HomeMy Public PortalAbout1966-05-14 Meeting238 Mr. Landis said he believed that the Council should give serious considera- tion to acquiring the apartment lot adjacent to the Haulover Bridge for a parking facility for the oceanfront people. Mr. Taplin agreed that it was impossible to accommodate employees' and visitors' cars at the buildings with the ratio of one parking space for one living unit. He stated the apartment buildings actually tried discouraging people from visiting their tenants due to parking problems. Mr. Paul Brown, a resident of the Harbour House, said this was a very serious problem and hoped the Council could do something for them. Mr. Hart suggested Mr. Landis look into this further and approach the owner of Lot 1, Block 8A, to see if a parking facility might be financed by private funds or if he would be willing to sell the lot to the Village. There being no further business on motion ❑f Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Faulkner, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: Village Clerk May 14, 1966 Mayor The Council of Bal Harbour Village met Saturday, May 14, 1966, at 9:30 A. M. in the Village Hall. Present were: Messrs. Hart, Landis, and White. Absent: Messrs. Faulkner and Taplin. Also present were W. H. Webb, Village Manager; Mary T. Wetterer, Village Clerk; and Thomas H. Anderson, Village Attorney. On motion of Mr. Landis, seconded by Mr. White, the minutes of the pre- vious meeting of April 30, 1966, were approved as submitted. Mr. Sherman Winn of the Balmoral Hotel appeared to show the Council some photographs of their present cabanas and renderings of the proposed lanai hotel rooms. He asked if the Council would consider a variance for this change. Mr. Landis said that in view of these being beyond the set -back line and addi- tional parking involved he was not in favor of it. Mr. Webb stated that he had informed the Council by letter that the Deed Restrictions do not permit anything but cabanas beyond the front set -back line and also the Zoning Ordinance expressly states that cabanas cannot be used for living purposes. Mr. Winn thanked the Council for their consideration and asked if the Village Manager would send him a ropy of the excerpts from the Deed Restrictions and Toning Ordinance just quoted so that he could have something to present to the owners. May 14, 1966 239 Mr. J. E. Johnson, representing the miller Drug Store, requested the Council to reconsider their action denying them a beer license. He explained the type of operation and physical arrangement of the restaurant facility. mr. Hart said they would prefer to vote on this matter with a full Council and asked mr. Johnson if he would leave the sketches here until the meeting of may 28th at which time the Council will take final action on the matter. mr. William Klein, of the Florida Power and Light Company, said he was here to request the Council's permission for their crew to work Sundays if necessary between June 6th and June 25th in order to bring their highlines between the Surfside and Haulover power stations underground through the shop- ping center. mr. Landis said that in view of the importance of this work that he felt sure the residents would not object and moved to grant Florida Power and Light Company this request. The motion was seconded by mr. White end unanimously voted. mr. Webb said he had sent the Council a copy of a letter from Mr. Chelsie Senerchia stating that the.Bal Harbour Collins Avenue storm drainage would be in the primary road fund budget. He had then contacted him.to ask if he thought it necessary that we send a representative to Tallahassee to be pre- sent at the budget hearing on may 27th. Mr. Senerchia's office had called to say mr. Senerchia advised against it. mr. Webb also said mr. Gr4ene, assistant to the County manager, had been checking on this after his meeting with the Council last .month and had advised that the County Public Works Dept, had no objection to this appropriation. Mr. Anderson said the ordinance to permit licensing of boats would be ready for May 28th. mr. Landis reported that he had contacted Mr. Ralph Scott, President of the Ba1 Harbour Club, with reference to the possibility of setting up a parking area on Lot 1 Block 8A. He said he had been informed by the Club Secretary that the Board would take no action until the need for such parking had been verified by Mr. Webb. As he had not been able to contact Mr. Marquardt, the lot owner, no further action had been taken. He requested this be tabled for May 28th. Mr. Webb said he had the 'figures for the proposed work to resurface the Village streets and a minimum of $500 to a maximum of $1,000 additional for the feathering out of the low places. Mr. Anderson explained that to pro- ceed, the Council should authorize the drawing of a Resolution containing the proposal and then it will be advertised and a public hearing will be held. The Council requested Mr. Anderson to prepare this Resolution for our next meeting. The Village Clerk read to the Council RESOLUTION NO. 140 requesting the Dade County Board of County Commissioners to construct tennis courts in Haulover Park. On motion of Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Landis, the Resolution was unanimously adopted. Mr. Webb reviewed briefly the Resolution passed by the Bay Harbor Islands' Council regarding the secondary source of water from North Miami Beach. He read a letter from Mr. Edward Preble, Town Manager, stating that in accord May 14, 1966 240 with their Resolution, Bay Harbor Islands agreed to share equally in the cost of the minimum daily gallonage required to he purchased from North Miami Beach under the Agreement. The Village Clerk said the Dade County Council of Mayors had set up a County- wide "Beautification Committee" and asked that each municipality appoint a chairman to meet with this group. Mr. Hart said he would appoint Mr. Faulkner to serve in this capacity. Mr. Webb said that our hospitalization carrier had requested that we amend our group plan to exclude all those who will be covered under the Medicare bene- fits. He explained that Mr. Anderson is the only one involved and that he pays the entire cost of his participation. Mr. Webb suggested that our agent con- tact Mr. Anderson to explain the change requested and then the Council can make the decision at the next meeting. The Village Manager outlined to the Council the schedule the County had adopted for the assessing and billing of taxes. He said under this system we will adopt our budget as usual at the July meeting but the millage will not be set until the final Tax Roll is adopted in September. Mr. Webb said Mr. Roth had some tentative figures for the cost of our new water system. He said it would amount to approximately $10,000 and involves a meter and tie-in into the pumping station. He said Mr. Roth had also made a survey of the route. The Council asked if we had received a construction com- pletion date. Mr. Webb said Mr. Hampton had been out of town but he wnuli contact hi" ""nndny to opt a nnnst.ructinn schedule. There being no further business on mntion of Mr. Landis, seconded by Mr. White the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: Village Clerk may 28, 1966 Mayor The Council of Ba1 Harbour Village met Saturday, May 28, 1966, at 9:30 A. M. in the Village Hall. Present were: Messrs. Faulkner, Hart, Landis, Taplin and White Also present were W. H. Webb, Village Manager; Mary T. Mutterer, Village Clerk; and Thomas H. Anderson, Village Attorney. may 28, 1966