528.83 288,318.17 288,318.18 0.00 -0.01 100.00 6007527 592500 592500 INTEREST PAYMENT STD 8,000.00 129,233.00 137,233.00 0.00 0.00 137,233.00 0.00 7 DEBT SERVICE 1,775,890.86 0.44 1,775,891.30 1,638,658.16 0.00 137,233.14 92.30 6009909 596100 596100 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FU 0.00 0.00 0.00 306,021.00 0.00 -306,021.00 100.00 9 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 306,021.00 0.00 -306,021.00 100.00 6000 SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND 2,835,646.60 -2,547,699.38 287,947.22 357,078.11 2,439.25 -71,570.14 124.90 Revenue Total 0.00 -2,582,722.00 -2,582,722.00 -2,643,001.61 0.00 60,279.61 102.30 Expense Total 2,835,646.60 35,022.62 2,870,669.22 3,000,079.72 2,439.25 -131,849.75 104.60 Grand Total 2,835,646.60 -2,547,699.38 287,947.22 357,078.11 2,439.25 -71,570.14 124.90 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 43 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY16 Sewer B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6004401 511100 511100 SALARIES FULL TIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 86,392.66 0.00 -86,392.66 100.00 511300 511300 WAGES HOURLY 134,019.84 0.00 134,019.84 11,408.28 0.00 122,611.56 8.50 513100 513100 OVERTIME 47,279.00 0.00 47,279.00 50,130.96 0.00 -2,851.96 106.00 1 PERSONAL SERVICES 181,298.84 0.00 181,298.84 147,931.90 0.00 33,366.94 81.60 6004402 521100 521100 ELECTRICITY 197,825.00 0.00 197,825.00 88,809.88 0.00 109,015.12 44.90 521200 521200 HEATING OIL 700.00 0.00 700.00 179.18 0.00 520.82 25.60 523400 523400 WASTEWATER FACILITY USA 500,000.00 0.00 500,000.00 341,597.10 0.00 158,402.90 68.30 526600 526600 R&M ALARM SYSTEMS 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 2,225.20 0.00 2,774.80 44.50 526700 526700 R&M WASTEWATER TREATMEN 0.00 9,417.11 9,417.11 9,417.11 18,743.51 -18,743.51 299.00 527400 527400 R&L DEPARTMENTAL EQUIPM 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 6,633.21 0.00 -1,633.21 132.70 529200 529200 CONTRACTED SVCS FRUIT S 57,680.00 0.00 57,680.00 153,209.63 0.00 -95,529.63 265.60 534100 534100 TELEPHONE 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 17,362.72 0.00 -16,362.72 1,736.30 534200 534200 POSTAGE 250.00 0.00 250.00 855.90 0.00 -605.90 342.40 538900 538900 MISC OTHER CONTRACTED S 43,000.00 0.00 43,000.00 82,532.89 0.00 -39,532.89 191.90 542900 542900 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 4,837.71 0.00 -3,337.71 322.50 548900 548900 MISC VEHICULAR SUPPLIES 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 2,789.97 0.00 1,210.03 69.70 553200 553200 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 16,000.00 0.00 16,000.00 0.00 0.00 16,000.00 0.00 553900 553900 MISC PUBLIC WORKS SUPPL 19,000.00 0.00 19,000.00 49,714.79 0.00 -30,714.79 261.70 558500 558500 UNIFORMS AND OTHER CLOT 700.00 0.00 700.00 4,013.80 0.00 -3,313.80 573.40 573100 573100 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 1,568.00 0.00 432.00 78.40 593000 593000 ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS 8,000.00 0.00 8,000.00 -0.01 0.00 8,000.01 0.00 2 EXPENSES 861,655.00 9,417.11 871,072.11 765,747.08 18,743.51 86,581.52 90.10 6004403 417600 417600 PENALTIES INT UTILITY U 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4,192.92 0.00 4,192.92 100.00 421150 421150 UTILITY USAGE CHARGES S 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,403,474.10 0.00 1,403,474.10 100.00 421200 421200 UTILITY USAGE ADDED TO 0.00 0.00 0.00 -85,564.03 0.00 85,564.03 100.00 422100 422100 CONNECTION FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 -77,328.08 0.00 77,328.08 100.00 422212 422212 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 -180.00 0.00 180.00 100.00 422214 422214 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 -10,913.00 0.00 10,913.00 100.00 422215 422215 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 -213,451.82 0.00 213,451.82 100.00 422216 422216 SPECIAL ASSESS PHASE 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 -461,334.05 0.00 461,334.05 100.00 422230 422230 APPT ASSESS NOT YET DUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 -71,888.23 0.00 71,888.23 100.00 422312 422312 COMMITTED INTEREST PHAS 0.00 0.00 0.00 -113.40 0.00 113.40 100.00 422316 422316 COMMITTED INTEREST PHAS 0.00 0.00 0.00 -291,454.17 0.00 291,454.17 100.00 493010 493010 PREMIUMS FROM SALE OF B 0.00 0.00 0.00 -7,878.96 0.00 7,878.96 100.00 3 REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,627,772.76 0.00 2,627,772.76 100.00 6004404 584100 584100 SITE IMPROVEMENTS 0.00 140,000.00 140,000.00 20,406.36 0.00 119,593.64 14.60 4 ARTICLES 0.00 140,000.00 140,000.00 20,406.36 0.00 119,593.64 14.60 6007117 591000 591000 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD 1,449,905.86 0.00 1,449,905.86 1,442,583.68 0.00 7,322.18 99.50 6007517 591500 591500 INTEREST PAYMENT LTD 317,922.17 0.00 317,922.17 311,910.06 0.00 6,012.11 98.10 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 44 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY16 Sewer B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6007527 592500 592500 INTEREST PAYMENT STD 0.00 0.00 0.00 667.13 0.00 -667.13 100.00 7 DEBT SERVICE 1,767,828.03 0.00 1,767,828.03 1,755,160.87 0.00 12,667.16 99.30 6009809 497010 497010 TRANSFERS FROM GENERAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 -80,190.00 0.00 80,190.00 100.00 6009909 596100 596100 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FU 0.00 0.00 0.00 300,020.74 0.00 -300,020.74 100.00 9 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 219,830.74 0.00 -219,830.74 100.00 6000 SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND 2,810,781.87 149,417.11 2,960,198.98 281,304.19 18,743.51 2,660,151.28 10.10 Revenue Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,707,962.76 0.00 2,707,962.76 100.00 Expense Total 2,810,781.87 149,417.11 2,960,198.98 2,989,266.95 18,743.51 -47,811.48 101.60 Grand Total 2,810,781.87 149,417.11 2,960,198.98 281,304.19 18,743.51 2,660,151.28 10.10 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 45 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY20 Sewer Balance Sheet FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BALANCE ASSETS '6000 '104000 'CASH 727,151.30 '6000 '124000 'TAX LIENS RECEIVABLE 1,196.98 '6000 '131000 'USER CHARGES RECEIVABLE 365,353.52 '6000 '133100 'UTILITY LIENS ADDED TO TAXES 2,006.80 '6000 '142000 'APPORT ASSESS ADDED TO TAXES (792.00) '6000 '144000 'APPTD ASSESS NOT YET DUE 4,550,973.90 TOTAL ASSETS 5,645,890.50 LIABILITIES '6000 '202000 'ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (102,541.32) '6000 '262200 'DEFERRED REVENUE TAX LIENS (1,196.98) '6000 '265100 'DEF REVENUE USER CHARGES (295,924.54) '6000 '265300 'DEF REVENUE UTILITY LIENS (2,006.80) '6000 '266000 'DEF REVENUE SPECIAL ASSESS (4,550,181.90) TOTAL LIABILITIES (4,951,851.54) FUND BALANCES '6000 '321100 'FUND BAL RES ENCUMBRANCES (20,207.55) '6000 '324000 'FUND BAL RES EXPENDITURES - '6000 '359100 'UNDESIGNATED RETAINED EARNINGS (673,831.41) '6000 394000 ENCUMBRANCES (DEBIT)16,735.36 '6000 394100 BUDGETARY FD BAL RES ENCUMB (16,735.36) TOTAL FUND BALANCES (694,038.96) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES (5,645,890.50) Variances - Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 46 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY19 Sewer Balance Sheet FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BALANCE ASSETS '6000 '104000 'CASH 587,074.98 '6000 '124000 'TAX LIENS RECEIVABLE 8,596.08 '6000 '131000 'USER CHARGES RECEIVABLE 145,933.33 '6000 '133100 'UTILITY LIENS ADDED TO TAXES 1,788.56 '6000 '142000 'APPORT ASSESS ADDED TO TAXES 1,263.01 '6000 '144000 'APPTD ASSESS NOT YET DUE 4,550,973.90 TOTAL ASSETS 5,295,629.86 LIABILITIES '6000 '202000 'ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (79,442.63) '6000 '262200 'DEFERRED REVENUE TAX LIENS (8,596.08) '6000 '265100 'DEF REVENUE USER CHARGES (145,933.33) '6000 '265300 'DEF REVENUE UTILITY LIENS (1,788.56) '6000 '266000 'DEF REVENUE SPECIAL ASSESS (4,552,236.91) TOTAL LIABILITIES (4,787,997.51) FUND BALANCES '6000 '321100 'FUND BAL RES ENCUMBRANCES (16,735.36) '6000 '324000 'FUND BAL RES EXPENDITURES (230,000.00) '6000 '359100 'UNDESIGNATED RETAINED EARNINGS (260,896.99) '6000 394000 ENCUMBRANCES (DEBIT)16,735.36 '6000 394100 BUDGETARY FD BAL RES ENCUMB (16,735.36) TOTAL FUND BALANCES (507,632.35) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES (5,295,629.86) Variances - Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 47 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY18 Sewer Balance Sheet FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BALANCE ASSETS '6000 '104000 'CASH 1,215,577.81 '6000 '124000 'TAX LIENS RECEIVABLE 7,597.66 '6000 '131000 'USER CHARGES RECEIVABLE 127,288.21 '6000 '133100 'UTILITY LIENS ADDED TO TAXES 2,854.69 '6000 '142000 'APPORT ASSESS ADDED TO TAXES 4,370.84 '6000 '144000 'APPTD ASSESS NOT YET DUE 5,234,951.61 TOTAL ASSETS 6,592,640.82 LIABILITIES '6000 '202000 'ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (73,676.97) '6000 '262200 'DEFERRED REVENUE TAX LIENS (7,597.66) '6000 '265100 'DEF REVENUE USER CHARGES (127,288.21) '6000 '265300 'DEF REVENUE UTILITY LIENS (2,854.69) '6000 '266000 'DEF REVENUE SPECIAL ASSESS (5,239,322.45) TOTAL LIABILITIES (5,450,739.98) FUND BALANCES '6000 '321100 'FUND BAL RES ENCUMBRANCES (1.14) '6000 '324000 'FUND BAL RES EXPENDITURES (833,800.00) '6000 '359100 'UNDESIGNATED RETAINED EARNINGS (308,099.70) TOTAL FUND BALANCES (1,141,900.84) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES (6,592,640.82) Variances - Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 48 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY17 Sewer Balance Sheet FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BALANCE AR/Def Rev FA/BP ASSETS '6000 '104000 'CASH 1,748,958.61 '6000 '124000 'TAX LIENS RECEIVABLE 953.91 '6000 '131000 'USER CHARGES RECEIVABLE 128,110.93 '6000 '133100 'UTILITY LIENS ADDED TO TAXES 6,713.95 '6000 '142000 'APPORT ASSESS ADDED TO TAXES 7,328.00 '6000 '143000 'COMMITTED INT ADDED TO TAXES 42.00 '6000 '144000 'APPTD ASSESS NOT YET DUE 6,640,119.55 6,783,268.34 '6000 '191000 'LAND 180,759.00 '6000 '193000 'PLANT 38,925,249.59 '6000 '193900 'ACCUM DEPR PLANT (CREDIT)(13,037,799.62) '6000 '194000 'MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 402,675.00 '6000 '194900 'ACCUM DEPR MACH EQUIP(CREDIT)(207,729.00) '6000 '195000 'CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 1,263,892.07 27,527,047.04 TOTAL ASSETS 36,059,273.99 LIABILITIES '6000 '202000 'ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (133,256.42) '6000 '210000 'WAGES PAYABLE (5,740.42) '6000 '262200 'DEFERRED REVENUE TAX LIENS (953.91) '6000 '265100 'DEF REVENUE USER CHARGES (129,606.73) '6000 '265300 'DEF REVENUE UTILITY LIENS (5,218.15) '6000 '266000 'DEF REVENUE SPECIAL ASSESS (6,559,891.31) '6000 '266100 'DEF REV- SA COMM INT (55,127.39) '6000 '267000 'DEF REVENUE INTERG (32,470.85) (6,783,268.34) '6000 '297001 'BP CWMP 092500 102604 1,002,270.07 '6000 '297002 'BP S PH IV V 060397 020105 (2,345,277.77) '6000 '297003 'BP S PHASE III 430488 071505 (1,045,000.00) '6000 '297004 'BP S PHASE VI 300596 080106 (225,000.00) '6000 '297005 'BP S INFLOFIL3 170503 102606 (86,269.63) '6000 '297006 'BP S PHASE VI 540507 071508 (140,000.00) '6000 '297007 'BP S PHVI SRF2 021209 121409 (3,946,119.00) '6000 '297008 'BP S PHVI SRF1 021209 121409 (4,501,125.00) Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 49 Town of Hopkinton Sewer Rate Study FY17 Sewer Balance Sheet FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BALANCE AR/Def Rev FA/BP '6000 '297010 'BP S 1 PHVI 300596 071510 (30,000.00) '6000 '297011 'BP S 2 PHVI 300596 071510 50,000.00 '6000 '297012 'BP S INFLFIL2 170508 031511 (69,896.71) '6000 '297013 'BP S PHVI MILF 021209 071511 (1,105,000.00) '6000 '297014 'BP S INFLOFIL REF170508 061212 (120,395.00) '6000 '297015 'BP S WOOD LIFT ST 280512 03011 (1,750,000.00) '6000 '297016 'BP S WOOD LIFT ST 250511 03011 (100,000.00) '6000 '297017 'BP S SOST LIFT ST 260511 01011 (23,000.00) '6000 '297018 'BP S PH VI REF 300596 030113 (64,000.00) '6000 '297021 'BP SEWER 2014 (615,000.00) '6000 '299999 'BP ADJUSTMENT ACCOUNT 1,899,534.55 (13,214,278.49) TOTAL LIABILITIES (20,136,543.67) FUND BALANCES '6000 '309000 'INVESTMENT GEN FIXED ASSETS (14,457,186.95) (14,457,186.95) '6000 '321100 'FUND BAL RES ENCUMBRANCES (2,439.25) '6000 '324000 'FUND BAL RES EXPENDITURES (267,862.00) '6000 '327100 'FUND BAL RES DEBT SERVICE - '6000 '329500 'FUND BAL RES CONT APPROP - '6000 '359100 'UNDESIGNATED RETAINED EARNINGS (1,195,242.12) '6000 '376000 'BONDS AUTHORIZED (MEMO)751,805.00 '6000 '377000 'BONDS AUTHORIZED OFFSET (MEMO)(751,805.00) TOTAL FUND BALANCES (15,922,730.32) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES (36,059,273.99) Variances - - (144,418.40) Projected Certified Retained Earnings 'UNDESIGNATED RETAINED EARNINGS 1,195,242.12 Elm Street Sewer Deficit (19,322.70) FA Variance (144,418.40) Projected Certified RE 1,031,501.02 Chris has the 1,195,242.12 less 19,322.70 (deficit balance in Elm St Sewer ) = $1,175,919.42 Hopkinton FY22 Sewer Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 50 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Summary-Baseline 15.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED Surplus/Deficit 22,468$ (93,134)$ (245,609)$ (385,174)$ (758,020)$ (808,612)$ Projected Retained Earnings 1,383,305$ 970,171$ 623,562$ 200,388$ (557,632)$ (1,366,244)$ RE as % of Budget 53.8%33.4%23.4%7.5%-19.3%-48.3% Target RE as % of Budget 15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0% The table and graph above represent the Baseline scenario, with no rate change. Target Retained Earnings as % of Budget: Baseline -60.0% -40.0% -20.0% 0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 Retained Earnings Projections -Baseline Scenario Target RE as % of Budget RE as % of Budget 6/11/2021 2:43 PM Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 1 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Summary-Rate Change Option 1 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 6.5%6.5%6.5%6.5%6.5% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED Surplus/Deficit 22,468$ 13,059$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Projected Retained Earnings 1,383,305$ 1,076,364$ 952,972$ 879,337$ 606,658$ 426,383$ RE as % of Budget 53.8%37.1%35.7%33.1%21.0%15.1% Target RE as % of Budget 15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0% The table and graph above and the table below represent projections based on the rate changes in the top table. User Type Usage Current Bill FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 Minimum Residential User 1,000 27.20$ 28.97$ 30.85$ 32.86$ 34.99$ 37.27$ Average Residential User 4,247 134.68$ 143.43$ 152.75$ 162.68$ 173.26$ 184.52$ Tier 2 Residential User 8,000 258.90$ 275.73$ 293.65$ 312.74$ 333.07$ 354.72$ Average Commercial User 7,341 237.09$ 252.50$ 268.91$ 286.39$ 305.00$ 324.83$ Average Agricultural User 6,363 204.72$ 218.02$ 232.19$ 247.29$ 263.36$ 280.48$ Average Industrial User 72,232 4,678.06$ 4,982.14$ 5,305.97$ 5,650.86$ 6,018.17$ 6,409.35$ User Type Usage Current Bill FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 Minimum Residential User 1,000 54.40$ 57.94$ 61.70$ 65.71$ 69.98$ 74.53$ Average Residential User 4,247 269.35$ 286.86$ 305.51$ 325.36$ 346.51$ 369.03$ Tier 2 Residential User 8,000 517.80$ 551.46$ 587.30$ 625.48$ 666.13$ 709.43$ Average Commercial User 7,341 474.17$ 505.00$ 537.82$ 572.78$ 610.01$ 649.66$ Average Agricultural User 6,363 409.43$ 436.04$ 464.39$ 494.57$ 526.72$ 560.96$ Average Industrial User 72,232 9,356.12$ 9,964.27$ 10,611.95$ 11,301.73$ 12,036.34$ 12,818.70$ User Impact (Yearly Totals)New Bills Rate Impact New BillsUser Impact (per Bill) Rate Increases 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 Retained Earnings Projections -with Rate Changes RE as % of Budget Target RE as % of Budget 6/11/2021 2:43 PM Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 2 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Summary-Rate Change Option 2 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 4.0%8.0%8.0%8.0%8.