HomeMy Public PortalAboutPB Minutes 1996-05-07 Planning Board 517196 Minutes 1 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES 577796—7 96 A meeting of the Orleans Planning Board was held in Room A of the Town Hall. Present were Chairman Alan Conklin; Vice Chairman Stan Hart; Tad Vautrinot; Nate Pulling; George Walker; Town Planner Paul Halkiotis, Secretary Janet Albahari. Absent was Simms McGrath. Chairman Conklin called the meeting to order at 7 : 00 PM. Public Hearing for the Preliminary Plan Prepared for Harry Hunt, showing property on Tom' s Hollow Lane. Also present: Larry Wilcox, Ryder and Wilcox, Inc; Barbara Melcher, Bob Melcher, Mary Louse Brier; Nick Mazzarese. Clerk George Walker read correspondence received by the Planning Office since the 2/13/96 Planning Board meeting (when this plan was last heard) : TO: FROM: DATE: Planning Board Mr. & Mrs Myron Belfer 2/22/96 Mr. & Mrs Donald Durgan Mr. & Mrs . John Joyce Mr. & Mrs . Donald McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs . James Melcher Planning Board Fire Chief Merril 3/26/96 Tom' s Hollow Ln Paul Halkiotis 4/8/96 Abutters Mr. & Mrs . McLaughlin Charles Hart 4/10/96 Tom' s Hollow Ln Paul Halkiotis 4/24/96 Abutters Larry Wilcox also read a letter from himself addressed to the Board, dated 3/29/96. Said letter addressed the waivers sought by the applicant. Larry Wilcox explained the latest revisions to the plan. Alan Conklin asked for comments from the audience. Bob Melcher said that the 1975 covenant on this subdivision stated that the lot in question and two other lots were restricted to 1 dwelling per lot. He asked how the Board could release one of the lots, and Planning Board 517196 Minutes 2 not the others . Paul Halkiotis and Larry Wilcox explained the application process to Mr. Melcher. Mary Louise Briar said that she was in favor of the roadway improvements and the installation of town water. MOTION:On a motion by George Walker, seconded by Stan Hart, the Board voted to not grant a waiver from the Orleans Subdivision Rules and Regulations Section 192-III D 6, Traffic Safety and Convenience, Standards of Adequacy. VOTE:The vote was 3-2-0, Alan Conklin and Nate Pulling opposed. MOTION:On a motion by Tad Vautrinot, seconded by George Walker, the Board voted to not grant a waiver from the Orleans Subdivision Rules and Regulations Section 192-II D 1 a (5) Preliminary Plans, Contents of Filing For Preliminary Plans. VOTE:The vote was 4-0-1, Stan Hart abstained. MOTION:On a motion by George Walker, seconded by Stan Hart, the Board voted to disapprove a Preliminary Plan of land in S. Orleans, MA; prepared for Harry Hunt III; scale 1" = 80 ' ; dated December 29, 1995, and revised March 29, 1996; prepared by Ryder and Wilcox, Inc. The plan is disapproved because it does not comply with the Orleans Subdivision Rules and Regulations Article III: Design Standards, section D, Traffic Convenience and Safety, subsection 6, Standards of Adequacy. VOTE:The vote was 3-2-0, Alan Conklin and Nate Pulling opposed. Approval of Minutes MOTION:On a motion by Nate Pulling, seconded by Tad Vautrinot, the Board voted to approve the minutes of 4/23/96. VOTE:The vote was 5-0-0, unanimous. Updates and Board Business The Board discussed strategy for Town Meeting. The Community of Jesus has filed site plans to the Site Plan Review Committee. Paul reminded the Board of two training sessions coming up: the Citizen/Planner Training Conference and the Planning Board/Zoning Board of Appeals Conference. The Board was updated on the status of the Local Comprehensive Plan. Public Hearing for the Preliminary Plan prepared for Donald Payzant, Planning Board 517196 Minutes 3 for property on Beach Road. Also present: David Lyttle, Ryder and Wilcox; Jeff Karlson, agent of applicant; Debbie McCarthy, neighbor. David Lyttle presented the plan to the Board. He also presented a Soil