HomeMy Public PortalAbout20230522 - Board of Health - Meeting MinutesHEALTH DEPARTMENT Town of Hopkinton,Massachusetts Monday,May 22,2023 MINUTES Members Present:Dr.Richard Jacobs and Nasiba Mannan Also Present:Shaun McAuliffe,Health Director Absent:Regina Miloslavsky Late Arrival(s): Early Dismissal: Mode of Participation:In Person The meeting was called to order at 5:34 p.m.by Acting Chairman Jacobs. Public Comment-Members of the community are invited to share ideas,state opinions or ask questions Board Reorganization Nasiba Mannan nominated Dr.Jacobs for the Chairperson’s position as he had the greatest experience of the Board.Dr.Jacobs accepted the nomination.Dr.Jacobs heard no other nominations and closed the process.Ms.Mannan and Dr.Jacobs voted unanimously to approve the nomination.The Board and Director decided to postpone further appointments until the full Board was present. Request to Approve the Board’s Meeting Minutes of May 8,2023 Chairman Jacobs requested a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes of May 8,2023,as presented.Ms. Mannan motioned to approve the meeting minutes of May 8,2023.Chairman Jacobs seconded.Chairman Jacobs and Ms.Mannan in favor. Request to Approve the Director’s 2023 54th New England School of Addiction/Prevention Studies Chairman Jacobs requested a motion to approve the Director’s 2023 Addition/Prevention Studies Seminar in the amount of $695,as presented.Ms.Mannan motioned to approve the Director’s 2023 Addiction/Prevention Studies Seminar in the amount of $695.Chairman Jacobs seconded.Chairman Jacobs and Ms.Mannan in favor. Request to Approve the Director’s May 2023 Mileage Expense Acting Chairman Jacobs requested a motion to approve the Director’s May 2023 mileage expense in the amount of $52.50,as presented.Ms.Mannan motioned to approve the Director’s May 2023 mileage expense in the amount of $52.50.Acting Chairman Jacobs seconded.Acting Chairman Jacobs and Ms. Mannan in favor. Request to Approval of Director’s Goals The Director,Chairman Jacobs and Ms.Mannan discussed the Director’s three goals for the 2024 Fiscal Year.The Goals included:1)management and oversight of the strategic plan project.Once the plan is completed,it will be implemented,2)management and oversight of the digitization of our paper septic BOH May 22,2023-MEETING Minutes Page 1 Approved June 22,2023 and well records,and 3)development of a web page/landing page and communications plan for PFAS in private wells.The three of us discussed each goal.The Board commented that each of my goals rely on an outside party meeting their deadlines,etc.The Board thought it important to request regular status updates from the lead strategic plan vendor and IT Department.I stated that MACP had submitted their own proposal to the Town for approval.It has been forwarded to Legal for review.The Director stated that he would speak to IT about setting up a regular reporting for the two projects.Chairman Jacobs signed the FY 24 Stretch Goals &Objectives Summary page. Department’s Budget Summary for Week Ending May 19,2023 Chairman Jacobs stated that he and Nidia had revised the fiscal spreadsheet that had been utilized in the past.I indicated that the Department was in the process of purchasing all of the equipment that the MDEP and MDPH had recommended.We were finalizing a certification with the Commonwealth to purchase vaccines at a greater discounted cost than other communities in the Commonwealth.We had an opportunity to spend some of what we have left on summer staffing.The Board had no further questions. Strategic Planning Discussion The Director informed the Board that the Collins Center had rejected Legal’s markup of their contract.I met with the Collins Center and MAPC to discuss our options.MAPC submitted a second proposal as the lead of the project.The draft has been submitted to Legal for review. Public Health Nurse Report There was no nursing report. Director’s Report The Director provided a copy of the report in the packet.The Board had no questions or comments on the report and stated that a verbal review of the report was not necessary. ADJOURN:Chairman Jacobs motioned to adjourn the Board of Health Meeting at 6:44 p.m.Ms.Mannan seconded.Chairman Jacobs and Nasiba Mannan in favor. Respectfully Submitted, Shaun McAuliffe Health Director BOH May 22,2023-MEETING Minutes Page 2 Approved June 22,2023