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED Surplus/Deficit 22,468$ (27,785)$ (40,727)$ (27,052)$ (232,638)$ (104,175)$ Projected Retained Earnings 1,383,305$ 1,035,520$ 893,793$ 828,741$ 596,103$ 491,928$ RE as % of Budget 53.8%35.7%33.5%31.2%20.6%17.4% Target RE as % of Budget 15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0%15.0% The table and graph above and the table below represent projections based on the rate changes in the top table. User Type Usage Current Bill FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 Minimum Residential User 1,000 27.20$ 28.29$ 30.55$ 33.00$ 35.63$ 38.49$ Average Residential User 4,247 134.68$ 140.06$ 151.27$ 163.37$ 176.44$ 190.55$ Tier 2 Residential User 8,000 258.90$ 269.26$ 290.80$ 314.06$ 339.19$ 366.32$ Average Commercial User 7,341 237.09$ 246.57$ 266.30$ 287.60$ 310.61$ 335.46$ Average Agricultural User 6,363 204.72$ 212.90$ 229.94$ 248.33$ 268.20$ 289.65$ Average Industrial User 72,232 4,678.06$ 4,865.18$ 5,254.40$ 5,674.75$ 6,128.73$ 6,619.03$ User Type Usage Current Bill FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 Minimum Residential User 1,000 54.40$ 56.58$ 61.10$ 65.99$ 71.27$ 76.97$ Average Residential User 4,247 269.35$ 280.13$ 302.54$ 326.74$ 352.88$ 381.11$ Tier 2 Residential User 8,000 517.80$ 538.51$ 581.59$ 628.12$ 678.37$ 732.64$ Average Commercial User 7,341 474.17$ 493.14$ 532.59$ 575.20$ 621.22$ 670.91$ Average Agricultural User 6,363 409.43$ 425.81$ 459.87$ 496.66$ 536.40$ 579.31$ Average Industrial User 72,232 9,356.12$ 9,730.37$ 10,508.80$ 11,349.50$ 12,257.46$ 13,238.06$ User Impact (Yearly Totals)New Bills New Bills Rate Increases Rate Impact User Impact (per Bill) 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 Retained Earnings Projections -with Rate Changes RE as % of Budget Target RE as % of Budget 6/11/2021 2:43 PM Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 3 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study 5-Year Summary-Baseline 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Description ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED COMMENTS Revenues and Other Sources User Charges - Existing Users 1,582,480$ 1,597,027$ 1,324,911$ 1,904,374$ 1,676,240$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ FY21 based on actual commitments; FY22 on based on FY20 commitments User Charges - New Properties -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 34,751$ 64,026$ 81,905$ 95,256$ 98,833$ Amounts based on projected new accounts' usage Fire Protection Charges 296,856$ 296,856$ 297,856$ 297,856$ 297,856$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ Hydrant Rental amount same as FY19's in FY21, but adjusted for FY22; assume level each year Connection Fees 103,588$ 88,392$ 425,761$ 482,253$ 561,150$ 535,050$ 334,950$ 230,550$ 113,100$ -$ Calcs based on 2019 analysis for connections town-wide, updated this year Misc. Utility Fees (Backflow, Sprinkler, Finals)53,780$ 35,080$ 48,307$ 11,441$ 20,971$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 4-year average, FY21 on, based on FY17-20; assume level Liens/Penalty on User Charges 33,421$ 52,686$ 34,138$ 30,781$ 36,973$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 4-year average, FY21 on, based on FY17-20; assume level Earnings on Investments -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Zeroed out since not recognized as revenue in MUNIS reports Sub Total 2,070,125$ 2,070,040$ 2,130,973$ 2,726,705$ 3,165,228$ 2,593,189$ 2,584,320$ 2,491,186$ 2,320,362$ 2,233,841$ 2,129,742$ 2,020,219$ Retained Earnings -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 320,000$ 101,000$ 38,000$ -$ -$ Retained Earnings Appropriated to Balance Budget or to Fund Capital Outlay Total Revenues and Other Sources 2,070,125$ 2,070,040$ 2,130,973$ 2,726,705$ 3,165,228$ 2,593,189$ 2,584,320$ 2,811,186$ 2,421,362$ 2,271,841$ 2,129,742$ 2,020,219$ Expenditures and Other Uses Salaries 315,454$ 306,811$ 344,987$ 335,393$ 437,483$ 437,483$ 434,572$ 434,572$ 445,436$ 456,572$ 467,987$ 479,686$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 2.5% yearly Expenses 771,268$ 822,124$ 743,065$ 758,119$ 850,564$ 850,564$ 860,546$ 860,546$ 886,362$ 912,953$ 940,342$ 968,552$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 3.0% yearly Existing Long Term Debt Service 529,659$ 700,847$ 787,018$ 828,252$ 1,502,053$ 907,546$ 900,330$ 900,330$ 677,688$ 647,395$ 628,799$ 531,002$ See Town's latest debt tracking file; incl. Ashland debt (FY21 last year of it) Short Term Debt -$ -$ -$ 51,361$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 7,200$ -$ -$ -$ FY21 from budget; FY22 on assumes short-term debt for borrowings, w/ 2% int. rate New Debt Service -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 150,690$ 193,536$ 431,862$ 420,348$ Projected New Debt based on Borrowing assumptions on Capital Plan tab Capital Outlay -$ -$ 233,400$ 115,000$ -$ -$ -$ 320,000$ 101,000$ 38,000$ -$ -$ Capital Outlay based on Retained Earnings selections on Capital Plan tab Sub Total 1,616,381$ 1,829,783$ 2,108,470$ 2,088,125$ 2,790,100$ 2,195,593$ 2,195,448$ 2,515,448$ 2,268,377$ 2,248,456$ 2,468,990$ 2,399,589$ Indirect Costs 307,807$ 344,984$ 355,334$ 369,547$ 375,128$ 375,128$ 388,872$ 388,872$ 398,594$ 408,559$ 418,773$ 429,242$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 2.5% yearly Total Expenditures and Other Uses 1,924,188$ 2,174,767$ 2,463,804$ 2,457,672$ 3,165,228$ 2,570,721$ 2,584,320$ 2,904,320$ 2,666,971$ 2,657,015$ 2,887,763$ 2,828,831$ Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Available Funds > Expenditures and Other Uses 145,937$ (104,726)$ (332,831)$ 269,032$ -$ 22,468$ -$ (93,134)$ (245,609)$ (385,174)$ (758,020)$ (808,612)$ Retained Earnings Summary Projected Certified Retained Earnings as of July 1, 2020 1,361,343 Available Retained Earnings Start of FY 1,361,343$ 1,383,305$ 970,171$ 623,562$ 200,388$ (557,632)$ Retained Earnings Appropriated (506)$ (320,000)$ (101,000)$ (38,000)$ -$ -$ Current Year Surplus/(Deficit)22,468$ (93,134)$ (245,609)$ (385,174)$ (758,020)$ (808,612)$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance 1,383,305$ 970,171$ 623,562$ 200,388$ (557,632)$ (1,366,244)$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget 55.4%53.8%33.4%23.4%7.5%-19.3%-48.3% Comments: This tab represents the baseline scenario, with no changes to rates. Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 4 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study 5-Year Summary-Rates-Option 1 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Description ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED BUDGETED PROJECTED BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED COMMENTS Revenues and Other Sources 6.50%6.50%6.50%6.50%6.50% User Charges - Existing Users 1,582,480$ 1,597,027$ 1,324,911$ 1,904,374$ -$ 1,676,240$ -$ 1,702,911$ 1,813,600$ 1,931,484$ 2,057,031$ 2,190,738$ FY21 based on actual commitments and FY20; FY22 on based on FY20 commitments + rate changes shown User Charges - New Properties -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 37,009$ 72,620$ 98,937$ 122,544$ 135,410$ Amounts based on projected new accounts' usage + rate changes Fire Protection Charges 296,856$ 296,856$ 297,856$ 297,856$ -$ 297,856$ -$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ Hydrant Rental amount same as FY19's in FY21, but adjusted for FY22; assume level each year Connection Fees 103,588$ 88,392$ 425,761$ 482,253$ -$ 561,150$ -$ 535,050$ 334,950$ 230,550$ 113,100$ -$ Calcs based on 2019 analysis for connections town-wide, updated this year Misc. Utility Fees (Backflow, Sprinkler, Finals)53,780$ 35,080$ 48,307$ 11,441$ -$ 20,971$ -$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 4-year average, FY21 on, based on FY17-20; assume level Liens/Penalty on User Charges 33,421$ 52,686$ 34,138$ 30,781$ -$ 36,973$ -$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 4-year average, FY21 on, based on FY17-20; assume level Earnings on Investments -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Zeroed out since not recognized as revenue in MUNIS reports Sub Total 2,070,125$ 2,070,040$ 2,130,973$ 2,726,705$ 3,165,228$ 2,593,189$ 2,584,320$ 2,597,379$ 2,543,578$ 2,583,380$ 2,615,083$ 2,648,557$ Retained Earnings -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 320,000$ 123,392$ 73,635$ 272,679$ 180,275$ Retained Earnings Appropriated to Balance Budget or to Fund Capital Outlay Total Revenues and Other Sources 2,070,125$ 2,070,040$ 2,130,973$ 2,726,705$ 3,165,228$ 2,593,189$ 2,584,320$ 2,917,379$ 2,666,970$ 2,657,015$ 2,887,762$ 2,828,832$ Expenditures and Other Uses Salaries 315,454$ 306,811$ 344,987$ 335,393$ 437,483$ 437,483$ 434,572$ 434,572$ 445,436$ 456,572$ 467,987$ 479,686$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 2.5% yearly Expenses 771,268$ 822,124$ 743,065$ 758,119$ 850,564$ 850,564$ 860,546$ 860,546$ 886,362$ 912,953$ 940,342$ 968,552$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 3.0% yearly Existing Long Term Debt Service 529,659$ 700,847$ 787,018$ 828,252$ 1,502,053$ 907,546$ 900,330$ 900,330$ 677,688$ 647,395$ 628,799$ 531,002$ See Town's latest debt tracking file; incl. Ashland debt (FY21 last year of it) Short Term Debt -$ -$ -$ 51,361$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 7,200$ -$ -$ -$ FY21 from budget; FY22 on assumes short-term debt for borrowings, w/ 2% int. rate New Debt Service -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 150,690$ 193,536$ 431,862$ 420,348$ Projected New Debt based on Borrowing assumptions on Capital Plan tab Capital Outlay -$ -$ 233,400$ 115,000$ -$ -$ -$ 320,000$ 101,000$ 38,000$ -$ -$ Capital Outlay based on Retained Earnings selections on Capital Plan tab Sub Total 1,616,381$ 1,829,783$ 2,108,470$ 2,088,125$ 2,790,100$ 2,195,593$ 2,195,448$ 2,515,448$ 2,268,377$ 2,248,456$ 2,468,990$ 2,399,589$ Indirect Costs 307,807$ 344,984$ 355,334$ 369,547$ 375,128$ 375,128$ 388,872$ 388,872$ 398,594$ 408,559$ 418,773$ 429,242$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 2.5% yearly Total Expenditures and Other Uses 1,924,188$ 2,174,767$ 2,463,804$ 2,457,672$ 3,165,228$ 2,570,721$ 2,584,320$ 2,904,320$ 2,666,971$ 2,657,015$ 2,887,763$ 2,828,831$ Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Available Funds > Expenditures and Other Uses 145,937$ (104,726)$ (332,831)$ 269,032$ -$ 22,468$ -$ 13,059$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Retained Earnings Summary Projected Certified Retained Earnings as of July 1, 2020 1,361,343$ Available Retained Earnings Start of FY 1,361,343$ 1,383,305$ 1,076,364$ 952,972$ 879,337$ 606,658$ Retained Earnings Appropriated (506)$ (320,000)$ (123,392)$ (73,635)$ (272,679)$ (180,275)$ Current Year Surplus/(Deficit)22,468$ 13,059$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance 1,383,305$ 1,076,364$ 952,972$ 879,337$ 606,658$ 426,383$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget 55.4%53.8%37.1%35.7%33.1%21.0%15.1% Comments: This tab represents projections based on the rate changes shown at the top of the sheet. Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 5 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study 5-Year Summary-Rates-Option 2 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Description ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED BUDGETED PROJECTED BUDGETED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED COMMENTS Revenues and Other Sources 4.00%8.00%8.00%8.00%8.00% User Charges - Existing Users 1,582,480$ 1,597,027$ 1,324,911$ 1,904,374$ -$ 1,676,240$ -$ 1,662,937$ 1,795,972$ 1,939,649$ 2,094,821$ 2,262,407$ FY21 based on actual commitments and FY20; FY22 on based on FY20 commitments + rate changes shown User Charges - New Properties -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 36,141$ 71,914$ 99,356$ 124,796$ 139,840$ Amounts based on projected new accounts' usage + rate changes Fire Protection Charges 296,856$ 296,856$ 297,856$ 297,856$ -$ 297,856$ -$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ Hydrant Rental amount same as FY19's in FY21, but adjusted for FY22; assume level each year Connection Fees 103,588$ 88,392$ 425,761$ 482,253$ -$ 561,150$ -$ 535,050$ 334,950$ 230,550$ 113,100$ -$ Calcs based on 2019 analysis for connections town-wide, updated this year Misc. Utility Fees (Backflow, Sprinkler, Finals)53,780$ 35,080$ 48,307$ 11,441$ -$ 20,971$ -$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 4-year average, FY21 on, based on FY17-20; assume level Liens/Penalty on User Charges 33,421$ 52,686$ 34,138$ 30,781$ -$ 36,973$ -$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 4-year average, FY21 on, based on FY17-20; assume level Earnings on Investments -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Zeroed out since not recognized as revenue in MUNIS reports Sub Total 2,070,125$ 2,070,040$ 2,130,973$ 2,726,705$ 3,165,228$ 2,593,189$ 2,584,320$ 2,556,535$ 2,525,244$ 2,591,963$ 2,655,125$ 2,724,656$ Retained Earnings -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 320,000$ 101,000$ 38,000$ -$ -$ Retained Earnings Appropriated to Balance Budget or to Fund Capital Outlay Total Revenues and Other Sources 2,070,125$ 2,070,040$ 2,130,973$ 2,726,705$ 3,165,228$ 2,593,189$ 2,584,320$ 2,876,535$ 2,626,244$ 2,629,963$ 2,655,125$ 2,724,656$ Expenditures and Other Uses Salaries 315,454$ 306,811$ 344,987$ 335,393$ 437,483$ 437,483$ 434,572$ 434,572$ 445,436$ 456,572$ 467,987$ 479,686$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 2.5% yearly Expenses 771,268$ 822,124$ 743,065$ 758,119$ 850,564$ 850,564$ 860,546$ 860,546$ 886,362$ 912,953$ 940,342$ 968,552$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 3.0% yearly Existing Long Term Debt Service 529,659$ 700,847$ 787,018$ 828,252$ 1,502,053$ 907,546$ 900,330$ 900,330$ 677,688$ 647,395$ 628,799$ 531,002$ See Town's latest debt tracking file; incl. Ashland debt (FY21 last year of it) Short Term Debt -$ -$ -$ 51,361$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 7,200$ -$ -$ -$ FY21 from budget; FY22 on assumes short-term debt for borrowings, w/ 2% int. rate New Debt Service -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 150,690$ 193,536$ 431,862$ 420,348$ Projected New Debt based on Borrowing assumptions on Capital Plan tab Capital Outlay -$ -$ 233,400$ 115,000$ -$ -$ -$ 320,000$ 101,000$ 38,000$ -$ -$ Capital Outlay based on Retained Earnings selections on Capital Plan tab Sub Total 1,616,381$ 1,829,783$ 2,108,470$ 2,088,125$ 2,790,100$ 2,195,593$ 2,195,448$ 2,515,448$ 2,268,377$ 2,248,456$ 2,468,990$ 2,399,589$ Indirect Costs 307,807$ 344,984$ 355,334$ 369,547$ 375,128$ 375,128$ 388,872$ 388,872$ 398,594$ 408,559$ 418,773$ 429,242$ FY21, FY22 from Budget; FY23 on increased 2.5% yearly Total Expenditures and Other Uses 1,924,188$ 2,174,767$ 2,463,804$ 2,457,672$ 3,165,228$ 2,570,721$ 2,584,320$ 2,904,320$ 2,666,971$ 2,657,015$ 2,887,763$ 2,828,831$ Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues and Available Funds > Expenditures and Other Uses 145,937$ (104,726)$ (332,831)$ 269,032$ -$ 22,468$ -$ (27,785)$ (40,727)$ (27,052)$ (232,638)$ (104,175)$ Retained Earnings Summary Projected Certified Retained Earnings as of July 1, 2020 1,361,343$ Available Retained Earnings Start of FY 1,361,343$ 1,383,305$ 1,035,520$ 893,793$ 828,741$ 596,103$ Retained Earnings Appropriated (506)$ (320,000)$ (101,000)$ (38,000)$ -$ -$ Current Year Surplus/(Deficit)22,468$ (27,785)$ (40,727)$ (27,052)$ (232,638)$ (104,175)$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance 1,383,305$ 1,035,520$ 893,793$ 828,741$ 596,103$ 491,928$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget 55.4%53.8%35.7%33.5%31.2%20.6%17.4% Comments: This tab represents projections based on the rate changes shown at the top of the sheet. Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 6 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Rate Recommendations - Option 1 Description FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 FY 2031 Operating Breakdown User Charges - Existing Users 1,676,240$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ User Charges - New Properties -$ 34,751$ 64,026$ 81,905$ 95,256$ 98,833$ 98,833$ 98,833$ 98,833$ 98,833$ 98,833$ Misc. Utility Fees (Backflow, Sprinkler, Finals)20,971$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ Liens/Penalty on User Charges 36,973$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ Operating Revenues 1,734,183$ 1,708,636$ 1,737,912$ 1,755,791$ 1,769,142$ 1,772,719$ 1,772,719$ 1,772,719$ 1,772,719$ 1,772,719$ 1,772,719$ Salaries 437,483$ 434,572$ 445,436$ 456,572$ 467,987$ 479,686$ 491,678$ 503,970$ 516,570$ 529,484$ 542,721$ Expenditures 850,564$ 860,546$ 886,362$ 912,953$ 940,342$ 968,552$ 997,609$ 1,027,537$ 1,058,363$ 1,090,114$ 1,122,817$ Indirect Costs 375,128$ 388,872$ 398,594$ 408,559$ 418,773$ 429,242$ 439,973$ 450,972$ 462,247$ 473,803$ 485,648$ Operating Expenditures 1,663,175$ 1,683,990$ 1,730,392$ 1,778,084$ 1,827,101$ 1,877,480$ 1,929,260$ 1,982,480$ 2,037,179$ 2,093,400$ 2,151,186$ Operating Surplus/(Deficit)71,008$ 24,646$ 7,519$ (22,293)$ (57,959)$ (104,761)$ (156,541)$ (209,760)$ (264,460)$ (320,681)$ (378,467)$ Operating Rate Changes 0.0%0.0%1.0%2.0%2.0%2.5%2.5%2.5%2.0%3.0% Additional Revenue from Operating Rate Changes -$ -$ 19,065$ 60,147$ 103,958$ 158,726$ 217,602$ 275,595$ 321,062$ 385,419$ Adjusted Operating Surplus/(Deficit)24,646$ 7,519$ (3,228)$ 2,189$ (803)$ 2,186$ 7,842$ 11,135$ 381$ 6,953$ Capital Breakdown Fire Protection Charges 297,856$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ Connection Fees 561,150$ 535,050$ 334,950$ 230,550$ 113,100$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Retained Earnings (to fund Capital Outlay)-$ 320,000$ 101,000$ 38,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Revenues 859,006$ 1,102,550$ 683,450$ 516,050$ 360,600$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ Existing Debt Service 907,546$ 900,330$ 677,688$ 647,395$ 628,799$ 531,002$ 503,628$ 422,197$ 340,705$ 334,252$ 327,499$ New Debt Service -$ -$ 157,890$ 193,536$ 431,862$ 420,348$ 372,956$ 363,236$ 333,516$ 308,596$ 300,317$ Capital Outlay -$ 320,000$ 101,000$ 38,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Expenditures 907,546$ 1,220,330$ 936,578$ 878,931$ 1,060,662$ 951,351$ 876,584$ 785,434$ 674,221$ 642,848$ 627,815$ Capital Surplus/(Deficit)(48,540)$ (117,780)$ (253,128)$ (362,881)$ (700,062)$ (703,851)$ (629,084)$ (537,934)$ (426,721)$ (395,348)$ (380,315)$ Capital Rate Changes 6.5%6.5%5.5%4.5%4.5%5.0%-4.0%-4.5%-1.5%-0.5% Additional Revenue from Capital Rate Changes 106,192$ 223,217$ 330,474$ 425,194$ 524,379$ 633,916$ 539,714$ 435,327$ 401,227$ 389,804$ Adjusted Capital Surplus/(Deficit)(11,588)$ (29,912)$ (32,407)$ (274,868)$ (179,472)$ 4,832$ 1,781$ 8,606$ 5,879$ 9,489$ Total Adjusted Surplus/(Deficit)13,059$ (22,392)$ (35,635)$ (272,679)$ (180,275)$ 7,018$ 9,623$ 19,741$ 6,260$ 16,441$ Deficits to be covered by appropriated Retained Earnings Total Rate Changes 6.5%6.5%6.5%6.5%6.5%7.5%-1.5%-2.0%0.5%2.5% Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 7 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Rate Recommendations - Option 1 Retained Earnings Summary Available Retained Earnings Start of FY 1,361,343$ 1,383,305$ 1,076,364$ 952,971$ 879,336$ 606,657$ 426,382$ 433,400$ 443,023$ 462,764$ 469,024$ Retained Earnings Appropriated (506)$ (320,000)$ (101,000)$ (38,000)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Current Year Surplus/(Deficit)22,468$ 13,059$ (22,392)$ (35,635)$ (272,679)$ (180,275)$ 7,018$ 9,623$ 19,741$ 6,260$ 16,441$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance 1,383,305$ 1,076,364$ 952,971$ 879,336$ 606,657$ 426,382$ 433,400$ 443,023$ 462,764$ 469,024$ 485,465$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget 53.8%37.1%35.7%33.1%21.0%15.1%15.4%16.0%17.1%17.1%17.5% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 Retained Earnings Projections Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget Target Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 8 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Rate Recommendations - Option 2 Description FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 FY 2031 Operating Breakdown User Charges - Existing Users 1,676,240$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ 1,598,978$ User Charges - New Properties -$ 34,751$ 64,026$ 81,905$ 95,256$ 98,833$ 98,833$ 98,833$ 98,833$ 98,833$ 98,833$ Misc. Utility Fees (Backflow, Sprinkler, Finals)20,971$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ 37,152$ Liens/Penalty on User Charges 36,973$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ 37,756$ Operating Revenues 1,734,183$ 1,708,636$ 1,737,912$ 1,755,791$ 1,769,142$ 1,772,719$ 1,772,719$ 1,772,719$ 1,772,719$ 1,772,719$ 1,772,719$ Salaries 437,483$ 434,572$ 445,436$ 456,572$ 467,987$ 479,686$ 491,678$ 503,970$ 516,570$ 529,484$ 542,721$ Expenditures 850,564$ 860,546$ 886,362$ 912,953$ 940,342$ 968,552$ 997,609$ 1,027,537$ 1,058,363$ 1,090,114$ 