HomeMy Public PortalAbout1966-02-26 Meeting230 There being no further business on motion of Mr. Landis, seconded by Mr. Taplin the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: Village Clerk COUNCIL MINUTES February 26, 1966 Mayor The Council of Bal Harbour Village met at 9:30 A. M., February 26, 1966, in the Village Hall. Present were: Messrs. Faulkner, Hart, Landis, Taplin and White Also present were W. H. Webb, Village Manager; Mary T. Wetterer, Village Clerk; and Thomas Anderson, Village Attorney. On motion of Mr. Taplin, seconded by Mr. White, the minutes of the pre- vious meeting of January 29, 1966, were approved as submitted. Mr. Webb stated that he and Mr. Roth had met with the water department officials of North Miami Beach regarding the proposed contract and that they had accepted all of Mr. Anderson's and Mr. Roth's proposals and recommendations. The contract is now being re -drafted to be presented to their Council after which it will be considered by this Council. Mr. Webb said he had contacted the State Road Department and had been informed that they did not think an appropriation could be gotten in the new budget for the Collins Avenue storm drainege work but possibly some Primary Road Funds might be available. He then wrote to Mr. Chelsie Senerchia, a member of the State Road Department Board for this district, who suggested they meet with the Public Works officials of Dade County to discuss this matter. Mr. Taplin said the Chamber of Commerce had asked him to find out if they could help and after discussion it was decided this was a technical matter at present and perhaps the Chamber could be used later. The Village Clerk read RESOLUTION NO. 139 approving the concept of the division of responsibility for City -County functions. On motion of Mr. Faulkner, seconded by Mr. Taplin, and unanimously passed the Resolution was adopted. February 26, 1966 231 Mr. Webb said he had soot a letter to the Hai Harbour Club explaining Mr, Anderson's opinion that the Village shul:: lilt move the barricade at 96" Street and Hal Hay Drive. The Club replied thatthey had no oh,ject.ien to the mnvino if done at Vi,'ane rrr;, a:nsr-. q!t.,r whi-H he re -contacted them and they agree❑ to send a check to cover the expenoe of moving the barricade to the north end of hat Bay Drive at Park Drive, ,iro+.idinu the gate be kept Locked at all times. The Council then reviewed the alternate plan of having :r seeoni: opening at the north r:nri or T.ne parkin:i lot to permit the Village residents to enter from this side. Mr. Hart said hu has already made a rough sketch cf this idea anr' discussed itwith a member or too Board of Governors and it was his understanding that they would not approve it. Mr. landis moved that the village Manager present a elan t.0 the Ciuh incorporating his orioinal thinking showing ingress and eoress on eitner side of the barricade wherever it may he Located so you can net in and nut by using the parking lot as a thoroughfare. the motion was seconded by :lr. rau!kncr and on vote passed four, yes; Mr. Hart, no. Mr. Webb told the Councilthat the Ha! Harbour Regency Hotel had asked for a reduction in their 1965 Personal Property tax assessment from*'2L1!,HtD to i156,0D0 due to a typographical error in their return. He said that Dade County had given them a reduction to this amount and that he had asked the County Assessor to inform him of the basis en which this was granted as it .-+s too low in his estimation. Mr. Mndi:rson suggested that Mr. Webb make a report of this at the next meeting and advise the corporation co nay the tax bill awaiting possible adjustment. Mr. Mitchell Potter of the Surfside Chamber of Commerce appeared before the Council to request that they reconsider their action of last month and allow the "Salute to Canada" parade to come through Hal Harbour. Mr. Patter said they hag contacted the Sheriff's Department and they would furnish twenty-eight ur';,. •,rs some of which would he stationed at all crossings on Collins Avenue to permit the flow of traffic from the hotels. rflr. Landis said he believed that this parade would create a traffic hazzard and was not in favor of it coming through Hal harbour. Mr. uiehb said in mentioning it to the State Road De:+nrtrnent they were definitely, against it. After discussion it was moved by Mr. Faulkner, seconded by Mr. Taplin and voted that the parade he permitted to come down one side cf Collins Avenue with traffic flowing in both directions on the other side of the street provided that the breakup of Lhe units were at the north end of Baker's Haulovar in the County Park. Mayor Hart asked Mr. Anderson if no had the ordinance for parkino on lots 1 & 2 of Block 1 and Mr. Anderson said he had written Mr. Webb that he did not think this necessary but if the Council wished he would prepare an ordinance to make a zoning change to fo:rmit parking on these lots. Mr. Hart suggested that this be done for the next. meeting. Mr. Webb said that the Council had beer given :;ermission for temporary signs to announce the opening of new stores ,:L Lhe ial Harbour ;hops. He said he would like the Council to determine just what they consider temporary so he could inform the management when these sions were approved. It was the opinion of the Council that the signs could stay u❑ for 3fl days. February 26, 1966 232 The Village Clerk informed the Council that it was time to renew the Post Office Contract Station contract and that the Village manager would like to discuss the situation with the Council. He said that the post office work took a great deal of time and was serving people from all over the area. After discussion it was decided to renew the contract as it was good public relations on motion of Mr. Landis, seconded by Mr. Faulkner and voted four, yea; Mr. White, no. There being no further business on motion of mr. White, seconded by mr. Taplin the meeting was adjourned. Attest: Village Clerk „So. \\-\„.\\N March 12, 1966 Mayor The Council of Bel Harbour Village met Saturday, march 12, 1966, at 9:30 A.M., in the Village Hall. Present were: Messrs. Faulkner, Hart, Landis, and White Absent: Mr. Taplin Also present were W. H. Webb, Village Manager; Mary T. Wetterer, Village Clerk; and Thomas Anderson, Village Attorney. On motion of Mr. Landis, seconded by Mr. Faulkner, the minutes of the previous meeting of February 26, 1966, were approved as submitted. The Village Manager reviewed for the Council the negotiations so far with the City of North Miami Beach and said he had sent copies of the water agreement we are to consider this morning to both Mr. Anderson and Mr. Roth. He said he also contacted Bay Harbor Islands with regard to this agreement and also to see if they were able to work out anything with the City of North Miami. He read a letter from Mr. Preble, Manager of Bay Harbor Islands, in which he stated that they had no information from North Miami and were in accord with our nego- tiations with North Miami Beach. The Council then considered 11ie agreement and Mr. Roth read to them his report stating that the agreement called for delivery at not less than 30 pounds pressure at a rate of flow of 2.5 MGD. It also regulates the salt content allowable. He said he believed the costs estimated in Exhibit "A" relsonable and that he approved of the agreement. Mr. Roth was asked how long it would take for this construction and Mr. Roth said he believed about six to eight months. Mr. Anderson said we should pursue the construction March 12, 1966