HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 213Regular Meeting May 1 1934 In the absense cf Mayor VanBuskirk and Mayor Pro ter Mclander, Trustee Cordill called the meettfng to otder at 8:3C P.M. Those presen t: Ccrdill,F.rye,Tinker and Venable. Absent Carl. and Mo1ar:der. The minutes of the called meeting of April 1e were read and approved as read. It was decided to have the :dark Comm.lcck after the spraying of the 'park trees when needed. It woe also decided to have a clean-up day but no action was t ak en . Venable rncved,Frtre seconded:To pay 40 per hr. for skilled labor and '35cf. for any o rd i n a ry wa rk .All voted ave upon roll call. The followincr bills were read by thie finance committee and a approved by the same: F.V.Tinker - 26.53 I.O.O.F.Pealtv Co. 19.50 School Pi. st . 4;34 10.00 trans Pearson 25.00 C.E.Hubbard 50.00 T.C.Te4&tman 100.00 H .B.Smi th 40.00 H,B.Smith 40.00 Town Clerk 4.00 Town Clerk 12.72 Town Clerk 3.00 M,F,Oesterle 25.40 McTntyre Grocery 1.13 Dewitt Hotel 1. c0 Ault C;;,f e 1 00 J, Ml . Minn i s 3.50 T ele. Co. 10.40 Town Clerk 2.09 Art Ride lc,:A5 Dewey Jamie 3.60 Rav Allison 4.50 Bankers Trust Co. 137.50 Bob McGuirk 6.CC tern, Washer 4.0C Lester Dean 13.25 ►'. C. Schnepf 6.00 State Fi reren's Assn 15.06 DanZelece 1.50 John Duncan 4.80 Blain Blake 4.80 Dan Severance 1.00 Moore Station 1.60 City Chevrolet 3.15 Outwest Printing Co. 12.59 Horne Gas 77.00 Home Cas 107.57 Tinker moved,Venable seconded:To allow the bills and instruct the clerk to draw warrants on the treaurer for the amou.nts.x.11 vo ted. aye upon roll call. trenab? e rroved,Frye seconded:To ad:j clan. Motion carried. Clerk May 14 1934 Called meeting Mayor Mayor Van Buskirk called the meeting to order at 8:00 Carl,Cordill,Frve,Melander,`inker and Venable present. A letter from Atty.Thoa.Ntxon stated that Wm.Graefe had consulted him about the Town not allowing him to run his Taste water across fifth St .and along the south side of the same but were ru.nnun it along the north eide,of the pump 'rouse. Tt was deciaed that the !favor and the S .&. A . Comm. go to Greeley and sec Nr.Nixon and explain the Town's case and that the water could be gotten to tz e sane place t' art Mr.Graefe wanted it. Molander.,rnov`d,Cordiil seconded:That the Board allow the bill of Guar Tormev for clean-up d.a`,rand extra hauling amounting to 8 24.30. All voted aye upon roll call. Cordill moved,Tinker seconded:To adjourn subject to the call of the Mavor.Motion carried. Clerk M av o r Regular 'eet ing v Ju e 5 193 The meetin r was called to order at 8:25 ?. .by Mayor VanBuskirk. Carl,Cordill,Frve,Molander,Tinker & Venable present. The minutes of the regular meetirsg of May 1 and called meeting of M9V 14 were read and a.r ti role ed as read. Communications from they Bankers Trust Co. ,Canon City Fire Dept. -and State Compensation Fund weee read but i t was not necesea.ry. to tahe any, action on then so they were filled. Cordi.11moved,Molander seconded:Th t the nark Committee have t''e park trees scraved.Al l. voted ave. Cordill moved,Tinker seconded: That the Board instruct the Mayor and Clerk to issue a Beer License to Harrold Balmer when he got his State License. At roll call all votedave. Cordill MCved,Venable seconded: That building permits be granted to J.B.Dooling and L.M.Duncan to make aditions to their places. All voted acre.