1,122,817$ Indirect Costs 375,128$ 388,872$ 398,594$ 408,559$ 418,773$ 429,242$ 439,973$ 450,972$ 462,247$ 473,803$ 485,648$ Operating Expenditures 1,663,175$ 1,683,990$ 1,730,392$ 1,778,084$ 1,827,101$ 1,877,480$ 1,929,260$ 1,982,480$ 2,037,179$ 2,093,400$ 2,151,186$ Operating Surplus/(Deficit)71,008$ 24,646$ 7,519$ (22,293)$ (57,959)$ (104,761)$ (156,541)$ (209,760)$ (264,460)$ (320,681)$ (378,467)$ Operating Rate Changes 0.0%0.0%1.0%2.0%2.0%2.5%2.5%2.5%2.0%2.5% Additional Revenue from Operating Rate Changes -$ -$ 18,880$ 60,134$ 104,747$ 161,307$ 220,129$ 278,070$ 323,495$ 378,365$ Adjusted Operating Surplus/(Deficit)24,646$ 7,519$ (3,413)$ 2,175$ (14)$ 4,766$ 10,369$ 13,610$ 2,814$ (101)$ Capital Breakdown Fire Protection Charges 297,856$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ Connection Fees 561,150$ 535,050$ 334,950$ 230,550$ 113,100$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Retained Earnings (to fund Capital Outlay)-$ 320,000$ 101,000$ 38,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Revenues 859,006$ 1,102,550$ 683,450$ 516,050$ 360,600$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ 247,500$ Existing Debt Service 907,546$ 900,330$ 677,688$ 647,395$ 628,799$ 531,002$ 503,628$ 422,197$ 340,705$ 334,252$ 327,499$ New Debt Service -$ -$ 157,890$ 193,536$ 431,862$ 420,348$ 372,956$ 363,236$ 333,516$ 308,596$ 300,317$ Capital Outlay -$ 320,000$ 101,000$ 38,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Expenditures 907,546$ 1,220,330$ 936,578$ 878,931$ 1,060,662$ 951,351$ 876,584$ 785,434$ 674,221$ 642,848$ 627,815$ Capital Surplus/(Deficit)(48,540)$ (117,780)$ (253,128)$ (362,881)$ (700,062)$ (703,851)$ (629,084)$ (537,934)$ (426,721)$ (395,348)$ (380,315)$ Capital Rate Changes 4.0%8.0%7.0%6.0%6.0%1.5%-4.0%-4.5%-1.5%-0.5% Additional Revenue from Capital Rate Changes 65,349$ 204,882$ 339,243$ 465,249$ 599,690$ 633,626$ 539,510$ 435,217$ 401,148$ 389,735$ Adjusted Capital Surplus/(Deficit)(52,431)$ (48,246)$ (23,638)$ (234,813)$ (104,161)$ 4,541$ 1,576$ 8,496$ 5,800$ 9,420$ Total Adjusted Surplus/(Deficit)(27,785)$ (40,727)$ (27,052)$ (232,638)$ (104,175)$ 9,308$ 11,945$ 22,106$ 8,614$ 9,319$ Deficits to be covered by appropriated Retained Earnings Total Rate Changes 4.0%8.0%8.0%8.0%8.0%4.0%-1.5%-2.0%0.5%2.0% Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 9 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Rate Recommendations - Option 2 Retained Earnings Summary Available Retained Earnings Start of FY 1,361,343$ 1,383,305$ 1,035,520$ 893,793$ 828,741$ 596,104$ 491,928$ 501,236$ 513,181$ 535,287$ 543,900$ Retained Earnings Appropriated (506)$ (320,000)$ (101,000)$ (38,000)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Current Year Surplus/(Deficit)22,468$ (27,785)$ (40,727)$ (27,052)$ (232,638)$ (104,175)$ 9,308$ 11,945$ 22,106$ 8,614$ 9,319$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance 1,383,305$ 1,035,520$ 893,793$ 828,741$ 596,104$ 491,928$ 501,236$ 513,181$ 535,287$ 543,900$ 553,219$ Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget 53.8%35.7%33.5%31.2%20.6%17.4%17.9%18.5%19.7%19.9%19.9% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030 Retained Earnings Projections Projected Retained Earnings Balance as % of Budget Target Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 10 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY21 Projections Analysis FY21 Projections To ensure FY ends in surplus Analysis as of end of May Matt's Proj.YTD Actuals YTD Updated Adjustments Adjusted Proj. Revenues 2,593,189$ 2,429,167$ 2,429,167$ 175,121$ 2,604,288$ Expenditures 2,570,721$ 2,195,859$ 2,570,721$ (50,000)$ 2,520,721$ Surplus/(Deficit)22,468$ 233,308$ (141,554)$ 225,121$ 83,566$ Matt's Proj. from Summary tab, as best estimation of where year ends up, but user charges revenue is conservative YTD Actuals off of latest budget to actual report YTD Updated off of latest budget to actual report, plus Hydrant Rental for Revenues and Total Expenditures if fully spent, plus Indirect Costs Adjustments provided to add to (or subtract from) YTD Updated amounts to try to get at projection we're comfortable with in the Adjusted Proj. column. Review Additional Revenues amounts below. Input expected expenditure turnbacks in the yellow box above. I have included a random $50,000 for now. Projected Additional Revenues Commitments Total May (Actual)184,337$ Total 184,337$ 95.0%175,121$ Other Revenues YTD Matt's Proj.Difference Connection Fees 561,853$ 561,150$ 703$ Maybe a bit more revenue here in near future Misc. Utility Fees (Backflow, Sprinkler, Finals)19,064$ 20,971$ (1,906)$ Backflow and sprinkler revenue expected in June; could include this; see below for amount Liens/Penalty on User Charges 33,612$ 36,973$ (3,361)$ Maybe a bit more revenue here in near future Totals 614,529$ 619,093$ (4,565)$ Backflow billing late May :12,650.00$ Sprinkler billing late May:15,663.60$ Total 28,313.60$ at 95%26,897.92$ If added to table above, this amount would be added to YTD amount as all of this is expected to be received in June 2021. Collections Assumption not included for now Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 11 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Initial FY22 Budget Build Org Code Org desc Object Project Org Obj Proj Account Desc 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Budget 2022 Request FY20-21 %Δ 6104501 WATER DEPARTMENT PERS 511100 6104501 511100 SALARIES FULL TIME - - - #VALUE! 6104501 WATER DEPARTMENT PERS 511300 6104501 511300 WAGES HOURLY 284,342.65 267,775.13 358,483.00 355,572.00 -0.81%Incl $800 Longevity 6104501 WATER DEPARTMENT PERS 513100 6104501 513100 OVERTIME 60,644.40 65,110.45 79,000.00 79,000.00 0.00% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 521100 6104502 521100 ELECTRICITY 131,933.25 118,930.20 140,000.00 140,000.00 0.00% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 521200 6104502 521200 HEATING OIL 3,128.08 4,374.86 10,000.00 5,000.00 -50.00% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 523300 6104502 523300 WATER USAGE ASHLAND 206,570.23 258,849.21 300,000.00 300,000.00 0.00% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 524100 6104502 524100 R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT 10,356.92 9,091.44 5,000.00 10,000.00 100.00% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 524100 WTC01 6104502 524100 WTC01R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT - - - #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 524100 WTW01 6104502 524100 WTW01R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT - - - #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 524100 WTW02 6104502 524100 WTW02R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT - - - #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 524100 WTW03 6104502 524100 WTW03R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT - - - #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 524100 WTW04 6104502 524100 WTW04R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT - - - #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 524100 WTW05 6104502 524100 WTW05R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT - - - #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 524100 WTW08 6104502 524100 WTW08R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT - - - #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 524100 WTW09 6104502 524100 WTW09R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT - - - #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 524999 6104502 524999 R&M MISC DEPARTMENTAL EQUIP - - - #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 526900 6104502 526900 R&M SYSTEM REHAB 24,775.89 347.87 21,000.00 21,000.00 0.00% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 530290 6104502 530290 OTHER LEGAL 11,978.89 135.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 530300 6104502 530300 ADVERTISING 52.02 1,515.83 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 530500 6104502 530500 ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING 2,418.75 15,217.53 28,000.00 25,000.00 -10.71% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 530980 6104502 530980 WATER TESTING 10,498.00 19,654.59 11,000.00 20,000.00 81.82% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 534100 6104502 534100 TELEPHONE 11,285.19 10,690.05 12,000.00 12,000.00 0.00% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 534200 6104502 534200 POSTAGE 1,665.48 3,990.04 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 538900 6104502 538900 MISC OTHER CONTRACTED SVCS 120,473.34 114,549.81 103,000.00 110,000.00 6.80% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 541110 6104502 541110 GASOLINE GENERATORS - - - #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 542900 6104502 542900 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 969.15 1,401.22 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 543100 6104502 543100 BUILDING R&M SUPPLIES 4,649.75 175.64 30,000.00 3,000.00 -90.00% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 548900 6104502 548900 MISC VEHICULAR SUPPLIES 9,560.36 3,653.13 3,000.00 7,000.00 133.33% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 553200 6104502 553200 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 28,329.85 42,817.87 45,000.00 45,000.00 0.00% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 553300 6104502 553300 HYDRANTS - - - #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 553400 6104502 553400 WATER METERS 66,463.92 67,239.08 50,000.00 65,000.00 30.00% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 553900 6104502 553900 MISC PUBLIC WORKS SUPPLIES 88,281.86 67,237.33 55,000.00 62,000.00 12.73% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 558300 6104502 558300 TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES - - - #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 558310 6104502 558310 TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE 1,762.08 10,699.12 14,000.00 12,000.00 -14.29% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 558500 6104502 558500 UNIFORMS AND OTHER CLOTHING 2,687.20 2,754.38 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 571100 6104502 571100 MEETINGS - - - #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 571200 6104502 571200 CONFERENCES - - - #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 571300 6104502 571300 MILEAGE - - - #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 573100 6104502 573100 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 5,224.68 4,678.94 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00% 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 579950 6104502 579950 PRIOR YEAR EXPENSE - - - #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 593000 6104502 593000 ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS - - - 1,046.00 #VALUE! 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 594000 6104502 594000 ASHLAND PLANT DEBT - - - #VALUE! Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 12 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY21 YTD Thru March FUND ORG ORG OBJ PROJECT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION TYPE ROLLUP SUB-ROLLUP ORIGINAL APPROP REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL MTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6100 6104501 6104501 511100 6100-4-450-450-1-0-0000-000-511100-SALARIES FULL TIME E 0 2,268 1,780.24 0.00 0.00 488 78.50 6100 6104501 6104501 511300 6100-4-450-450-1-0-0000-000-511300-WAGES HOURLY E 356,215 356,215 173,732.23 0.00 0.00 182,483 48.80 6100 6104501 6104501 513100 6100-4-450-450-1-0-0000-000-513100-OVERTIME E 79,000 79,000 48,639.30 0.00 0.00 30,361 61.60 6104501 Total 6104501 WATER DEPARTMENT PERS 435,215 437,483 224,151.77 0.00 0.00 213,331 51.20 6100 6104502 6104502 521100 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-521100-ELECTRICITY E 140,000 140,000 73,560.80 0.00 0.00 66,439 52.50 6100 6104502 6104502 521200 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-521200-HEATING OIL E 10,000 10,000 2,800.21 0.00 0.00 7,200 28.00 6100 6104502 6104502 523300 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-523300-WATER USAGE ASHLAND E 300,000 300,000 108,939.37 0.00 0.00 191,061 36.30 6100 6104502 6104502 524100 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-524100-R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT E 5,000 5,035 3,290.23 0.00 0.00 1,744 65.40 6100 6104502 6104502 526900 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-526900-R&M SYSTEM REHAB E 21,000 21,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,000 0.00 6100 6104502 6104502 530290 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-530290-OTHER LEGAL E 5,000 5,000 449.00 0.00 0.00 4,551 9.00 6100 6104502 6104502 530300 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-530300-ADVERTISING E 1,000 1,000 1,473.02 0.00 0.00 -473 147.30 * 6100 6104502 6104502 530500 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-530500-ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING E 28,000 28,000 24,856.60 0.00 0.00 3,143 88.80 6100 6104502 6104502 530980 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-530980-WATER TESTING E 11,000 11,000 12,482.50 0.00 0.00 -1,483 113.50 * 6100 6104502 6104502 534100 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-534100-TELEPHONE E 12,000 12,000 7,353.77 0.00 0.00 4,646 61.30 6100 6104502 6104502 534200 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-534200-POSTAGE E 3,500 3,500 3,432.83 0.00 0.00 67 98.10 6100 6104502 6104502 538900 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-538900-MISC OTHER CONTRACTED SVCS E 103,000 103,670 81,425.30 0.00 0.00 22,245 78.50 6100 6104502 6104502 542900 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-542900-MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES E 3,000 3,000 209.33 0.00 0.00 2,791 7.00 6100 6104502 6104502 543100 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-543100-BUILDING R&M SUPPLIES E 3,000 3,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000 0.00 6100 6104502 6104502 548900 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-548900-MISC VEHICULAR SUPPLIES E 7,000 7,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,000 0.00 6100 6104502 6104502 553200 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-553200-TREATMENT CHEMICALS E 45,000 45,000 30,120.89 0.00 0.00 14,879 66.90 6100 6104502 6104502 553400 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-553400-WATER METERS E 50,000 50,000 34,868.06 0.00 0.00 15,132 69.70 6100 6104502 6104502 553900 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-553900-MISC PUBLIC WORKS SUPPLIES E 55,000 55,360 75,400.75 0.00 0.00 -20,041 136.20 * 6100 6104502 6104502 558310 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-558310-TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE E 14,000 14,000 1,640.00 0.00 0.00 12,360 11.70 6100 6104502 6104502 558500 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-558500-UNIFORM AND OTHER CLOTHING E 3,000 3,000 532.90 0.00 0.00 2,467 17.80 6100 6104502 6104502 573100 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-573100-DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS E 7,000 30,000 1,090.00 0.00 0.00 28,910 3.60 6100 6104502 6104502 579950 6100-4-450-450-2-0-0000-000-579950-PRIOR YEAR EXPENSE WATER E 0 0 1,168.09 0.00 0.00 -1,168 100.00 * 6104502 Total 6104502 WATER DEPARTMENT EXPE 826,500 850,564 465,093.65 0.00 0.00 385,471 54.70 6100 6104503 6104503 414200 6100-4-450-450-3-0-0000-000-414200-TAX LIENS REDEEMED R 0 0 -558.67 0.00 0.00 559 100.00 6100 6104503 6104503 417300 6100-4-450-450-3-0-0000-000-417300-PENALTIES INTEREST TAX LIENS R 0 0 -97.57 0.00 0.00 98 100.00 6100 6104503 6104503 417600 6100-4-450-450-3-0-0000-000-417600-PENALTIES & INTEREST UTILITY U R 0 0 -5,412.47 0.00 0.00 5,412 100.00 6100 6104503 6104503 421100 6100-4-450-450-3-0-0000-000-421100-UTILITY USAGE CHARGES WATER R 0 0 -1,264,818.00 0.00 0.00 1,264,818 100.00 6100 6104503 6104503 421200 6100-4-450-450-3-0-0000-000-421200-UTILITY USAGE ADDED TO TAXES R 0 0 -26,606.29 0.00 0.00 26,606 100.00 6100 6104503 6104503 422100 6100-4-450-450-3-0-0000-000-422100-CONNECTION FEES R 0 0 -430,502.25 0.00 0.00 430,502 100.00 6100 6104503 6104503 422900 6100-4-450-450-3-0-0000-000-422900-MISCELLANEOUS UTILITY FEES R 0 0 -19,009.96 0.00 0.00 19,010 100.00 6104503 Total 6104503 WATER DEPARTMENT REVE 0 0 -1,747,005.21 0.00 0.00 1,747,005 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD E 0 594,507 0.00 0.00 0.00 594,507 0.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 1618 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-1618 HAYDEN ROWE WATER MAIN 1618 PP E 35,000 35,000 35,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 1718 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-1718 CEDAR ST WAT MAIN REPL 1718 PP E 30,000 30,000 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 1815 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-1815 WATER UTILITY VEHICLE 1815 PP E 10,000 10,000 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 1915 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-1915 WATER MAIN REPL 1915 PP E 20,000 20,000 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 2015 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-2015 FRUIT ST WATER FAC ENG 2015 PP E 10,000 10,000 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 2016 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-2016 GROVE ST WATER TANK 2016 PP E 75,000 75,000 75,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 2115 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-2115 GROVE ST WATER FAC ENG 2115 PP E 10,000 10,000 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 2116 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-2116 HYDN ROW WATER MN REPL 2116 PP E 5,000 5,000 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 2216 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-2216 WAT SOURCE SUPPLY ASHL 2216 PP E 35,000 35,000 35,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 2316 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-2316 BIOLOGICAL FILT WELL 2316 PP E 5,000 5,000 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 2317 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-2317 FRUIT ST BLENDNG FACIL 2317 PP E 75,000 75,000 75,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 P4501 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4501 W WELL ENG 210505 020107 PP E 0 4,000 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 P4502 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4502 W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 PP E 0 18,000 18,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 P4503 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4503 W MAINS 250505 020107 PP E 0 44,000 44,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 P4504 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4504 W WELL 210505 071508 PP E 0 0 59,170.00 0.00 0.00 -59,170 100.00 * 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 P4506 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4506 W WELL 210505 011509 PP E 0 68,170 9,000.00 0.00 0.00 59,170 13.20 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 P4508 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4508 W MAIN ST 190510 050310 PP E 0 60,000 60,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 P4509 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4509 W RADIO METRS 160510 011511 PP E 0 20,000 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 P4514 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4514 W MAIN MAIN ST 350513 PP E 0 25,000 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107117 6107117 591000 P4515 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-591000-P4515 FRUIT ST LD WTR REF 030113 PP E 0 51,600 0.00 0.00 0.00 51,600 0.00 6100 6107117 6107117 594000 6100-7-710-711-7-0-0000-000-594000-ASHLAND PLANT DEBT E 0 0 72,896.86 0.00 0.00 -72,897 100.00 * 6107117 Total 6107117 RETIREMENT OF DEBT 310,000 1,195,277 622,066.86 0.00 0.00 573,210 52.