HomeMy Public PortalAbout20231205115954831`HE CLI OF RHINELANDER, WIS. A rFo FSKRS, K.S'. 5.6 S1G Sept 2nd 1913. At the rehular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Rhire Sander held on the 2nd day of Sept 1913. Mayor Praeger presiding. All the Alderman being present except Frank Pecor and J.Strangstad. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. #14990 14991 14992 14993 14994 14995 14996 14997 14998 14999 15000 15001 15002 15003 A.Wickstrom & Co... Val Eschwig A.D.Sutton Gust Swedberg.. Wrn Peters.. . . Jerry Driscoll. Eliza M.Huff. John Noble. . ♦ . Crandal Packing Co. Standard Oil Co . Morgan Gar & Sply A.D.Sutton Louis Stumpner. • The following bills was presented. Payl Belkey..e...•.e.... 5.50 ...67.70 16.05- ....2136.76 00,00.. 6.25, 66 .. 0*$ • . . . .7.00 . • 52.00 • • 11.25r, 0 . 34.71 3I.65 4.20 36.33 . . 0 00..4 0 . I.50 15:004 15005 15006 15007 15008 15009 15010 15011 15012 15013 15014 Peter Brusoe . Rundle -Spence Co. Pat McDermott. . Osceola M & E Co. Rhldr Lbr & Coal A.R.Miangerson. . Peter Brusoe. . . Oneida Gas Co . . Rhldr Light Co , Phldr Light Co Louis Danner . . r..e3.51 14.19 • 3.00 • 4.79 Co 30.41 . 13.70 • 4.00 . t�, I2.00 ✓ 43S.oa . 24.30 . .I7.00 Moved by Aid Swedberg seconded by Aid. Crosby that the bills be allowed as reconeriended by the Comptroller and the proper officers be instructed to issue orders for same. Carried, all voting aye. Moved by Aid Crosby seconded by Ald H.Roepcke that the matter of placing indemnity insurance on all City Employees, according to the compensation act of the State, be referred to the City Attorney and he is hereby empowered to carry out those instructions. Carried. The following was read: To the Mayor and Common Council: Inasmuch as you refuse to grant us any additional street lightpis business we respectfully request that you make other provisions for lights in place of the two (2) Gas Street Lights now installed. Trusting that this will have immediate attention and consideration we are, Yours very truly Oneida Gas Company By E.D.Sterling, Seely Moved by Ald C.H.Roepcke seconded. by Aid McDermott that the request of the Oneida Gas Co. be accepted and that the Board of Public Works be instructed to replace those lights with Electric lights♦ Amendment by Aid Leadbetter seconded by Ald Crosby that it be left with the said Committee to install such lights if they so see fit. The amendment carried, all voting aye except Ald McDermott and C.H.Roepcbe voting no. The original moticn as amended carried, all voting aye except Ald McDermott and C.H.Roepcke voting no. The following request was read: To the Mayor and Common Council: Gentlemen: Whereas, John F.Carlson, my father-in-law purchased Lot 6 Block 24 in the Forest Home Cemetery on October I2th 1900 as shown by receipt #29 on file in the office of the City Clerk, and Wilcreas, the said J.F.Carlson is dead and the deed is destroyed by fire 1905, without being recorded, I the undersigned Edward Carlson do hereby petition you that a duplicate be issued and that the proper officers be instructed to issue same. (Signed) Edward Carlson. COU NCIL PR( Mov ed by Ald Leadhetter secon ded by Ald Calkins that it be referred to the City Attor ney and he report at the next meeti ng. Carried. The follow ing { as rea d: To the Mayor and Common . Council: We, the un dersigned property owners of your city do hereby respect- fully petition you for to lay a 4 inch water mai n on Baird ave from Lincoln street south to Lake Shore av e an d also to have said street improved and put to proper grade. (Signed) Louis Stumpner and others , Said petition was upon motion referred to the Board of Public Works Report from the Board of Public Works on the petition for the laying of a water main on N. Stevens street from Edg ar to Phillips was as follows: We ca nnot recommen d the laying of the water main on accou nt of only one new water user being in this block. /Signed) Board of Public Works. Moved by Ald Crosby secon ded by Aldm McDe rmott that the report be accepted. Carried. Report from the Board of Public Works on the petitio n for laying of a 4 inch rater main in the alley in Block 25 2nd adt, was as follo ws: The Board have ordered a plumber to put in 60 ft of 1-I/4 inch pipe. (Signed) Board of Public Wo rks. Moved by Ald McDermott seconded by Ald Swedberg th at the report be acc epted. Carried. Report from the Board of Public Works on the petition for impro ving of Balsam street, wa s as follows: The street was made passable and satisfactory at a mode rate cost a (Signed) Board of Public Works . Repor t from the Board of Public Works on petition for ch anging of sidewalk gr ade an Ea gle street was as follows: We could not get a permit to run the s urface water across any of the lots si had to put w alk up to grade. (Sig ned) Board of Publiic Works. Mov ed by A ld Swedberg seconded by Ald Leadbetter that the report be accepted. Ca rried Report from the Board of Public Wo rks on petitio n for the layi ng of sewer and water mains and establishing of street gr ade on the east end of Fr ederick street, was made as follows: We the Board of PI blic Works to whom was referred the attached peti- tion , beg leav e to report that there R'ould be abo'..t II00 ft of water exten- sion at a cost of about 85 cents per ft or ove r X900.00, the sewer would be abou t 900 ft at a cost of abo ut 75 cents per fobt the city would have to pay for one full block on the north side of the School lot, one street crossing and for 150 ft both sides of the street at the corner of Frederick and B aird an account that property hav in g paid one sewer assessment. The Engineer Mr Phillips neglected to e nter on the g rade book the grade for block on the east end of Frederick street having his be nch marks we would recommen d that the grade for this block be entered in grade book to correspond with his ben ch mar ks. (Signed) Board of Public Works. OF `I I I CI -,RH Ii E A DER, IS Moved by Ald C.H.Roepcke seconded by Ald Swedberg, that the request of the Board to have the proper entry in the grade book be complied with. Carried. Moved by Ald Swedberg seconded by Ald H.Roepcke that the petition for sewer and water mains be laid over. Carried. Moved by Ald Calkins seconded by Ald McDermott that the Rhinelander Military Band be re-imbursed to the extent of *17.00 for expenses incurred on the 4th day of ally last. Carried, all voting aye. Upon motion Council adjourned.