HomeMy Public PortalAbout01 January 9, 1979 TC MinutesTOWN OF YAItROw POINT The regular meeting of the Council of the Town. of Yarrow Point was held. on January 40 9, 1279„at the Town office at 7:30 P. M. Those in attendance were Mayor Minor. C. Lile, Council Robert Becklund, .Tuanita Loder, Carson Wheeler and Jeanne Whiting. Dr. Melvin Freeman, Councilman, attended a meeting; at the Three Points School on "Erasion Milfoil" at the Mayor's request and arrived at this meeting about 9:30 P. M. Others in attendance were Ronald C. Dickinson, Town Attorney, H. Allan Newbill, Town Engineer/Building; Official, Chief Albert Anglin and Lorraine M. Diede, Clerk/ Treasurer. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor. POLICE REPORT Chief Anglin presented a review of Police activities for the month of December 1978. Discussion. Chief. Anglin stated he is working; with Mr. Dickinson on bringing our Traffic and Criminal Code Ordinances up to date. Hopefully, they will be presented at the next Council meeting. Mailbox vandalism - 92nc. and 34th �- August 30 31, 1978 Mayor Lile reported he has sent letters to all, the parents of the young people involved and has heard from two of the parents. He stated the matter is under control at this time, as far as he can determine. Recommendation from the Planning Commission The Planning Commission, at their meeting of January 2, 1979, agreed to recommend to the Council the follow: Add a sentence to Section 9.2 Off -Street parking - Ordinance #225 - to read - "On -Street Parking is not permitted except in accordance with the regulations of the Town of Yarrow Point traffic Ordinance" and suggested a limit of six hours to be included in the Traffic Ordinance. Chief Anglin suggested using the wording ",No Parking on Street Rights of Way" -instead of referring to "No- On -Street Parking _ because On -Street means on pavement and the intent here is to have no parking on the shoulders or on the travelled portion. Discussion took place. The Council approved and the Chief agreed with this change. Since this is a chane in the Zoning Ordinance - by the addition of a sentence - "Parking on Street Rights of Way is not permitted except in accordance with the regulations of the Town of Yarrow Point Traffic Ordinance" there is a need for a public hearing. At the time Chief is understood that in said ordinance. Mayor Life referred to 92nd Avenue N. E. cause using Highway .520. lin presents the proosed revised Traffic Ordinance it e propose-_ limit of 6 hours will be iscussed for inclusion the traffic _roblem still existing at Points Drive and by traffic diverting through Points Drive instead o Page 2 Minutes of Council Meeting.1/9/79 He related again his discussion with the Director of the Highway Department on possible ways to find a solution. Mr. Zirkle has informed him that the cost to place apeak'-hour barrier at the Town limits is estimated to cost $12,000,;_ to provi e a turnaroun - an additional $5,00Q, plus $2,000 for signing. It was suggested that our Town Engineer might have some further information in regard to those figures. He was asked to see if he might come up with some lower costs .for this barrier arrangement. It was discussed that the , ;t.,, - ng off of the tolls (in June of 1979) should ,irelieve this problem for the most part. ,r PROPOSED ORDINANCE #232 entitled "An Ordinance of the Town Co cil of he To of Yarrow oint, asMr�qn, provi ins for the sale and issuance of unlimited tax levv enerai ooir ation nonos of the -lbwn 1n the principal amount a -,$17S,000 for the purpose of providing -Lm s to pay the cost of :improving certain public streets of th'a Town as provided in Ordinance No. 228 passed September 21, 1978 and as authorized by the qualified electors of the Town at a special election held November 7, 1978; providing the date, form, terms and maturities of the bonds; creating a Construction Fund and a Bond Redemption Fund; providing for the annual levy and collection of ad valorem taxes to pay the principal of and :interest on the bonds, and provide for