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-INTEREST PAYMENT LTD E 0 81 0.00 0.00 0.00 81 0.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 1618 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-1618 HAYDEN ROWE WATER MAIN 1618 IP E 24,531 24,531 24,531.28 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 1718 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-1718 CEDAR ST WAT MAIN REPL 1718 IP E 21,541 21,541 21,540.50 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 13 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY21 YTD Thru March FUND ORG ORG OBJ PROJECT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION TYPE ROLLUP SUB-ROLLUP ORIGINAL APPROP REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL MTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 1815 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-1815 WATER UTILITY VEHICLE 1815 IP E 500 500 500.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 1915 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-1915 WATER MAIN REPL 1915 IP E 5,831 5,831 5,831.24 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 2015 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-2015 FRUIT ST WATER FAC ENG 2015 IP E 500 500 500.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 2016 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-2016 GROVE ST WATER TANK 2016 IP E 48,628 48,628 48,628.20 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 2115 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-2115 GROVE ST WATER FAC ENG 2115 IP E 500 500 500.04 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 * 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 2116 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-2116 HYDN ROW WATER MN REPL 2116 IP E 3,431 3,431 3,431.25 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 2216 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-2216 WAT SOURCE SUPPLY ASHL 2216 IP E 34,819 34,819 34,818.75 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 2316 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-2316 BIOLOGICAL FILT WELLS 2316 IP E 1,625 1,625 1,625.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 2317 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-2317 FRUIT ST BLENDNG FACIL 2317 IP E 47,531 47,531 24,703.13 0.00 0.00 22,828 52.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 I4501 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4501 W WELL ENG 210505 020107 IP E 1,300 1,300 1,300.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 I4502 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4502 W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 IP E 5,850 5,850 5,850.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 I4503 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4503 W MAINS 250505 020107 IP E 14,600 14,600 14,600.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 I4504 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4504 W WELL 210505 071508 IP E 10,291 10,291 10,290.54 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 I4506 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4506 W WELL 210505 011509 IP E 2,335 2,235 2,235.01 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 * 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 I4508 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4508 W MAIN ST 190510 050310 IP E 5,550 5,550 5,550.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 I4509 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4509 W RADIO MTRS 160510 011511 IP[E 500 500 500.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 I4514 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4514 W MAIN MAIN ST 350513 IP E 2,100 2,100 2,100.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00 6100 6107517 6107517 591500 I4515 6100-7-750-751-7-0-0000-000-591500-I4515 FRUIT ST LD WTR REF 030113 IP E 2,016 2,016 1,008.00 0.00 0.00 1,008 50.00 6107517 Total 6107517 INTEREST ON LONG TERM 233,979 233,960 210,042.94 0.00 0.00 23,917 89.80 6100 Total 6100 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 1,805,694 2,717,284 -225,649.99 0.00 0.00 2,942,934 -8.30 Revenue Total 0 0 -1,747,005.21 0.00 0.00 1,747,005 100.00 Expense Total 1,805,694 2,717,284 1,521,355.22 0.00 0.00 1,195,929 56.00 Grand Total 1,805,694 2,717,284 -225,649.99 0.00 0.00 2,942,934 -8.30 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 14 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Commitments Month Year Water Sewer Water Sewer July 2016 4,169,225 1,184,339 174,634$ 100,463$ August 2016 1,192,270 1,151,509 40,049$ 100,693$ September 2016 2,871,515 827,990 112,093$ 76,251$ October 2016 4,070,268 1,448,251 166,268$ 137,544$ FY17 November 2016 6,264,638 3,402,040 317,488$ 323,044$ FY18 December 2016 2,709,646 233,809 95,139$ 20,294$ FY19 January 2017 3,211,984 1,262,614 110,405$ 110,437$ FY20 February 2017 1,185,615 1,155,955 41,125$ 103,267$ FY21 March 2017 2,515,486 720,036 91,168$ 65,920$ April 2017 3,211,201 1,519,792 121,561$ 145,437$ May 2017 4,563,329 2,292,189 223,378$ 211,686$ June 2017 1,904,138 235,763 57,287$ 19,038$ July 2017 2,472,541 1,136,467 76,387$ 99,954$ FY17 August 2017 1,087,630 1,056,190 35,584$ 94,095$ FY18 September 2017 3,119,590 794,880 120,009$ 73,149$ FY19 October 2017 4,329,094 1,593,411 174,325$ 149,529$ FY20 November 2017 6,201,510 2,872,749 316,960$ 272,079$ FY21 December 2017 2,670,088 238,395 95,786$ 20,911$ January 2018 3,236,236 1,249,571 114,875$ 110,653$ February 2018 1,073,757 1,045,787 34,298$ 92,831$ March 2018 2,895,457 710,964 108,536$ 65,401$ April 2018 4,154,915 1,745,467 170,727$ 167,031$ May 2018 5,604,669 2,237,674 286,758$ 208,356$ June 2018 1,817,303 211,995 53,479$ 18,498$ July 2018 2,683,438 1,192,965 85,757$ 115,714$ August 2018 1,064,619 1,039,176 35,294$ 101,664$ September 2018 3,860,435 760,355 156,621$ 76,364$ October 2018 4,345,291 1,527,757 179,416$ 160,686$ November 2018 5,683,743 2,330,521 295,697$ 236,294$ December 2018 2,607,642 235,785 91,418$ 22,882$ Fill in each month's data here Consumption/Flow Billings Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 15 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Commitments Month Year Water Sewer Water Sewer Fill in each month's data here Consumption/Flow Billings January 2019 3,085,474 1,272,546 106,561$ 124,273$ February 2019 1,108,313 1,073,489 36,704$ 104,087$ March 2019 3,217,380 688,761 117,667$ 69,123$ April 2019 3,196,403 1,387,999 115,656$ 133,303$ May 2019 6,484,011 1,704,508 357,849$ 167,944$ June 2019 1,798,476 206,220 55,215$ 19,885$ July 2019 2,380,983 1,131,928 76,553$ 146,208$ August 2019 1,067,774 1,041,265 37,242$ 136,693$ September 2019 3,883,841 759,521 160,461$ 100,726$ October 2019 4,075,034 1,531,651 168,351$ 202,701$ November 2019 6,331,789 2,067,312 347,262$ 274,128$ December 2019 2,618,612 199,882 101,457$ 25,732$ January 2020 3,418,142 1,311,854 134,129$ 173,354$ February 2020 1,046,965 1,019,991 35,204$ 130,439$ March 2020 3,516,064 717,530 133,379$ 92,887$ April 2020 3,698,068 1,536,521 151,845$ 209,448$ May 2020 4,211,986 2,102,271 214,561$ 288,825$ June 2020 1,955,805 205,961 62,435$ 26,319$ July 2020 3,012,063 1,337,922 106,789$ 178,030$ August 2020 1,075,571 1,044,735 36,625$ 138,943$ September 2020 5,043,317 892,522 213,734$ 122,316$ October 2020 4,806,563 1,698,980 212,971$ 245,402$ November 2020 5,312,832 3,152,651 282,015$ 463,324$ December 2020 2,872,514 238,250 111,904$ 31,647$ January 2021 3,131,208 1,318,926 115,936$ 176,936$ February 2021 1,090,255 1,054,744 38,671$ 141,784$ March 2021 4,086,421 735,411 158,032$ 99,293$ April 2021 3,509,524 1,287,132 139,952$ 179,949$ May 2021 3,692,731 2,395,058 184,337$ 344,142$ Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 16 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Commitments This area used for comparisons, at the yearly level or a group of months Assume collections one month later, so each fiscal year below is for consumption June through May. No June 2016 here, so FY2017 one month less Totals Diff #Diff %Totals Diff #Diff %Totals Diff #Diff %Totals Diff #Diff % 35,965,177 1,493,310$ FY17 15,198,524 1,395,038$ 38,749,625 2,784,448 7.7%1,591,530$ 98,220$ 6.6%FY18 14,917,318 (281,206) -1.9%1,373,026$ (22,012)$ -1.6% 39,154,052 404,427 1.0%1,632,118$ 40,588$ 2.6%FY19 13,425,857 (1,491,461) -10.0%1,330,830$ (42,196)$ -3.1% 38,047,734 (1,106,318) -2.8%1,615,660$ (16,458)$ -1.0%FY20 13,625,946 200,089 1.5%1,801,026$ 470,196$ 35.3% 39,588,804 1,541,070 4.1%1,663,401$ 47,742$ 3.0%FY21 15,362,292 1,736,346 12.7%2,148,085$ 347,059$ 19.3% Totals Diff #Diff %Totals Diff #Diff %Totals Diff #Diff %Totals Diff #Diff % 35,965,177 1,493,310$ FY17 15,198,524 1,395,038$ 38,749,625 2,784,448 7.7%1,591,530$ 98,220$ 6.6%FY18 14,917,318 (281,206) -1.9%1,373,026$ (22,012)$ -1.6% 39,154,052 404,427 1.0%1,632,118$ 40,588$ 2.6%FY19 13,425,857 (1,491,461) -10.0%1,330,830$ (42,196)$ -3.1% 38,047,734 (1,106,318) -2.8%1,615,660$ (16,458)$ -1.0%FY20 13,625,946 200,089 1.5%1,801,026$ 470,196$ 35.3% 39,588,804 1,541,070 4.1%1,663,401$ 47,742$ 3.0%FY21 15,362,292 1,736,346 12.7%2,148,085$ 347,059$ 19.3% Represents about Represents about Represents about Represents about 100.00%of prior year 100.00%of prior year 100.00%of prior year 100.00%of prior year November November Use FY20 billings December Use FY20 billings December to complete year,January to complete year,January either using yearly February either using yearly February billings increase %March billings increase %March or rate incr. % below April or rate incr. % below April Yearly Incr:3.0%May Yearly Incr:19.3%May 296,045$ FY21 Incr.:3.0%FY21 Incr.:2.5% -$ 296,045$ Consumption Billings Consumption Billings Consumption Billings Consumption Billings Full Year Comparison Full Year Comparison Year-To-Date Comparisons Year-To-Date Comparisons Water Sewer Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 17 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Commitments This area used for comparisons, at the yearly level or a group of months Assume collections one month later, so each fiscal year below is for consumption June through May. No June 2016 here, so FY2017 one month less Water Sewer FY21 Billings Projection 1,663,401$ FY21 Billings Projection 2,444,130$ Collections Rate 95%Collections Rate 95% FY21 User Charges Projection 1,580,231$ FY21 User Charges Projection 2,321,924$ To Update Projections: Include latest commitment numbers zero out the month above for that month's commitment Full year FY20:1,622,879$ + Rate Incr:1,671,566$ Collections Rate:97% Proj. FY22-FY25 1,621,419$ FY21 User Charges Projection to Use: Through May 31, 2021: YTD U/C Rev:1,501,119$ May comm.:184,337$ From May comm.:175,121$ at 95%175,121$ Total FY21 U/C:1,676,240$ Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 18 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Existing Debt Service Trust?Exempt?Account #Date Fund Org Object Proj Description Type 6100 6107117 591000 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD Principal 6100 6107517 591500 INTEREST PAYMENT LTD Interest No No 802062400 8/1/2006 6100 6107117 591000 P4501 W WELL ENG 210505 020107 PP Principal No No 802062400 8/1/2006 6100 6107517 591500 I4501 W WELL ENG 210505 020107 IP Interest No No 802062400 8/1/2006 6100 6107117 591000 P4502 W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 PP Principal No No 802062400 8/1/2006 6100 6107517 591500 I4502 W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 IP Interest No No 802062400 8/1/2006 6100 6107117 591000 P4503 W MAINS 250505 020107 PP Principal No No 802062400 8/1/2006 6100 6107517 591500 I4503 W MAINS 250505 020107 IP Interest Yes No DW-05-11 12/18/2007 6100 6107117 591000 P4504 W WELL 210505 071508 PP Principal Yes No DW-05-11 12/18/2007 6100 6107517 591500 I4504 W WELL 210505 071508 IP Interest Yes No DW-05-11 12/18/2007 6100 6107517 591500 I4504 W WELL 210505 071508 IP Fees No No 802513900 7/15/2008 6100 6107117 591000 P4505 W TANK REP 150508 011509 PP Principal No No 802513900 7/15/2008 6100 6107517 591500 I4505 W TANK REP 150508 011509 IP Interest No No 802513900 7/15/2008 6100 6107117 591000 P4506 W WELL 210505 011509 PP Principal No No 802513900 7/15/2008 6100 6107517 591500 I4506 W WELL 210505 011509 IP Interest No No 802936200 7/15/2010 6100 6107117 591000 P4507 W TRUCK 081107 071509 PP Principal No No 802936200 7/15/2010 6100 6107517 591500 I4507 W TRUCK 081107 071509 IP Interest No No 0004870NS 3/1/2013 6100 6107117 591000 P4508 W MAIN ST 190510 050310 PP Principal No No 0004870NS 3/1/2013 6100 6107517 591500 I4508 W MAIN ST 190510 050310 IP Interest No No 0014866NS 5/15/2014 6100 6107117 591000 P4508 W MAIN ST 190510 050310 PP Principal No No 0014866NS 5/15/2014 6100 6107517 591500 I4508 W MAIN ST 190510 050310 IP Interest No No 802936200 7/15/2010 6100 6107117 591000 P4509 W RADIO METRS 160510 011511 PP Principal No No 802936200 7/15/2010 6100 6107517 591500 I4509 W RADIO MTRS 160510 011511 IP[Interest 6100 6107117 591000 P4510 W TANK REHAB 450509 011511 PP Principal 6100 6107517 591500 I4510 W TANK REHAB 450509 011511 IP Interest No No 0004870NS 3/1/2013 6100 6107117 591000 P4511 FRUIT ST GEN 220511 030113 PP Principal No No 0004870NS 3/1/2013 6100 6107517 591500 I4511 FRUIT ST GEN 220511 030113 IP Interest No No 0004870NS 3/1/2013 6100 6107117 591000 P4512 W RADIO METRS 240511 030113 PP Principal No No 0004870NS 3/1/2013 6100 6107517 591500 I4512 W RADIO METRS 240511 030113 IP Interest No No 0014866NS 5/15/2014 6100 6107117 591000 P4513 W TANK INSP320513 PP Principal No No 0014866NS 5/15/2014 6100 6107517 591500 I4513 W TANK INSP320513 IP Interest No No 0014866NS 5/15/2014 6100 6107117 591000 P4514 W MAIN MAIN ST 350513 PP Principal Borrowing Information MUNIS Account Information Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 19 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD Principal INTEREST PAYMENT LTD Interest W WELL ENG 210505 020107 PP Principal W WELL ENG 210505 020107 IP Interest W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 PP Principal W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 IP Interest W MAINS 250505 020107 PP Principal W MAINS 250505 020107 IP Interest W WELL 210505 071508 PP Principal W WELL 210505 071508 IP Interest W WELL 210505 071508 IP Fees W TANK REP 150508 011509 PP Principal W TANK REP 150508 011509 IP Interest W WELL 210505 011509 PP Principal W WELL 210505 011509 IP Interest W TRUCK 081107 071509 PP Principal W TRUCK 081107 071509 IP Interest W MAIN ST 190510 050310 PP Principal W MAIN ST 190510 050310 IP Interest W MAIN ST 190510 050310 PP Principal W MAIN ST 190510 050310 IP Interest W RADIO METRS 160510 011511 PP Principal W RADIO MTRS 160510 011511 IP[Interest W TANK REHAB 450509 011511 PP Principal W TANK REHAB 450509 011511 IP Interest FRUIT ST GEN 220511 030113 PP Principal FRUIT ST GEN 220511 030113 IP Interest W RADIO METRS 240511 030113 PP Principal W RADIO METRS 240511 030113 IP Interest W TANK INSP320513 PP Principal W TANK INSP320513 IP Interest W MAIN MAIN ST 350513 PP Principal MUNIS Account Information Payment 1 Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total Payment 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59,170.00 59,170.00 60,365.00 60,365.00 61,585.00 5,082.16 4,490.46 9,572.62 4,490.46 3,886.81 8,377.27 3,886.81 381.16 336.78 717.95 336.78 291.51 628.30 291.51 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 3,075.00 2,475.00 5,550.00 2,475.00 1,875.00 4,350.00 1,875.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 - 500.00 500.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 FY21 FY22 FY23Payments & Payments OnlyTotals Only Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 20 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD Principal INTEREST PAYMENT LTD Interest W WELL ENG 210505 020107 PP Principal W WELL ENG 210505 020107 IP Interest W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 PP Principal W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 IP Interest W MAINS 250505 020107 PP Principal W MAINS 250505 020107 IP Interest W WELL 210505 071508 PP Principal W WELL 210505 071508 IP Interest W WELL 210505 071508 IP Fees W TANK REP 150508 011509 PP Principal W TANK REP 150508 011509 IP Interest W WELL 210505 011509 PP Principal W WELL 210505 011509 IP Interest W TRUCK 081107 071509 PP Principal W TRUCK 081107 071509 IP Interest W MAIN ST 190510 050310 PP Principal W MAIN ST 190510 050310 IP Interest W MAIN ST 190510 050310 PP Principal W MAIN ST 190510 050310 IP Interest W RADIO METRS 160510 011511 PP Principal W RADIO MTRS 160510 011511 IP[Interest W TANK REHAB 450509 011511 PP Principal W TANK REHAB 450509 011511 IP Interest FRUIT ST GEN 220511 030113 PP Principal FRUIT ST GEN 220511 030113 IP Interest W RADIO METRS 240511 030113 PP Principal W RADIO METRS 240511 030113 IP Interest W TANK INSP320513 PP Principal W TANK INSP320513 IP Interest W MAIN MAIN ST 350513 PP Principal MUNIS Account Information Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 61,585.00 62,829.00 62,829.00 64,098.00 3,270.96 7,157.77 3,270.96 2,642.67 5,913.63 2,642.67 2,001.69 245.32 536.83 245.32 198.20 443.52 198.20 150.13 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 1,275.00 3,150.00 1,275.00 675.00 1,950.00 675.