HomeMy Public PortalAbout1966-03-12 Meeting232 The Village Clerk informed the Council that it was time to renew the Post Office Contract Station contract and that the Village Manager would like to discuss the situation with the Council. He said that the post office work took a great deal of time and was serving people from all over the area. After discussion it was decided to renew the contract as it was good public relations on motion of Mr. Landis, seconded by Mr. Faulkner and voted four, yes; Mr. White, no. There being no further business on motion of Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Taplin the meeting was adjourned. Attest: Village Clerk March 12, 1966 Mayor The Council of Bel Harbour Village met Saturday, March 12, 1966, at 9:30 A.M., in the Village Hall. Present were: Messrs. Faulkner, Hart, Landis, and White Absent: Mr. Taplin Also present were W. H. Webb, Village Manager; Mary T. Wetterer, Village Clerk; and Thomas Anderson, Village Attorney. On motion of Mr. Landis, seconded by Mr. Faulkner, the minutes of the previous meeting of February 26, 1966, were approved as submitted. The Village Manager reviewed for the Council the negotiations so far with the City of North Miami Beach and said he had sent copies of the water agreement we are to consider this morning to both Mr. Anderson and Mr. Roth. He said he also contacted Bay Harbor Islands with regard to this agreement and also to see if they were able to work out anything with the City of North Miami. He read a letter from Mr. Preble, Manager of Bay Harbor Islands, in which he stated that they had no information from North Miami and were in accord with our nego- tiations with North Miami Beach. The Council then considered tfie agreement and Mr. Roth read to them his report stating that the agreement called for delivery at not less than 30 pounds pressure at a rate of flow of 2.5 MO. It also regulates the salt content allowable. He said he believed the costs estimated in Exhibit "A" reasonable and that he approved of the agreement. Mr. Roth was asked how long it would take for this construction and Mr. Roth said he believed about six to eight months. Mr. Anderson said we should pursue the construction March 12, 1966 233 date as We consider the agreement. He also sted that the agredment cont a provision for the continuation or the contract and possibly see it North Miami would be willing to have the physical properties located within Hal Harbour Village revert to us upon the expiration of the agreement.. It wis agreed that the Rate `.lchedule under Paragraph 22 was confusing with regard to the amortization costs and Mr. Roth era; instructed to write Mr. Anderson his sugoested change fur this section. (t was thP decision of the Lnuncil that Mr. Webh would write to Mr. Hampton, Manaoer of North Miami Bear:n, anri outline the various changes discussed so that the agreement could he redrawn if they were agreeab:e and resubmitted to :a,r Council. Mr. Webh said he had a request from the Chairman of the PTA of Bay Harbor Islands Elementary Siehnol for a donrtinn of $2,rttin.00 toward the aircondit.inninq of the srhocl. It was tr. Andersen's nnin.ion that. the Village dirt not have the authority to make such a donation. hn motion rF Mr. Landis, seconded by Mr. White and unanimously voted the request was denied. On motion of Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Faulkner, the meetinc was adjourned. A TTF ST: »'6IlGG4� Village Clerk tlillWC lt. Ir3 N tTCI March 26. 'hht Mayer The Council ^f 291 Harbour Villa( mat Sa:ter;larr, ma P:30 A. M. in thn Vi.l'ano Hall. Present were: Mesrre. faut4nrr, lane Absent: Mr. Hart Al e present were W. H. Webb, Village Manager: Mary T. Wrtt rr-r, Vi1tare Clerk: and Thomas Anderson, Vi'lane Ati:nrnev. h 2r, 1Pff. at lapin and White Cn mot ion of Mr. I anrli s, seconded tv Mr. Teel in, the minet:e s of the orr--- vi.r.us meeting of March 12, lg66, mere accepted as r,uhmitten. In the absence of Mayor Hart, Assist.nt Taycr Faulkner, evened the hearing to cunaider apeliratinnr. rev Certificate:; of Puhlic C-nvenionce and Necessity. Mr. Wehh explained to those present that through an error in one of the news- papers an incorrect impreseino had been esneratee and that all of the annli- r.at.inns filed this week were arthatly filar' t lei late for the hearing roue to March 26, lnr,