HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 181101 111 Regular meeting Regular meeting (C, ntinued) October 6 1931 Ehn mov'ed,Molender seconded:To declare the office of Police-afgis- tznte vacant for ineli :ibity.Motion carried,upon rollcall. Molander rncved,HcCain seconded: Tbat the Board appoint r. C. A.' raytcm as Police Magistrate for the rest of the term of cf 'ice. All present voted aye upon roll call. The following bills were read by the finance committee an,, approved by the same: C.A.Mocre J . M. Min? a. i s Curry Motor Co. I.O.F.Realty Co. • Hugh Delaney W. C.Tegtrnann H.B.Smith J.F.Fidcller Tele. Co. Texas Co. .1 . G.W-';gner Pittsburgh Meter Co. Farmers Bank • Home Gas 9.00 1.25 3.40 21.50 95.0C 140.00 62.50 16.50 4.40 3.15 r� 3.00 10.18 245.03 121.80 R F'1 .A.Mo; �re Schnepf Station D.E.Carl School District 34 C.E.Hubbard H.B. Smith H. B,. Smith_ Ault Booster Wyatt Hardware Kountze Brothers Byron Elder F a rm e rs Bank Monroe "A I l en Home Gas 3.98 1.25 5.80 10.00 75100 62.50 9.78 4.90 2.29 192.50 6.00 538.53 10;.14 88.00 McCain moved, McIntyre seconded: To allce the bills and- instruct the Clerk tc draw warrants on the Treasurer for the amcunts.Mction Carried. Molander moved,Ehn seconded:To ask the I.O.F.Rea.;*y Cc.tc lower the rent of the Town hall to P 18.00. Motion Carried. McCain moved,Ehn seconded:To adj eurn.Motiom Carried. Clerk a c ay o r November 3 1931 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hasbrouck at 7:45.P. The following members answered present: Anderson, Ehn,Molander,McIntyre and Newman. TFcCain absent. The minutes of the regular meeting of Qct.6 wree read and approved as read. Comn�.unications were read from several different companies wish- ing to be appointed as collecting agents in the place of uountxe Brothers who are ban krupt.Ta ie matter was left to the Mayor to look � h up. After some discus ton about a switch for the fire siren,Mclntyre r- ovsd,Ehn seconde d:That the fire committee inyesti"ate the cost of installing a switch at the Telephone office for the fire siren and if their thoue.ht it too cos tly, they Should have a cox built around the p resent swi tc'-h, the box to have a lock and key and also have a glass front that might be broken in case ansr one needed to turnan alarm. Motion carried,upon roll call. It w -s decided to raise the fire whistle at the pump house about 10 cr 15 ft, so that it would be about the trees. The folTrwin ?; bills were read by the finance committee and ar'rrevd ` v the same: D.E.Ca.rl C Impbell Grocery Ault Exchange R :R y, J.. M.Minnis� R .E.Siirers School Dist. 44 H.E.S=pith Bankers mrust John Shea^ 'a tt Hotel Dewitt Home Gas 1.65 1.03 3.65 .75 13.13 10.00. 7;.50 75.00 62.50 137.50 1.25 4.80 City Chevrolet Ault Exc'-, tinge Hugh Delaney E r r y Ault Boy st er I.O.O.F.Realty Cc. W.C.Tegtmann H. B. Smith H.P. Smith Schnepf station Tele. Co. Home Gas 2.50 8.35 55.00 11.85 5.46 18.00 150.00 62.50 12.0'2 7.53 8.95 88.00 '':colander moved,Anderson seconded:To allow the bills and instruct the clerk to draw warrants on the Treasurer for the a.mounts.Motion carried. Ehn moved,McIntvre seconded:To ad j ourn. Motion carried. Clerk 'f• _vcr