the public sale thereof" was -read and discussed. The Notice of Bond Sale was also read and discussed. A letter from James Ellis, our Band Attorney, to Lorraine Diede, dated 1/4/79 was also read and discussed. Page 4 of Ordinance #232, top paragraph refers to 'The pledge under Ordinance 9232 may be discharged at or prior to the maturity or redemption of bonds of this issue upon the making of provision for the payment thereof on the terms and conditions set forth in Ordinance #232". Ronald Dickinson explained that we have a pledge to levy taxes every year to be put into the Bond Redemption Fund to guarantee repayment of bonds and interest but we may elect to not levy an excess levy - if we have another source of £ands to pay them off, such as out of the General Fund. After considerable discussion, a motion was made by Carson Wheeler that Ordinance No. 232 as stated above be adopted. The motion was seconded by Jeanne 1�hiting. A question was asked - Has the King County. Election Department certified to the Town of Yarrow Point that the bond issue passed? The answer was "Yes". After no further discussion, the motion was passed unanimously. Design work for the bond issue street improvement. �� �.r�IlYm YYYYY.IYI�`IIY IIIIIIYIUI..YYYYY.Y.� The Clerk asked the question as to whether or not it would be proper to approve the design work prior to the sale of the Bonds. The Town Attorney stated that the risk is very minimal and suggested that the Town should go ahead with the approval at this time. The ?Mayor stated that the Council would accept that recommendation. Discussion. After discussion, Jeannie Whiting made a motion to authorize the Town Engineer to begin the design work on this project. Carson ZNheeler seconded, and the mot' was passed unanimousiv. pan 0 • Page 3 Minutes of Council Meeting 1/9/79 The Mayor referred to a schedule of the engineering; i. e., design work beginning and completion, survey wor i preparation and opening, construction start and finish, etc. Discussion of the availability of asphalt when our bids go out. Discussion of how much additional street work could be included and accepted under the $175,000 i all ills were pan for t e work specifie an outline in A Newsletter is to go out to all residents - asking for their imput in regard to the street projects - within the next week or so. Information will also refer to the procedure for the sale of the bonds. Mrs. Diede stated she and the Fngineer had discussed a possible schedule as follows: January 9, 1979 Council Meeting - Adopt Ordinance #232 - Approve Design work February 13th _ 2 P. M. Bid Opening Bids publically opened, read and evaluated February 13th Council - Acted upon About two or three months from the time we direct the engineer to start design work - work can go out for bid. June 12th Council - Open bids July 1st or before - Work begins Allan. Newbiil stated we will be billed for 50% of the estimated design fee and then when the design work is e Ty will bill us for 900 of the estimated design fee....and wait until/ x�c i �leted to bill for the actual design fee cost - in case it may be less than estimated. Survey costs are not included in this billing. Once the design work is completed, construction engineering will be charged on an hourly basis, because the total construction cost is over $100,000. Total estimated engineering costs are estimated to be approximately $25,000. Design work - Based on a curve - 8?% of construction cost see URS Co. Manual No. 45 Estimated construction cost (includes 10% contingency) $145,000 W $12,325. Design and construction costs are estimated to be close to the same amount. Page 4 Minutes of Council Meeting 1/9/79 The Engineer stated that the shoulder line alon 92nd Avenue N.E. to the Fountain and lon Points Drive east wi 1 nee to e redone in p aces, as soon as weather permits.Paint- - zne w-11T do this as well as do the island at 92nd Avenue N.E. and Pts Dr. at that time. 5 Ton Load Limit signs need to be placed at 92nd Avenue N.E. and N. E. 37th Place as we... as at 4th at 38th. The Clerk