HomeMy Public PortalAbout20231129105423061ELECTIONREPORT March 5,1976 WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE C©MI,:ON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RHINELANDER, WISCONSIN/ having been duly assembled in the City Hall, this 5th day of March,1970 for the purpose of canvassing the votes cast for alderman in the first Ward said votes being cast March 3,1970, do hereby make and file this our statement of election. FOR ALDERMAN FIRST WARD: Ray W. Joslin 81, Arthur Larson 34, Clarence Pecor I2, Donnld Woodford 60. Ray W. Joslin and Donald Woodford having received the high6st number of votes, shall have their names placed on the ballot for the April 7, spring election. BY THE COMMON COUNCIL Alderman Hack and Larson were absent as they were out of the City. tebruary MAYOR'S REPORT A MOTION WAS MADE BY ALD. Lawrence seconded by Ald. Larson to accept and place on file the Mayor's report for January 1970. All aye. Motion carried. MISCELLANEOUS At this time City Attorney Lee Bernsteen made a report on a meeting attended by city officials, representatives of the paper company, and state officials regarding the deadline on pollution. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY ALA. Bourcier to place the report of the Police and Fire Departments on file. Seconded by Ald. Lawrence. All aye. Motion carried. At this time Ald. Lawrence stated the police and fire chief should be commended on their fine reports. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ALD. Lawrence seconded by Ald. Bourcier to adjourn. All aye. Motion carried. There being no further business before the Council at this time Mayor Taylor adjourned the Council at 9:57 p.m. THE MINUTES OF THIS MEETING WERE TAKEN BY LINDA - EJO THE CITY CLERK:. Date of Publication A. Taylo E OF Mayor Dougl's R. Hall, City Clerk