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 FY23 FY24 FY25 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 21 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD Principal INTEREST PAYMENT LTD Interest W WELL ENG 210505 020107 PP Principal W WELL ENG 210505 020107 IP Interest W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 PP Principal W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 IP Interest W MAINS 250505 020107 PP Principal W MAINS 250505 020107 IP Interest W WELL 210505 071508 PP Principal W WELL 210505 071508 IP Interest W WELL 210505 071508 IP Fees W TANK REP 150508 011509 PP Principal W TANK REP 150508 011509 IP Interest W WELL 210505 011509 PP Principal W WELL 210505 011509 IP Interest W TRUCK 081107 071509 PP Principal W TRUCK 081107 071509 IP Interest W MAIN ST 190510 050310 PP Principal W MAIN ST 190510 050310 IP Interest W MAIN ST 190510 050310 PP Principal W MAIN ST 190510 050310 IP Interest W RADIO METRS 160510 011511 PP Principal W RADIO MTRS 160510 011511 IP[Interest W TANK REHAB 450509 011511 PP Principal W TANK REHAB 450509 011511 IP Interest FRUIT ST GEN 220511 030113 PP Principal FRUIT ST GEN 220511 030113 IP Interest W RADIO METRS 240511 030113 PP Principal W RADIO METRS 240511 030113 IP Interest W TANK INSP320513 PP Principal W TANK INSP320513 IP Interest W MAIN MAIN ST 350513 PP Principal MUNIS Account Information Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 64,098.00 65,393.00 65,393.00 4,644.36 2,001.69 1,347.76 3,349.45 348.33 150.13 101.08 251.21 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60,000.00 - 675.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20,000.00 - FY25 FY26 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 22 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Existing Debt Service Trust?Exempt?Account #Date Fund Org Object Proj Description Type Borrowing Information MUNIS Account Information No No 0014866NS 5/15/2014 6100 6107517 591500 I4514 W MAIN MAIN ST 350513 IP Interest No Yes 0004870NS 3/1/2013 6100 6107117 591000 P4515 FRUIT ST LD WTR REF 030113 PP Principal No Yes 0004870NS 3/1/2013 6100 6107517 591000 I4515 FRUIT ST LD WTR REF 030113 PP Interest 6100 6107117 592900 DEBT SVC AUTH/UNISSUED 6100 6107117 592900 DEBT SVC AUTH/UNISSUED No No 0034640NS 5/25/2016 6100 6107117 591000 2014 VACTOR TRUCK WATER 2014 PP Principal No No 0034640NS 5/25/2016 6100 6107517 591500 2014 FRUIT ST WATER FAC ENG 2015 IP Interest No No 0034640NS 5/25/2016 6100 6107117 591000 1815 WATER UTILITY VEHICLE 1815 PP Principal No No 0034640NS 5/25/2016 6100 6107517 591500 1815 WATER UTILITY VEHICLE 1815 IP Interest No No 0034640NS 5/25/2016 6100 6107117 591000 1915 WATER MAIN REPL 1915 PP Principal No No 0034640NS 5/25/2016 6100 6107517 591500 1915 WATER MAIN REPL 1915 IP Interest No No 0034640NS 5/25/2016 6100 6107117 591000 2015 FRUIT ST WATER FAC ENG 2015 PP Principal No No 0034640NS 5/25/2016 6100 6107517 591500 2015 FRUIT ST WATER FAC ENG 2015 IP Interest No No 0034640NS 5/25/2016 6100 6107117 591000 2115 GROVE ST WATER FAC ENG 2115 PP Principal No No 0034640NS 5/25/2016 6100 6107517 591500 2115 GROVE ST WATER FAC ENG 2115 IP Interest No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107117 591000 2216 WATER Principal No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107517 591500 2216 WATER Interest No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107117 591000 2016 GROVE STREET WATER TANK Principal No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107517 591500 2016 GROVE STREET WATER TANK Interest No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107117 591000 2116 WATER MAINS Principal No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107517 591500 2116 WATER MAINS Interest No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107117 591000 2316 WATER EQUIPMENT Principal No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107517 591500 2316 WATER EQUIPMENT Interest No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107117 591000 P4502 W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 PP Principal No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107517 591500 I4502 W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 IP Interest No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107117 591000 P4503 W MAINS 250505 020107 PP Principal No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107517 591500 I4503 W MAINS 250505 020107 IP Interest No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107117 591000 P4501 W WELL ENG 210505 020107 PP Principal No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107517 591500 I4501 W WELL ENG 210505 020107 IP Interest No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107117 591000 P4505 W TANK REP 150508 011509 PP Principal No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107517 591500 I4505 W TANK REP 150508 011509 IP Interest No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107117 591000 P4506 W WELL 210505 011509 PP Principal Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 23 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type MUNIS Account Information W MAIN MAIN ST 350513 IP Interest FRUIT ST LD WTR REF 030113 PP Principal FRUIT ST LD WTR REF 030113 PP Interest DEBT SVC AUTH/UNISSUED DEBT SVC AUTH/UNISSUED VACTOR TRUCK WATER 2014 PP Principal FRUIT ST WATER FAC ENG 2015 IP Interest WATER UTILITY VEHICLE 1815 PP Principal WATER UTILITY VEHICLE 1815 IP Interest WATER MAIN REPL 1915 PP Principal WATER MAIN REPL 1915 IP Interest FRUIT ST WATER FAC ENG 2015 PP Principal FRUIT ST WATER FAC ENG 2015 IP Interest GROVE ST WATER FAC ENG 2115 PP Principal GROVE ST WATER FAC ENG 2115 IP Interest WATER Principal WATER Interest GROVE STREET WATER TANK Principal GROVE STREET WATER TANK Interest WATER MAINS Principal WATER MAINS Interest WATER EQUIPMENT Principal WATER EQUIPMENT Interest W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 PP Principal W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 IP Interest W MAINS 250505 020107 PP Principal W MAINS 250505 020107 IP Interest W WELL ENG 210505 020107 PP Principal W WELL ENG 210505 020107 IP Interest W TANK REP 150508 011509 PP Principal W TANK REP 150508 011509 IP Interest W WELL 210505 011509 PP Principal Payment 1 Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total Payment 1 FY21 FY22 FY23Payments & Payments OnlyTotals Only 1,175.00 925.00 2,100.00 925.00 675.00 1,600.00 675.00 51,600.00 51,600.00 49,200.00 49,200.00 1,008.00 1,008.00 2,016.00 492.00 492.00 984.00 - - - - - - - - 10,000.00 10,000.00 - 250.00 250.00 500.00 - 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 2,915.63 2,915.62 5,831.25 2,415.63 2,415.62 4,831.25 1,915.63 10,000.00 10,000.00 - 250.00 250.00 500.00 - 10,000.00 10,000.00 - 250.00 250.00 500.00 - 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 17,846.87 16,971.88 34,818.75 16,971.87 16,096.88 33,068.75 16,096.87 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,778.12 1,653.13 3,431.25 1,653.12 1,528.13 3,181.25 1,528.12 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,778.12 1,653.13 3,431.25 1,653.12 1,528.13 3,181.25 1,528.12 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 875.00 750.00 1,625.00 750.00 625.00 1,375.00 625.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 3,150.00 2,700.00 5,850.00 2,700.00 2,250.00 4,950.00 2,250.00 44,000.00 44,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 7,850.00 6,750.00 14,600.00 6,750.00 5,625.00 12,375.00 5,625.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 700.00 600.00 1,300.00 600.00 500.00 1,100.00 500.00 - - - - 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 24 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type MUNIS Account Information W MAIN MAIN ST 350513 IP Interest FRUIT ST LD WTR REF 030113 PP Principal FRUIT ST LD WTR REF 030113 PP Interest DEBT SVC AUTH/UNISSUED DEBT SVC AUTH/UNISSUED VACTOR TRUCK WATER 2014 PP Principal FRUIT ST WATER FAC ENG 2015 IP Interest WATER UTILITY VEHICLE 1815 PP Principal WATER UTILITY VEHICLE 1815 IP Interest WATER MAIN REPL 1915 PP Principal WATER MAIN REPL 1915 IP Interest FRUIT ST WATER FAC ENG 2015 PP Principal FRUIT ST WATER FAC ENG 2015 IP Interest GROVE ST WATER FAC ENG 2115 PP Principal GROVE ST WATER FAC ENG 2115 IP Interest WATER Principal WATER Interest GROVE STREET WATER TANK Principal GROVE STREET WATER TANK Interest WATER MAINS Principal WATER MAINS Interest WATER EQUIPMENT Principal WATER EQUIPMENT Interest W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 PP Principal W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 IP Interest W MAINS 250505 020107 PP Principal W MAINS 250505 020107 IP Interest W WELL ENG 210505 020107 PP Principal W WELL ENG 210505 020107 IP Interest W TANK REP 150508 011509 PP Principal W TANK REP 150508 011509 IP Interest W WELL 210505 011509 PP Principal Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 FY23 FY24 FY25 425.00 1,100.00 425.00 225.00 650.00 225.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 1,915.62 3,831.25 1,415.63 1,415.62 2,831.25 1,215.63 1,215.62 - - - - - - - - 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 15,221.88 31,318.75 15,221.87 14,346.88 29,568.75 14,346.87 13,471.88 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,403.13 2,931.25 1,403.12 1,278.13 2,681.25 1,278.12 1,153.13 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,403.13 2,931.25 1,403.12 1,278.13 2,681.25 1,278.12 1,153.13 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 1,125.00 500.00 375.00 875.00 375.00 250.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 1,800.00 4,050.00 1,800.00 1,350.00 3,150.00 1,350.00 900.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 4,500.00 10,125.00 4,500.00 3,375.00 7,875.00 3,375.00 2,250.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 375.00 875.00 375.00 250.00 625.00 250.00 125.00 - - - - 9,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 25 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type MUNIS Account Information W MAIN MAIN ST 350513 IP Interest FRUIT ST LD WTR REF 030113 PP Principal FRUIT ST LD WTR REF 030113 PP Interest DEBT SVC AUTH/UNISSUED DEBT SVC AUTH/UNISSUED VACTOR TRUCK WATER 2014 PP Principal FRUIT ST WATER FAC ENG 2015 IP Interest WATER UTILITY VEHICLE 1815 PP Principal WATER UTILITY VEHICLE 1815 IP Interest WATER MAIN REPL 1915 PP Principal WATER MAIN REPL 1915 IP Interest FRUIT ST WATER FAC ENG 2015 PP Principal FRUIT ST WATER FAC ENG 2015 IP Interest GROVE ST WATER FAC ENG 2115 PP Principal GROVE ST WATER FAC ENG 2115 IP Interest WATER Principal WATER Interest GROVE STREET WATER TANK Principal GROVE STREET WATER TANK Interest WATER MAINS Principal WATER MAINS Interest WATER EQUIPMENT Principal WATER EQUIPMENT Interest W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 PP Principal W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 IP Interest W MAINS 250505 020107 PP Principal W MAINS 250505 020107 IP Interest W WELL ENG 210505 020107 PP Principal W WELL ENG 210505 020107 IP Interest W TANK REP 150508 011509 PP Principal W TANK REP 150508 011509 IP Interest W WELL 210505 011509 PP Principal Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total FY25 FY26 225.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 2,431.25 1,015.63 1,015.62 2,031.25 - - - - - - - - 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 27,818.75 13,471.87 12,596.88 26,068.75 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,431.25 1,153.12 1,028.13 2,181.25 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,431.25 1,153.12 1,028.13 2,181.25 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 625.00 250.00 125.00 375.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 2,250.00 900.00 450.00 1,350.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 5,625.00 2,250.00 1,125.00 3,375.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 375.00 125.00 125.00 - - - - 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 26 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Existing Debt Service Trust?Exempt?Account #Date Fund Org Object Proj Description Type Borrowing Information MUNIS Account Information No No 0040880NS 12/1/2016 6100 6107517 591500 I4506 W WELL 210505 011509 IP Interest No No 0052840NS 11/15/2017 6100 6107117 591000 2317 FRUIT STREET WELL-BLENDING 050117 ART 23 Principal No No 0052840NS 11/15/2017 6100 6107517 591500 2317 FRUIT STREET WELL-BLENDING 050117 ART 23 Interest No No ASHLAND 2/1/2001 6100 6107117 594000 ASHLAND WATER TREATMENT Principal No No ASHLAND 2/1/2001 6100 6107117 594000 ASHLAND WATER TREATMENT Interest No No ASHLAND 2/1/2001 6100 6107117 594000 ASHLAND WATER TREATMENT Fees No Bond112619 11/26/2019 6100 6107117 591000 2016 GROVE ST WATER TANK Principal No Bond112619 11/26/2019 6100 6107517 591500 2016 GROVE ST WATER TANK Interest No Bond112619 11/26/2019 6100 6107117 591000 1618 WATER MAIN - HAYDEN ROWE Principal No Bond112619 11/26/2019 6100 6107517 591500 1618 WATER MAIN - HAYDEN ROWE Interest No Bond112619 11/26/2019 6100 6107117 591000 1718 WATER MAIN - CEDAR ST Principal No Bond112619 11/26/2019 6100 6107517 591500 1718 WATER MAIN - CEDAR ST Interest Water 6100 Principal Interest Fees Total Diff Excluded Levy Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 27 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type MUNIS Account Information W WELL 210505 011509 IP Interest FRUIT STREET WELL-BLENDING 050117 ART 23 Principal FRUIT STREET WELL-BLENDING 050117 ART 23 Interest ASHLAND WATER TREATMENT Principal ASHLAND WATER TREATMENT Interest ASHLAND WATER TREATMENT Fees GROVE ST WATER TANK Principal GROVE ST WATER TANK Interest WATER MAIN - HAYDEN ROWE Principal WATER MAIN - HAYDEN ROWE Interest WATER MAIN - CEDAR ST Principal WATER MAIN - CEDAR ST Interest Water 6100 Principal Interest Fees Total Diff Excluded Levy Payment 1 Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total Payment 1 FY21 FY22 FY23Payments & Payments OnlyTotals Only 1,230.00 1,005.00 2,235.00 1,005.00 780.00 1,785.00 780.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 24,703.13 22,828.13 47,531.26 22,828.13 20,953.13 43,781.26 20,953.13 72,816.24 72,816.24 - - - - 80.63 80.63 - 70,000.00 70,000.00 68,000.00 68,000.00 67,000.00 26,285.70 18,911.25 45,196.95 18,911.25 17,211.25 36,122.50 17,211.25 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 14,225.03 10,306.25 24,531.28 10,306.25 9,431.25 19,737.50 9,431.25 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 12,480.50 9,060.00 21,540.50 9,060.00 8,310.00 17,370.00 8,310.00 571,986.24 101,600.00 673,586.24 479,365.00 69,200.00 548,565.00 480,585.00 127,408.26 105,752.85 233,161.11 103,986.83 94,183.20 198,170.03 93,191.18 461.79 336.78 798.58 336.78 291.51 628.30 291.51 699,856.29 207,689.63 907,545.93 583,688.61 163,674.71 747,363.33 574,067.69 - - - - - - - 1,008.00 52,608.00 53,616.00 492.00 49,692.00 50,184.00 - 698,848.29 155,081.63 853,929.93 583,196.61 113,982.71 697,179.33 574,067.69 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 28 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type MUNIS Account Information W WELL 210505 011509 IP Interest FRUIT STREET WELL-BLENDING 050117 ART 23 Principal FRUIT STREET WELL-BLENDING 050117 ART 23 Interest ASHLAND WATER TREATMENT Principal ASHLAND WATER TREATMENT Interest ASHLAND WATER TREATMENT Fees GROVE ST WATER TANK Principal GROVE ST WATER TANK Interest WATER MAIN - HAYDEN ROWE Principal WATER MAIN - HAYDEN ROWE Interest WATER MAIN - CEDAR ST Principal WATER MAIN - CEDAR ST Interest Water 6100 Principal Interest Fees Total Diff Excluded Levy Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total Payment 1 Payment 2 FY23 FY24 FY25 555.00 1,335.00 555.00 430.00 985.00 430.00 305.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 19,078.13 40,031.26 19,078.13 17,203.13 36,281.26 17,203.13 15,328.13 - - - - - - 67,000.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 15,536.25 32,747.50 15,536.25 13,911.25 29,447.50 13,911.25 12,286.25 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 8,556.25 17,987.50 8,556.25 7,681.25 16,237.50 7,681.25 6,806.25 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 7,560.00 15,870.00 7,560.00 6,810.00 14,370.00 6,810.00 6,060.00 20,000.00 500,585.00 470,829.00 20,000.00 490,829.00 472,098.00 20,000.00 83,375.35 176,566.53 82,875.33 73,247.06 156,122.39 73,047.04 63,306.08 245.32 536.83 245.32 198.20 443.52 198.20 150.13 103,620.67 677,688.36 553,949.65 93,445.26 647,394.91 545,343.24 83,456.21 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 103,620.67 677,688.36 553,949.65 93,445.26 647,394.91 545,343.24 83,456.21 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 29 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Existing Debt Service Description Type MUNIS Account Information W WELL 210505 011509 IP Interest FRUIT STREET WELL-BLENDING 050117 ART 23 Principal FRUIT STREET WELL-BLENDING 050117 ART 23 Interest ASHLAND WATER TREATMENT Principal ASHLAND WATER TREATMENT Interest ASHLAND WATER TREATMENT Fees GROVE ST WATER TANK Principal GROVE ST WATER TANK Interest WATER MAIN - HAYDEN ROWE Principal WATER MAIN - HAYDEN ROWE Interest WATER MAIN - CEDAR ST Principal WATER MAIN - CEDAR ST Interest Water 6100 Principal Interest Fees Total Diff Excluded Levy Total Payment 1 Payment 2 Total FY25 FY26 735.00 305.00 180.00 485.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 32,531.26 15,328.13 13,453.13 28,781.26 - - - - - - 65,000.