HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 18718'7 Adjourned Meeting (Continued) k^ ri l 5 1932 Applications for Clerk,Marshal,Nightwatchman,Park Supt. ,and Cem. Suet were read but as it was late it was decided to meet Monday, April 11 to take them up. The Mavor said he would have his committees arranged by that time. Molander moved, Cordi1 seconded:To adjourn unti ll Monday APril 11.Motion carried. Adjourned Meeting April 11 1932 Mayor VanBuskirk called the meeting toorder at 2:10 P.M. Roll call showed the following members present:Andersen,Cordill, Molander,Mclntyre,Peterson and Venable. The minutes of the regular meeting and adjourned meeting of April 5 were read and approved as read, Cordill moving,McIntyre seconded:To approve the minutes as reed. Motion carried. The Mayor appointed the following committees: Finance & Printing Water Works McIntyre,Peterson & Venable Molander, Cordill & Anderson Street,Alley,Building & Improvement Fire & Police Anderson,Peterson & Cordill Peterson,McIntyre & Venable Cemetery,&cParkar &McIn ty re Judiciary Venable,Molander & McIntyre Cordill,Anderson & Molander Mayor Protem T.H.Peterson After some discussion,McIntyre rmoved,Peterson seconded:That Ernest E .Clayton be elbeted as Town Atty.to serve when called upon by the M^vor or Board of Trustees, only on a salary for services rendered. All present voted ave upon roll call. Fred Wailing came before the Board and explained the bill for printing left over from the regular meeting of April 5. Anderson moved,Cordill seconded:That the printing bill of Wa.ling's be allowed and the clerk be instructed to draw a warrant on the Trea. for the amount.Upon roll call all voted ave. J.B.Dooling then spoke to the Board about having no presure on his water line as J.I.Wykert was drawing on the sane line. This line extended across . the alley some years ago. Mcln tyre moved,Cordill s econded:The matter of the water line of Wykert and Pooling be re- fered to the W.W.Comm. and should they not be able to make an agree- ment that they report to the Mayor and if a satisfactory agreement can not be made by the Mayor and the parties that the matter be refered back to the Board as a whole.All present voted aye. McIntyee moved,Venable seconded:To sell what good tile there was on the vacant lot to Mr.Peterson of Pierce for cost and give him one 20 ft.plank. All present voted ave. H.B.Smith had in his appliaation for Town Clerk.McIntyre moved, Venable seconded:That H.B.Smith be elected as Town Clerk at the salary of 0 100.00 Per month. Upon roll call, all voted aye. The aaplicat' on of C. A .Branton for Police Magistrate was read. Anderson moved,Molander seconded: C.A.Brayton be elected as Police Magistrate.A11 present voted ave upon roll call. The application of Hugh Delaney°Wm.Hobbs,A.W.BeTer and M.F.Osterle were read Anderson moved,Cerdill seconded:To appoint Hugh Delaney as Park Supt. for the season at the salary of 75.00 per month. Upon roll call all present voted ave. , The applications of W.C.Tegtr_ ann and C.T.Beckrrlon for Marshal were read. Cordill. moved,Molander seconded:That we hire Mr. Tggtmann as Dav Marsha at the salary. of 0 125.00 per month. Anderson,Molander Cordill,McIntyre and Peterson voted ave.Venable voted. no. Mr.Hubbards application for night watch -an was read. Anderson m oved,Molanderseconded: That Mr. Hu}_bard ne appointed as night watchrr,an at the salary. of 0 60.00 per month. All present voted ave. It was reportedthere were applications of -T.r.Rickman,F.E.Starkey and Tornrny Rowan as eerB.Bupt.Cordi11 moved,Venable eeconded:That J . D.Rickman be appointed 98 Cem. Supt. All voted ave.P 15.00 per mo.