Certification dated 4/12/96 inspected by D. Quinn (Ryder and Wilcox) reporting that "the results of the test hole, as shown above, indicate that the soil conditions on subject lot will support a subsurface sewage disposal system. " George Walker read the correspondence from: FROM: TO: DATE: Conservation Administrator Paul Halkiotis 5/1/96 Sandy Macfarlane Health Agent Robert Canning Paul Halkiotis 5/7/96 David Lyttle, Ryder & Wilcox Planning Board 4/25/96 Charles E. Medchill Paul Halkiotis 4/30/96 Water Superintendent Highway Manager Bob Bersin Paul Halkiotis 5/6/96 Discussion occurred regarding the drainage which was proposed in the Conservancy District. It was suggested that the applicant either seek a variance from the Zoning Bylaw, or redesign the drainage. Nate Pulling suggested increasing the turning radius of the proposed cul-de-sac to 45 ' . MOTION:On a motion by George Walker, seconded by Tad Vautrinot, the Board voted to grant a waiver from the Subdivision Rules and Regulations, Dead End Street Length (192-3. ,D. ,3. ) ; the proposed way is 990+/- long. The Board feels that the proposed lots are twice the minimum lot size and a long road is required to service them. VOTE:5-0-0, unanimous. MOTION:On a motion by George Walker, seconded by Tad Vautrinot, the Board voted to grant a waiver from the Subdivision Rules and Regulations, Road Grade (192-3. ,D. ,6. ) . The Board feels that the 12% grade exists only along a short length of the road. VOTE:5-0-0, unanimous. Planning Board 517196 Minutes 4 MOTION:On a motion by George Walker, seconded by Stan Hart, the Board voted to approve a Preliminary Plan of Land in Orleans, MA; Prepared for Donald C. Payzant; Scale 1" = 50 ' ; dated April 1996; prepared by Ryder and Wilcox, Inc. Said plan is approved contingent upon compliance with the following conditions. 1.The Definitive Plan shall include a water easement that extends to the southern boundary of the parcel, for the purpose of continuation of the water main, in the event that the abutting land owned by Mr. Payzant is subdivided in the future. 2.The applicant shall file a Notice of Intent with the Conservation Commission at the same time as filing the Definitive Plan application. 3.The Definitive Plan shall note the necessary work to improve the clear site visibility at the intersection of Beach Road. 4.The applicant shall provide a list of proposed names for the new road. 5.The Definitive Plan shall contain a note that the new road will be a private road. 6.A note shall be placed in the typical roadway cross section indicating that areas disturbed during construction shall be revegetated. 7.The roadway storm water drainage located within the Conservancy District shall be redesigned and/or relocated outside the Conservancy District, as it currently is in violation of the Zoning Bylaw Section 164-15 C (2) . VOTE:5-0-0, unanimous. David Lyttle asked if he can file a Notice of Intent with the Conservation Commission before the Definitive Plan is filed. The answer was "yes . " Approval Not Required Plan for property located on Rock Harbor Road. Applicant: Robert Brothers Also present: Chet Lay, Slade Associates . This plan proposes an even exchange of land between Lots 1 and 2 so that the proposed structure on Lot 1 will meet setback requirements . MOTION:On a motion by Stan Hart, seconded by Nate Pulling, the Board voted to authorize Paul Halkiotis, Orleans Town Planner, to endorse the Approval Not Required Plan of Land in Orleans, Planning Board 517196 Minutes 5 MA, being a redivision of lots 1 and 2 as shown in Plan Book 278, page 43, made for owners Robert F. Brothers and Rosalie A. Cameron, scale 1" = 401 , dated April 25, 1996, prepared by Slade Associates, Inc, Wellfleet, MA VOTE:5-0-0, unanimous Adjournment MOTION:On a motion by Nate Pulling, seconded by Tad Vautrinot, the Planning Board voted to adjourn. VOTE:5-0-0, unanimous