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 26,197.50 12,286.25 10,661.25 22,947.50 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 14,487.50 6,806.25 5,931.25 12,737.50 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 12,870.00 6,060.00 5,310.00 11,370.00 492,098.00 393,393.00 20,000.00 413,393.00 136,353.12 63,106.06 54,252.15 117,358.21 348.33 150.13 101.08 251.21 628,799.45 456,649.19 74,353.23 531,002.42 - - - - - - - - 628,799.45 456,649.19 74,353.23 531,002.42 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 30 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Capital Plan Project FY FY FY FY FY FY WATER Cost 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Include?Funding Source 2022 Alprilla Farm Well 7 & 8 Cleaning 40,000 40,000 Yes Retained Earnings Water Main Replacement, Woody Island Road 280,000 280,000 Yes Retained Earnings Pratt Farm Wellfield Engineering 195,000 179,393 Yes Borrowing Chlorine Injection System at Grove Street Tanks 300,000 275,989 Yes Borrowing Hayden Rowe Water Main Replacement ($900,000 of total $1.6 million authorization)1,600,000 827,966 Yes Borrowing 2023 Design for Grove St Tank Site (instead of Grove Street Tank Replacement)200,000 200,000 Yes Borrowing International Dump Truck W5 100,000 100,000 Yes Borrowing Vehicle Ford utility pickup W4 48,000 48,000 Yes Retained Earnings Vehicle Ford utility pickup W3 47,000 47,000 Yes Retained Earnings Water Main Replacement 260,000 260,000 Yes Borrowing Ingersoll Rand Compressor (1/2 water 1/2 sewer)6,000 6,000 Yes Retained Earnings 2024 Grove St Tank Site Work 2,300,000 2,300,000 Yes Borrowing Vehicle Ford utility pickup W1 38,000 38,000 Yes Retained Earnings Vehicle Ford utility pickup W2 80,000 80,000 Yes Borrowing - No Retained Earnings - No Retained Earnings - No Retained Earnings 2025 - No Retained Earnings - No Retained Earnings - No Retained Earnings - No Retained Earnings - No Retained Earnings 2026 - No Retained Earnings - No Retained Earnings - No Retained Earnings - No Retained Earnings - No Retained Earnings TOTAL 6,994,000 1,283,348 320,000 1,961,000 2,618,000 - - Bond Premium 35,676$ Carrying this Bond Premium amount to be used at some point TOTALS Only include if Town notes its use.Retained Earnings Borrowing Short Term Debt Total WATER CAPITAL PLAN FY21-FY26 Select from drop-down boxes below; Yes is in plan, No is not Capital Planning Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 31 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Capital Plan WATER 2022 Alprilla Farm Well 7 & 8 Cleaning Water Main Replacement, Woody Island Road Pratt Farm Wellfield Engineering Chlorine Injection System at Grove Street Tanks Hayden Rowe Water Main Replacement ($900,000 of total $1.6 million authorization) 2023 Design for Grove St Tank Site (instead of Grove Street Tank Replacement) International Dump Truck W5 Vehicle Ford utility pickup W4 Vehicle Ford utility pickup W3 Water Main Replacement Ingersoll Rand Compressor (1/2 water 1/2 sewer) 2024 Grove St Tank Site Work Vehicle Ford utility pickup W1 Vehicle Ford utility pickup W2 2025 2026 TOTAL Bond Premium WATER CAPITAL PLAN FY21-FY26 Term (Years):20 Interest Rate:4.00% Inflation Rate:0.00% FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY Term (Years)Interest Rate 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 - - - - 40,000 - - - 20 - - - - 280,000 - - - 5 5.00%44,848 43,054 41,260 39,466 10 5.00%41,398 40,018 38,638 37,258 30 5.00%68,997 67,617 66,237 64,857 20 4.00%18,000 5 4.00%24,000 23,200 - - - - - 48,000 - - - - - - - 47,000 - - 20 4.00%23,400 22,880 - - - - - 6,000 - - 20 4.00%207,000 - - - - - - 38,000 - 5 4.00%19,200 Totals 459,000 - - - - 320,000 101,000 38,000 - 6,057,551 - - - - 155,244 150,690 193,536 431,862 Interest Rate:2.00%32,867 - - - 25,667 - 7,200 - - 6,549,418 - - - 25,667 475,244 258,890 231,536 431,862 For borrowings, set below or use defaults --->Borrowing Defaults: Borrowing Information Capital Expenditures by Year -----> Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 32 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Capital Plan WATER 2022 Alprilla Farm Well 7 & 8 Cleaning Water Main Replacement, Woody Island Road Pratt Farm Wellfield Engineering Chlorine Injection System at Grove Street Tanks Hayden Rowe Water Main Replacement ($900,000 of total $1.6 million authorization) 2023 Design for Grove St Tank Site (instead of Grove Street Tank Replacement) International Dump Truck W5 Vehicle Ford utility pickup W4 Vehicle Ford utility pickup W3 Water Main Replacement Ingersoll Rand Compressor (1/2 water 1/2 sewer) 2024 Grove St Tank Site Work Vehicle Ford utility pickup W1 Vehicle Ford utility pickup W2 2025 2026 TOTAL Bond Premium WATER CAPITAL PLAN FY21-FY26 FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37,672 35,879 34,499 33,119 31,739 30,359 28,979 63,477 62,097 60,718 59,338 57,958 56,578 55,198 53,818 52,438 51,058 49,678 17,600 17,200 16,800 16,400 16,000 15,600 15,200 14,800 14,400 14,000 13,600 22,400 21,600 20,800 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22,360 21,840 21,320 20,800 20,280 19,760 19,240 18,720 18,200 17,680 17,160 - - - - - - - - - - - 202,400 197,800 193,200 188,600 184,000 179,400 174,800 170,200 165,600 161,000 156,400 - - - - - - - - - - - 18,560 17,920 17,280 16,640 - - - - - - - - - - - 420,348 372,956 363,236 333,516 308,596 300,317 264,438 257,538 250,638 243,738 236,838 - - - - - - - - - - - 420,348 372,956 363,236 333,516 308,596 300,317 264,438 257,538 250,638 243,738 236,838 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 33 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Capital Plan WATER 2022 Alprilla Farm Well 7 & 8 Cleaning Water Main Replacement, Woody Island Road Pratt Farm Wellfield Engineering Chlorine Injection System at Grove Street Tanks Hayden Rowe Water Main Replacement ($900,000 of total $1.6 million authorization) 2023 Design for Grove St Tank Site (instead of Grove Street Tank Replacement) International Dump Truck W5 Vehicle Ford utility pickup W4 Vehicle Ford utility pickup W3 Water Main Replacement Ingersoll Rand Compressor (1/2 water 1/2 sewer) 2024 Grove St Tank Site Work Vehicle Ford utility pickup W1 Vehicle Ford utility pickup W2 2025 2026 TOTAL Bond Premium WATER CAPITAL PLAN FY21-FY26 FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 48,298 46,918 45,538 44,158 42,778 41,398 40,018 38,638 37,258 35,879 34,499 13,200 12,800 12,400 12,000 11,600 11,200 10,800 10,400 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16,640 16,120 15,600 15,080 14,560 14,040 13,520 - - - - - - - - - - - 151,800 147,200 142,600 138,000 133,400 128,800 124,200 119,600 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 229,938 223,038 216,138 209,238 202,338 195,438 188,538 168,638 37,258 35,879 34,499 - - - - - - - - - - - 229,938 223,038 216,138 209,238 202,338 195,438 188,538 168,638 37,258 35,879 34,499 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 34 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study Capital Plan WATER 2022 Alprilla Farm Well 7 & 8 Cleaning Water Main Replacement, Woody Island Road Pratt Farm Wellfield Engineering Chlorine Injection System at Grove Street Tanks Hayden Rowe Water Main Replacement ($900,000 of total $1.6 million authorization) 2023 Design for Grove St Tank Site (instead of Grove Street Tank Replacement) International Dump Truck W5 Vehicle Ford utility pickup W4 Vehicle Ford utility pickup W3 Water Main Replacement Ingersoll Rand Compressor (1/2 water 1/2 sewer) 2024 Grove St Tank Site Work Vehicle Ford utility pickup W1 Vehicle Ford utility pickup W2 2025 2026 TOTAL Bond Premium WATER CAPITAL PLAN FY21-FY26 FY 2048 - - 33,119 - - - - - 33,119 - 33,119 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 35 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study New Connections Condos/Homes FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 Total Maspenock 5 6 7 6 7 31 Christian Way 1 1 1 3 203 Pond St 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 11 Leonard St 1 2 3 Legacy North (Not > 55)60 94 82 90 80 19 425 34-40 Hayden Rowe 0 Legacy North (> 55)9 30 30 40 40 26 175 Whisper Ridge 2 4 4 10 Chamberlain/Whalen 10 10 9 29 Total 2 8 69 102 98 129 123 77 53 26 687 Revenue per Connection $4,000 for the service (per Kim, from talking to Eric) $350 for the meter and ball valve (per Kim, from talking to Eric) $4,350 Total Confirmed with Judi Regan that the entire amount is deposited into account 6104503 422100. Therefore, can use total amount going forward Connection Fees to Collect FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 Total Total Projected Connection Fee Revenue 8,700$ 34,800$ 300,150$ 443,700$ 426,300$ 561,150$ 535,050$ 334,950$ 230,550$ 113,100$ 2,988,450$ # of Condos/Homes/Units and Year Constructed Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 36 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study B2A Revenue Latest Projections for current Fiscal Year YTD through the end of May 2021 ORIGINAL TRANFRS/REVISED YTD AVAILABLE Per Last 1 Projected (Over) WATER REVENUES APPROP ADJSMTS BUDGET EXPENDED ENC BUDGET % USED Month Month FY21 Under 414200 TAX LIENS REDEEMED (558.67)$ (55.87)$ (55.87)$ (614.54)$ (614.54)$ 417300 PENALTIES INTEREST TAX (97.57)$ (9.76)$ (9.76)$ (107.33)$ (107.33)$ 417600 PENALTIES INT UTILITY U (6,083.61)$ (608.36)$ (608.36)$ (6,691.97)$ (6,691.97)$ 421100 UTILITY USAGE CHARGES W (1,501,119.31)$ (150,111.93)$ (150,111.93)$ (1,651,231.24)$ (1,651,231.24)$ 421200 UTILITY USAGE ADDED TO (26,871.67)$ (2,687.17)$ (2,687.17)$ (29,558.84)$ (29,558.84)$ 421300 HYDRANT RENTAL (297,856.00)$ (29,785.60)$ (29,785.60)$ (297,856.00)$ (297,856.00)$ 422100 CONNECTION FEES (561,853.00)$ (56,185.30)$ (56,185.30)$ (618,038.30)$ (618,038.30)$ 422900 MISCELLANEOUS UTILITY F (19,064.22)$ (1,906.42)$ (1,906.42)$ (20,970.64)$ (20,970.64)$ 6100 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND -$ -$ -$ (2,413,504.05)$ -$ -$ 0.0%(241,350) (241,350) (2,625,069) (2,625,069) Linear Projection Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 37 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY20 Water B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6104501 511100 511100 SALARIES FULL TIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,780.24 0.00 -1,780.24 0.0% 511300 511300 WAGES HOURLY 350,286.00 0.00 350,286.00 267,775.13 0.00 82,510.87 76.4% 513100 513100 OVERTIME 70,000.00 0.00 70,000.00 65,407.62 0.00 4,592.38 93.4% 1 PERSONAL SERVICES 420,286.00 0.00 420,286.00 334,962.99 0.00 85,323.01 79.7% 6104502 521100 521100 ELECTRICITY 140,000.00 0.00 140,000.00 118,930.20 0.00 21,069.80 85.0% 521200 521200 HEATING OIL 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 4,374.86 0.00 5,625.14 43.7% 523300 523300 WATER USAGE ASHLAND 300,000.00 0.00 300,000.00 258,849.21 0.00 41,150.79 86.3% 524100 524100 R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPM 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 9,091.44 0.00 -4,091.44 181.8% 526900 526900 R&M SYSTEM REHAB 21,000.00 0.00 21,000.00 347.87 0.00 20,652.13 1.7% 530290 530290 OTHER LEGAL 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 135.00 0.00 4,865.00 2.7% 530300 530300 ADVERTISING 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,515.83 0.00 -515.83 151.6% 530500 530500 ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGIN 28,000.00 0.00 28,000.00 15,217.53 0.00 12,782.47 54.3% 530980 530980 WATER TESTING 11,000.00 0.00 11,000.00 19,654.59 0.00 -8,654.59 178.7% 534100 534100 TELEPHONE 12,000.00 0.00 12,000.00 10,690.05 0.00 1,309.95 89.1% 534200 534200 POSTAGE 3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00 3,990.04 0.00 -490.04 114.0% 538900 538900 MISC OTHER CONTRACTED S 103,000.00 0.00 103,000.00 114,549.81 0.00 -11,549.81 111.2% 542900 542900 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 1,401.22 0.00 1,598.78 46.7% 543100 543100 BUILDING R&M SUPPLIES 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 175.64 0.00 2,824.36 5.9% 548900 548900 MISC VEHICULAR SUPPLIES 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 3,653.13 0.00 3,346.87 52.2% 553200 553200 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 45,000.00 0.00 45,000.00 42,817.87 0.00 2,182.13 95.2% 553400 553400 WATER METERS 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 67,239.08 0.00 -17,239.08 134.5% 553900 553900 MISC PUBLIC WORKS SUPPL 55,000.00 0.00 55,000.00 67,237.33 0.00 -12,237.33 122.2% 558310 558310 TECHNOLOGY SOFTW 14,000.00 0.00 14,000.00 10,699.12 0.00 3,300.88 76.4% 558500 558500 UNIFORMS AND OTHER CLOT 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 2,754.38 0.00 245.62 91.8% 573100 573100 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 4,678.94 0.00 2,321.06 66.8% 593000 593000 ADMINISTRATIVE C 1,045.82 0.00 1,045.82 0.00 0.00 1,045.82 0.0% 2 EXPENSES 827,545.82 0.00 827,545.82 758,003.14 0.00 69,542.68 91.6% 6104503 414200 414200 TAX LIENS REDEEMED 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3,878.59 0.00 3,878.59 0.0% 417300 417300 PENALTIES INTEREST TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,146.62 0.00 1,146.62 0.0% 417600 417600 PENALTIES INT UTILITY U 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4,083.96 0.00 4,083.96 0.0% 421100 421100 UTILITY USAGE CHARGES W 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,904,374.11 0.00 1,904,374.11 0.0% 421200 421200 UTILITY USAGE ADDED TO 0.00 0.00 0.00 -21,671.71 0.00 21,671.71 0.0% 421300 421300 HYDRANT RENTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 -297,856.00 0.00 297,856.00 0.0% 422100 422100 CONNECTION FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 -482,253.00 0.00 482,253.00 0.0% 422900 422900 MISCELLANEOUS UTILITY F 0.00 0.00 0.00 -11,440.58 0.00 11,440.58 0.0% 482000 482000 EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 3 REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,726,704.57 0.00 2,726,704.57 0.0% 6104508 518888 518888 WAGES ENCUMBERED PR 430.06 0.00 430.06 430.06 0.00 0.00 100.0% Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 38 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY20 Water B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 578888 578888 EXPENSES ENCUMBERED 115.39 0.00 115.39 115.39 0.00 0.00 100.0% ENCUMBRANCES 545.45 0.00 545.45 545.45 0.00 0.00 100.0% 6107117 591000 591000 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD 593,062.10 0.00 593,062.10 593,302.09 0.00 -239.99 100.0% 6107118 578888 578888 EXPENSES ENCUMBERED 71,874.03 0.00 71,874.03 71,874.03 0.00 0.00 100.0% 6107517 591500 591500 INTEREST PAYMENT LTD 162,270.39 0.00 162,270.39 163,076.22 0.00 -805.83 100.5% 6107527 592500 592500 INTEREST PAYMENT STD 54,349.00 0.00 54,349.00 51,361.08 0.00 2,987.92 94.5% 7 DEBT SERVICE 881,555.52 0.00 881,555.52 879,613.42 0.00 1,942.10 99.8% 6109909 596100 596100 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FU 0.00 0.00 0.00 369,547.36 0.00 -369,547.36 0.0% 6109909 596300 596300 TRANSFERS TO CAP 0.00 0.00 0.00 115,000.00 0.00 -115,000.00 0.0% 9 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 484,547.36 0.00 -484,547.36 0.0% 6100 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 2,129,932.79 0.00 2,129,932.79 -269,032.21 0.00 2,398,965.00 -12.6% Revenue Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,726,704.57 0.00 2,726,704.57 0.0% Expense Total 2,129,932.79 0.00 2,129,932.79 2,457,672.36 0.00 -327,739.57 115.4% Grand Total 2,129,932.79 0.00 2,129,932.79 -269,032.21 0.00 2,398,965.00 -12.6% Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 39 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY19 Water B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6104501 511100 511100 SALARIES FULL TIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 511300 511300 WAGES HOURLY 311,000.00 0.00 311,000.00 284,342.65 0.00 26,657.35 91.4% 513100 513100 OVERTIME 79,000.00 0.00 79,000.00 60,644.40 430.06 17,925.54 77.3% 1 PERSONAL SERVICES 390,000.00 0.00 390,000.00 344,987.05 430.06 44,582.89 88.6% 6104502 521100 521100 ELECTRICITY 140,000.00 0.00 140,000.00 131,933.25 0.00 8,066.75 94.2% 521200 521200 HEATING OIL 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 3,128.08 0.00 6,871.92 31.3% 523300 523300 WATER USAGE ASHLAND 250,000.00 0.00 250,000.00 206,570.23 0.00 43,429.77 82.6% 524100 524100 R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPM 5,000.00 436.69 5,436.69 10,356.92 0.00 -4,920.23 190.5% 526900 526900 R&M SYSTEM REHAB 21,000.00 0.00 21,000.00 24,775.89 0.00 -3,775.89 118.0% 530290 530290 OTHER LEGAL 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 11,978.89 0.00 -6,978.89 239.6% 530300 530300 ADVERTISING 1,000.00 24.48 1,024.48 52.02 0.00 972.46 5.1% 530500 530500 ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGIN 28,000.00 0.00 28,000.00 2,418.75 0.00 25,581.25 8.6% 530980 530980 WATER TESTING 11,000.00 0.00 11,000.00 10,498.00 0.00 502.00 95.4% 534100 534100 TELEPHONE 12,000.00 222.89 12,222.89 11,285.19 0.00 937.70 92.3% 534200 534200 POSTAGE 3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00 1,665.48 0.00 1,834.52 47.6% 538900 538900 MISC OTHER CONTRACTED S 65,000.00 470.00 65,470.00 120,473.34 0.00 -55,003.34 184.0% 542900 542900 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 969.15 0.00 2,030.85 32.3% 543100 543100 BUILDING R&M SUPPLIES 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 4,649.75 0.00 -1,649.75 155.0% 548900 548900 MISC VEHICULAR SUPPLIES 7,000.00 352.91 7,352.91 9,560.36 0.00 -2,207.45 130.0% 553200 553200 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 45,000.00 0.00 45,000.00 28,329.85 0.00 16,670.15 63.0% 553400 553400 WATER METERS 100,000.00 0.00 100,000.00 66,463.92 0.00 33,536.08 66.5% 553900 553900 MISC PUBLIC WORKS SUPPL 55,000.00 41.99 55,041.99 88,281.86 115.39 -33,355.26 160.6% 558310 558310 TECHNOLOGY SOFTW 14,000.00 0.00 14,000.00 1,762.08 0.00 12,237.92 12.6% 558500 558500 UNIFORMS AND OTHER CLOT 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 2,687.20 0.00 312.80 89.6% 573100 573100 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 5,224.68 0.00 1,775.32 74.6% 593000 593000 ADMINISTRATIVE C 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0% 2 EXPENSES 790,500.00 1,548.96 792,048.96 743,064.89 115.39 48,868.68 93.8% 6104503 414200 414200 TAX LIENS REDEEMED 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3,455.81 0.00 3,455.81 0.0% 417300 417300 PENALTIES INTEREST TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 -572.62 0.00 572.62 0.0% 417600 417600 PENALTIES INT UTILITY U 0.00 -5,370.00 -5,370.00 -4,358.31 0.00 -1,011.69 81.2% 421100 421100 UTILITY USAGE CHARGES W 0.00 -1,675,000.00 -1,675,000.00 -1,324,910.98 0.00 -350,089.02 79.1% 421200 421200 UTILITY USAGE ADDED TO 0.00 -43,000.00 -43,000.00 -25,750.86 0.00 -17,249.14 59.9% 421300 421300 HYDRANT RENTAL 0.00 -297,856.00 -297,856.00 -297,856.00 0.00 0.00 100.0% 422100 422100 CONNECTION FEES 0.00 -100,000.00 -100,000.00 -425,761.25 0.00 325,761.25 425.8% 422900 422900 MISCELLANEOUS UTILITY F 0.00 -40,000.00 -40,000.00 -48,307.07 0.00 8,307.07 120.8% 482000 482000 EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 3 REVENUE 0.00 -2,161,226.00 -2,161,226.00 -2,130,972.90 0.00 -30,253.10 98.6% 6107117 591000 591000 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD 646,857.36 0.00 646,857.36 574,983.33 71,874.03 0.00 100.0% Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 40 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY19 Water B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6107517 591500 591500 INTEREST PAYMENT LTD 211,934.62 0.00 211,934.62 212,034.60 0.00 -99.98 100.0% 6107527 592500 592500 INTEREST