was directed to see that this is accomplished, immediately. The Mayor mentioned that two prospects for Buil.din Official have been interviewed. Allan Newbill has previously advised that he or his sta a not have sufficient time to continue in this capacity. Dr. Freeman arrived from the 'NI� meeting at the Three Points School The Mayor reviewed some of the background regarding this meeting. An Evergreen Point resident has been working towards the possibilities of conquering the problem of the "Eurasion Milfoil". The Department of Ecology has been contacted. Three chemicals are available but must be applied by a licensed applicator. There is a question of costs and whether an EIS is necessary. At the Evergreen Point resident's request, the Mayor has written a letter to the DOE requesting them to immediately approve the application as against waiting for the process of the EIS. The Mayor then thanked Dr. Freeman for attending the meeting at Three Points and asked for his report. There were 200 to 250 people in attendance A number of speakers including Mayor Barton, Respresentatives of the DOE, METRO, A-1. Spray Co, and the University, plus representatives of the producers of the chemical product to be considered. There are 60 acres planned to be used in Fairweather Bay, and Cozy Cove. Yarrow Bay is not .included at this time. The concerns of this weed growing in the lake is that it is a nuisance - a possible threat to human life. Whoever hopes to apply a herbicide must get permission from the DOE. This is the largest area that has ever been considered. Metro has been studying the problem since 1974 but have no recommendations at this time. DOE has reviewed the application and they do want an EIS. The target date is June 1, 1979. This would allow time to apply the material this year, if deemed feasible. Alternatives - Wedding harvesting... Page 5 Minutes of Council Meeting 1/9/79 Chemical — K is recommended by the Herbicide Company. Not casoron . DOE felt that in a year they would be in a better position to evaluate this problem. Discussion of Yarrow Point's share of the costs. DOE will write the EIS. The Federal Government is looking into this problem also - because it is occurring in other locations. N. E. 36TH STREET APPEAL DECISION The Town brought legal action against the property owners abutting the road end of N. E. 36th Street in July of 1978 The decision -rendered at that time was in favor of the abutting owners. The Town appealed the decision. The ATtorney handling the case for -the Town has advised that the appeal decision "was also in favor of the abutting"owners. Discussion. The Council determined that no further appeal,would be made. At the direction of the Council, upon the advise of Alan F. Austin, ATtorney, a sign has been posted at the road end of N, E. 42nd Street. The sign reads as follows: ROAD END N. E. 42nd Street This 20' wide area is for access to LAKE WASHINGTON for swimmers, small boats that are hand carried and for those who may wish to enjoy the view from the water's edge. There are absolutely no vehicles allowed at any time. TOWN OF YARROW POINT This sign was posted by the City of Medina Street Department Superintendent in December 1978 and two wodden posts with a barrier across with reflectorized buttons were placed at the street pavement end of N.E. 42nd Street. The City of Bellevue assisted with this placement charging no labor. There is a sanitary sewer installation, under the ground, under the jurisdiction of the City of Bellevue, in the vicinity of this road end. No vehicles are permitted to drive over this installation, according to the City of Bellevue. For this reason, and for the reasons presented to the Town by Mrs. Ted Shanahan whose residence is on the north side of the -road end - and the narrowness of the'area this installation was approved by the Council. Page 6 Minutes of Council Meeting 1/9/79 Mrs. Loder discussed the need to protect;ol..ir roadends, particularly in regard to assuring that their boundaries are established. She felt that those boundaries should