HomeMy Public PortalAboutPB Minutes 1995-10-24 Planning Board 10124195 Minutes 1 PLANNING BOARD 10/24/95 MINUTES 7:02 PM PRESENT:ALAN CONKLIN, CHAIR; STAN BART, VICE CHAIR; NATE PULLING; GEORGE WALKER, CLERK; TAD VAUTRINOT; PAUL HALKIOTIS, TOWN PLANNER Recommendation for Road Acceptance. Location - Country Crossing. The Planning Board members were provided with the following documents pertaining to the road acceptance request of Country Crossing. 1 .A request from the Board of Selectmen, dated 9/21/95, to provide them with a recommendation on whether Town Meeting should accept the road; 2 .A memo dated 7/13/95, addressed to Nancy Schwinn, Town Executive, from Richard Gould, Highway Manager, regarding the reinspection of Country Crossing, giving his report on the way; 3 .A letter from Coastal Engineering, dated 9/14/95, to the Board of Selectmen, regarding the inspection of Country Crossing; and, 4 .A memo from Paul Halkiotis, Town Planner, to the Planning Board, dated 10/20/95, regarding the inspection of Country Crossing. Paul discussed the content of his 10/20/95 memo. MOTION:Nate Pulling moved that the Board authorize Paul Halkiotis to write a memo to the Selectmen, informing them that the Planning Board recommends that the suggestions outlined in his 10/20/95 memo addressed to the Planning Board, regarding the inspection of Country Crossing, be followed. DISCUSSION:Discussion occurred regarding the differences in the above-mentioned memos, as well as whether the road should be brought up to present standards . VOTE: 5-0-0, Unanimous Planning Board 10124195 Minutes 2 Public Hearing for the Definitive Plan for the Estate of Eldredge Sparrow. George Walker read the Legal Ad for the above-mentioned plan which appeared in both the 10/3/95 and 10/10/95 issues of The Cape Codder. ALSO PRESENT: LARRY WILCOX, RYDER AND WILCOX The Preliminary Plan for said property was approved with conditions by the Planning Board on 8/22/95 . Larry Wilcox explained the plan to the Board. Paul has reviewed the plan, and found it complies with all of the Subdivision Rules and Regulations . Paul read the following to the Board: 1 .A memo addressed to the Planning Department, from the Building Department, dated 10/10/95; 2 .A memo addressed to Paul Halkiotis, from Bob Canning, dated 10/11/95 . 3 .A memo addressed to the Planning Board from David Lyttle, Ryder and Wilcox, dated 9/26/96, requesting a waiver from the requirement of a Panhandle Profile Plan. MOTION:Tad Vautrinot moved that the Board waive from the Subdivision Rules and Regulations, Section 192-2- E 18 (B) 1 Definitive Plans, the requirement for a topography profile, for the plan prepared for the Estate of Eldredge Sparrow and Jeannie Sparrow; Scale 1" = 40 ' ; dated September 18, 1995 . VOTE: 5-0-0 MOTION:Stan Hart moved to approve the Definitive Plan prepared for the Estate of Eldredge Sparrow and Jeannie Sparrow; Scale 1" = 40 ' ; dated September 18, 1995, prepared by Ryder and Wilcox, showing land on Route 28 . VOTE: 5-0-0, unanimous . Revised Planning Board Rules and Regulations. Nate suggested that "on site inspections" should be changed to "on site inspection. " MOTION: George Walker moved that the Board approve the amendment to the Planning Board Rules and Regulations, Section 8, to add the phrase, "on-site inspection of any project shall not be considered a meeting. " VOTE: 5-0-0, unanimous . Planning Board 10124195 Minutes 3 Minutes MOTION:Nate Pulling moved to approve the minutes of 10/10/95 . VOTE: 5-0-0, unanimous . Board Business Discussion occurred regarding an article which appeared in The Cape Codder about the Planning Board potentially being reduced to 5 members . Paul informed the Board of the status of the Assessor' s mapping project. The Board adjourned for 5 minutes . Joint Public Hearing of the Planning Board and the Tree Warden. Location - Pochet Road. Applicant - NYNEX George Walker read the legal ad for this hearing, which appeared in both the 10/6/95 and 10/13/95 issues of The Cape Codder. Also present: Chauncy Cable and Kathy Baldwin Paul explained to the Board that the tree advertised for this hearing has been cut down, and the utility pole had been relocated. Evidently, it was assumed by the removers of the tree that the tree was not, in fact, in the road layout. Chauncy Cable asked the board a question regarding the location of the driveway for the above-mentioned property, and he was informed that this hearing was regarding the trees . MOTION:Tad Vautrinot moved to close the hearing. VOTE: 5-0-0, unanimous . Sign Setback Waiver. Applicant - Helen Addison. Location - Route 28. Also present: Helen Addison Ms . Addison showed the Board copies of the proposed sign and explained to the Board that the existing sign is 47" in width, 70" in height, and 21 square feet in area; and the proposed sign is 43" x 16", and stands 96" in height. MOTION:George Walker moved that the Board vote to recommend to the Building Commissioner waive the sign set back requirements of Orleans Zoning Bylaw, Section 164-F (4) for an addition to an existing sign for Hellen Addison, doing business as Addison Associates, located at 43 South Orleans Road. VOTE: 5-0-0, unanimous Planning Board 10124195 Minutes 4 Continued discussion with Harry Hunt regarding improvements of Tom' s Hollow Lane. This discussion is continued from the 10/10/95 Planning Board meeting. Since the last meeting, Nate Pulling, Tad Vautrinot and Paul met with Mike Ford and asked him: 1 . If there were conditions of approval from a previous plan from a 1975, could the present Planning Board change, modify, or over-ride them? Mr. Ford' s answer was yes, if there was another subdivision filed; 2 .What are the applicant' s legal rights to improve the private way? Mike Ford said that the applicant can submit some documentation proving that he has the right to make improvements to the road; however, if it were to be contested by abuttors, then it would be a civil matter between property owners; 3 .How do those rights affect private property owners further down the road? Mr. Ford said that, under the subdivision rules and regulations, the adequacy of access should be considered for both existing and potentially developable lots . Discussion occurred regarding upgrading Tom' s Hollow Lane. When polled, the Board was 2 in favor and 3 opposed to waiving the design standards of the Subdivision Rules and Regulations, and allowing the applicant to build a 14 ' wide gravel road and supply town water to the residents of Tom' s Hollow Lane. The Board indicated that once an application is filed, the Board will give their official decision. It was explained to Mr. Hunt that the informal poll was non-binding on the Board, and that they reserve their right to act on the subdivision plan if and when it is filed. Continued Board Business Letters to the Registry of Deeds and Land Court, dated 10/11/95, were returned to the Planning Office because they were not endorsed by a majority of the Planning Board. Those letters were endorsed. Paul informed the Board that the Cape Cod Commission has received a grant from the EOCD to work with the Commission and the towns of Orleans, Planning Board 10124195 Minutes 5 Brewster, Harwich and Chatham to undertake a regional capacity study. The State DEP awarded a $30, 000 grant to the towns of Orleans, Brewster, Harwich and Chatham to hire a consultant to work on a resource management plan for Pleasant Bay. Adjournment MOTION:Tad Vautrinot moved to adjourn. VOTE: 5-0-0, unanimous .