PAYMENT STD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7 DEBT SERVICE 858,791.98 0.00 858,791.98 787,017.93 71,874.03 -99.98 100.0% 6109909 596100 596100 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FU 0.00 0.00 0.00 355,334.00 0.00 -355,334.00 0.0% 6109909 596300 596300 TRANSFERS TO CAP 0.00 0.00 0.00 233,400.00 0.00 -233,400.00 0.0% 9 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 588,734.00 0.00 -588,734.00 0.0% 6100 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 2,039,291.98 1,548.96 2,040,840.94 2,463,803.87 72,419.48 -495,382.41 124.3% Revenue Total 0.00 -2,161,226.00 -2,161,226.00 -2,130,972.90 0.00 -30,253.10 98.6% Expense Total 2,039,291.98 1,548.96 2,040,840.94 2,463,803.87 72,419.48 -495,382.41 124.3% Grand Total 2,039,291.98 -2,159,677.04 -120,385.06 332,830.97 72,419.48 -525,635.51 -336.6% Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 41 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY18 Water B2A ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 511300 WAGES HOURLY 307,000.00 -60,000.00 247,000.00 243,955.18 0.00 3,044.82 98.8% 513100 OVERTIME 64,600.00 0.00 64,600.00 62,855.64 0.00 1,744.36 97.3% 1 PERSONAL SERVICES 371,600.00 -60,000.00 311,600.00 306,810.82 0.00 4,789.18 98.5% 521100 ELECTRICITY 140,000.00 0.00 140,000.00 141,240.06 0.00 -1,240.06 100.9% 521200 HEATING OIL 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 3,630.08 0.00 6,369.92 36.3% 523300 WATER USAGE ASHLAND 250,000.00 60,000.00 310,000.00 253,694.00 0.00 56,306.00 81.8% 524100 R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPM 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 21,376.74 436.69 -16,813.43 436.3% 526900 R&M SYSTEM REHAB 21,000.00 0.00 21,000.00 8,122.22 0.00 12,877.78 38.7% 530290 OTHER LEGAL 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 867.78 0.00 1,632.22 34.7% 530300 ADVERTISING 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 24.48 975.52 2.4% 530500 ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGIN 28,000.00 0.00 28,000.00 21,476.19 0.00 6,523.81 76.7% 530980 WATER TESTING 11,000.00 0.00 11,000.00 12,639.34 0.00 -1,639.34 114.9% 534100 TELEPHONE 12,000.00 0.00 12,000.00 10,754.99 222.89 1,022.12 91.5% 534200 POSTAGE 3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00 3,916.20 0.00 -416.20 111.9% 538900 MISC OTHER CONTRACTED S 55,000.00 1,000.00 56,000.00 101,295.85 470.00 -45,765.85 181.7% 542900 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 1,905.24 0.00 1,094.76 63.5% 543100 BUILDING R&M SUPPLIES 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 31.06 0.00 2,968.94 1.0% 548900 MISC VEHICULAR SUPPLIES 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 7,806.61 352.91 -1,159.52 116.6% 553200 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 45,000.00 0.00 45,000.00 32,479.86 0.00 12,520.14 72.2% 553400 WATER METERS 50,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 42,765.02 0.00 7,234.98 85.5% 553900 MISC PUBLIC WORKS SUPPL 40,000.00 0.00 40,000.00 62,797.92 41.99 -22,839.91 157.1% 558300 TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 495.00 0.00 -495.00 0.0% 558310 TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE 14,000.00 0.00 14,000.00 12,961.53 0.00 1,038.47 92.6% 558500 UNIFORMS AND OTHER CLOT 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 2,009.74 0.00 990.26 67.0% 573100 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 4,470.00 0.00 2,530.00 63.9% 579950 PRIOR YEAR EXPENSE 0.00 3,479.78 3,479.78 3,475.00 0.00 4.78 99.9% 594000 ASHLAND PLANT DEBT 72,000.00 0.00 72,000.00 71,914.01 0.00 85.99 99.9% 2 EXPENSES 783,000.00 64,479.78 847,479.78 822,124.44 1,548.96 23,806.38 97.2% 414200 TAX LIENS REDEEMED 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,155.19 0.00 2,155.19 0.0% 417300 PENALTIES INTEREST TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 -195.73 0.00 195.73 0.0% 417600 PENALTIES INT UTILITY U 0.00 0.00 0.00 -6,502.71 0.00 6,502.71 0.0% 421100 UTILITY USAGE CHARGES W 0.00 -1,535,000.00 -1,535,000.00 -1,597,027.03 0.00 62,027.03 104.0% 421200 UTILITY USAGE ADDED TO 0.00 -43,052.53 -43,052.53 -43,831.96 0.00 779.43 101.8% 421300 HYDRANT RENTAL 0.00 -296,856.00 -296,856.00 -296,856.00 0.00 0.00 100.0% Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 42 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY18 Water B2A ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 422100 CONNECTION FEES 0.00 -85,000.00 -85,000.00 -88,391.59 0.00 3,391.59 104.0% 422900 MISCELLANEOUS UTILITY F 0.00 -25,000.00 -25,000.00 -35,080.03 0.00 10,080.03 140.3% 3 REVENUE 0.00 -1,984,908.53 -1,984,908.53 -2,070,040.24 0.00 85,131.71 104.3% 591000 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD 545,190.67 0.00 545,190.67 545,190.67 0.00 0.00 100.0% 591500 INTEREST PAYMENT LTD 155,656.86 0.00 155,656.86 155,656.78 0.00 0.08 100.0% 592500 INTEREST PAYMENT STD 10,000.00 -10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7 DEBT SERVICE 710,847.53 -10,000.00 700,847.53 700,847.45 0.00 0.08 100.0% 6100 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 1,865,447.53 -1,990,428.75 -124,981.22 -240,257.53 1,548.96 113,727.35 191.0% Revenue Total 0.00 -1,984,908.53 -1,984,908.53 -2,070,040.24 0.00 85,131.71 104.3% Expense Total 1,865,447.53 -5,520.22 1,859,927.31 1,829,782.71 1,548.96 28,595.64 98.5% Grand Total 1,865,447.53 -1,990,428.75 -124,981.22 -240,257.53 1,548.96 113,727.35 191.0% Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 43 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY17 Water B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6104501 511100 511100 SALARIES FULL TIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 -332.86 0.00 332.86 100.00 511300 511300 WAGES HOURLY 306,810.95 -35,000.00 271,810.95 260,277.11 0.00 11,533.84 95.80 513100 513100 OVERTIME 60,000.00 0.00 60,000.00 55,509.98 0.00 4,490.02 92.50 1 PERSONAL SERVICES 366,810.95 -35,000.00 331,810.95 315,454.23 0.00 16,356.72 95.10 6104502 521100 521100 ELECTRICITY 149,650.00 0.00 149,650.00 104,319.32 0.00 45,330.68 69.70 521200 521200 HEATING OIL 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 3,450.96 0.00 6,549.04 34.50 523300 523300 WATER USAGE ASHLAND 226,000.00 0.00 226,000.00 220,313.20 0.00 5,686.80 97.50 524100 524100 R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPM 5,000.00 550.00 5,550.00 15,760.56 0.00 -10,210.56 284.00 526900 526900 R&M SYSTEM REHAB 21,000.00 0.00 21,000.00 0.00 0.00 21,000.00 0.00 530290 530290 OTHER LEGAL 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 5,459.30 0.00 -2,959.30 218.40 530300 530300 ADVERTISING 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 3,031.56 0.00 -2,031.56 303.20 530500 530500 ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGIN 27,000.00 0.00 27,000.00 32,243.14 0.00 -5,243.14 119.40 530980 530980 WATER TESTING 12,000.00 0.00 12,000.00 8,513.76 0.00 3,486.24 70.90 534100 534100 TELEPHONE 8,000.00 58.63 8,058.63 11,988.66 0.00 -3,930.03 148.80 534200 534200 POSTAGE 3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00 2,089.66 0.00 1,410.34 59.70 538900 538900 MISC OTHER CONTRACTED S 64,000.00 35,000.00 99,000.00 137,490.67 1,000.00 -39,490.67 139.90 542900 542900 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 2,264.81 0.00 735.19 75.50 543100 543100 BUILDING R&M SUPPLIES 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 520.99 0.00 2,479.01 17.40 548900 548900 MISC VEHICULAR SUPPLIES 0.00 3,275.20 3,275.20 5,676.04 0.00 -2,400.84 173.30 553200 553200 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 45,000.00 0.00 45,000.00 25,986.43 0.00 19,013.57 57.70 553400 553400 WATER METERS 53,000.00 0.00 53,000.00 49,335.57 0.00 3,664.43 93.10 553900 553900 MISC PUBLIC WORKS SUPPL 35,000.00 5,032.16 40,032.16 67,321.21 0.00 -27,289.05 168.20 558500 558500 UNIFORMS AND OTHER CLOT 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 1,236.37 0.00 1,263.63 49.50 573100 573100 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 2,847.00 0.00 2,153.00 56.90 594000 594000 ASHLAND PLANT DEBT 0.00 57,776.00 57,776.00 71,418.38 0.00 -13,642.38 123.60 2 EXPENSES 676,150.00 101,691.99 777,841.99 771,267.59 1,000.00 5,574.40 99.30 6104503 414200 414200 TAX LIENS REDEEMED 0.00 0.00 0.00 -253.15 0.00 253.15 100.00 417300 417300 PENALTIES INTEREST TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 -18.14 0.00 18.14 100.00 417600 417600 PENALTIES INT UTILITY U 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4,487.55 0.00 4,487.55 100.00 421100 421100 UTILITY USAGE CHARGES W 0.00 -1,524,058.00 -1,524,058.00 -1,582,479.68 0.00 58,421.68 103.80 421200 421200 UTILITY USAGE ADDED TO 0.00 0.00 0.00 -28,662.14 0.00 28,662.14 100.00 421300 421300 HYDRANT RENTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 -296,856.00 0.00 296,856.00 100.00 422100 422100 CONNECTION FEES 0.00 -111,574.00 -111,574.00 -103,587.91 0.00 -7,986.09 92.80 422900 422900 MISCELLANEOUS UTILITY F 0.00 0.00 0.00 -53,779.96 0.00 53,779.96 100.00 482000 482000 EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 0.00 -5,715.00 -5,715.00 0.00 0.00 -5,715.00 0.00 3 REVENUE 0.00 -1,641,347.00 -1,641,347.00 -2,070,124.53 0.00 428,777.53 126.10 6107117 591000 591000 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD 507,901.00 -82,281.00 425,620.00 425,620.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 6107517 591500 591500 INTEREST PAYMENT LTD 77,534.46 26,504.36 104,038.82 104,038.85 0.00 -0.03 100.00 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 44 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY17 Water B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL APPROP TRANFRS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6107527 592500 592500 INTEREST PAYMENT STD 2,000.00 -2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7 DEBT SERVICE 587,435.46 -57,776.64 529,658.82 529,658.85 0.00 -0.03 100.00 6109809 497010 497010 TRANSFERS FROM GENERAL 0.00 -296,856.00 -296,856.00 0.00 0.00 -296,856.00 0.00 6109909 596100 596100 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FU 0.00 0.00 0.00 307,807.00 0.00 -307,807.00 100.00 9 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0.00 -296,856.00 -296,856.00 307,807.00 0.00 -604,663.00 -103.70 6100 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 1,630,396.41 -1,929,287.65 -298,891.24 -145,936.86 1,000.00 -153,954.38 48.50 Revenue Total 0.00 -1,938,203.00 -1,938,203.00 -2,070,124.53 0.00 131,921.53 106.80 Expense Total 1,630,396.41 8,915.35 1,639,311.76 1,924,187.67 1,000.00 -285,875.91 117.40 Grand Total 1,630,396.41 -1,929,287.65 -298,891.24 -145,936.86 1,000.00 -153,954.38 48.50 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 45 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY16 Water B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 6104501 511100 511100 SALARIES FULL TIME 0.00 156,150.63 0.00 -156,150.63 100.00 511300 511300 WAGES HOURLY 299,327.76 76,235.72 0.00 223,092.04 25.50 513100 513100 OVERTIME 51,480.00 62,560.84 0.00 -11,080.84 121.50 1 PERSONAL SERVICES 350,807.76 294,947.19 0.00 55,860.57 84.10 6104502 521100 521100 ELECTRICITY 149,650.00 102,234.25 0.00 47,415.75 68.30 521200 521200 HEATING OIL 10,000.00 5,268.94 0.00 4,731.06 52.70 523300 523300 WATER USAGE ASHLAND 235,000.00 223,655.49 54,000.00 -42,655.49 118.20 524100 524100 R&M VEHICLES AND EQUIPM 5,000.00 2,655.28 0.00 2,344.72 53.10 526900 526900 R&M SYSTEM REHAB 21,000.00 0.00 0.00 21,000.00 0.00 530290 530290 OTHER LEGAL 2,500.00 4,960.00 0.00 -2,460.00 198.40 530300 530300 ADVERTISING 1,000.00 409.80 0.00 590.20 41.00 530500 530500 ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGIN 27,000.00 27,194.93 0.00 -194.93 100.70 530980 530980 WATER TESTING 11,000.00 7,149.60 0.00 3,850.40 65.00 534100 534100 TELEPHONE 8,000.00 11,644.84 0.00 -3,644.84 145.60 534200 534200 POSTAGE 3,500.00 3,473.25 0.00 26.75 99.20 538900 538900 MISC OTHER CONTRACTED S 40,000.00 64,354.16 0.00 -24,354.16 160.90 542900 542900 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000.00 7,095.39 0.00 -4,095.39 236.50 543100 543100 BUILDING R&M SUPPLIES 3,000.00 1,623.97 0.00 1,376.03 54.10 548900 548900 MISC VEHICULAR SUPPLIES 7,000.00 16,908.49 0.00 -9,908.49 241.50 553200 553200 TREATMENT CHEMICALS 45,000.00 24,696.48 0.00 20,303.52 54.90 553400 553400 WATER METERS 35,000.00 47,473.99 0.00 -12,473.99 135.60 553900 553900 MISC PUBLIC WORKS SUPPL 35,000.00 102,308.88 278.05 -67,586.93 293.10 558500 558500 UNIFORMS AND OTHER CLOT 2,500.00 3,645.32 0.00 -1,145.32 145.80 573100 573100 DUES AND MEMBERSHIPS 5,000.00 6,207.00 0.00 -1,207.00 124.10 593000 593000 ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 594000 594000 ASHLAND PLANT DEBT 72,000.00 72,079.84 0.00 -79.84 100.10 2 EXPENSES 723,150.00 735,039.90 54,278.05 -66,167.95 109.10 6104503 417600 417600 PENALTIES INT UTILITY U 0.00 -3,486.26 0.00 3,486.26 100.00 421100 421100 UTILITY USAGE CHARGES W 0.00 -1,425,711.61 0.00 1,425,711.61 100.00 421200 421200 UTILITY USAGE ADDED TO 0.00 -59,847.52 0.00 59,847.52 100.00 421300 421300 HYDRANT RENTAL 0.00 -353,782.00 0.00 353,782.00 100.00 422100 422100 CONNECTION FEES 0.00 -1,292,088.00 0.00 1,292,088.00 100.00 422900 422900 MISCELLANEOUS UTILITY F 0.00 -31,126.01 0.00 31,126.01 100.00 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 46 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY16 Water B2A ORG OBJECT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION REVISED BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE BUDGET % USED 493010 493010 PREMIUMS FROM SALE OF B 0.00 -39,115.56 0.00 39,115.56 100.00 3 REVENUE 0.00 -3,205,156.96 0.00 3,205,156.96 100.00 6107117 591000 591000 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT LTD 497,539.00 478,539.00 0.00 19,000.00 96.20 6107517 591500 591500 INTEREST PAYMENT LTD 110,434.30 103,759.60 0.00 6,674.70 94.00 6107527 592500 592500 INTEREST PAYMENT STD 0.00 667.13 0.00 -667.13 100.00 7 DEBT SERVICE 607,973.30 582,965.73 0.00 25,007.57 95.90 6109809 497010 497010 TRANSFERS FROM GENERAL 0.00 -48,935.00 0.00 48,935.00 100.00 6109909 596100 596100 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FU 0.00 301,771.16 0.00 -301,771.16 100.00 9 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0.00 252,836.16 0.00 -252,836.16 100.00 6100 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 1,681,931.06 -1,339,367.98 54,278.05 2,967,020.99 -76.40 Revenue Total 0.00 -3,254,091.96 0.00 3,254,091.96 100.00 Expense Total 1,681,931.06 1,914,723.98 54,278.05 -287,070.97 117.10 Grand Total 1,681,931.06 -1,339,367.98 54,278.05 2,967,020.99 -76.40 Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 47 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY20 Water Balance Sheet FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BALANCE ASSETS '6100 '104000 'CASH 1,417,117.92 '6100 '124000 'TAX LIENS RECEIVABLE (325.93) '6100 '131000 'USER CHARGES RECEIVABLE 320,319.46 '6100 '133100 'UTILITY LIENS ADDED TO TAXES 13,712.26 TOTAL ASSETS 1,750,823.71 LIABILITIES '6100 '202000 'ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (135,256.59) '6100 '262200 'DEFERRED REVENUE TAX LIENS 325.93 '6100 '265100 'DEF REVENUE USER CHARGES (239,773.11) '6100 '265300 'DEF REVENUE UTILITY LIENS (13,712.26) TOTAL LIABILITIES (388,416.03) FUND BALANCE '6100 '321100 'FUND BAL RES ENCUMBRANCES (1,064.45) '6100 '324000 'FUND BAL RES EXPENDITURES - '6100 '359100 'UNDESIGNATED RETAINED EARNINGS (1,361,343.23) '6100 394000 ENCUMBRANCES (DEBIT)72,419.48 '6100 394100 BUDGETARY FD BAL RES ENCUMB (72,419.48) TOTAL FUND BALANCE (1,362,407.68) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE (1,750,823.71) VARIANCE - Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 48 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY19 Water Balance Sheet FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BALANCE ASSETS '6100 '104000 'CASH 1,190,328.04 '6100 '124000 'TAX LIENS RECEIVABLE 2,854.66 '6100 '131000 'USER CHARGES RECEIVABLE 368,846.00 '6100 '133100 'UTILITY LIENS ADDED TO TAXES 1,043.94 TOTAL ASSETS 1,563,072.64 LIABILITIES '6100 '202000 'ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (96,952.57) '6100 '262200 'DEFERRED REVENUE TAX LIENS (2,854.66) '6100 '265100 'DEF REVENUE USER CHARGES (368,846.00) '6100 '265300 'DEF REVENUE UTILITY LIENS (1,043.94) TOTAL LIABILITIES (469,697.17) FUND BALANCE '6100 '321100 'FUND BAL RES ENCUMBRANCES (72,419.48) '6100 '324000 'FUND BAL RES EXPENDITURES (115,000.00) '6100 '359100 'UNDESIGNATED RETAINED EARNINGS (905,955.99) '6100 394000 ENCUMBRANCES (DEBIT)72,419.48 '6100 394100 BUDGETARY FD BAL RES ENCUMB (72,419.48) TOTAL FUND BALANCE (1,093,375.47) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE (1,563,072.64) VARIANCE - Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 49 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY18 Water Balance Sheet FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BALANCE ASSETS '6100 '104000 'CASH 1,538,549.67 '6100 '124000 'TAX LIENS RECEIVABLE 4,488.62 '6100 '131000 'USER CHARGES RECEIVABLE 113,841.75 '6100 '133100 'UTILITY LIENS ADDED TO TAXES 1,632.14 TOTAL ASSETS 1,658,512.18 LIABILITIES '6100 '202000 'ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (112,343.23) '6100 '262200 'DEFERRED REVENUE TAX LIENS (4,488.62) '6100 '265100 'DEF REVENUE USER CHARGES (113,841.75) '6100 '265300 'DEF REVENUE UTILITY LIENS (1,632.14) TOTAL LIABILITIES (232,305.74) FUND BALANCE '6100 '321100 'FUND BAL RES ENCUMBRANCES (1,548.96) '6100 '324000 'FUND BAL RES EXPENDITURES (466,800.00) '6100 '359100 'UNDESIGNATED RETAINED EARNINGS (957,857.48) TOTAL FUND BALANCE (1,426,206.44) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE (1,658,512.18) VARIANCE - Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 50 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY17 Water Balance Sheet FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BALANCE AR/DEF REV FA/BP ASSETS '6100 '104000 'CASH 1,633,110.89 '6100 '124000 'TAX LIENS RECEIVABLE 761.90 '6100 '131000 'USER CHARGES RECEIVABLE 137,047.98 '6100 '132000 'OTHER SERVICE RECEIVABLE - '6100 '132100 'FEE LIENS ADDED TO TAXES - '6100 '133100 'UTILITY LIENS ADDED TO TAXES 5,336.43 143,146.31 '6100 '191000 'LAND 109,086.99 '6100 '191100 'LAND IMPROVEMENT 131,604.15 '6100 '191900 'ACCUM DEPR LAND (CREDIT)(98,703.14) '6100 '193000 'PLANT 7,774,977.88 '6100 '193900 'ACCUM DEPR PLANT (CREDIT)(3,022,052.92) '6100 '194000 'MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 1,573,425.41 '6100 '194900 'ACCUM DEPR MACH EQUIP (CREDIT)(837,813.43) '6100 '195000 'CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 86,384.22 5,716,909.16 TOTAL ASSETS 7,493,166.36 