be physically. -designated on the ground. (Note from Lorraine Diede - The road end of N.F. 42nd Street was surveyed by ,zones, Bassi and Associates in 1971, copy of said survey is within the Town files. Said roadend is 20' wide .for a length of 167.66'. It shows that bulkheads from properties on both sides are constructed into the 20' at the water's edge. The road end of N.F. 47th Street was surveyed by John B. Dodds in 1972, copy of said survey is within the Town files. Said road end is -at the termination of the 60' right of way of N.E. 47th Street where it widens 20' one si p a to a1 of 100' width for a distance of 85' plus �zi-ha�ic#g ide facing the water and 80, plus or minus/oif -h ode. 4n this survey there is no indication made as to ,-"` -,-.construction or plantings: -from the abutting owner's property into the roadend area.) Back to N. E. 36th Street discussion, Dr. Freeman suggested asking the office of the King County Prosecuting Attorney to review the decision recently handed down, since it does involve the County. They once owned this land and own many other similar roadends. Recommendation from the Planning Commission meeting of January 2, 1979 re MORNINGS IDE PARK - To be discussed at the February 13, 1979 Council meeting. King County ]Marine Patrol Services Contract for 1979. After discussion, a motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously that the Mayor be directed to signand return said contract to King County. Police Services Contract with CitX of Medina for 1979. After discussion, a motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously that the Mayor be directed to sign and return said contract'to the City of Medina. Note: It has been determined by Lorraine Diede that the cost listed on the contract is $951 over and above their proposed cost at the time of budget finalizatioril Medina advices that this information was sent to us on December 28, 1978.,"7 This information was not noted until after this 1/9/79 meeting. The Mayor has contacted Medina in this regard.) Housin and Communi Development Block Grant Pro am A eement for 1979. After discussion, a motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously that the 'Mayor be directed to sign and return said agreement to King County. This gx . m pt acknowledges the rejoining of Yarrow Point with the King County cot: sortiLmi 'ror 19 79. _King Count Jail Agreement - awaiting cost figures. • Page 7 Minutes of Council Meeting 1/9/79 City of Bellevue Fire Protection Services Contract. Originally Presented .for a 5-year term based on the calculating of the number of equivalents, the total square footage of each non-residential structure or development shall be divided. by 2,000 square feet. The Towns. Clyde Hill, Medina, Hints Point, Beaux Arts and Yarrow Point agreed to accept. Carson Wheeler reports that the City of. Bellevue has reneged on the term of the contract. They only want to contract for one year. A letter has been sent to the City of Bellevue signed by all Towns that we are not accepting the contract as written now - changing the length of the term of the contract from five years to only one year. The Mayor was requested to write the Mayor of the City of Bellevue stating that we have received a contract for fire services within the Town of Yarrow Point for the year 1979 through 1.983 and have the understanding that the City of Bellevue will provide fire services to us on a continuing basis during the negotiations to resolve our questions. Appointment of !tZan Montgomery to the 'Board of Adjustment. he Mayor announced the above appointment and the Council concurred. TREMURER' S REPORT The financial status of the Town at the end of. the ,year 1978 is attached to a copy of these minutes for the Mayor anci Coimcil's review. VOUCHERS The following vouchers were approved for payment: (copy attached) Current Expense #2390 through #2409 Street N983 through #986 ADJOURNr•'fE�fi 10:30 P. M. ••��� Lorraine M. Diede, Clerk/Treasurer T.., Lorraine '1. Diede, Clerk of the Town of Yarrow