LIABILITIES '6100 '202000 'ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (90,739.64) '6100 '210000 'WAGES PAYABLE (11,438.34) '6100 '262200 'DEFERRED REVENUE TAX LIENS (761.90) '6100 '265100 'DEF REVENUE USER CHARGES (166,309.62) '6100 '265200 'DEF REVENUE OTHER SERVICES - '6100 '265300 'DEF REVENUE UTILITY LIENS 24,129.87 (142,941.65) '6100 '298001 'BP W WELL ENG 210505 020107 10,000.00 '6100 '298002 'BP W MAIN HOWE 140506 020107 (280,000.00) '6100 '298003 'BP W MAINS 250505 020107 (700,000.00) '6100 '298004 'BP W WELL 210505 071508 (839,426.00) '6100 '298005 'BP W TANK REP 150508 011509 (120,000.00) '6100 '298006 'BP W WELL 210505 011509 (65,000.00) Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 51 Town of Hopkinton Water Rate Study FY17 Water Balance Sheet FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BALANCE AR/DEF REV FA/BP '6100 '298007 'BP W TRUCK 081107 071509 (30,000.00) '6100 '298008 'BP W MAIN ST 190510 050310 (77,894.00) '6100 '298009 'BP W RADIO METRS 160510 011511 (125,000.00) '6100 '298010 'BP W TANK REHAB 450509 011511 (115,000.00) '6100 '298011 'BP FRUIT ST GEN 220511 030113 (52,106.00) '6100 '298012 'BP W RADIO METRS 240511 030113 (175,000.00) '6100 '298015 'BP WATER 2014 (474,521.00) '6100 '299999 'BP ADJUSTMENT ACCOUNT (660,960.93) (3,704,907.93) TOTAL LIABILITIES (3,950,027.56) FUND BALANCE '6100 '309000 'INVESTMENT GEN FIXED ASSETS (1,979,448.79) (1,979,448.79) '6100 '321100 'FUND BAL RES ENCUMBRANCES (1,000.00) '6100 '324000 'FUND BAL RES EXPENDITURES (50,523.00) '6100 '359100 'UNDESIGNATED RETAINED EARNINGS (1,512,167.01) '6100 '376000 'BONDS AUTHORIZED (MEMO)231,000.00 '6100 '377000 'BONDS AUTHORIZED OFFSET (MEMO)(231,000.00) TOTAL FUND BALANCE (3,543,138.80) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE (7,493,166.36) VARIANCE - - - Projected certified retained earnings (1,512,167.01) Hopkinton FY22 Water Workbook - Final.xlsx Page 52 To:Select Board From:Norman Khumalo Date:June 11, 2021 Ref:Staff Report - Select Board June 15, 2021 Meeting 1.Main Street Corridor Project:David Daltorio (Town Engineer/Facilities Director)and Michelle Murdock provided the the attached update: Work Performed Last Two Weeks ●Contractor continues to mobilize, order materials and coordinate with the Town and VHB on shop drawing/ material reviews. ●Tree removal at 78 Main Street and 35 Main Street is complete. There is only one remaining tree to be removed. It is located between 60-64 Main (Shell Station) and 3 Cedar Street (Country Farms). Date for removal is pending. There are wires around the tree that need to be addressed before the tree subcontractor can cut the tree. ●Saw cutting of pavement work in preparation for drainage work throughout the entire corridor. Drainage installation continues east and west of the 85/135 intersection. Construction Cost and Quantities through 5/8/21 Construction - $760,000 Work Completed - rounded (does not include every bid item) ●Catch Basins - 22 ●Drain Manholes - 14 ●Reinforced Concrete Pipe - 1,600 feet ●Ductile Iron Pipe - 160 feet ●Hot Mix Asphalt - 270 tons ●Gravel - 600 cubic yards Community Contact (5/31/21 thru 6/9/21) ●Construction Advisory #8 mailed out Friday, June 4. ●A total of 14 issues/concerns were received and processed from both project abutters and the general public. Issues were communicated via phone or email and were resolved in the same manner with input from the contractor as needed. Work Anticipated Next Week Week of June 14, 2021 1 ●Continuation of the Drainage Installation along Main Street, from the 85/135 intersection to East Main Street (52 Main Street, 22 Main Street, 14 Main Street and 10 Main Street.) ●Continuation of the Drainage Installation along West Main Street (from 1 West Main Street to 111 Main Street) ●MassDOT Survey Crews to continue to locate limits of easements within the corridor from Ash Street to Wood Street ●Delivery of Drainage Materials This work may impact traffic and require lane and sidewalk closures limiting access to driveways and entrances to businesses. Continuous and Upcoming Work ●MassDOT Survey Crews are scheduled to be within the corridor from Ash Street to Wood Street to continue to locate limits of easements. ●Traffic signal foundations and the underground utility structures are about 4-6 weeks out. ●Verizon has substantially completed installing new poles, but there are poles on East Main to be completed - that work is contingent upon Eversource Gas work that is part of the Main Street Project work, separate from the Eversource Main Street Gas Project. Traffic Management Impacts ●All work may impact traffic and require lane and sidewalk closures limiting access to driveways and entrances to businesses. Contractor will coordinate directly with impacted abutters in advance of this work. ●The ongoing work will require lane closures. One lane is scheduled to remain open at all times. Police details will be directing vehicles, pedestrians,and bikers through the project work areas. ●Project cameras are functional and a live stream link that can be shared on the project website is expected to be available sometime during the week of June 14. The Town’s IT Department is working with the vendor to obtain a specific date. Miscellaneous ●The Project website will continue to be updated throughout the Project. Visit the website to sign up for Project Updates. A QR Code has been developed for quick access. ●Project photos have been added to the website https://hopkintonmainstreet.com/construction-photos.htm ●Eversource Gas continues their work on Main Street,not related to the MassDOT project. ●Overall project schedule continues to be updated and refined as contractor mobilizes 2 2.Release of Executive Session Minutes:Pursuant the Select Board Rules of Procedure, the Town Manager has reviewed a list of executive session minutes with the Chair to be released and will announce said list at the meeting. 3 SELECT BOARD LIAISON LIST FY 2022 (DRAFT)Brendan Irfan Mary Jo Amy Muriel Norman Elaine FINANCE Appropriation Committee X Board of Assessors X Town Manager's Budget Advisory Team X Capital Improvement Committee X Cable Advisory Committee X PUBLIC SAFETY Animal Control X Fire Department X Police Department X PERMITTING Board of Appeals X Conservation Commission X Planning Board X Board of Health X Permanent Building Committee X EDUCATION School Committee X Reg. Voc. Tech School Committee X School Reentry Advisory Group X PUBLIC SERVICES Cemetery Commission X HUMAN SERVICES Town Clerk's Office X Personnel Committee X Council on Aging X Veterans Services X ADA Oversight Committee X Veterans Celebration Committee X Tax Relief Committee X CULTURAL/RECREATIONAL SELECT BOARD LIAISON LIST FY 2022 (DRAFT)Brendan Irfan Mary Jo Amy Muriel Norman Elaine Hopkinton Cultural Council X Marathon Committee X Marathon Fund Committee (Has a 1 year term appointed by Board; may be a SB member; currently vacant. If SB member joins, no liaison needed)X Public Library X Parks & Recreation Commission X Youth Commission X Community Preservation Committee X HISTORIC PRESERVATION Woodville Historic District Commission X Hopkinton Historic District Commission X Historical Commission X OTHER Sustainable Green Committee X Trail Coordination and Management Committee X Commissioners of Trust Funds X Lake Maspenock Dam Advisory Group X Fruit Street X Hopkinton Schools Athletic Field Subcommittee X Boston Athletic Association X APPOINTED BOARD/COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS Elementary School Building Committee (Life of the Project)X Irvine-Todaro Properties Advisory Group (Life of the Project)X Pratt Farm Master Plan Team (Life of the Project)**X Upper Charles Trail Committee (3-year term expiring 6/30/22) X Open Space Preservation Commission (new 5-year term expiring 6/30/26)*X Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board (2-year term expiring 6/30/22)X Metropolitan Area Planning Council Representative, Select Board member (Town Manager Appointment) X X MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (1-year term) X Number of X's:8 6 10 7 8 9 2 Number of maybes:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SELECT BOARD LIAISON LIST FY 2022 (DRAFT)Brendan Irfan Mary Jo Amy Muriel Norman Elaine * Brendan Tedstone term expires 6/30/21 ** Brian Herr was the Select Board member Charles D. Baker Governor Karyn E. Polito Lieutenant Governor Kathleen A. Theoharides Secretary Martin Suuberg Commissioner This information is available in alternate format. Contact Michelle Waters-Ekanem, Director of Diversity/Civil Rights at 617-292-5751. TTY# MassRelay Service 1-800-439-2370 MassDEP Website: www.mass.gov/dep Printed on Recycled Paper May 28, 2021 James Valis 76 Pine Island Road Hopkinton, MA, 01748 Re: Draft Simplified Waterways License: Application No. 21-WW06-0001-APP Residential Seasonal Dock on the Waters of Lake Maspenock (North Pond) at 76 Pine Island Road, Hopkinton, Middlesex County Dear Mr. Valis: The Department of Environmental Protection has tentatively approved the above-referenced referenced License Application. Pursuant to 310 CMR 9.14(2)(b), a Draft Waterways License is enclosed. The requisite Commonwealth Occupation Fee will be required upon notice from the Department and prior to issuance of the Chapter 91 license. A Waterways License may be issued after twenty-one (21) days from the date of the issuance of this Draft License and upon receipt of the referenced fee if the Department has not received a written request, by certified mail, for an adjudicatory hearing pursuant to section 9.17(2). NOTICE OF APPEAL RIGHTS Who has the right to appeal? The following persons shall have the right to an adjudicatory hearing concerning this decision by the Department to grant or deny a license or permit, in accordance with 310 CMR 9.17(1): (a) an Applicant who has demonstrated property rights in the lands in question, or which is a public agency; (b) any person aggrieved by the decision of the Department to grant a license or permit who has submitted written comments within the public comment period; (c) ten (10) residents of the Commonwealth who, pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 30A, § 10A, have submitted comments within the public comment period with at least 5 of the 10 residents residing in the municipality(s) in which the license or permitted activity is located. The appeal shall clearly and specifically state the facts and grounds for the appeal and the relief sought, and each appealing resident shall file an affidavit stating the intent to be part of the group and to be represented by its authorized representative; (d) the municipal official in the affected municipality who has submitted written comments within the public comment period; and (e) CZM, for any project identified in 310 CMR 9.13(2) (a) for CZM participation or, in an Ocean Sanctuary, if it has filed a notice of participation within the public comment period. How can I request an adjudicatory hearing? A person requesting an adjudicatory hearing must submit a “Notice of Claim” to the Department, with a copy of the MassDEP Adjudicatory Hearing Fee Transmittal Form and include the details specified below, within twenty-one (21) days of the date of issuance of this decision. The MassDEP Adjudicatory Hearing Fee Transmittal Form is available at the following website: http://www.mass.gov/eea/docs/dep/service/adr/adjherfm.doc The Notice of Claim must be made in writing and sent by certified mail or hand delivery to: MassDEP Case Administrator One Winter Street, 2nd Floor Boston, MA 02108 A copy of the complete Notice of Claim must be sent at the same time by certified mail or hand delivery to: (1) the Applicant, (2) the municipal official of the city or town where the project is located, and (3) the issuing office of the MassDEP, which in this case is located at: MassDEP Waterways Regulation Program One Winter Street, 5th Floor Boston, MA 02108 The MassDEP Adjudicatory Hearing Fee Transmittal Form and a valid check payable to “The Commonwealth of Massachusetts” in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100) must be mailed to: MassDEP Commonwealth Master Lockbox P.O. Box 4062 Boston, MA 02211 What information must be included in the hearing request? Pursuant to 310 CMR 9.17(3), any Notice of Claim requesting an adjudicatory hearing must include the following information: (a) the MassDEP Waterways Application File Number; (b) the complete name, address, fax number and telephone number of the Applicant; (c) the address of the project; (d) the complete name, address, fax number, and telephone number of the party filing the request and, if represented by counsel, the name, address, fax number, and phone number of the attorney; (e) if claiming to be a person aggrieved, the specific facts that demonstrate that the party satisfies the definition of “aggrieved person” found in 310 CMR 9.02; (f) a clear statement that a formal adjudicatory hearing is being requested; (g) a clear statement of the facts which are the grounds for the proceedings, the specific objections to the MassDEP’s written decision, and the relief sought through the adjudicatory hearing, including specifically the changes desired in the final written decision; and (h) a statement that a copy of the request has been sent to: the Applicant and the municipal official of the city or town where the project is located. Dismissal of request The request for appeal will be dismissed if the filing fee is not paid unless the appellant is exempt or is granted a waiver. Exemptions The filing fee is not required if the appellant is a city or town (or municipal agency), county, or district of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or a municipal housing authority. Waiver The Department may waive the adjudicatory hearing filing fee pursuant to 310 CMR 4.06(2) for a person who shows that paying the fee will create an undue financial hardship. A person seeking a waiver must file an affidavit setting forth the facts believed to support the claim of undue financial hardship together with the hearing request as provided above. Please contact Alice Doyle of the Waterways Regulation Program at alice.doyle@mass.gov or (617) 654-6624 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Daniel Padien Program Chief Waterways Regulation Program cc: Hopkinton Select Board Hopkinton Planning Board Hopkinton Conservation Commission Malcolm and Jill Page (mjjrkp@gmail.com) Draft Draft Draft X Draft Draft James Valis Sixty‐seven 67.00)  DRAFT 21-WW06-0001-APP DRAFT 21-WW06-0001-APP DRAFT 21-WW06-0001-APP a oZ /z/e)_ dr-ve-e-a-/ 6/10/2021 Town of Hopkinton, MA Mail - Acceler-8 I-90 Bridge Replacements Project Update: I-90 Movable Barrier Trial Run Completed Ahead of S… https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=dbd2da471e&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f%3A1701855211630165739&simpl=msg-f%3A17018552116…1/2 Elaine Lazarus <elainel@hopkintonma.gov> Acceler-8 I-90 Bridge Replacements Project Update: I-90 Movable Barrier Trial Run Completed Ahead of Schedule MassDOT <massDOT@public.govdelivery.com>Sun, Jun 6, 2021 at 5:39 PM Reply-To: massDOT@public.govdelivery.com To: selectboard@hopkintonma.gov You are subscribed to the Acceler-8 I-90 Bridge Replacements Project from MassDOT. MassDOT I-90 Movable Barrier "Trial Run" Completed Ahead of Schedule All I-90 lanes eastbound and westbound between Framingham – Hopkinton reopened for travel last night at 9:15 p.m. Project Update MassDOT announced that the I-90 “trial run” of the movable barrier implementation was successfully completed last night and all lanes of I-90 eastbound and westbound between Framingham and Hopkinton reopened at 9:15 p.m. MassDOT’s contractor originally anticipated completion today, Sunday, June 6, at 5:00 a.m. The purpose of the "trial run" was to test the I-90 temporary traffic set up for the project to replace 8 bridges when the work activities are done on weekends this summer. The goal was to make sure the traffic shift and lane reduction will run as smoothly as possible during the actual bridge replacement weekends from June 18 through August 16, 2021. MassDOT appreciates the patience of drivers using I-90 during the "trial run" from 7 p.m., Friday June 4, through 9:15 p.m., Saturday, June 5. How can I find out more information? Stay up-to-date and informed by visiting the project website below or emailing us with any questions. You can also sign up to received email notifications on the project website. Project website: mass.gov/Acceler8Bridges Project email: A8@dot.state.ma.us 6/10/2021 Town of Hopkinton, MA Mail - Acceler-8 I-90 Bridge Replacements Project Update: I-90 Movable Barrier Trial Run Completed Ahead of S… https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=dbd2da471e&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f%3A1701855211630165739&simpl=msg-f%3A17018552116…2/2 Title VI Notice of Nondiscrimination: MassDOT complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related federal and state statutes and regulations. It is the policy of MassDOT to ensure that no person or group of persons shall on the grounds of Title VI protected categories, including race, color, national origin, or under additional federal and state protected categories including sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, creed, ancestry, veteran's status, or background, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity administered by MassDOT. To request additional information about this commitment, or to file a complaint under Title VI or a related nondiscrimination provision, please contact MassDOT's Title VI Specialist by phone at (857) 368-8580, MassRelay Service 7-1-1, fax (857) 368-0602 or by e-mail at MASSDOT.CivilRights@dot.state.ma.us. If information is needed in another language, please contact the MassDOT Title VI Specialist by phone at (857) 368- 8580. Caso esta informação seja necessária em outro idioma, favor contar o Especialista em Título VI do MassDOT pelo fone 857-368-8580. Si necesita información en otro lenguaje, favor contactar al especialista de MassDOT del Título VI al 857-368-8580. 如果需要使用其它语言了解信息,请联系马萨诸塞州交通部(MassDOT)《民权法》第六章专职人员,电话 857-368- 8580。 如果需要使用其它語言了解信息,請聯系馬薩諸塞州交通部(MassDOT)《民權法》第六章專職人員,電話 857-368- 8580。 Questions? Contact Us STAY CONNECTED: SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: Manage Preferences | Unsubscribe All | Subscription Help This email was sent to selectboard@hopkintonma.gov using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of the: Massachusetts Department of Transportation · 10 Park Plaza, Suite 4160 · Boston, MA 02116 877-623-6846