Paint, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct cony of the Council Minutes of. the Council Meeting held on January 9, 1979 at which. time Ordinance #232 of the ?bwn of Yarrow Point -•i 4s;;adopted. , Lorraine 'I. Diede, Clerk/Treasurer Treasurer L STREET 50.00 862.38 125.00 40.00 177.38 165.75 326.70 19.04 60.40 31.16 365.00 365.00 37.89 50.63 29j : 88 1,227.00 TOWN OF YARROW POINT VOUCHERS 1/9/79 CURRENT EXPENSE 2390 - U. S. Post Office - Bulk Mailing of. Newsletters 828.90 Stamps 21.10 2391 Lorraine M. Diede - Services of January $1,400 less W/T $365. S/S 88.62 - Retire 84.00 537.62 2392 - Christian Diede - Rent for Town office - January 1979 2393 - United States Post Office - Bulk Mailing Permit fee 1979 2394 - Public Employees Retirement System - L. M. D. $84.00 Town 14.00 2395 - Daily Journal of Commerce -- Publication 1/19/79 - Notice of Bond Sale 2396 - Daily Journal American - Publication 1/12/79 - Ord. #232 FT Notice of Bond Sale 2397 - P1DQ - Printing Newsletters $13.39 and Milfoil Notice 85.65 2398 - Wash. Physician's Service - K. W. Day insurance premium 1/79 2399 - DepartThent of Labor and Industries - due 6/30/78 2400 - Seattle First National Bank - Bellevue - lst Deposit 2nd Qtr. Lorraine M. Diede 2401 - " 2nd Deposit 2nd Qtr. 2402 - Pacific N.W. Bell - Office telephone 1/9/79 $33.40 plus Long distance $4.49 2403 - Washington Natural. -Gas Co. - office heat 12/9 - 1/10/79 2404 - N. W.-Copy 'Supplies - Toner and Dispenser-.- -� 24.93 Maintenance Agreement 1979 - $205.53 2405 - URS COMPANY - December Retainer 65.00 #16179,80 Bldg. Permits 11/1-11/24 226.86 2406 - Don Yiile - Placing Milfoil Meeting notices on maT1 axes 2407 - Fred S. James & Co. - Police 650411E5484 - Liability Ins. 12/18/78 - 12/18/79 2408 - Lorraine M. Diede -- Reimbursement for misc. expenses for Town Tapes $2.69, Dump fee $1.50, Lite fixtures $8.74, UPS 2.39 = 15.32 2409 - Suburban Finance Officers Association - 1979 dues 10.00 ', 453.9q 983 - URS COMPANY - 12/29/78 - #16181 � 82 - Street Maint. $39.12 Water Problem 30.98 70.10 984 - King County Office of Comptroller - Invoice # 11560 Sign for Road end NO E. 42nd 75.42 985 - Sahlberg Equipment Co. - Inc. #12650 - Reflector buttons for 1/16 N. E. 42nd road end 9.29 986 - Paint A Line, Inc. - Inv. 8132 - Striping and arrow - $422.90 1/ 2 2/ 79 Inv. 8164 - Curbing 250.00 672.90 TOWN OF YARROW 1},) Wr TRPALSEIRE-R' S REFORT YEAR END 1978 1/20/79 Cash Balance 11/20/78 $212,877.93 Investment Balance 11/20/78 30,166.49 Total 11/20/78 $53,044.42 Plus receipts.1.1/21 - 12/31/78 59,79.1.04 (Includes Purchased. and Sold In,,restment entxies) Total Year end. 1978 $112,835.46 Less Disbursements Warrants Paid 12/7, 1/2/79 and 1/20/79 $25,271.47 State Treasurer _ November 172.00 Sold Investments 20,002.06 Purchased Investments - Interest 1,272.77 Purchased Cold Bond - Arterial Street 20,000.00 Transfer Ajiti Precession to Current Exp. 2.06 66,720.36 Balance Year end 1978 (1/20/79) $46,115.10 Fund Cash Monk Balances Investments Totals Current expense $ 4,942.11. $ 216.59 $ 5,158.70. Street 4,912.56 5,958.91 1.0,871.47 Arterial Street 4,806.23 5,255.47 30,061.70 Federal Revenue Sharing 17.00 6.23 23.23 Anti Recession -0- -0- -0- Year end balances 1978 $14,677.90 $31,437,20 $46,115.20 No outstanding warrants due at year end Legal Fees Outstanding at year end N. F. 36th St. thru 5/31/78 $ `'$.;993.35 Sideline Boundaries thru 6/9/78 2,337.23 !,33 .58 No other outstanding debts at year end 1978 - Lorraine M. :Oiede, Clerk/'Treasurer TOWN OF YARROW POINT 4705.91 tt AVENUE N.E. BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 GE 46"4 Fund. Current Expense Street Arterial Street Federal Revenue Sharing TREA-91REn' S REMPT 1',AR EM) 1978 Cash Book Balances investments Totals $ 4,942.11 $ 216.59 S,158.70 4,912.56 5,958.91 10,871.47 4,806.23 5,255.47 20,000.00 30,061.70 17.00 6.23 23.23 $14,677.90 $31,437.20 $46,115.10 'mere are no warrants outstandin{; as of year end 1978 Legal. Fees Outstanding as of year encl 1978 - �3,330.58 No other debts outstmiding Lorraine M. Diede, Clerk/Treasurer 16